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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manejo de cultivares de algodoeiro em densidade populacional variável com o uso de regulador de crescimento. / Management of cotton cultivars under variable plant densities using a plant growth regulator.

Graciela Decian Zanon 28 November 2002 (has links)
Com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento fenológico, morfológico e produtivo de cultivares de algodoeiro com diferentes arquiteturas de plantas em diferentes espaçamentos, através do manejo com regulador de crescimento, foi realizado o presente trabalho, na área experimental da ESALQ/USP, no município de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo, no ano agrícola de 2000/01. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com parcelas sub-subdivididas e 4 repetições. As parcelas constituíram-se dos espaçamentos de 0,76 e 1,01 m, as subparcelas das três cultivares (IAC 23, DeltaOpal e CD 401) e as sub-subparcelas em presença ou ausência de regulador de crescimento. Em seis plantas marcadas de cada parcela foram analisados os seguintes parâmetros: acompanhamento das fases fenológicas (emergência, aparecimento do primeiro botão floral, antese da primeira flor e abertura do primeiro capulho) e caracteres agronômicos de campo (altura de planta, diâmetro do caule, número de ramos vegetativos e frutíferos, conformação da planta, número de capulhos por planta e altura de inserção do primeiro ramo frutífero). Na área útil de cada parcela foi determinada, a produção de algodão em caroço por hectare e a precocidade de colheita. Em amostras de 20 capulhos tomadas aleatoriamente em cada parcela foram realizadas as análises dos caracteres agronômicos de laboratório (massa de 100 sementes, porcentagem de fibras e massa média de um capulho) e das características tecnológicas da fibra (comprimento, uniformidade de comprimento, maturidade, tenacidade e índice micronaire). Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que não houve interações significativas para as cultivares x espaçamentos x regulador de crescimento, para a produção de algodão em caroço, precocidade de colheita, caracteres agronômicos de laboratório e características tecnológicas das fibras, com exceção da tenacidade. Desta forma, as cultivares avaliadas, independente da arquitetura da planta, apresentaram capacidade de ajustar-se às variações dos espaçamentos testados e aplicação de regulador de crescimento com relação a estas características. Os caracteres agronômicos de campo como: a altura das plantas e o diâmetro de caule, de modo geral, apresentaram médias reduzidas com a redução do espaçamento e aplicação do regulador de crescimento, para as cultivares de desenvolvimento mais vigoroso (IAC 23 e DeltaOpal), não influenciando, porém, a cultivar de plantas morfologicamente mais compactas (CD 401). / The purpose of this work was to study the phenological, morphological and productive behavior of cotton cultivars presenting different plant shapes under different spacing layouts managed with the use of plant growth regulator. The experiment was established in the experimental field of ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, during the 2000/01 growing season and was arranged in a randomized block experimental design with subdivided plots and 4 replications. The plots represented spacing layouts of 0.76 and 1.01 m, subplots consisted of the IAC 23, DeltaOpal and CD 401 cultivars, while the sub-subplots were characterized by the use or absence of growth regulator. Six plants per plot were labeled and analyzed for the phenological phases (emergence, appearance of the first flower bud, anthesis of the first flower, opening of the first cotton boll) and field agronomical characteristics (plant height, stem diameter, number of vegetative and fruit branches, plant shape, number of cotton boll per plant and insertion height of the first fruit branch). The harvest early and raw cotton yield per hectare were determined considering the effective plot area. The agronomical lab characteristics (mass of 100 seeds, fiber percentage and cotton boll mass), as well as the fiber technological characteristics (length, length uniformity, maturity, strength, and micronaire) were analyzed using a sample of 20 bolls taken at random. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that there were no significant interactions among cultivars x spacing x growth regulator, as to cotton yield, harvest early, agronomical lab characteristics and fiber technological characteristics, except for stremgth. The analyzed cultivars, regardless of the plant shape, showed good adaptation to the variation in spacing layouts, as well as to the application of growth regulator, considering the analyzed characteristics. The field agronomical characteristics, such as plant height and stem diameter, generally decreased with the reduction in spacing and with the application of growth regulator, considering the most vigorous cultivars (IAC 23 and DeltaOpal). On the other hand, the cultivar presenting a more compact plant (CD 401) pattern was not influenced by spacing or use of growth regulator.

Progresso genético para produtividade do feijoeiro no programa de melhoramento do Instituto Agronômico (IAC) entre 1989 e 2007 / Genetic gain for yield in the common beans breeding program at Agronomical Institute (IAC) from 1989 to 2007

Alisson Fernando Chiorato 17 December 2008 (has links)
No programa de melhoramento genético de feijoeiro do Instituto Agronômico (IAC) foram disponibilizadas até a presente data 38 cultivares de feijoeiro, contribuindo para o aumento da produtividade média no Brasil e, principalmente, no estado de São Paulo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o progresso genético obtido para produtividade do feijoeiro com a pesquisa desenvolvida pelo IAC no período de 1989 a 2007. Foram avaliados 211 experimentos e 134 linhagens avançadas, distribuídas em 10 ciclos de seleção e conduzidas em três épocas de semeadura do feijoeiro. O progresso genético foi estimado para os períodos de pesquisa de 1989 a 1996 e de 1997 a 2007 em função das características dos experimentos de avaliação. No segundo período, estimou-se também o ganho por épocas de semeadura e tipos de tegumento. Nas análises, utilizou-se um modelo misto cujos efeitos foram obtidos por meio de quadrados mínimos ponderados, obtendo-se médias ajustadas em relação à produtividade média dos genótipos. Em seguida, a partir das médias ajustadas, realizou-se a análise de regressão linear para obtenção do progresso genético estimado por ciclo de seleção. No período entre 1989 a 1996, obteve-se um ganho relativo significativo de 1,91% por ciclo de seleção. Para o período de 1997 a 2007, o ganho obtido foi negativo (-0,51%), mas não significativo estatisticamente, ou seja, pode ser considerado como uma estabilização no ganho em produtividade. Embora a estimativa do ganho, no segundo período, tenha sido estável este valor foi cerca de 1000 kg/ha superior em relação à média obtida no primeiro período. Considera-se como a principal causa na estabilização do ganho em produtividade a mudança nos objetivos do programa de melhoramento que buscou obter linhagens com melhor qualidade tecnológica (maior tamanho de grãos e menor tempo de cozimento). Os resultados observados por épocas de semeadura revelaram que na época das águas ocorreu a maior produtividade média, enquanto que na época de inverno, o melhor índice de progresso genético. A separação por tipo de tegumento resultou na ocorrência de ganhos negativos como já esperado, mas não significativos estatisticamente, com valores de -0,64% por ciclo de seleção para o tegumento tipo preto e -0,12% por ciclo de seleção para o tegumento tipo carioca. Considerando-se o progresso genético obtido para os dois períodos de pesquisa, no valor de 0,25% por ciclo de seleção, e a área cultivada de 192 mil hectares no Estado de São Paulo, na safra de 2006/2007, tem-se que este ganho representa um aumento de produtividade em torno de 14.000 sacas de 60 kg. Esse resultado revela que as estratégias de melhoramento de feijoeiro praticadas pelo programa do IAC foram eficientes no desenvolvimento de genótipos superiores. / The genetic breeding program of common beans at Instituto Agronômico (IAC) has released 38 cultivars to the present date, thus contributing to increase the average yield of the crop in Brazil and, mainly, in the state of São Paulo. In this context, the goal of the present work was to evaluate the genetic gains obtained in yield for common beans due to the research developed by IAC during the period comprised from 1989 to 2007. A total number of 211 experiments and 134 advanced lines were evaluated, distributed along 10 selection cycles and carried out in three distinct sowing seasons. Genetic progression was estimated for the research periods of 1989 to 1996 and from 1997 to 2007 depending on the characteristics of the evaluation experiments. During the second period, the gain per sowing season and per tegument type has also been estimated. The analyses have employed a mixed model whose effects were obtained by weighted minimum squares, generating weighted averages according to the mean yield of the genotypes. Subsequently, the linear regression analysis was performed based on the weighted averages in order to calculate the estimated genetic gain per selection cycle. In the period from 1989 to 1996, a significant relative gain of 1.91% per selection cycle was obtained. For the subsequent period of 1997 to 2007, a non-significant negative gain (-0.51%) was obtained, it reflects the stabilization of the yield gain in the period. Although the gain estimate for the second period was stable, the value was approximately 1000 kg/ha superior to the average obtained in the first period. The main cause of the observed stability in the yield gain is likely to be due to the shift in the breeding program goals towards the generation of lines with higher technological features (bigger seeds and shorter cooking time). The results obtained for the distinct sowing seasons indicate that the rainy season favored higher average yield, whereas the winter sowing season exhibited better indices of genetic gain. The classification according to the tegument type resulted in negative gain as expected, although not at statistical significance levels, with values of -0.64% per selection cycle for black tegument and -0.12% per selection cycle for carioca tegument type. Considering the genetic gain for the research cycles investigated, the average of 0.25% gain per selection cycle and the cultivated area of 192 thousand hectares in the state of São Paulo, during the harvesting season of 2006/2007, the gain represents an increase of yield of approximately 14,000 bags of 60 kg. The results reveal that the breeding strategies for common beans employed at IAC were effective to develop superior genotypes.

Produtividade de um clone de batata submetido às adubações mineral e orgânica / Yield of a potato clone under mineral and organic fertilization

Eduardo Yuji Watanabe 26 September 2013 (has links)
O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a resposta à produção total, comercial e por classes de tamanho; ao teor de matéria seca e aos defeitos fisiológicos mancha-chocolate, coração-oco e coração-negro dos tubérculos do clone de batata IAC 2.5, submetido a três doses dos fertilizantes minerais 04-14-08 (N-P2O5-K2O) e sulfato de amônio, complementadas ou não com um composto orgânico de marca comercial Provaso. O experimento foi conduzido de outubro de 2012 a fevereiro de 2013, na Unidade de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Itararé, da Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA), em Itararé, SP, nas coordenadas geográficas 24º16\'06\"S e 49º12\'19\"W e altitude de 1200 m. Foi adotado o delineamento em blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 3x2, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em três doses de 04-14-08 no plantio e de sulfato de amônio em cobertura, sendo respectivamente: 2150 kg ha-1 + 200 kg ha-1; 3225 kg ha-1 + 100 kg ha-1; e 4300 kg ha-1 + 0 kg ha-1, com (5000 kg ha-1) ou sem composto orgânico. As doses de 04-14-08 foram calculadas com base na análise de solo e recomendação de 100, 150 e 200% em P2O5 para a cultura da batata, e para a adubação em cobertura, adotou-se respectivamente as doses 40, 20 e 0 kg ha-1 de N e 44, 22 e 0 kg ha-1 de S. A parcela experimental foi composta por quatro fileiras de 3,5 m cada, totalizando 40 plantas. Como parcela útil, foram consideradas as 16 plantas das duas fileiras centrais, excetuando as plantas das extremidades, consideradas bordaduras de cabeceira. O espaçamento foi de 0,35 m entre plantas na fileira e de 0,8 m entre as fileiras. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da variância e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p < 0,10), utilizando o programa estatístico Sisvar. Nas condições em que o experimento foi conduzido, a alta produtividade comercial de tubérculos (52,4 t ha-1) do clone IAC 2.5 apresentada pelo tratamento com 3225 kg ha-1 de 04-14-08 + 5000 kg ha-1 de composto orgânico no plantio e 100 kg ha-1 de sulfato de amônio em cobertura sugere a importância da complementação da matéria orgânica no aumento da eficiência da adubação mineral. / The study aimed to evaluate the response to total production, marketable production and production by tuber size classes; dry matter content and internal physiological disorders internal brown spot, hollow heart and black heart of potato tubers clone IAC 2.5 subjected to three rates of mineral fertilizers 04-14-08 (N-P2O5- K2O) and ammonium sulphate, supplemented or not with an organic compost trademark Provaso. The trial was conducted from October 2012 to February 2013, at the Research & Development Unity of Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios (APTA), in Itararé, SP, Brazil (lat. 24º16\'06\'\'S; long. 49º12\'19\'\'W), and altitude of 1200 m. The treatments were arranged in a 3x2 factorial scheme in a completely randomized block design, with four replications. The treatments consisted of three rates of 04-14-08 at planting and ammonium sulphate in dressing fertilization, follow respectively: 2150 kg ha-1 + 200 kg ha-1; 3225 kg ha-1 + 100 kg ha-1; e 4300 kg ha-1 + 0 kg ha-1, with (5000 kg ha-1) or without organic compost. 04-14-08 rates were calculated based on the soil analysis and 100, 150 and 200% on P2O5 recommendation for the potato crop, and for dressing fertilization, was adopted quantities respectively 40, 20 and 0 kg ha-1 of N and 44, 22 and 0 kg ha-1 of S. The experimental plot consisted of four rows of 3.5 m each, for a total of 40 plants. Useful plot was the 16 plants from central rows. The spacing was 0.35 m between plants in the row and 0.8 m between rows. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and treatment means were compared by Tukey test (p < 0,10) using the statistical program Sisvar. Taking in account the conditions in wich the trial was conducted, a high yield of marketable tubers (52.4 t ha-1) for the clone IAC 2.5 by 3225 kg ha-1 of 04-14-08 + 5000 kg ha-1 of organic compost in planting and 100 kg ha-1 of ammonium sulphate in dressing fertilization suggests the importance of organic matter complementing in increasing the efficiency of mineral fertilization.

Análise do mercado de sementes de soja no Rio Grande do Sul / Analysis of soy seeds market in Rio Grande do Sul

Cirino, Jean Carlos 20 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:44:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_jean_carlos_cirino.pdf: 387867 bytes, checksum: 5c3bb5afc470b0617ca833072e543dd0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-20 / The soy beans market is adjusting a restructuring since the liberation of Roundup Ready® (RR) technology by federal government in Brazil. In the latest years, the sector started to increase the internal sales, through the agriculturists consciousness about the seeds, more productive and with higher technology than pirate seeds. However, the seed market, many times is evaluated through empirical numbers that end up not representing the exact tendencies of the sector. This study has as a goal a detailed evaluation of numbers that move this market. For this it was used as a reference basis two documents sent by seed farmers to the MAPA: the relation of fields for seeds production (RC), and the production and seeds business (MP). Both documents are processed by APASSUL according to the term of technical cooperation among MAPA(SEFIA/RS), CSM and APASSUL. The observed notes are about the crops in 2005/2006, 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The results presented a growth in legal seeds production and business, confirming the growth in the sector. It was also possible to note the new breeders that have been growing in this market. About the cultivars usage, that previously, was restrict to some materials, the scenario shows an increasing stratification with similar tendency verified in the market participation as a breeder. Note that for every hectare approved less than a half ton of seeds is commercialized, and low level of marketing is the highest risk factor. / O mercado de sementes de soja está ajustando uma reestruturação, desde a liberação, pelo Governo Federal, da tecnologia RoundupReady® (RR)no Brasil. Nesses últimos anos, o setor começou a incrementar as vendas internas, através da conscientização dos agricultores, quanto ao uso de sementes, mais produtivas e com tecnologias superiores às sementes piratas. No entanto, o mercado de sementes, muitas vezes, é avaliado através de números empíricos, que acabam não representando as tendências exatas do setor. Neste sentido o presente estudo objetiva uma avaliação detalhada dos números que movimentam esse mercado. Para isso, utilizaram-se como base de referência, dois documentos encaminhados pelos produtores de sementes ao MAPA: a Relação de Campos para Produção de Sementes (RC) e o Mapa de Produção e Comercialização de Sementes (MP). Ambos os documentos são processados pela APASSUL, em função de termo de cooperação técnica entre MAPA(SEFIA/RS), CSM e APASSUL. As observações realizadas referem-se às safras 2005/2006, 2006/2007 e 2007/2008. Os resultados apresentaram um aumento na produção e comercialização de sementes legais, confirmando o crescimento do setor. Observou-se, também, que novos obtentores vêm ganhando mercado. Quanto ao uso de cultivares que, anteriormente, se restringia a algumas, o cenário aponta para uma crescente estratificação, com tendência semelhante à verificada na participação de mercado por obtentor. Nota-se que para cada hectare aprovado se comercializa na média menos de uma tonelada de semente, sendo o baixo índice de comercialização o fator de maior peso.

Desempenho de híbridos de milho de alto e médio potencial produtivo / Performance of maize hybrids with high and medium yield potential

Santos, Carlos Eduardo Weber dos 22 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:44:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_carlos_eduardo_weber_dos_santos.pdf: 3292859 bytes, checksum: 940ad6e2504a550330ef4dca4daa1766 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-22 / This study analyzed the positioning of hybrid corn seed company Biomatrix being analyzed for agronomic characteristics, ie its production capacity respectively. We analyzed the following cities: Carazinho, RS, Coxilha, RS, Ponta Grossa, PR and Xanxerê, SC. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANAVA) using the significance levels of 5% for the test F. We used the multiple comparison test of Tukey, to assess differences between treatment means when the F value was significant. Statistical analyzes were performed using the statistical package CoStat. The results were not statistically different, because the weather behaved so heterogeneous in the duration of the work, however hybrids and BMX828 BMX817 of high and medium potential yield respectively, expressed relative yield greater witness, remaining always in the top group in productivity. / O presente estudo analisou o posicionamento dos híbridos de milho da empresa de sementes Biomatrix sendo analisados os caracteres agronômicos, ou seja, respectivamente sua capacidade produtiva. Foram analisadas as seguintes cidades: Carazinho, RS, Coxilha, RS, Ponta Grossa, PR e Xanxerê, SC. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANAVA) utilizando-se os níveis de significância de 5% para o teste F. Empregou-se o teste de comparação múltipla de Tukey, para avaliar as diferenças entre as médias dos tratamentos, quando o valor de F fosse significativo. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas com o pacote estatístico CoStat. Os resultados obtidos não diferiram estatisticamente, pois o clima se portou de forma heterogenia no período de execução do trabalho, contudo os híbridos BMX828 e BMX817 do alto e médio potencial produtivo respectivamente expressaram relativo rendimento maior a testemunha, permanecendo sempre no grupo superior em produtividade.

A empresa pública de pesquisa e os marcos legais na indústria de sementes / The public research organization and the rules in the seed industry

Villas Bôas, Hugo Dias da Costa 10 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:44:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_hugo_villas_boas.pdf: 539839 bytes, checksum: 3a8865368e262b145cda3b180775ec3b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-10 / Plant breeding is an important tool used by the research to promote agricultural development, in a nearly related work with the segment of seed production, which makes the distribution of the new cultivars. Changes in the brazilian laws determined deeply transformations in booth segments. This work treat the changes in the laws related with research, development and innovation, the intellectual property, the biosafety and the seed production, with emphasis in its effects on the development of new cultivars and seed production, marketing and use. In particular for some species occurred a strong increase of the research segment, with the actuation of new obtainers, able to invest and using strong strategies. Cultivars availability increased and the market became very competitive, affecting seed marketing. The organizations needed to adapt themselves to a new reality to remain in activity, with changes in research, seed production and the market relations. Embrapa, as a public organization which has a strong role in this sector, developed a special work of adaptation to this new environment, involving the strategic planning, internal roles, and its new relations, using the contracts intensively. Its responsability with the agribusiness improvement and with low income farmers, Embrapa created a net of partnerships involving some kinds of organizations to research and create new cultivars and adopted a licensing system for seed production and marketing. The Embrapa s licensing is in a position against the strategies of verticalization and market concentration developed by some obtainers, and it is a way to protect some seed growers which don t have the research of new cultivars. The licensed seed growers make the distribution of the Embrapa s cultivars and in conterpart they pay royalties for the intellectual property rights. By a case study the Embrapa s licensing system of cultivars is analysed, with focus on its efficacy as a tool of technology transference and royalties appropriation. It was done a survey about the seed sales and the system performance was evaluated with the application of indexes in the different stages of the process. It is seen that the licensing system is a very useful tool, but it needs to be improved to get better efficacy. Besides the importance of keeping the quality of its products, the organization needs to improve the market relations and promote its products to enhance its adoption. The discussion about the Embrapa s experience issues the identification of futures challenges to be faced by the organization, gives some informations to the improvement of the relationship between obtainers, seed growers and farmers, and permits the identification of strategies which can enforce the technical and economic performance of the plant breeding programs. / O melhoramento genético vegetal é um instrumento importante utilizado pela pesquisa para promover o desenvolvimento da agropecuária, num trabalho estreitamente relacionado com o segmento de produção de sementes, que realiza a distribuição das novas cultivares. Mudanças na legislação brasileira determinaram profundas transformações em ambos os segmentos. Este trabalho considera as modificações que ocorreram nas leis relacionadas com a pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação, a propriedade intelectual, a biossegurança e a produção de sementes, com destaque para seus reflexos no desenvolvimento de cultivares e na produção, comercialização e uso de sementes. Particularmente para algumas espécies ocorreu forte expansão do segmento de pesquisa, com a atuação de novos obtentores com qualificação técnica, capacidade de investimento e estratégias empresariais agressivas. Aumentou a oferta de cultivares e o mercado tornou-se altamente competitivo, dificultando a comercialização de sementes. Houve necessidade das organizações se adaptarem à nova realidade, para dar continuidade às suas atividades, o que teve reflexos na pesquisa, na produção de sementes e no relacionamento com o mercado. A Embrapa, como organização pública com forte atuação no setor, desenvolveu um trabalho especial de adaptação ao novo ambiente, envolvendo o planejamento estratégico, a mudança do marco regulatório interno, a sua reestruturação e o estabelecimento de novas relações, com o uso intensivo de contratos. Dotada de capacidade técnica, limitada capacidade de investimento e com a importante responsabilidade institucional de promover o desenvolvimento da agricultura familiar e da empresarial, a empresa estabeleceu uma rede de parcerias com diferentes organizações para realizar a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de cultivares e adotou um sistema de licenciamento para a produção e comercialização de sementes. O licenciamento representa uma contraposição da empresa às estratégias de verticalização e concentração de mercado desenvolvidas por alguns obtentores e viabiliza a atividade de inúmeros produtores de sementes que não têm acesso direto à pesquisa. Os produtores licenciados realizam a distribuição das cultivares da Embrapa e em contrapartida recolhem royalties relativos aos direitos de propriedade intelectual. Através de estudo de caso analisa-se o sistema de licenciamento de cultivares da Embrapa, com o foco na sua eficácia como instrumento de transferência de tecnologia e apropriação de royalties. Levanta-se a comercialização de sementes das cultivares licenciadas e avalia-se o desempenho do sistema com a aplicação de indicadores a diferentes fases do processo. Constata-se que o licenciamento é uma ferramenta de grande capacidade para os fins a que se destina, mas pode ser aperfeiçoado para alcançar maior eficácia. Além da importância de assegurar a excelência técnica de seus produtos, evidencia-se a necessidade da empresa aperfeiçoar o relacionamento com o mercado e a promoção de suas cultivares para estimular sua adoção. A discussão da experiência da Embrapa leva à identificação de futuros desafios a serem enfrentados pela empresa, proporciona subsídios para o aperfeiçoamento das relações entre obtentor, produtor de sementes e agricultor e permite a identificação de estratégias para melhorar o desempenho técnico e econômico dos programas de melhoramento genético.

Pre- and post-emergent application effects of nemafric-bg phytonematicide on growth of potato cultivar 'mondial g3' and suppression of meloidogyne javanica

Huma, Tiego Isaac January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. Agriculture (Plant Protection)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / Available potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars do not have any genotype that is resistant to the root-knot (Meloidogyne species) nematodes. Due to the susceptibility of potato cultivars to Meloidogyne species, alternative management strategies had to be researched and developed after the withdrawal of methyl bromide from the agro-chemical markets, amongst which were the cucurbitacin-containing phytonematicides. However, of the available application methods of phytonematicides, the ground leaching technology (GLT) and botinemagation technology were not suitable for use in most high-rainfall potato-producing regions, where production is under rain-fed conditions. The objective of the study, therefore, was to determine whether pre- and post-emergent application of Nemafric-BG phytonematicide would have effects on growth of potato and suppression of M. javanica population densities. Parallel pot trials of pre- and post-emergent application of Nemafric-BL phytonematicide were conducted under greenhouse conditions in autumn (February-April: Experiment 1) 2017 and validated (Experiment 2) in 2018. Each plant was inoculated with 3000 M. javanica eggs and second-stage juveniles (J2). Five treatments, namely, 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 g concentration of Nemafric-BG phytonematicide, arranged in randomised complete block design, were either applied mixed with seed tubers for pre-emergent or spread on the soil surface after emergence for post-emergent trials. In all cases, plant growth variables were assessed using the Curve-fitting Allelochemical Response Data (CARD) model, whereas nutrient elements (Fe, K, Na and Zn) and nematode variables were assessed using analysis of variance, with data subjected to lines of the best fit. In pre-emergent application trial, plant height (R2 = 0.98) and fresh root mass (R2 = 0.99) exhibited quadratic relations, characterised by density dependent growth patterns with increasing concentrations of Nemafric-BG xv phytonematicide in Experiment 1, similar trends were also observed on plant height (R2 = 0.99) and root mass (R2 = 0.99) in Experiment 2. In contrast, in post-emergent application trial, plant height (R2 = 0.97), fresh root mass (R2 = 0.99) and dry shoot (R2 = 0.98) exhibited quadratic relations in Experiment 1, which ascribed to DDG patterns, similar trends were also observed in Experiment 2 on plant height (R2 = 0.99), fresh root mass (R2 = 0.96) and dry shoot (R2 = 0.99) of potato cv. ꞌMondial G3ꞌ. In pre-emergent application trials, Mean Concentration Stimulation Point (MCSP) = 24.18 and 7.82 g, respectively, in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, with ∑k being equivalent to 20 and 6 units for potato to the product, respectively, in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. In contrast, post-emergent application trials, MCSP = 9.87 and 12.10 g, respectively, in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, whereas the ∑k value for potato to the product was 11 and 6 units, respectively in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. Increasing concentrations of the phytonematicide significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected the selected nutrient elements. In pre emergent application trials, K (R2  =  0.96) Na (R2  =  0.90) and Zn (R2  =  0.83) each with increasing Nemafric-BG phytonematicide concentrations exhibited positive quadratic fashion, while Fe (R2  =  0.87) exhibited negative quadratic relations in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, K (R2  = 0.99), Na (R2  = 0.90) and Zn (R2 =  0.97) contents each in leaf tissues against the increasing concentrations of the phytonematicide exhibited negative quadratic relations, while Fe (R2  = 0.88) exhibited positive quadratic relations. In post emergent trials, Fe (R2 = 0.91, Na (R2 = 0.90) and Zn (R2 = 0.99) contents in leaf tissues against increasing Nemafric-BG phytonematicide concentration exhibited negative quadratic relations, whereas K (R2 = 0.86) exhibited positive quadratic relation in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, Fe (R2 = 0.93), K (R2 = 0.92), Na ( R2  = 0.79) and Zn (R2 xvi = 0.89) contents in leaf tissues of potato exhibited positive quadratic, respectively. In pre emergent trial for Experiment 1, eggs in roots (R2 = 0.78), J2 in roots (R2 = 0.85), J2 in soil (R2 = 0.97) and Pf (R2 = 0.78) of M. javanica against increasing pre-emergent application concentrations of Nemafric-BG phytonematicide exhibited negative quadratic relations, characterised by DDG patterns. Similar trends were observed on eggs in roots (R2 = 0.82), J2 in roots (R2 = 0.99), J2 in soil (R2 = 0.84) and Pf (R2 = 0.85) in Experiment 2. In contrast, in post-emergent application trial, eggs in roots (R2 = 0.87), J2 in roots (R2 = 0.99), J2 in soil (R2 = 0.91) and Pf (R2 = 0.99) of M. javanica against increasing post emergent application concentrations of Nemafric-BG phytonematicide also exhibited negative quadratic relations in Experiment 1, which ascribed to DDG patterns. Similar trends were also observed on eggs in roots (R2 = 0.72), J2 in roots (R2 = 0.68), J2 in soil (R2 = 0.85) and Pf (R2 = 0.83) in Experiment 2. Results from the study demonstrated that Nemafric-BG phytonematicide stimulated plant growth at lower concentration and the product does not have any detrimental effects in accumulation of nutrient elements in leaf tissues. Therefore, it is concluded, that the product could be applied at the recommended rates of 7.82 and 9.87 g/plant in pre and post-emergent application, respectively, for the management of root-knot nematodes, provided the active ingredient does not accumulate in potato tubers or have any detrimental effects in accumulation of nutrient elements in tubers and temper with nutritional value of potatoes.

Změna v rovnováze BELL transkripčních faktorů jako nástroj posílení tuberizace u vybraných kultivarů bramboru / Modulation of BELL transcription factors balance as a tool for tuberisation strengthening in selected potato cultivars

Zounková, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is the third most important crop in terms of human consumption. Hence understanding regulatory mechanisms controlling tuber initiation is significant not only from a theoretical but also practical point of view. Tuberization of S. tuberosum is a complex morphogenic process regulated by both, environmental conditions and inner plant status. Environmental conditions regulating the onset of tuberization have been known for a long time, but the molecular basis of tuber initiation has only recently been discovered, in particular using wild subspecies S. tuberosum subsp. andigena. BELL transcription factors are among the important components of the regulatory signalling network. The aim of this study was to modulate balance between the BELL transcription factors that induce and repress tuberization towards strengthening of tuber induction using two cultivars of Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum, cv. Kamýk, resp. cv. Korela. To achieve this, transgenic lines carrying construct containing a part of coding sequence StBEL11, resp. StBEL29 in antisense orientation (AS) under control of constitutive promoters and lines carrying complete sequences of StBEL5 and StPTB6 genes under control of their native promoters were derived. We used the StBEL11 and StBEL29 AS constructs with the aim to...

Evaluating seeding rate and cultivar impact on grain yield and end-use quality, and finding replacement methods to assess spring stands of soft red winter wheat [<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.] in Ohio

Goodwin, Allen W. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Investigating Management Alternatives for Southern Blight on Vegetables in the mid-Atlantic United States

Garcia Gonzalez, Jose Francisco 25 May 2021 (has links)
Incidence and severity of southern blight caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. is increasing in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. affecting both conventional and organic vegetable production systems. Traditional southern blight management relied on fumigants and fungicides with often inconsistent and uneconomical results. Moreover, with the phase-out of methyl bromide, and the high cost and toxicity of other available fumigants, it is necessary to identify effective and economical southern blight management alternatives. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to 1) evaluate the effect of planting date and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivar selection on southern blight incidence and tuber yield and quality; 2) compare potato cultivar tuber susceptibility to S. rolfsii in post-harvest settings; and 3) assess the suitability of six cool-season cover crop biomasses and three locally organic materials as carbon sources for anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) treatments and their impact on S. rolfsii viability and soil. In a three-year field study, ten commercial potato cultivars and four planting dates per year were evaluated on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Later potato plantings generally produced greater disease incidence (85-94%) and lower tuber yield (1.8-9.4 Mg ha-1) and quality (47-78%), likely driven by humid, warm weather later in the season that was conducive to disease and detrimental to the potato crop. While no potato cultivar was completely immune to S. rolfsii incidence, cultivar 'Accumulator' consistently had one of the lowest disease incidences (12-71%) and greatest tuber yield among cultivars (6.2-37.3 Mg ha-1), and 'Adirondack Blue' and 'Red Norland' had the overall greatest disease incidence (33-100%). Following harvest of the field experiment, the susceptibility of tubers from the ten cultivars to post-harvest rot caused by S. rolfsii was compared in a laboratory experiment under controlled conditions. 'Atlantic' followed by 'Accumulator' were the least susceptible (3.7-12.6 g of diseased tissue) whereas 'Adirondack Blue', followed by red-skinned potato cultivars had the greatest severity of post-harvest tuber rot (12-17.5 g of diseased tissue). Following three weeks of ASD treatments in growth chamber pot experiments utilizing nine carbon sources incubated at 15/25°C 12/12-h cycle, most carbon sources induced soil anaerobicity (33-90 % iron oxide paint removal), but they did not reduce sclerotial viability compared to nonamended aerobic controls. However, most amended soils undergoing ASD induced greater soil microbial activity (0.7-2.0 % CO2 in vol.) compared to nonamended controls (0.1-0.7 CO2 in vol.), increased soil pH, and some amendments increased soil nitrate accumulation. Overall, results of these studies indicate that southern blight can be effectively managed in potato by coupling early planting dates with cultivar selection, but though promising, additional studies are needed to determine the parameters to effectively decrease S. rolfsii viability with ASD treatments. / Doctor of Philosophy / The fungal disease southern blight, caused by the soilborne plant pathogen Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc., is increasing in the mid-Atlantic U.S. The increase of southern blight is likely due to a multitude of issues such as climate fluctuations, reduction in the use of fumigants, increased soil organic matter through conservation practices, and cropping systems that favor soilborne pathogens. Traditional management of S. rolfsii relied on pesticides and fumigants, but control was often inconsistent and expensive. Moreover, the use of some soil fumigants has been restricted due to environmental concerns, which has limited the options for the management of plant pathogens present in the soil, and management alternatives are needed. Through a series of field, laboratory, and greenhouse experiments, this study 1) evaluated the effect of planting date and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivar selection on southern blight incidence and tuber yield and quality; 2) compared potato cultivar tuber susceptibility to S. rolfsii in post-harvest settings; and 3) assessed the suitability of six cool-season cover crop biomasses and three locally-sourced organic materials as carbon sources in anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) treatments and their impact on S. rolfsii viability and soil. Results of a three-year field study demonstrated that an integrated approach to the management of southern blight that utilizes moderately resistant potato cultivars such as 'Accumulator' and early (March to early April) planting dates will minimize risk of disease and maximize tuber yield. Following harvest, inoculation of potato tubers under controlled conditions revealed that the cultivar 'Atlantic' followed by 'Accumulator' can avoid greater losses due to less tuber rot, while 'Adirondack Blue' followed by red-skinned potatoes have a greater risk of suffering post-harvest tuber decay from southern blight. The anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) treatments examined in this study indicated that cover crops biomass and poultry litter are suitable carbon sources to induce soil anaerobic conditions, but they may not reduce the survival of S. rolfsii propagules if treatment temperatures are below 25°C. However, ASD showed benefits such as increased activity of soil microbial communities compared to nonamended soil, increased soil acidity, and some amendments such as mushroom compost, poultry litter, and Austrian winter pea (Pisum sativum subsp. arvense) can contribute soil nutrients such as nitrate. Overall, this research demonstrates that choosing less susceptible cultivars coupled with early planting dates can minimize the negative impact of southern blight on potato yields and quality, and consequently minimize the use of pesticides as the main option to control southern blight on potato across the mid-Atlantic region. Though promising, additional studies are needed to determine the parameters that optimize ASD as an alternative to manage S. rolfsii with ASD treatments.

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