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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die bepaling van die kommunikatiewe behoeftes in Afrikaans vir swart sekondêre skole met die oog op die opstel van 'n sillabus

Sema, Elizabeth Motshabi 18 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. / In most instances, Afrikaans second language courses offered to black pupils are planned without pausing to reflect on the communicative needs of the black community. In certain instances this factor has been taken into account. However, these needs were determined intuitively rather than through research and sound experience. The primary aim of this study is to examine problems affecting the determination of the comminicative needs of black pupils in Afrikaans, as well as to find criteria for the selection of suitable material for learning Afrikaans in order to satisfy the specified needs. It is hoped that this study will serve to illustrate the need for careful research aimed at establishing a systematic and scientific needs analysis for Afrikaans at black schools in the Republic of S.A. The problems and constraints pertaining to the application of an investigation into the requirements of the target group are also outlined in this study. Recommendations suggesting possible solutions of these problems are made. In addition, the present syllabus is examined in the light of present insights into the communicative needs of black learners. Chapter one deals with the aims and structure of the study. The second chapter sketches the most important points concerning the acquisition and learning of a second language. In the following chapter the theories and approaches to language teaching are discussed.

An analysis of the constitution of a school subject through recontextualizing : the case of the NAC drama syllabus (1994)

Hoadley, Ursula Kate January 1997 (has links)
This study sets out to develop a framework for the analysis of a school subject and uses as a focal study the NAC drama syllabus developed in1994. Drawing in the main on Basil Bernstein's theory of curriculum, an analysis is made of how a syllabus is constituted through recontextualizing, using the theoretical concepts of voice and identity, classification and framing, and hierarchy. The discourses that have been recontextualized in the formation of the syllabus are identified. Two sets of discourses are identified: educational policy discourses (namely the discourses of progressivism, utilitarianism and reconstruction and development) and educational drama discourses. The specialization of voice in the syllabus marks out the academic identity, and is an indicator of educational drama discourses evident in the syllabus. The specialization of identity marks out projected social identities, indicating the recruitment of educational policy discourses in the constitution of the syllabus. The field in which the syllabus is constructed is also examined, which following Bernstein is defined as the recontextualizing field. The syllabus writers, located in this field, act selectively on the educational policy and educational drama discourses in constituting the syllabus. The rules for selection in the development of the syllabus are examined, and these are related to the syllabus writers' situation within the recontextualizing field. It is argued that the syllabus writers are positioned subordinately within the field, and that this factor to a large extent regulates the operation of educational policy discourses as rules for selection in the drawing up of the syllabus .

Grade 1 teachers' involvement in school-based curriculum development in the Northern Province

Lumadi, Mutendwahothe Walter 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The bright future of education in South Africa, as in every developed and developing country such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, France and many others, depends greatly on grade 1 teachers' involvement in School-Based Curriculum Development (SBCD). The fallacy that grade 1 teachers can be operated effectively by remote control should be abandoned from the school curriculum. Success will always be elusive task if grade 1 teachers are excluded from curriculum decision-making, because their proximity to learners in the learning situation is a source of valuable information for curriculum developers, a source which is currently overlooked. This warrants a paradigm shift in teacher training programmes. A situation analysis in our democratic country necessitates problem-centred teacher training which will equip the future generation of teacher trainees and prospective grade 1 teachers with relevant professional skills, precipitated by our country. The bone of contention in this study revolves around the kind of teaching and learning problems experienced by grade 1 teachers involved in SBCD in the Northern Province. It is apparent from the thesis that grade 1 teachers' involvement in curriculum decisionmaking is limited to a certain extent because members of the top structure of curriculum planners are reluctant to quit their 'ivory towers' to perceive the real situation of the noble profession of teaching. A profound problem in South Africa in general and the Northern Province in particular is that there is a serious lack of consultation and negotiations with grade 1 teachers, and the implications thereof are detrimental to SBCD. The measure in which the grade 1 teachers are involved in participation and decisionmaking is a determinant of the success or failure of the innovation project. It is thus noteworthy to point out that the grade 1 teacher must be fully supported by his or her academic seniors, to become actively involved in curriculum activities. The overriding aim of this study, an exploratory investigation of the identified teaching and learning problems by grade 1 teachers in terms of SBCD in the Northern Province emanated from this need. It should also be pointed out that our world is characterised by the rapid tempo at which knowledge becomes out-dated and is replaced by new ideas and concepts. The twentieth century has become known as the information era. This has necessitated a change of emphasis in education; instead of the transfer of knowledge, the grade I teacher must rather be taught how to acquire knowledge on his or her own and be provided with instruments necessary for exploiting knowledge. The method of analysis began with in a literature review, with a viewpoint to provide guidelines for grade I teachers' involvement in SBCD. After an introductory orientation provided in chapter 1, the theories of SBCD and Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) were examined in chapter 2. Qualitative research as a strategy to address problems in SBCD was dealt with in chapter 3 by means of identifying the research instruments to be utilised for data collection techniques and analysis. Furthermore, in this chapter, the researcher elaborated on the types of qualitative methods, characteristics and outcomes of qualitative research, phases of data collection and analysis strategies and qualitative research as a remedy in SBCD problems. In chapter 4, the researcher elaborated on research instruments, findings and data analysis. Findings were based on the implementation of research instruments and literature review. It is in this chapter that the theories of SBCD and OBE in chapter 2 and qualitative research as a strategy to address SBCD problems in chapter 3 have been synthesised. In the ensuing chapter 5, guidelines which could serve as a framework for grade I teachers' involvement in SBCD were provided. It is strongly believed that these guidelines will be useful for both Pre-service Teacher Education and Training (PRESET) and In-service Teacher Education and Training (INSET) to keep pace with the changes taking place in the South African society. Teacher training should thus ensure that teacher trainees and prospective grade I teachers are sufficiently skilled to cope with the tremendous escalation of challenges in SBCD. In fact, grade I teachers should be trained to teach learners who must fulfill their vocational mandate some time in the near future. The youth must be empowered for the future, which covers the period from the time they enter school. These guidelines make it imperative for the trainers of prospective teachers to predict the future realistically and to train grade I teachers in accordance with the principle of constancy and change. Future education requires individuals who will know how to apply principles, norms and values and how to design new methods for effective instruction and learning. The final chapter focused on the background to the problem, the methodology of the investigation and conclusions. The study also highlighted recommendations for the improvement of teaching practice and teacher training and the implications thereof. The researcher summed up the study by proposing areas of concern for future research. / Die suksesvolle ontwikkeling en toekoms van onderwys in Suid-Afrika, soos in elke ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende land, insluitend die Verenigde State van Amerika, die Verenigde Koninkryk, Frankryk en vele ander, hang hoofsaaklik af van die betrokkenheid van graad 1-onderwysers by Skoolgebaseerde Kurrikulumontwikkeling (SBKO) . Dit geld ook vir die Noordelike Provinsie waar hierdie studie gedoen is. Die aanname dat graad 1-onderwysers effektief kan deelneem aan die skoolkurrikulum deur middel van afstandsdeelname, moet laat vaar word. Indien die onderwysers uitgesluit word van die besluitnemingsproses in kurrikulumontwikkeling sal die kanse op sukses bemoelik word. Hulle deelname aan en betrokkenheid by die leersituasie kan dien as 'n bron van inligting vir kurrikulumontwikkelaars. Tans word hierdie bron van inligting nie in aanmerking geneem nie. Hierdie hipotese vereis 'n paradigmaskuif in die onderwysersopleidingsprogramme. 'n Situasie-analise in die Noordelike Provinsie het getoon dat 'n probleemgerigte onderwysersopleidingsprogram nodig is om die toekomstige generasie van onderwysers (veral graad 1-onderwysers) toe te rus met die relevante professionele vaardighede wat so dringend in ons land benodig word. Die kernpunte in hierdie studie handel oor die tipe kennisoordrag- en leerprobleme wat graad 1-onderwysers ondervind m hulle betrokkenheid m Skoolgebaseerde Kurrikulumontwikkeling in die Noordelike Provinsie, en in watter mate dit aangespreek word m kurrikulumontwikkeling. Bevindings m hierdie studie toon dat onderwyserbetrokkenheid beperk word deur die topstruktuur van die kurrikulumbeplanners wat onwillig is om hulle ivoortorings te verlaat en sodoende nie die werklike situasie in die onderwysberoep in aanmerking neem nie. 'n Groot probleem in Suid-Afrika in die algemeen, en in die Noordelike Provinsie in die besonder, is die emstige gebrek aan konsultasie en onderhandeling met graad 1-onderwysers en die negatiewe impak hiervan op kurrikulumontwikkeling. Die mate waarin hierdie onderwysers betrokke is, is bepalend vir die sukses of die mislukking van die innoverende projek. Dit is gevolglik noodsaaklik om daarop te wys dat die graad 1- onderwyser ten voile ondersteun moet word deur sy/haar akaderniese seniors ten einde aktiefbetrokke te kan wees by sodanige kurrikulumaktiwiteite. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is dan ook 'n ondersoek na die geldentifiseerde kennisoordrag- en leerprobleme van graad l-onde111Jysers in die Noordelike Provinsie in voorafgenoemde verband. Ons leef in 'n snel veranderende wereld waarin kennis vinnig verouder raak en met nuwe idees en konsepte vervang word, die sogenaarnde inforrnasieera. Dit noodsaak 'n verandering in die onderwys, waar die onderwyser geleer moet word om eerstens self kennis te verkry asook dat die instrumente wat no dig is om die kennis te eksploiteer, verskafword, eerder as om net op kennisoordrag te let. Analise as ondersoekmetode is in die literatuuroorsig gebruik met die doel om riglyne vir graad 1-onderwysersbetrokkenheid te verskaf. Na die inleidende orienteringspostulaat in Hoofstuk 1, Is die teoriee van Skoolgebaseerde kurrikulumontwikkeling en Uitkomsgebaseerde Onde111Jys (UGO) m Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek. In Hoofstuk 3 is kwalitatiwe navorsing as strategie om probleme met Skoolgebaseerde Kurrikulumontwikkeling uit te wys, aangespreek. Dit is bereik deur die identifisering van die navorsingsinstrumente wat gebruik is vir data-insameling en analise. In die hoofstuk bespreek die navorser die tipes kwalitatiewe metodes; die eienskappe en gevolge van kwalitatiewe navorsmg; die fases van dataversarneling asook analisestrategiee en kwalitatiewe navorsmg as instrumente in die uitskakeling van Skoolgebaseerde Kurrikulumontwikkeling-probleme. In Hoofstuk 4 word verder uitgebrei oor navorsingsinstrurnente, bevindings en data- analise. In die hoofstuk word die teoriee van SBKO en UGO soos bespreek in Hoofstuk 2 en kwalitatiewe navorsing as strategie om SBKO probleme aan te spreek, gesintetiseer. In Hoofstuk 5 word riglyne verskaf wat kan dien as raarnwerk VIr graad londe111Jyserbetrokkenheid in SBKO. Die verrnoede bestaan dat hierdie riglyne bruikbaar sal wees vir beide Voordiensopleiding en Indiensopleiding om sodoende in pas te wees met die veranderinge wat m die gemeenskap se leefwereld plaasvind. Onderwysersopleiding behoort dus te verseker dat onderwysers wat opgelei word, en veral graad 1-onderwysers, toegerus word om met die toename in uitdagings in SBKO te kan byhou. In werklikheid behoort graad 1-onderwysers sodanig opgelei te word dat hulle leerders kan onderrig en toerus om in die toekoms hulle beroepe te kan beoefen. Die jeug moet bemagtig word vir die toekoms vanaf die oomblik dat hulle die skoolsisteem binnegaan. Hierdie riglyne maak dit noodsaaklik vir die opleiers van voomemende onderwysers om die toekoms korrek te voorspel en om die graad 1-onderwysers op te lei in die beginsels van konsekwentheid en verandering. Toekomstige onderrig vereis individue wat sal weet hoe om beginsels, nonne en waardes toe te pas en hoe om nuwe onderrigmetodes vir effektiewe leer te ontwerp. Die finale hoofstuk fokus op die agtergrond van die probleem, die metodologie van die ondersoek en gevolgtrekkings. Die studie benadruk die aanbevelings vir die verbetering van onderwyspraktyk en onderwysersopleiding en die implikasies daarvan. Die navorser som dan ook die studie op deur areas van belang vir toekomstige navorsing voor te stel. / D. Ed. (Didactics and Curriculum Studies)

Grade 1 teachers' involvement in school-based curriculum development in the Northern Province

Lumadi, Mutendwahothe Walter 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / The bright future of education in South Africa, as in every developed and developing country such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, France and many others, depends greatly on grade 1 teachers' involvement in School-Based Curriculum Development (SBCD). The fallacy that grade 1 teachers can be operated effectively by remote control should be abandoned from the school curriculum. Success will always be elusive task if grade 1 teachers are excluded from curriculum decision-making, because their proximity to learners in the learning situation is a source of valuable information for curriculum developers, a source which is currently overlooked. This warrants a paradigm shift in teacher training programmes. A situation analysis in our democratic country necessitates problem-centred teacher training which will equip the future generation of teacher trainees and prospective grade 1 teachers with relevant professional skills, precipitated by our country. The bone of contention in this study revolves around the kind of teaching and learning problems experienced by grade 1 teachers involved in SBCD in the Northern Province. It is apparent from the thesis that grade 1 teachers' involvement in curriculum decisionmaking is limited to a certain extent because members of the top structure of curriculum planners are reluctant to quit their 'ivory towers' to perceive the real situation of the noble profession of teaching. A profound problem in South Africa in general and the Northern Province in particular is that there is a serious lack of consultation and negotiations with grade 1 teachers, and the implications thereof are detrimental to SBCD. The measure in which the grade 1 teachers are involved in participation and decisionmaking is a determinant of the success or failure of the innovation project. It is thus noteworthy to point out that the grade 1 teacher must be fully supported by his or her academic seniors, to become actively involved in curriculum activities. The overriding aim of this study, an exploratory investigation of the identified teaching and learning problems by grade 1 teachers in terms of SBCD in the Northern Province emanated from this need. It should also be pointed out that our world is characterised by the rapid tempo at which knowledge becomes out-dated and is replaced by new ideas and concepts. The twentieth century has become known as the information era. This has necessitated a change of emphasis in education; instead of the transfer of knowledge, the grade I teacher must rather be taught how to acquire knowledge on his or her own and be provided with instruments necessary for exploiting knowledge. The method of analysis began with in a literature review, with a viewpoint to provide guidelines for grade I teachers' involvement in SBCD. After an introductory orientation provided in chapter 1, the theories of SBCD and Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) were examined in chapter 2. Qualitative research as a strategy to address problems in SBCD was dealt with in chapter 3 by means of identifying the research instruments to be utilised for data collection techniques and analysis. Furthermore, in this chapter, the researcher elaborated on the types of qualitative methods, characteristics and outcomes of qualitative research, phases of data collection and analysis strategies and qualitative research as a remedy in SBCD problems. In chapter 4, the researcher elaborated on research instruments, findings and data analysis. Findings were based on the implementation of research instruments and literature review. It is in this chapter that the theories of SBCD and OBE in chapter 2 and qualitative research as a strategy to address SBCD problems in chapter 3 have been synthesised. In the ensuing chapter 5, guidelines which could serve as a framework for grade I teachers' involvement in SBCD were provided. It is strongly believed that these guidelines will be useful for both Pre-service Teacher Education and Training (PRESET) and In-service Teacher Education and Training (INSET) to keep pace with the changes taking place in the South African society. Teacher training should thus ensure that teacher trainees and prospective grade I teachers are sufficiently skilled to cope with the tremendous escalation of challenges in SBCD. In fact, grade I teachers should be trained to teach learners who must fulfill their vocational mandate some time in the near future. The youth must be empowered for the future, which covers the period from the time they enter school. These guidelines make it imperative for the trainers of prospective teachers to predict the future realistically and to train grade I teachers in accordance with the principle of constancy and change. Future education requires individuals who will know how to apply principles, norms and values and how to design new methods for effective instruction and learning. The final chapter focused on the background to the problem, the methodology of the investigation and conclusions. The study also highlighted recommendations for the improvement of teaching practice and teacher training and the implications thereof. The researcher summed up the study by proposing areas of concern for future research. / Die suksesvolle ontwikkeling en toekoms van onderwys in Suid-Afrika, soos in elke ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende land, insluitend die Verenigde State van Amerika, die Verenigde Koninkryk, Frankryk en vele ander, hang hoofsaaklik af van die betrokkenheid van graad 1-onderwysers by Skoolgebaseerde Kurrikulumontwikkeling (SBKO) . Dit geld ook vir die Noordelike Provinsie waar hierdie studie gedoen is. Die aanname dat graad 1-onderwysers effektief kan deelneem aan die skoolkurrikulum deur middel van afstandsdeelname, moet laat vaar word. Indien die onderwysers uitgesluit word van die besluitnemingsproses in kurrikulumontwikkeling sal die kanse op sukses bemoelik word. Hulle deelname aan en betrokkenheid by die leersituasie kan dien as 'n bron van inligting vir kurrikulumontwikkelaars. Tans word hierdie bron van inligting nie in aanmerking geneem nie. Hierdie hipotese vereis 'n paradigmaskuif in die onderwysersopleidingsprogramme. 'n Situasie-analise in die Noordelike Provinsie het getoon dat 'n probleemgerigte onderwysersopleidingsprogram nodig is om die toekomstige generasie van onderwysers (veral graad 1-onderwysers) toe te rus met die relevante professionele vaardighede wat so dringend in ons land benodig word. Die kernpunte in hierdie studie handel oor die tipe kennisoordrag- en leerprobleme wat graad 1-onderwysers ondervind m hulle betrokkenheid m Skoolgebaseerde Kurrikulumontwikkeling in die Noordelike Provinsie, en in watter mate dit aangespreek word m kurrikulumontwikkeling. Bevindings m hierdie studie toon dat onderwyserbetrokkenheid beperk word deur die topstruktuur van die kurrikulumbeplanners wat onwillig is om hulle ivoortorings te verlaat en sodoende nie die werklike situasie in die onderwysberoep in aanmerking neem nie. 'n Groot probleem in Suid-Afrika in die algemeen, en in die Noordelike Provinsie in die besonder, is die emstige gebrek aan konsultasie en onderhandeling met graad 1-onderwysers en die negatiewe impak hiervan op kurrikulumontwikkeling. Die mate waarin hierdie onderwysers betrokke is, is bepalend vir die sukses of die mislukking van die innoverende projek. Dit is gevolglik noodsaaklik om daarop te wys dat die graad 1- onderwyser ten voile ondersteun moet word deur sy/haar akaderniese seniors ten einde aktiefbetrokke te kan wees by sodanige kurrikulumaktiwiteite. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is dan ook 'n ondersoek na die geldentifiseerde kennisoordrag- en leerprobleme van graad l-onde111Jysers in die Noordelike Provinsie in voorafgenoemde verband. Ons leef in 'n snel veranderende wereld waarin kennis vinnig verouder raak en met nuwe idees en konsepte vervang word, die sogenaarnde inforrnasieera. Dit noodsaak 'n verandering in die onderwys, waar die onderwyser geleer moet word om eerstens self kennis te verkry asook dat die instrumente wat no dig is om die kennis te eksploiteer, verskafword, eerder as om net op kennisoordrag te let. Analise as ondersoekmetode is in die literatuuroorsig gebruik met die doel om riglyne vir graad 1-onderwysersbetrokkenheid te verskaf. Na die inleidende orienteringspostulaat in Hoofstuk 1, Is die teoriee van Skoolgebaseerde kurrikulumontwikkeling en Uitkomsgebaseerde Onde111Jys (UGO) m Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek. In Hoofstuk 3 is kwalitatiwe navorsing as strategie om probleme met Skoolgebaseerde Kurrikulumontwikkeling uit te wys, aangespreek. Dit is bereik deur die identifisering van die navorsingsinstrumente wat gebruik is vir data-insameling en analise. In die hoofstuk bespreek die navorser die tipes kwalitatiewe metodes; die eienskappe en gevolge van kwalitatiewe navorsmg; die fases van dataversarneling asook analisestrategiee en kwalitatiewe navorsmg as instrumente in die uitskakeling van Skoolgebaseerde Kurrikulumontwikkeling-probleme. In Hoofstuk 4 word verder uitgebrei oor navorsingsinstrurnente, bevindings en data- analise. In die hoofstuk word die teoriee van SBKO en UGO soos bespreek in Hoofstuk 2 en kwalitatiewe navorsing as strategie om SBKO probleme aan te spreek, gesintetiseer. In Hoofstuk 5 word riglyne verskaf wat kan dien as raarnwerk VIr graad londe111Jyserbetrokkenheid in SBKO. Die verrnoede bestaan dat hierdie riglyne bruikbaar sal wees vir beide Voordiensopleiding en Indiensopleiding om sodoende in pas te wees met die veranderinge wat m die gemeenskap se leefwereld plaasvind. Onderwysersopleiding behoort dus te verseker dat onderwysers wat opgelei word, en veral graad 1-onderwysers, toegerus word om met die toename in uitdagings in SBKO te kan byhou. In werklikheid behoort graad 1-onderwysers sodanig opgelei te word dat hulle leerders kan onderrig en toerus om in die toekoms hulle beroepe te kan beoefen. Die jeug moet bemagtig word vir die toekoms vanaf die oomblik dat hulle die skoolsisteem binnegaan. Hierdie riglyne maak dit noodsaaklik vir die opleiers van voomemende onderwysers om die toekoms korrek te voorspel en om die graad 1-onderwysers op te lei in die beginsels van konsekwentheid en verandering. Toekomstige onderrig vereis individue wat sal weet hoe om beginsels, nonne en waardes toe te pas en hoe om nuwe onderrigmetodes vir effektiewe leer te ontwerp. Die finale hoofstuk fokus op die agtergrond van die probleem, die metodologie van die ondersoek en gevolgtrekkings. Die studie benadruk die aanbevelings vir die verbetering van onderwyspraktyk en onderwysersopleiding en die implikasies daarvan. Die navorser som dan ook die studie op deur areas van belang vir toekomstige navorsing voor te stel. / D. Ed. (Didactics and Curriculum Studies)

Assessment and automatic progression of learners in the foundation phase

Moime, Winnifred Motsei 11 1900 (has links)
Changes in Education usually brings along with it problems of curriculum implementation, such as assessment, evaluation and curriculum design. One of the major problems is how learners are going to be assessed for progression and how the teachers are going to adapt to these new approaches. In this research the focus was on the following problems: Are the new assessment criteria met by the facilitator? Can the opinions/ideas and attitudes of facilitators be transformed? Do facilitators understand the new assessment criteria and how to use them? To find out how knowledgeable the educators are on assessment criteria and what the educators average attitudes are towards the new assessment criteria. In the empirical research data was gleaned by means of questionnaires. Thereafter, correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between variables and the t-test and chi-square test were used to test the null hypothesis. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

The school as a curriculum management site in an era of curriculum change

Khumalo, Vusumuzi Praisegod 06 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the actions, roles and beliefs of curriculum leaders and managers as they work to secure improvements in curriculum delivery and in managing curriculum change, using the context of an academically successful rural secondary school as a case study. This study acknowledges that curriculum reforms are far from over in South African education scape and that these reforms are unlikely to neglect the school as a curriculum management site. The rationales of this study are threefold. First, in view of the challenges facing curriculum managers at school level, as well as the questionability of the school managements’ capacity to mediate the curriculum, there is a need for empirical investigation as to how successful rural schools manage the curriculum effectively. Secondly, to gain a greater understanding how school leaders might influence curriculum delivery through effective instructional leadership. Thirdly, given that South African principals have little experience of instructional leadership and managing, teaching and learning is one of the core modules in the new qualification for school principals, this study aims to contribute case study evidence in this field. This study was conducted within two research paradigms. Firstly, this study assumes that in a school setting there are key participants who are informative about the research foci. These participants have something important to say about curriculum management processes, curriculum change and instructional leadership. This assumption is located within phenomenology. Secondly, symbolic interaction is another conceptual paradigm in that curriculum management is studied as a complex process requiring interaction among role players. Findings indicated that the principal impacts positively on teaching and learning if he focuses on instructional leadership. Secondly, the effective use of regular meetings is essential in order to clarify the vision and build an organization and culture where teaching and learning flourish. Thirdly, curriculum managers are directly involved in curriculum management, albeit at different angles. Fourthly, the capacity of the School Management Team (SMT) needs to be strengthened through use of innovative practices and lastly, the principal needs to be a proactive leader who observes and takes ownership of curriculum changes. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

The integration and development of Van Aswegen's (1998) model of critical thinking, within a nursing programme, to promote critical reflective practice

Harris, Maureen January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (D.Tech.: Postgraduate Nursing Studies)-Dept. of Postgraduate Nursing Studies, Durban Institute of Technology, 2006 2 v. (920 leaves) / An educational course for post-basic multi-cultural South African nurses, based on a model for critical reflective practice, forms the case study for a participatory action research paradigm that frames this qualitative study

Curriculum 2005: challenges facing teachers in historically disadvantaged schools in the Western Cape

De Waal, Trevor Garfield January 2004 (has links)
The quest for change in the new South Africa on political , economical and social frontiers were primarily directed at entrance into the global markets, establishing democracy and leveling the playing fields amongst South Africa&rsquo / s diverse population. Those previously disenfranchised on political, economical and social grounds waited in anticipation on the rewards for their participation in the struggle against the discriminative minority regime of the past. These rewards would be in the form of radical policy changes sometimes far removed from the realities of the ordinary citizen. These reforms especially those on the educational level would prove to be flawed with constraints not anticipated by these policy developers as well as the government of the day. The educational transformation process was thus deemed as significant in order to address equity and equality and in so doing also provide skilled citizens which are able to be globally competitive.<br /> <br /> These educational changes in terms of schools were externalised in the form of Curriculum 2005 and Outcomes-based Education. Curriculum 2005 was viewed as a planned framework (process) of curriculum innovation underpinned by factors such as redress, access, equity and development. Outcomes-based Education in turn was the approach focusing on what is learned and how learning is taken place. This study will focus on Curriculum 2005 and OBE as education transformation tools and to what extent grade 7 teachers as implementers and modifiers understand and practice C2005 and OBE in their respective classrooms. One of the biggest problems facing the educational transformation process is the fact that there exists a gap between theory (policy) and practice (implementation). This gap can be attributed to different factors present in the historical disadvantaged school context in South Africa.<br /> <br /> This study will follow a qualitative approach which is directed at an inquiry process of understanding based on a distinct methodological approach. Data- gathering tools such as direct observation, structured interviews and questionnaires will be used. The research was primarily conducted in historically disadvantaged schools in the Metropole-east circuit of the Western Cape Educational Department. The sample was made up of schools in Macassar, Firgrove, Somerset-West, Strand, Temperance Town and Sir Lowry&rsquo / s Pass.

Die vakvergadering as strategie om bestuursvaardighede te ontwikkel

20 November 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Management) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Challenges faced by lectures in the implementation of National Certificate Vocational curriculum at Mopani South East FET College

Mabale, Moshe Bedwin January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed. (Educational Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2013 / This research was based on the challenges faced by lecturers in the implementation of the National Certificate Vocational (NCV) curriculum at Mopani South East FET College. The common idea was that the new NCV curriculum in South Africa was going to keep abreast of changes with the population. However, the implementation of the NCV curriculum was not as effective as expected. This was demonstrated by the fact that in 2007, numerous students in NCV Level 2, did not manage to progress to the next level. The through-put rate was low in almost all the programmes. Therefore, the researcher was led to believe that lecturers were finding it difficult to implement the new NCV curriculum. In order to explore challenges faced by lecturers in the implementation of the NCV curriculum at Mopani South East FET, the researcher discussed different perspectives of and the rationale for curriculum change and implementation in different parts of the world including South Africa. The curriculum changes and implementation were discussed considering some of the countries, such as Romania, China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United States of America (USA), Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. Scholars have proven that for effective curriculum implementation, there are a number of ideas, which cannot be undermined, especially when there are curriculum changes. It referred to issues, such as the availability of curriculum plans, proper curriculum implementation management and leadership and continuous development of all the implementers. The aim of the study was to explore the challenges faced by lecturers in the implementation of the NCV curriculum at Mopani South East FET College. There were three objectives to this study, Firstly, to establish obstacles, which hindered the implementation of the NCV curriculum, secondly, explore what the causes for these obstacles were, and thirdly, describe the extent, to which these obstacles affected the implementation of NCV curriculum. The challenges faced by lecturers in the implementation of the NCV at Mopani South East FET College were investigated in order to achieve the stated objectives. The findings of this study provided conclusions and implications to NCV curriculum lecturers as well as policy makers; and added a body of knowledge in curriculum implementation. v A qualitative research method was used for the purpose of this study. Interviews and document analyses were used in order to gather information. The findings from this research project focused on four themes a) physical resources; b) student matters; c) staff matters and d) management matters. After considering the findings and results from the interviews and documents analyses, the researcher was convinced that further research could be undertaken in line with the relevant lecturer qualifications, academic and staff development for the FET sector, articulation of the NCV curriculum by businesses, monitoring and evaluation of the NCV curriculum implementation by campus, college management, as well as relevant provincial and national officials. In conclusion, the researcher believes that this study would play a very significant role to assist lecturers teaching or lecturing the NCV programmes, additionally, add to the body of knowledge in curriculum implementation and be of use to policy makers. Eventually, it will assist in bringing the desired expectations by Mopani South East FET College and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET) to fruition.

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