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Software Defined Survivale Optical Interconnect for Data CentersChandna, Sonali January 2017 (has links)
For service providers, extending the Software Defined Network (SDN) concept from packet switching in Layers 2 and 3 to circuit switching in transport layers is a promising approach to meet high burstiness and high bandwidth requirements. A multi-layer controller that can provide automated controller-based restoration and protection, even for unprotected links in a multi-administrative domain, would be a significant improvement. It would allow service providers to ensure provision of guaranteed Service Level Agreement (SLA) maintenance, with optimal bandwidth usage, high availability and reduced errors.
In this thesis, we propose a Software Defined Survivable Optical Interconnect (SDSOI) architecture for Data Centers (DC). This unique architecture will address service providers’ challenges related to bandwidth management, and optimize the time required while interconnecting numerous DCs to meet the high SLA demands. The architecture is built according to the overlay SDN concept, and categorizes the application layers into online, offline and third party applications. The offline application performs the routine DC tasks, while the online application manages various dynamic DC demands. An SDSOI driven Data Center Optical Interconnect (DCOI) can handle the extensive, high quality, on-demand access to the contents. The feasibility of SDSOI is verified and demonstrated using Open Network Operating System (ONOS) as the SDN controller, Mininet as the network emulator and Optical Transport Network (OTN) as the optical framework.
Our work primarily focusses on the creation of business applications in the SDSOI model, and the northbound protocols or interfaces used by the applications to interact with the controller. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed SDSOI architecture and its business applications, we simulated ‘Day Night Scheduling’, an application that combines characteristics of offline and online applications. Its primary function is to package and schedule varying DC bandwidths to service providers and optimize bandwidth usage at different times of day, along with the survivability of the interconnects.
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Programų sistemų kūrimo metodų praplėtimas rolėmis / Role extended software development methodsPisaravičius, Jaunius 27 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe analizuojami rolinio modeliavimo aspektai įvairių programų sistemų kūrimo metodų ir procesų rėžiuose. Modeliavimo aspektai analizuojami objektinio programavimo evoliucijos kontekste. Apžvelgiamos įvairios prielaidos leidžiančios visuose programų sistemų kūrimo etapuose atskirti sistemos elgseną ir išreikštinai sistemą modeliuoti rolėmis. Darbe identifikuojamos programų sistemų kūrimo procesų dalys, kurios stokoja rolinio modeliavimo instrumentų. Pasiūlomi programų sistemų konstravimo etapo problemų susijusių su elgsenos modeliavimu klasikiniame objektiniame programavime sprendimo būdai. Taip pat pateikiamos programų sistemų kūrimo proceso modifikavimo rekomendacijos dėl rolinio modeliavimo panaudojimo visuose sistemos kūrimo etapuose. / Final master thesis comprises role modeling aspects in various software development processes and methods. The analysis is made in the context of object-oriented programming evolution. The survey is made on miscellaneous assumptions related to explicit role modeling and separation of system state and behaviour concerns in software development. The parts of software development process which have a lack of role modeling techniques are identified in this thesis. The suggestions of solutions to classic object-oriented programming behaviour modeling problems for software construction phase are made. Finally, the recommendations related to role modeling for software development process modification are made to support all the development phases.
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Variants de la portion Fc des IgG : Cartographie et analyse brevets, confrontation aux biomédicaments en développement et proposition d'une nouvelle nomenclature / IgG Fc variants : patent mapping and analysis, confrontation with biologics in development and proposition of a new nomenclaturePottier, Jérémy 16 December 2016 (has links)
Plus de 40 ans après la découverte de la technologie des hybridomes, une soixantaine d’anticorps monoclonaux thérapeutiques IgG ou assimilés sont aujourd’hui commercialisés. Leur succès découle de leur humanisation, en particulier celle de la portion Fc qui dérive de différents variants humains naturels, isotypes et allotypes. Depuis quelques années, apparaissent sur le marché de nombreux anticorps comportant des portions Fc artificiellement modifiées dans le but de moduler diverses propriétés pharmacologiques (propriétés cytolytiques, demi-vie, stabilité, etc.), dont certaines ont été particulièrement étudiées suite aux travaux de notre équipe. Les variants Fc sont protégés par des technologies brevetées dont on connaît mal l’étendue, qui ne font pas nécessairement l’objet de publications scientifiques, et dont la raison d’être reste méconnue des chercheurs et plus encore des professionnels de santé. Nous avons donc entrepris de réaliser une cartographie et une analyse fine des brevets traitant des modifications dans la portion Fc des IgG. Cette analyse a été menée de front avec une étude bibliographique détaillée, car les données scientifiques décrites dans les brevets sont toujours à considérer avec prudence, les demandes de brevets n’étant pas revues par des pairs. Nous avons eu l’occasion d’ailleurs d’épingler certaines dérives, comme celle de considérer qu’il pourrait y avoir plus de 4 sous-classes d’IgG dans l’espèce humaine (jusqu’à 19 dans certaines revendications…). / More than 40 years after the discovery of the hybridoma technology, around sixty therapeutic monoclonal antibodies based on IgG or assimilated are marketed today. Their success comes from their humanization, especially of the Fc portion derived from various natural human variants, isotypes and allotypes. For some years, many antibodies artificially modified in their Fc portions have emerged, in order to alter various pharmacological properties (cytolitic properties, half-life, stability, etc.), some of them having been particularly studied following the works of our team. Fc variants are covered by patented technologies of which little is known about the extent, which are not necessarily the subject of scientific publications, and whose purpose remains unknown for researchers and even more for health professionals. We therefore undertook to realize a landscape and a detailed analysis of patents dealing with modifications in the Fc portion of IgG. This analysis has been conducted in front with a detailed literature survey, since the scientific data described in patents must be treated with caution, as patent application are not peer reviewed. We actually point certain abuses, such as to consider that there might be more than four human IgG subclasses (up to 19 in some claims…).
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Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language in the United States: To Delay or Not to Delay the Character IntroductionYe, Lijuan 21 December 2011 (has links)
The study explored whether or not to delay introducing Chinese characters as part of first year Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) courses in post-secondary institutions in the U.S. Topics investigated: a) timing structures of current CFL programs in the U.S.; b) CFL teachers’ and students’ beliefs and rationales of an appropriate timing to introduce characters; c) CFL teachers’ and students’ beliefs about the importance and difficulty of different Chinese language skills; and d) CFL teachers’ and students’ beliefs about the requirement of handwriting in beginning-level CFL courses. Data were collected through a large-scale online student survey with 914 students and a large-scale online teacher survey with 192 teachers. At the same time, a total of 21 students and five teachers from a delayed character introduction (DCI) program and an immediate character introduction (ICI) program were interviewed. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze the data. Results indicate that the majority of CFL programs did not delay teaching characters; most of teachers and students believed that speaking and listening were the most important skills and reading and especially writing characters were the most difficult skills; and most of teachers and students did not favor alternative methods to replace the handwriting of characters even though they considered handwriting to be the most difficult skill. With few studies carried out to investigate the timing issue of character teaching, results from the study provided foundational knowledge for CFL educators to better understand CFL teaching and learning in general, along with the teaching and learning of written Chinese characters, in particular.
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Flexible machine tool control for direct, in-process dimensional part inspectionDavis, Tyler Addison 08 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
For some time now coordinate measuring machines have been an integral part of the shop floor. The goal has been to make coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) into tools that can easily be used by machinists to improve their manufacturing capabilities. The value of a CMM as a quality control tool is undisputed. Now efforts are being made to further reduce the time and cost of measurement by reducing the physical distance between machining and measuring processes. The ability to reduce that distance to zero and measure a part directly on the chip-making machine has been a goal for many years. Dimensional inspection of parts is primarily conducted by coordinate measuring machines operating on motion instructions from task planning software. The research in direct machining and control (DMAC) at BYU has identified a potential application of CMM technologies on existing machine tools. To prove that a machine tool can be controlled as a CMM with the DMAC controller, this research will integrate the software package PC-DMIS provided by Wilcox Associates, Inc. with a DMAC controller provided by Direct Controls, Inc. to conduct in-process dimensional inspection of parts as they are being machined. This process is referred to as DirectCMM because it will link the DMAC controller directly to PC-DMIS without need for post-processing. This thesis will lay the groundwork for future efforts at developing systems that utilize in-process part inspection to dynamically correct computer aided manufacturing (CAM) process plans. To aid future efforts at dynamic CAM process updating, a software interface specification will be created for passing measurement data between CMM and CAD/CAM software packages. A CMM control specification will also be created to provide a standard method for controlling coordinate measuring machines with the DMAC controller. Possible methods for dynamic CAD/CAM updating will be explored.
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