Spelling suggestions: "subject:"crossflow"" "subject:"crossflows""
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Hodnocení zvolených filtračních zařízení ve vinařstvíHnidák, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis dealt with evaluation of particular types of filtration devices. It highlighted their advantages but mentioned their weaknesses as well. In the theoretical part of the thesis there was a description of all the filter types available on the Czech market, whilst the practical part was focused on comparison of two seleceted filters - plate filter DF 200*200 mm with drain board and cross-flow fiter Romfil RF2C. The measurement result showed that cross-flow filters were more powerful with their performance about 2 530 litres per hour. Concerning microbial stabilty both filter types showed the same efficiency. The thesis also contained comparison of both filter types operating costs. According to the model calculations it was obvious that with using cross-flow filter the filtration costs were lower - around 0,30 Kč per 1 liter of filtered wine (considering 150 working hours per year). filtration costs with using plate filter were around 0,50 Kč per 1 liter (considering the same working hours).
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Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenje membranske filtracije proteina mleka / Influence of turbulence promoter type on the improvement of membrane filtration of milk proteinsPopović Svetlana 03 June 2011 (has links)
<p>U radu je ispitivana mogucnost unapređenja membranske filtracije mleka primenom promotora turbulencije razlicitog geometrijskog oblika i dimenzije. Eksperimentalna istraživanja su izvedena na keramickoj membrani velicine 100 nm koja se najcešce koristi u procesu mikrofiltracije mleka. Istraživanja su obuhvatila ispitivanje uticaja<br />promotora helikoidne geometrije (uvrnuta traka i Keniks mikser) i geometrije u obliku seciva (Koflo mikser) razlicitih karakteristicnih dimenzija na fluks permeata, prljanje i selektivnost membrane. Efikasnost primene razlicitih promotora analizirana<br />je kako sa aspekta povecanja fluksa tako i sa aspekta smanjenja potrošnje energije.<br />Istraživanje uticaja tipa promotora turbulencije na mikrofiltraciju proteina mleka<br />pokazalo je da se izborom geometrije, karakteristicne dimenzije i radnih uslova mogu<br />postici znacajna i energetski isplativa povecanja fluksa permeata.<br />Primenom uvrnute trake kao promotora Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenjemembranskefiltracije tubulencije ostvarena su povecanja fluksa i od 200<br />do 600% u zavisnosti od karakteristicne dimenzije uvrnute trake, i rad pri dva ili tri puta manjim protocima u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Najvece povecanje fluksa od oko 600% ostvareno je primenom najgušce uvrnute trake karakteristicne dimenzije 1,0 (UT1,0). UT1,0 kao promotor turbulencije uzrokuje najvece ubrzanje fluida tj. nivo turbulencije i najdužu helikoidnu putanju strujnica što doprinosi intenzivnom odnošenju cestica sa površine membrane. Ispitivanje primene Keniks miksera kao<br />promotora turbulencije je pokazalo da se znacajna i isplativa povecanja fluksa postižu vec pri veoma malim protocima. Keniks mikser je takođe helikoidne geometrije kao i uvrnute trake, ali se razlikuje po tome što su helikoidni elementi<br />postavljeni pod uglom od 90o i levo desno jedan u odnosu na drugi. Ovakva orjentacija elemenata uzrokuje preraspodelu i promenu smera stujnica posle svakog elementa zbog cega je pad pritiska za Keniks mikser i do cetiri puta veci u odnosu na<br />uvrnutu traku iste karakteristicne dimenzije, ali uz veci utrošak energije. Promotori geometrije u obliku seciva (Koflomikseri) takođe obezbeđuju povecanje fluksa od<br />200 do 650% pri nižem protoku u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Vece povecanje fluksa od 500 do 600% postignuta su primenom Koflo miksera manje karakteristicne dimenzije 1,3. Koflo mikseriobezbeđuju promenu slike strujanja u membrani koja se manifestuje takođe raspodelom toka fluida i pojavom helikoidnih strujnica, ali i sudaranjem i mešanjem struja usled udara o seciva pod određenim uglom. Po sudaranju struja se ovaj tip miksera razlikuje u odnosu na uvrnute trake i Keniks mikser. Ipak pad pritiska ovog miksera je veci u odnosu na pad pritiska uvrnute trake, a manji u odnosu na pad pritiska Keniks miksera. Ispitivanje smanjenja prljanja membrane pokazalo je da se primenom promotora smanjuje otpor prljanja membrane kao i otpori usled povratnog i nepovratnog prljanja. Naročito je zapaženo smanjenje otpora usled povratnog prljanja koje se javlja na površini membrane. Na ovaj nacin potvrđeno je da svi tipovi miksera uzrokuju promenu nacina strujanja u membrani koja obezbeđuje poboljšanje prenosa mase u graničnom sloju. U granicnom sloju najintenzivnije deluje Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenje membranske filtracije. Keniks mikser kod kog sem preraspodele stujanja dolazi i do promene smera strujnica nakon svakog elementa. Izvođenje procesa primenom promotora je energetski isplativije u odnosu na konvencionalan nacin rada i važi za sve ispitivane tipove promotora bez obzira na geometriju i karakterističnu dimenziju. Za vrednosti flukseva do 60 Lm-2h-1 uvrnute trake sve tri karakteristicne dimenzije zahtevaju istu potrošnju energije. Primena uvrnute trake UT1,0 je najisplativija za flukseve vece od 60 do 100 Lm-2h-1 iako uzrokuje veci pad pritiska u odnosu na UT1,5 i UT2,5, ali obezbeđuje i proporcionalno veci fluks pri protocima tri puta manjim u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Primenom UT1,0 moguće su uštede energije u rasponu od 50 do 75 % u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Potrošnja energije kod primene Keniks miksera je veća u odnosu na uvrnutu traku iste karakterisitčne dimenzije, a opseg radnih protoka i TMP uslovljen velikim padom pritiska. Uštede energije u slučaju primene Keniks miksera su od 30 do 65% u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Međutim, primenom UT1,0 umesto Keniks miksera iste dimenzije obezbeđuju se od 10 do 35 % vece uštede energije pri istom radnom fluksu. Sa aspekta potrošnje energije, Koflo mikseri su najmanje efikasni. KF1,3 mikser je manje efikasan u odnosu na KF2,5 zbog većeg pada pritiska i ne proporcionalno veceg fluksa. Primenom ovih promotora se postižu uštede energije od 20 do 70% u odnosu na konvencionalan način rada, ali je ipak njihova efikasnost manja u odnosu na uvrnutu traku iste dimenzije zbog razlike u padu pritiska Pravilnim izborom geometrije promotora može postici povecanje fluksa uz nisku potrošnju energije odnosno niže padove pritiska. Slika strujanja koja zavisi od geometrije promotora najviše utice na povecanje fluksa pri čemu je najbitnije da se pored povećanja brzine obezbedi pojave strujnica helikoidnog oblika u graničnom sloju. Upravo ovakav nacin strujanja najviše doprinosi odnošenju cestica istaloženih na površini membrane i povecanju prenosa mase. Pojave radijalnog mešanja ili sudaranja struja mogu se smatrati sporednim pojavama u odnosu na to koliko doprinose povecanju fluksa međutim, njihovo postojanje doprinosi povećanju pada pritiska i smanjuju energetsku efikasnost promotora. Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenje membranske filtracije. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili polaznu pretpostavku, definisanu ciljem istraživanja, da helikoidna putanja strujanja kod uvrnutih traka obezbeđuje najintenzivnije odnošenje istaloženog materijala sa površine membrane uz najmanji pad pritiska odnosno gubitak energije. Sa druge strane, pojava mešanja koje je primarno kod Keniks i Koflo miksera izaziva, pored odnošenja istaloženih čestica i dodatno vrtloženje koje za posledicu ima veći pad pritiska i manju energetsku efikasnost.</p> / <p> This work investigates influence of tubulence promotor geometry and its characteristic dimension on the improvement of membrane filtration of milk proteins. The investigation was performed using a ceramic tubular membrane with 100 nm pore size which is commonly used in the dairy industry. As turbulence promoters two main geometry types were chosen: a helical (twisted tape and Kenics mixer) and a blade shaped (Koflo mixer). Except the geometry type, influence of an aspect ratio was studied, also. Efficiency of turbulence promoters was evaluated from the point of view of flux improvement and specific energy consumption. The experimental results clearly show that microfiltration process can be improved by proper choice of a turbulence promoter geometry, its aspect ratio and operating conditions. The process efficiency is increased by achievement of a significant flux increase and lowered energy consumption. Application of twisted tapes as turbulence promoters yields in the flux improvement of 200 to 600% depending on the aspect ratio of twisted tape but at two or three times lower cross-flow rates compared to conventional MF. The higher flux improvement of 600% was achieved by using twisted tape with aspect ratio 1.0, which induces the highest turbulence and the longest helical stream path so the scouring of particles from the membrane surface is the most intensive.<br /> By applying Kenics mixer as turbulence promoter significant flux improvement can be<br /> achieved at five fold lower cross-flow rates. Kenics mixer is also helical insert but its elements are right and left-hand orientated what causes the local resistances and much higher pressure drop compared to the twisted tape of the same aspect ratio. This resulted in higher energy consumption and in lower efficiency of the process fitted with Kenics mixer. Application of blade type insert, such is Koflo mixer, enables flux improvement of 200 to 650% and operation at lower cross-flow rates compared to conventional MF. The higher flux improvement, 500 to 600%, was yielded using the<br /> mixer of lower aspect ratio, 1.3. Blade mixers divide and redistribute streamlines after each element and also induce helical flow path near the membrane surface. Flow field defers from the flow field of twisted tape and Kenics mixer by the appearance of stream collision in the center of blade structure. This causes grater pressure gradient than for the twisted tape but lower than for the Kenics mixer. Investigation of membrane fouling confirmed that the membrane fitted with promoter is less fouled compared to the plane membrane. The reversible fouling resistance is reduced for<br /> order of magnitude especially for the case of Kenics mixer application. All types of promoters improve the mass transfer in the boundary layer at membrane surface inducing the helical path streamlines which take away deposited material. Energy consumption analysis has shown that the energy consumption can be significantly<br /> reduced by proper promoter geometry and aspect ratio. Operation with promoters proved to be more efficient from energy consumption point of view compared to the conventional operation. Using twisted tape of 1.0 aspect ratio energy can be saved for 50 to 75%. Blade type mixers are the less efficient, but still more efficient than the<br /> conventional filtration. In general, when the twisted tapes were used as promoters generated helical streamline path enables the most intensive fouling reduction with lowest pressure drop i.e. energy consumption. On the other hand, when the Kenics<br /> and blade mixers were used, except helical streamline path the secondary flows and mixing are induced what along with fouling reduction causes the higher pressure loss making these promoters energetically less efficient.</p>
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Influência da velocidade cross-flow na câmara de flotação na eficiência de unidades de flotação por ar dissolvido tratando água para abastecimento / The influence of cross-flow velocity in the flotation chamber on efficiency of a dissolved air flotation unit treating drinking waterAraújo, Cláudio Júnior 07 October 2010 (has links)
O reator de FAD deve propiciar condições adequadas para contato entre as micro-bolhas e os flocos formados no pré-tratamento e também condições para que o conjunto floco/bolha possa ser direcionado ao topo do reator, e assim ser removido. O projeto de pesquisa visou estudar condições hidrodinâmicas proporcionadas pela variação da Velocidade Cross-Flow (VCF) e assim verificar a influência na eficiência de uma estação piloto de flotação por ar dissolvido. A VCF é importante parâmetro para concepção de unidades de FAD e é função da vazão de entrada no tanque de flotação e da área entre o nível d\'água no tanque de flotação e o anteparo que separa a zona de contato da zona de separação. A velocidade cross-flow constitui um parâmetro de grande importância para projetos de unidades de flotação. Nesta região de transição entre a zona de contato e a zona de separação, ocorre a passagem do conjunto floco/bolha, e turbulência excessiva pode causar o rompimento do conjunto e assim comprometer a eficiência da flotação. Além disso, o padrão de escoamento observado na zona de separação dos flotadores, onde ocorre a separação dos aglomerados \"flocos + bolhas\", depende fortemente do valor médio da velocidade cross-flow, conforme comentado por Lundh et al. (2000 e 2002) e por Reali e Patrizzi (2007). Daí a necessidade de se investigar mais profundamente a influência da VCF na eficiência da clarificação por flotação. O projeto de pesquisa foi dividido em duas etapas. Para realização das etapas foi estudado um tipo de água preparada em laboratório, através da adição de substância húmica e caulinita, para obtenção de cor aparente e turbidez, respectivamente. A água estudada possui cor aparente e turbidez moderada (1 mg/L de substância húmica e 8,5 mg/L de caulinita) resultando em valores de turbidez por volta de 7 NTU e cor aparente por volta de 40 UH. A etapa 1 consistiu na determinação do par, pH de coagulação e dosagem de coagulante (sulfato de alumínio), gradiente médio de floculação e tempo médio de floculação adequado para a água de estudo. Para realização da etapa 1 foi utilizado equipamento de flotação de bancada de regime de batelada (Flotateste), que se encontra nas dependências do Laboratório de Tratamento Avançado e Reuso de Águas - LATAR/SHS/EESC/USP. Foram mantidos fixos os seguintes parâmetros: \'T IND.MR\', \'G IND.MR\', \'T IND.F\', \'G IND.F\', \'P IND.SAT\', \'T IND.REC\', \'V IND.FLOT\'. Conforme preconizado por Reali et al (2007), foi variada a dosagem de coagulante. Após determinado o melhor par pH e dosagem de coagulante foram realizados ensaios visando determinar o melhor \'G IND.F\' e \'T IND.F\' para a água em estudo. Para a água de estudo foram escolhidas duas condições de potencial Zeta, determinados na etapa 1 do projeto de pesquisa. A primeira condição o potencial Zeta permaneceria com valor próximo de 0 mV e na segunda condição o potencial Zeta seria positivo, por volta de +12 mV. A etapa 2 consistiu em variar a velocidade cross-flow, através da variação da altura do vertedor de saída da água flotada de uma unidade piloto de flotação, de forma a se obter diferentes valores de VCF (mantendo-se constantes os valores de tempo de contato e taxa de aplicação superficial na zona de contato), para dois valores de Taxas de Aplicação Superficial (TAS) (7,67 m/h e 15 m/h) na zona de separação e os dois valores de potencial Zeta (PZ), e com isto avaliar a sua influencia na eficiência de remoção de sólidos suspensos totais, cor e turbidez da instalação piloto retangular de FAD. / The reactor DAF should provide adequate conditions for contact between the micro-bubbles and the flakes formed in the pretreatment conditions and also for the aggregate flocs/bubble can be directed to the top of the reactor, and thus be removed. The research project aimed at studying hydrodynamic conditions provided by the variation of Cross-Flow Velocity (VCF) and thus checks the influence on the efficiency of a pilot plant of dissolved air flotation. The VCF is an important parameter to design units of DAF and is a function of input flow in the flotation tank and the area between the water level in the flotation tank and the bulkhead that separates the contact zone of the zone of separation. The cross-flow velocity is a parameter of great importance to projects of flotation units. In this region of the transition zone between the contact zone and the separation zone, occurs the passage of the aggregate flocs/bubble, and excessive turbulence can cause disruption of the aggregate and thereby harm the flotation efficiency. Moreover, the pattern of flow observed in the flotation separation zone, which occurs the separation of aggregates \"flakes + bubbles\", depends strongly on the average value of cross-flow velocity as described by Lundh et al. (2000 and 2002) and Reali and Patrizzi (2007). Hence the needs to investigate further the influence of VCF on the clarification efficiency by flotation. The research project was divided into two steps. To perform the steps has been studied a type of water prepared in the laboratory, through the addition of humic substances and kaolin, to obtain apparent color and turbidity, respectively. The study water has moderate turbidity and apparent color (1 mg/L of humic substance and 8.5 mg/L of kaolin) resulting in turbidity values around 7 NTU and color apparent by 40 HU. Step 1 consisted in the determination of the pair, coagulation pH and coagulant dosage (aluminum sulfate), flocculation gradient and time flocculation suitable for the study water. For the implementation of step 1 was used bench batch flotation system equipment (Flotatest), located on the Laboratory for Advanced Treatment and Reuse Water - LATAR / SHS / EESC / USP. Were kept fixed the following parameters: \'T IND.MR\', \'G IND.MR\', \'T IND.F\', \'G IND.F\', \'P IND.SAT\', \'T IND.REC\', \'V IND.FLOT\'. As predicted by Reali et al (2007), was varied the dosage of coagulant. After determined the best pair of coagulant dosage and pH coagulation the tests were performed to determine the best \'G IND.F\' and \'T IND.F\' for the study water. For the study water were chosen two conditions of Zeta potential values, determined in the step 1 of the research project, where the first condition the Zeta potential value kept near 0 mV and the second condition kept a positive value of Zeta potential, around +12 mV. The step 2 consisted of varying the cross-flow velocity, by varying the height of the outlet weir of the clarified water of the flotation pilot plant to obtain different values of VCF (keeping constant the values of time contact and application rate on the contact zone) for two values of superficial application rates (7.67 m/h and 15 m/h) in the zone of separation and the two values of Zeta potential (PZ) and then was availed the influence on removal efficiency of total suspended solids, colour and turbidity of the rectangular pilot plant of DAF.
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Influência da velocidade cross-flow na câmara de flotação na eficiência de unidades de flotação por ar dissolvido tratando água para abastecimento / The influence of cross-flow velocity in the flotation chamber on efficiency of a dissolved air flotation unit treating drinking waterCláudio Júnior Araújo 07 October 2010 (has links)
O reator de FAD deve propiciar condições adequadas para contato entre as micro-bolhas e os flocos formados no pré-tratamento e também condições para que o conjunto floco/bolha possa ser direcionado ao topo do reator, e assim ser removido. O projeto de pesquisa visou estudar condições hidrodinâmicas proporcionadas pela variação da Velocidade Cross-Flow (VCF) e assim verificar a influência na eficiência de uma estação piloto de flotação por ar dissolvido. A VCF é importante parâmetro para concepção de unidades de FAD e é função da vazão de entrada no tanque de flotação e da área entre o nível d\'água no tanque de flotação e o anteparo que separa a zona de contato da zona de separação. A velocidade cross-flow constitui um parâmetro de grande importância para projetos de unidades de flotação. Nesta região de transição entre a zona de contato e a zona de separação, ocorre a passagem do conjunto floco/bolha, e turbulência excessiva pode causar o rompimento do conjunto e assim comprometer a eficiência da flotação. Além disso, o padrão de escoamento observado na zona de separação dos flotadores, onde ocorre a separação dos aglomerados \"flocos + bolhas\", depende fortemente do valor médio da velocidade cross-flow, conforme comentado por Lundh et al. (2000 e 2002) e por Reali e Patrizzi (2007). Daí a necessidade de se investigar mais profundamente a influência da VCF na eficiência da clarificação por flotação. O projeto de pesquisa foi dividido em duas etapas. Para realização das etapas foi estudado um tipo de água preparada em laboratório, através da adição de substância húmica e caulinita, para obtenção de cor aparente e turbidez, respectivamente. A água estudada possui cor aparente e turbidez moderada (1 mg/L de substância húmica e 8,5 mg/L de caulinita) resultando em valores de turbidez por volta de 7 NTU e cor aparente por volta de 40 UH. A etapa 1 consistiu na determinação do par, pH de coagulação e dosagem de coagulante (sulfato de alumínio), gradiente médio de floculação e tempo médio de floculação adequado para a água de estudo. Para realização da etapa 1 foi utilizado equipamento de flotação de bancada de regime de batelada (Flotateste), que se encontra nas dependências do Laboratório de Tratamento Avançado e Reuso de Águas - LATAR/SHS/EESC/USP. Foram mantidos fixos os seguintes parâmetros: \'T IND.MR\', \'G IND.MR\', \'T IND.F\', \'G IND.F\', \'P IND.SAT\', \'T IND.REC\', \'V IND.FLOT\'. Conforme preconizado por Reali et al (2007), foi variada a dosagem de coagulante. Após determinado o melhor par pH e dosagem de coagulante foram realizados ensaios visando determinar o melhor \'G IND.F\' e \'T IND.F\' para a água em estudo. Para a água de estudo foram escolhidas duas condições de potencial Zeta, determinados na etapa 1 do projeto de pesquisa. A primeira condição o potencial Zeta permaneceria com valor próximo de 0 mV e na segunda condição o potencial Zeta seria positivo, por volta de +12 mV. A etapa 2 consistiu em variar a velocidade cross-flow, através da variação da altura do vertedor de saída da água flotada de uma unidade piloto de flotação, de forma a se obter diferentes valores de VCF (mantendo-se constantes os valores de tempo de contato e taxa de aplicação superficial na zona de contato), para dois valores de Taxas de Aplicação Superficial (TAS) (7,67 m/h e 15 m/h) na zona de separação e os dois valores de potencial Zeta (PZ), e com isto avaliar a sua influencia na eficiência de remoção de sólidos suspensos totais, cor e turbidez da instalação piloto retangular de FAD. / The reactor DAF should provide adequate conditions for contact between the micro-bubbles and the flakes formed in the pretreatment conditions and also for the aggregate flocs/bubble can be directed to the top of the reactor, and thus be removed. The research project aimed at studying hydrodynamic conditions provided by the variation of Cross-Flow Velocity (VCF) and thus checks the influence on the efficiency of a pilot plant of dissolved air flotation. The VCF is an important parameter to design units of DAF and is a function of input flow in the flotation tank and the area between the water level in the flotation tank and the bulkhead that separates the contact zone of the zone of separation. The cross-flow velocity is a parameter of great importance to projects of flotation units. In this region of the transition zone between the contact zone and the separation zone, occurs the passage of the aggregate flocs/bubble, and excessive turbulence can cause disruption of the aggregate and thereby harm the flotation efficiency. Moreover, the pattern of flow observed in the flotation separation zone, which occurs the separation of aggregates \"flakes + bubbles\", depends strongly on the average value of cross-flow velocity as described by Lundh et al. (2000 and 2002) and Reali and Patrizzi (2007). Hence the needs to investigate further the influence of VCF on the clarification efficiency by flotation. The research project was divided into two steps. To perform the steps has been studied a type of water prepared in the laboratory, through the addition of humic substances and kaolin, to obtain apparent color and turbidity, respectively. The study water has moderate turbidity and apparent color (1 mg/L of humic substance and 8.5 mg/L of kaolin) resulting in turbidity values around 7 NTU and color apparent by 40 HU. Step 1 consisted in the determination of the pair, coagulation pH and coagulant dosage (aluminum sulfate), flocculation gradient and time flocculation suitable for the study water. For the implementation of step 1 was used bench batch flotation system equipment (Flotatest), located on the Laboratory for Advanced Treatment and Reuse Water - LATAR / SHS / EESC / USP. Were kept fixed the following parameters: \'T IND.MR\', \'G IND.MR\', \'T IND.F\', \'G IND.F\', \'P IND.SAT\', \'T IND.REC\', \'V IND.FLOT\'. As predicted by Reali et al (2007), was varied the dosage of coagulant. After determined the best pair of coagulant dosage and pH coagulation the tests were performed to determine the best \'G IND.F\' and \'T IND.F\' for the study water. For the study water were chosen two conditions of Zeta potential values, determined in the step 1 of the research project, where the first condition the Zeta potential value kept near 0 mV and the second condition kept a positive value of Zeta potential, around +12 mV. The step 2 consisted of varying the cross-flow velocity, by varying the height of the outlet weir of the clarified water of the flotation pilot plant to obtain different values of VCF (keeping constant the values of time contact and application rate on the contact zone) for two values of superficial application rates (7.67 m/h and 15 m/h) in the zone of separation and the two values of Zeta potential (PZ) and then was availed the influence on removal efficiency of total suspended solids, colour and turbidity of the rectangular pilot plant of DAF.
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The retention testing of sterilising grade membranes with Pseudomonas diminutaWaterhouse, Sara January 1994 (has links)
Membranes with a pore size rating of 0.2μm are recommended for the sterilisation of liquids by filtration and are validated for this purpose by a retention test with Pseudomonas diminuta. Practices for retention testing were found to vary among the membrane manufacturers and only one type of commercial 0.2μm rated membrane was found to reliably retain P. diminuta. The retention for P. diminuta given by experimental grafted membranes was studied and was sometimes higher than that given by non-grafted membranes due to obstruction of the pores by graft material. The dimensions for individual cells of P. diminuta was studied by scanning electron microscopy and a rapid electronic method. Bacteria of larger dimensions than the pore size rating of experimental membranes were found in test permeates. It was shown that cells from an aerated P. diminuta culture were larger than cells from a similar but stationary culture. A retention test procedure for 0.2 μm rated membranes using cross-flow filtration was developed. The procedure simulated process conditions and enabled tubular ceramic monolithic membranes and flat-sheet membranes to be retention tested with P. diminuta. It is feasible that a standard retention test using cross-flow filtration can be developed. The time needed for results from current retention test procedures to become available is a consequence of using traditional cultural techniques for permeate analysis. Test procedure were developed using three popular methods for the rapid detection and enumeration of bacteria (ATP luminescence, impedance microbiology and the DEFT) for the detection and enumeration of P. diminuta in retention test permeates. The method using ATP luminescence was found to be the most applicable. The development of a bioluminescent strain of P. diminuta through genetic engineering will enable the rapid, sensitive and straightforward retention testing of 0.2 μm rated membranes. Retention tests using a bioluminescent strain of Escherichia coli containing the structural genes for bacterial luciferase indicated that the proposed test is feasible. Developments were made towards cloning the same genes into P. diminuta. The use of all bioluminescent micro-organisms for membrane retention testing is the subject of a patent application and a proposal for a three year SERC research grant.
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Numerical simulation and interpretation of borehole fluid-production measurementsFrooqnia, Amir 18 September 2014 (has links)
Downhole production measurements are periodically acquired in hydrocarbon reservoirs to monitor and diagnose fluid movement in the borehole and the near-borehole region. However, because of the complexity involved with physical modeling and numerical implementation of borehole and formation multiphase flow behavior, inference of near-borehole petrophysical properties from production measurements is limited to simplified single-phase reservoir models. This dissertation develops a new transient coupled borehole-formation fluid flow algorithm to numerically simulate two-phase production logs (PL) acquired across heterogeneous rock formations penetrated by vertical and deviated boreholes. Subsequently, the coupled flow algorithm is used to estimate relevant dynamic petrophysical properties from borehole production measurements. The developed reservoir-borehole fluid flow model is based on an isothermal, one-dimensional (borehole axis) version of two-fluid formulation that simulates simultaneous flow of two fluid phases in oil-water, oil-gas, and gas-water flowing systems. Linkage of borehole and formation fluid flow models is carried out by introducing additional source terms into borehole mass conservation equations. Transient simulation of two-phase production measurements indicates the presence of borehole cross-flow when performing a shut-in test across differentially-depleted multilayer reservoirs. In a two-layer synthetic reservoir model penetrated by a vertical borehole, only two hours of through-the-borehole cross-communication of differentially-depleted layers gives rise to more than 14% increase in volume-averaged oil-phase relative permeability of the low-pressure layer. Simulated borehole fluid properties in the presence of cross-flow are used to estimate formation average pressure from two-phase selective-inflow-performance analysis. A new inversion-based interpretation algorithm is developed to estimate near-borehole absolute permeability and fluid-phase saturation from two-phase production logs. The inversion algorithm integrates production logs acquired in time-lapse mode to construct a near-borehole reservoir model that describes depth variations of skin factor over the elapsed time. Feasibility studies using synthetic reservoir models show that the estimated petrophysical properties are adversely influenced by the large volume of investigation associated with PL measurements. Moreover, undetectable fluid production across low-permeability layers decreases the sensitivity of production logs to layer incremental flow rate, thus increasing estimation uncertainty. Despite these limitations, the estimated fluid saturation and permeability across high-permeability layers are within 25% and 20% of the corresponding actual values, respectively. Oil-water and oil-gas flowing systems are additionally studied to quantify the added value of remedial workover operations (e.g., water and gas shut-off). Simulation of a gas shut-off performed in a gas-oil field example recommends a minimum bottom-hole pressure to prevent high gas production caused by (i) gas coning effects, and (ii) released gas from oil solution. Maintaining bottom-hole pressure above that limit gives rise to more than 60% reduction of downhole gas production. / text
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Hydrodynamic analysis of a tidal cross-flow turbineConsul, Claudio Antonio January 2011 (has links)
This study presents a numerical investigation of a generic horizontal axis cross-flow marine turbine. The numerical tool used is the commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics package ANSYS FLUENT 12.0. The numerical model, using the SST k-w turbulence model, is validated against static, dynamic pitching blade and rotating turbine data. The work embodies two main investigations. The first is concerned with the influence of turbine solidity (ratio of net blade chord to circumference) on turbine performance, and the second with the influence of blockage (ratio of device frontal area to channel crosssection area) and free surface deformation on the hydrodynamics of energy extraction in a constrained channel. Turbine solidity was investigated by simulating flows through two-, three- and four-bladed turbines, resulting in solidities of 0.019, 0.029 and 0.038, respectively. The investigation was conducted for two Reynolds numbers, Re = O(10^5) & O(10^6), to reflect laboratory and field scales. Increasing the number of blades from two to four led to an increase in the maximum power coefficient from 0.43 to 0.53 for the lower Re and from 0.49 to 0.56 for the higher Re computations. Furthermore, the power curve was found to shift to a lower range of tip speed ratios when increasing solidity. The effects of flow confinement and free surface deformation were investigated by simulating flows through a three-bladed turbine with solidity 0.125 at Re = O(10^6) for channels that resulted in cross-stream blockages of 12.5% to 50%. Increasing the blockage led to a substantial increase in the power and basin efficiency; when approximating the free surface as a rigid lid, the highest power coefficient and basin efficiency computed were 1.18 and 0.54, respectively. Comparisons between the corresponding rigid lid and free surface simulations, where Froude number, Fr = 0.082, rendered similar results at the lower blockages, but at the highest blockage an increase in power and basin efficiency of up to 7% for the free surface simulations over that achieved with a rigid lid boundary condition. For the free surface simulations with Fr = 0.082, the energy extraction resulted in a drop in water depth of up to 0.7%. An increase in Fr from 0.082 to 0.131 resulted in an increase maximum power of 3%, but a drop in basin efficiency of 21%.
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A Turbina de Fluxo (Michell-Banki) como Opção para Centrais Hidráulicas de Pequeno Porte / Turbine Flow (Michell-Banki) as Central Hydraulic Option for SmallMello Junior, Antonio Gonçalves de 26 October 2000 (has links)
Estima-se que nos próximos 20 anos a energia hidráulica contribuirá com quase 30% da energia elétrica do planeta, atualmente esta participação é de 19%. Muitos países possuem iniciativas sérias de implementação de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas, quer seja a médio ou a longo prazo. No Brasil, particularmente, um novo programa de incentivo as pequenas centrais hidrelétricas está sendo lançado pela ELETROBRÁS. Porém, a previsão do número de usinas de pequeno porte e a potência total a ser instalada dentro do plano decenal, 1997 2006, de geração é relativamente pequeno (15 PCH somando 93,71 MW de possíveis 2.161 totalizando 3.633 MW Fonte: SIPOT- ELETROBRÁS abr / 98). A média do consumo de energia elétrica por habitante no Brasil está abaixo da média do consumo mundial (1805 kWh/ano para 2160 kWh/ano. (Fontes: SIESE-Síntese anual 1999 e International Energy Outlook 1998 DOE / EIA). Quando comparamos as várias regiões do território brasileiro a discrepância se torna ainda maior. Vários tipos de turbinas hidráulicas podem ser usadas em pequenas, mini e micro centrais hidroelétricas, entre as quais podemos destacar: Pelton, Francis, Turgo, Kaplan, Hélice, Banki etc. No Brasil as mais utilizadas são: Francis e Kaplan seguidas de longe pela Pelton. O uso dos demais tipos é quase que desconhecido, principalmente a Turgo. A turbina de fluxo cruzado, também conhecida pelos nomes de: MichellBanki, Banki e MichellOssberger é definida como uma turbina de ação que pode ser instalada com quedas de 1 a 200 m de altura e vazões de 0,025 a 13 m3/s. Com a evolução apresentada principalmente nas últimas duas décadas por firmas tradicionais como: Ossberger Turbinenfabrick ou mais novas como a CINK, pode alcançar diâmetros de rotores próximos de 1,0 m com largura de até 3,0m e desenvolver potência de até 2000 kW, com rendimentos que já podem chegar a 90%. As principais evoluções estão concentradas em modificações no injetor da turbina, emprego de novos materiais nas pás, eixo e rolamentos do rotor e em tentativas de utilização do tubo de sucção. Um dos estudos de mostra a viabilidade técnica e econômica na implantação de uma turbina de fluxo cruzado em comparação com as turbinas Francis e Kaplan. As conclusões serão relatadas após a análise de viabilidade técnico-econômica entre os três tipos de turbinas. / It is forecasted that in next 20 years the hydraulic energy will contribute with almost 30% of the total electric power of the planet, while this participation is today near 19%. Many countries have firm initiatives of implementation on SHPs, in medium or long terms. In Brazil, a new incentive program for SHPs is being introduced by ELETROBRAS. However, the forecast for the number of small plants and output installed into Ten-Year Expansion Plan of Energy to the year 2006 is relatively small (15 SHP amount to 93.71 MW, compared to feasible levels of 2,161 SHPs and 3,633 MW. (Source: SIPOTELETROBRAS april / 98). The average electric power consumption per inhabitant in Brazil is below of the world average consumption (1,805 kWh/year against 2,160 kWh/year. Source: SIESE - Annual summary 1999 and International Energy Outlook 1998 DOE/EIA) and when compared with the different regions of the Brazilian territory this discrepancy becomes still larger. Several types of hydraulic turbines can be used in small hydropower, as Pelton, Francis, Turgo, Kaplan, Propeller, Banki, etc. In Brazil the more used are Francis and Kaplan followed by Pelton. The usage of the other types is almost that unknown, mainly the Turgo turbine. The cross flow turbine, also known by the names of: MichellBanki, Banki, and MichellOssberger is defined as an action turbine that can be applicable to falls from 1 to 200 m and flows from 0,025 to 13 m3/s. With the evolution technical presented mainly in the last two decades by traditional firms like Ossberger Turbinenfabrik and new firms like CINK, that turbine can reach diameters of rotors of 1,0 m with width of 2,6m and to develop capacity up to 2,000 kW, with efficiency near 90%. The main evolutions are concentrated in modifications presented in the injector of the turbine by several manufacturers, and the use of new materials in the blades of the runner, shafts, bearings and the use of the draft tube. Case study shows the technical and economical implications using a cross flow turbine in comparison to a Francis turbine and a Kaplan. The conclusions will be reported after technical and economical viability analysis among the three types of turbines.
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Numerical investigation of cross-flow tidal turbine hydrodynamicsStringer, Robert January 2018 (has links)
The challenge of tackling global climate change and our increasing reliance on power means that new and diverse renewable energy generation technologies are a necessity for the future. From a number of technologies reviewed at the outset, the cross-flow tidal turbine was chosen as the focus of the research. The numerical investigation begins by choosing to model flow around a circular cylinder as a challenging benchmarking and evaluation case to compare two potential solvers for the ongoing research, ANSYS CFX and OpenFOAM. A number of meshing strategies and solver limitations are extracted, forming a detailed guide on the topic of cylinder lift, drag and Strouhal frequency prediction in its own right. An introduction to cross-flow turbines follows, setting out turbine performance coefficients and a strategy to develop a robust numerical modelling environment with which to capture and evaluate hydrodynamic phenomena. The validation of a numerical model is undertaken by comparison with an experimentally tested lab scale turbine. The resultant numerical model is used to explore turbine performance with varying Reynolds number, concluding with a recommended minimum value for development purposes of Re = 350 × 103 to avoid scalability errors. Based on this limit a large scale numerical simulation of the turbine isconducted and evaluated in detail, in particular, a local flow sampling method is proposed and presented. The method captures flow conditions ahead of the turbine blade at all positions of motion allowing local velocities and angles of attack to be interrogated. The sampled flow conditions are used in the final chapter to construct a novel blade pitching strategy. The result is a highly effective optimisation method which increases peak turbine power coefficient by 20% for only two further case iterations of the numerical solution.
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Design, Simulation, Prototype, and Testing of a Notched Blade Energy Generation SystemCabra, Henry 19 March 2014 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the design, simulation, prototype, and test of a new energy generation system, which transforms rotational motion into electricity by the use of an innovative turbine-generator. The system is divided in two assembled subsystems that interact to finally transform kinetic energy into electricity. The first subsystem is a miniaturized notched impulse turbine system, and the second one is a millimeter permanent magnet generator (PMG) assembled into the turbine.
The conversion of biomechanical energy to electric energy, using clean and free energy produced by a living organism, is being increasingly researched [1]-[11]. These are all viable options, but advantages and disadvantages of each type of energy conversions should be evaluated individually to determine key factors such as efficiency as an energy harvesting method, the implementation cost, size, and the final applications where they will be used.
Through this dissertation, a new option of green energy conversion is made available; focusing on the use of turbines to extract energy from microfluidics, with diverse application in biomedical, military/aerospace, and home areas. These systems have the potential of converting mechanical movement energy, and hydraulic energy into electric energy that may be sufficient for self-powering nano/micro devices and nano/micro systems. A flow, with constant pressure, a magnetic generator, and a novel impulse turbine design are combined to form a self-contained miniaturized generator system. The turbine consists of two main parts: a bearingless rotor and the enclosure or casing; while the miniaturized magnetic generator is a permanent magnet brushless machine, consisting of permanent magnets in a ring configuration and radial coils. A permanent pressure, from microfluidic pressure system, is the force used to move the blades. This rotational motion of the turbine is transformed into electricity using magnetic induction, formed by permanent magnets on the rotor and nine coils fixed in the holder of the turbine. The electricity is generated when the magnetic field rotates and moves past the conductor, which induces a current according to Faraday's Law [1-3]. The system has potential uses not only in medical equipment, but in automotive applications, home appliances, and aquatic and ventilation systems.
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