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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of psychostimulant administration during development on adult brain functions controlling motivation, impulsivity and cognition

Di Miceli, Mathieu January 2016 (has links)
ADHD pharmacotherapy uses methylphenidate (MPH), D-amphetamine (D- amph), two psychostimulants targeting dopamine transporters, or atomoxetine (ATX), specifically targeting norepinephrine transporters. We have assessed the pharmacological mechanisms of these three drugs on the in vitro efflux of neurotransmitters in rat prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatal slices as well as on the in vivo electrical activities of PFC pyramidal neurons, striatal medium spiny neurons, ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons or dorsal raphe nucleus serotonin neurons, using single cell extracellular electrophysiological recording techniques. We have also tested whether chronic methylphenidate treatment, during either adolescence or adulthood, could have long-lasting consequences on body growth, depression and neuronal functions. Release experiments showed that all ADHD drugs induce dose-dependent dopamine efflux in both the PFC and striatum, with different efficacies, while only D- amph induced cortical norepinephrine efflux. Atomoxetine induced an unexpected massive dopamine outflow in striatal regions, by mechanisms that depend on physiological parameters. Our electrophysiological studies indicate that all three drugs equally stimulate the excitability of PFC pyramidal neurons, in basal and NMDA-evoked conditions, when administered acutely (3 mg/kg). While the electrophysiological effects elicited by psychostimulants may be dependent on D1 receptor activation, those induced by atomoxetine relied on different mechanisms. In the ventral tegmental area (VTA), methylphenidate (2 mg/kg), but not atomoxetine, induced firing and burst activity reductions, through dopamine D2 autoreceptor activation. Reversal of such effects (eticlopride 0.2 mg/kg) revealed an excitatory effect of methylphenidate on midbrain dopamine neurons that appear to be dependent on glutamate pathways and the combination of D1 and alpha-1 receptors. Finally, acute intraperitoneal psychostimulant injections increased vertical locomotor activity as well as NMDA2B protein expression in the striatum. Some animals chronically treated with intraperitoneal administrations (methylphenidate 4 mg/kg/day or saline 1.2 ml/kg/day) showed decreased body weight gain. Voluntary oral methylphenidate intake induces desensitisation to subsequent intravenous methylphenidate challenges, without altering dopamine D2 receptor plasticity. Significant decreases in striatal NMDA2B protein expression were observed in animals chronically treated. After adolescent MPH treatment, midbrain dopaminergic neurons do not display either desensitisation or sensitisation to intravenous methylphenidate re-challenges. However, partial dopamine D2 receptor desensitisation was observed in midbrain dopamine neurons. Using behavioural experiments, cross-sensitisation between adolescent methylphenidate exposure and later-life D-amphetamine challenge was observed. Significant decreases in striatal NMDA2B protein expression were observed in animals chronically treated, while striatal medium spiny neurons showed decreased sensitivities to locally applied NMDA and dopamine. While caffeine is devoid of action on baseline spike generation and burst activity of dopamine neurons, nicotine induces either firing rate enhancement, firing rate reduction, or has no consequences. Adolescent methylphenidate treatment leads to decreased neuronal sensitivities to the combination of nicotine, MPH and eticlopride, compared to controls. Finally, nicotine partially prevented D-amphetamine-induced increase of rearing activities. Our results show that increases in the excitability of PFC neurons in basal conditions and via NMDA receptor activation may be involved in the therapeutic response to ADHD drugs. Long-term consequences were observed after psychostimulant exposure. Such novel findings strengthen the mixed hypothesis in ADHD, whereby both dopamine and glutamate neurotransmissions are dysregulated. Therefore, ADHD therapy may now focus on adequate balancing between glutamate and dopamine.

L’accès intermittent pour modéliser l'addiction à la cocaïne chez la rate : études sur des traitements pharmacologiques et des processus de rechute

Ndiaye, Ndeye Aissatou 08 1900 (has links)
Il n’existe aucun traitement médicamenteux approuvé contre l’addiction à la cocaïne. La cocaïne est l’une des drogues les plus consommées dans le monde, mais peu de consommateurs développent une addiction. Le traitement continu à la d-amphétamine est considéré comme l’une des stratégies pharmacologiques les plus prometteuses pour réduire la consommation et la recherche de cocaïne chez les personnes souffrant d’un trouble lié à l’usage de la cocaïne. Les stimuli associés à la cocaïne déclenchent l’envie de consommer et la rechute, un obstacle majeur à la guérison de l’addiction. Ceci inclut les stimuli conditionnés (SCs) et les stimuli discriminatifs (SDs). Les SCs apparaissent simultanément aux effets de la drogue et y sont associés. Les SDs informent de la disponibilité (SD+) ou la non-disponibilité (SD-) de la drogue. La réexposition à ces stimuli environnementaux associés à la prise de drogues peut déclencher un état de manque et la rechute. L’accès intermittent (IntA) à l’auto-administration de cocaïne est un modèle animal proposé il y a plusieurs années pour mieux refléter le patron de consommation de drogue chez l’homme. En effet, les niveaux intracérébraux de cocaïne fluctuent au cours de la session d’auto-administration. Pendant mon doctorat, j'ai utilisé ce modèle animal pour évaluer l'effet du traitement à la d-amphétamine et l'implication des SDs et des SCs dans la rechute vers la consommation de cocaïne chez des rats femelles. La plupart des études cliniques et précliniques dans le domaine ont porté sur des mâles, même si l’addiction touche à la fois les femmes et les hommes, les femmes pouvant être plus vulnérables. Aujourd’hui, des recherches croissantes s’intéressent aux deux sexes afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes neurobiologiques associés. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, j'ai évalué les effets d'un traitement continu à la d-amphétamine sur le développement et l'expression des modes de consommation de cocaïne liés à l’addiction chez des rats femelles. Dans l’expérience 1, des rats femelles ont reçu 14 séances d'auto-administration de cocaïne (1/jour). Un groupe a été traité avec de la d-amphétamine, et le groupe témoin n’a pas été traité. Après l'arrêt du traitement, la motivation pour la cocaïne sous un ratio progressif, le comportement de recherche de cocaïne sous extinction et la réinstallation du comportement éteint de recherche de cocaïne, induite par la cocaïne, ont été évalués. Dans l’expérience 2, des rats femelles ont reçu 14 séances d'auto-administration de cocaïne (1/jour). Ensuite, des niveaux de référence de motivation pour la cocaïne sous ratio progressif ont été établis. Les rates ont ensuite été réparties en 2 groupes et autorisées à s'auto-administrer quotidiennement de la cocaïne pendant 14 nouvelles séances. Ensuite, un groupe a reçu de la d-amphétamine, le groupe témoin n’en a pas reçu. Dans les deux expériences, le traitement à la d-amphétamine n’a pas influencé la consommation de cocaïne lors des séances d’auto-administration et de rechute. Il est important de noter que la d-amphétamine a diminué la motivation pour la cocaïne sous ratio progressif et la recherche de cocaïne sous extinction. Dans la deuxième et dernière partie de ma thèse, j'ai comparé les effets des SC et SDs sur la recherche de cocaïne (expérience 1 et 3) et de sucrose (expérience 2). Le SD+ est représenté par une lumière, le SD- par une lumière distincte du SD+ (ou l’absence de lumière) et le SC par une 3ième lumière associée à un son. J’ai aussi étudié les effets de la présentation du SD- pendant le SD+ après abstinence. J'ai également comparé la capacité du SC et du SD+ à renforcer la réponse comportementale de recherche de cocaïne (comme des renforçateurs conditionnés). Au cours de 15 à 20 séances d’accès intermittent, les rats se sont auto-administrés de la cocaïne. La livraison de la cocaïne ou du sucrose est associée à un son couplé à une lumière (SC). Au cours de chaque séance, la cocaïne/sucrose était disponible pendant des périodes ON de 5 minutes avec un environnement lumineux associé au SD+ et indisponible pendant des périodes OFF de 25 minutes avec environnement lumineux associé au SD-. Après la dernière session, nous avons mesuré la recherche de cocaïne/sucrose déclenchée par des signaux ainsi que la recherche de cocaïne renforcée uniquement par les signaux aux jours 2 et 21 d'abstinence. Nous avons aussi évalué les effets de renforcement conditionné des signaux uniquement au jour 22 après l'abstinence. Le SD+ associé à la cocaïne déclenche, plus efficacement que le SC, une augmentation du comportement de recherche de cocaïne/sucrose. Les SC et SD+ ont montré des propriétés de renforcement conditionné similaires. Enfin, l’introduction du SD- lors de la présentation du SD+ a supprimé le comportement accru de recherche de cocaïne. Dans l’ensemble, ces études suggèrent que l’auto-administration de cocaïne par accès intermittent constitue un modèle intéressant pour étudier et comprendre les mécanismes neurobiologiques associés à l’addiction à la cocaïne. Nonobstant les similarités globalement observés ici dans les deux sexes, la présence des femelles dans les études sur l’addiction reste essentielle. / There are no approved medications to treat cocaine addiction. Cocaine is one of the most consumed drugs worldwide, but few users develop addiction. Continuous d-amphetamine treatment is one of the most promising pharmacological strategies to reduce cocaine taking and seeking in human users. Stimuli associated with drug use trigger the urge to use and relapse, a major obstacle to recovery from addiction. These include conditioned stimuli (SCs) and discriminative stimuli (SDs). CSs appear simultaneously with the effects of the drug and become associated with them. SDs inform about the availability (SD+) or non-availability (SD-) of the drug. Re-exposure to these environmental stimuli associated with drug-taking can trigger drug craving and relapse. Intermittent access to cocaine self-administration is an animal model proposed several years ago to better reflect human pattern of drug use. Indeed, brain cocaine levels fluctuate over self-administration sessions. During my Ph.D. I used this animal model to assess the effect of d-amphetamine treatment and the involvement of SDs and SCs in relapse to cocaine use of female rats. Most clinical and preclinical studies in the field have used males, even though addiction afflicts both women and men, and women can be more vulnerable to this disorder. Today, researchers are increasingly interested in both sexes to better understand neurobiological mechanisms of addiction. In the first part of my thesis, I assessed the effects of chronic continuous d-amphetamine treatment on the development and expression of addiction-relevant patterns of cocaine use in female rats. In experiment 1, female rats received 14 cocaine self-administration sessions (1/day). One group was treated with d-amphetamine, and the control group was not. After cessation of treatment, motivation under progressive ratio, cocaine-seeking behaviour under extinction and cocaine-primed reinstatement of the extinguished cocaine-seeking behaviour was assessed. In experiment 2, female rats received 14 cocaine self-administration sessions (1/day). Then, baseline levels of responding for cocaine under a progressive ratio schedule were established. The rats were allocated to 2 groups and allowed to self-administer cocaine daily for 14 sessions again. Next, one group received d-amphetamine treatment, the control group did not. In both experiments, d-amphetamine treatment did not influence cocaine use during self-administration sessions and cocaine seeking in reinstatement. Interestingly, d-amphetamine decreased responding for cocaine under progressive ratio and cocaine-seeking under extinction. In the second and last part of my thesis, I compared the effects of reward-associated cues SC and SDs on cocaine (Exps. 1 and 3) and sucrose (Exp. 2) seeking. The SD+ is represented by a light, the SD- another light (or the absence of light) and the SC by a 3rd light paired with a sound. I also studied the effect of including SD- during SD+ presentation after abstinence. I also compared the ability of the SC and SD+ to reinforce instrumental responding (acting as conditioned reinforcers). During 15-20 intermittent-access sessions, rats self-administered cocaine or sucrose paired with a light-tone SC. During each session, cocaine/sucrose was available for 5-min ON periods with the SD+ light condition and unavailable for 25-min OFF periods with the SD- light condition. Following the last session we measured cue-triggered cocaine/sucrose seeking (days 2 and 21 of abstinence) as well as reinforced responding for cocaine solely by the cues on day 22 after abstinence. The cocaine-associated SD+ more effectively triggered cocaine/sucrose seeking behaviour than SC, and Both SC and SD+ showed similar conditioned reinforcing properties for cocaine. Finally, the introducing of SD- during SD+ suppressed the increased cocaine-seeking behaviour. Overall, these studies suggest that intermittent access of cocaine self administration is an interesting model to understand neurobiological mechanisms associated to cocaine addiction. Notwithstanding the overall similarities in both sexes, the presence of females in drug addiction studies remain essential.

A case for memory enhancement : ethical, social, legal, and policy implications for enhancing the memory

Muriithi, Paul Mutuanyingi January 2014 (has links)
The desire to enhance and make ourselves better is not a new one and it has continued to intrigue throughout the ages. Individuals have continued to seek ways to improve and enhance their well-being for example through nutrition, physical exercise, education and so on. Crucial to this improvement of their well-being is improving their ability to remember. Hence, people interested in improving their well-being, are often interested in memory as well. The rationale being that memory is crucial to our well-being. The desire to improve one’s memory then is almost certainly as old as the desire to improve one’s well-being. Traditionally, people have used different means in an attempt to enhance their memories: for example in learning through storytelling, studying, and apprenticeship. In remembering through practices like mnemonics, repetition, singing, and drumming. In retaining, storing and consolidating memories through nutrition and stimulants like coffee to help keep awake; and by external aids like notepads and computers. In forgetting through rituals and rites. Recent scientific advances in biotechnology, nanotechnology, molecular biology, neuroscience, and information technologies, present a wide variety of technologies to enhance many different aspects of human functioning. Thus, some commentators have identified human enhancement as central and one of the most fascinating subject in bioethics in the last two decades. Within, this period, most of the commentators have addressed the Ethical, Social, Legal and Policy (ESLP) issues in human enhancements as a whole as opposed to specific enhancements. However, this is problematic and recently various commentators have found this to be deficient and called for a contextualized case-by-case analysis to human enhancements for example genetic enhancement, moral enhancement, and in my case memory enhancement (ME). The rationale being that the reasons for accepting/rejecting a particular enhancement vary depending on the enhancement itself. Given this enormous variation, moral and legal generalizations about all enhancement processes and technologies are unwise and they should instead be evaluated individually. Taking this as a point of departure, this research will focus specifically on making a case for ME and in doing so assessing the ESLP implications arising from ME. My analysis will draw on the already existing literature for and against enhancement, especially in part two of this thesis; but it will be novel in providing a much more in-depth analysis of ME. From this perspective, I will contribute to the ME debate through two reviews that address the question how we enhance the memory, and through four original papers discussed in part three of this thesis, where I examine and evaluate critically specific ESLP issues that arise with the use of ME. In the conclusion, I will amalgamate all my contribution to the ME debate and suggest the future direction for the ME debate.

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