Spelling suggestions: "subject:"customer 5atisfaction index"" "subject:"customer 5atisfaction índex""
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Research On Consumer Satisfaction in Creative life Industries projectChu, Ying-chiou 29 August 2006 (has links)
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Customers’ Perception on their Satisfaction about the Private Banks in a Developing Country : A perspective of Private Banks in BangladeshAkanda, Md Mahmudul Alam, Dzeko, Jasmin January 2016 (has links)
Customers’ satisfaction is a decisive factor in the development process of business which has also an effective impact on contributing a country's GDP. Private banks have been emerged over the time in developing countries where customers’ satisfaction is the driven force of banking industry investigated in Bangladesh. In this study a conventional American Customer Satisfaction Index model has been used over Bangladesh to compare overall performance of banking industry. Customers’ satisfaction in Bangladesh has been measured from the different angle of customers’ perception based on their portfolio. This research has been designed on a quantitative approach followed by survey research method. Questionnaire was administered to collect data through objective list as well as physical interaction with the respondents from different locations in the capital city of Bangladesh named Dhaka. Collected data had been analyzed applying Partial Latent Square (PLS) software program. The study outcomes showed that the perceived quality is the main determinant factor on customer satisfaction towards banks in Bangladesh. It also revealed that significant relationship exists between customers’ satisfaction and customers’ loyalty. The revised model in 2016 represents the benchmark scores of customers’ satisfaction in Bangladesh lagged behind consecutively 18 and 13 scores than that of USA and Taiwan. Considering the study results, we summed the quality of service leads to satisfied customers in turns towards customers loyalty. Banks also can get competitive advantage by evaluating all classes of customers equally through providing superior services to them.
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The effect of customer satisfaction on consumer spending growth at different stages of the business cycleLiu, En-Chieh 21 June 2012 (has links)
This study investigates the effect of National American Customer Satisfaction Index (NACSI) to aggregate consumer spending at different stage of business cycle. In this paper we use the data from The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) to determine the recession term ,and we use EGARCH model to catch the asymmetric performance of aggregate consumer spending at different stage of business cycle.
In this study we found that when the economic is not in recession period, improvement in aggregate customer satisfaction have a positive impact on future changes in aggregate discretionary consumer spending. The growth in financial obligations ratio have a negative impact on future changes in aggregate discretionary consumer spending at whole business cycle. The growth in financial obligations ratio also attenuate the positive impact from customer satisfaction, and the effect become more strong in recession period.
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Channel Coordination Mechanisms for Customer SatisfactionChu, Wujin, Desai, Preyas S. January 1995 (has links)
We consider two broad categories of incentives by which a manufacturer can motivate its retailers to provide high customer satisfaction: 1) manufacturer assistance that reduces the retailer's cost of providing customer satisfaction (CS assistance); and 2) customer satisfaction index (CSI) bonus. We show that if a retailer has a long-term orientation, CS assistance is a more effective coordination mechanism that induces the retailer to expend more effort at customer satisfaction. However if the retailer has a short-term orientation, CSI bonus is a more effective coordination mechanism. We then show that a long-term retailed is more valuable to a manufacturer than a short-term oriented one. Finally, we show that the use of CSI incentives results in greater profits for both the manufacturer and the retailer.
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Daseinsvorsorge in Deutschland - eine empirische Analyse der Zufriedenheit mit der Abholung der Haushaltsabfälle: Einflussfaktoren, Wirkungsgrad, demographische Unterschiede und OptimierungsansätzeMischel, Torsten Karlheinz 24 January 2025 (has links)
Die Dissertation vereint drei Artikel und ein Arbeitspapier mit dem Ziel, Grundlagenwissen über zufriedenheitsbeeinflussende Faktoren in der Entsorgungswirtschaft zu schaffen. Darüber hinaus wird ein Modell entwickelt, welches es den verschiedenen wirtschaftenden Akteuren der andienungspflichtigen Abfallentsorgung in Deutschland ermöglicht, auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen fußende operative Entscheidungen zu treffen (Abbildung 1). Neben Artikel A, welcher neues Grundlagenwissen über die Zufriedenheit beeinflussende Faktoren mithilfe durchgeführter und ausgewerteter Expertenbefragungen generiert, zeigen Artikel B und C zum einen die Einflussstärke einzelner Faktoren auf die allgemeine Zufriedenheit mit der Abfallabholung und zum anderen die Ausprägung dieser Faktoren in verschiedenen demographischen Clustern der befragten Stichprobe auf. Auf diesen Erkenntnissen aufbauend habe ich im Rahmen einer weiteren Expertenbefragung den Bedarf zur Steigerung der Zufriedenheit mit der Abfallabholung unter Berücksichtigung wirtschaftlicher und logistischer Vorgaben abgefragt. Die Fragen dienen der grundsätzlichen Einschätzung, ob eine autonome, dezentral gesteuerte Abfallabholung zur Optimierung der Leistungsfaktoren sinnvoll ist und welche Faktoren dabei die als entscheidende Zielvorgabe gesetzt werden. Somit wird ein Bogen gespannt von der Entstehung und Beeinflussung der Zufriedenheit über den aktuellen Stand und die Ausprägung der einzelnen Faktoren bis hin zur Handlungsempfehlung zur Verbesserung der logistischen Prozesse, um die Zufriedenheit effektiv und effizient zu steigern.
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Spokojenost zákazníků se službami Pulse Fitness v Benešově / Customer Satisfaction with the Services of Pulse Fitness in BenešovHolánek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Title: Customer Satisfaction with the Services of Pulse Fitness in Benešov Objectives: The primary aim of this thesis is to ascertain customer satisfaction with the services of Pulse Fitness in Benešov as well as the main factors which reduce the level of customer satisfaction with said services. The results obtained will be employed as the bases for recommended measures, whose implementation in Pulse Fitness should contribute to an increase in the level of customer satisfaction. Moreover, a secondary aim is to adapt the methodology of the European Customer Satisfaction Index to the area of fitness. Methods: In the thesis, the methodology of the European Customer Satisfaction Index is employed. Electronic questioning was applied for the collection of primary data. Results: The resulting values of the European Customer Satisfaction Index indicate that the customers of Pulse Fitness have an above-average satisfaction with the provided services. However, there are a range of factors which the management of Pulse Fitness should address. Specific resommendations are mentioned. Key words: European Customer Satisfaction Index (ECSI), customer satisfaction, fitness services
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Contractual Governance of Indonesia Railway System - Case Study:Customer Satisfaction in Jabodetabek Area Vs Värmlandstrafik ABSunarto, Retno Sari January 2009 (has links)
<p>The growth of private motor vehicle grows rapidly each year have negative impact not only forthe extra contribution of air pollution but also to time wasting. That impact can lead todecreasing of people quality life. Public transportation is one of the solutions for the problem.Therefore, the shift from private motor vehicle user to public transportation, in other wordincreasing market share of public transportation, is necessary. One of the public transportationthat can attract more market share is railways. It has large capacity, high safety level, and freefrom traffic jam. Those characteristic makes railway as primary public transportation.Indonesian railways nowadays have lot of problems and receive many complaints from thepassenger. Train travel is still colored with the delay, limited well-condition vehicle, and uncleartrain travel information that often disadvantage passengers, and many of services offered werefailed to attract passengers. These conditions result in decreasing quality of services andinsufficient railways operation. This will be a barrier to Indonesian railways accomplishment inmaking it to be a reliable and sustainable transport mode. Therefore, to improve market shareand to improve the railway condition, it necessary to have contractual governance withstandard that can lead to costumer satisfaction and making the process improve therelationship between the stakeholders. This lead to the problem of what is the customersatisfaction factors in using railway as their transport, what service quality item that satisfiedthe passenger, and how contract can maintain the relationship between the stakeholders.Finding in this thesis consist of several point. First, from the customer satisfaction index, thecustomers of Jabodetabek commuter train are not satisfied with the service. Second, theanalysis discovered that there are four factors that have high correlation with overallsatisfaction. The four factors are equipment and facility, assurance, competency, and traveltime and appearance. The attributes is grouping into five SERVQUAL dimension. Fromregression analysis of SERVQUAL dimensions there are two service items that influence thecustomer satisfaction; assurances and tangibles. Third, from gap analysis there are gaps inservice process that need to be closed in order to deliver service quality which lead tocustomer satisfaction in railway operational. Fourth, from contract analysis can be concludedthat present condition PT.KAI as the operator cannot perform as it is stated in contract. Thiscan be influenced by many factors such as; the lack of infrastructure, the lack of vehicle,customer misbehavior, staff misbehavior and external factors. In delivering service qualitywhich can lead to customer satisfaction, it is recommended to improve the service that relatedto assurances and tangible items and to involves passengers in controlling and improvingrailway operational. The result expected from the improvement is the increase of overallperformance of railway operation which can lead to the increase customer satisfaction andmarket share. From side of contractual governance, the research discovered that there areproblem in contract clausal and relationship between DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer ofrailway service. The recommendation is to include customer complains in setting contractclausal that can make DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer in mutualism developingrelationship.</p>
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Översättning av <em>Nöjd Kund Index</em> : Verksamhetsutveckling med kundfokus på JM ABGrundström, Johan, Åberg, Filip January 2010 (has links)
<p>Titel: Översättning av Nöjd Kund Index - Verksamhetsutveckling med kundfokus på JM AB</p><p>Författare: Grundström, Johan; Åberg, Filip</p><p>Handledare: Blomgren, Maria</p><p>Kurs: Kandidatuppsats, 15hp, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, VT 2010</p><p>Bakgrund: I samhället cirkulerar mängder av managementidéer. För att en organisation ska kunna använda en idé så måste den översätta idén till organisationens förutsättningar. Kundfokus har kommit att spela en allt viktigare roll för företagens lönsamhet vilket har lett till ett ökat kundfokus de senaste decennierna. JM AB, ett företag verksamma inom bostadsutveckling, införde år 2002 Nöjd Kund Index för att kunna mäta deras kunders nöjdhet. Hur har idén om Nöjd Kund Index översatts på företaget?</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att genom en studie av JM AB beskriva hur Nöjd Kund Index översätts och hur konceptets funktioner utvecklas.</p><p>Metod: En kvalitativ metod valdes, där såväl intervjuer genomförts och dokument från JM använts.</p><p>Resultat: Studien visar att översättningsprocessen är en process vilken tar form och ändrar karaktär beroende på faktorer både inom och utanför företaget. Dessa processer kan pågå samtidigt och ta olika lång tid. Anledningen till att olika delar av processen tar olika långt tid beror på individers mottaglighet och referensramar. I JM:s fall har översättningen av Nöjd Kund Index medfört att konceptet fått nya funktioner vilka ännu inte institutionaliserats i företagets verksamhet.</p> / <p>Title: Translation of Customer Satisfaction Index - Business development with customer focus at JM Ltd</p><p>Authors: Grundström, Johan; Åberg, Filip</p><p>Tutor: Blomgren, Maria</p><p>Course: Bachelor thesis, 15hp, Department of Business Studies, VT 2010</p><p>Background: In society, many management ideas circulate. For an organization to be able to use an idea, the organization has to translate the idea to its conditions. Customer focus has come to play an increasingly important role in organizations’ profitability which has led to an increased customer focus in recent decades. In 2002, JM Ltd, a company active within housing development, introduced Customer Satisfaction Index in order to be able to measure their customers’ satisfaction. How is Customer Satisfaction Index translated at the company?</p><p>Objective: The objective of this thesis is to, through a study of JM Ltd, describe how Customer Satisfaction Index is translated and how the concept´s field of application has developed at the company.</p><p>Method: A qualitative method was chosen, where both interviews conducted and documents used.</p><p>Results: The study shows that the translation process is a process which takes shape and changes its character depending on factors both within and outside the company. These processes can run simultaneously and take various lengths of time. The reasons for this depend on individuals’ susceptibility and frames of reference. In the case of JM, the translation of Customer Satisfaction Index has led to new functions for the concept which not yet has been institutionalized in the company’s activities.</p>
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Översättning av Nöjd Kund Index : Verksamhetsutveckling med kundfokus på JM ABGrundström, Johan, Åberg, Filip January 2010 (has links)
Titel: Översättning av Nöjd Kund Index - Verksamhetsutveckling med kundfokus på JM AB Författare: Grundström, Johan; Åberg, Filip Handledare: Blomgren, Maria Kurs: Kandidatuppsats, 15hp, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, VT 2010 Bakgrund: I samhället cirkulerar mängder av managementidéer. För att en organisation ska kunna använda en idé så måste den översätta idén till organisationens förutsättningar. Kundfokus har kommit att spela en allt viktigare roll för företagens lönsamhet vilket har lett till ett ökat kundfokus de senaste decennierna. JM AB, ett företag verksamma inom bostadsutveckling, införde år 2002 Nöjd Kund Index för att kunna mäta deras kunders nöjdhet. Hur har idén om Nöjd Kund Index översatts på företaget? Syfte: Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att genom en studie av JM AB beskriva hur Nöjd Kund Index översätts och hur konceptets funktioner utvecklas. Metod: En kvalitativ metod valdes, där såväl intervjuer genomförts och dokument från JM använts. Resultat: Studien visar att översättningsprocessen är en process vilken tar form och ändrar karaktär beroende på faktorer både inom och utanför företaget. Dessa processer kan pågå samtidigt och ta olika lång tid. Anledningen till att olika delar av processen tar olika långt tid beror på individers mottaglighet och referensramar. I JM:s fall har översättningen av Nöjd Kund Index medfört att konceptet fått nya funktioner vilka ännu inte institutionaliserats i företagets verksamhet. / Title: Translation of Customer Satisfaction Index - Business development with customer focus at JM Ltd Authors: Grundström, Johan; Åberg, Filip Tutor: Blomgren, Maria Course: Bachelor thesis, 15hp, Department of Business Studies, VT 2010 Background: In society, many management ideas circulate. For an organization to be able to use an idea, the organization has to translate the idea to its conditions. Customer focus has come to play an increasingly important role in organizations’ profitability which has led to an increased customer focus in recent decades. In 2002, JM Ltd, a company active within housing development, introduced Customer Satisfaction Index in order to be able to measure their customers’ satisfaction. How is Customer Satisfaction Index translated at the company? Objective: The objective of this thesis is to, through a study of JM Ltd, describe how Customer Satisfaction Index is translated and how the concept´s field of application has developed at the company. Method: A qualitative method was chosen, where both interviews conducted and documents used. Results: The study shows that the translation process is a process which takes shape and changes its character depending on factors both within and outside the company. These processes can run simultaneously and take various lengths of time. The reasons for this depend on individuals’ susceptibility and frames of reference. In the case of JM, the translation of Customer Satisfaction Index has led to new functions for the concept which not yet has been institutionalized in the company’s activities.
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Contractual Governance of Indonesia Railway System - Case Study:Customer Satisfaction in Jabodetabek Area Vs Värmlandstrafik ABSunarto, Retno Sari January 2009 (has links)
The growth of private motor vehicle grows rapidly each year have negative impact not only forthe extra contribution of air pollution but also to time wasting. That impact can lead todecreasing of people quality life. Public transportation is one of the solutions for the problem.Therefore, the shift from private motor vehicle user to public transportation, in other wordincreasing market share of public transportation, is necessary. One of the public transportationthat can attract more market share is railways. It has large capacity, high safety level, and freefrom traffic jam. Those characteristic makes railway as primary public transportation.Indonesian railways nowadays have lot of problems and receive many complaints from thepassenger. Train travel is still colored with the delay, limited well-condition vehicle, and uncleartrain travel information that often disadvantage passengers, and many of services offered werefailed to attract passengers. These conditions result in decreasing quality of services andinsufficient railways operation. This will be a barrier to Indonesian railways accomplishment inmaking it to be a reliable and sustainable transport mode. Therefore, to improve market shareand to improve the railway condition, it necessary to have contractual governance withstandard that can lead to costumer satisfaction and making the process improve therelationship between the stakeholders. This lead to the problem of what is the customersatisfaction factors in using railway as their transport, what service quality item that satisfiedthe passenger, and how contract can maintain the relationship between the stakeholders.Finding in this thesis consist of several point. First, from the customer satisfaction index, thecustomers of Jabodetabek commuter train are not satisfied with the service. Second, theanalysis discovered that there are four factors that have high correlation with overallsatisfaction. The four factors are equipment and facility, assurance, competency, and traveltime and appearance. The attributes is grouping into five SERVQUAL dimension. Fromregression analysis of SERVQUAL dimensions there are two service items that influence thecustomer satisfaction; assurances and tangibles. Third, from gap analysis there are gaps inservice process that need to be closed in order to deliver service quality which lead tocustomer satisfaction in railway operational. Fourth, from contract analysis can be concludedthat present condition PT.KAI as the operator cannot perform as it is stated in contract. Thiscan be influenced by many factors such as; the lack of infrastructure, the lack of vehicle,customer misbehavior, staff misbehavior and external factors. In delivering service qualitywhich can lead to customer satisfaction, it is recommended to improve the service that relatedto assurances and tangible items and to involves passengers in controlling and improvingrailway operational. The result expected from the improvement is the increase of overallperformance of railway operation which can lead to the increase customer satisfaction andmarket share. From side of contractual governance, the research discovered that there areproblem in contract clausal and relationship between DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer ofrailway service. The recommendation is to include customer complains in setting contractclausal that can make DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer in mutualism developingrelationship.
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