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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desmos III: neuf modèles nationaux liés pour l'étude de la diffusion des fluctuations conjoncturelles et des effets des mesures de politique économique entre les pays membres du Marché commu

Dramais, André January 1974 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Essays on macroeconomics and finance

Emiris, Marina January 2006 (has links)
Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Climate change and agriculture / Changement climatique et agriculture

Gallic, Ewen 02 June 2017 (has links)
Le climat de la planète se réchauffe et ses effets sont entachés d'une forte incertitude. Une hausse de la température et de la fréquence d'événements extrêmes tels des inondations ou des sécheresses est prévue. La forte dépendance de l'agriculture aux conditions climatiques en fait de facto un champ d'application privilégié. Cette thèse se destine ainsi à étudier la relation entre climat et agriculture, afin d'évaluer les conséquences potentielles du changement climatique, en mêlant travaux empiriques et théoriques. Les deux premiers chapitres se concentrent sur les pays en développement au travers de deux études examinant la production et les profits agricoles ainsi que les décisions de consommation des ménages agricoles indiens. Les divers scénarios climatiques envisagés montrent un effet global négatif sur la production et les profits, particulièrement pour les ménages agricoles du sud du pays. L'irrigation tout comme le mélange des cultures permettent toutefois de réduire les dommages subis, notamment pour les petits exploitants. Les deux chapitres suivants considèrent des pays économiquement développés, en commençant par une étude des rendements céréaliers européens. Les projections sous les différents scénarios climatiques indiquent une faible croissance des rendements du blé d'ici à la fin du XXIe siècle, comparativement aux observations des 25 dernières années. Ces gains faibles sont toutefois accompagnés d'une forte hétérogénéité régionale. Pour le maïs, des faibles gains d'ici la moitié du XXIe s'effacent derrières de plus fortes pertes dans le long terme. L'approche partielle est ensuite délaissée pour laisser place à une analyse en équilibre général s'attachant à étudier les effets de court terme des chocs climatiques sur les cycles économiques, à travers leur impact sur l'agriculture. Une hausse de la variance des chocs climatiques conformément à celle prévue par des scénarios climatiques entraîne un accroissement substantiel de variables macroéconomiques telles la production et l'inflation. / Global climate is warming, and the effects of climate change are associated with a lot of uncertainty. Not only average temperatures are expected to rise, but also the occurrence of extreme events such as floods or droughts. Agriculture is particularly at risk, due to the importance of weather conditions in production. This thesis therefore aims at investigating the relationship between weather variations and agricultural production, to better assess the potential effects of climate change on agriculture, relying on both theoretical and empirical methods. The first two chapters focus on developing countries and provide two empirical studies based on Indian data at the individual farm level that link climate to agricultural production and profits and to consumption decisions. We find contrasted results, with an overall damaging effect of climate change scenarios on Indian agricultural production and profits, especially for farmers in southern India. Irrigation may however help mitigating the losses, as well as crop mixing, particularly for small farms. The last two chapters consider developed countries. The first step focuses on crop yields in Europe. Under the tested climate scenarios, wheat yields are projected to slightly increase by the end of the 21$^\textrm{st}$ century relative to the observed yields from the past 25 years. These small gains are however accompanied by a lot of regional heterogeneity. For European corn yields, the projections highlight small gains in by the middle of the 21$^\textrm{st}$ century, followed by relatively higher losses in the long run. The second step relies on a general equilibrium approach, and aims at investigating the short-run impacts of weather shocks on business cycles, through their damaging effects on agriculture. Increasing the variance of climate shocks in accordance with forthcoming climate change leads to a sizeable increase in the volatility of key macroeconomic variables, such as production and inflation.

Growth, institutions and "socialist transition with chinese characteristics" / Croissance, institutions et "transition socialiste aux caractéristiques chinoises"

Long, Zhiming 11 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse commence par souligner les contextes et les difficultés d'analyse de l'économie chinoise : la première difficulté est la particularité de la Chine qui est également référencée comme «socialisme avec des caractéristiques chinoises», qui comprend le contexte culturel unique et la langue, la nature de l'économie, le manque de données, et les changements institutionnels fréquents. La deuxième difficulté est l'insuffisance des modèles de croissance économique modernes. En outre, les chercheurs souffrent également des problèmes économétriques généraux de la modélisation macroéconomique, par exemple le problème de petit échantillon, la faible identification et l'estimation sensible pour la stationnarité des séries et paramètres tronqués. Par conséquent, nous devons trouver et travailler dans un cadre approprié. Cette thèse montrera l'insuffisance des modèles de croissance économique dominante pour expliquer la croissance économique de la Chine et la nécessité de sortir du cadre néoclassique. L'analyse se tourne progressivement vers les approches marxistes et se concentre sur l'analyse des taux de profit. [...]Cette thèse propose quelques éléments de réflexion méthodologique sur le thème de la croissance de l’économie chinoise dans la longue période. À partir de données statistiques officielles chinoises retravaillées, nous reconstruisons des séries temporelles de stocks de capital physique les plus longues possibles, soit de 1952 à 2014, de façon à remonter au plus près de la date de formation de la République populaire et étendre cette base de données jusqu’au présent, pour tenir compte des derniers annuaires statistiques publiés en 2016. Nous testons ces nouvelles données afin d’estimer les contributions des facteurs de production à la croissance dans un cadre théorique néoclassique, en soulignant les limites de tels modèles – problématiques, car selon nous indépassables. [...] L'auteur a prédit les valeurs de certaines variables économiques de 2015. L'auteur prédit que le taux de profit continuera à baisser même s'il est déjà faible dans 2014. Si le taux de profit continue à baisser, les marxistes pourraient soutenir qu'une crise se produira à l'avenir. Toutefois, l'argument est cohérent avec les faits qu'une crise financière sur le marché boursier se produira en 2015 et 2016. La prévision pour la croissance économique est également très réussie. En outre, l'auteur a également étendu la décomposition économique des taux de profit. L'auteur a proposé trois décompositions différentes puis appliqué un filtre à ces composants. Les cycles économiques et les crises ont été confirmés avec une perspective marxiste revisée. / The rise of emerging economies and their increasing contributions to the world’s economy has led to the development of the science of economics. China is a typical representative of emerging market economies. This economic phenomenon pushes the development of economic growth theory, and the problems in empirical analyses also promote econometric techniques. Though China is still a developing country, China has successfully dragged itself out of absolute poverty. Is the technique of China’s economic development an alternative method for the struggle against the poverty of other poor countries? With the lack of modern international standard data, the empirical analyses of modern economic growth theories in the literature are generally focused on the period after the opening-up reform in 1978 or the period after the fiscal reform in 1993. In this thesis, the author attempts to extend the vision, by further analyzing China’s economy using modern economic approaches since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Alongside the wave of privatization, marketization, and liberalization in the countries of the former Soviet Union, socialist countries, and developing countries, China has also begun its economic reform since 1978 in which it has achieved great economic success. Chinese policymakers themselves contribute the rapid economic growth to the success of the institutional choice. For instance, Hu Jintao’s report at the 17th Party Congress (2007) has the following assertion: “To sum up, the fundamental reason behind all our achievements and progress since the reform and opening up policy was introduced is that we have blazed a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and established a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” However, what does the so-called “socialism with Chinese characteristics” really mean? How does it work on the path of economic growth? All those interesting questions incite this thesis to explore the answers. [...]

Essays on Aid Effectiveness and Development Finance / Analyses de l'efficacité de l'aide et du financement du développement

Kilama, Eric Gabin 27 September 2013 (has links)
Etant donnée la capacité limitée de la majorité des pays en développement à mobiliser des ressources domestiques suffisantes notamment à travers la taxation, le financement extérieur du développement s’est avéré essentiel pour soutenir des programmes d’investissement publics visant à construire un capital public dans les infrastructures, la santé ou l’éducation. Ainsi, au nom du développement, les gouvernements, les institutions internationales et les citoyens des pays industrialisés se sont accordés sur le fait qu’un transfert de capitaux vers les pays en développement serait nécessaire pour les aider à financer leur développement. Les principaux flux extérieurs de capitaux pour le financement du développement sont composés de l’aide au développement, des investissements directs étrangers et des transferts de migrants (travailleurs étrangers) vers leur pays d’origine. L’impact macroéconomique de ces flux extérieurs de capitaux pour le développement est un sujet de controverse entre les économistes. L’espoir et la frustration, entourant ces flux de financement du développement étant donné leur importance en termes de croissance et de réduction de la pauvreté, ont généré une importante littérature en sciences économiques avec des recommandations de politiques économiques opposées. De manière générale, cette thèse porte sur l’efficacité de l’aide et des autres flux extérieurs de capitaux à promouvoir le développement dans les pays du SUD. Nous proposons dans cette optique une vision transversale de la question d’efficacité du financement extérieur du développement en regroupant au sein d’une même analyse les trois acteurs principaux liés à ce débat : Les pays récipiendaires, les pays donateurs et l’architecture de l’aide, et les économistes - responsables des recommandations de politiques auprès des décideurs.La première partie de cette thèse emploie la méta-analyse pour effectuer une « autopsie » du processus de recherche en analysant les études empiriques effectuées sur l’efficacité des flux externes de capitaux pour le financement du développement, afin de mettre en évidence les limites à l’origine de l’hétérogénéité des résultats obtenus par les économistes et donc les insuffisances des recommandations de politiques économiques issues de leurs travaux.La deuxième partie s’intéresse à l’influence des pays émergents dans l’architecture de l’aide au développement et leur incidence sur la qualité de l’allocation de l’aide et le comportement budgétaire des pays à faibles revenus recevant cette aide. Enfin dans la troisième partie de notre analyse nous présentons de nouvelles évidences empiriques sur l’impact des flux capitaux extérieurs et autres mesures pour le développement. Nous nous attaquons ici à l’une des difficultés majeures des actions en faveur du développement : L’évaluation d’impact des programmes et politiques mis en place. Nous proposons dans ce cadre une méthodologie d’évaluation d’impact macroéconomique que nous appliquons à l’initiative « Pays Moins Avancés » dont nous mesurons l’incidence sur la croissance et la vulnérabilité macroéconomique des pays ayant bénéficié de ce programme sur les trente dernières années.Cette coupe transversale de l’efficacité du financement du développement permet d’aborder cette problématique sous une perspective unique et intuitive. / Given the limited ability of many of these countries to raise domestic resources through taxation, external finance is essential to support a multi-year public investment program aimed at developing public capital in infrastructure, health, and education. Thus, governments, aid agencies, and citizens from industrialized countries have often transfer capital flows to those countries to help them follow a sustainable growth and finance their development. The most external financial resources for development included foreign aid, foreign direct investment and workers' remittances. The effectiveness of these external flows to sustain development has long been a hotly contested subject among economists. Hope and frustration surrounding the development finance flows and their ability to promote growth and reduce poverty, generated an important literature with conflicting policies recommendations.The broad subject of this thesis is whether foreign aid and the other External Capital Flows are effective in promoting development. We propose a transversal analysis of the effectiveness of external development financing developed around the three groups concerned by this debate: the recipients, the aid architecture and the actors of development, and the researchers - whose results influence policymakers actions. The first part uses meta-analysis methodology to draw a literature review on external development finance flows with a particular interest on the research processes follow by the empirical studies, in order to explain the conflicting results in the empirical studies. The underlying idea of meta-analysis is to subtract the empirical evidences from authors' characteristics, econometric or methodological choices, to sum up the effective knowledge from existing works. The second part focuses on recent evolutions in aid architecture with the increasing influence of emerging donors. This part of the thesis analyzes the impact of non-DAC donors’ aid allocation on government fiscal choices in recipient countries and on traditional donors' aid allocation.The third part of the thesis proposes new evidences of the impact of external capital flows for development and international measures for development. First, we propose an analysis of the link between development financing and business cycles fluctuations in developing countries. We conclude the thesis by addressing one of the major difficulties in the development assistance, that is assessing the impact of different policies and programs designed to support the less developed countries. We evaluate the impact of Least Developed Country (LDC) status on economic growth and the vulnerability to economic shocks.

Topics in macroeconomics and finance

Raciborski, Rafal 06 October 2014 (has links)
The thesis consists of four chapters. The introductory chapter clarifies different notions of rationality used by economists and gives a summary of the remainder of the thesis. Chapter 2 proposes an explanation for the common empirical observation of the coexistence of infrequently-changing regular price ceilings and promotion-like price patterns. The results derive from enriching an otherwise standard, albeit stylized, general equilibrium model with two elements. First, the consumer-producer interaction is modeled in the spirit of the price dispersion literature, by introducing oligopolistic markets, consumer search costs and heterogeneity. Second, consumers are assumed to be boundedly-rational: In order to incorporate new information about the general price level, they have to incur a small cognitive cost. The decision whether to re-optimize or act according to the obsolete knowledge about prices is itself a result of optimization. It is shown that in this economy, individual retail prices are capped below the monopoly price, but are otherwise flexible. Moreover, they have the following three properties: 1) An individual price has a positive probability of being equal to the ceiling. 2) Prices have a tendency to fall below the ceiling and then be reset back to the cap value. 3) The ceiling remains constant for extended time intervals even when the mean rate of inflation is positive. Properties 1) and 2) can be associated with promotions and properties 1) and 3) imply the emergence of nominal price rigidity. The results do not rely on any type of direct costs of price adjustment. Instead, price stickiness derives from frictions on the consumers’ side of the market, in line with the results of several managerial surveys. It is shown that the developed theory, compared to the classic menu costs-based approach, does better in matching the stylized facts about the reaction of individual prices to inflation. In terms of quantitative assessment, the model, when calibrated to realistic parameter values, produces median price ceiling durations that match values reported in empirical studies.<p><p>The starting point of the essay in Chapter 3 is the observation that the baseline New-Keynesian model, which relies solely on the notion of infrequent price adjustment, cannot account for the observed degree of inflation sluggishness. Therefore, it is a common practice among macro- modelers to introduce an ad hoc additional source of persistence to their models, by assuming that price setters, when adjusting a price of their product, do not set it equal to its unobserved individual optimal level, but instead catch up with the optimal price only gradually. In the paper, a model of incomplete adjustment is built which allows for explicitly testing whether price-setters adjust to the shocks to the unobserved optimal price only gradually and, if so, measure the speed of the catching up process. According to the author, a similar test has not been performed before. It is found that new prices do not generally match their estimated optimal level. However, only in some sectors, e.g. for some industrial goods and services, prices adjust to this level gradually, which should add to the aggregate inflation sluggishness. In other sectors, particularly food, price-setters seem to overreact to shocks, with new prices overshooting the optimal level. These sectors are likely to contribute to decreasing the aggregate inflation sluggishness. Overall, these findings are consistent with the view that price-setters are boundedly-rational. However, they do not provide clear-cut support for the existence of an additional source of inflation persistence due to gradual individual price adjustment. Instead, they suggest that general equilibrium macroeconomic models may need to include at least two types of production sectors, characterized by a contrasting behavior of price-setters. An additional finding stemming from this work is that the idiosyncratic component of the optimal individual price is well approximated by a random walk. This is in line with the assumptions maintained in most of the theoretical literature. <p><p>Chapter 4 of the thesis has been co-authored by Julia Lendvai. In this paper a full-fledged production economy model with Kahneman and Tversky’s Prospect Theory features is constructed. The agents’ objective function is assumed to be a weighted sum of the usual utility over consumption and leisure and the utility over relative changes of agents’ wealth. It is also assumed that agents are loss-averse: They are more sensitive to wealth losses than to gains. Apart from the changes in the utility, the model is set-up in a standard Real Business Cycle framework. The authors study prices of stocks and risk-free bonds in this economy. Their work shows that under plausible parameterizations of the objective function, the model is able to explain a wide set of unconditional asset return moments, including the mean return on risk-free bonds, equity premium and the Sharpe Ratio. When the degree of loss aversion in the model is additionally assumed to be state-dependent, the model also produces countercyclical risk premia. This helps it match an array of conditional moments and in particular the predictability pattern of stock returns. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Essays on systematic and unsystematic monetary and fiscal policies

Cimadomo, Jacopo 24 September 2008 (has links)
The active use of macroeconomic policies to smooth economic fluctuations and, as a<p>consequence, the stance that policymakers should adopt over the business cycle, remain<p>controversial issues in the economic literature.<p>In the light of the dramatic experience of the early 1930s’ Great Depression, Keynes (1936)<p>argued that the market mechanism could not be relied upon to spontaneously recover from<p>a slump, and advocated counter-cyclical public spending and monetary policy to stimulate<p>demand. Albeit the Keynesian doctrine had largely influenced policymaking during<p>the two decades following World War II, it began to be seriously challenged in several<p>directions since the start of the 1970s. The introduction of rational expectations within<p>macroeconomic models implied that aggregate demand management could not stabilize<p>the economy’s responses to shocks (see in particular Sargent and Wallace (1975)). According<p>to this view, in fact, rational agents foresee the effects of the implemented policies, and<p>wage and price expectations are revised upwards accordingly. Therefore, real wages and<p>money balances remain constant and so does output. Within such a conceptual framework,<p>only unexpected policy interventions would have some short-run effects upon the economy.<p>The "real business cycle (RBC) theory", pioneered by Kydland and Prescott (1982), offered<p>an alternative explanation on the nature of fluctuations in economic activity, viewed<p>as reflecting the efficient responses of optimizing agents to exogenous sources of fluctuations, outside the direct control of policymakers. The normative implication was that<p>there should be no role for economic policy activism: fiscal and monetary policy should be<p>acyclical. The latest generation of New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium<p>(DSGE) models builds on rigorous foundations in intertemporal optimizing behavior by<p>consumers and firms inherited from the RBC literature, but incorporates some frictions<p>in the adjustment of nominal and real quantities in response to macroeconomic shocks<p>(see Woodford (2003)). In such a framework, not only policy "surprises" may have an<p>impact on the economic activity, but also the way policymakers "systematically" respond<p>to exogenous sources of fluctuation plays a fundamental role in affecting the economic<p>activity, thereby rekindling interest in the use of counter-cyclical stabilization policies to<p>fine tune the business cycle.<p>Yet, despite impressive advances in the economic theory and econometric techniques, there are no definitive answers on the systematic stance policymakers should follow, and on the<p>effects of macroeconomic policies upon the economy. Against this background, the present thesis attempts to inspect the interrelations between macroeconomic policies and the economic activity from novel angles. Three contributions<p>are proposed. <p><p>In the first Chapter, I show that relying on the information actually available to policymakers when budgetary decisions are taken is of fundamental importance for the assessment of the cyclical stance of governments. In the second, I explore whether the effectiveness of fiscal shocks in spurring the economic activity has declined since the beginning of the 1970s. In the third, the impact of systematic monetary policies over U.S. industrial sectors is investigated. In the existing literature, empirical assessments of the historical stance of policymakers over the economic cycle have been mainly drawn from the estimation of "reduced-form" policy reaction functions (see in particular Taylor (1993) and Galì and Perotti (2003)). Such rules typically relate a policy instrument (a reference short-term interest rate or an indicator of discretionary fiscal policy) to a set of explanatory variables (notably inflation, the output gap and the debt-GDP ratio, as long as fiscal policy is concerned). Although these policy rules can be seen as simple approximations of what derived from an explicit optimization problem solved by social planners (see Kollmann (2007)), they received considerable attention since they proved to track the behavior of central banks and fiscal<p>policymakers relatively well. Typically, revised data, i.e. observations available to the<p>econometrician when the study is carried out, are used in the estimation of such policy<p>reaction functions. However, data available in "real-time" to policymakers may end up<p>to be remarkably different from what it is observed ex-post. Orphanides (2001), in an<p>innovative and thought-provoking paper on the U.S. monetary policy, challenged the way<p>policy evaluation was conducted that far by showing that unrealistic assumptions about<p>the timeliness of data availability may yield misleading descriptions of historical policy.<p>In the spirit of Orphanides (2001), in the first Chapter of this thesis I reconsider how<p>the intentional cyclical stance of fiscal authorities should be assessed. Importantly, in<p>the framework of fiscal policy rules, not only variables such as potential output and the<p>output gap are subject to measurement errors, but also the main discretionary "operating<p>instrument" in the hands of governments: the structural budget balance, i.e. the headline<p>government balance net of the effects due to automatic stabilizers. In fact, the actual<p>realization of planned fiscal measures may depend on several factors (such as the growth<p>rate of GDP, the implementation lags that often follow the adoption of many policy<p>measures, and others more) outside the direct and full control of fiscal authorities. Hence,<p>there might be sizeable differences between discretionary fiscal measures as planned in the<p>past and what it is observed ex-post. To be noted, this does not apply to monetary policy<p>since central bankers can control their operating interest rates with great accuracy.<p>When the historical behavior of fiscal authorities is analyzed from a real-time perspective, it emerges that the intentional stance has been counter-cyclical, especially during expansions, in the main OECD countries throughout the last thirteen years. This is at<p>odds with findings based on revised data, generally pointing to pro-cyclicality (see for example Gavin and Perotti (1997)). It is shown that empirical correlations among revision<p>errors and other second-order moments allow to predict the size and the sign of the bias<p>incurred in estimating the intentional stance of the policy when revised data are (mistakenly)<p>used. It addition, formal tests, based on a refinement of Hansen (1999), do not reject<p>the hypothesis that the intentional reaction of fiscal policy to the cycle is characterized by<p>two regimes: one counter-cyclical, when output is above its potential level, and the other<p>acyclical, in the opposite case. On the contrary, the use of revised data does not allow to identify any threshold effect.<p><p>The second and third Chapters of this thesis are devoted to the exploration of the impact<p>of fiscal and monetary policies upon the economy.<p>Over the last years, two approaches have been mainly followed by practitioners for the<p>estimation of the effects of macroeconomic policies on the real activity. On the one hand,<p>calibrated and estimated DSGE models allow to trace out the economy’s responses to<p>policy disturbances within an analytical framework derived from solid microeconomic<p>foundations. On the other, vector autoregressive (VAR) models continue to be largely<p>used since they have proved to fit macro data particularly well, albeit they cannot fully<p>serve to inspect structural interrelations among economic variables.<p>Yet, the typical DSGE and VAR models are designed to handle a limited number of variables<p>and are not suitable to address economic questions potentially involving a large<p>amount of information. In a DSGE framework, in fact, identifying aggregate shocks and<p>their propagation mechanism under a plausible set of theoretical restrictions becomes a<p>thorny issue when many variables are considered. As for VARs, estimation problems may<p>arise when models are specified in a large number of indicators (although latest contributions suggest that large-scale Bayesian VARs perform surprisingly well in forecasting.<p>See in particular Banbura, Giannone and Reichlin (2007)). As a consequence, the growing<p>popularity of factor models as effective econometric tools allowing to summarize in<p>a parsimonious and flexible manner large amounts of information may be explained not<p>only by their usefulness in deriving business cycle indicators and forecasting (see for example<p>Reichlin (2002) and D’Agostino and Giannone (2006)), but also, due to recent<p>developments, by their ability in evaluating the response of economic systems to identified<p>structural shocks (see Giannone, Reichlin and Sala (2002) and Forni, Giannone, Lippi<p>and Reichlin (2007)). Parallelly, some attempts have been made to combine the rigor of<p>DSGE models and the tractability of VAR ones, with the advantages of factor analysis<p>(see Boivin and Giannoni (2006) and Bernanke, Boivin and Eliasz (2005)).<p><p>The second Chapter of this thesis, based on a joint work with Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, presents an original study combining factor and VAR analysis in an encompassing framework,<p>to investigate how "unexpected" and "unsystematic" variations in taxes and government<p>spending feed through the economy in the home country and abroad. The domestic<p>impact of fiscal shocks in Germany, the U.K. and the U.S. and cross-border fiscal spillovers<p>from Germany to seven European economies is analyzed. In addition, the time evolution of domestic and cross-border tax and spending multipliers is explored. In fact, the way fiscal policy impacts on domestic and foreign economies<p>depends on several factors, possibly changing over time. In particular, the presence of excess<p>capacity, accommodating monetary policy, distortionary taxation and liquidity constrained<p>consumers, plays a prominent role in affecting how fiscal policies stimulate the<p>economic activity in the home country. The impact on foreign output crucially depends<p>on the importance of trade links, on real exchange rates and, in a monetary union, on<p>the sensitiveness of foreign economies to the common interest rate. It is well documented<p>that the last thirty years have witnessed frequent changes in the economic environment.<p>For instance, in most OECD countries, the monetary policy stance became less accommodating<p>in the 1980s compared to the 1970s, and more accommodating again in the<p>late 1990s and early 2000s. Moreover, financial markets have been heavily deregulated.<p>Hence, fiscal policy might have lost (or gained) power as a stimulating tool in the hands<p>of policymakers. Importantly, the issue of cross-border transmission of fiscal policy decisions is of the utmost relevance in the framework of the European Monetary Union and this explains why the debate on fiscal policy coordination has received so much attention since the adoption<p>of the single currency (see Ahearne, Sapir and Véron (2006) and European Commission<p>(2006)). It is found that over the period 1971 to 2004 tax shocks have generally been more effective in spurring domestic output than government spending shocks. Interestingly, the inclusion of common factors representing global economic phenomena yields to smaller multipliers<p>reconciling, at least for the U.K. the evidence from large-scale macroeconomic models,<p>generally finding feeble multipliers (see e.g. European Commission’s QUEST model), with<p>the one from a prototypical structural VAR pointing to stronger effects of fiscal policy.<p>When the estimation is performed recursively over samples of seventeen years of data, it<p>emerges that GDP multipliers have dropped drastically from early 1990s on, especially<p>in Germany (tax shocks) and in the U.S. (both tax and government spending shocks).<p>Moreover, the conduct of fiscal policy seems to have become less erratic, as documented<p>by a lower variance of fiscal shocks over time, and this might contribute to explain why<p>business cycles have shown less volatility in the countries under examination.<p>Expansionary fiscal policies in Germany do not generally have beggar-thy-neighbor effects<p>on other European countries. In particular, our results suggest that tax multipliers have<p>been positive but vanishing for neighboring countries (France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Austria), weak and mostly not significant for more remote ones (the U.K.<p>and Spain). Cross-border government spending multipliers are found to be monotonically<p>weak for all the subsamples considered.<p>Overall these findings suggest that fiscal "surprises", in the form of unexpected reductions in taxation and expansions in government consumption and investment, have become progressively less successful in stimulating the economic activity at the domestic level, indicating that, in the framework of the European Monetary Union, policymakers can only marginally rely on this discretionary instrument as a substitute for national monetary policies. <p><p>The objective of the third chapter is to inspect the role of monetary policy in the U.S. business cycle. In particular, the effects of "systematic" monetary policies upon several industrial sectors is investigated. The focus is on the systematic, or endogenous, component of monetary policy (i.e. the one which is related to the economic activity in a stable and predictable way), for three main reasons. First, endogenous monetary policies are likely to have sizeable real effects, if agents’ expectations are not perfectly rational and if there are some nominal and real frictions in a market. Second, as widely documented, the variability of the monetary instrument and of the main macro variables is only marginally explained by monetary "shocks", defined as unexpected and exogenous variations in monetary conditions. Third, monetary shocks can be simply interpreted as measurement errors (see Christiano, Eichenbaum<p>and Evans (1998)). Hence, the systematic component of monetary policy is likely to have played a fundamental role in affecting business cycle fluctuations. The strategy to isolate the impact of systematic policies relies on a counterfactual experiment, within a (calibrated or estimated) macroeconomic model. As a first step, a macroeconomic shock to which monetary policy is likely to respond should be selected,<p>and its effects upon the economy simulated. Then, the impact of such shock should be<p>evaluated under a “policy-inactive” scenario, assuming that the central bank does not respond<p>to it. Finally, by comparing the responses of the variables of interest under these<p>two scenarios, some evidence on the sensitivity of the economic system to the endogenous<p>component of the policy can be drawn (see Bernanke, Gertler and Watson (1997)).<p>Such kind of exercise is first proposed within a stylized DSGE model, where the analytical<p>solution of the model can be derived. However, as argued, large-scale multi-sector DSGE<p>models can be solved only numerically, thus implying that the proposed experiment cannot<p>be carried out. Moreover, the estimation of DSGE models becomes a thorny issue when many variables are incorporated (see Canova and Sala (2007)). For these arguments, a less “structural”, but more tractable, approach is followed, where a minimal amount of<p>identifying restrictions is imposed. In particular, a factor model econometric approach<p>is adopted (see in particular Giannone, Reichlin and Sala (2002) and Forni, Giannone,<p>Lippi and Reichlin (2007)). In this framework, I develop a technique to perform the counterfactual experiment needed to assess the impact of systematic monetary policies.<p>It is found that 2 and 3-digit SIC U.S. industries are characterized by very heterogeneous degrees of sensitivity to the endogenous component of the policy. Notably, the industries showing the strongest sensitivities are the ones producing durable goods and metallic<p>materials. Non-durable good producers, food, textile and lumber producing industries are<p>the least affected. In addition, it is highlighted that industrial sectors adjusting prices relatively infrequently are the most "vulnerable" ones. In fact, firms in this group are likely to increase quantities, rather than prices, following a shock positively hitting the economy. Finally, it emerges that sectors characterized by a higher recourse to external sources to finance investments, and sectors investing relatively more in new plants and machineries, are the most affected by endogenous monetary actions. / Doctorat en sciences économiques, Orientation économie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Three essays in international economics

Malek Mansour, Jeoffrey H.G. 25 January 2006 (has links)
This thesis consists in a collection of research works dealing with various aspects of International Economics. More precisely, we focus on three main themes: (i) the existence of a world business cycle and the implications thereof, (ii) the likelihood of asymmetric shocks in the Euro Zone resulting from fluctuations in the euro exchange rate because of differences in sector specialization patterns and some consequences of such shocks, and (iii) the relationship between trade openness and growth influence of the sector specialization structure on that relationship.<p><p>Regarding the approach pursued to tackle these problems, we have chosen to strictly remain within the boundaries of empirical (macro)economics - that is, applied econometrics. Though we systematically provide theoretical models to back up our empirical approach, our only real concern is to look at the stories the data can (or cannot) tell us. As to the econometric methodology, we will restrict ourselves to the use of panel data analysis. The large spectrum of techniques available within the panel framework allows us to utilize, for each of the problems at hand, the most suitable approach (or what we think it is). / Doctorat en sciences économiques, Orientation économie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Cambios en la transmisión de shocks desde Estados Unidos hacia América Latina y el Caribe a raíz de la crisis : vulnerabilidades y desafíos / Changes in the transmission of economic shocks from United States to Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the economic crisis : vulnerabilities and challenges / Changements dans la transmission de chocs des Etats-Unis à l'Amérique Latine et la Caraïbe suite à la crise économique internationale : vulnérabilités et enjeux

Martínez Alfonso, Laneydi 15 July 2015 (has links)
Traditionnellement, les mouvements cycliques de l’économie Etats-Unienne ont été déterminants dans la croissance globale, et particulièrement dans l´Amérique Latine et la Caraïbe, étant donné le rôle indiscutable joué par ce pays en tant que moteur de l’économie internationale depuis la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale. Le début du XXIe siècle et spécialement la récente crise économique (2007-2009) à donné lieu à un intense débat international autour du découplage («decoupling» en anglais). Les épisodes relativement courts de désynchronisation économique dans certains zones géographiques durant la crise a été sans précédent, et a ouvert une fenêtre pour l'étude de l'impact (présent et/ou en devenir) des changements géoéconomiques et géopolitiques récents sur la scène internationale. Cette thèse cherche évaluer les changements dans la transmission de chocs des Etats Unis vers l’Amérique Latine et la Caraïbe, à la lumière de la récente crise économique internationale. Les Etats-Unis maintiennent une double dimension ou une dualité dans son importance économique pour l'Amérique Latine et les Caraïbes: d'abord, en tant que principal acteur de l'hémisphère et le principal partenaire commercial, et d'autre part, pour leur rôle dans l'architecture monétaire et financière internationale. La préservation de son hégémonie économique sur la région repose principalement sur ce dernier pilier, sur lequel la région a peu de capacité d'influence. Cela confirme encore la centralité économique des États-Unis dans la région, en dépit des changements majeurs dans les dynamiques économiques bilatérales, basées sur l´influence, de plus en plus hétérogènes, des chocs originaires de ce pays. / Historically, United States has been considered the undisputed engine of the world economy; therefore, the cyclical movements of its economy have been crucial to global growth, particularly to Latin America and the Caribbean. Since the beginning of XXI century, particularly following the recent economic crisis (2007-2009), a number of major changes has emerged, in the global geopolitical and geo-economic context; marked by new dynamics of "North-South” and "South –South” interrelations. These changes in conjunction with the emergence of the international debate on the theory of “decoupling", has opened a window to study the influence of the context of the recent global crisis on the economic synchronization and the transmission of shocks from United States to Latin America and the Caribbean. This research assesses the changes in the transmission of economic shocks from US to the region, in the context of the recent international crisis. Major changes are verified in the relative importance of the trade channel that links United States to Latin America and the Caribbean due to a substantial increase in the commercial ties of the region with China; at the same time, the reinforcement of the monetary and financial channel in the transmission of shocks. The role of the United States in the current international monetary and financial architecture continues to be the essential foundation that preserves its economic centrality to Latin America and the Caribbean, in an increasingly heterogeneous region in its responses to shocks originated in the US economy. / Históricamente, Estados Unidos ha sido considerado el motor indiscutible de la economía mundial, así,los movimientos cíclicos de su economía han sido determinantes en el crecimiento global y, en particular, en América Latina y el Caribe. Desde inicios del siglo XXI y, en particular, a raíz de la recientecrisis económica (2007-2009), han emergido un conjunto de cambios trascendentales en el contexto geopolítico y geoeconómico mundial; a raíz de nuevas dinámicas de interrelación “Norte-Sur” y “Sur-Sur”. Dichos cambios, unidos a la emergencia del debate internacional sobre la teoría del “desacoplamiento”, han abierto una ventana al estudio de la influencia del contexto de la reciente crisis económica internacional sobre la sincronización económica y la transmisión de shocks desde Estados Unidos hacia América Latina y el Caribe. La presente investigación evalúa cambios en la transmisión de shocks desde Estados Unidos hacia la región en el contexto de la reciente crisis económica internacional.Se verifican modificaciones en la relevancia relativa del canal comercial en la transmisión desde Estados Unidos hacia América Latina y el Caribe debido al incremento sustancial de los vínculos comerciales con China; al mismo tiempo y un reforzamiento del canal monetario-financiero en la transmisión de shocks. El rol de Estados Unidos en la actual arquitectura monetario-financiera internacional se erige en el pilar fundamental que continúa privilegiando su centralidad económica en una región cada vez más heterogénea en su respuesta shocks originados en este país.

Essays in international macroeconomics

Chaffa, Lucien 05 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, la mondialisation a joué un rôle crucial dans l'évolution de l'économie mondiale et du mode de vie des populations. Elle a largement contribué à la croissance économique de nombreux pays grâce à l'essor des échanges commerciaux, des investissements et de la création d'emplois , entre autres. Cependant, si la mondialisation a apporté de nombreux avantages, elle a également rendu les pays plus vulnérables aux crises. Elle a aussi soulevé des défis en matière de coordinations de politiques économiques des groupes de pays souverains. Cette thèse, composée de trois chapitres, se penche sur certaines questions macroéconomiques liées à l'économie internationale. Le premier chapitre présente une méthode permettant d'analyser les canaux de propagation du cycle économique au sein d'une économie et entre les pays. Le deuxième chapitre aborde la conception de règles budgétaires pour les économies intégrées au sein d'une union économique et monétaire. Enfin, le dernier chapitre évalue l'impact des obstacles routiers tels que les barrages, les retards et la corruption sur l'intégration commerciale régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest. Dans le premier chapitre, j'ai développé une méthode visant à orienter les chercheurs dans la spécification améliorée de leurs modèles quantitatifs lors de l'étude du cycle économique international. Les orientations découlent de l'application de la comptabilité des cycles économiques, en se basant sur un modèle prototype. Ce modèle prototype est construit à partir d'un modèle de croissance internationale auquel sont intégrés des «wedges» qui captent les frictions et distorsions présentes dans l'économie. Pour chaque pays, j'ai pris en compte les «wedges» suivants : l'efficacité technologique, les distorsions sur le marché du travail, l'investissement, les dépenses gouvernementales, les préférences et les échanges d'actifs étrangers. J'ai ensuite illustré cette méthode en l'appliquant aux États-Unis et au Canada pendant la grande récession de 2007-2008. Mes résultats indiquent que les ralentissements économiques observés dans les deux pays au cours de cette période étaient principalement dus aux distorsions de l'investissement, aux distorsions sur le marché du travail et à celles de l'efficacité technologique aux États-Unis, tandis que les distorsions de l'investissement au Canada ne jouaient qu'un rôle secondaire. Ces résultats suggèrent que la crise est partie des États-Unis pour se propager ensuite au Canada. Le deuxième chapitre se concentre sur la conception de la règle budgétaire au sein d'une union économique, avec une application à l'Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA), qui possède un marché des capitaux intégré et une règle budgétaire commune. Je présente des faits sur l'existence d'une hétérogénéité significative des recettes, des dépenses et de la dette publiques parmi les pays de l'UEMOA. Dans ce chapitre, j'effectue une analyse quantitative de la règle budgétaire au sein de l'UEMOA et propose une réforme optimale en utilisant un cadre théorique qui modélise la politique fiscale des gouvernements confrontés à des chocs et ayant des préférences temporelles biaisées vers le présent. Le modèle met en évidence un compromis entre la flexibilité du gouvernement pour faire face aux chocs et l'engagement à limiter les incitations à un endettement excessif. Les résultats montrent que la règle actuelle de limitation du déficit à 3 \%, appliquée uniformément à tous les pays de l'UEMOA, améliore le bien-être des citoyens par rapport à un scénario sans règle budgétaire. Cependant, l'adoption de règles budgétaires spécifiques à chaque pays conduirait à une amélioration au sens de Pareto par rapport à la règle uniforme actuelle. La limite optimale du déficit pour chaque pays dépendrait de la volatilité des chocs affectant ses besoins de dépenses ainsi que des frictions politico-économiques et monétaires propres à son gouvernement. En outre, en imposant une règle budgétaire uniforme à tous ses membres, l'UEMOA renonce à 24 \% des gains de bien-être qui pourraient être obtenus grâce à l'adoption de règles budgétaires spécifiques à chaque pays. En résumé, mes résultats démontrent que bien que l'UEMOA bénéficie d'une règle budgétaire commune, une règle sur mesure tenant compte des caractéristiques spécifiques de chaque pays membre améliorerait encore davantage le bien-être général. Le troisième chapitre (co-écrit avec Idossou Marius Adom) examine les effets des barrages routiers, des retards et de la corruption le long des routes interétatiques sur l'intégration commerciale régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest. Il est bien connu que le commerce régional en Afrique est relativement faible par rapport à d'autres régions du monde. Dans cet article, nous utilisons les rapports sur «l'amélioration de la gouvernance des transports routiers» (IRTG) pour construire une nouvelle base de données mesurant les barrages routiers, les retards et les pots-de-vin liés au commerce sur huit routes interétatiques en Afrique de l'Ouest entre 2006 et 2013. Notre objectif est d'étudier leurs effets sur le commerce bilatéral dans la région. Ces routes interétatiques relient trois pays enclavés -- le Burkina Faso, le Niger et le Mali -- à d'autres pays côtiers. Nos résultats montrent que les barrages routiers, les retards et la corruption sont des problèmes récurrents sur ces routes. Pendant le transport des marchandises, les camions sont soumis à plus de 25 contrôles, subissent des retards de plus de 5 heures et sont contraints de verser des pots-de-vin allant de 45 à 115 dollars américains. Nos analyses empiriques révèlent que les retards entravent considérablement le commerce bilatéral entre les pays connectés, tandis que l'effet positif de la corruption semble correspondre à celui de la théorie du «grease the wheels». / Globalization has been an important force in shaping the world economy and the way people live their lives in the past few decades. It has had sizable importance in the economic growth of many countries through the increase in trade, investment, new job creation, etc. While globalization has brought many benefits, it has also created many challenges such as the increase of the vulnerability of countries to crises, and the challenges of policy management of groups of sovereign countries. This dissertation, composed of three chapters, investigates some macroeconomic issues of the international economy. The first chapter proposes a method to access the channel through which the business cycle propagates to an economy and across countries. The second chapter investigates the fiscal rule design for integrated economies constituted in an economic and monetary union. The last chapter evaluates the effect of roadblocks, time delays, and bribes on interstate roads on regional trade integration in West Africa. In the first chapter, I have developed a method that can provide insights to researchers to better specify their quantitative models in international business cycle studies. The guidance comes from the application of an accounting procedure based on a prototype model of international growth that includes wedges capturing all the potential frictions and distortions of markets. For each country, I include an efficiency wedge, labor wedge, investment wedge, government wedge, preference wedge, and foreign asset wedge. I then demonstrate the method by applying it to the US and Canada during the Great Recession (2007-2008). I found that the economic downturns in both countries during this period were primarily due to the US investment wedge, US labor wedge, and US efficiency wedge, with the Canada investment wedge playing a secondary role. These results suggest that the crisis originated in the US and was propagated to Canada. The second chapter investigates the fiscal rule design for an economic union with an application to the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) which has an integrated capital market and a common fiscal rule. I document a significant heterogeneity in government revenue, spending, and debt across WAEMU countries. Then, in this chapter, I present a quantitative analysis of the fiscal rule in WAEMU and propose an optimal reform using a theoretical framework that models fiscal policy under present-biased governments facing shocks to their fiscal needs. The model highlights a trade-off between government flexibility in responding to shocks and a commitment to limit the incentive to overborrow. I find that the current 3\% deficit limit rule, which is uniform across all WAEMU countries, improves welfare for the citizens of all countries compared to a scenario with no fiscal rule. However, country-specific fiscal rules would lead to a Pareto improvement over the current uniform rule. The optimal deficit limit for each country would depend on the volatility of the shocks to its spending needs and the strength of the political-economic and monetary-economic frictions of its government. In addition, by imposing a uniform fiscal rule on all members, WAEMU foregoes 24\% of the welfare gains that could be achieved with a country-specific fiscal rule. In summary, I show that while WAEMU countries benefit from having a common fiscal rule, a tailored approach that considers the specific characteristics of each member country would enhance welfare even further. The third chapter (\emph{co-authored with Idossou Marius Adom}) explores the effects of roadblocks, time delays, and bribes along interstate roads on the regional trade integration in West Africa. Indeed, it is a well-known fact that regional trade within Africa is low compared to other regions in the world. In this paper, we rely on the Improved Road-Transport Governance reports to construct a novel data set that measures trade-related roadblocks, time delays, and bribes on eight interstate roads in Western Africa between 2006 and 2013 to investigate their effects on bilateral trade in the region. These interstate roads connect three landlocked countries -- Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali -- to other coastal countries. We document that roadblocks, delays, and bribes are pervasive on the roads. During goods transportation, trucks experience up to more than 25 controls, are delayed by up to more than 5 hours, and pay between 45 and 115 US dollars bribe. Our empirical analyses show that the delays seriously impede bilateral trade between the connected countries while corruption tends to match the ``grease the wheels'' theory.

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