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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Relationship between Internal Marketing and Customer Oriented Behavior ¡ÐThe Evidence from S-Hypermarket

Lee, Shih-Hui 24 June 2002 (has links)
Abstract In the recent years, hypermarkets in Taiwan became already the main places that the consumers purchase articles for daily use. During the depression, it is very fierce that variations and competitions between the hypermarkets. The leading-brand hypermarkets still to expand their new stores in this year, but they placed the focus to increase the differences of their products and services with others, rather to compress the existing space between competitors through the price war. The study is at background of the hypermarkets, when they would like to consider the differences of services as their principal marketing tactic, whether they perceived already the employees, who possess service consciousness and customer-oriented behavior, are the key points to operate successfully. In the hypermarkets where the employees contact frequent- ly with the customers, service quality is very close to the quality of employees. One of the main purposes of this research is to discuss what factors to affect the Customer-Oriented Behavior in the hypermarkets. Therefore, I choose the employees from a famous hypermarket, located in central Taiwan, as object of the study, in order to understand the relations between ¡§Internal Marketing¡¨ and ¡§Customer-Oriented Behavior¡¨ of employees. Then to adulterate again with ¡§Organizational Commitment¡¨ as an intervening variable, in order to demonstrate clearly whether¡¨ Internal Marketing ¡§would affect ¡§Customer- Oriented Behavior ¡§or not by the intervening variable. The study finds the followings: 1. Internal Marketing affects positively on Organizational Commitment. 2. Organizational Commitment affects positively on Customer-Oriented behavior. 3. Internal Marketing affects positively on Customer-Oriented Behavior. Internal Marketing can also reinforce indirectly its influence on Customer- Oriented Behavior through the mediator of Organizational Commitment, the managers should also concern with the mediator, so as to make sure the Customer-Oriented Behavior will perform.

A Study of Emotional Labor loading and Customer-Oriented Behavior ¡ÐSelf Monitoring and Internal Marketing as Moderators

Lo, Ren-Lin 11 December 2003 (has links)
The Purpose of this study is to explore the moderating effects of self monitoring and internal marketing on the relationships between the emotional labor loading and customer-oriented behavior. The sample of this study consisted 2 hospitals at koashing. The questionnaires were used to survey and there were 400 Valid samples. The results of this search indicate that¡G 1.Emotional labor loading affects customer-oriented behavior significantly. Emotional labor loading has positive impact on patient -orientation , however has negative impact on mission-orientation. 2. The interaction effects between the self monitoring and the emotional labor loading on patient-orientation is significantly, the hypothesis of moderating effect of self monitoring was supported. 3.The interaction effects between the internal marketing and the emotional labor loading on customer-oriented behavior is not significantly, the hypothesis of moderating effect of internal marketing was not supported.

The relationship between internal marketing and customer-orientation---A study of Taiwan nurses

Chen, Chun-Yu 27 January 2007 (has links)
This research takes the hospital as an example to explore the relationship between internal marketing and customer-orientation. There are three purposes of this research: First, exploring the relationships among internal marketing, job satisfaction, organization commitment, and customer-orientation; second, exploring the relationship between customer-oriented attitude and customer-oriented behavior, and third, testing if the behavior control can moderate the relationship between customer-oriented attitude and customer-oriented behavior. In order to understand if the control mechanism varies with the levels of hospital in Taiwan, convenience sampling is conducted in three different hospital levels, medical center, regional hospital, and district hospital. In addition, in order to increase the variety of samples, Web-questionnaire was used. Finally, a total of 278 valid questionnaires have been collected. When talking to the data analysis, Factor analysis, Reliability analysis, Correlation Analysis, Structured Equation Model (SEM), and Moderated Regression Analysis are used as analysis methods. The results are as following: 1. Internal marketing has an impact on customer-oriented attitude through job satisfaction and organization commitment. 2. Affective commitment influences normative commitment positively. 3. Normative commitment influences continuance commitment positively. 4. Three kinds of commitment influence customer-oriented attitude positively. 5. Customer-oriented attitude has a positive impact on customer-oriented behavior. 6. Activity control and Capability control can moderate the relationship between Customer-oriented attitude and customer-oriented behavior.

Rekrytering av kundorienterad personal

Andersson, Marie, Gustavsson, Minna January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för hur företag arbetar med rekrytering av kundorienterad personal med avseende på individens sociala förmåga, kompetens och drivkrafter för ett kundorienterat beteende.   Metod: Studien utgår från att uppnå en förståelse och tillämpar därför en kvalitativ metod. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio anställda från olika fastighetsföretag i Sverige. Materialet analyserades sedan utifrån analysmetoden well-grounded theory.   Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att sociala förmågor, kompetens och drivkrafter är viktiga faktorer vid bedömning av kundorienterade egenskaper vid rekrytering, men att företagen lägger olika tyngdpunkt vid dessa faktorer. Resultatet visar att drivkrafter som motivation, engagemang, värderingar och attityder är av stor betydelse för företagen vid rekryteringstillfället. Ytterligare slutsats i studien är att individens sociala förmåga är av betydelse för företagen vid rekrytering, men att synen på vad som kännetecknar social förmåga skiljer sig mellan respondenterna. En av grundpelarna i den sociala förmågan enligt företagen är att det är viktig att individen kan skapa relationer med kunden och att relationsbyggandet är viktigt för långsiktigheten med kunden. När det gäller kompetens visar våra resultat att det finns en tydlig skillnad mellan företagen, vissa anser kompetens som mycket viktigt medan andra lägger mer vikt vid att individen har rätt attityd samt personlighet och att kompetens är någonting som individen kan lära sig när den väl blivit anställd.   Förslag till vidare forskning: I framtida studier vore det intressant att undersöka fler faktorer som kan påverka ett kundorienterat beteende än de som undersöks i denna studie, vilket därmed kan ge en vidare fördjupning av ämnet.   Uppsatsens bidrag: Vår studie bidrar med en ökad förståelse för hur fastighetsföretag arbetar med rekrytering av kundorienterad personal samt hur individens sociala förmåga, kompetens och drivkrafter påverkar ett kundorienterat beteende och hur dessa fångas upp vid rekrytering.   Nyckelord: Kundorientering, kundorienterat beteende, rekrytering, fastighetsföretag / Abstract Purpose of Study: The aim of this study is to create an understanding of how organizations work with recruitment of customer-oriented employees regarding the individual's social skills, competencies and motivation for a customer-oriented behavior.   Method: The study is based on achieving an understanding and therefore applies a qualitative approach. The empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews with ten employees from various real estate companies in Sweden. The material was then analyzed based on the analysis method well-grounded theory.   Results & conclusion: Our results demonstrate that social skills, competence and drivers are important factors in assessing the customer-oriented features in recruitment, but that firms place a different emphasis on these factors. The results show that drivers of motivation, commitment, values and attitudes are of great importance for organizations at the time of recruitment. A further conclusion of this study is that an individual's social skills are important for businesses in recruitment, but that the view of the characteristics of social skills differ between respondents. One of the pillars of social skills according to the companies is that it is important that the individual can create relationships with customers and building relationships is important for the long-term nature of the customer. In terms of skills, our results show that there is a clear difference between the firms, some consider skills as very important while others put more emphasis on the individual has the right attitude and personality and that skills is something that you can learn once you become employed.   Suggestions for further research: In future studies, it would be interesting to examine other factors that may affect a customer-oriented behavior than those investigated in this study, which can then make a further deepening of the subject.   Contribution of the thesis: Our study will provide greater understanding of how real estate companies work with recruitment of customer-oriented personnel, how social skills, competencies and motivation affect the individual´s customer-oriented behavior and how these factors are caught by the recruiters.   Keywords: Customer orientation, customer-oriented behavior, recruitment, real estate companies

Person-environment fit: work-related attitudes and behavioral outcomes in continuing care retirement communities

Yen, Wen-Shen January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Hospitality Management & Dietetics / Chihyung Ok / Academics and practitioners alike have studied the concept of person-environment fit (P-E fit) during the last two decades. How well a person fits the work environment may be an effective indicator of attitudes and behaviors in organizations. P-E fit is not completely conceptualized, so existing studies of fit theory have focused only on particular dimensions of fit leading to contradictory results. Therefore, Study 1, using multi-dimensional environment fit, tested relationships among the environment fits, work related attitudes, and outcomes at the individual, group, and organization levels. In addition, Study 2 examined the effect of relationship qualities between hierarchical levels (supervisor-subordinate) and multi-dimensional fit on employee turnover intention. To empirically test the proposed relationships, 288 foodservice employees at continuing care retirement communities (22 facilities) statewide submitted questionnaires. Of these, 261 and 254 were usable in study 1 and study 2, respectively, for further data analysis. The results of structural equation modeling (Study 1) suggested that employee need-supply fit, demand-ability fit, person-group fit, and person-organization fit were positively related to employee need satisfaction. Further, need satisfaction was positively related to outcome variables like work engagement, interpersonal citizenship behavior, and organizational commitment. Results of hierarchical multiple regressions (for Study 2) showed that employee need-supply fit perception related negatively to turnover intention. The study also found that the leader-member exchange relationship moderated the need-supply fit and turnover intention. Thus, a close exchange relationship between leaders and subordinates could keep subordinates from leaving because of a need-supply misfit. Further discussion and managerial implications of the findings along with directions for future studies are provided.

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