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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biocompatibility evaluation and synthesis of macrocyclic compounds / Synthèse et étude de la biocompatibilité de composés macrocycliques

Roka, Eszter 21 February 2017 (has links)
La faible solubilité de certains médicaments cause des problèmes majeurs dans les formulations pharmaceutiques, puisque la solubilité dans l'eau est un critère indispensable pour la biodisponibilité. Les composés macrocycliques tels que les CDs et les calixarènes ont une cavité relativement hydrophobe, leur permettant ainsi d'encapsuler de nombreuses molécules. Les CDs ont déjà été utilisées comme excipients pharmaceutiques pour l'amélioration de la solubilité. La structure de ces macrocycles permet d'effectuer de nombreuses modifications, qui causent des changements tant au niveau de leurs caractéristiques physico-chimiques que sur leurs effets sur les organismes vivants. Ainsi, l'évaluation de la biocompatibilité de ces dérivés est primordiale en vue de leur utilisation en pharmacie. Puisque l'étude de la biocompatibilité de plusieurs dérivés de β-CD a déjà été étudiée, l'objectif de cette recherche était d'étendre ces expériences à des dérivés de l'α-CD qui sont disponibles dans le commerce. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux relations entre structure et toxicité. Ainsi les dérivés alkyl éther d'α-CD, avec des chaînes alkyle de longueur croissante et substitués sur différentes positions, ont été synthétisés et leur toxicité étudiée. Les para-sulphonato-calix[n]-arènes quant à eux, ont souvent été étudiés et ont montré une forte capacité à complexer de nombreux médicaments. Ils ont aussi démontré une activité biologique polyvalente. Néanmoins, leurs effets sur le mécanisme de transport paracellulaire n'a jamais été évaluée. Les tests de viabilité cellulaire et d'hémolyse nous ont permis d'une part de classer les α-CDs et de choisir les dérivés les plus sûrs, et d'autre part de comparer leur effets toxiques dans des systèmes différents. La comparaison des α- et ß-CDs portant les mêmes modifications chimiques nous a montré l'importance du nombre d'unités de construction. Le rapport entre l'effet cytotoxique et le nombre de groupes hydroxyles libres est également très important. Les dérivés portant de longues chaînes alkyles possèdent une faible solubilité, ce qui nous a conduits vers d'autres modifications chimiques : la sulfonation de ces derniers dérivés semble avoir un impact bénéfique sur la biocompatibilité de CDs. Elle a aussi amélioré la solubilité des calixarènes. Les calix[4] et [8]arène sulphonates ont prouvé leur effet positif sur l'absorption paracellulaire, tandis que le calix[6]arène sulphonate n'a pas eu d'effet similaire. Notre recherche conclut que les changements structurels sur les anneaux macrocycliques peuvent avoir un impact majeur sur la biocompatibilité. Comme les possibilités de modification sont pratiquement illimitées, l'évaluation de la structure et de l'activité est indispensable pour faciliter les choix les plus sûrs dans les applications pharmaceutiques à venir / The low solubility of drug candidates cause a major problem in pharmaceutical formulations, as the aqueous solubility is an indispensable criterion for appropriate bioavailability. Macrocyclic compounds possess a relatively hydrophobic cavity, which is suitable for guest molecule inclusion. Cyclodextrins and calixarenes are widely studied organic host-compounds, and CDs have already been used as pharmaceutical excipients for solubility enhancement. The macrocycles’ chemical structure allows their versatile modification, which eventuates changes not only in physicochemical characteristics, but in their effects on living organisms, as well. Thus, the biocompatibility evaluation of the derivatives is fundamental. Owing to the already performed assessment of numerous β-CD derivatives’ biocompatibility, the aim of this research was to extend these experiments to commercially available α-CDs. They have been used less frequently, however several derivatives, which have not been tested yet in vitro, have the possibility of future pharmaceutical use. Their importance is also certified by their benefits in nanoparticle formation. We have been interested in concrete structure-toxicity correlations, thus alkyl ether α-CD derivatives were synthetized bearing increasing length alkyl chains, in different positions. Para-sulphonato-calix[n]-arenes have already been widely examined due to their efficient drug complexation and versatile biological activity, however, their effects on paracellular transport mechanism have not been evaluated until now.The cell viability and hemolysis tests have allowed us to rank the α-CDs and to choose the safest derivatives, also to compare their toxic effects in different systems. The comparison of α- and β-CDs bearing the same chemical modifications highlighted the importance of the number of building units. Important information has been evaluated regarding the connection between the cytotoxic effect and the number of free hydroxyl groups. Derivatives with long alkyl chains possess low solubility, which led us towards further chemical modifications. Sulfonation seemed to have beneficial impact on the biocompatibility. Sulfonation also improved the solubility of calixarenes. C4S and C8S proved their positive effect on paracellular absorption in a non-toxic concentration range, however C6S had no similar effect, thus their behaviour in in vitro absorption model system arose forward-looking questions.Our research concludes, that the structural changes on the macrocyclic rings may have major impact on the biocompatibility. As the modification possibilities are practically unlimited, the evaluation of structure and activity cannot be avoided, facilitating the safest choice for further pharmaceutical use / A gyógyszerhatóanyagok rossz vízoldékonysága nagy kihívást jelent formulálásuk során, ugyanis a vízoldékonyság elengedhetetlen feltétele a megfelelő biohasznosulásnak. A makrociklusos vegyületek belső ürege viszonylag hidrofób, ez alkalmassá teszi őket vendégmolekulákkal való komplexképzésre. A ciklodextrinek és kalixarének széles körben tanulmányozott vegyületek, egyes CD-ek bejegyzett oldékonyságnövelő segédanyagok. A makrociklusok felépítése számos kémiai módosításra ad lehetőséget, amelyek nem csupán a fiziko-kémiai tulajdonságok változását eredményezik, hanem az élő organizmusokra kifejtett hatásokat is módosítják. Ezen származékok biokompatibilitás vizsgálata tehát elengedhetetlen. Számos β-CD származék biokompatibilitása ismert már, így kutatásunk célul tűzte ki ezen vizsgálatok α-CD-ekre történő kiterjesztését. Az α-CD-ek alkalmazása ritkább, azonban vannak származékok, amelyek in vitro vizsgálata még nem történt meg, de jelentőségük a nanopartikulum-képzésben már igazolt. A szerkezet-toxicitás összefüggések feltárása érdekében olyan alkil-éter CD származékokat szintetizáltunk, amelyek növekvő szénatomszámú alkil-csoportokkal rendelkeznek, eltérő pozíciókban. A para-szulfonáto-kalix[n]aréneket hatóanyag-komplexáló tulajdonságuk, valamint sokoldalú biológiai aktivitásuk miatt széles körben tanulmányozták már, azonban a paracelluláris anyagtranszportra gyakorolt hatásuk ezidáig még nem volt ismert. A sejtéletképességi és hemolízis vizsgálatok hozzásegítettek az egyes α-CD-ek rangsorolásához, továbbá a vegyületek különböző rendszerekben mért toxikussága is összevethetővé vált. A megegyező kémiai módosításokon átesett α- és β-CD-ek biokompatibilitása rávilágított a CD-gyűrű mértének jelentőségére. Egyértelmű összefüggést fedeztünk fel a toxicitás és a szabad hidroxil-csoportok száma között. A hosszú alkil-csoporttal rendelkező CD-ek rossz oldékonysága további kémiai módosításokat tett szükségszerűvé; a szulfát csoportok jelenléte jótékony hatással volt az oldhatóságra, és a citotoxicitásra is. A szulfatálás a kalixarének oldékonyságát is növelte. A C4S és C8S vegyületek növelték a paracelluláris felszívódás mértékét szubtoxikus koncentrációban, azonban a C6S nem mutatott hasonló hatást. Ezen eredmények további kérdéseket vetnek fel a pontos hatásmechanizmusról. Eredményeink rávilágítanak a makrociklusok szerkezetének és biokompatibilitásának összefüggéseire, valamint ezen ismeretek fontosságára annak érdekében, hogy minden formulációban a legbiztonságosabb segédanyagok legyenek alkalmazhatóak

Protein-Glycopolymer Biohybrid Structures Based on Molecular Recognition Processes for Biomedical Applications / Protein-Glykopolymer Biohybridstrukturen auf der Basis molekularer Erkennungsprozesse für biomedizinische Anwendungen

Ennen, Franka 13 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The design of versatile biohybrid nanosized materials has revealed itself as a promising avenue towards biomedical applications in today´s life sciences. In this regard the combination of components of synthetic and natural origin facilitates an applicability which is supposed to be far beyond the sum of their single components. These biohybrid structures (BHS) can be built by a huge variety of building blocks including solid or soft nanoparticles, peptides/proteins, polynucleotides or low molecular weight drugs. Along with the latter the attachment of biologically active entities or imaging moieties, e. g. enzymes, fluorescence markers or targeting motifs display thereby a key step towards the development of carrier systems for drug delivery purposes. Among the soft nanoparticles especially dendritic polymers such as perfectly branched dendrimers or hyperbranched polymers are considered as ideal building blocks, since they allow an easy tailoring of crucial properties such as solubility, biocompatibility or bioactivity by means of surface functionalization. Especially in the field of targeted drug delivery the crucial role of sizes and size distributions of carriers has been highlighted recently, since it critically influences important factors such as circulation time or biodistribution within the body. The ability of avidin to form high molecular weight associates with biotinylated macromolecules as well as its inherent properties makes it a suitable candidate for passive and active targeting in combination with biotinylated (bio-)polymers. Furthermore, along with the covalent attachment of bioactive moieties, non-covalent attachment is a frequently used approach, because it is assumed to only require stoichiometric mixing. In context of the latter molecular recognition processes such as the avidin-biotin, β-cyclodextrin-adamantane or Ni(II)-NTA-histidine-tag interactions have shown to be fruitful strategies for the attachment of bioactive entities. The overall aim of this work was to fabricate BHS based on dendritic glycopolymers with varied sizes in the nano- and micrometer range as models for biomedical applications e. g. carriers for drug delivery. Therefore the molecular recognition of avidin with biotin derivatives and β-cyclodextrin with adamantane derivatives was utilized in order to tailor final sizes, functionality or catalytic activity of those BHS.

Charakterizace samoorganizujících se molekul a jejich využití v kapilární elektroforéze / Characterization of self-assembling molecules and their application in capillary electrophoresis

Hodek, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with application of newly synthesized α-cyclodextrins derivatives, 2I -O-cinnamyl-α-cyclodextrin and 3I -O-cinnamyl-α-cyclodextrin, in capillary electrophoresis. Their unique feature lies in formation of cyclodextrin aggregates in an aqueous solution by inclusion of phenyl moiety of one molecule into cavity of another one. The influence of addition of 2I -O-cinnamyl-α-CD and 3I -O-cinnamyl-α-CD to background electrolyte (BGE) and its impact on effective mobilities of eighteen selected analytes were tested. Nine analytes were measured in the form of cations (aniline, antipyrine, L-histidine, D,L-tyrosine, D,L- phenylalanine, N-(1-naphtyl)ethylenediamine, 4-nitroaniline, p-aminoaceto-phenon and tyramine) and nine in the form of anions (N-acetyl-D,L-phenylalanine, N-acetyl-D,L-tryptophan, N-benzoyl-D,L-phenylalanine, N-boc-D,L-tryptophan, N-FMOC-D,L-valine, N-FMOC-alanine, N-FMOC-D,L-leucine, D,L-3-phenyllactic acid and (R)-(-)-mandelic acid). Electrophoretic mobilities of cations were tested in BGE at pH 2.2 and anions at pH 8.0. The measurements were conducted at 25 and 50 řC. At the beginning the buffer containing 2.5 mM TRIS was adjusted with phosphoric acid to pH 2.2. However, it was found, that phosphate anions might enter cyclodextrin cavity and disable potential...

Préparation à petite et grande échelle des liposomes encapsulant l’huile essentielle de clou de girofle libre et sous forme de complexe d’inclusion dans l’hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrine : caractérisation des nanostructures et évaluation de leur effet antioxydant / Preparation at small and lare scale of liposomes encapsulating clove essential oil in free and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex forms : characterization of nanostructures and evaluation of their antioxidant effect

Sebaaly, Carine 05 January 2016 (has links)
L'huile essentielle de clou de girofle (HECG) et son constituant majeur l'eugénol (Eug) sont reconnus pour leurs propriétés biologiques. Ces principes actifs naturels peuvent constituer des alternatifs aux agents antimicrobiens, antioxydants et anti-inflammatoires de synthèse dans les formulations alimentaires et pharmaceutiques. Cependant, leur utilisation est limitée en raison de leur faible solubilité aqueuse, volatilité et sensibilité à la lumière. Notre travail de thèse porte sur la préparation et la caractérisation des vésicules lipidiques encapsulant l'HECG et l'Eug ainsi que les complexes d'inclusion cyclodextrine/Eug. Dans une première étape, la méthode d'injection éthanolique est utilisée à l'échelle du laboratoire où les paramètres de préparation ont été optimisés. Des phospholipides naturels de soja saturés (Phospholipon 80H et Phospholipon 90H) et insaturés (Lipoid S100) ont été utilisés pour étudier l'effet de l'hydrogénation et de la composition des phospholipides sur les caractéristiques des liposomes. Les conditions optimales ont été par la suite appliquées pour préparer les liposomes à grande échelle par contacteur à membrane et à l'échelle pilote. Des résultats similaires en termes de taille, indice de polydispersité, potentiel zêta, morphologie et taux d'incorporation de phospholipides sont obtenus à petite et grande échelle. Ceci indique la reproductibilité de ces procédés de préparation. Par ailleurs, des complexes d'inclusion d'HP-β-CD/Eug et d'HP-β-CD/HECG sont préparés dans une solution aqueuse et ensuite incorporés dans les liposomes formant un système combiné « drug in cyclodextrin in liposomes, DCL ». Un système en double encapsulation (DCL2) a été également préparé où l'Eug ou l'HECG sont ajoutés dans la phase organique et leurs complexes d'inclusion dans la phase aqueuse. En comparant à une simple incorporation dans les liposomes, DCL et DCL2 améliorent le rendement d'encapsulation de l'Eug et possèdent des tailles plus petites. Les résultats ont montré que les liposomes et les DCLs sont stables et maintiennent l'activité anti-oxydante de l'Eug. De plus, les liposomes protègent l'Eug contre la dégradation induite par les rayons UVC. Les DCLs, dont la particularité est de maintenir une huile essentielle volatile dans un lyophilisat en dépit des pressions très basses appliquées, peuvent être considérés comme un système de vectorisation prometteur de l'HECG et de l'Eug permettant leur utilisation en tant qu'ingrédients dans les préparations cosmétiques, pharmaceutiques, et agroalimentaires / Clove essential oil (CEO) and its major constituent eugenol (Eug) are recognized for their biological properties. These molecules may constitute natural alternatives to synthetic antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agents in food and pharmaceutical formulations. However, CEO constituents are volatile, sensitive to light and possess low aqueous solubility, which may limit their wide applications. Our thesis focuses on the preparation and characterization of lipid vesicles encapsulating CEO, Eug and the inclusion complexes cyclodextrin/Eug. In a first step, the ethanol injection method is applied at laboratory scale where the preparation parameters have been optimized. Natural hydrogenated (Phospholipon 80H, Phospholipon 90H) and non-hydrogenated (Lipoid S100) soybean phospholipids were used to study the effect of hydrogenation and phospholipid composition on the characteristics of liposomes. Optimal conditions were then applied to prepare liposomes at large scale by membrane contactor and at pilot scale. Similar results in terms of size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, morphology and phospholipid loading rate were obtained at laboratory and large scale. This indicates the reproducibility of the preparation methods. In addition, HP-β-CD/Eug and HP- β-CD/CEO inclusion complexes were prepared in aqueous solution and were then incorporated into liposomes forming a combined system « drug in cyclodextrin in liposomes, DCL ». Double loaded liposomes (DCL2) were also prepared where CEO or Eug were added in the organic phase and their inclusion complexes in the aqueous phase. Compared to CEO and Eug loaded liposomes, DCL and DCL2 improved the loading rate of Eug and possessed smaller vesicles size. Results showed that both liposomes and DCLs are stable and maintain the antioxidant activity of Eug. In addition, liposomes protect Eug from degradation induced by UVC irradiation. DCLs, whose characteristic is to keep a volatile essential oil in a lyophilized form despite the very low applied pressures, could be considered as a promising carrier system of CEO and Eug permitting their use as ingredients in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries

Two new, single-isomer, sulfated β-cyclodextrins for use as chiral resolving agents for enantiomer separations in capillary electrophoresis

Busby, Michael Brent 16 August 2006 (has links)
Two novel, single-isomer, sulfated cyclodextrins, the sodium salts of heptakis(2- O-methyl-3-O-acetyl-6-O-sulfo)cyclomaltoheptaose (HMAS) and heptakis(2-O-methyl- 6-O-sulfo)cyclomaltoheptaose (HMS) were used as chiral resolving agents in both aqueous and non-aqueous electrophoretic separation of a set of pharmaceutically active weak base enantiomers. Enantiomers of twenty one of the twenty four weak bases were baseline resolved in one or more of the background electrolytes (BGE’s) used. An eight-step synthetic method was used to produce, on a large scale, the title compounds in greater than 97% purity. The purity of the synthetic intermediates and the final products were characterized by HPLC-ELSD and indirect UV-detection capillary electrophoresis (CE), respectively. X-ray crystallography, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and 1H as well as 13C NMR spectroscopy allowed for unambiguous characterization of the structure of each intermediate and the final product.

Protein-Glycopolymer Biohybrid Structures Based on Molecular Recognition Processes for Biomedical Applications

Ennen, Franka 11 December 2014 (has links)
The design of versatile biohybrid nanosized materials has revealed itself as a promising avenue towards biomedical applications in today´s life sciences. In this regard the combination of components of synthetic and natural origin facilitates an applicability which is supposed to be far beyond the sum of their single components. These biohybrid structures (BHS) can be built by a huge variety of building blocks including solid or soft nanoparticles, peptides/proteins, polynucleotides or low molecular weight drugs. Along with the latter the attachment of biologically active entities or imaging moieties, e. g. enzymes, fluorescence markers or targeting motifs display thereby a key step towards the development of carrier systems for drug delivery purposes. Among the soft nanoparticles especially dendritic polymers such as perfectly branched dendrimers or hyperbranched polymers are considered as ideal building blocks, since they allow an easy tailoring of crucial properties such as solubility, biocompatibility or bioactivity by means of surface functionalization. Especially in the field of targeted drug delivery the crucial role of sizes and size distributions of carriers has been highlighted recently, since it critically influences important factors such as circulation time or biodistribution within the body. The ability of avidin to form high molecular weight associates with biotinylated macromolecules as well as its inherent properties makes it a suitable candidate for passive and active targeting in combination with biotinylated (bio-)polymers. Furthermore, along with the covalent attachment of bioactive moieties, non-covalent attachment is a frequently used approach, because it is assumed to only require stoichiometric mixing. In context of the latter molecular recognition processes such as the avidin-biotin, β-cyclodextrin-adamantane or Ni(II)-NTA-histidine-tag interactions have shown to be fruitful strategies for the attachment of bioactive entities. The overall aim of this work was to fabricate BHS based on dendritic glycopolymers with varied sizes in the nano- and micrometer range as models for biomedical applications e. g. carriers for drug delivery. Therefore the molecular recognition of avidin with biotin derivatives and β-cyclodextrin with adamantane derivatives was utilized in order to tailor final sizes, functionality or catalytic activity of those BHS.

ACE-inhibitorische und antioxidative Aktivität von Pflanzenproteinhydrolysaten

Rudolph, Steffi 31 January 2019 (has links)
Proteinhydrolysate gewinnen als Bestandteil von Lebens- und Futtermitteln zunehmend an Bedeutung. In Abhängigkeit ihrer Sequenz können darin enthaltene Peptide über Wechselwirkungen mit dem Angiotensin-Converting Enzym (ACE), welches eine Schlüsselfunktion bei der Blutdruckregulation einnimmt, physiologisch wirken und damit einen Beitrag zur Gesunderhaltung leisten oder hinsichtlich antioxidativer Eigenschaften einen positiven Effekt auf die Lagerstabilität und damit Qualität von Lebensmitteln ausüben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zunächst die ACE-inhibierende Aktivität von Pflanzenproteinen im Vergleich zum Molkenprotein hinsichtlich Struktur-Wirkbeziehungen und gegenüber den Domänen des ACEs sowie verschiedenen ACE-Spezies charakterisiert. Des Weiteren wurde eine Verkapselung von in Proteinhydrolysaten enthaltenen Dipeptiden angestrebt und der Einfluss auf deren proteolytische Stabilität untersucht. Dipeptide unterliegen während der gastrointestinalen Verdauung einem Abbau, was einen limitierenden Faktor für deren Bioaktivität darstellt. Zur Charakterisierung von Cyclodextrin-Komplexen mit aromatischen Aminosäuren sowie korrespondierenden Dipeptiden wurden UV- und fluorometrische Methoden sowie NMR-Techniken verwendet. Abschließend wurde das antioxidative Potential von Proteinhydrolysaten zunächst im Modellsystem und anschließend unter Nutzung von Lebensmittelmatrices abgeschätzt. Zusammenfassen konnte für die untersuchten Pflanzenproteinhydrolysate ein ausgesprochen gutes den potenten Milchproteinhydrolysaten vergleichbares ACE-inhibitorisches Potential als auch eine konzentrationsabhängige antioxidative Aktivität abgeleitet werden. Insbesondere Reisproteinhydrolysat erwies sich als potente Quelle physiologisch als auch antioxidativ wirksamer Peptide.

Investigating the hydration and structural changes of molecular organic materials under high-pressure conditions

Granero-García, Rubén 09 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

A Cellular Automata Model of Enantiomer Interactions with beta-Cyclodextrin

Darren, DeSoi 29 March 2012 (has links)
The binding mechanisms of molecules to cyclodextrins continues to be studied to better explain the interactions occurring. The majority of published models focus on one-to-one molecular binding thermodynamics to explain experimental results. They rely on physical concepts of energies and forces to guide the actions of molecules expressed mathematically in terms of differential and non-linear equations. These models are limited in scope due to their complexity and are not easily expanded to study many diverse analytes. Conversely, cellular automata uses simple mathematical idealizations of systems governed by deterministic and probabilistic rules that are easily adaptable to many types of molecular interactions. The primary goal of this research is to develop a model that is easy to use in the prediction of beta-cyclodextrin chromatographic separations of enantiomers. The model uses variegated square cells to simulate the physical environment of the molecules involved, evolving by a series of discrete time-steps referred to as iterations. Governing probabilistic rules define the physical and chemical interactions. Rules are randomly applied to all the cells of the system during each iteration and the system is updated accordingly. Micro and macro visual analysis is possible in addition to statistical output. Results demonstrate the model’s capability to use probabilistic rules for breaking of analyte-to-cyclodextrin complexes that were correlated to published experimentally determined equilibrium constants. The model was further expanded to predict the strength of interactions between enantiomer pairs to beta-cyclodextrin and their potential separation. The model accurately predicted the order of strength for six enantiomer pairs. To truly predict chromatographic separation of enantiomers, the model was expanded from one-to-one interactions between enantiomers and beta-cyclodextrin to a larger modeled chromatographic scale. At this scale enantiomer separation was modeled and evaluated for peak resolution and selectivity while varying column temperature, mobile phase pH and flow, and injection volumes. All results agreed well with published laboratory results. With the cost of research and development increasing, ongoing budget cuts, and the rush to get products to market first, an analytical model that can run multiple chromatographic simulations in minutes versus days could prove a valuable tool to many industries.

Utilisation et Modification de la β-cyclodextrine et de système mono-osidique en angiogenèse / Use and Modification of β-cyclodextrin and mono-saccharide system in angiogenesis

Assam Evoung, Jean Norbert 21 December 2012 (has links)
La croissance tumorale et le développement des métastases sont dépendants de l'angiogenèse et reposent sur un « switch angiogénique ». Dès lors, inhiber l'angiogenèse apparaît très naturellement comme une nouvelle stratégie thérapeutique anti-cancéreuse qui consiste tout simplement à affamer une tumeur en la privant de sa vascularisation. L'angiogenèse est un processus physiologique qui fait intervenir de nombreux récepteurs, dont le récepteur du mannose-6-Phosphate ou Insulin Growth Factor II (RM6P/IGF-II). Des travaux antérieurs effectués au laboratoire ont montré que des molécules analogues du M6P sont des effecteurs d'angiogenèse mais qu'au cours de leur administration, ces composés sont facilement éliminés car trop hydrophiles. Afin d'obtenir des analogues du M6P plus lipophiles, nous avons remplacé le méthyle en position anomère par un pentyle. Par ailleurs, pour étudier l'effet « cluster » et la protection par une molécule enveloppante, une nouvelle famille de composés dérivant de la β-Cyclodextrine a été préparée. Des dérivés originaux, présentant des fonctions phosphates et azido, ainsi qu'une couronne de mannose ont été synthétisés. / Tumor growth and development of metastasis are dependent on angiogenesis and based on an « angiogenic switch». Therefore, to inhibit angiogenesis appears quite evidently as a new anticancer strategy which corresponds simply to starve a tumor by depriving its vascularisation. Angiogenesis is a physiological process that involves many receptors, including the RM6P/IGF-2. Previous work conducted in the laboratory has shown that analogues of M6P are effectors of angiogenesis but during administration, these compounds are easily removed due to their hydrophilicity. To increase the lipophilicity of the M6P analogues, we have replaced the methyl group at the anomeric position by a pentyl group. Also to study the “cluster” effect and the protective transport of molecules, a new family of compounds derived from β-cyclodextrin were prepared. Original derivatives, having azido and phosphate functions, and a crown made of mannose were synthesised.

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