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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/1993

Clauß, Matthias, Fleischer, Wolfgang, Heide, Gerd, Winkler, Jürgen, Riedel, Wolfgang 30 August 1995 (has links) (PDF)
Referenzsysteme im URZ NAG-Paket Disketten-Service DANTE '93 in Chemnitz GUUG-Workshop '93 Ergebnis Bedarfsermittlung

Fractured Rock Masses as Equivalent Continua - A Numerical Study

Min, Ki-Bok January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis, fractured rock masses are treated asequivalent continua for large-scale analyses of rockengineering projects. Systematic developments are made for thedetermination of equivalent mechanical and hydraulic propertiesof fractured rock masses using a hybrid discrete fracturenetwork - distinct element method (DFN-DEM) approach. Thedetermined equivalent properties are then used for a far-fieldfinite element analysis of the thermo-mechanical impacts on thestress, deformation and permeability of fractured rockssurrounding a hypothetical geological repository of nuclearwaste. The geological data were extracted from the results ofan extensive site investigation programme at Sellafield, UK,conducted by Nirex UK Ltd. The scale dependencies of the hydraulic and mechanicalproperties were investigated by using multiple realizations ofthe fracture system geometry with increasing model sizes untilproperly defined hydraulic and mechanical representativeelementary volumes (REVs) were reached. The validity of thesecond order permeability tensor and the fourth-ordermechanical compliance tensor were tested for continuum analysesat larger scales. The REV was determined to be around 5 m formechanical and hydraulic data in this study. Analysis of the stress-dependent mechanical and hydraulicproperties shows that the effect of rock stresses is crucial.The elastic moduli increase significantly with the increase ofstress and an empirical equation of stress-dependent elasticmodulus is suggested based on results of numerical experiments.Calculations of the Poisson's ratios suggest greater valuesthan are normally assumed in practice. Depending on the stateof stress, permeability decreases or increases with increasingcompressive stress. Stress-induced flow channeling effect iscaptured by numerical modeling for the first time and detailedmechanisms of shear dilation of fractures are provided. Basedon the numerical experiments, a set of empirical equations wassuggested for the stress-dependent permeability, consideringboth normal deformation and shear dilation of fractures. Thermo-mechanical impact on the performance of ahypothetical repository at a far-field scale (5 km by 1 km) wasinvestigated with the stress-dependent equivalent propertiesdetermined at the REV scale. This analysis shows thatmechanical responses vary significantly depending on how themechanical properties were determined. The change ofpermeability due to the thermal loading is, however, notsignificant in this particular case. The thesis provides a framework for systematic analysis oflarge-scale engineering applications in fractured rock masses,such as geological repositories of nuclear wastes. Keyword:Fractured rock masses, Equivalent Continuum,Discrete Fracture Network (DFN), Distinct Element Method (DEM),Finite Element Method (FEM), Nuclear Waste Disposal, CoupledThermo-Hydro-Mechanical Processes

Scale and Stress Effects on Hydro-Mechanical Properties of Fractured Rock Masses

Baghbanan, Alireza January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, the effects of size and stress on permeability, deformability and strength of fractured rock masses are investigated. A comparison study was carried out to examine the effects of considering, or not considering, the correlation between distributions of fracture apertures and fracture trace lengths on the hydro-mechanical behavior of fractured rocks. The basic concepts used are the fundamental principles of the general theory of elasticity, Representative Elementary Volume (REV), the tensor of equivalent permeability, and the strength criteria of the fractured rocks. Due to the size and stress dependence of the hydro-mechanical properties of rock fractures, the overall effective (or equivalent) hydro-mechanical properties of the fractured rocks are also size and stress-dependent. However, such dependence cannot be readily investigated in laboratory using small samples, and so numerical modeling becomes a necessary tool for estimating their impacts. In this study, a closed-form relation is established for representing the correlation between a truncated lognormal distribution of fracture apertures and a truncated power law distribution of trace lengths, as obtained from field mapping. Furthermore, a new nonlinear algorithm is developed for predicting the relationship between normal stress and normal displacement of fractures, based on the Bandis model and the correlation between aperture and length. A large number of stochastic Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models of varying sizes were extracted from some generated large-sized parent realizations based on a realistic fracture system description from a site investigation programme at Sellafield, UK, for calculating the REV of hydro-mechanical properties of fractured rocks. Rotated DFN models were also generated and used for evaluation of the distributions of directional permeabilities, such that tensors of equivalent permeability could be established based on stochastically established REVs. The stress-dependence of the permeability and the stress-displacement behaviour were then investigated using models of REV sizes. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) was used for numerical simulation of the fluid flow, deformability properties and mechanical strength behavior of fractured rocks. The results show significant scale-dependency of rock permeability, deformability and strength, and its variation when the correlation between aperture and trace length of fractures are concerned, with the overall permeability and deformability more controlled by dominating fractures with larger apertures and higher transmissivity and deformability, compared with fracture network models having uniform aperture. As the second moment of aperture distribution increases, a fractured rock mass shows more discrete behavior and an REV is established in smaller value of second moment with much larger model size, compared with the models with uniform fracture aperture. When the fracture aperture pattern is more scattered, the overall permeability, Young’s modulus and mechanical strength change significantly. The effect of stress on permeability and fluid flow patterns in fractured rock is significant and can lead to the existence or non-existence of a permeability tensor. Stress changes the fluid flow patterns and can cause significant channeling and the permeability tensor, and REV may be destroyed or re-established at different applied stress conditions. With an increase in the confining stress on the DEM models, the strength is increased. Compared with the Hoek-Brown criterion, the Mohr-Coulomb strength envelope provides a better fit to the results of numerical biaxial compression tests, with significant changes of the strength characteristic parameters occurring when the second moment of the aperture distribution is increased. / QC 20100702

Fractured Rock Masses as Equivalent Continua - A Numerical Study

Min, Ki-Bok January 2004 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, fractured rock masses are treated asequivalent continua for large-scale analyses of rockengineering projects. Systematic developments are made for thedetermination of equivalent mechanical and hydraulic propertiesof fractured rock masses using a hybrid discrete fracturenetwork - distinct element method (DFN-DEM) approach. Thedetermined equivalent properties are then used for a far-fieldfinite element analysis of the thermo-mechanical impacts on thestress, deformation and permeability of fractured rockssurrounding a hypothetical geological repository of nuclearwaste. The geological data were extracted from the results ofan extensive site investigation programme at Sellafield, UK,conducted by Nirex UK Ltd.</p><p>The scale dependencies of the hydraulic and mechanicalproperties were investigated by using multiple realizations ofthe fracture system geometry with increasing model sizes untilproperly defined hydraulic and mechanical representativeelementary volumes (REVs) were reached. The validity of thesecond order permeability tensor and the fourth-ordermechanical compliance tensor were tested for continuum analysesat larger scales. The REV was determined to be around 5 m formechanical and hydraulic data in this study.</p><p>Analysis of the stress-dependent mechanical and hydraulicproperties shows that the effect of rock stresses is crucial.The elastic moduli increase significantly with the increase ofstress and an empirical equation of stress-dependent elasticmodulus is suggested based on results of numerical experiments.Calculations of the Poisson's ratios suggest greater valuesthan are normally assumed in practice. Depending on the stateof stress, permeability decreases or increases with increasingcompressive stress. Stress-induced flow channeling effect iscaptured by numerical modeling for the first time and detailedmechanisms of shear dilation of fractures are provided. Basedon the numerical experiments, a set of empirical equations wassuggested for the stress-dependent permeability, consideringboth normal deformation and shear dilation of fractures.</p><p>Thermo-mechanical impact on the performance of ahypothetical repository at a far-field scale (5 km by 1 km) wasinvestigated with the stress-dependent equivalent propertiesdetermined at the REV scale. This analysis shows thatmechanical responses vary significantly depending on how themechanical properties were determined. The change ofpermeability due to the thermal loading is, however, notsignificant in this particular case.</p><p>The thesis provides a framework for systematic analysis oflarge-scale engineering applications in fractured rock masses,such as geological repositories of nuclear wastes.</p><p><b>Keyword:</b>Fractured rock masses, Equivalent Continuum,Discrete Fracture Network (DFN), Distinct Element Method (DEM),Finite Element Method (FEM), Nuclear Waste Disposal, CoupledThermo-Hydro-Mechanical Processes</p>

Strength and deformability of fractured rocks

Noorian-Bidgoli, Majid January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a systematic numerical modeling framework to simulate the stress-deformation and coupled stress-deformation-flow processes by performing uniaxial and biaxial compressive tests on fractured rock models with considering the effects of different loading conditions, different loading directions (anisotropy), and coupled hydro-mechanical processes for evaluating strength and deformability behavior of fractured rocks. By using code UDEC of discrete element method (DEM), a series of numerical experiments were conducted on discrete fracture network models (DFN) at an established representative elementary volume (REV), based on realistic geometrical and mechanical data of fracture systems from field mapping at Sellafield, UK. The results were used to estimate the equivalent Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio and to fit the Mohr-Coulomb and Hoek-Brown failure criteria, represented by equivalent material properties defining these two criteria. The results demonstrate that strength and deformation parameters of fractured rocks are dependent on confining pressures, loading directions, water pressure, and mechanical and hydraulic boundary conditions. Fractured rocks behave nonlinearly, represented by their elasto-plastic behavior with a strain hardening trend. Fluid flow analysis in fractured rocks under hydro-mechanical loading conditions show an important impact of water pressure on the strength and deformability parameters of fractured rocks, due to the effective stress phenomenon, but the values of stress and strength reduction may or may not equal to the magnitude of water pressure, due to the influence of fracture system complexity. Stochastic analysis indicates that the strength and deformation properties of fractured rocks have ranges of values instead of fixed values, hence such analyses should be considered especially in cases where there is significant scatter in the rock and fracture parameters. These scientific achievements can improve our understanding of fractured rocks’ hydro-mechanical behavior and are useful for the design of large-scale in-situ experiments with large volumes of fractured rocks, considering coupled stress-deformation-flow processes in engineering practice. / <p>QC 20141111</p>

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/2001

Anders,, Clauß,, Hübner,, Junghänel,, Kempe,, Petersen,, Richter,, Riedel,, Schier,, Sontag, 14 August 2001 (has links)
10 Jahre Universitätsrechenzentrum Angebot zur zentralen PC-Beschaffung an der TU Chemnitz Neue Computerpools für die Ausbildung Lehrmaterialien in modernen Medien Benutzbarkeit von Webseiten JAVA3D am Beispiel eines Getriebemodells Filter für E-Mail Das E-Mail-System der TU Chemnitz Neue WWW-Server Campusnetz am G-WiN DFN@home Neuigkeiten zu Campuslizenzen ...

Mitteilungen des URZ 3/1993

Huebner, Riedel, Wegener, Wolf, Ziegler 30 August 1995 (has links)
Netztagung in Chemnitz Stand Netzausbau Leitfaden Datennetze Urheberrecht fuer Software Demo-Versionen DOS 6.0 Datensicherung an der TUCZ

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/2001

Anders, Clauß, Hübner, Junghänel, Kempe, Petersen, Richter, Riedel, Schier, Sontag 14 August 2001 (has links)
10 Jahre Universitätsrechenzentrum Angebot zur zentralen PC-Beschaffung an der TU Chemnitz Neue Computerpools für die Ausbildung Lehrmaterialien in modernen Medien Benutzbarkeit von Webseiten JAVA3D am Beispiel eines Getriebemodells Filter für E-Mail Das E-Mail-System der TU Chemnitz Neue WWW-Server Campusnetz am G-WiN DFN@home Neuigkeiten zu Campuslizenzen ...

Influence des incertitudes géométriques et de la méthode de modélisation dans l'analyse de stabilité des talus rocheux : application aux mines à ciel ouvert / Influence of geometrical uncertainties and modeling method on stability analysis of fractured rock masses : application to open-pit mines

Nguyen, Anh Tuan 11 December 2015 (has links)
La stabilité des exploitations à ciel ouvert (mines ou carrières) excavées dans des massifs rocheux dépend de leur géométrie, des caractéristiques géométriques de la fracturation (orientation et espacement) du massif et des caractéristiques mécaniques du massif et des discontinuités. L'évaluation du risque d'instabilité rocheuse dépend de la quantité et la qualité des informations disponibles sur le massif rocheux et des méthodes d'analyse mises en œuvre pour évaluer le comportement mécanique de l'assemblage de blocs rocheux. Différents sites de talus naturels, d'excavation routière et de carrières et mines à ciel ouvert présentés dans le mémoire montrent que les informations connues peuvent beaucoup varier d'un site à l'autre. Les étapes de collecte et de synthèse des données, puis de modélisation afin d'analyser la stabilité d'une pente rocheuse conduisent à des incertitudes. Le mémoire traite plus particulièrement de l'influence des incertitudes géométriques et différentes méthodes de regroupement des fractures en familles sont explorées. La combinaison du travail proposé par différents auteurs conduit à une nouvelle méthode nommée PSMY. Cette méthode ainsi que la méthode spectrale ont été programmées sous l'environnement Mathematica et les résultats sont comparés à des regroupements "manuels" réalisé avec le logiciel DIPS. Les méthodes de regroupement sont présentées selon le pourcentage d'orientations classé par la méthode. L’orientation et l’espacement des familles de fractures sont ajustées à des lois statistiques. Les paramètres statistiques sont comparés en fonction de la méthode regroupement. Ces paramètres influencent la construction d'un modèle géométrique du massif rocheux appelé DFN (Discrete Fracture Network). L'influence des regroupements sur l'analyse de stabilité est étudiée à partir de modélisation stochastiques à l'équilibre limite utilisant les logiciels SWEDGE et RESOBLOK. Ces logiciels ne prennent pas en compte les mêmes incertitudes et en sortie ils fournissent des indicateurs de stabilité différents. Une analyse de sensibilité des indicateurs (nombre de blocs instables, volume moyen du bloc instable, volume total instable) aux méthodes de regroupement et aux orientations de talus est réalisée. Une analyse de variance permet de préciser l'influence de ces deux facteurs. Une évaluation de l’état de stabilité global du massif, en fonction de la cohésion et de l'angle de frottement est proposée. L'influence de la méthode de modélisation est évoquée en comparant des calculs tridimensionnels à l'équilibre limite et des modélisations bidimensionnel et tridimensionnels en éléments discrets rigides ou déformables. Un couplage entre le logiciel RESOBLOK (équilibre limite) et LMGC90 (éléments discrets) permet de comparer les analyses pour une même géométrie. Pour le cas de la déviation d'Ax-les-Thermes et certaines configurations géométriques instables l’influence des paramètres de modèles sur stabilité du talus est testée. Plusieurs variantes sont comparées. La simulation d’une excavation en 3D multi phases est réalisée et l’indice de mobilisation est étudié pour comparer les divers types de contacts dans LMGC90 par rapport à l’éventuel glissement des blocs dans les étapes successives / The stability of open-cast operations (mines or quarries), excavated in rock mass depends on their geometry, the geometrical characteristics of the rock mass fractures (orientation and spacing) and the mechanical characteristics of the rock mass and the discontinuities. The assessment of the rock instability risk depends on the quantity and quality of the available information on the rock mass and the analysis methods used for the evaluation of the mechanical behavior of the rock block collection. Different sites of natural rock slopes, of road cuts, and of open-cast mines and quarries, described in the present document, show that the known information can vary a lot from one site to the other. The steps of data gathering and analysis, then the modelling step used to analyze the stability of the rock slope, lead to uncertainties. The present work deals in particular with the influence of the geometrical uncertainties, and the different clustering methods, to define families of fractures, are examined. The combination of works suggested by several authors leads to a new method called PSMY. This method, together with the spectral method, was coded in the Mathematica platform, and the obtained results are compared with "hand-made" clusters, done with the DIPS software. The clustering methods are presented according to the ratio of classified orientations. The orientation and spacing of fracture families are fitted by statistical law. The statistical parameters are compared according to the clustering method used. These parameters have an influence on the construction of the rock mass geometrical model, called DFN (Discrete Fracture Network). The influence of the clusters on the stability analysis is studied from the stochastic models based on the limit equilibrium analysis, in the SWEDGE and RESOBLOK software. These programs do not take into account the same uncertainties, and as a result, they give different stability indicators. A sensitivity analysis of these indicators (number of unstable blocks, average volume of unstable blocks, and total volume of unstable blocks) versus the clustering methods used, and the orientation of the slopes, is carried out. A variance analysis allows an evaluation of the influence of these factors. The assessment of the global stability condition of the rock mass, depending on the cohesion and the friction angle, is proposed. The influence of the modeling method is analyzed by comparing 3D calculations using the limit equilibrium calculations, and 2D and 3D models using discrete rigid and deformable blocks. A coupling between RESOBLOK (limit equilibrium) and LMGC90 (discrete elements) allows the comparison of results on the same original geometry. For the case of Ax-les-Thermes road-cut, and for various unstable geometries, the influence of the model parameters is tested. Several cases are compared. The 3D simulation of an excavation, at different steps, is performed, and the mobilization index is studied, in order to compare several types of contacts, within the LMGC model, in relation to the possible sliding of blocks, at those different steps

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/1993

Clauß, Matthias, Fleischer, Wolfgang, Heide, Gerd, Winkler, Jürgen, Riedel, Wolfgang 30 August 1995 (has links)
Referenzsysteme im URZ NAG-Paket Disketten-Service DANTE '93 in Chemnitz GUUG-Workshop '93 Ergebnis Bedarfsermittlung

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