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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processos socioculturais do turismo na localidade receptora: o olhar de residentes sobre os visitantes na Ilha da Pintada Porto Alegre/RS

Maio, Ivone dos Passos 04 May 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre os processos socioculturais do turismo na localidade da Ilha da Pintada/Porto Alegre/Brasil. Este lugar, ao contrário do que a palavra ilha pode sugerir, não é isolado, e sim um bairro da capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre. O turismo aparece como um agente de transformação nesta comunidade, que recebe excursionistas aos domingos para almoçar o tradicional peixe-na-taquara, além de, a partir da década de 1970 muitas casas de segunda-residência terem sido construídas na Ilha e seu entorno. Esse fluxo turístico, entendido, respectivamente, como excursionismo e turismo de segunda-residência, é analisado a partir da ótica de moradores da Ilha da Pintada. Ou seja, o trabalho privilegia o olhar de residentes sobre os turistas. O trabalho utiliza o método etnográfico para o levantamento de dados da pesquisa, além de fotografias. Para a compreensão dos processos socioculturais do turismo, busca-se analisar a produção científica sobre o tema; já sobre cultura popular-tradicional e sua relação com a modernidade, buscou-se embasamento teórico em especial em García Canclini e seu conceito de ´culturas híbridas`. O estudo identifica, através das narrativas locais, as transformações da modernidade no local, como as melhorias na infra-estrutura urbana, as mudanças no mundo do trabalho, que convivem com as atividades tradicionais, como a pesca e o artesanato, este último, inclusive, apresentando significativo aumento na sua produção. Relaciona estes acontecimentos com o turismo, entendendo esse fenômeno como parte integrante das transformações do mundo moderno, e não como processo isolado. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-05T19:05:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disertacao Ivone dos Passos Maio.pdf: 1747934 bytes, checksum: 39d7b282985070ef0869613cc3b69b4c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-05T19:05:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disertacao Ivone dos Passos Maio.pdf: 1747934 bytes, checksum: 39d7b282985070ef0869613cc3b69b4c (MD5) / This dissertation presents a study about the social and cultural process of tourism in an island called Ilha da Pintada (Porto Alegre/RS/Brazil). Contrary to what the word island could suggest, this is not an isolated place, but a borough of Rio Grande do Sul s capital, Porto Alegre. Tourism appears as a transformation agent in the community, which receives tourists on Sundays to have a traditional dish made of fish for lunch (peixe na taquara). Besides that, since the 70´s many seasonal residences were built on the island and around its area. This touristic flow, understood respectively as day tourist and second home tourists, is analyzed from the point of view of the Ilha da Pintada´s inhabitants. In other words, this study airs the residents point of view about the tourists. This study uses the ethnographic method to collect data and also photography. In order to understand the social and cultural process of tourism in host communities, a theoretical review about the theme was made. The understanding of popular-traditional culture was based on García Canclini´s studies and his concept of ´hybrid cultures`. This work identifies, through the residents´ narratives, the transformations that modernization brought to the place, such as urban development and changes in the work dimension that coexist with traditional activities such as fishing and handmade products, the latter having a significant increase in its production. The work relates those facts with tourism, understanding this phenomenon as an integrate part of the modern world transformations, and not as an isolated process.

Processos socioculturais do turismo na localidade receptora: o olhar de residentes sobre os visitantes na Ilha da Pintada Porto Alegre/RS

Maio, Ivone dos Passos 04 May 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo sobre os processos socioculturais do turismo na localidade da Ilha da Pintada/Porto Alegre/Brasil. Este lugar, ao contrário do que a palavra ilha pode sugerir, não é isolado, e sim um bairro da capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre. O turismo aparece como um agente de transformação nesta comunidade, que recebe excursionistas aos domingos para almoçar o tradicional peixe-na-taquara, além de, a partir da década de 1970 muitas casas de segunda-residência terem sido construídas na Ilha e seu entorno. Esse fluxo turístico, entendido, respectivamente, como excursionismo e turismo de segunda-residência, é analisado a partir da ótica de moradores da Ilha da Pintada. Ou seja, o trabalho privilegia o olhar de residentes sobre os turistas. O trabalho utiliza o método etnográfico para o levantamento de dados da pesquisa, além de fotografias. Para a compreensão dos processos socioculturais do turismo, busca-se analisar a produção científica sobre o tema; já sobre cultura popular-tradicional e sua relação com a modernidade, buscou-se embasamento teórico em especial em García Canclini e seu conceito de ´culturas híbridas`. O estudo identifica, através das narrativas locais, as transformações da modernidade no local, como as melhorias na infra-estrutura urbana, as mudanças no mundo do trabalho, que convivem com as atividades tradicionais, como a pesca e o artesanato, este último, inclusive, apresentando significativo aumento na sua produção. Relaciona estes acontecimentos com o turismo, entendendo esse fenômeno como parte integrante das transformações do mundo moderno, e não como processo isolado. / This dissertation presents a study about the social and cultural process of tourism in an island called Ilha da Pintada (Porto Alegre/RS/Brazil). Contrary to what the word island could suggest, this is not an isolated place, but a borough of Rio Grande do Sul s capital, Porto Alegre. Tourism appears as a transformation agent in the community, which receives tourists on Sundays to have a traditional dish made of fish for lunch (peixe na taquara). Besides that, since the 70´s many seasonal residences were built on the island and around its area. This touristic flow, understood respectively as day tourist and second home tourists, is analyzed from the point of view of the Ilha da Pintada´s inhabitants. In other words, this study airs the residents point of view about the tourists. This study uses the ethnographic method to collect data and also photography. In order to understand the social and cultural process of tourism in host communities, a theoretical review about the theme was made. The understanding of popular-traditional culture was based on García Canclini´s studies and his concept of ´hybrid cultures`. This work identifies, through the residents´ narratives, the transformations that modernization brought to the place, such as urban development and changes in the work dimension that coexist with traditional activities such as fishing and handmade products, the latter having a significant increase in its production. The work relates those facts with tourism, understanding this phenomenon as an integrate part of the modern world transformations, and not as an isolated process.

Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika vanuit 'n opvoedkundige perspektief

Meier, Corinne 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In elke samelewing kan die jeug as 'n opsigselfstaande groep geldentifiseer word. Die unieke eienskappe van die jeugfase lei tot die ontstaan· van konstruktiewe of subkulturele jeuggroeperinge en destruktiewe of kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge oefen 'n direkte invloed op die onderwys en opvoeding van die jeug uit. 'n Ondersoek na die faktore wat aanleiding gee tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is in die lig daarvan van dwingende belang. 'n Analise van die stambegrippe kultuur, subkultuur en kontrakultuur is 'n voorvereiste vir die begryp en verstaan van die tema ter sprake. Kultuur is die somtotaal van menslike betrokkenheid in sy materiele en nie-materiele wereld. Hierdie betrokkenheid lei tot kultuurvorming. Die vorming, oordrag en verandering van kultuur bet 'n bepaalde gesindheidsverandering by individue tot gevolg. Die nie-konfonnering met kultuurverandering het die fonnulering van 'n altematiewe of subkulturele stel waardes en nonne tot gevolg. 'n Subkultuur kan beskryf word as enige segment van die dominante kultuur waarvan die waarde en normstruktuur van die dominante kultuur verskil, maar nie in konflik daarmee is nie. Die algehele afwysing of pogings tot die omverwerp van dominante waardes en nonne het kontrakulturele waardes en norme tot gevolg. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is eiesoortig van aard. Subkulturele jeuggroeperinge funksioneer met gemak in die dominante kultuur. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge word deur die dominante kultuur as 'n bedreiging beskou. Die faktore wat tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika aanleiding gee, kan kortliks saamgevat word as: politieke omstandighede, ideologiese invloede, ekonomiese, demografiese, sosiale (waaronder 'n gedepriveerde sosiale omgewing en huislike faktore, gesinsgrootte, enkelouergesinne, gesagskrisis, generasiekonflik en religieuse faktore), kulturele vervreemding en onderwyskundige faktore. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge wat op geweld uitloop, bet 'n destruktiewe invloed op die fisiese en psigiese omgewing van die skool, die medeleerlinge, die gesagsdraers en die leeromgewing. Desnieteenstaande staan die skool in 'n ideate posisie ten opsigte van die identifisering, rehabilitering en akkommodering van kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge en die onderrig van lewensvaardighede waardeur anti-normatiewe gedrag afgewys kan word. / In every society the youth can be identified as a separate group. The unique characteristics of the youth phase results in constructive or subcultural youth groupings, as well as destructive or countercultural youth groupings. Sub- and countercultural groupings exert a direct influence on the instruction and education of the youth. An investigation of the factors giving rise to the development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings is therefore imperative. An analysis of the key concepts of culture, subculture and counterculture is a prerequisite for the comprehension of the theme at issue. Culture is the sum total of people's involvement in their material and nonmaterial world. This involvement generates culture. Culture, and the forming, transmission and change of culture results in a change of mindset in individuals. Nonconformity with cultural change results in the formulation of an alternative or subcultural set of values and norms. A subculture can be defined as any segment of the dominant culture that subscribes to a set of values and norms that differ from, but are not in conflict with, those of the dominant culture. Complete rejection of, or attempts to overthrow dominant values and norms result in the formation of countercultural values and norms. Sub- and countercultural youth groupings are unique. Subcultural youth groupings function with ease in the context of the dominant culture. Countercultural youth groupings are perceived as a threat by the dominant culture. The factors leading to the origin and development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings in South Africa can be briefly summarised as: political circumstances, ideological influences, economic, demographic and social influences (including a deprived social environment and domestic factors, family size, single-parent families, authority crises, generation conflict and religious factors), cultural alienation and educational factors. Countercultural youth groupings that resort to violence have a destructive influence on the physical and psychic school environment, on fellow pupils, on office-bearers and on the learning environment. Despite all this, however, the school is ideally placed to identify, rehabilitate and accommodate countercultural youth groupings and to provide instruction in life skills with a view to expelling antinormative behaviour. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika vanuit 'n opvoedkundige perspektief

Meier, Corinne 01 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / In elke samelewing kan die jeug as 'n opsigselfstaande groep geldentifiseer word. Die unieke eienskappe van die jeugfase lei tot die ontstaan· van konstruktiewe of subkulturele jeuggroeperinge en destruktiewe of kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge oefen 'n direkte invloed op die onderwys en opvoeding van die jeug uit. 'n Ondersoek na die faktore wat aanleiding gee tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is in die lig daarvan van dwingende belang. 'n Analise van die stambegrippe kultuur, subkultuur en kontrakultuur is 'n voorvereiste vir die begryp en verstaan van die tema ter sprake. Kultuur is die somtotaal van menslike betrokkenheid in sy materiele en nie-materiele wereld. Hierdie betrokkenheid lei tot kultuurvorming. Die vorming, oordrag en verandering van kultuur bet 'n bepaalde gesindheidsverandering by individue tot gevolg. Die nie-konfonnering met kultuurverandering het die fonnulering van 'n altematiewe of subkulturele stel waardes en nonne tot gevolg. 'n Subkultuur kan beskryf word as enige segment van die dominante kultuur waarvan die waarde en normstruktuur van die dominante kultuur verskil, maar nie in konflik daarmee is nie. Die algehele afwysing of pogings tot die omverwerp van dominante waardes en nonne het kontrakulturele waardes en norme tot gevolg. Sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge is eiesoortig van aard. Subkulturele jeuggroeperinge funksioneer met gemak in die dominante kultuur. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge word deur die dominante kultuur as 'n bedreiging beskou. Die faktore wat tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van sub- en kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge in Suid-Afrika aanleiding gee, kan kortliks saamgevat word as: politieke omstandighede, ideologiese invloede, ekonomiese, demografiese, sosiale (waaronder 'n gedepriveerde sosiale omgewing en huislike faktore, gesinsgrootte, enkelouergesinne, gesagskrisis, generasiekonflik en religieuse faktore), kulturele vervreemding en onderwyskundige faktore. Kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge wat op geweld uitloop, bet 'n destruktiewe invloed op die fisiese en psigiese omgewing van die skool, die medeleerlinge, die gesagsdraers en die leeromgewing. Desnieteenstaande staan die skool in 'n ideate posisie ten opsigte van die identifisering, rehabilitering en akkommodering van kontrakulturele jeuggroeperinge en die onderrig van lewensvaardighede waardeur anti-normatiewe gedrag afgewys kan word. / In every society the youth can be identified as a separate group. The unique characteristics of the youth phase results in constructive or subcultural youth groupings, as well as destructive or countercultural youth groupings. Sub- and countercultural groupings exert a direct influence on the instruction and education of the youth. An investigation of the factors giving rise to the development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings is therefore imperative. An analysis of the key concepts of culture, subculture and counterculture is a prerequisite for the comprehension of the theme at issue. Culture is the sum total of people's involvement in their material and nonmaterial world. This involvement generates culture. Culture, and the forming, transmission and change of culture results in a change of mindset in individuals. Nonconformity with cultural change results in the formulation of an alternative or subcultural set of values and norms. A subculture can be defined as any segment of the dominant culture that subscribes to a set of values and norms that differ from, but are not in conflict with, those of the dominant culture. Complete rejection of, or attempts to overthrow dominant values and norms result in the formation of countercultural values and norms. Sub- and countercultural youth groupings are unique. Subcultural youth groupings function with ease in the context of the dominant culture. Countercultural youth groupings are perceived as a threat by the dominant culture. The factors leading to the origin and development of sub- and countercultural youth groupings in South Africa can be briefly summarised as: political circumstances, ideological influences, economic, demographic and social influences (including a deprived social environment and domestic factors, family size, single-parent families, authority crises, generation conflict and religious factors), cultural alienation and educational factors. Countercultural youth groupings that resort to violence have a destructive influence on the physical and psychic school environment, on fellow pupils, on office-bearers and on the learning environment. Despite all this, however, the school is ideally placed to identify, rehabilitate and accommodate countercultural youth groupings and to provide instruction in life skills with a view to expelling antinormative behaviour. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

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