Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crops water"" "subject:"crops later""
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Tolerance of selected crops to gypsiferous water originating in coal minesMentz, Wilma Henriette. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. (Plant Production))--University of Pretoria, 2001.
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Les tensiometres pour l'irrigation en milieu tourbeauxLebeau, Benoit January 1995 (has links)
Water management for the irrigation of containerized production remains a task reserved to a highly qualified personnel. Without proper instruments to determine the actual water needs, nursery crops can face growth losses of 20 to 30%. / Reviewing the different methods that are used in field production, tensiometer have shown the greatest potential of adaptation to potted plants. / Tests on the utilization of tensiometer were realized on two peat-vermiculite substrates, using two types of porous cup (1 bat--standard flow and 1 bar--high flow). The instruments were tested while permanently fixed in the growing medium, and temporarily fixed for three hours in the growing medium. / The results show that the instruments give excellent measurements for normal condition of growth, requiring saturation level between 50 and 100%, and that for both mode of operation. / Preferably, the choice of the instrument should be based on the hydraulic characteristics of the substrate. Little difference has been found using both instrument in the substrate 1, but in substrate 2 however, the high flow porous cups have given better response. The high flow cups have higher porosity and bigger pores that suit better substrate 2, which is made of coarser particles.
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Les tensiometres pour l'irrigation en milieu tourbeauxLebeau, Benoit January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Excess water effects on different cropsMittra, Mrinal Kanti. January 1961 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1961 M59
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Optimising water use efficiency for crop productionSedibe, Moosa Mahmood 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Poor water management and poor water use efficiency (WUE) have been identified
as one of the major problems experienced by vegetable growers in most of the
developing countries, including South Africa. This poor management and poor
utilization of water have led to a drastic decline in the quality and quantity of
available water. In South Africa agriculture uses about 50% of available water.
Increasing water demand for domestic, industrial and mining uses, may decrease
agriculture's share to less than the current 50%, henceforth, better utilization of this
resource is imperative. Selection of a good irrigation system can limit water loss
considerably. Some irrigation systems have a potential to save more water than
others do.
Since irrigation systems affect the WUE of crops, care should be taken when
selecting an irrigation system under conditions of limited water quantity. Ebb-and-
Flood watering systems have been introduced for effective sub-irrigation and
nutrient delivery within closed systems. Such a system was adapted in South Africa,
to develop a vegetable production unit for use by families in rural communities,
while saving substantial amounts of water. A need to further improve the WUE of
this system was subsequently identified. Two studies were conducted at the
experimental farm of the University of Stellenbosch (Department of Agronomy).
The first trial was conducted under controlled conditions in a glasshouse, and the
second under open field conditions.
In the first trial, Beta vulgaris (Swiss chard) and Amaranthus spp. ('Imbuya') were
grown in two root media; gravel and pumice. In addition, an 'Ebb-and-Flood' and a
'Constant level' system were used with nutrient solutions at two electrical (EC)
conductivity levels 1.80 and 3.60 mS cm-I. The results of this (2x2x2x2) factorial
experiment indicated that a combination of the 'Ebb-and-Flood' system with gravel
as a root medium produced the best results at a low EC, when 'imbuya' was used. A
high total WUE was found with 'imbuya', (7.35 g L-I) at EC 1.80 mS cmicompared
to a relatively low WUE of 5. 90 g L-I when the 3.60 mS cm-I nutrient solution was
In the second trial, 'Imbuya's' foliage dry mass, leaf area and WUE was evaluated
under field conditions at the Stellenbosch University experimental farm, during the summer of2002. The experimental farm (33°55'S, 18°52'E) is situated in the cooler
coastal wine grape-producing region of South Africa with a relatively high annual
winter rainfall. This trial was conducted on an alluvial soil, with clay content of 25%
and a pH of 5.9 (KC!). A closed 'Ebb-and-Flood' system was compared with two
open field irrigation systems ('Drip' and 'Flood') using nutrient solutions at two
electrical conductivity levels (1.80 and 3.60 mS cm-i) in all three cases. Foliage dry
mass, leaf area as well as WUE was best with 'Drip' irrigation, when a nutrient
solution with an electrical conductivity of 3.60 mS cm-i was used. In spite of the
fact that additional ground water was available for the soil grown 'Drip' and 'Flood'
treatments, the 'Ebb-and-Flood' system outperformed the 'Flood' treatment,
especially when the nutrient solution with an EC of 3.6 mS cm-i was used.
Insufficient root aeration in the flooded soil could have been a contributing factor.
The fact that the 'Ebb-and-Flood' and 'Drip' systems gave the best results when the
high EC solution was used to fertigate the plants, may indicate that the plants could
have hardened due to the mild EC stress, better preparing them to adapt to the
extreme heat that was experienced in the field. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Swak: bestuur van water en 'n swak: water-gebruik-doeltreffendheid (WOD) is as een
van die belangrikste probleme geïdentifiseer wat deur groente produsente in die
meeste ontwikkelende lande, insluitend Suid-Afrika, ervaar word. Hierdie swak
bestuur en benutting van water het daartoe bygedra dat 'n drastiese afname in die
kwaliteit asook in die kwantiteit van beskikbare water ervaar word. In Suid-Afrika
gebruik die landbou-sektor ongeveer 50% van die beskikbare water. Toenemende
water behoeftes vir huisgebruik, industrieë en die mynbou mag hierdie 50% aandeel
van die landbou sektor laat krimp. Beter benutting van hierdie skaars hulpbron is
dus noodsaaklik. Die keuse van goeie besproeiingsisteme mag waterverliese
merkbaar beperk aangesien sekere sisteme se water-besparingspotensiaal beter as
ander is.
Aangesien besproeiingstelsels die WOD van gewasse beïnvloed, is spesiale sorg
nodig waar 'n besproeiingstelsel onder hierdie toestande van beperkte waterbronne
gekies moet word. 'Ebb-en-Vloed' sisteme kan aangewend word om water en
voedingselemente van onder in 'n wortelmedium te laat opstoot en in 'n geslote
sisteem te laat terugdreineer. So 'n sisteem is in Suid-Afrika ontwikkel waarmee
groente vir families in landelike gebiede geproduseer kan word terwyl water bespaar
word. 'n Behoefte om die WOD van hierdie produksiesisteem verder te verbeter is
egter geïdentifiseer. Twee ondersoeke is by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se
proefplaas (Departement Agronomie) gedoen. Die eerste proef is onder beheerde
omgewingstoestande in 'n glashuis uitgevoer en die tweede onder veld toestande.
In die eerste proef is Beta vulgaris (Snybeet) en Amaranthus spp. ('Imbuya') in
twee tipes wortelmedia; gruis en puimsteen verbou. 'n 'Ebb-en-Vloed' asoook 'n
'Konstante vlak' besproeiingsisteem is gebruik terwyl voedingsoplossings ook by
twee peile van elektriese geleiding (EC) teen 1.80 en 3.60 mS cm-I toegedien is. Die
resultate van hierdie (2x2x2x2) fakroriaal eksperiment het aangetoon dat 'n
kombinasie van die 'Ebb-en-Vloed' sisteem met gruis as 'n wortelmedium die beste
resultate teen 'n lae EC lewer waar 'imbuya' gebruik is. Die WOD met 'imbuya'
was hoog (7.35 g L-1) by 'n EC van 1.80 mS cm-I, vergeleke met 'n relatief lae
WOD van 5. 90 g L-1 waar die 3.60 mS cm-I voedingsoplossing gebruik is.
In die tweede proef is 'Imbuya' se droë blaarmassa, blaar oppervlakte en WOD
onder veldtoestande op die Universiteit van Stellenbsoch se proefplaas in die somer van 2002 ge-evalueer. Die proefplaas (33°55'S, 18°52'E) is in die koeler kusstreke
van die wyndruif produksiegebied in die winterreëngebied van Suid-Afrika geleë.
Hierdie proef is op alluviale grond met 25% klei en 'n pH van 5.9 (KCi) uitgevoer.
'n Geslote 'Ebb-en-Vloed' sisteem is met twee veld-besproeiingsisteme vergelyk
('Drup' en 'Vloed') terwyl voedingsoplossings teen twee peile van elektriese
geleiding (1.80 en 3.60 mS cm-I) in al drie gevalle gebruik is. Blaar droëmassa,
blaaroppervlakte asook die WGD was die beste met 'Drup' besproeiing waar die EC
van die voedingsoplossing 3.60 mS cm-I was. Ten spyte van die feit dat ekstra
grondwater vir die 'Drup' and 'Vloed' behandelings beskikbaar was, het die 'Ebben-
Vloed' stelsel beter as die 'Vloed' behandeling gedoen veral waar die
voedingsoplossing se EC 3.6 mS cm-I was. Swak wortelbelugting was waarskynlik
die rede waarom vloedbesproeiing swak produksie gelewer het. Die feit dat die
'Drup' en die 'Ebb-en-Vloed' behandelings in die veldproef die beste gedoen het
waar die EC hoog was, mag moontlik met die gehardheid van die plante verband hou
wat aan ekstreem warm en dor toestande blootgestel was.
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Use of Water by Washington Navel Oranges and Marsh Grapefruit Trees in Salt River Valley, ArizonaHarris, Karl, Kinnison, A. F., Albert, D. W. 15 August 1936 (has links)
No description available.
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Identifying appropriate paths for establishing sustainable irrigated crop based farming business on smallholder irrigation schemes: a case of Ncora Irrigation SchemeMbizana, Nandipha January 2014 (has links)
The study examined the impact of small scale irrigation technology in crop production under Ncora areas of Cofimvaba. To achieve the objective of the study, data were collected from 212 farmers engaged in various crop enterprises under the Ncora. The farmers were randomly selected. Descriptive Statistics, DEA model, linear regression model and gross margin analysis were used to analyse the results obtained from the survey. The descriptive results showed that Ncora farmers are small-scale farmers cultivating small hectare of land and using simple farm tools, mainly using furrow irrigation. Furthermore, they produce more than one crop enterprises. The gross margin Analysis shows that Ncora cultivation is profitable. The most profitable crop was found to be maize than potatoes. Farm production function revealed that land, labour and purchased inputs had a positive relationship with the output of the enterprises. SPSS was used to run data for linear regression model (OLS). It was suggested that extension services and private organizations assist farmers especially the emerging ones via provision of training, processing and storage facilities. Furthermore, continuous monitoring of soil and water quality as well as ground water table was recommended, in order to ensure sustainability of Ncora irrigation in the area.
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A methodology for assessing irrigation practice in small scale community gardening.Sihlophe, Nhlanhla. January 2001 (has links)
The challenges facing small scale irrigation development in South Africa are varied and complex.
This complexity is exacerbated by the many years of systematic neglect, in tandem with material
and intellectual impoverishment of the majority of participants in this agricultural sector.
Attempting to juggle sustainable development of small scale agriculture and environmental and
socio-economic advancement is difficult, but there is sufficient evidence in the literature to
suggest that small scale agriculture is increasing not only in South Africa but in Sub-Saharan
Africa (Collier and Field, 1998)
There is no doubt that this observed increase in irrigated communal gardens result from their
increasingly important role of providing food security and as means of augmenting family income.
Hence the government,NGO' s and other private sector organisations have increased their support
for these small scale agricultural initiatives. Small scale agriculture is therefore increasingly
becoming a common land use, and with this increased support, it is likely to become a major
water user, particularly as it is located in close proximity to the water source. Hence both
practices and processes for small scale agriculture require careful study.
Irrigation practices have been studied in KwaZulu-Natal where small scale community gardens
are continuously developing. The study included two locations near Pietermaritzburg. The first,
at Willowfontein, involved irrigation by furrow , and the second, at Taylors Halt, involved
irrigation by hand, using containers. The dynamics of the subsurface flow was monitored using
tensiometry and modelled in detail using a two dimensional, soil physics model, Hydrus-2D, to
evaluate the application efficiency.
This study consisted of three parts viz: socio-economic system appraisal, technical measurement
and monitoring, and modelling. Important findings obtained include the following:
The highlighting of pertinent socio-economic issues governing water use and allocation
and other operations in developing small scale agricultural conditions, including
constraints to the development of this sector under the conditions described. The demonstration of the use of reasonably inexpensive, but sophisticated measuring
techniques to observe the soil water processes in small scale community gardening
Accurate simulations of soil water infiltration,redistribution and uptake using the Hydrus2D
model. With these successful simulations, together with the results of the social
system appraisal, more efficient irrigation scenarios are proposed and evaluated.
The development of a methodology that could be used to assess small scale irrigation
efficiencies, with computer simulation models used as tools to conduct such an
assessment. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2001.
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Analysis of entrepreneurial behaviour of smallholder irrigation farmers: empirical evidence from Qamata Irrigation schemeChitsa, Gilbert January 2014 (has links)
Albeit much effort having been put to review the performance trend of smallholder irrigation farmers in South Africa. However, there seems to be a paucity of information regarding the level of entrepreneurship on these farmers. Most research works on smallholder irrigation farmers have mainly focused on livelihoods trajectory providing a review on how the welfare of the rural poor has been transformed after the introduction of irrigation schemes. With most research evidence indicating a high degree of underperformance on most smallholder irrigation schemes, this research attempted to investigate the level of entrepreneurship among the small holder irrigation farmers. In order to achieve the main research objective, a sample of 110 farmers drawn from Qamata irrigation scheme was interviewed and each farmer’s performance on the nine components of entrepreneurship was assessed. The aspects assessed to determine the farmer’s entrepreneurial behaviour were: planning ability, risk taking, achievement motivation, leadership ability, Cosmo politeness, decision making, and innovativeness and farming knowledge. Basing on previous studies which indicated entrepreneurial behaviour to be influenced by several factors the study also analysed the determinants of entrepreneurship among the irrigation farmers and a binary logistic regression model was used to establish the connection between various independent variables and the farmers’ entrepreneurial performance given as a total score of the nine components. Though the findings of the study revealed a prevalently low level of entrepreneurship among the smallholder irrigation farmers on Qamata irrigation scheme, a high proportion of the respondent farmers (65.5% and 60.5%) showed to have a high degree of achievement motivation and decision making ability, respectively. The observed trend thus reflected that smallholder farmers have a potential to become entrepreneurs and are willing to succeed. The binary model results revealed that the prevailing land tenure system will be a strong determinant of the farmer’s level of entrepreneurship. Equally, levels of training in farming, motive for farming and information seeking tendency also proved to have a significant influence on the degree of farmer entrepreneurship. Based on the results of this study recommendations have thus been drawn on the need for policies and practices aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and not dependency among farmers. Key focus areas identified include: the need to revise the current land ii tenure system on irrigation schemes, intensify on entrepreneurship training for both farmers and extension officers and regular on-farm training on new technologies.
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