Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crossbite scripting"" "subject:"crossbite scriptings""
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Generating web applications containing XSS and CSRF vulnerabilitiesAhlberg, Gustav January 2014 (has links)
Most of the people in the industrial world are using several web applications every day. Many of those web applications contain vulnerabilities that can allow attackers to steal sensitive data from the web application's users. One way to detect these vulnerabilities is to have a penetration tester examine the web application. A common way to train penetration testers to find vulnerabilities is to challenge them with realistic web applications that contain vulnerabilities. The penetration tester's assignment is to try to locate and exploit the vulnerabilities in the web application. Training on the same web application twice will not provide any new challenges to the penetration tester, because the penetration tester already knows how to exploit all the vulnerabilities in the web application. Therefore, a vast number of web applications and variants of web applications are needed to train on. This thesis describes a tool designed and developed to automatically generate vulnerable web applications. First a web application is prepared, so that the tool can generate a vulnerable version of the web application. The tool injects Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in prepared web applications. Different variations of the same vulnerability can also be injected, so that different methods are needed to exploit the vulnerability depending on the variation. A purpose of the tool is that it should generate web applications which shall be used to train penetration testers, and some of the vulnerabilities the tool can inject, cannot be detected by current free web application vulnerability scanners, and would thus need to be detected by a penetration tester. To inject the vulnerabilities, the tool uses abstract syntax trees and taint analysis to detect where vulnerabilities can be injected in the prepared web applications. Tests confirm that web application vulnerability scanners cannot find all the vulnerabilities on the web applications which have been generated by the tool.
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Evaluation of open source web vulnerability scanners and their techniques used to find SQL injection and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities / Evaluering av öppen källkod sårbarhetsskannrar för webbapplikationer och dess tekniker för att finna SQL injection och cross-site scripting sårbarheterMatti, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Both for its simplicity and efficiency to search for the most critical security vulnerabilities that could exist within a web application, a web vulnerability scanner is a popular tool among any company that develops a web application. With the existence of many different scanners that are available to use, one is unlikely the same as the other and the results attained when evaluating these scanners in relation to each other are often not the same. In this thesis, three different open source web vulnerability scanners are evaluated and analysed based on their ability to find SQL injection and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. The scanners were used on several open source deliberately broken web applications that acted as benchmarks. The benchmarks that caused much diversity in the results from the scanners were further investigated. When analysing the scanners based on the results, both the actual results were analysed on what caused the diversity but most of all the source code of the scanners were explored and investigated. It could be found that the techniques used by the scanners were essentially similar but contained several minor differences that caused the diversity in the results. Most differences were dependant on the variation of the predefined payloads injected by the scanners, but it could also be found that the approaches used to determine if a vulnerability was detected or not could vary as well. The finalised result concluded in a report that reveals and demonstrates the different approaches that any web vulnerability scanner could use and the limitations of them.
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A pattern-driven and model-based vulnerability testing for Web applications / Une approche à base de modèles et de patterns pour le test de vulnérabilités d'applications WebVernotte, Alexandre 29 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une approche originale de test de vulnérabilité Web à partir de modèles etdirigée par des patterns de tests, nommée PMVT. Son objectif est d’améliorer la capacité de détectionde quatre types de vulnérabilité majeurs, Cross-Site Scripting, Injections SQL, Cross-Site RequestForgery, et Privilege Escalation. PMVT repose sur l’utilisation d’un modèle comportemental del’application Web, capturant ses aspects fonctionnels, et sur un ensemble de patterns de test devulnérabilité qui adressent un type de vulnérabilité de manière générique, quelque soit le type del’application Web sous test.Par l’adaptation de technologies MBT existantes, nous avons développé une chaîne outillée complèteautomatisant la détection des quatre types de vulnérabilité. Ce prototype a été exprimenté et évaluésur deux applications réelles, actuellement utiliseés par plusieurs dizaines de milliers d’utilisateurs.Les résultats d’expérimentation démontrent la pertinence et de l’efficience de PMVT, notamment enaméliorant de façon significative la capacité de détection de vulnérabilités vis à vis des scannersautomatiques d’applications Web existants. / This thesis proposes an original approach, dubbed PMVT for Pattern-driven and Model-basedVulnerability Testing, which aims to improve the capability for detecting four high-profile vulnerabilitytypes, Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injections, CSRF and Privilege Escalations, and reduce falsepositives and false negatives verdicts. PMVT relies on the use of a behavioral model of theapplication, capturing its functional aspects, and a set of vulnerability test patterns that addressvulnerabilities in a generic way. By adapting existing MBT technologies, an integrated toolchain that supports PMVT automates thedetection of the four vulnerability types in Web applications. This prototype has been experimentedand evaluated on two real-life Web applications that are currently used by tens of thousandsusers. Experiments have highlighted the effectiveness and efficiency of PMVT and shown astrong improvement of vulnerability detection capabilities w.r.t. available automated Web applicationscanners for these kind of vulnerabilities.
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Soubor laboratorních úloh k demonstraci počítačových útoků / Collection of laboratory works for demonstration of computer attacksPlašil, Matouš January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes published attacks on computers and computer networks. Principles of footprinting such as availability check, OS detection, port scanning were described. Next part explains attacks on confidentiality, integrity and availability. In the practical part were created four laboratory tasks and a virtual environment which allowed testing of ARP spoofing, DNS spoofing, SSL strip, Cross-site scripting, SQL injection, flooding attacks (TCP, ICMP, UDP), TCP reset and attack on operating system using backdoor with Metasploit framework. In practical part were also created video samples with attacks and documentation for teachers.
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運用使用者輸入欄位屬性偵測防禦資料隱碼攻擊 / Preventing SQL Injection Attacks Using the Field Attributes of User Input賴淑美, Lai, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
在網路的應用蓬勃發展與上網使用人口不斷遞增的情況之下,透過網路提供客戶服務及從事商業行為已經是趨勢與熱潮,而伴隨而來的風險也逐步顯現。在一個無國界的網路世界,威脅來自四面八方,隨著科技進步,攻擊手法也隨之加速且廣泛。網頁攻擊防範作法的演進似乎也只能一直追隨著攻擊手法而不斷改進。但最根本的方法應為回歸原始的程式設計,網頁欄位輸入資料的檢核。確實做好欄位內容檢核並遵守網頁安全設計原則,嚴謹的資料庫存取授權才能安心杜絕不斷變化的攻擊。但因既有系統對於輸入欄位內容,並無確切根據應輸入的欄位長度及屬性或是特殊表示式進行檢核,以致造成類似Injection Flaws[1]及部分XSS(Cross Site Scripting)[2]攻擊的形成。
本研究回歸網頁資料輸入檢核,根據輸入資料的長度及屬性或是特殊的表示式進行檢核,若能堅守此項原則應可抵禦大部分的攻擊。但因既有系統程式龐大,若要重新檢視所有輸入欄位屬性及進行修改恐為曠日費時。本文中研究以側錄分析、資料庫SCHEMA的結合及方便的欄位屬性定義等功能,自動化的處理流程,快速產生輸入欄位的檢核依據。再以網站動態欄位檢核的方式,於網站接收使用者需求,且應用程式尚未處理前攔截網頁輸入資料,根據事先明確定義的網站欄位屬性及長度進行資料檢核,如此既有系統即無須修改,能在最低的成本下達到有效防禦的目的。 / With the dynamic development of network application and the increasing population of using internet, providing customer service and making business through network has been a prevalent trend recently.
However, the risk appears with this trend. In a borderless net world, threaten comes from all directions. With the progress of information technology, the technique of network attack becomes timeless and widespread. It seems that defense methods have to develop against these attack techniques. But the root of all should regress on the original program design – check the input data of data fields. The prevention of unceasing network attack is precisely check the content of data field and adhere to the webpage security design on principle, furthermore, the authority to access database is essential. Since most existing systems do not have exactly checkpoints of those data fields such as the length, the data type, and the data format, as a result, those conditions resulted in several network attacks like Injection Flaws and XSS.
In response to various website attack constantly, the majority remodify the system source code, inspect vulnerabilities by the service of penetration test, and purchase the equipment of Intrusion Prevention Systems(IPS). However, several limitations influence the performance, such as the massive workload of remodify source code, the difficulty to implement the daily penetration test, and the costly expenses of IPS equipment.
The fundamental method of this research is to check the input data of data fields which bases on the length, the data type and the data format to check input data. The hypothesis is that to implement the original design principle should prevent most website attacks. Unfortunately, most legacy system programs are massive and numerous. It is time-consuming to review and remodify all the data fields. This research investigates the analysis of network interception, integrates with the database schema and the easy-defined data type, to automatically process these procedures and rapidly generates the checklist of input data. Then, using the method of website dynamic captures technique to receive user request first and webpage input data before the system application commences to process it.
According to those input data can be checked by the predefined data filed type and the length, there is no necessary to modify existing systems and can achieve the goal to prevent web attack with the minimum cost.
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