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Flux growth and characteristics of cubic boron phosphideNwagwu, Ugochukwu January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Chemical Engineering / J. H. Edgar / Boron phosphide, BP, is a III-V compound semiconductor with a wide band gap of 2.0 eV that is potentially useful in solid state neutron detectors because of the large thermal neutron capture cross-section of the boron-10 isotope (3840 barns).
In this study, cubic BP crystals were grown by crystallizing dissolved boron and phosphorus from a nickel solvent in a sealed (previously evacuated) quartz tube. The boron - nickel solution was located at one end of the tube and held at 1150°C. Phosphorus, initially at the opposite end of the tube at a temperature of 430°C, vaporized, filling the tube to a pressure of 1–5 atmospheres. The phosphorus then dissolved into solution, producing BP. Transparent red crystals up to 4 mm in the largest dimension with mostly hexagonal shape were obtained with a cooling rate of 3°C per hour. The crystal size decreased as the cooling rate increased, and also as growth time decreased. The characterization with x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy established that the BP produced through this method were highly crystalline. The lattice constant of the crystals was 4.534 Ǻ, as measured by x-ray diffraction. Intense, sharp Raman phonon peaks were located at 800 cm[superscript]-1 and 830 cm[superscript]-1, in agreement with the values reported in the literature. The FWHM for XRD and Raman spectra were 0.275° and 4 cm[superscript]-1 which are the narrowest ever reported and demonstrates the high quality of the produced crystals. Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) also confirmed the synthesized crystals were cubic BP crystals, with a boron to phosphorus atomic ratio of 1:1. Defect selective etching of BP at 300ºC for two minutes with molten KOH/NaOH revealed triangular and striated etch pits with low densities of defects of ~4 x 10[superscript]7 cm[superscript]-2 and 9.2 x 10[superscript]7 cm[superscript]-2 respectively.
The BP crystals were n-type, and an electron mobility of ~39.8 cm[superscript]2/V*s was measured. This is favorable for application in neutron detection. Scaling to larger sizes is the next step through gradient freezing and employing a larger crucible.
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Deficient expression of DNA repair enzymes in early progression to sporadic colon cancerFacista, Alexander, Nguyen, Huy, Lewis, Cristy, Prasad, Anil, Ramsey, Lois, Zaitlin, Beryl, Nfonsam, Valentine, Krouse, Robert, Bernstein, Harris, Payne, Claire, Stern, Stephen, Oatman, Nicole, Banerjee, Bhaskar, Bernstein, Carol January 2012 (has links)
BACKGROUND:Cancers often arise within an area of cells (e.g. an epithelial patch) that is predisposed to the development of cancer, i.e. a "field of cancerization" or "field defect." Sporadic colon cancer is characterized by an elevated mutation rate and genomic instability. If a field defect were deficient in DNA repair, DNA damages would tend to escape repair and give rise to carcinogenic mutations.PURPOSE:To determine whether reduced expression of DNA repair proteins Pms2, Ercc1 and Xpf (pairing partner of Ercc1) are early steps in progression to colon cancer.RESULTS:Tissue biopsies were taken during colonoscopies of 77 patients at 4 different risk levels for colon cancer, including 19 patients who had never had colonic neoplasia (who served as controls). In addition, 158 tissue samples were taken from tissues near or within colon cancers removed by resection and 16 tissue samples were taken near tubulovillous adenomas (TVAs) removed by resection. 568 triplicate tissue sections (a total of 1,704 tissue sections) from these tissue samples were evaluated by immunohistochemistry for 4 DNA repair proteins. Substantially reduced protein expression of Pms2, Ercc1 and Xpf occurred in field defects of up to 10 cm longitudinally distant from colon cancers or TVAs and within colon cancers. Expression of another DNA repair protein, Ku86, was infrequently reduced in these areas. When Pms2, Ercc1 or Xpf were reduced in protein expression, then either one or both of the other two proteins most often had reduced protein expression as well. The mean inner colon circumferences, from 32 resections, of the ascending, transverse and descending/sigmoid areas were measured as 6.6 cm, 5.8 cm and 6.3 cm, respectively. When combined with other measurements in the literature, this indicates the approximate mean number of colonic crypts in humans is 10 million.CONCLUSIONS:The substantial deficiencies in protein expression of DNA repair proteins Pms2, Ercc1 and Xpf in about 1 million crypts near cancers and TVAs suggests that the tumors arose in field defects that were deficient in DNA repair and that deficiencies in Pms2, Ercc1 and Xpf are early steps, often occurring together, in progression to colon cancer.
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Korrektur der Fallotschen Tetralogie nach vorhergehender Palliativoperation- Langzeitergebnisse aus einem historischen Patientenkollektiv / Correction tetralogy of fallot after previous palliative surgery- long-term results of a historical group of patientsNowak, Kathrin Annelore 19 May 2016 (has links)
Korrektur der Fallotschen Tetralogie nach vorhergehender Palliativoperation - Langzeitergebnisse aus einem
historischen Patientenkollektiv
Die Fallotschen Tetralogie ist ein komplexer zyanotischer Herzfehler, der erst mit dem Einsatz der Herz-Lungen-Maschine korrigiert werden kann. Zuvor erfolgte eine palliativ Operation. Seit 1960 werden Patienten mit Fallotscher Tetralogie in der Klinik für Thorax, -Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie der Universität Göttingen operiert. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Langzeitergebnisse eines historischen Patientenkollektivs, die zwischen 1960 und 1984 zuerst mit einer palliativen Operation behandelt und im Anschluss die Korrektur-Operation erhalten haben, zu analysieren.
Von 1960 bis 1984 erhielten 324 Patienten mit Fallotscher Tetralogie eine Korrektur-Operation nachdem zuvor eine Palliativ-Operation durchgeführt wurde. Die Datenanalyse erfolgte retrospektiv. Drei Gruppen wurden anhand der primären Palliativ-Operation gebildet: BTA-Gruppe (Blalock-Taussig-Anastomose, n=250), WCA-Gruppe (Waterstone-Cooley-Anastomose, n=57) und AD-Gruppe (verschiedene andere palliative Verfahren, n=17).
Das mittlere Patientenalter war zur Korrektur-Operation in der BTA-Gruppe signifikant höher (8,45 ± 4,62 Jahre vs. 6,89 ± 2,96 Jahre in der WCA-Gruppe; p=0,0015). Die Operationsdauer war in der BTA-Gruppe mit 283 ± 105 Minuten kürzer im Vergleich zur WCA-Gruppe 314 ± 114 Minuten (p=0,32 ???). Intraoperativ wurde unter anderem eine Erweiterungsplastik mit Patch bei 64,5% durchgeführt (BTA: 63,2%, WCA: 70,2%), von diesen waren 48,8% transannulär (BTA: 44,3%, WCA: 75%). Postoperativ war eine Rethorakotomie nach der Korrektur-Operation in der WCA-Gruppe seltener (11% vs. 25% in der BTA-Gruppe; p=0,002). Die Korrektur-Operation führte in allen Gruppen zu einer effektiven, signifikanten Reduktion des rechtsventrikulären Druckes (BTA: von 96,01 ± 21,17 mmHg auf 52,75 ± 15,79 mmHg, WCA: von 97,78 ± 34,73 mmHg auf 59,05 ± 15,04 mmHg; p <0,001). Die Dauer der mechanischen Ventilation nach der Korrektur-Operation war in der BTA-Gruppe signifikant kürzer als in der WCA-Gruppe (46 ± 57 Stunden vs. 108 ± 207 Stunden; p=0,002), ebenso dauerte der Intensivaufenthalt in der BTA-Gruppe signifikant kürzer (117 ± 100 Stunden vs. 189 ± 205 Stunden in der WCA-Gruppe; p<0,001). Die Frühletalität betrug im Gesamtkollektiv 15,1%, Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen???. Im weiteren Verlauf starben 12 weitere Patienten, so dass die Gesamtletalität 18,8% beträgt. Beim letzten Kontakt befanden sich die meisten Patienten im NYHA-Stadium II und III (NYHA-Stadium des Gesamtkollektivs: 2,3 ± 1,0; BTA-Gruppe: 2,2 ± 1,0; WCA-Gruppe: 2,7 ± 0,8).
Die Datenanalyse zeigt, dass von den Palliativ-Operationen vor einer Korrektur-Operation bei Fallotscher Tetralogie, die BTA die vorteilhaftere Variante darstellt. Bei der Korrektur-Operation hatten die Patienten nach vorheriger BTA-Shunt-Operation eine kürzere OP-Dauer, weniger Blutungen postoperativ, sowie kürzere Beatmungs- und Intensivaufenthaltsdauer. Nach Korrektur der Fallotschen Tetralogie zeigen alle Patienten eine effiziente Verbesserung der hämodynamischen Parameter und ein gutes klinisches Langzeitergebnis. Da das optimale Operationsverfahren von mehreren Faktoren abhängt (u.a. Alter des Patienten, klinischen Zustand und anatomische Gegebenheiten), muss eine individuelle Entscheidung erfolgen und falls eine Palliativ-Operation notwendig ist, sollte die Anlage einer BTA bevorzugt werden.
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Αρνητική ρύθμιση της μεταβίβασης του σήματος της αυξητικής ορμόνης σε παιδιά με ανεπάρκεια αύξησηςΚωστοπούλου, Ειρήνη 11 October 2013 (has links)
Η Αυξητική ορμόνη παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στη μεταγεννητική κατά μήκος αύξηση, στη σκελετική ανάπτυξη, στο μεταβολισμό των πρωτεϊνών, των λιπών και των υδατανθράκων, στην οστική ανακύκλωση και την ανοσιακή λειτουργία. Διαταραχή στην έκκριση ή στη δράση της ορμόνης στα παιδιά προκαλεί, μεταξύ άλλων, ανεπάρκεια αύξησης.
Έχουν περιγραφεί αρκετές κλινικές οντότητες ανεπάρκειας αύξησης, που οφείλονται κυρίως σε διαταραχές στην υποφυσιακή έκκριση GH, στην 24ωρη αυθόρμητη έκκριση της GH, στον αριθμό ή τη λειτουργία των υποδοχέων GHR, στη μετά τον υποδοχέα μεταβίβαση του σήματος της GH και στη σύνθεση ή δράση του IGF-I. Η παρούσα μελέτη εξέτασε έναν ασθενή με Διαταραχή στη Μεταγωγή του Σήματος της GH (Growth Hormone Transduction Defect/GHTD). Η οντότητα αυτή χαρακτηρίζεται από σοβαρό κοντό ανάστημα με φυσιολογικές δοκιμασίες φαρμακολογικής πρόκλησης, φυσιολογικές τιμές 24ωρης έκκρισης GH, χαμηλά επίπεδα IGF-I, διαταραχή στη φωσφορυλίωση του μεταγραφικού παράγοντα STAT3 και υπερέκφραση του αναστολέα του κυτταρικού κύκλου p21. Επιπλέον, οι ασθενείς με GHTD παρουσιάζουν σημαντικά αυξημένα επίπεδα IGF-I μετά από επαγωγή με hGH κατά τo IGF-I generation test και σημαντική αναπλήρωση αύξησης μετά από θεραπεία με hGH. Επίσης, χαρακτηρίζονται από απουσία μεταλλάξεων στην πρωτεΐνη STAT3, στον υποδοχέα GHR και στο γονίδιο GH1.
Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν πρωτογενείς καλλιέργειες ινοβλαστών από ούλα του προς μελέτη ασθενή κι ενός μάρτυρα. Μελετήθηκαν σηματοδοτικά μόρια του μεταγωγικού μονοπατιού της GH και του μονοπατιού αρνητικής ρύθμισης, και διερευνήθηκε ο ρόλος της πρωτεΐνης CIS στην παθολογική μεταβίβαση του σήματος της GH στον ασθενή, καθώς και η επίδραση της καταστολής του γονιδίου CIS στη σηματοδότηση της GH. Επίσης, διερευνήθηκε η πιθανή διασυνομιλία ανάμεσα στα σηματοδοτικά μονοπάτια της GH και του EGF, καθώς και ο ρόλος της διασυνομιλίας αυτής στην αποκατάσταση της φυσιολογικής σηματοδότησης της GH και, κατ’επέκταση, στην κλινική ανταπόκριση μετά από θεραπεία με εξωγενώς χορηγούμενη ανθρώπινη βιοσυνθετική ορμόνη, παιδιών με GHTD.
Η πρωτεϊνική έκφραση των μελετηθέντων πρωτεϊνών μελετήθηκε με ανοσοαποτύπωση κατά Western, η κυτταρική εντόπισή τους με ανοσοφθορισμό και η διαντίδραση ορισμένων από τις πρωτεΐνες με ανοσοσυγκατακρήμνιση.
Τα ευρήματα της εργασίας στοιχειοθετούν την αρχική υπόθεση ότι η διαταραγμένη μεταβίβαση του σήματος της GH στα παιδιά με GHTD διαμεσολαβείται μέσω της υπερέκφρασης της ουβικουιτινυλιωμένης μορφής της πρωτεΐνης CIS, η οποίθα προκαλεί ραγδαία και εκσεσημασμένη μεταφορά του GHR στο πρωτεάσωμα για αποδόμηση. Τα αποτελέσματα επίσης έδειξαν ότι η αποκατάσταση της φυσιολογικής σηματοδότησης της GH μετά τη σίγαση του γονιδίου CIS περιλαμβάνει την επαναφορά του GHR στην κυτταροπλασματική μεμβράνη για φυσιολογική ενεργοποίηση από την GH, καθώς και την ενεργοποίηση του σηματοδοτικού μονοπατιού του EGFR.
Επιπροσθέτως, υπάρχει έντονη διασυνομιλία μεταξύ των σηματοδοτικών μονοπατιών της GH και του EGF κατά τη χορήγηση εξωγενούς hGH στα παιδιά με GHTD, με αποτέλεσμα την επιτάχυνση της αύξησης που παρατηρείται στα παιδιά αυτά μετά από θεραπεία με hGH. / Growth Hormone (GH) plays an important role in postnatal linear growth, skeletal development, protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, bone turnover and immune function. Defects in the GH secretion and function in children can cause growth retardation.
Several clinical entities of growth retardation have been described, including defects in pituitary GH secretion, spontaneous 24h GH secretion, GH receptor number or function, post-receptor signaling and IGF-I synthesis or function. In this study, one patient with Growth Hormone Transduction Defect (GHTD) was studied. GHTD is characterized by severe short stature with normal provoked and spontaneous GH secretion, low IGF-I concentrations, impaired phosphorylation of the transcriptional factor STAT3 and overexpression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21. Furthermore, GHTD patients have significantly increased IGF-I concentrations after induction with hGH during the IGF-I generation test, and significant ‘catch-up’ growth after hGH therapy. No mutations were found in STAT3, GHR and GH1 gene in the GHTD patients.
Primary fibroblast cultures were established from gingival biopsies obtained from the GHTD patient and one control. The GH signaling molecules and the negative regulators of GH were studied, as well as the role of protein CIS in the impaired GH signaling and the effect of CIS silencing on GH signaling. Furthermore, the possible crosstalk between the GH and EGF signaling cascades was examined, as well as its role in the restoration of the impaired GH signaling and the clinical response after therapy with exogenous hGH.
The protein expression of the studied molecules was studied by Western Immunoblotting, their cellular localization by Immunofluoresence and the protein-protein interactions by Co-immunoprecipitation.
The results of this study support the hypothesis that impaired GH signaling in GHTD children is mediated by the overexpression of ubiquitinated CIS, which causes rapid and excessive translocation of the GHR to the proteasomes for degradation. The results also showed that the restoration of physiological GH signaling after the silencing of CIS involves the restoration of the GHR to the plasma membrane for normal activation by GH, as well as the activation of the EGFR pathway. In addition, there is vigorous crosstalking between the GH and EGF signaling pathways during exogenous hGH treatment in the GHTD children, resulting in the accelerated growth seen in these children after hGH therapy.
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Towards a Versatile System for the Visual Recognition of Surface DefectsKoprnicky, Miroslav January 2005 (has links)
Automated visual inspection is an emerging multi-disciplinary field with many challenges; it combines different aspects of computer vision, pattern recognition, automation, and control systems. There does not exist a large body of work dedicated to the design of generalized visual inspection systems; that is, those that might easily be made applicable to different product types. This is an important oversight, in that many improvements in design and implementation times, as well as costs, might be realized with a system that could easily be made to function in different production environments. <br /><br /> This thesis proposes a framework for generalizing and automating the design of the defect classification stage of an automated visual inspection system. It involves using an expandable set of features which are optimized along with the classifier operating on them in order to adapt to the application at hand. The particular implementation explored involves optimizing the feature set in disjoint sets logically grouped by feature type to keep search spaces reasonable. Operator input is kept at a minimum throughout this customization process, since it is limited only to those cases in which the existing feature library cannot adequately delineate the classes at hand, at which time new features (or pools) may have to be introduced by an engineer with experience in the domain. <br /><br /> Two novel methods are put forward which fit well within this framework: cluster-space and hybrid-space classifiers. They are compared in a series of tests against both standard benchmark classifiers, as well as mean and majority vote multi-classifiers, on feature sets comprised of just the logical feature subsets, as well as the entire feature sets formed by their union. The proposed classifiers as well as the benchmarks are optimized with both a progressive combinatorial approach and with an genetic algorithm. Experimentation was performed on true colour industrial lumber defect images, as well as binary hand-written digits. <br /><br /> Based on the experiments conducted in this work, it was found that the sequentially optimized multi hybrid-space methods are capable of matching the performances of the benchmark classifiers on the lumber data, with the exception of the mean-rule multi-classifiers, which dominated most experiments by approximately 3% in classification accuracy. The genetic algorithm optimized hybrid-space multi-classifier achieved best performance however; an accuracy of 79. 2%. <br /><br /> The numeral dataset results were less promising; the proposed methods could not equal benchmark performance. This is probably because the numeral feature-sets were much more conducive to good class separation, with standard benchmark accuracies approaching 95% not uncommon. This indicates that the cluster-space transform inherent to the proposed methods appear to be most useful in highly dependant or confusing feature-spaces, a hypothesis supported by the outstanding performance of the single hybrid-space classifier in the difficult texture feature subspace: 42. 6% accuracy, a 6% increase over the best benchmark performance. <br /><br /> The generalized framework proposed appears promising, because classifier performance over feature sets formed by the union of independently optimized feature subsets regularly met and exceeded those classifiers operating on feature sets formed by the optimization of the feature set in its entirety. This finding corroborates earlier work with similar results [3, 9], and is an aspect of pattern recognition that should be examined further.
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Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Alveolarkammaugmentation mit Poly-(D,L-)Laktid-Membranen / Experimental investigation of alveolar ridge augmentation using a poly-(d,l-)lactide-membraneGründel, Marcel 11 March 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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A study of irradiation damage in iron and Fe-Cr alloysXu, Shuo January 2013 (has links)
Irradiation damage structures induced in pure Fe and Fe-Cr (up to 14%Cr) alloys by 2 MeV Fe+ ion irradiations in the temperature range 300-460°C were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Specimens were irradiated in bulk to doses of 1.5 x 1019 Fe+/m2 (about 2.5 displacements per atom: dpa) and 4.5 x 1019 Fe+/m2 (about 7 dpa). In most cases, damage took the form of dislocation loops with diameters from 2-100nm; the loops were distributed uniformly within all the samples. At higher irradiation temperatures (400°C, 460°C), complex microstructures such as finger loops (50nm in width and 1 micron in length) and perpendicular <100> loop clusters, were observed in both pure Fe and Fe-Cr samples. Loop sizes and densities were seen to change as a function of irradiation temperature and dose. Loop sizes were seen to increase as the increase of irradiation temperatures and doses, while loop densities only increased with increasing doses and decreased as increasing temperatures. Loops with both types of Burgers vectors (<100> and ½<111>) were observed in all the samples. The proportion of <100> loops was higher in Fe than that in Fe-Cr alloys at the same irradiation condition, which has can be attributed to the high mobility of ½<111> loops in Fe, so that a large proportion of them will escape to the (001) foil surface. A transition in loop Burgers vectors as a consequence of increasing temperature was observed. In Fe, the proportion of <100> loops increased with increasing irradiation temperature from 40% at 300°C to 60% at 460°C. A similar trend was found in the Fe-Cr alloys, but due to the higher proportion of ½<111> loops in these alloys, the increase of <100> loops was not that obvious, being from 30% at 300°C to 45% at 460°C(Fe-11Cr). The effects of irradiation dose rate on the formation of dislocation loops by 2 MeV Fe+ ions were also investigated. These irradiations were carried out at 300°C with two different implantation dose rates: 6 x 10-4 dpa/s and 3 x 10-5 dpa/s. The implantation dose for both implantations was 0.38 x 1019 Fe+/m2 (0.5 dpa). Both the average loop size and loop densities for the Fe-Cr specimens subjected to the high dose rate irradiation were higher than that in the low dose rate irradiations. Take Fe-14Cr as an example, that the loop densities in high dose rate irradiation increased about 90% compared to that in low dose rate, and the average loop size in high dose rate irradiation was 30% larger than that in low dose rate irradiation. The ‘inside-outside contrast’ method was applied to determine the loop nature in all the samples. It was found that all the large loops (>5nm) are of interstitial type. Any vacancies are believed to exist in the form of small dislocation loops (<5nm) or sub-microscopic voids.
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High energy white beam X-ray diffraction studies of strains in engineering materials and componentsZhang, Shu Yan January 2008 (has links)
The primary aim of this research was to develop and improve the experimental method and data interpretation for strain measurements using diffraction methods to gain a better understanding of micromechanical deformation and anisotropy of lattice strain response. Substantial part of the research was devoted to the development of the laboratory high energy X-ray diffractometer (HEXameter) for bulk residual strain evaluation. White beam energy dispersive X-ray diffraction was chosen as the principal diffraction mode due to its extreme efficiency in utilising X-ray flux and its ability to capture large segments of diffraction patterns. The specimens that have been examined were real engineering components, mechanically deformed specimens and thermally treated specimens, ranging from dynamic in-situ measurements to ex-situ materials engineering. For the real engineering components, a wedge coupon from the trailing edge of a Ti64 wide fan blade and a turbine combustion casing were examined. Among the mechanically deformed specimens that have been measured were shot-peened steel plates, elasto-plastically bent bars of Mg alloy and cold expanded Al disks. Amongst the thermally deformed specimens, laser-formed steel plates, thermal spray coatings, a manual inert gas weld of Al plates, a friction stir weld of Al plates and Ni tubes and a quenched Ni superalloy cylinder used for strain tomography were studied. In-situ loading experiments have also been carried out, such as experiments on pointwise mapping of grain orientation and strain using the 3DXRD microscope at the ESRF and in-situ loading experiments on titanium alloy, rheo-diecast and high pressure diecast Mg alloy, IN718 Ni-base superalloy and Al2024 aluminium alloy. Experimental results from X-Ray diffraction and strain tomography were used to achieve a better understanding of the material properties. Some results were compared with polycrystal Finite Element model predictions. Amongst the most prominent research achievements are the development on the HEXameter laboratory instrument, including: (i) the development of special collimation systems for the detectors and the source tube; (ii) the development of a twin-detector setup (that allows for simultaneous determination of strain in two mutually orthogonal directions); (iii) improved alignment procedures for better performance; and (iv) the adaptation of instrumentation for efficient scanning of both large and small components, that included choosing and adapting translation devices, programming of the translation system and designing sample mounting procedures. In this research several approaches to data treatment were investigated. Quantitative phase analysis, single peak fitting (using custom Matlab routines and GSAS) and full pattern fitting (with individual pattern data refined by GSAS and batch refinement done by invoking GSAS via a Matlab routine) were applied. Different Matlab routines were written for specific experimental setups; and various analysis methods were selected and used for refinement depending on the requirements of the measurement results interpretation. 16 papers were published, ensuring that the results of this thesis are readily available to other researchers in the field.
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Mécanismes de recuit dans le silicium implanté par faisceau d’ion caractérisés par nanocalorimétrieAnahory, Yonathan 12 1900 (has links)
Nous présenterons le procédé de fabrication, la caractérisation, ainsi qu’un modèle numérique permettant l’optimisation d’un nouveau dispositif permettant d’effectuer des mesures de nanocalorimétrie sur un échantillon de silicium monocristallin. Ce dernier possède entre autre des propriétés thermiques nous permettant d’effectuer des mesures à des températures supérieures à 900 C, avec une résolution meilleure que 16 C. Ceci nous a permis d’étudier la dynamique des défauts induits par implantation ionique dans le silicium monocristallin. Deux comportements différents sont observés dans la germination de la phase amorphe induite par implantation à 10 et 80 keV. Ces résultats ont été confrontés à des simulations Monte-Carlo basées sur le modèle des paires lacunesinterstitiels. La comparaison entre les simulations et les mesures expérimentales ont montré que ce modèle est incomplet car il ne reproduit qualitativement que certaines caractéristiques observées expérimentalement. Des mesures réalisées à partir de -110 C dans le silicium monocristallin et amorphisé implanté avec des ions légers, ont mis en évidence des différences claires entre la relaxation dans le silicium amorphe et le recuit des défauts dans le silicium monocristallin. Deux processus à des énergies d’activation de 0.48 et 0.6 eV ont été observés pour les implantations réalisées dans le silicium monocristallin tandis qu’un relâchement de chaleur uniforme ne révélant qu’un spectre continu d’énergie d’activation a été observé dans le silicium amorphe. / We present the fabrication process, characterization and numerical model allowing the optimization of a new device that allows us to perform nanocalorimetry measurements on a silicon single crystals. The thermal properties of this device allows us to perform measurements at temperature higher than 900 C with a resolution better than 16 C. The device is used to study the ion implantation induced defect dynamic in monocrystalline silicon. Two different behaviours regarding the nucleation of the amorphous phase are observed at 10 and 80 keV. These results are confronted to Monte Carlo simulations based on the interstitial vacancy pair model. The comparison between simulations and measurements show that the model is incomplete as it reproduces only qualitatively some features of the experimental observations. Measurements performed from -110 C in monocrystalline and amorphized silicon implanted with light ions revealed clear differences between structural relaxation in amorphous silicon and defect annealing in monocrystalline silicon. Two processes with activation energies of 0.48 and 0.6 eV are observed after implantation performed in monocrystalline silicon while a uniform heat release associated with a continuous spectrum in terms of activation energy is observed in amorphous silicon.
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Spin-dependent Recombination in GaNAsPuttisong, Yuttapoom January 2009 (has links)
Spin filtering properties of novel GaNAs alloys are reported in this thesis. Spin-dependent recombination (SDR) in GaNAs via a deep paramagnetic defect center is intensively studied. By using the optical orientation photoluminescence (PL) technique, GaNAs is shown to be able to spin filter electrons injected from GaAs, which is a useful functional property for integratition with future electronic devices. The spin filtering ability is found to degrade in narrow GaNAs quantum well (QW) structures which is attributed to (i) acceleration of band-to-band recombination competing with the SDR process and to (ii) faster electron spin relaxation in the narrow QWs. Ga interstitial-related defect centers have been found to be responsible for the SDR process by using the optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) technique. The defects are found to be the dominant grown-in defects in GaNAs, commonly formed during both MBE and MOCVD growths. Methods to control the concentration of the Ga interstitials by varying doping, growth parameters and post-growth treatments are also examined.
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