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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從泰國的世界廚房營運經驗看台灣餐飲發展 / The development of Taiwanese food & beverage industry --from the experience of Center for Thailand kitchen of the world

賴育瑜, Lai, Yu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀1997年亞洲金融風暴之後的泰國,泰國政府設法改善以農立國的機會點,運用大量農產品輸出提升國家整體經濟,這其中最為驚人的成就便是世界廚房的執行,政府透由單一窗口的溝通,明定清楚的營運績效指標,讓泰式料理躍上舞台成為關鍵字的搜尋,也成功的吸引無數的觀光旅客前往泰國一窺究竟,深入探訪學習泰式料理與體驗泰國文化。然而在看了別人的成功經驗之後,台灣的餐飲業是否有機會可以學習呢?因此本研究試圖由相關文獻與資料的蒐集,並深入訪問在餐飲領域學有所長的專家意見,藉由泰國政府世界廚房的營運經驗中找出成功關鍵,進而反思台灣餐飲業可以學習的作為,當中也加上中小企業鼎泰豐的營運方式說明,並引用了白地策略的商業模式思考我們日後可以運作的方法與營運法則。 經過這一連串的研究探討,茲將歸納總結出三方向的建議 一. 政府端:建議政府單位能夠仿效學習成立專責單位,儘可能簡化作業時間與文書往返的營運模式,讓權責單位能夠更具效能的執行餐飲業的推廣;再者近來的食品加工風波,亦是政府單位需要改善制度,設法成立食材履歷的改善作為,好讓餐飲業的經營除了美味更具安心。同時我們透由泰國世界廚房的營運經驗也可以發現,維護品質的稽核制度不可少。 二. 企業或組織端:透由連鎖化的營運模式壯大自己的營運成績,讓自己形塑品牌深化才能有機會在日益變遷的餐飲環境中紮根。再者應該結合台灣科技化的優勢,架構資訊平台讓營運的經驗法則能夠累積成自己的創新價值,形成關鍵流程與資源,讓自己的營運評斷基準更具說服力。 三. 顧客端:日益成熟的台灣社會,我們更應該努力成為有同理心的消費者,在購賣決策形成時,除了廉價思維之外,更應該思考商品的附加價值,讓整體的經營環境,不光只有法令、業者的努力,更有許多消費者的認可,才能讓餐飲業的發展朝光明面邁進。 關鍵詞:泰國世界廚房、白地策略、鼎泰豐、個案研究、餐飲業 / After Asian financial crisis, Thailand’s government tried to improve the department of agriculture in1997 and found the opportunity. They increased the economic growth by exporting the product of agriculture. The most of achievements is the implement of the Center for Thailand kitchen of the world. What can we learn from f the Center for Thailand kitchen of the world?What are the major reasons of their achievement? This paper will use the literature review and interview expert of restaurant industry. We also choose Din Tai Fung to be our case study and use the rules of white space. After our empirical study, we have three conclusions: 1. We thought that our government can reduce the process of paper work and provide the organization of one stop service. After the crisis of food processing,we can set up the food pedigree to improve the quality of food & beverage. According the business model of Center for Thailand kitchen of the world, we need to build the system of quality auditing. 2. The franchise system can expand the scale of business. Through the franchise model, the enterprise will have the opportunity to increase the market share in the food & beverage industry. We have the advantages of hi-tech technology in Taiwan. We can run the successful business model by accumulating these experiences on web site. 3. We should follow our consumer’s preference. On the consumption decision, we can try to add value on the product. We also need to build the suitable environment and law. Keywords:Center for Thailand kitchen of the world、White Space、Din Tai Fung、Case study、Food & Beverage Industry )

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