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L'enseignement des sciences économiques et gestion en BTS en Guadeloupe : entre prescrits nationaux et contexte socio-économique régional / The teaching of economics and management in BTS in Guadeloupe : between national prescriptions and the regional socio-economic contextOdacre, Elisabeth 20 April 2018 (has links)
Même s’il existe une production de ressources pédagogiques s’appuyant sur des exemples pris en Guadeloupe ou dans son environnement, l’enseignement des sciences économiques et de gestion ne nous semble pas y avoir été considéré comme objet d’étude, alors qu’il interroge des composantes fondamentales du contexte de ce territoire comme la situation socio-économique et l’environnement réglementaire. Cette étude porte sur le fonctionnement de certains Brevets de Technicien Supérieur en Guadeloupe (BTS), diplôme professionnel français se préparant en deux ans après le baccalauréat, dont les programmes et critères d’évaluation sont nationaux. Les lauréats sont supposés pouvoir s’insérer immédiatement dans le monde professionnel, en particulier dans leur environnement géographique local et sont préparés à cette insertion par des stages en entreprises. Nous nous intéressons à la tension pouvant résulter d’une définition nationale du diplôme, le plus souvent en référence à des réalités de l’hexagone et le contexte local d’enseignement et d’insertion professionnelle, éloigné sur les plans sociaux-économiques et règlementaires. De manière plus précise, nous questionnons en premier lieu les conceptions de professeurs de ces BTS au regard de cette tension : existe-elle pour eux ? Comment la prenne-t-elle éventuellement en compte dans leur action pédagogique ? Ce questionnement a permis de préparer le second volet de notre étude, auprès d’étudiants de BTS. En effet, la question de l’insertion professionnelle ressort comme importante dans les propos des professeurs. Nous avons donc voulu savoir comment, au fil des stages – moments privilégiés de modification des représentations sociales des étudiants – leur projet professionnel s’affinait. Avant de réaliser ces enquêtes, nous avons dressé un paysage de la place du BTS en Guadeloupe et choisi de concentrer notre travail sur deux BTS, assistant de manager et tourisme, le premier possédant des prescrits faisant que peu référence à l’environnement du déroulement de la formation à l’opposé du second. Nous souhaitions ainsi pouvoir établir une comparaison basée sur ce que nous avons appelé l’ancrage contextuel d’une formation. La première enquête a été réalisée auprès de professeurs en économie-gestion des deux BTS retenus sous forme d’entretiens semi-directifs. Notre objectif était donc d’appréhender leurs conceptions et leurs pratiques déclarées quant à la contextualisation didactique. Les professeurs, faisant état d’effets de contexte occasionnés par la tension susmentionnée, déclarent en tenir compte dans leurs enseignements des sciences économiques et de gestion, en contextualisant leurs pratiques. Cependant, ces contextualisations restent limitées, les professeurs se sentant contraints par le cadre national du diplôme. Par exemple, en BTS tourisme, les décalages entre le contexte local et celui de l’hexagone peuvent provenir d’une mutation moins accomplie en Guadeloupe (au moment de l’enquête) vers la « tourismatique » (informatique appliquée au tourisme). En BTS assistant de manager, ces décalages peuvent résider dans les spécificités du contexte économique et fiscal comme par exemple, les régimes différents de TVA ou l’existence de l’octroi de mer en Guadeloupe : les professeurs hésitent à enseigner les règles en vigueur en Guadeloupe, de peur de pénaliser leurs étudiants lors des examens définis nationalement. Cette enquête a donc révélé l’existence de paradoxes, entre les visées professionnalisantes des BTS et les prescrits (référentiels, examens…) définis nationalement, et donc (partiellement) inadaptés aux divers contextes d’exercice des métiers. En ce qui concerne les étudiants, une enquête longitudinale par questionnaires a été menée auprès d’une cohorte de chacun des BTS retenus, sur la durée de la formation. / Even if there is a production of educational resources based on examples in Guadeloupe or its environment, the teaching of the economics sciences and management was not considered as an object of scientific study, though it questions fundamental components of the context of this territory like the socioeconomic situation and the regulatory environment. This study concerns the functioning of some French BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur / Advanced Technician Certificate), a professional diploma prepared in two years after the “baccalaureat”, with national programs and evaluation criteria. The successful candidates are supposed to be immediately employable, especially in their local geographical environment, and are prepared for that by professional training sessions in companies. We are interested in a paradox which can be the result of the national definition of the diploma, in reference to the French mainland realities and the local contexts of teaching and of professional integration, far from the socio-economic and regulatory plans. Firstly, we wonder about the point of view of the teachers of those “BTS” about this paradox: does it exist for them? How is it taken into account in their educational action? These questions allowed us to prepare the second part of this study, among students of BTS. Indeed teachers think that the occupational integration is important. We wanted to know how, during and after professional training sessions– privileged moments for modification of the social representations of the student – their professional project became refined. Before doing these inquiries, we drew up a landscape of the place of the BTS in Guadeloupe and chose to focus our study on two BTS, namely assistant manager [deputy manger] and tourism. The first with programs with few references to the environment of the training, contrary to the second. We wanted to ensure a comparison on what we called the anchoring contextual of a training. In the first survey, we conducted semi-structured interview with Guadeloupean teachers of the two BTS mentioned previously. Our objective was to grasp their conceptions and their practices declared about the contextualization of didactics. The teachers, mentioned context effects, by the paradox mentioned previously and declare to take it account in their teachings of the economics sciences and management by contextualizating their practices. However, these contextualizations remain limited, the teachers feeling forced by the national frame of the diploma. For example, in BTS tourism, the gaps between the local context and the French mainland can result from a transformation less accomplished in Guadeloupe (at the time of the survey) towards the “tourismatique” (computing applied to tourism). In BTS assistant manager, these gaps may stay in the specificities of the economic and fiscal context as for example, the different sets of VAT or the existence of the duck dues in Guadeloupe: these adaptations remain limited by fear of disadvantaging the students for the national exam. This demonstrates paradoxes between the professionalizing aim of the BTS and its programs (exams), and thus (partially) unsuitable for the different contexts of the jobs background.
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Návrh rádiové sítě GSM-R na železniční trati včetně návrhu konektivity k základnovým stanicím BTS / GSM-R radio network design at the railroad including base station connectivityŘehák, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of the radio network for the track section Břeclav-Znojmo. Firstly, the theoretical knowledge about GSM-R, Radiolab and radio relay is described. The next part deals with the measurement of the already covered section of the track and the selection of a suitable propagation model. Radiolab is designed to cover several diffusion models. The model used for the final design of the network is chosen based on the comparison of the measurement results with the proposed coverage in Radiolab. The last part describes the provision of connectivity to individual base stations. Several connectivity options are compared.
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Permafrost Modelling and Climate Change Simulations in Northern SwedenHällberg, Petter January 2018 (has links)
Permafrost is an important component in Arctic environments and has been hypothesized to be diminishing due to global warming. A growing concern is that large quantities of stored organic carbon will be mobilized and released to the atmosphere as the potent greenhouse gas methane if the ground thaws. This could result in a massive positive feedback on the global climate change. To quantify this effect, the permafrost extent as well as carbon storages must be mapped. In this study, a Basal Temperature of Snow (BTS) survey is conducted in the Tarfala Valley in Northern Sweden and a model of the current permafrost extent in the region is produced. Additionally, the model explores how the permafrost extent will change under three climate change scenarios at +1°C, +2°C and +4°C. According to a statistical analysis, elevation is the only significant variable for permafrost occurrence in the Tarfala Valley. Currently, continuous permafrost (>0.8 probability) is present at elevations exceeding 1523 m a.s.l. and sporadic or patchy permafrost (<0.5 probability) dominates below 1108 m a.s.l. The permafrost in Northern Sweden is near the boundary of favorable conditions for permafrost, and the greatest decline in permafrost extent occurs during the initial warming. In the +1°C scenario, which will be reached in 20 years if current warming rate is sustained, 97.6% of the continuous permafrost in the Abisko and Tarfala area degrades. The areal extent of the zone with the lowest probability of permafrost occurrence increases from 59% to 90% in the same scenario. Under continued warming to +4°C compared to current ground temperatures, 98% of the study area will be covered by sporadic or patchy occurrences of permafrost. / Permafrost är en viktig komponent i arktiska miljöer och befaras minska i utbredning på grund av den globala uppvärmningen. En farhåga är att stora mängder bundet organiskt kol ska mobiliseras och släppas ut till atmosfären som den potenta växthusgasen metan om marken värms. Detta skulle kunna innebära stor positiv återkoppling på de globalt stigande temperaturerna. För att kvantifiera den effekten är det viktigt att kartlägga permafrostens utbredning såväl som mängde bundet kol i permafrostmarker. I den här studien utförs en undersökning av bastemperaturen av snötäcket (BTS) i Tarfaladalen i norra Sverige och en modellering av permafrostens nuvarande utbredning i regionen. Vidare modelleras hur permafrostens utbredning kommer att påverkas i framtiden under tre olika klimatförändringsscenarior vid +1°C, +2°C och +4°C. Enligt en statistisk analys är altitud den enda signifikanta variabeln för permafrostförekomst i Tarfaladalen. Vid nuvarande marktemperaturer är kontinuerlig permafrost (>0.8 probabilitet) utbredd på höjder över 1523 m ö.h. och sporadisk permafrost (0.5 - 0 probabilitet) dominerar under 1108. Permafrosten i norra Sverige är nära gränsen för dess gynnsamma förhållanden och den huvudsakliga förlusten av permafrost sker redan vid en blygsam markuppvärmning. I scenariot +1°C, som inträffar redan om 20 år om nuvarande uppvärmningstakt fortsätter, degraderas 97.6% av den kontinuerliga permafrosten i Abisko och Tarfalaområdet. Utbredningen av sporadisk permafrost, det vill säga zonen med lägst sannolikhet för permafrostförekomst, ökar i det scenariot från 59% till 90%. Vid fortsatt uppvärmning till +4°C jämfört med nuvarande marktemperaturer så kommer 98% av det studerade området endast innehålla sporadiska förekomster av permafrost.
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Representativitet av snödjup vid marktemperaturmätningar under snö för permafrostmodellering i området kring Tarfaladalen, norra SverigeBrandel, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Snö och permafrost är två interagerande komponenter i Kryosfären. Studien undersöker snödjupets representativitet vid marktemperaturmätningar under snötäcket (BTS) för identifiering av permafrost i Tarfala, norra Sverige. Snödjupsmätningar har utfördes i två korsande 20 m transekter i nordsydlig (NS) samt östvästlig (ÖV) riktning utifrån en BTS-punkt. Totalt har 37 BTS (snödjup > 80 cm) med tillhörande snödjupsmätningar registrerats och analyserats. Snödjupet varierar både lokalt kring mätpunkten och regionalt i mättransekter men är ändå ett representativt snödjup för en punkt. Representativa BTS, sett ur ett snödjupsperspektiv, bör registreras på platser med måttlig snödjupsvariation som på platser med homogent markunderlag, vindskyddade områden, lä bakom ryggar och sluttningar vinkelräta mot den dominerande vindriktningen. BTS provplatser bör också ta hänsyn till de mest förekommande klasserna av parametrarna altitud, sluttning och slutningsriktning för att erhålla representativa BTS. Detta baserat på jämförelse mellan två strategier för insamling av BTS genom permafrostmodellering mellan två dataset. Ett BTS dataset från 2011 jämfört med BTS insamlade mars 2013. / Snow and permafrost are two interacting components in the Cryosphere. This study is focusing on snow depth and its influence on bottom temperature of snow cover (BTS) in Tarfala, Northern Sweden. BTS indicate the absence or presence of permafrost if the snow depth > 80 cm. Snow depth measurements were carried out with a resolution of 1 m in two 20 m crossing transects in NS and EW direction around the BTS point. A total of 37 BTS with accompanying snow depths was measured and analyzed. Snow depths varied around the BTS but are representative for the measured 20 m transects. Locations with moderate snow depth variations make out representative probe sites from a snow depth perspective, such as homogenous ground cover, wind protected areas, in the lee behind ridges and slopes perpendicular towards the dominating wind direction. Also to find representative BTS probe site two strategies for collecting BTS have been evaluated through permafrost modeling. One dataset recorded in 2011 focused on covering a big variety of altitude, slope and aspects. The second dataset registered in March 2013 aimed to cover the most frequent classes of the mentioned parameters. The latter strategy is also the preferably method based on the comparison between the two models.
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Instabilidade e variabilidade do indicador BTS (Build to Schedule) em linhas de montagemMendes , Pedro Daniel Gandarela de Oliveira January 2012 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012
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Bioprospecção de microrganismos marinhos isolados na Baía de Todos os Santos com atividade antagonista a bactérias patogênicasAndrade, Luísa Carvalho 25 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Programa de Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia (mebiotec.ufba@gmail.com) on 2017-04-04T13:16:42Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO Final - LUISA CARVALHO ANDRADE.pdf: 1905703 bytes, checksum: d26c7953ce5663f0aca0a866c5701328 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Delba Rosa (delba@ufba.br) on 2017-07-06T12:52:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERTAÇÃO Final - LUISA CARVALHO ANDRADE.pdf: 1905703 bytes, checksum: d26c7953ce5663f0aca0a866c5701328 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-06T12:52:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERTAÇÃO Final - LUISA CARVALHO ANDRADE.pdf: 1905703 bytes, checksum: d26c7953ce5663f0aca0a866c5701328 (MD5) / FAPESB / A Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS), segunda maior baía do Brasil, abriga grande diversidade de ambiente, flora e fauna, porém pouco se sabe sobre sua diversidade microbiológica e seu potencial de bioprospecção. Este trabalho teve por objetivo a busca de novas substâncias antimicrobianas, capazes de inibir o crescimento de bactérias patogênicashumanas e de animais marinhos, isolados do solo de cinco praias da BTS. No total foram isoladas 107 bactérias das quais dez apresentaram produção de substâncias antimicrobianas. Após o sequenciamento verificou-se que dos dez isolados, somente oito foram de fato identificadas molecularmente, sendo sete destes membros da família Bacillaceae, grupo ao qual pertencem diversas produtoras de substâncias antimicrobianas. Entre os isolado que apresentaram produção de substâncias inibidoras do crescimento constatou-se que os isolados 21, 50 e 54 tinham maior poder de inibição. O extrato destes três isolados foi confeccionado através da acidificação do sobrenadante livre de células, isolado após o período de incubação. Os extratos do isolado 21 e do isolado 50 foram capazes de inibir a bactéria Klebsiella rizophyla, e o extrato 21 conseguiu ainda inibir a Vibrio vulnificus. Após verificação molecular através de primers específicos de sete substâncias antimicrobianas produzidas por Bacillus, constatou-se que os isolados 21 e 50 são produtores da substância ericina. / The All Saints´s Bay (BTS), the second largest bay in Brazil, where can be founded great diversity of flora and fauna including diversity of landscapes, but unknown about their microbial diversity and potential to bioprospecting. This study aimed to search for new antimicrobial substances that can be able to inhibit the growth of human pathogenic bacterias and marine animals, isolated from sediment from five BTS beaches. Was isolated a total of 107 bacterias where 10 showed antimicrobial substances production. After 16S sequencing, was found that from the ten isolates, only eight were identified by amplification PCR and seuqencing, seven members of the Bacillaceae family, where antimicrobial substances belonging this group are known. It was found that the isolates numbers 21, 50 and 54 had a greater power of inhibition. The extract of these three strains was made by acidification of the cell-free supernatant, isolated after the incubation period. The extracts of the isolate 21 and 50 were able to inhibit the bacteria Kocuria rhizophyla , and the same extract could also inhibit Vibrio vulnificus. In advance, was realized a molecular bioprospecting using specific molecular primers from conserved regions belongs to seven antimicrobial substances produced by Bacillus. It was found that the isolates 21 and 50 are Erycina producing.
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Avaliação de Processos de Biorremediação Utilizando NPK e OSMOCOTE, Estuário do Rio São Paulo, Bahia, BrasilSantana, Robson Carneiro 06 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Everaldo Pereira (pereira.evera@gmail.com) on 2017-06-29T19:12:55Z
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dissertacao_atual_robson_2012_.pdf: 3646252 bytes, checksum: f996d44c7803422f675456f68434f40c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T19:12:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
dissertacao_atual_robson_2012_.pdf: 3646252 bytes, checksum: f996d44c7803422f675456f68434f40c (MD5) / O pioneirismo da exploração de petróleo vivido pela Baía de Todos os Santos (BTS) deixou um grande passivo ambiental, sentido pelos ecossistemas locais sob a forma de contaminação por hidrocarbonetos de petróleo. Atualmente diversas técnicas lidam com essa problemática, dentre as quais, a biorremediação que é uma técnica aplicada para amenizar diversos impactos ambientais, dentre eles os gerados por derivados do petróleo, através da introdução de microorganismos no ambiente, ou criando condições ótimas para os mesmos se desenvolverem. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a degradação de biomarcadores saturados e aromáticos através da técnica do bioestímulo em sedimento de manguezal impactado por atividades petrolíferas, testando a potencialidade de dois fertilizantes (NPK e OSMOCOTE) como agentes aceleradores da biodegradação dos componentes de petróleo, sob condições experimentais. A metodologia utilizada e testada no experimento baseouse no monitoramento do processo de biorremediação em aquários com água do rio São Paulo e sedimento contaminado por óleo, realizado durante 90 dias de simulação, ocorrido entre os meses de setembro e dezembro de 2008. Para o controle da simulação os parâmetros físico-químicos foram monitorados ao longo dos 90 dias da simulação, os teores de nitrogênio e fósforo foram monitorados mediante coletas de sedimento extraídos das provetas dos aquários de simulação e analisados no Laboratório de Estudos do Petróleo (LEPETRO). O óleo presente no sedimento foi extraído em soxhlet e posteriormente analisado por cromatografia liquida e gasosa. O resultado dos parâmetros físico-químicos mostrou condições favoráveis para o processo de biorremediação durante todas as fases de investigação e os nutrientes mantiveram dentro de limites adequados ao desenvolvimento dos microorganismos. Os biomarcadores saturados apresentaram indícios mais proeminentes de degradação ao longo da simulação, principalmente para os terpanos (m/z=191) e os esteranos (m/z=217). Os fragmentogramas (m/z= 170), (m/z=192), (m/z=228) e (m/z=231) analisados para o sedimento coletado no final da simulação apresentaram maiores abundância relativa dos picos, isso pode fornecer algumas conclusões, tais como, a possibilidade de degradação de compostos mais complexos que possam gerar frações de intermediária complexidade. Pelos resultados apresentados ao longo do experimento o nutriente NPK foi mais eficiente principalmente para as frações dos saturados. Sendo o nutriente OSMOCOTE recomendado para processos de biorremediação de compostos de alta complexidade (HPA de alto peso molecular e composto NSO), pois o tempo de resposta desse nutriente é mais lento, porém, é capaz de fornecer nutrientes por muitos meses. Como recomendação para futuros experimentos na região norte da BTS seria importante que fossem contemplados também as frações dos compostos NSO, pois a complexidade dessas substâncias tem que ser avaliada em qualquer processo de biorremediação. / ABSTRACT - The pioneer in oil exploration in Todos os Santos Bay (BTS) left a huge environmental liability, still sense by local ecosystems as (in the form of) contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons. Currently several techniques deal with this problem among which the bioremediation is a technology used to mitigate several environmental impacts, including those generated by petroleum, through the introduction of microorganisms in the environment or creating optimum conditions for them to develop. This study aimed to evaluate the degradation of saturated and aromatic biomarkers (PAH) by the technique of biostimulation in mangrove sediments impacted by oil activities, testing the potential of two fertilizers (NPK and OSMOCOTE) as agents to accelerate the biodegradation of oil, under experimental conditions. The methodology used and tested in the experiment was based on monitoring the process of bioremediation in aquariums with São Paulo river water and sediment contaminated by oil carried out during 90 days of simulation which occurred between September and December 2008. To control the simulation physicalchemical parameters were monitored over the 90 days of simulation and the nitrogen and phosphorus content were monitored by collection of sediment from the aquarium simulation and then analyzed in the Laboratory (LEPETRO). The oil present in the sediment was extracted with soxhlet and subsequently analyzed by liquid chromatography and gas. The result of the physicochemical parameters showed favorable conditions for the bioremediation process during all phases of research and nutrients remained within suitable limits for the development of microorganisms. The biomarkers saturated showed most prominent signs of degradation during the simulation, mainly for terpanes (m/z = 191) and steranes (m/z = 217). The fragmentograms (m/z = 170), (m/z = 192), (m/z = 228) and (m/z = 231) analyzed of the sediment collected at the end of the simulation showed higher peaks of relative abundance, that can provide some conclusions, such as the possibility of degradation of complex compounds can generate some fractions of intermediate complexity. For the results presented during the experiment the nutrient NPK was more efficient especially for the saturated fractions. The OSMOCOTE was the nutrient recommended for bioremediation processes of highly complex compounds (PAHs of high molecular weight and NSO compounds) because the response time of this nutrient is slower however is able to provide nutrients for many months. As a recommendation for future experiments in the northern region of the SBT would be important were covered the fractions of NSO compounds, because the complexity of these substances have to be evaluated in any process of bioremediation.
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Dimetil sulfóxido, etileno glicol e glicerol na criopreservação seminal de Geophagus brasiliensisCaldas, Jôsie Schwartz January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Anaclaudia Mattos Villalba (anaclaudiamattosvillalba@gmail.com) on 2016-04-09T23:49:33Z
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Dissertacao-Josie-Schwartz-Caldas.pdf: 794588 bytes, checksum: edeac2ef5d199f65023941d4036fc463 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by cleuza maria medina dos santos (cleuzamai@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-09T14:06:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao-Josie-Schwartz-Caldas.pdf: 794588 bytes, checksum: edeac2ef5d199f65023941d4036fc463 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-09T14:06:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao-Josie-Schwartz-Caldas.pdf: 794588 bytes, checksum: edeac2ef5d199f65023941d4036fc463 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / O peixe Geophagus brasiliensis, nativo brasileiro é explorado comercialmente como
peixe ornamental, podendo, no futuro, ter reduzidos os estoques naturais. Com isso, a
criopreservação pode garantir a sobrevivência e diversidade genética dessa espécie
nativa. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a eficiência crioprotetora e do Dimetil
sulfóxido, Etileno glicol e Glicerol em sêmen de G. brasiliensis, utilizando os parâmetros
espermáticos motilidade (taxa e tempo de motilidade), integridade de membrana e
DNA, funcionalidade mitocondrial e espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO). Os machos
(n=12) foram obtidos de pescadores profissionais da Laguna dos Patos, tiveram seu
sêmen coletado por massagem abdominal e diluído (1:9 v/v) em Betsville Thawing
Solution para avaliação dos parâmetros espermáticos. As amostras seminais foram
diluídas nos difentes tratamentos com crioprotetores DMSO, EG e GLI nas
concentrações (5, 10, 15 e 20%). Sendo então, congeladas em Dryshipper e
posteriormente armazenadas em botijão de Nitrogênio líquido à -196ºC, por no mínimo
15 dias. Posteriormente, descongeladas em banho-maria a 37º C por 8 segundos e as
análises espermáticas refeitas. Todas as análises espermáticas foram realizadas por
citometria de fluxo, exceto a motilidade (taxa e tempo) analisada ao microscópio de
contraste de fases. Os resultados foram avaliados estatísticamente no programa
Statistix 9.0 (2008). Os tratamentos com BTS, DMSO e EG, nas concentrações de 5%,
não diferiram na quantidade de ERO (P>0.05). Os tratamentos com DMSO 10, 15 e
20% obtiveram os melhores resultados de integridade de membrana (P<0.05). A
Funcionalidade mitocondrial foi semelhante nos grupos com DMSO 10 e 15% e EG 5%
(P>0,05). Todos os tratamentos mantiveram a integridade do DNA (P>0,05). O DMSO
10% apresentou melhores médias de motilidade (taxa e tempo), sendo essas de 24% e
de 160 segundos. O DMSO 10% foi o tratamento mais eficiente na criopreservação
seminal de G. brasiliensis. / The Geophagus brasiliensis fish, Brazilian native is commercially exploited as
ornamental fish, and may in the future have reduced the natural stocks. Thus,
cryopreservation can ensure the survival and genetic diversity of this and other native
species. The aim of this study was to test the efficiency of the cryoprotectant dimethyl
sulfoxide, ethylene glycol and glycerol in semen G. brasiliensis, using the sperm motility
parameters (rate and time), membrane and DNA integrity, mitochondrial function and
reactive oxygen species (ROS). The fishes (n = 12) were obtained from fishermen of
the Patos Lagoon, The semen was collected by abdominal massage and diluted (1:9 v /
v) in Betsville Thawing Solution (BTS) for evaluation of sperm parameters. The samples
were diluted in cryoprotectant treatments, DMSO, EG and GLI at different
concentrations (5, 10, 15 and 20%) and frozen in Dryshipper and subsequently stored in
liquid nitrogen (-196 ° C) for at least 15 days. Subsequently thawed in a water bath at
37 ° C for 8 seconds and remade sperm analysis. All analyzes were performed by flow
cytometry, except motility (rate and time) analyzed by phase contrast microscopy. The
results were evaluated statistically in Statistix 9.0 (2008) program. Treatments with BTS,
EG and DMSO, at concentrations of 5%, did not differ in the amount of ROS (p> 0.05).
Treatment with DMSO 10, 15 and 20% achieved the best results of membrane integrity
(P <0.05). Mitochondrial functionality was similar in the groups with 10 and 15% DMSO
and 5% EG (P> 0.05). All treatments were maintained the integrity of DNA (P> 0.05).
The 10% DMSO showed better average motility (rate and time) which are 24% and 160
seconds. DMSO 10% was the most effective treatment cryopreservation of semen in G.
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Alpin permafrost i Kebnekaisefjällen : Modellering med logistisk regression och BTS-data / Mountain permafrost in Kebnekaise : Modelling with logistic regression and BTS proxy dataMarklund, Per January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie är ett försök att modellera den alpina permafrostens utbredning inom Kebnekaisemassivet i norra Lappland. En karta som visar sannolikheten för permafrostens utbredning har skapats med hjälp av data från Bottom Temperature of Snow cover (BTS) - mätningar samt statistisk modellering genom logistisk regression. Fältstudien genomfördes under mars till april 2011 med totalt 56 BTS-punkter från 1073 till 1805 m.ö.h. Permafrostförekomsten bestämdes vara en funktion av höjden. För att utreda detta användes stepwise selection som är en metod för att identifiera statistiskt signifikanta variabler gentemot en beroende variabel. De andra parametrarna som testades var topografins sluttningsgradient, riktningen av den maximala lutningen och den potentiella solinstrålningen. Dessa parametrars inverkan på permafrostförekomsten ansågs vara försumbara, och de bortsågs därför från i modelleringen. Modelleringen indikerar att permafrost med sannolikhet större än 0,8 existerar över 1190 m.ö.h, och med sannolikhet mellan 0,8 till 0,5 finns mellan 1190 till 1144 m.ö.h. Eftersom fältstudien är begränsad till Tarfaladalen så är modelleringens förutsägelse för förekomsten av permafrost i andra delar av fjällmassivet mera osäkert. / This study presents an attempt to model the limits of mountain permafrost distribution within the Kebnekaise massif in northern Sweden. A map showing the probabilities for the mountain permafrost distribution has been created using statistical modelling through logistic regression of Bottom Temperature of Snow cover (BTS) measurements. The survey was conducted in March to April 2011 with a total of 56 BTS-point measurements stretching from 1073 to 1805 m.a.s.l. Permafrost occurrence was determined to be a function of altitude. This was determined by a stepwise selection analysis, a method used for identifying parameters with a statistical significance against a dependent variable. The other parameters that were tested for significance were the slope and aspect of the topography, and the potential incoming solar radiation. Although these might have an influence on the permafrost occurrence, they were considered to be of less importance and were thus neglected in the modelling. The model indicates permafrost with greater than 0,8 probability at and above 1190 m.a.s.l, and with probability from 0,8 to 0,5 between 1190 to 1144 m.a.s.l. Since the survey was carried in the Tarfala valley, the result of the modelling is more uncertain in the parts of the area which lie outside of this valley.
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La finance peut-elle être solidaire ? : le cas de la Banque Tunisienne de Solidarité "BTS" / Finance is it social ? : case of the Tunsian Banq of SolidarityJaoua, Aïda 10 February 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans une approche institutionnelle d'incitation à la création d'entreprises. La problématique développée porte sur l'analyse des critères de sélection et de financement qu'utilise la première institution de solidarité à la création d'entreprises en Tunisie "la Banque Tunisienne deSolidarité (la BTS)". L'objectif de cette recherche est d'identifier les critères de sélection explicites et implicites utilisés par la BTS pour l'octroi de crédits aux créateurs potentiels "les diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur" et à comparer ces critères à ceux d'autres institutions de financement de l'entrepreneuriat (Benchmarking). Le travail propose un modèle de financement des nouvelles entreprises et sa validation à travers le cas de la BTS dans deux régions différentes (une étude comparative). La recherche montre que la BTS utilise dans sa méthodologie d'octroi de crédits des critères liés à l'entrepreneur et ceux qui sont liés à son projet. En outre, l'environnement exerce une influence sur le choix de ces critères. Dans le cadre de financement des nouvelles entreprises, la confiance semble une condition sine qua non. Une étude qualitative est proposée pour vérifier si les cadres de la BTS l'adoptent effectivement dans leur stratégie et ce qu'ils mettent comme sens derrière ce critère. / This thesis is an institutional approach to the incentive entrepreneurship. The problem developed focuses on the analysis of selection criteria and financing used by the first institution solidarity with the creation of enterprises in Tunisia Tunisian Bank Solidarity (BTS).The objective of this research is to identify the selection criteria explicit and implicit use by the BTS for granting credits to the creators potential "graduates of higher education" and to compare these criteria to other financial institutions of entrepreneurship (Benchmarking). The work proposes a new funding model business and its validation through the case of the BTS in two regions different (comparative study). Research shows that the BTS uses in its methodology for granting credit-related criteria to the contractor and those related to the project. Moreover, the environment influences the choice of these criteria. As part of financing new companies, trust seems to be a sine qua non. A qualitative study is proposed to check whether executives actually adopt the BTS in their strategy and what they bring as sense behind this criterion.
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