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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Non-Academic Involvement on Higher Order Thinking Skills

Franklin, Megan Armbruster 04 April 2014 (has links)
External and internal stakeholders in higher education are asking for accountability about what takes place in the classroom (Alexander, Clinton, and Kean, 1986; Hart Research Associates, 2010; Spellings, 2006). They want to be assured that the learning institutions claim is occurring on campus is in fact happening (Alexander, 2000). In response, academic leaders have produced information about active learning strategies in classrooms (Seifert, Pascarella, Wolniak, and Cruce, 2006; Tsui, 2002; Umbach and Wawrzynski, 2005), student approaches to learning (Biggs, Kember, and Leung, 2001), and faculty-student interaction that lead to increased use of higher order thinking skills (Kuh, 1995; Pascarella and Terenzini, 1991; Reason, Terenzini and Domingo, 2007). Although there is extensive literature on learning that occurs in academic settings on college campuses, data on whether students are engaging in higher order thinking skills in non-academic settings are less prevalent. This study sought to understand whether students' higher order thinking skills (HOTs) are influenced by their involvement in non-academic activities (NAIs). I analyzed data from college seniors who completed the 2010 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) to address two questions. First, I explored what factors emerged from the items about non-academic involvement (NAI) on the NSSE. Second, multiple regression models were employed to determine the extent to which variance in HOTs could be explained by these NAI factors. There were 14 items on the 2010 NSSE that, based on literature, measured frequency with which students engaged in NAIs. Exploratory factor analysis revealed two independent factors consisting of 7 items: Relationships (3 items) and Diverse Perspectives (4 items). These two factors explained 21% of variance in students' higher order thinking skills. Students who are exposed to diversity and develop close relationships use HOT skills more frequently. This suggests implications for those who work in admissions, student affairs, and human resources, among others. The findings also inform policies related to promotion and tenure as well as student involvement. / Ph. D.

You, AFFIRMED: a gender-affirming occupational therapy program for top surgery

Vines, Sarah Michelle 23 August 2024 (has links)
According to the Human Rights Campaign (n.d.), the nation’s largest LGBTQIA+ civil rights organization, there are approximately two million people living within the U.S. who identify as transgender. Gender-affirming healthcare encompasses a variety of services, including hormone therapy, surgical interventions such as genital and top surgery, and mental health services. While surgery may or may not be part of an individual’s personal transition roadmap, research indicates that gender-affirming surgery can significantly improve quality of life (Stroumsa, 2014). However, a study by De Brouwer et al. (2021) found that 65% of transgender individuals reported the desire for increased post-operative care including guidance and education regarding “what are you allowed to do and what not” to do following surgery (p. 1925). The transition process can impact a person’s occupational identity, occupational competence, and overall occupational well-being (Bar et al., 2016). Although deficits in occupational performance and satisfaction have been reported within transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) populations (Swenson et al., 2022), occupational therapy services are not typically provided or included within the gender-affirming care model. Occupational therapy services have the potential to decrease deficits experienced by TGD individuals due to the holistic nature of the profession and its focus on client-centered care. you, AFFIRMED is an innovative program that will provide occupational therapy services pre- and post- gender-affirming top surgery through a six-week program delivered virtually for improved access to healthcare services. you, AFFIRMED aims to improve post-surgical outcomes and general well-being for TGD individuals undergoing gender-affirming top surgery through the provision of individualized occupational therapy services. Furthermore, the program intends to increase the representation of occupational therapy within multidisciplinary gender-affirming healthcare services. Finally, the program intends to further improve access to occupational therapy services through telehealth modalities due to deficits in accessing qualified healthcare professionals and challenges with financial coverage of services.

An Investigation into the Funds of Knowledge of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse U.S. Elementary Students' Households

Kinney, Angela 24 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Οι διαφοροποιημένοι πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητές στον «Οδηγό νηπιαγωγού. Εκπαιδευτικοί σχεδιασμοί. Δημιουργικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης»

Πίτσου, Χαρίκλεια 07 July 2010 (has links)
O σύγχρονος κόσμος, γίνεται λόγω των συνεχών μετακινήσεων των ατόμων όλο και περισσότερο ένα παγκόσμιο χωριό, με αποτέλεσμα λίγες χώρες να μπορούν να προβάλουν την αξίωση ενός αληθινά ομοιογενούς πληθυσμού. Σήμερα, η πολυπολιτισμική ποικιλομορφία, που χαρακτηρίζει τις περισσότερες χώρες -και την Ελλάδα-, είναι ένας παράγοντας που έχει σημαντικές επιπτώσεις στην εκπαίδευση όλων των βαθμίδων, συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της προσχολικής (Rodd, 1996). Το σχολείο «ως απαραίτητο διορθωτικό μέσο κάθε πολιτισμικού ελαττώματος ή ανεπάρκειας» (Savater, 2004: 9) οφείλει από τη μια να είναι ασυμβίβαστο με μορφές εθνικής περιχάραξης και από την άλλη να είναι τόσο πλουραλιστικό, όσο η ίδια η κοινωνία. Οφείλει, δηλαδή, να εμπερικλείει στους κόλπους του και να αγκαλιάζει όλους εκείνους τους μαθητές που δεν ανήκουν στην κυρίαρχη πολιτισμική και γλωσσική ομάδα. Με τη συγκεκριμένη ερευνητική μελέτη προσπαθούμε να διαπιστώσουμε σε τι βαθμό και με ποιο τρόπο -δηλωμένο ή άδηλο- ο «Οδηγός Νηπιαγωγού -Εκπαιδευτικοί σχεδιασμοί- Δημιουργικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης», του οποίου η συγγραφή του προκηρύχθηκε από το Υ.Π.Ε.Π.Θ. το 2003 (ΦΕΚ, 303 & 304/ 13-03-2003) και εφαρμόζεται επίσημα στα νηπιαγωγεία ως το βιβλίο του εκπαιδευτικού της προσχολικής εκπαίδευσης από το σχολικό έτος 2006-2007, αναφέρεται σε μαθητές που ανήκουν σε διαφορετικές πολιτισμικές και γλωσσικές ομάδες από την ελληνική. Παράλληλα, προσπαθούμε να ερμηνεύσουμε αν και με ποιο τρόπο έχει επηρεαστεί ο τρόπος αναφοράς σε αυτούς τους μαθητές τόσο από τις κοινωνικές αλλαγές που έχουν σημειωθεί λόγω της παρουσίας ατόμων από διαφορετικές εθνοπολιτισμικές ομάδες, όσο και από τη θέσπιση του νόμου 2413/96 για τη Διαπολιτισμικής Εκπαίδευσης. Αρχικά, χρησιμοποιούμε «περιγραφική ανάλυση περιεχομένου» (Descriptive Content Analysis), η οποία σύμφωνα με τον Thomas (1998) εξετάζει το τι περιέχει η επικοινωνία. Κατόπιν, χρησιμοποιούμε «ερμηνευτική ανάλυση περιεχόμενου» (Interpretive Content Analysis) και τη βασισμένη στο συγκείμενο ερμηνεία (contextual interpretation), για να διαπιστώσουμε από τη μια πώς και γιατί το προς εξέταση υλικό παρουσιάζεται καταυτόν τον τρόπο και από την άλλη πώς έχει επηρεαστεί από το κοινωνικό πολιτικό συγκείμενο της σύγχρονης κοινωνικής πραγματικότητας. Τα αποτελέσματα της ερευνητικής μελέτης έδειξαν ότι, αν και έχουν αρχίσει να γίνονται τα πρώτα βήματα, βάσει της διαπίστωσης ενός σεβαστού αριθμού αναφορών στους διαφοροποιημένους πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητές, παραταύτα ο «Οδηγός Νηπιαγωγού -Εκπαιδευτικοί σχεδιασμοί- Δημιουργικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης» υιοθετεί ένα συγκαλυμμένο εθνικό προσανατολισμό, που προωθείται μέσω των αρχών της πολιτικής της ενσωμάτωσης, του μονοπολιτισμού και της μονογλωσσίας, εφόσον στο σχολικό χώρο γίνονται αποδεκτά τα στοιχεία εκείνα των διαφοροποιημένων πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητών που δεν προκαλούν αναταραχή και ανακατατάξεις στις ήδη υπάρχουσες επίσημες εκπαιδευτικές πρακτικές. Παρά την ύπαρξη του νόμου 2413/96 περί της Διαπολιτισμικής Εκπαίδευσης και τις επίσημες κατευθύνσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για την εφαρμογή προγραμμάτων που προωθούν την ισότιμη συμμετοχή όλων των πολιτισμικών και γλωσσικών ομάδων και την επαρκή αντιπροσώπευση της διαφορετικότητάς τους στα επίσημα αναλυτικά προγράμματα, στα εγχειρίδια των μαθητών και στα βιβλία των εκπαιδευτικών, εστιάζοντας στον «Οδηγό Νηπιαγωγού -Εκπαιδευτικοί σχεδιασμοί- Δημιουργικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης» διαπιστώνουμε την τουριστική, την προσθετική προσέγγιση διδασκαλίας και όχι την μετασχηματιστική προσέγγιση. Αν και έχουν σημειωθεί κάποια θετικά βήματα για την αναγνώριση των διαφορετικών αναγκών των διαφοροποιημένων πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητών, παραθέτουμε ορισμένες πρακτικές επισημάνσεις για την ουσιαστική στάθμισή τους, την πρόσφορη αξιολόγηση και αξιοποίησή τους στα πλαίσια μιας προοπτικής πλουραλισμού. Οι πρακτικές αυτές επισημάνσεις είναι: η αναμόρφωση των αναλυτικών προγραμμάτων όλων των γνωστικών αντικειμένων από ειδικούς της διαπολιτισμικής εκπαίδευσης, η αναγνώριση και διδασκαλία της μητρικής γλώσσας των μειονοτικών ομάδων, η διεθνής ανάπτυξη μιας διακρατικής εκπαιδευτικής συμφωνίας για τον τρόπο παρουσίασης των διαφοροποιημένων πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητών, η παραγωγή διαπολιτισμικού διδακτικού και εποπτικού υλικού, η εισαγωγή μιας σειράς μαθημάτων Διαπολιτισμικής Εκπαίδευσης ως υποχρεωτικής σε όλες τις παιδαγωγικές και καθηγητικές πανεπιστημιακές σχολές και τέλος η συνεχής επιμόρφωση των εκπαιδευτικών σε θέματα που άπτονται της διαχείρισης των μαθητών που ανήκουν σε μειοψηφικές πολιτισμικές και γλωσσικές ομάδες. Στην εποχή των ολοένα και αυξανόμενων πολύμορφων και πολύχρωμων κοινωνιών δεν αρκεί απλά η κατάδειξη των διαφορών των διαφοροποιημένων πολιτισμικά και γλωσσικά μαθητών σε ένα αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα ή σε ένα βιβλίο που προορίζεται για τον εκπαιδευτικό. Αυτό που ουσιαστικά χρειάζεται είναι μια εποικοδομητική προσπάθεια καλλιέργειας της αποδοχής της διαφορετικότητας σε θεσμικό και πρακτικό επίπεδο. / Multiculturalism is a prevailing phenomenon in many countries, including Greece. Today, schools are not characterized by homogeny in their population as they include students from diverse culturally and linguistically backgrounds. The aim of this study is to examine how the diverse culturally and linguistically students are presented in «the book of kindergarten teacher», which was published by the Greek Ministry of Education in 2006, 10 years after the implementation of Law 2413/96, entitled «Greek education abroad, Intercultural Education and other provisions». A law based on Intercultural Education which addresses issues related to multicultural classrooms. To analyze our material we use quantitative content analysis, descriptive and interpretive. Our results showed that although there are enough references to diverse culturally and linguistically students, in fact, they are not in congruence with the Law 2413/96 but they are more associated with the policy of integration as only the official language is taught and as only the superficial cultural elements of foreign students are accepted in the educational process.

Family-teacher communication and literacy practices in a culturally and linguistically diverse family

Pitty-Murillo, Ileana del Carmen 01 January 2012 (has links)
Parent-teacher communication is a key element of parent-teacher relationship and of family involvement. Such communication influences children's wellbeing and academic success. There are many gaps in the literature regarding the dynamics of parent-teacher communication and how this influences family and school literacy practices. Using a qualitative design, this case study focused on the communication of a family from a culturally and linguistically diverse background and the children's teachers. The study examined the conceptions of communication and perspectives on parent-teacher communication of a mother and three teachers. The study also examined the diverse ways they communicated literacy practices and expectations to one another and the outcomes derived from their communication. Findings of this study revealed that parent-teacher communication is a complex process influenced by multiple factors related to the microsystems of school and home and the varied ways they interact. The study found a disconnection between parent and teacher communication conceptions and approaches.

"More than Just a Teacher”: Anticipatory Advocacy as Vision and Defense in Urban High-need Schools

Barker, Kim Stevens 13 May 2016 (has links)
Specialized teacher preparation programs are graduating teachers with commitments to advocacy. This expanded definition of teaching stands in opposition to traditional expectations for the role of teachers that have developed during the history of U.S. education into organizational and social frames that reinforce tradition and work against reform. These influences constitute forces of professional weathering that may wear down teachers’ visions and actions for their work. This multicase study focused on four graduates from an intensive two-year teacher preparation program that included initial certification along with induction support in the second year of the program as they completed master’s degree requirements. The inquiry sought to understand how they envisioned their roles as teacher advocates and how they enacted and sustained their visions, resisting traditional teacher roles. Participants were graduates of the same cohort of the preparation program who were completing their second year of teaching in urban high-need schools and who had been nominated and confirmed as effective teachers of diverse students by faculty members of the university program and of local schools. Program materials were analyzed as background material to establish context. Primary data that were inductively and iteratively analyzed included extant course assignments, three individual interviews with each participant, three school-related observations, and three focus group interviews. Findings provide insight into the ways in which the teachers enacted a vision of anticipatory advocacy. Anticpatory advocacy includes intervening actions that are the result of a dual awareness of students’ immediate and future needs and have implications beyond boundaries of time and space in an effort to positively influence students’ lives in the immediate as well as distant future. The teachers, each of whom held beliefs that aligned with the culturally relevant foundations of the program prior to their selection, employed tools related to responsive classroom management, ambitious teaching strategies, and professional collaboration that they acquired and honed during their program. By working backward from the classrooms of effective teachers, the study links classroom practices with teacher preparation, providing direction for stakeholders concerned with the development and retention of high quality teachers for all children, especially in challenging school contexts.

Multicultural diversity and OBE practices : a case study of the Harrismith region / Lawrence Laudonn Nyamane

Nyamane, Lawrence Laudonn January 2011 (has links)
The crucial issue in the new democratic South Africa was to change the type of education system that was based on social discrimination to one which is non- discriminatory, unbiased and accessible to all South Africans. However, to teach in a multicultural society and being faced with the challenge of teaching multicultural diverse classes, within an OBE paradigm, demands special knowledge, skills and attributes of teachers. Therefore, this study intended to investigate teachers’ OBE practices in multicultural classrooms in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses that could be useful for the improvement of teaching and learning within multicultural contexts. The study was approached from a socio-reconstructivist point of view and focused specifically on schools in the Harrismith region. The purpose of this study was thus to explore and come to a better understanding of how teachers’ OBE practices accommodate multicultural diverse learners in the Harrismith region. In order to direct the study towards the intended purpose, a literature study was undertaken to define multicultural diversity and to conceptualize OBE practices in order to operationalize the concept within the context of the study. The empirical research was done by following a qualitative research design in the form of a case study. Semi-structured, individual interviews and observations were used as data collection instruments. Interviews were conducted with teachers teaching Grade 8 and 9 learners as well as learners from the same grades, of five purposefully selected schools in the Harrismith region. By using maximal variation sampling, ten teachers and ten learners from the selected schools eventually participated in the research. Observations were recorded by means of anecdotal notes which were used to verify and supplement data obtained through the interviews. According to the findings of the empirical research, it appears that the research participants’ understanding of multiculturalism lack substance. The findings also revealed that multiculturalism is mainly accommodated by implementing the following OBE practices: working together with others, showing respect, cultural sensitivity, acknowledgement of individual learner differences, and by creating positive classroom climates. It was also evident that teachers act as change agents by discrediting discrimination and prejudice. Teaching in multicultural classrooms also poses some challenges. These included language problems, acceptance of different cultural practices, racial differences and “inherent” segregation. Though the findings revealed that teachers’ OBE practices still need to be refined in order to successfully accommodate multicultural diversity, positive attitudes were reflected in terms of improving their competence with regard to teaching in a multicultural diverse environment. / MEd, Learning and Teaching, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Novice Special Education Teachers' Experiences with Students with Disabilities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds: The Effects of Perceptions on Interactions

Wheeler, Sassy Cenita 08 August 2007 (has links)
Novice special education teachers often enter their professions with unique perspectives that contribute to the overall educational experience of their students. This research was designed to inform the existing literature revolving around novice special education teachers' experiences, and how they subsequently effect the perceptions and interactions engaged in with students with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Five novice special education teachers who currently serve students with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds offered their unique perspectives for this research. This research study consisted of individual interviews, two direct classroom observations, and responses to three reflections of recent experiences. The data yielded three main categories: (a) student attributes, (b) establishing rapport, and (c) teacher responsibilities, which included properties and sub-properties. To verify findings rival explanations were sought and triangulation procedures were utilized. Findings of this research are discussed in detail, with implications relating to novice special education teachers, K-12 school administrators, and special education teacher educators being addressed. Methods to address potential limitations to this research are presented, followed by suggestions for future research.

Investigating the impact of field verses university-based science methods on preservice teachers' belief and abilities to design inquiry-based science instruction for diverse learners

Gatling, Anne Pfitzner January 2010 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Michael G. Barnett / Elementary science instruction and teacher preparation need improvement for various reasons: 1) preservice teachers lack opportunities to experience (Windschitl, 2003) or observe (Smith, 1999) inquiry science, 2) pre-service teachers have even fewer opportunities to practice teaching science in a classroom settings (Hewson, Tabachnick, Zeichner, & Lemberger, 1999); and 3) methods courses and field experiences fail to provide proper scaffolding and support for science teaching (Crawford, 1999). One way to improve preservice teacher growth and understanding in teaching inquiry science is through supported field based teaching experiences (Eick, Ware, & Williams, 2003). However, research is necessary to examine how innovative field-based science methods courses compare to traditional, university-based science methods course. This mixed methods study compares the experiences of thirty-two preservice teachers with a specific focus on four preservice teachers involved in either a field-based science methods course or a university-based science methods course. It examines the impact of the two courses on preservice teachers' confidence in teaching science content and beliefs regarding the role of inquiry-based science instruction with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Data sources included a pre/post survey that was distributed to preservice teachers in both courses, with additional interviews and final unit reviews for each of the four preservice teacher case studies. Themes were identified and re-examined through an analysis of the data which informed the development of four case studies, two from each class, to investigate specific trends between the two methods courses. Findings indicate that both field- and university-based instruction have strengths and weaknesses. This research suggests that field-based methods have a stronger impact on improving preservice teachers' beliefs and skills in regard to designing inquiry-based instruction for diverse students, while university-based course promotes greater confidence in preservice teachers' ability to teach different science content areas. However, preservice teachers in both courses struggled to create inquiry-based science lessons where students used evidence to support claims or construct explanations. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2010. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction.

Diversidade metodológica como estratégia para a apredizagem significativa de conceitos de biologia / Methodological diversity as a strategy for meaningful learning of biology concepts

Sant Anna, Karla Simões de 14 December 2016 (has links)
Em oito anos de experiência ministrando aulas para o Ensino Médio, foi possível perceber as constantes deficiências com relação aos conceitos de biologia, principalmente no que diz respeito à estrutura do DNA e como a síntese de proteínas é realizada. Há uma grande dificuldade dos alunos compreenderem tais conceitos, e isso se dá muito provavelmente por se tratar de um assunto de grande abstração e que requer certa dose de imaginação e criatividade, visto que essas estruturas só são visualizadas por meio de imagens em livros, dificultando assim a assimilação e o entendimento do assunto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar se a utilização de metodologias diversificadas (seminários, elaboração de jogos e produção de vídeos) contribui para o processo de ensino aprendizagem, promovendo um aprendizado significativo e efetivo sobre os conceitos de citologia, DNA e síntese de proteínas. A pesquisa foi realizada com dois grupos de 25 alunos da 2ª série do Ensino Médio, sendo aplicada a diversidade metodológica na turma 1 e metodologia tradicional na turma 2 (controle). Foram aplicados questionários antes e após a utilização das estratégias metodológicas descritas acima. Os dados coletados demonstram que a utilização de metodologias diversificadas contribui para o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos. / In eight years of experience teaching classes to high school, it was revealed the continued shortfalls in relation to biology concepts, especially with regard to the structure of DNA and how protein synthesis is performed. There is great difficulty students understand these concepts, and it occurs most likely because it is a matter of great abstraction, and that requires a certain amount of imagination and creativity, as these structures are only displayed through pictures in books, making it difficult so assimilation and understanding of the subject The objective of this study was to investigate whether the use of different methodologies (seminars, preparation games and video production) contributes to the process of teaching and learning, promoting a meaningful and effective learning about the concepts of cytology, DNA and protein synthesis. The survey was conducted with two groups of 25 students of the 2nd year of high school, being applied to methodological diversity in the class 1 and class 2 in the traditional method (control). Questionnaires were administered before and after the use of methodological strategies described above. The collected data show that the use of diferente methodologies contributes to the learning process of student.

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