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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Novel Analytical Approaches for the Characterization of Natural Organic Matter in the Cryosphere and its Potential Impacts on Climate Change

Pautler, Brent Gregory 14 January 2014 (has links)
Climate change is predicted to be the most pronounced in high latitude ecosystems, however very little is known about their vulnerability to the projected warmer temperatures. In particular, natural organic matter (NOM) in the high latitude cryosphere which includes dissolved organic matter (DOM) and cryoconite organic matter (COM) from glaciers and soil organic matter (SOM) in permafrost, is highly susceptible to climate change which may lead to severe consequences on both local and global carbon biogeochemical cycles. Examination of DOM in glacier ice by a novel 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) water suppression pulse sequence at its natural abundance revealed and quantified the composition and the organic constituents in ice samples from Antarctica. 1H NMR spectra of samples from several glaciers were acquired and compared to the dominant fluorescent DOM fraction. This comprehensive approach showed that glacier ice DOM was mainly composed of small, labile biomolecules associated with microbes. Examination of the organic debris found on glacier surfaces (COM) from both Arctic and Antarctic glaciers were determined to be derived from microbes. Samples from Arctic glaciers were more chemically heterogeneous with small inputs of plant-derived material detected after targeted extractions. Therefore the COM carbon composition was determined to be dependent on the local glacier environment, suggesting a site specific contribution to the carbon cycle. Finally, the distribution of extracted branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT)microbial membrane lipids and the deuterium incorporation of plant-wax n-alkane biomarkers extracted from dated permafrost SOM (paleosols) were independently applied for Canadian Arctic climate reconstruction during the last glacial maximum. Overall, the branched GDGT based temperature reconstructions from the Arctic paleosols reconstruct higher temperatures, likely when bacterial activity was optimal. The deuterium composition of the C29 n-alkane plant lipids appears to integrate an average annual signal. Further analysis by both non-selective NMR spectroscopic and targeted biomarker techniques on these paleosol samples revealed that the major vegetative sources from this paleoecosystem originated from woody and non-woody angiosperms. This thesis demonstrates several novel analytical characterization techniques, along with the major sources and composition of NOM in the cryosphere while demonstrating its use in paleoclimate applications.

Quantification des contributions aux écoulements dans un bassin englacé par modélisation glacio-hydrologique. : Application à un sous-bassin de la Dudh Koshi (Népal, Himalaya). / Quantification of the flow components by glacio-hydrological modelling in a glacierized catchment. : Application to a subcatchment of the Dudh Koshi (Nepal, Himalaya)

Mimeau, Louise 04 May 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte de recul des glaciers causé par le changement climatique et d'augmentation des besoins en eau due à l'accroissement de la population et au développement économique, quantifier les contributions à l'origine des écoulements dans les bassins versants de montagne himalayens est nécessaire à la gestion de la ressource en eau actuelle ainsi qu'à la recherche de solutions d'adaptation aux impacts du changement climatique.La modélisation hydrologique est un outil adapté à la compréhension du fonctionnement des bassins versants de montagne cependant, le manque de données météorologique dans les régions de haute altitude et la représentation simplifiée des processus cryosphériques dans les modèles hydrologiques induisent de fortes incertitudes sur la simulation des débits dans les rivières.Cette thèse vise à quantifier les différentes contributions aux écoulements ainsi que leurs variations saisonnières à l'échelle locale en appliquant un modèle glacio-hydrologique dans un bassin englacé de l'Himalaya népalais.Une nouvelle paramétrisation de l'albédo de la neige et de la fonte des glaciers couverts ainsi qu'une implémentation d'un module d'avalanche sont ajoutés dans le modèle DHSVM-GDM pour améliorer la simulation du couvert neigeux et de l'évolution des glaciers.L'analyse du bilan hydrologique simulé avec la nouvelle configuration du modèle montre que les glaciers jouent un rôle important sur les débits à l'exutoire, notamment en hiver où les débits sont principalement contrôlés par l'écoulement de l'eau liquide stockée dans les glaciers.Cette thèse met en relief la difficulté de quantifier la contribution des glaciers dans les débits de rivière, en effet, sur le bassin étudié, cette contribution est estimée à 45 % de l'écoulement total si on considère la part des écoulements issus de la fonte de glace, ou bien à 70 % si on considère la part des écoulements provenant des zones englacées.L'incertitude des résultats de modélisation est étudiée en évaluant les impacts de la représentation des processus dans le modèle et de l'incertitude des données de forçage sur la simulation des contributions aux écoulements.L'incertitude sur la surface englacée dans le bassin génère une incertitude de 20 % sur le volume de fonte de glace simulé et l'incertitude sur les données de précipitations aboutit à une estimation de la contribution de la fonte de glace aux écoulements est comprise entre 28 et 70 % des débits annuels. / In a context of glacier shrinkage caused by climate change and in a context of an increase of the water demand due to population growth and economic development, it is necessary to quantify the contributions to the outflow in the Himalayan mountain catchments in order to improve the present water resource management and find adaptation solutions to climate change.Hydrological models are useful tools to understand the water balance in mountain catchment, however, the lack of meteorological data in high altitude regions and the simplified representation of the cryospheric processes in the models lead to large uncertainties on the simulated river discharges.This study quantifies the different contributions to the outflow as well as their seasonal variations at local scale using a glacio-hydrological model in a glacierized catchment located in the Nepalese Himalayas.New parametrizations for the snow albedo and debris covered glaciers, as well as an avalanche module, were implemented in DHSVM-GDM model in order to improve the simulation of the snow cover dynamics and the glacier evolution.The simulated water balance obtained with the new configuration of the DHSVM-GDM model shows that glaciers have a major impact on the river discharges, especially during winter when the outflow is mainly controlled by the release from the englacial water storage.This study highlights the complexity of quantifying the glacier contribution to the river discharges because, on the studied catchment, the glacier contribution is equal to 45 % of the total runoff considering the share of ice melt to the river discharge, or 70 % considering the share of runoff originating from glacierized areas.The impact of the representation of the cryospheric processes in the model and the impact of the forcing data on the simulated water components are analysed to assess the uncertainty on the hydrological modelling.The uncertainty related to the glacierized area estimation leads to an uncertainty of 20 % on the simulated ice melt volume, and the uncertainty related to the precipitation datasets result in a simulated ice melt contribution to the outflow ranging from 28 et 70 % of the annual outflow.

Retração das geleiras Drummond e Widdowson em respostas às recentes mudanças ambientais na Península Antártica (1957-2016) seus espaços e agentes

Simões, Carolina Lorenz January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a dinâmica de retração frontal de duas geleiras de maré, Drummond (66°40'S, 65°43'O) e Widdowson (66°43'S, 65°46'O), na costa ocidental da Península Antártica. O estudo usou fotografias aéreas e imagens satelitais LANDSAT (a partir de 1986) para determinar a variação de área dessas geleiras no período 1957–2015 e analisar a sensibilidade às recentes mudanças ambientais na Península Antártica. O modelo digital de elevação AsterGDEM2 foi usado para caracterizar a morfologia e morfometria da bacia de drenagem dessas massas de gelo. A análise estatística dos dados de temperatura média anual da Estação Vernadsky (65°14’ S, 64°15’ O) mostra tendência ao aquecimento atmosférico no período 1950–2015 (0,047°C ano-1) nesta parte da Península Antártica ocidental. As frentes das duas geleiras retraíram ao longo dos últimos 68 anos, no entanto a geleira Widdowson apresentou uma perda maior (36,03 km2, ou 16,81% da área original) e uma linha de neve mais elevada (200 m a.n.m. em 2016) do que a geleira Drummond (18,84 km2, ou 4,26% da área original; linha de neve a 100 m a.n.m. em 2016) no período. Essa diferença na retração da duas geleiras, lado a lado e com a mesma orientação de fluxo do gelo, são atribuídas as diferentes declividades da superfície e proporção da área de acumulação sobre a área total. A geleira de menor área, Widdowson, somente atingiu um ponto de estabilização (apoiada ao embasamento rochoso lateral) em 2001, enquanto a frente da Drummond estabilizou-se em 1974. Além disso, a geleira Widdowson é mais íngreme no setor frontal, o que pode ter influenciado na taxa de desprendimento de icebergs e gerado um deslizamento basal mais eficiente, aumentando a velocidade de fluxo do gelo e, por consequência, aumentando as taxas de retração. Esses resultados condizem com estudos para outras geleiras de descarga com frentes flutuantes na Península Antártica, as quais são mais sensíveis às mudanças climáticas. A dinâmica dessas geleiras também é influenciada por mudanças nas forçantes oceânicas, taxas de precipitação, derretimento superficial e morfologias diferentes do embasamento rochoso; esses pontos devem ser tratados em trabalhos futuros. Como subproduto desta investigação, foi gerado um banco de dados em SIG para a continuidade do monitoramento das duas geleiras. / This work investigates the ice front retreat dynamics of two tidewater glaciers, Drummond (66°40'S, 65°43'W) and Widdowson (66°43'S, 65°46'W), on the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, associated with environmental changes in the last six decades. The study uses aerial photographs and LANDSAT satellite images (from 1986 onwards) to determine these glaciers area variations in the period 1957–2015 and to analyze their sensitivity to recent environmental changes in the Antarctic Peninsula. The digital elevation model ASTERDEM2 was edited by a routine to characterize the morphology and the morphometry of the drainage basins of these ice masses. The statistical analysis of the updated mean annual temperature data from the Faraday/Vernadsky station (65°14’ S, 64°15’ W) shows a trend towards regional atmospheric warming in the period 1950–2015 (0.047°C year-1) in this part of the West Antarctic Peninsula. The ice fronts of these two glaciers have retreated for the last 68 years, however, the Widdowson Glacier had a more significant loss (36.03 km² or 16.81% of the original area) and a higher snow line elevation (200 m a.s.l. in 2016) than the Drummond Glacier (18.84 km2, or 4.26% of the original area; snow line at 90 m a.s.l. in 2016) in the period. This retreat difference of the two glaciers, side by side and with the same ice flow orientation is attributed to different surface slopes and accumulation area proportion over the total area. The smaller area glacier, Widdowson, has shown to be more sensitive to environmental changes and only reached a stabilization point (supported to the lateral bedrock) in 2001, while the Drummond front stabilized in 1974. In addition, the Widdowson glacier is steeper in the frontal sector, which may have influenced on the calving rate and generate a more efficient basal slip, increasing the ice flow rate and, consequently, increasing the retraction rate. These results are consistent with studies for other floating outlet glaciers with calving in the Antarctic Peninsula, which are more sensitive to climate change. The dynamics of these glaciers is also influenced by changes in ocean forcing, precipitation rates, surface melting and bedrock morphology; these points should be investigated in future works. As a by-product of this research, a GIS database wasgenerated for a continuous monitoring of the two glaciers.

Retração das geleiras Drummond e Widdowson em respostas às recentes mudanças ambientais na Península Antártica (1957-2016) seus espaços e agentes

Simões, Carolina Lorenz January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a dinâmica de retração frontal de duas geleiras de maré, Drummond (66°40'S, 65°43'O) e Widdowson (66°43'S, 65°46'O), na costa ocidental da Península Antártica. O estudo usou fotografias aéreas e imagens satelitais LANDSAT (a partir de 1986) para determinar a variação de área dessas geleiras no período 1957–2015 e analisar a sensibilidade às recentes mudanças ambientais na Península Antártica. O modelo digital de elevação AsterGDEM2 foi usado para caracterizar a morfologia e morfometria da bacia de drenagem dessas massas de gelo. A análise estatística dos dados de temperatura média anual da Estação Vernadsky (65°14’ S, 64°15’ O) mostra tendência ao aquecimento atmosférico no período 1950–2015 (0,047°C ano-1) nesta parte da Península Antártica ocidental. As frentes das duas geleiras retraíram ao longo dos últimos 68 anos, no entanto a geleira Widdowson apresentou uma perda maior (36,03 km2, ou 16,81% da área original) e uma linha de neve mais elevada (200 m a.n.m. em 2016) do que a geleira Drummond (18,84 km2, ou 4,26% da área original; linha de neve a 100 m a.n.m. em 2016) no período. Essa diferença na retração da duas geleiras, lado a lado e com a mesma orientação de fluxo do gelo, são atribuídas as diferentes declividades da superfície e proporção da área de acumulação sobre a área total. A geleira de menor área, Widdowson, somente atingiu um ponto de estabilização (apoiada ao embasamento rochoso lateral) em 2001, enquanto a frente da Drummond estabilizou-se em 1974. Além disso, a geleira Widdowson é mais íngreme no setor frontal, o que pode ter influenciado na taxa de desprendimento de icebergs e gerado um deslizamento basal mais eficiente, aumentando a velocidade de fluxo do gelo e, por consequência, aumentando as taxas de retração. Esses resultados condizem com estudos para outras geleiras de descarga com frentes flutuantes na Península Antártica, as quais são mais sensíveis às mudanças climáticas. A dinâmica dessas geleiras também é influenciada por mudanças nas forçantes oceânicas, taxas de precipitação, derretimento superficial e morfologias diferentes do embasamento rochoso; esses pontos devem ser tratados em trabalhos futuros. Como subproduto desta investigação, foi gerado um banco de dados em SIG para a continuidade do monitoramento das duas geleiras. / This work investigates the ice front retreat dynamics of two tidewater glaciers, Drummond (66°40'S, 65°43'W) and Widdowson (66°43'S, 65°46'W), on the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, associated with environmental changes in the last six decades. The study uses aerial photographs and LANDSAT satellite images (from 1986 onwards) to determine these glaciers area variations in the period 1957–2015 and to analyze their sensitivity to recent environmental changes in the Antarctic Peninsula. The digital elevation model ASTERDEM2 was edited by a routine to characterize the morphology and the morphometry of the drainage basins of these ice masses. The statistical analysis of the updated mean annual temperature data from the Faraday/Vernadsky station (65°14’ S, 64°15’ W) shows a trend towards regional atmospheric warming in the period 1950–2015 (0.047°C year-1) in this part of the West Antarctic Peninsula. The ice fronts of these two glaciers have retreated for the last 68 years, however, the Widdowson Glacier had a more significant loss (36.03 km² or 16.81% of the original area) and a higher snow line elevation (200 m a.s.l. in 2016) than the Drummond Glacier (18.84 km2, or 4.26% of the original area; snow line at 90 m a.s.l. in 2016) in the period. This retreat difference of the two glaciers, side by side and with the same ice flow orientation is attributed to different surface slopes and accumulation area proportion over the total area. The smaller area glacier, Widdowson, has shown to be more sensitive to environmental changes and only reached a stabilization point (supported to the lateral bedrock) in 2001, while the Drummond front stabilized in 1974. In addition, the Widdowson glacier is steeper in the frontal sector, which may have influenced on the calving rate and generate a more efficient basal slip, increasing the ice flow rate and, consequently, increasing the retraction rate. These results are consistent with studies for other floating outlet glaciers with calving in the Antarctic Peninsula, which are more sensitive to climate change. The dynamics of these glaciers is also influenced by changes in ocean forcing, precipitation rates, surface melting and bedrock morphology; these points should be investigated in future works. As a by-product of this research, a GIS database wasgenerated for a continuous monitoring of the two glaciers.

Direct multispectral photogrammetry for UAV-based snow depth measurements / Direkt multispektral fotogrammetri för UAV-baserade snödjupsmätningar

Maier, Kathrin January 2019 (has links)
Due to the changing climate and inherent atypically occurring meteorological events in the Arctic regions, more accurate snow quality predictions are needed in order to support the Sámi reindeer herding communities in northern Sweden that struggle to adapt to the rapidly changing Arctic climate. Spatial snow depth distribution is a crucial parameter not only to assess snow quality but also for multiple environmental research and social land use purposes. This contrasts with the current availability of affordable and efficient snow monitoring methods to estimate such an extremely variable parameter in both space and time. In this thesis, a novel approach to determine spatial snow depth distribution in challenging alpine terrain is presented and tested during a field campaign performed in Tarfala, Sweden in April 2019. A multispectral camera capturing five spectral bands in wavelengths between 470 and 860 nanometers on board of a small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is deployed to derive 3D snow surface models via photogrammetric image processing techniques. The main advantage over conventional photogrammetric surveys is the utilization of accurate RTK positioning technology that enables direct georeferencing of the images, and thus eliminates the need for ground control points and dangerous and time-consuming fieldwork. The continuous snow depth distribution is retrieved by differencing two digital surface models corresponding to the snow-free and snow-covered study areas. An extensive error assessment based on ground measurements is performed including an analysis of the impact of multispectral imagery. Uncertainties and non-transparencies due to a black-box environment in the photogrammetric processing are, however, present, but accounted for during the error source analysis. The results of this project demonstrate that the proposed methodology is capable of producing high-resolution 3D snow-covered surface models (< 7 cm/pixel) of alpine areas up to 8 hectares in a fast, reliable and cost-efficient way. The overall RMSE of the snow depth estimates is 7.5 cm for data acquired in ideal survey conditions. The proposed method furthermore assists in closing the scale gap between discrete point measurements and regional-scale remote sensing, and in complementing large-scale remote sensing data by providing an adequate validation source. As part of the Swedish cooperation project ’Snow4all’, the findings of this project are used to support and validate large-scale snow models for improved snow quality prediction in northern Sweden. / På grund av klimatförändringar och naturliga meteorologiska händelser i arktis behövs mer exakta snökvalitetsprognoser för att stödja samernas rensköttsamhällen i norra Sverige som har problem med att anpassa sig till det snabbt föränderliga arktiska klimatet. Rumslig snödjupsfördelning är en avgörande parameter för att inte bara bedöma snökvaliteten utan även för flera miljöforskning och sociala markanvändningsändamål. Detta står i motsats till den nuvarande tillgången till överkomliga och effektiva metoder för snöövervakning för att uppskatta sådan extremt varierande parameter i tid och rum. I detta arbete presenteras och testas en ny metod för att bestämma rumslig snödjupssdistribution i utmanande alpin terräng under en fältstudie som genomfördes i Tarfala i norra Sverige i april 2019. Via fotogrammetrisk bildbehandlingsteknik hämtades snöytemodeller i 3D med hjälp av en multispektral kamera monterad på en liten obemannad drönare. En viktig fördel, i jämförelse med konventionella fotogrammetriska undersökningar, är användningen av exakt RTK-positioneringsteknik som möjliggör direkt georeferencing och eliminerar behovet av markkontrollpunkter. Den kontinuerliga snödjupfördelningen hämtas genom att ytmodellerna delas upp i snöfria respektive snötäckta undersökningsområden. En omfattande felsökning som baseras på markmätningar utförs, inklusive en analys av effekten av multispektrala bilder. Resultaten från denna studie visar att den famtagna metoden kan producera högupplösta snötäckta höjdmodeller i 3D (< 7 cm/pixel) av alpina områden på upp till 8 hektar på ett snabbt, pålitligt och kostnadseffektivt sätt. Den övergripande RMSE för det beräknade snödjupet är 7,5 cm för data som förvärvats under idealiska undersökningsförhållanden. Som ett led i det svenska projektet “Snow4all” används resultaten från projektet för att förbättra och validera storskaliga snömodeller för att bättre förutse snökvaliteten i norra Sverige.

“The best of both worlds” – connecting remote sensing and Arctic communities for safe sea ice travel

Segal, Rebecca 06 September 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of remote sensing technology in providing information to northern residents of Kugluktuk and Cambridge Bay, Kitikmeot region of Nunavut, Western Canadian Arctic, for the purpose of improving sea ice trafficability and safety. The main objectives of this thesis include 1) the identification of northern community sea ice information needs that can be addressed using remote sensing, and 2) the creation of remote sensing-based products showing sea ice surface roughness information useful to community sea ice trafficability and safety. Thesis outcomes include the refinement and dissemination of information and products with these communities. Research methods involved interviews with northern community members that were analysed using thematic analysis, as well as quantitative assessments of sea ice roughness using satellite datasets. Maps of sea ice surface roughness were created using Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar and the Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer, and were evaluated against fine-scale airborne LiDAR data. / Graduate / 2020-07-31

High-resolution Permafrost Distribution Modelling for the Central and Southern Yukon, and Northwestern British Columbia, Canada

Bonnaventure, Philip P. 19 April 2011 (has links)
Basal Temperature of Snow (BTS) measurements were used as the primary inputs to a high resolution (30 x 30 m grid cells) empirical-statistical regional permafrost probability model for the southern and central Yukon, and northernmost British Columbia (59° - 65°N). Data from seven individual study areas distributed across the region were combined using a blended distance decay technique, with an eighth area used for validation. The model predictions are reasonably consistent with previous permafrost maps for the area with some notable differences and a much higher level of detail. The modelling gives an overall permafrost probability of 52%. North of 62°N, permafrost becomes more extensive in the lowland areas whereas farther south permafrost is typically common only above treeline. Significant differences exist between the mountain environments of the Yukon and the Swiss Alps where the BTS method originated and as a result different modelling approaches had to be developed. This work therefore: (1) develops additional explanatory variables for permafrost probability modelling, the most notable of which is equivalent elevation, (2) confirms the use of ground truthing as a requirement for empirical-statistical modelling in the Yukon and (3) uses a combination of models for the region in order to spatially predict between study areas. The results of this thesis will be of use to linear infrastructure route-planning, geohazard assessment and climate change adaptation strategies. Future work employing the model will allow the effects of scenario-based climate warming to be examined.

High-resolution Permafrost Distribution Modelling for the Central and Southern Yukon, and Northwestern British Columbia, Canada

Bonnaventure, Philip P. 19 April 2011 (has links)
Basal Temperature of Snow (BTS) measurements were used as the primary inputs to a high resolution (30 x 30 m grid cells) empirical-statistical regional permafrost probability model for the southern and central Yukon, and northernmost British Columbia (59° - 65°N). Data from seven individual study areas distributed across the region were combined using a blended distance decay technique, with an eighth area used for validation. The model predictions are reasonably consistent with previous permafrost maps for the area with some notable differences and a much higher level of detail. The modelling gives an overall permafrost probability of 52%. North of 62°N, permafrost becomes more extensive in the lowland areas whereas farther south permafrost is typically common only above treeline. Significant differences exist between the mountain environments of the Yukon and the Swiss Alps where the BTS method originated and as a result different modelling approaches had to be developed. This work therefore: (1) develops additional explanatory variables for permafrost probability modelling, the most notable of which is equivalent elevation, (2) confirms the use of ground truthing as a requirement for empirical-statistical modelling in the Yukon and (3) uses a combination of models for the region in order to spatially predict between study areas. The results of this thesis will be of use to linear infrastructure route-planning, geohazard assessment and climate change adaptation strategies. Future work employing the model will allow the effects of scenario-based climate warming to be examined.

High-resolution Permafrost Distribution Modelling for the Central and Southern Yukon, and Northwestern British Columbia, Canada

Bonnaventure, Philip P. 19 April 2011 (has links)
Basal Temperature of Snow (BTS) measurements were used as the primary inputs to a high resolution (30 x 30 m grid cells) empirical-statistical regional permafrost probability model for the southern and central Yukon, and northernmost British Columbia (59° - 65°N). Data from seven individual study areas distributed across the region were combined using a blended distance decay technique, with an eighth area used for validation. The model predictions are reasonably consistent with previous permafrost maps for the area with some notable differences and a much higher level of detail. The modelling gives an overall permafrost probability of 52%. North of 62°N, permafrost becomes more extensive in the lowland areas whereas farther south permafrost is typically common only above treeline. Significant differences exist between the mountain environments of the Yukon and the Swiss Alps where the BTS method originated and as a result different modelling approaches had to be developed. This work therefore: (1) develops additional explanatory variables for permafrost probability modelling, the most notable of which is equivalent elevation, (2) confirms the use of ground truthing as a requirement for empirical-statistical modelling in the Yukon and (3) uses a combination of models for the region in order to spatially predict between study areas. The results of this thesis will be of use to linear infrastructure route-planning, geohazard assessment and climate change adaptation strategies. Future work employing the model will allow the effects of scenario-based climate warming to be examined.

Rôle des conditions océaniques et des ice-shelves en périphérie des calottes européennes lors des événements climatiques abrupts de la dernière période glaciaire / Role of oceanic conditions and ice-shelves around European ice-sheets during the abrupt climatic events of the last glacial period

Wary, Mélanie 10 December 2015 (has links)
La dernière période glaciaire a été ponctuée d’évènements climatiques abrupts connus sous le nom d’évènements d’Heinrich et évènements de Dansgaard-Oeschger. Cette variabilité millénaire a fait l’objet de nombreuses études, mais plusieurs incertitudes demeurent. Ce travail de doctorat vise à étendre et compléter les connaissances existantes sur cette variabilité climatique rapide en ciblant l’étude des variations hydrographiques telles qu’enregistrées au sein de deux archives sédimentaires prélevées au niveau des îles Féroé. Nos principaux résultats, basés sur une approche intégrée multiproxies, mettent en évidence un schéma atypique en Mer de Norvège, où les épisodes froids (stadiaires, évènements d’Heinrich inclus) sont marqués par des températures océaniques de surface relativement élevées (notamment en été) et un couvert de glace de mer réduit à quelques mois par an, et inversement pour les périodes chaudes (interstadiaires) qui enregistrent des conditions océaniques de surface froides et une expansion du couvert de glace de mer. Le caractère atypique des stadiaires paraît lié à une advection accrue d’eaux chaudes atlantiques dans les Mers Nordiques, couplée à un réchauffement de subsurface généralisé au bassin subpolaire Nord-Atlantique et ses mers bordières. Ces deux processus semblent jouer un rôle majeur dans la déstabilisation des ice-shelves et glaciers boréaux, et in fine dans leur effondrement final et les débâcles d’icebergs qui en résultent. Nos travaux nous permettent également de dégager les principaux mécanismes à l’origine des changements de circulation océanique en Atlantique Nord et des variations de température atmosphérique associées. Sur la base de l’ensemble de nos résultats et de ceux émanant de précédentes études, nous proposons ainsi un nouveau scénario de fonctionnement couplé océan-glace-atmosphère permettant d’expliquer les évènements climatiques abrupts de la dernière période glaciaire. / The last glacial period was punctuated by abrupt climatic events known as Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich events. Many studies have focused on this millennial climatic variability, but several uncertainties remain. The present work aims at improving our knowledge on this topic through the study of the hydrographical changes recorded in two marine archives retrieved off Faeroes. Our main results, based on a multiproxy approach, reveal a paradoxical scheme in the Norwegian Sea where cold episodes (stadials, including Heinrich events) are characterized by relatively warm sea-surface temperatures (especially during summer) and a reduced sea-ice cover, and warm periods (interstadials) are marked by a reverse pattern with cold sea surface conditions and extended sea ice cover. The atypical stadial features seem to be related to enhanced advection of warm Atlantic waters in the Nordic Seas, combined to a subpolar North-Atlantic and adjacent seas basin-wide subsurface warming. These two processes seem to play a key role in the destabilization of boreal ice-shelves and ice-sheets, and in fine to their final collapse and subsequent iceberg discharges. Our work also allows us to identify the main mechanisms responsible for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation changes and associated atmospheric temperature variations. On the basis of our results and of those coming from previous studies, we thus propose a new hydrographical scenario which could explain the abrupt climate events of the last glacial period

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