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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Real-time imaging and characterization of colonization of cucurbit hosts by Erwinia tracheiphila, the impact of intra-specific competition, and the discovery and characterization of novel approaches to manage bacterial wilt of cucurbits

Vrisman, Claudio M. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

First report of Cucurbit Chlorotic Yellows Virus (CCYV) and Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus (ToLCNDV) in Algeria and Lack of Evidence for Seed Transmission of ToLCNDV in Melon and Pumpkin

Kheireddine, Amina 14 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] En este trabajo, se detectó por primera vez el virus de la clorosis amarilla de las cucurbitáceas (CCYV, cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus) infectando pepino y calabacín en Argelia. El CCYV (género Crinivirus, familia Closteroviridae) forma parte de un complejo de virus transmitidos por la mosca blanca Bemisia tabaci, que causan enfermedades de amarillamiento en las cucurbitáceas. Se obtuvo la secuencia completa del gen que codifica la proteína de la cápside (CP) y secuencias parciales de los genes RdRp y Hsp70 de un aislado argelino de CCYV y se compararon con las secuencias presentes en las bases de datos. ToLCNDV (género Begomovirus, familia Geminiviridae) también se detectó por primera vez infectando plantas de cucurbitáceas en Argelia. ToLCNDV es un begomovirus bipartito que causa importantes epidemias en cultivos económicamente valiosos de las familias Solanaceae y Cucurbitaceae. Se obtuvo la secuencia genómica completa de un aislado de ToLCNDV de pepino de Argelia (ToLCNDV-Biskra). La alineación de las secuencias de nucleótidos de los segmentos de ADN-A y ADN-B reveló identidades del 98,7% y 97,6%, respectivamente, con los segmentos de los aislados de la cuenca del Mediterráneo, mientras que la identidad con los aislados de Asia fue de aproximadamente del 90% y 81%. Los aislados presentes en la cuenca mediterránea son monofiléticos y forman un único grupo, mientras que los aislados de la cepa asiática presentan una mayor variabilidad genética y forman varios grupos. Todos los aislados de Argelia mostraron una variación de nucleótidos muy baja. Solo se observó una duplicación de 17 nucleótidos en el ADNB de algunos aislados que daría lugar a una proteína de movimiento 53 aminoácidos más larga, aunque la funcionalidad de esta supuesta proteína es desconocida. A pesar de esa duplicación, no se detectaron eventos de recombinación entre los aislados secuenciados. La baja variación genética podría dificultar la detección de recombinantes. / [CA] En aquest treball, es va detectar per primera vegada el virus de la clorosi groga de les cucurbitàcies (CCYV, cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus) infectant cogombres i carabassetes a Algèria. El CCYV (gènere Crinivirus, família Closteroviridae) forma part d'un complex de virus transmesos per mosca blanca que causen malalties d'esgrogueïment en les cucurbitàcies. Es va realitzar la determinació de la seqüència completa de la proteïna de la càpsida (CP) i seqüències parcials dels gens RdRp i Hsp70 d'un aïllat algerià de CCYV i es van comparar amb les seqüències publicades en les bases de dades. ToLCNDV (gènere Begomovirus, família Geminiviridae) també va ser detectat per primera vegada infectant plantes de cucurbitàcies a Algèria. ToLCNDV és un begomovirus bipartit que causa importants epidèmies en cultius econòmicament valuosos de les famílies Solanaceae i Cucurbitaceae. Es va obtindre la seqüència genòmica completa d'un aïllat de ToLCNDV de cogombre d'Algèria (ToLCNDV-Biskra). La alineació de les seqüències de nucleòtids del segments d'ADN-A i ADN-B van mostrar identitats del 98.7% i 97.6%, respectivament, amb els segments corresponents dels aïllats de la conca del Mediterrani, mentre que la identitat amb els aïllats d'Àsia va ser d'aproximadament el 90% i 81%. Els aïllats presents a la conca del Mediterrani són monofilètics i formen un únic grup, mentre que els aïllats de la soca asiàtica presenten una major variabilitat genètica i s'agrupen en diversos grups. Tots els aïllats algerians van mostrar una variació de nucleòtids molt baixa. Només es va observar una duplicació de 17 nucleòtids en d'ADNB d'alguns aïllats que lonaria lloc a una proteïna de moviment 53 aminoàcids més llarga, encara que la funcionalitat d¿aquesta suposada proteïnaés desconeguda. A més, malgrat la duplicació, no es van detectar esdeveniments de recombinació entre els aïllats seqüenciats. La baixa variació genètica podria dificultar la detecció de recombinants. / [EN] In this work, cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV) was first detected infecting cucumber and zucchini in Algeria. CCYV (genus Crinivirus, family Closteroviridae) is part of a complex of whitefly-transmitted viruses that cause yellowing disease in cucurbits. Determination of the complete CP, and partial RdRp and Hsp70 sequences of an Algerian CCYV isolate was conducted to unveil the evolutionary relationships with the published isolates in databases. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the Algerian isolate clustered into group I together with the majority of the reported CCYV isolates. ToLCNDV (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae) was also detected for the first time infecting cucurbit plants in Algeria. ToLCNDV is a bipartite begomovirus that causes major epidemics in economically valuable crops. epidemics in economically valuable crops of the Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae families. Cucurbitaceae. The complete genome sequence of a ToLCNDV isolate from Algerian cucumber (ToLCNDV from Algeria (ToLCNDV-Biskra) was obtained. Alignment of the nucleotide sequences of the A-DNA and B-DNA segments revealed the identity of the DNA-A and DNA-B segments revealed identities of 98.7% and 97.6%, respectively, with the segments of the isolates from the Algerian segments of the Mediterranean basin isolates, while the identity with the Asian isolates was approximately 90% and 81%, respectively. was approximately 90% and 81%. The isolates present in the Mediterranean Basin are monophyletic and form a single monophyletic and form a single cluster, whereas isolates from the Asian strain have a higher genetic variability and form several clusters. genetic variability and form several clusters. All isolates from Algeria showed very low nucleotide variation. very low nucleotide variation. Only a duplication of 17 nucleotides was observed in the B-DNA of some isolates which would result in a longer 53 amino acid movement protein, although the functionality of this putative protein is unknown. Despite this duplication, no recombination events recombination events were detected among the sequenced isolates. The low genetic variation could hinder the detection of recombinants. / This work was supported by the following grants: Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID-11-21) of the Universitat Politècnica de València; PID2021-125787OR-C33 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”; and PROMETEO project for excellence groups 2021/072 Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital (Generalitat Valenciana). / Kheireddine, A. (2023). First report of Cucurbit Chlorotic Yellows Virus (CCYV) and Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus (ToLCNDV) in Algeria and Lack of Evidence for Seed Transmission of ToLCNDV in Melon and Pumpkin [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196840

The spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi):interactions with cucurbits and its status as a sweetpotato pest in Mississippi

Fleming, Daniel Edward 02 May 2009 (has links)
The spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber) is regarded as a pest of sweetpotatoes in Mississippi; however, its feeding on sweetpotatoes has not previously been documented. They are attracted to cucurbit crops that could be utilized as a trap crop or sentinel plant for management of cucumber beetles in sweetpotatoes. Studies were conducted between 2006 and 2008 to determine if cucurbit plants have the potential to serve as a trap crop or as sentinel plants for the spotted cucumber beetle in sweetpotato fields, and to determine the status of the spotted cucumber beetle as a sweetpotato pest in Mississippi. Cucurbit plants showed some potential to serve as a trap crop or sentinel plant for the spotted cucumber beetle, however, sweetpotato damage assumed to be caused by cucumber beetle larvae did not correlate with the number of adults captured. Spotted cucumber beetle larvae can feed and survive on sweetpotato roots.

Responding to industry needs from the field to the greenhouse: Dieback and cankers of Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis and characterization of an Ohio isolate of Melon necrotic spot virus and its vector, Olpidium bornovanus, collected from Cucumis sativ

Woltjen, Christine D. 09 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Effectiveness of trap crops for the control of stinkbugs (Heteroptera pentatomidae) in edible Cucurbitaceae species, in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Lukhwareni, Humbulani 02 1900 (has links)
Four trap crops were tested for their ability to intercept stinkbugs (Heteroptera pentatomidae) in a cucurbit field crop at Waterpoort, Limpopo Province. The experimental trap crops were: Sunnhemp (Crotolaria juncea), okra (Abelmoschus esculentum), mustard mixture (Brassica hirta and Brassica juncea) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). The surveys were based on visual counts of stinkbugs from all the trap crops. Stinkbugs were collected from trap crops in a field crop trial of cantaloupe (Cucumis melo). The correlation between Brassica hirta and Brassica juncea with other trap crops had a great variance. The repeated B. hirta and B. juncea inner row experiment in 2012 interestingly lured the green stinkbug (Nezara viridula) into the cantaloupe field. Amongst the entire trap crops, stinkbugs recovered from Brassica hirta and Bassica juncea, exceeded the average of the other three trap crops. The number of adult N. viridula captured had significantly increased in March 2012 and started to drop on the B. hirta and B. juncea mixture in the first week of April. During this increase, the crops were at the seeding stage. The perimeter trap-cropping system practiced for all four trap crops varied in the attraction of stinkbugs along the perimeter of the field and inner row. B. hirta and B. juncea attracted a high number of N. viridula along the perimeter but fewer in the inner row. The B. hirta and B. juncea recorded the highest number of N. viridula in the inner rows and outer rows, compared to the other four trap crops, followed by V. ungiuculata. This study has demonstrated a significant potential of using trap crops as biological alternative for managing stinkbug pests in cucurbit crops. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)

Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV): detecção, avaliação de danos em abobrinha de moita e reação de espécies de cucurbitáceas / Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV): detection, evaluation the damage on zucchini squash and the reaction of species of cucurbits

Giampan, José Segundo 31 August 2007 (has links)
O Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV) é uma espécie do gênero Tospovirus, transmitido por tripes, que infecta diversas espécies da família Cucurbitaceae. Já foi constatado em diversos estados brasileiros e sua incidência tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos em algumas regiões. Por se tratar de uma virose em potencial para as cucurbitáceas, pouco se conhece sobre os danos causados e a reação das diferentes espécies de cucurbitáceas à infecção em campo. Esse trabalho teve por objetivos: estudar a eficiência da RT-PCR para a detecção rápida e especifica do ZLCV em cucurbitáceas; avaliar os danos causados pelo ZLCV em abobrinha de moita em campo e a reação de sete espécies/variedades de cucurbitáceas à infecção natural A detecção do ZLCV por RT-PCR foi estudada utilizando um par de oligonucleotídeos iniciadores, desenhados com base na seqüência do S-RNA do ZLCV (AF067069). Quatro espécies de tospovírus (TSWV, TCSV, GRSV e CSNV) e outros vírus que infectam cucurbitáceas (PRSV-W-1, PRSV-W-C, ZYMV-M, ZYMV-Atibaia e CMV) foram incluídos no teste. Na reação de RT-PCR foi obtido um fragmento de aproximadamente 350 pb, amplificado somente a partir de RNA total extraído de planta infectada com o ZLCV. A seqüência obtida desse fragmento apresentou 98,2 % de identidade com a seqüência de nucleotídeos do S-RNA do ZLCV depositada no GenBank. Os danos causados pelo ZLCV em abobrinha de moita 'Caserta' foram avaliados em campo na ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba-SP, onde esse vírus é freqüente. As plantas foram monitoradas semanalmente quanto à infecção pelo ZLCV por meio dos sintomas e por PTA-ELISA. As plantas foram agrupadas em função da época de aparecimento dos sintomas do ZLCV, avaliando a produção de frutos comerciais (FC) e não comerciais (FNC) de cada grupo e comparando com a de plantas que permaneceram sem sintomas até o final do experimento. As plantas que apresentaram sintomas até os 23 dias após a emergência (DAE) não produziram qualquer tipo de frutos. FC foram colhidos de plantas que apresentaram sintomas a partir dos 42 DAE. Mesmo assim, houve redução de 78,5 % na produção de FC. Plantas que mostraram sintomas por ocasião da última colheita (55 DAE) apresentaram redução na produção de FC de 9,6 %. A infecção com o ZLCV até o início da frutificação inviabiliza a produção de FC de abobrinha de moita 'Caserta'. A reação de sete espécies/variedades de cucurbitáceas à infecção com o ZLCV foi avaliada em campo, por meio da infecção natural e em casa de vegetação, onde as plantas foram duplamente inoculadas mecanicamente com o ZLCV no estádio cotiledonar. A avaliação foi feita com base no monitoramento dos sintomas e por PTA-ELISA. A abobrinha de moita 'Caserta' e a abóbora híbrida 'Takaiama' apresentaram alta suscetibilidade ao ZLCV. O pepino 'Safira' apresentou baixa infecção em campo e intermediária em casa de vegetação. Enquanto que a melancia 'Crimson Sweet', o maxixe do Norte, a abóbora rasteira 'Menina Brasileira' e a moranga 'Alice' apresentaram valores menores de infecção. A moranga 'Exposição' foi altamente resistente, pois não foi infectada nos ensaios em campo e em casa de vegetação. / Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus is a specie of the Genus Tospovirus, transmitted by thrips (Frankliniella zucchini), which infects some species of the family Cucurbitaceae. The occurrence of this Tospovirus has already been reported for several Brazilian states and its incidence in cucurbit crops has increased in the last years in some regions. Considering the importance of this Tospovirus for cucurbit crops, very little is known about the damage caused by this virus and the reaction of the different species of cucurbits to infection. This work aimed: to study the efficiency of the RT-PCR for the fast and specific detection of ZLCV, to evaluate the damage caused by this virus on zucchini squash under field condition and the reaction of seven species/varieties of cucurbits to infection with this Tospovirus. The detection of ZLCV by RT-PCR was studied using a pair of primers designed based on the nucleotide sequence of the SRNA of ZLCV (AF067069). Four other Tospovirus species (TSWV, TCSV, GRSV and CSNV) and other virus that infect cucurbits (mild strain PRSV-W-1, wild strain PRSV-WC, mild strain ZYMV-M, wild strain ZYMV-Atibaia and CMV) were included in this test. The RT-PCR reaction generated a fragment of approximately 350 bp, only amplified from total RNA extracted from plant infected with ZLCV. The sequence of this fragment presented 98.2 % identity with the corresponding nucleotide sequence of the S-RNA of ZLCV deposited in the GenBank. The damage caused by ZLCV on zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta) was evaluated under field condition. Zucchini squash plants were weekly monitored for the presence of characteristic symptoms induced by ZLCV and PTA-ELISA for virus indexing. Plants were grouped based on the time the symptoms were first seen. Fruits harvested from each plant within each group were classified on marketable (M) and non-marketable (NM) based on the phenotype. Plants that did not show symptoms by the end of the crop were considered still healthy and their yield was used as control. Zucchini squash plants that showed symptoms of ZLCV infection up to 23 days after emergency (DAE) did not yield any fruit. Marketable fruits were first harvested only from plants that showed symptoms 42 DAE. However, the yield of marketable fruits was reduced by 78.5 %, as compared to that from asymptomatic plants. Plants that showed symptoms 55 DAE showed a reduction on the yield of marketable fruit of 9.6%. The reaction of seven species/varieties of cucurbits to infection with ZLCV was evaluated under field and greenhouse conditions. In the field experiment, ZLCV infection occurred naturally. In the greenhouse, plants were twice mechanically inoculated with ZLCV at the cotyledonal stage. Evaluations were based on symptoms expression and PTA-ELISA. Zucchini squash 'Caserta' and hybrid squash 'Takaiama' were highly susceptible. The cucumber 'Safira' presented low percentage of infected plants in the field and intermediate in the greenhouse. Watermelon 'Crimson Sweet', northern gherkin, long neck squash 'Menina Brasileira' and winter squash 'Alice' presented lower values of infected plants. Winter squash 'Exposição' was highly resistant to infection under field and greenhouse conditions.

Effectiveness of trap crops for the control of stinkbugs (Heteroptera pentatomidae) in edible Cucurbitaceae species, in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Lukhwareni, Humbulani 02 1900 (has links)
Four trap crops were tested for their ability to intercept stinkbugs (Heteroptera pentatomidae) in a cucurbit field crop at Waterpoort, Limpopo Province. The experimental trap crops were: Sunnhemp (Crotolaria juncea), okra (Abelmoschus esculentum), mustard mixture (Brassica hirta and Brassica juncea) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). The surveys were based on visual counts of stinkbugs from all the trap crops. Stinkbugs were collected from trap crops in a field crop trial of cantaloupe (Cucumis melo). The correlation between Brassica hirta and Brassica juncea with other trap crops had a great variance. The repeated B. hirta and B. juncea inner row experiment in 2012 interestingly lured the green stinkbug (Nezara viridula) into the cantaloupe field. Amongst the entire trap crops, stinkbugs recovered from Brassica hirta and Bassica juncea, exceeded the average of the other three trap crops. The number of adult N. viridula captured had significantly increased in March 2012 and started to drop on the B. hirta and B. juncea mixture in the first week of April. During this increase, the crops were at the seeding stage. The perimeter trap-cropping system practiced for all four trap crops varied in the attraction of stinkbugs along the perimeter of the field and inner row. B. hirta and B. juncea attracted a high number of N. viridula along the perimeter but fewer in the inner row. The B. hirta and B. juncea recorded the highest number of N. viridula in the inner rows and outer rows, compared to the other four trap crops, followed by V. ungiuculata. This study has demonstrated a significant potential of using trap crops as biological alternative for managing stinkbug pests in cucurbit crops. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)

Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV): detecção, avaliação de danos em abobrinha de moita e reação de espécies de cucurbitáceas / Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV): detection, evaluation the damage on zucchini squash and the reaction of species of cucurbits

José Segundo Giampan 31 August 2007 (has links)
O Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV) é uma espécie do gênero Tospovirus, transmitido por tripes, que infecta diversas espécies da família Cucurbitaceae. Já foi constatado em diversos estados brasileiros e sua incidência tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos em algumas regiões. Por se tratar de uma virose em potencial para as cucurbitáceas, pouco se conhece sobre os danos causados e a reação das diferentes espécies de cucurbitáceas à infecção em campo. Esse trabalho teve por objetivos: estudar a eficiência da RT-PCR para a detecção rápida e especifica do ZLCV em cucurbitáceas; avaliar os danos causados pelo ZLCV em abobrinha de moita em campo e a reação de sete espécies/variedades de cucurbitáceas à infecção natural A detecção do ZLCV por RT-PCR foi estudada utilizando um par de oligonucleotídeos iniciadores, desenhados com base na seqüência do S-RNA do ZLCV (AF067069). Quatro espécies de tospovírus (TSWV, TCSV, GRSV e CSNV) e outros vírus que infectam cucurbitáceas (PRSV-W-1, PRSV-W-C, ZYMV-M, ZYMV-Atibaia e CMV) foram incluídos no teste. Na reação de RT-PCR foi obtido um fragmento de aproximadamente 350 pb, amplificado somente a partir de RNA total extraído de planta infectada com o ZLCV. A seqüência obtida desse fragmento apresentou 98,2 % de identidade com a seqüência de nucleotídeos do S-RNA do ZLCV depositada no GenBank. Os danos causados pelo ZLCV em abobrinha de moita 'Caserta' foram avaliados em campo na ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba-SP, onde esse vírus é freqüente. As plantas foram monitoradas semanalmente quanto à infecção pelo ZLCV por meio dos sintomas e por PTA-ELISA. As plantas foram agrupadas em função da época de aparecimento dos sintomas do ZLCV, avaliando a produção de frutos comerciais (FC) e não comerciais (FNC) de cada grupo e comparando com a de plantas que permaneceram sem sintomas até o final do experimento. As plantas que apresentaram sintomas até os 23 dias após a emergência (DAE) não produziram qualquer tipo de frutos. FC foram colhidos de plantas que apresentaram sintomas a partir dos 42 DAE. Mesmo assim, houve redução de 78,5 % na produção de FC. Plantas que mostraram sintomas por ocasião da última colheita (55 DAE) apresentaram redução na produção de FC de 9,6 %. A infecção com o ZLCV até o início da frutificação inviabiliza a produção de FC de abobrinha de moita 'Caserta'. A reação de sete espécies/variedades de cucurbitáceas à infecção com o ZLCV foi avaliada em campo, por meio da infecção natural e em casa de vegetação, onde as plantas foram duplamente inoculadas mecanicamente com o ZLCV no estádio cotiledonar. A avaliação foi feita com base no monitoramento dos sintomas e por PTA-ELISA. A abobrinha de moita 'Caserta' e a abóbora híbrida 'Takaiama' apresentaram alta suscetibilidade ao ZLCV. O pepino 'Safira' apresentou baixa infecção em campo e intermediária em casa de vegetação. Enquanto que a melancia 'Crimson Sweet', o maxixe do Norte, a abóbora rasteira 'Menina Brasileira' e a moranga 'Alice' apresentaram valores menores de infecção. A moranga 'Exposição' foi altamente resistente, pois não foi infectada nos ensaios em campo e em casa de vegetação. / Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus is a specie of the Genus Tospovirus, transmitted by thrips (Frankliniella zucchini), which infects some species of the family Cucurbitaceae. The occurrence of this Tospovirus has already been reported for several Brazilian states and its incidence in cucurbit crops has increased in the last years in some regions. Considering the importance of this Tospovirus for cucurbit crops, very little is known about the damage caused by this virus and the reaction of the different species of cucurbits to infection. This work aimed: to study the efficiency of the RT-PCR for the fast and specific detection of ZLCV, to evaluate the damage caused by this virus on zucchini squash under field condition and the reaction of seven species/varieties of cucurbits to infection with this Tospovirus. The detection of ZLCV by RT-PCR was studied using a pair of primers designed based on the nucleotide sequence of the SRNA of ZLCV (AF067069). Four other Tospovirus species (TSWV, TCSV, GRSV and CSNV) and other virus that infect cucurbits (mild strain PRSV-W-1, wild strain PRSV-WC, mild strain ZYMV-M, wild strain ZYMV-Atibaia and CMV) were included in this test. The RT-PCR reaction generated a fragment of approximately 350 bp, only amplified from total RNA extracted from plant infected with ZLCV. The sequence of this fragment presented 98.2 % identity with the corresponding nucleotide sequence of the S-RNA of ZLCV deposited in the GenBank. The damage caused by ZLCV on zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo cv. Caserta) was evaluated under field condition. Zucchini squash plants were weekly monitored for the presence of characteristic symptoms induced by ZLCV and PTA-ELISA for virus indexing. Plants were grouped based on the time the symptoms were first seen. Fruits harvested from each plant within each group were classified on marketable (M) and non-marketable (NM) based on the phenotype. Plants that did not show symptoms by the end of the crop were considered still healthy and their yield was used as control. Zucchini squash plants that showed symptoms of ZLCV infection up to 23 days after emergency (DAE) did not yield any fruit. Marketable fruits were first harvested only from plants that showed symptoms 42 DAE. However, the yield of marketable fruits was reduced by 78.5 %, as compared to that from asymptomatic plants. Plants that showed symptoms 55 DAE showed a reduction on the yield of marketable fruit of 9.6%. The reaction of seven species/varieties of cucurbits to infection with ZLCV was evaluated under field and greenhouse conditions. In the field experiment, ZLCV infection occurred naturally. In the greenhouse, plants were twice mechanically inoculated with ZLCV at the cotyledonal stage. Evaluations were based on symptoms expression and PTA-ELISA. Zucchini squash 'Caserta' and hybrid squash 'Takaiama' were highly susceptible. The cucumber 'Safira' presented low percentage of infected plants in the field and intermediate in the greenhouse. Watermelon 'Crimson Sweet', northern gherkin, long neck squash 'Menina Brasileira' and winter squash 'Alice' presented lower values of infected plants. Winter squash 'Exposição' was highly resistant to infection under field and greenhouse conditions.

Detection of Acidovorax citrulli, the Causal Agent of Bacterial Fruit Blotch Disease of Cucurbits, Prevention via Seed Treatments and Disease Resistance Genes

Kiremit, Merve 02 April 2021 (has links)
Melon (Cucumis melo L.) and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai) belong to the family Cucurbitaceae. Bacterial fruit blotch (BFB) disease of cucurbits is an economically devastating plant disease that has caused an estimated loss of up to $450M on watermelon crops and $75M (worldwide) to the seed and transplant industries since 1996. Disease symptoms include water-soaked cotyledons, leaf necrosis, and internal fruit rot. Current commercial management strategies are very limited and include: seed production field sanitation, greenhouse transplant sanitation, copper-based bactericide sprays, crop rotation, disease-free healthy seeds, isolating diseased plants, and peroxyacetic acid seed treatments. The seedborne disease is usually spread by contaminated seeds, and there is a zero-tolerance policy in the seed industry for infected seeds. No nondestructive assays are commercially available to detect BFB in seeds. This research investigated several different aspects of BFB disease such as non-destructive seed detection, green tea seed treatment, candidate NB-LRR genes for disease resistance, and optimization of virus induced gene silencing for melon and watermelon crops. The potential application of attenuated total reflectance (ATR) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and high-resolution X-ray analysis methods for detection of BFB on seeds were evaluated. It was possible to detect BFB in seeds that were pistil inoculated via x-ray imaging and pericarp inoculated via ATR FT-IR. In vitro and in vivo experiments evaluated the potential of tea (Camellia sinensis) and tea polyphenols as seed treatments to sanitize seeds infected with A. citrulli. Green tea unlike black tea inhibited growth of A. citrulli because of polyphenols. Eighty one melon and forty four watermelon NB-LRR genes were reidentified, and genes that have potential resistance against A. citrulli on melon plants were screened based on host selectivity of the pathogen. Finally, the virus-induced, gene-silencing method was optimized for melon and watermelon for further analysis of potential disease resistance genes. BFB can be nondestructively identified in seeds and green tea may be an effective seed treatment with further development. Promising candidate R genes were identified that might confer stable resistance in the right genetic background. / Doctor of Philosophy / Melon and watermelon crops both belong to the gourd family. Bacterial fruit blotch (BFB) disease of cucurbits is an economically devastating plant disease that has caused an estimated loss of up to $450M on watermelon crops and $75M (worldwide) to the seed and transplant industries since 1996. Disease symptoms include water-soaked cotyledons, leaf necrosis, and internal fruit rot. Current commercial management strategies and detection methods are very limited. The seedborne disease is usually spread by contaminated seeds, and there is a zero-tolerance policy in the seed industry for infected seeds. This research investigated several different aspects of BFB disease such as non-destructive seed detection, green tea seed treatment, candidate disease resistance genes, and optimization of virus induced gene silencing methodology for melon and watermelon crops. There are currently no nondestructive assays available to detect BFB in seeds. We evaluated the potential application of attenuated total reflectance (ATR) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and high-resolution X-ray analysis methods for detection of BFB on seeds. It was possible to detect BFB inside layers of seeds that were naturally inoculated through the flowers via x-ray imaging and seedcoat inoculated via ATR FT-IR. In vitro and in vivo experiments evaluated the potential of tea and tea constituents as seed treatments to sanitize seeds infected with BFB. Green tea unlike black tea inhibited growth of BFB. Eighty one melon and forty four watermelon disease resistance genes were reidentified and genes that have potential resistance against BFB on melon plants were screened based on host selectivity of the pathogen. Finally, the virus induced gene silencing method was optimized for melon and watermelon plants for further analysis of potential disease resistance genes. BFB can be nondestructively identified in seeds and green tea may be an effective seed treatment with further development. Promising candidate resistance genes were identified that might confer stable resistance in the right genetic background.

Effects of conservation biological control practices on predatory arthropod assemblages and molecular identification of cucumber beetle biological control agents

Dieterich Mabin, Molly E. 10 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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