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Spin-dependent Recombination in GaNAsPuttisong, Yuttapoom January 2009 (has links)
<p>Spin filtering properties of novel GaNAs alloys are reported in this thesis. Spin-dependent recombination (SDR) in GaNAs via a deep paramagnetic defect center is intensively studied. By using the optical orientation photoluminescence (PL) technique, GaNAs is shown to be able to spin filter electrons injected from GaAs, which is a useful functional property for integratition with future electronic devices. The spin filtering ability is found to degrade in narrow GaNAs quantum well (QW) structures which is attributed to (i) acceleration of band-to-band recombination competing with the SDR process and to (ii) faster electron spin relaxation in the narrow QWs. Ga interstitial-related defect centers have been found to be responsible for the SDR process by using the optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) technique. The defects are found to be the dominant grown-in defects in GaNAs, commonly formed during both MBE and MOCVD growths. Methods to control the concentration of the Ga interstitials by varying doping, growth parameters and post-growth treatments are also examined.</p>
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Strained Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbon Devices With Vacancies as Perfect Spin FiltersMagno, Macon, Hagelberg, Frank 01 January 2018 (has links)
The transport properties of zigzag graphene nanoribbons (zGNRs) were studied by density functional theory (DFT) in conjunction with Green’s function analysis. In particular, spin transport through a zGNR (12,0) device was investigated under the constraint of ferromagnetic coordination of the ribbon edges. Several configurations with two vacant sites in the edge and the bulk region of the zGNR device were derived from this system. For all structures, magnetocurrent ratios (MCRs) were recorded as a function of the bias as well as the amount of strain applied longitudinally to the devices. ZGNR devices with vacancies in the edge regime turn out to exhibit perfect spin-filter activity for well-defined choices of the strain and the bias, carrying completely polarized minority spin currents. In the alternative structure, characterized by vacancies in the bulk regime, spin currents with majority orientation prevail. With respect to both the sign and the size, the MCR is seen to depend sensitively on the device parameters, i.e., the vacancy locations, the bias, and the amount of strain. These results are interpreted in terms of density-of-states distributions, transmission spectra, and transmission operator eigenstates.
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Spin Filter Properties of Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons With Substitutional Fe AtomsHagelberg, Frank, Kaiser, Alexander, Sukuba, Ivan, Probst, Michael 17 September 2017 (has links)
The spin filter capability of a (0,8) armchair graphene nanoribbon with Fe atoms at substitutional sites is investigated by density functional theory in combination with the non-equilibrium Green's function technique. For specific arrangements, a high degree of spin polarisation is achieved. These include a single substitution at an edge position or double substitution in the central sector of the transmission element. The possibility of switching between majority and minority spin polarisation by changing the double substitution geometry is predicted. Including the bias dependence of the transmission function proves to be essential for correct representation of the spin-resolved current-voltage profiles.
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Half-Metallic Devices from Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons with Transition Metal Guest AtomsHagelberg, Frank, Rodrigues Romero, José, Probst, Michael, Khavryuchenko, Oleksiy 20 January 2021 (has links)
The spin-dependent transmission properties of (0,8) graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with two substitutional Fe atom impurities (2Fe-aGNRs) have been studied by the non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) method in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT). Emphasis is placed on the spin-filtering activity of current transmission elements derived from these structures. In particular, it is shown that devices based on 2Fe-aGNR approach the limit of half-metallicity, where the magnitude and the sign of the current spin polarization is controlled by the bias across the device as well as the spin state of the 2Fe subsystem. This effect is rationalized by electronic structure and partial-density-of-states (PDOS) analysis of the transmission element. An occupied spin minority state, induced by the Fe-atom moiety and close to the Fermi energy of 2Fe-aGNR, accounts for the predominance of minority spin polarization. Comparison with nanosystems obtained from 2Fe-aGNR, involving vacancies rather than impurities, or both types of defects, reveals that substantial degrees of current spin polarization prevail across a wide variety of device types.
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Spin-dependent Recombination in GaNAsPuttisong, Yuttapoom January 2009 (has links)
Spin filtering properties of novel GaNAs alloys are reported in this thesis. Spin-dependent recombination (SDR) in GaNAs via a deep paramagnetic defect center is intensively studied. By using the optical orientation photoluminescence (PL) technique, GaNAs is shown to be able to spin filter electrons injected from GaAs, which is a useful functional property for integratition with future electronic devices. The spin filtering ability is found to degrade in narrow GaNAs quantum well (QW) structures which is attributed to (i) acceleration of band-to-band recombination competing with the SDR process and to (ii) faster electron spin relaxation in the narrow QWs. Ga interstitial-related defect centers have been found to be responsible for the SDR process by using the optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) technique. The defects are found to be the dominant grown-in defects in GaNAs, commonly formed during both MBE and MOCVD growths. Methods to control the concentration of the Ga interstitials by varying doping, growth parameters and post-growth treatments are also examined.
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Cultivos de células animais visando a altas concentrações celulares: processo em perfusão e suplementação com aminoácidos. / Animal cell cultures aiming high cell concentrations: perfusion process and amino acids supplementation.Costa, Bruno Labate Vale da 20 March 2013 (has links)
Células animais são alvo de pesquisas visando sua utilização como plataforma para a expressão de proteínas recombinantes, desde vacinas veterinárias até fatores de coagulação para hemofílicos. Exemplos incluem células de inseto Drosophila melanogaster S2 e células de mamífero BHK-21, que vêm sendo estudadas visando a sua utilização para a produção da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva. Independentemente da estratégia de cultivo utilizada, altas concentrações celulares são em geral associadas a uma maior produção da proteína de interesse. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de investigar estratégias que possibilitariam o cultivo de células animais em altas concentrações celulares. Células de inseto Drosophila melanogaster S2 produtoras da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva foram cultivadas em frascos agitados a 100 rpm e 28, em meio livre de soro SF 900 II suplementado com os aminoácidos asparagina, cisteína, prolina e serina. A adição dos quatro aminoácidos no meio de cultura refletiu em um aumento da concentração celular máxima (XV MÁX) em 16%. Cisteína, quando adicionada isoladamente no meio de cultura, refletiu em uma velocidade específica máxima de crescimento celular (MÁX) 56% maior. Nessa condição, o fator de conversão glicose a célula (YX/GLC) foi 47% maior, indicando um metabolismo de glicose mais eficiente na geração de células. Esses resultados indicam que cisteína é provavelmente substrato limitante do cultivo de células S2AcGPV em meio SF 900 II. Já células de mamífero BHK-21 (C13), adaptadas ao crescimento em suspensão, foram cultivadas em processo de perfusão, processo contínuo em que há retenção celular, o que permite alcançar concentrações celulares mais altas que processos em batelada ou em modo contínuo sem retenção celular. Foi utilizado um biorreator do tipo tanque agitado com 1,5 L de volume de trabalho e spin-filter interno, com poro de diâmetro igual a 10 m, acoplado ao eixo do impelidor. Durante o cultivo, o pH foi controlado em 7,2, a agitação em 80 rpm, a temperatura em 37 e o oxigênio dissolvido em 50% da saturação com o ar. A concentração celular máxima alcançou 15,7 x 106 céls mL-1, muito superior à do cultivo em batelada (aproximadamente 5 x 106 céls mL-1). A viabilidade celular foi superior a 90% durante os 48 dias de cultivo. Na fase batelada do cultivo em perfusão, as velocidades de consumo de glicose (qGLC) e de glutamina (qGLN) foram 84% e 32% maiores, respectivamente, em relação às velocidades observadas no cultivo em batelada. Analogamente, as velocidades de produção de lactato (qLAC) e de amônio (qNH4) foram 78% e 102% maiores, respectivamente. Ainda, o coeficiente de manutenção celular não foi desprezível, e o consumo de glicose associado à manutenção celular foi de 83%. Esses dados indicam que a presença do spin-filter interno pode estar associada a estresse celular. Na perfusão, a concentração celular foi cerca de 3 vezes maior do que no cultivo contínuo sem reciclo de células. Provou-se que é possível cultivar células BHK-21 adaptadas a crescimento em suspensão em altas concentrações celulares em escala laboratorial, utilizando biorreator de bancada e spin-filter interno como sistema de retenção celular. / Animal cells have been under research as a platform for the expression of recombinant proteins, ranging from veterinary vaccines to blood coagulation factors for treating hemophilia. Examples include insect Drosophila melanogaster S2 and hamster BHK-21 cells, currently being studied for the production of rabies virus glycoprotein. Regardless of the cultivation strategy, high cell concentrations are usually associated to a higher protein production. Thus, the aim of this research was to investigate animal cell cultivation strategies that would allow higher cell concentrations than those previously reported. Cells of Drosophila melanogaster S2 expressing the rabies virus glycoprotein (S2AcGPV) were cultivated in shake flasks at 100 rpm and 28 , in SF 900 II serum-free medium supplemented with the following amino acids: asparagine, cysteine, proline, and serine. The addition of the four amino acids to the medium increased the maximum cell concentration (XV MAX) in 16%. When only cysteine was added to the medium, the maximum specific growth rate (ÊMAX) was 56% higher. In this condition, the cell yield on glucose (YX/GLC) was 47% higher, indicating a more efficient glucose metabolism. These results show that cysteine is likely a limiting substrate of S2AcGPV cells growing in SF 900 II medium. In turn, baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21/C13), adapted to growth in suspension culture, were cultivated in perfusion, a continuous process with cell retention that allows higher cell concentration than batch or continuous cultures without cell retention. A stirred tank bioreactor with a working volume of 1.5 L was used, with an internal spin-filter with 10 µm diameter pores attached to the impeller shaft. Temperature was controlled at 37 , pH at 7.2, agitation at 80 rpm and dissolved oxygen at 50% of air saturation. The maximum cell concentration reached 15.7 x 106 cells mL-1, much higher than the cell concentration achieved in a standard batch cultivation (5 x 106 cells mL-1). Cell viability was above 90% during the 48-day cultivation period. During the batch phase of the perfusion cultivation, specific rates of glucose (qGLC) and glutamine (qGLN) consumption were 84% and 32% higher, respectively, when compared to the batch cultivation. Similarly, the specific rates of lactate (qLAC) and ammonium (qNH4) formation were 78% and 102% higher, respectively. During perfusion, the cell maintenance coefficient was not negligible and represented 83% of total glucose consumption. These data indicate that the presence of an internal spin-filter may be associated to cell stress. In perfusion, cell concentration was about 3 times higher than that in continuous culture without cell recycle. In conclusion, it was proved that suspension-adapted BHK-21 cells can be cultivated in a laboratory-scale bioreactor with an internal spin-filter, in order to achieve high cell concentrations.
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Cultivos de células animais visando a altas concentrações celulares: processo em perfusão e suplementação com aminoácidos. / Animal cell cultures aiming high cell concentrations: perfusion process and amino acids supplementation.Bruno Labate Vale da Costa 20 March 2013 (has links)
Células animais são alvo de pesquisas visando sua utilização como plataforma para a expressão de proteínas recombinantes, desde vacinas veterinárias até fatores de coagulação para hemofílicos. Exemplos incluem células de inseto Drosophila melanogaster S2 e células de mamífero BHK-21, que vêm sendo estudadas visando a sua utilização para a produção da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva. Independentemente da estratégia de cultivo utilizada, altas concentrações celulares são em geral associadas a uma maior produção da proteína de interesse. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de investigar estratégias que possibilitariam o cultivo de células animais em altas concentrações celulares. Células de inseto Drosophila melanogaster S2 produtoras da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva foram cultivadas em frascos agitados a 100 rpm e 28, em meio livre de soro SF 900 II suplementado com os aminoácidos asparagina, cisteína, prolina e serina. A adição dos quatro aminoácidos no meio de cultura refletiu em um aumento da concentração celular máxima (XV MÁX) em 16%. Cisteína, quando adicionada isoladamente no meio de cultura, refletiu em uma velocidade específica máxima de crescimento celular (MÁX) 56% maior. Nessa condição, o fator de conversão glicose a célula (YX/GLC) foi 47% maior, indicando um metabolismo de glicose mais eficiente na geração de células. Esses resultados indicam que cisteína é provavelmente substrato limitante do cultivo de células S2AcGPV em meio SF 900 II. Já células de mamífero BHK-21 (C13), adaptadas ao crescimento em suspensão, foram cultivadas em processo de perfusão, processo contínuo em que há retenção celular, o que permite alcançar concentrações celulares mais altas que processos em batelada ou em modo contínuo sem retenção celular. Foi utilizado um biorreator do tipo tanque agitado com 1,5 L de volume de trabalho e spin-filter interno, com poro de diâmetro igual a 10 m, acoplado ao eixo do impelidor. Durante o cultivo, o pH foi controlado em 7,2, a agitação em 80 rpm, a temperatura em 37 e o oxigênio dissolvido em 50% da saturação com o ar. A concentração celular máxima alcançou 15,7 x 106 céls mL-1, muito superior à do cultivo em batelada (aproximadamente 5 x 106 céls mL-1). A viabilidade celular foi superior a 90% durante os 48 dias de cultivo. Na fase batelada do cultivo em perfusão, as velocidades de consumo de glicose (qGLC) e de glutamina (qGLN) foram 84% e 32% maiores, respectivamente, em relação às velocidades observadas no cultivo em batelada. Analogamente, as velocidades de produção de lactato (qLAC) e de amônio (qNH4) foram 78% e 102% maiores, respectivamente. Ainda, o coeficiente de manutenção celular não foi desprezível, e o consumo de glicose associado à manutenção celular foi de 83%. Esses dados indicam que a presença do spin-filter interno pode estar associada a estresse celular. Na perfusão, a concentração celular foi cerca de 3 vezes maior do que no cultivo contínuo sem reciclo de células. Provou-se que é possível cultivar células BHK-21 adaptadas a crescimento em suspensão em altas concentrações celulares em escala laboratorial, utilizando biorreator de bancada e spin-filter interno como sistema de retenção celular. / Animal cells have been under research as a platform for the expression of recombinant proteins, ranging from veterinary vaccines to blood coagulation factors for treating hemophilia. Examples include insect Drosophila melanogaster S2 and hamster BHK-21 cells, currently being studied for the production of rabies virus glycoprotein. Regardless of the cultivation strategy, high cell concentrations are usually associated to a higher protein production. Thus, the aim of this research was to investigate animal cell cultivation strategies that would allow higher cell concentrations than those previously reported. Cells of Drosophila melanogaster S2 expressing the rabies virus glycoprotein (S2AcGPV) were cultivated in shake flasks at 100 rpm and 28 , in SF 900 II serum-free medium supplemented with the following amino acids: asparagine, cysteine, proline, and serine. The addition of the four amino acids to the medium increased the maximum cell concentration (XV MAX) in 16%. When only cysteine was added to the medium, the maximum specific growth rate (ÊMAX) was 56% higher. In this condition, the cell yield on glucose (YX/GLC) was 47% higher, indicating a more efficient glucose metabolism. These results show that cysteine is likely a limiting substrate of S2AcGPV cells growing in SF 900 II medium. In turn, baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21/C13), adapted to growth in suspension culture, were cultivated in perfusion, a continuous process with cell retention that allows higher cell concentration than batch or continuous cultures without cell retention. A stirred tank bioreactor with a working volume of 1.5 L was used, with an internal spin-filter with 10 µm diameter pores attached to the impeller shaft. Temperature was controlled at 37 , pH at 7.2, agitation at 80 rpm and dissolved oxygen at 50% of air saturation. The maximum cell concentration reached 15.7 x 106 cells mL-1, much higher than the cell concentration achieved in a standard batch cultivation (5 x 106 cells mL-1). Cell viability was above 90% during the 48-day cultivation period. During the batch phase of the perfusion cultivation, specific rates of glucose (qGLC) and glutamine (qGLN) consumption were 84% and 32% higher, respectively, when compared to the batch cultivation. Similarly, the specific rates of lactate (qLAC) and ammonium (qNH4) formation were 78% and 102% higher, respectively. During perfusion, the cell maintenance coefficient was not negligible and represented 83% of total glucose consumption. These data indicate that the presence of an internal spin-filter may be associated to cell stress. In perfusion, cell concentration was about 3 times higher than that in continuous culture without cell recycle. In conclusion, it was proved that suspension-adapted BHK-21 cells can be cultivated in a laboratory-scale bioreactor with an internal spin-filter, in order to achieve high cell concentrations.
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Spintronique dans le graphène / Spintronics with GrapheneMartin, Marie-Blandine 06 February 2015 (has links)
La découverte du graphène a récemment ouvert de nouvelles opportunités en termes de fonctionnalités et de performances pour les dispositifs de spintronique. Ce travail comporte deux études sur l’utilisation du graphène en spintronique.C’est en premier lieu pour ses propriétés de transport de spin que le graphène a suscité un fort intérêt en spintronique. En effet, de par sa forte mobilité et son faible couplage spin-orbite, il est rapidement apparu comme ayant un fort potentiel pour le transport de l’information de spin avec des longueurs de diffusion de spin attendues de l’ordre de la centaine de microns.Dans une première étude, je m'intéresse au graphène en tant que plateforme pour propager un courant polarisé en spin. Je décris tout d'abord les principales techniques de mesure de vannes de spin latérales, en insistant sur l'importance de la barrière tunnel pour se placer dans les conditions appropriées à la mesure des propriétés intrinsèques au graphène. Je présente ensuite les résultats que j’ai obtenus. Je commence par ceux sur graphène épitaxié sur SiC dans lequel nous avons réussi à injecter, propager et détecter un courant polarisé en spin créé soit grâce à un injecteur ferromagnétique (Co/Al2O3), soit par effet Hall de spin (à partir du platine). Je présente ensuite les résultats obtenus sur un autre type de graphène grande surface, le graphène CVD monocouche, pour lequel j'ai pu expérimenter une nouvelle barrière tunnel: le nitrure de bore hexagonal.Par-delà ses propriétés de transport latéral, le graphène pourrait avoir un autre intérêt pour la spintronique, par exemple dans le cadre de la passivation des couches ferromagnétiques dans les jonctions tunnel magnétiques.Dans une seconde étude, je m'intéresse au graphène comme membrane pour protéger une électrode ferromagnétique de l'oxydation tout en autorisant l’extraction d’un courant polarisé en spin. Aujourd’hui, dû à la propension naturelle des matériaux ferromagnétiques à s’oxyder, les procédés humides/oxydants sont souvent exclus de la fabrication de dispositifs de spintronique. Après avoir introduit les enjeux, je présente mes résultats expérimentaux. Je montre tout d'abord qu’une monocouche de graphène suffit à empêcher l'oxydation d'une électrode de nickel et qu’un filtrage de spin intéressant apparaît à l'interface Ni/Graphène. Je valide ensuite l'ensemble de ce potentiel en montrant qu'on peut utiliser une technique oxydative de dépôt tel que l'Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) sans endommager les propriétés de l'électrode ferromagnétique Ni+Graphène. Le procédé d’ALD, bien qu'utilisé partout en électronique (cette technique sert aujourd’hui à réaliser les grilles des transistors d’Intel), était jusqu’ici proscrit car il met en jeu des molécules telles que l'ozone ou l'eau et est donc par nature oxydant. Enfin, je montre que le filtrage de spin à l’interface Ni/Graphène aboutit alors à une inversion quasi-totale de la polarisation en spin du Ni.Ce travail de thèse montre que le graphène peut être utilisé comme canal de transport d’un courant polarisé en spin, comme membrane protectrice imperméable à l’oxydation ou encore comme filtre à spin. L’ensemble de ces travaux illustre la richesse des applications du graphène pour la spintronique. / Graphene discovery has opened new opportunities in terms of functionality and performance for spintronics devices. This work presents two examples of what graphene can bring to the spintronics field.Graphene first aroused interest amongst the community because of its excellent properties for transporting spin information. Indeed, thanks to its high reported mobilities and its weak spin-orbit coupling, graphene quickly became a high-potential candidate to transport spin information with expected spin diffusion length in the hundreds of microns range.In the first part of this thesis, I study graphene as a platform to propagate a spin polarized current. I first describe the main techniques to measure lateral spin valves, emphasizing the importance of the tunnel barrier being under the right conditions to permit measurement of the intrinsic properties of graphene. I then present my results. I begin with the results obtained on epitaxial graphene on SiC, in which I was able to inject, propagate and detect a spin current created either by a ferromagnetic injector (Co/Al2O3), or through the spin Hall effect (from Pt). Then, I present the results obtained on another large-area graphene, a single layer of graphene grown by CVD on which I tested a new unnel barrier : hexagonal boron-nitrideBeyond its potential as a platform to transport spin information, other opportunities for graphene in spintronics exist, for example its use in the passivation of ferromagnetic layers in magnetic tunnel junctions.In the second part of this thesis, I am interested in graphene’s potential as a membrane that could protect ferromagnets from oxidation while simultaneously allowing the extraction of a spin current. Indeed, because of the natural propensity of the ferromagnetic material to be oxidized, humid and oxidative processes are excluded from the fabrication of spintronic devices. After introducing the background motivation, I present my experimental results. I first show that a single layer of grapheneis enough to prevent the oxidation of a Ni electrode and that an interesting spin filtering effect happens at the interface Ni/Graphene. I then confirm this by showing that it is possible to use an oxidative technique like Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) without damaging the properties of the ferromagnetic electrode Ni+Graphene. ALD is widely used in electronics (Intel uses it to make its transistor gates) but was up to now prohibited in spintronics because it involves oxidative molecules like water or ozone. Finally, I show that the spin-filtering effect at the interface Ni/Graphene leads to a quasi-total reversal of the spin polarisation of the Ni.This thesis shows that graphene can be used as a channel to transport spin information, as a protective membrane to protect against oxidation, or as a spin filter. All this work illustrates the richness of graphene applications for spintronics.
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