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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incorporating primary human renal proximal tubule cells into a hollow fibre bioreactor in the development of an in vitro model for pharmaceutical research

Ginai, Maaria January 2015 (has links)
Current in vitro cellular methods utilised in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic (DMPK) studies during drug development do not provide the 3D structure and functions of organs found in vivo, such that resulting in vitro-in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) may not always accurately reflect clinical outcome. This highlights the need for the development of new dynamic in vitro cell models to aid improvement of IVIVE. The aim of this project was to incorporate characterised primary renal cells within a hollow fibre bioreactor for use in DMPK studies investigating renal clearance. Fluorescence based assays were developed to assess the functionality of three drug transporters involved in the renal transport of pharmaceutical compounds: P-gp, BCRP and OCT2. The developed assays were then applied alongside transporter visualisation and genetic expression assays to characterise primary human proximal tubule cells over a series of population doublings. Cells at a population doubling of 5 demonstrated the best transporter activity whilst allowing cells to be expanded in vitro. Polysulfone (PSF) based membranes, which are widely used in dialysis components were developed by blending additives to improve renal cell attachment and culture. The membranes exhibited a characteristic porous internal structure with smooth skin layers on the surface, and were able to be sterilised via autoclaving due to their high thermal stability. PSF blended with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was the most hydrophilic with cell metabolic activity similar to standard tissue culture plastic. The production of hollow fibres of varying thicknesses and properties from the PSF and PVP blend yielded a marked difference in renal cell attachment and long term viability. Fibres incorporated into glass casings to produce the single hollow fibre bioreactors (HFBs) were able to be sterilised by autoclaving whilst remaining intact. Due to the variation of fibre integrity within the batch, many fibres exhibited tears within the HFBs. This ultimately led to cell depletion within the fibre over the culture period; however, intact fibres demonstrated an increase in cell growth towards the end of the culture period under flow conditions. These results demonstrate the progress made towards a small scale in vitro renal model incorporating characterised primary renal cells to aid the improvement of IVIVE in DMPK research.

Analysis and Modulation of PACT, DICER and MBNL1 in the Context of Myotonic Dystrophy Type I

Azimi, Mehrdad January 2016 (has links)
Myotonic Dystrophy Type I (DM1) is a multi-systemic genetic neuromuscular degenerative disease, has a prevalence in most populations of about 1:8000 and is caused by the nuclear retention of pathogenically expanded DMPK mRNA. A previous DM1 RNAi-kinome screen in our lab has identified kinases that reduced both count and area of DMPK mRNA foci in vitro. One such discovered kinase is PACT, which has showed to decrease foci count and area in DM1 fibroblasts by 30-50%. This study explored PACT as well as binding partner DICER involved in cellular RNA processing machinery, to highlight potential therapeutic targets in DM1. DM1 fibroblasts treated with PACT siRNA showed a non-significant trend of upregulation in MBNL1 mRNA and protein expression. PACT knockdown also showed trend of missplicing normalization in SERCA-1, more prominently seen in DM1-2000 human fibroblasts, whereas IR (insulin receptor) splicing remained unaffected. On the other hand, DICER knockdown did not have profound affect on foci integrity as well as MBNL1 RNA and protein xpressions in DM1 fibroblasts. SERCA-1 splicing in DICER siRNA treated samples also remained unchanged. We report here our findings in pursuit of potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of DM1.

The role of drug metabolism in drug discovery and development:case ospemifene

Uusitalo, J. (Jouko) 24 November 2015 (has links)
Abstract Drug metabolism is one of the most important events a drug faces after administration. Traditionally, drug metabolism has only been considered as a major clearance and elimination step in the pharmacokinetics of a drug. However, drug metabolism is also one of the important factors behind safety and toxicity issues in drug discovery and development. Some of the mechanisms behind metabolism-related toxicity we do understand well while others, especially the role of reactive metabolites, need further research. The thesis reviews the role of drug metabolism in the drug discovery and development process from the point of view of metabolism and metabolites. Special emphasis is put on reviewing the metabolism behind human toxicity and safety, and the roles of circulating and reactive metabolites in particular. Ospemifene is a nonsteroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator recently approved for the treatment of vulvar and vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women with moderate to severe dyspareunia. The present study characterized the in vitro and in vivo metabolism and potential drug interactions of ospemifene. The principal human metabolites were identified and the adequacy nonclinical animal exposure was evaluated. The major human cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in the formation of principal metabolites were also identified and the clinical consequences assessed. Finally, the interaction potential of ospemifene as a cytochrome P450 enzyme inducer or inhibitor was investigated. As a result, ospemifene was considered to be safe drug from a metabolic interaction point of view. This study was part of the drug development program of ospemifene and practically all of the in vitro study data were included in the marketing authorization application of ospemifene. Ospemifene was also a case molecule in the development of new methodologies to study drug metabolism and drug-drug interactions. / Tiivistelmä Lääkeainemetabolia on lääkeaineen farmakokinetiikassa tärkeä puhdistuma- ja eliminaatioaskel, jonka rooli on ymmärretty varsin hyvin. Lääkeainemetabolialla on myös merkittävä vaikutus lääkeaineen toksisuuteen ja lääkkeen käytön turvallisuuteen. Osa lääkeainemetaboliaan liittyvistä toksisuusmekanismeista selvitetty hyvin, mutta erityisesti reaktiivisiin metaboliitteihin liittyvä osa vaatii vielä tutkimusta. Tämän työn kirjallisuusosassa katselmoidaan lääkeainemetabolian merkitystä lääkekehitysprosessissa painottaen erityisesti lääkeainemetabolian sekä reaktiivisten ja verenkierrossa kiertävien metaboliatuoteiden vaikutusta toksisuuteen ihmisellä ja merkitystä turvalliseen lääkkeiden käyttöön. Ospemifeeni on uusi ei-steroidinen selektiivinen estrogeenireseptorimodulaattori, joka on hyväksytty yhdynnänaikaisesta kivusta kärsivien postmenopausaalisten naisten vulvan ja vaginan limakalvojen kuivumisen hoitoon. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ospemifeenin lääkeainemetaboliaa ihmisellä ja koe-eläimillä sekä mahdollisia lääkeinteraktioita. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin tärkeimmät metaboliitit ihmisellä ja arvioitiin eläinkokeissa käytettyjen koe-eläinten altistumisen kattavuus niille. Työssä selvitettiin myös tärkeimmät päämetaboliitteja katalysoivat sytokromi P450 -entsyymit ja arvioitiin löydösten kliinistä merkitystä. Lisäksi tutkittiin aiheuttaako ospemifeeni lääkeinteraktioita muille lääkeaineille indusoimalla tai inhiboimalla sytokromi P450 -entsyymejä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella ospemifeenia voidaan pitää lääkeainemetabolian suhteen turvallisena lääkkeenä. Tämä tutkimus oli osa ospemifeenin lääkekehitysohjelmaa ja käytännössä kaikki tutkimustyön in vitro -tietoaineisto oli mukana ospemifeenin myyntilupa-hakemuksissa lääketurvallisuusviranomaisille. Ospemifeenia käytettiin tutkimustyön aikana myös yhtenä esimerkkimolekyylinä kehitettäessä uusia menetelmiä lääkeainemetabolian ja lääkeinteraktioiden tutkimiseen.

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