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Fermion-Spin Interactions in One Dimension in the Dilute LimitDogan, Fatih 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, we have analyzed one-dimensional fermion-spin interactions in the dilute limit. The two cases we analyze represent different paradigms. For the first part, we look at the existence of spins for all sites as an effective model to describe the rearrangement of core electrons within the dynamic Hubbard model. Within this model, the behavior of electrons and holes will be compared in the presence of fermion-spin coupling and on-site repulsion. It will be shown that in this framework, electrons and holes behave differently and even though electrons experience increased repulsion, holes show attraction for a range of on-site repulsions. The characteristics of the interaction show effective nearest-neighbor attraction though no such term exists within the model. By the analysis of dynamic properties, two regions of interaction are identified. The gradual change from weak to strong coupling of fermions is presented. The effect of introducing on-site repulsion for both ranges of coupling is presented for both the dynamic Hubbard model and electron-hole symmetric version.
For the second case involving fermion-spin interaction, we look at the interaction of a fermion with spins existing only for a small portion of the lattice, representing a coupled magnetic layer that an itinerant fermion interacts with through Heisenberg-like spin flip interaction. The interaction represents a spin-flip interaction of a spin current and magnetic layer. This interaction has been extensively studied for its relevance to computer hard drives both experimentally and theoretically. Most theoretical descriptions utilize the semi-classical Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) formalism. However, with recent improvements in experimental methods with very small magnetic layers and very fast real time measurements, quantum effects become more pronounced. We present quantum mechanical results that show considerable modification to spin-flip interaction. We identify a set of conditions that exhibits the existence of an emerging bound state for the spin current both numerically and analytically. The bound state is a quantum mechanical state and cannot be achieved with a classical picture. We present results in a one-dimensional lattice for a spin-1/2 system, and generalize our arguments to higher dimension and spins with S > 1/2.
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Fermion-Spin Interactions in One Dimension in the Dilute LimitDogan, Fatih Unknown Date
No description available.
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On the Phase Diagram of the Heisenberg Gamma LadderAvakian, Sébastien January 2023 (has links)
Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) may roughly be defined as states possessing sufficiently high quantum
fluctuations that they impede long range magnetic order. Various electron interactions are currently being studied in order to physically realize such states in condensed matter systems since they can host fractionalized excitations. The purpose of our study is to examine two interactions established as important in the literature while not having been paired together. We consider a bond-dependant $J$-$\Gamma$ ladder, comprised of an alternating symmetric exchange of spin components, mediated by $\Gamma$, along with
a Heisenberg interaction controlled by $J$. By parameterizing these couplings by an angle $\phi$, we produce a phase diagram of the system using the Infinite Density Matrix Renormalization Group (iDMRG) numerical technique. In order to classify the phases, we search for discontinuities in the entanglement spectrum for bonds along one of the legs and the rungs of the ladder while also looking at divergences in the susceptibility of the energy. These criteria reveal a possible 10 phases hosted by the system, with 7
of them showing some form of magnetic ordering seen directly from the spin correlations and by applying magnetic fields in appropriate directions. Moreover, known points in the phase diagram can be adiabatically connected to other points within the same phase by tuning $J$ or $\Gamma$. The remaining three phases however show no obvious long-range magnetic order while also having large contributions to the entanglement spectrum. Such phases, showing interesting initial signs, are discussed further in our study. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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String-Order in Multileg Kitaev-Heisenberg LaddersCastonguay-Page, Yannick January 2022 (has links)
The Kitaev model has become a source of much excitement in the field of condensed matter. It is a two dimensional model of spins ½ on a honeycomb lattice with bond-dependent interactions. Its interesting properties include a quantum spin liquid ground state and anyonic excitations. These properties could lead to exciting applications in quantum computing if materials were found to behave similarly to the Kitaev model. Such materials have been found, however the Kitaev model is too simple to describe these materials and additional interactions must be considered. The Heisenberg interaction is one such additional interaction. As such, we can define the Kitaev-Heisenberg model by combining the Kitaev and Heisenberg interactions. We can now ask ourselves if the quantum spin liquid ground state and anyonic excitations still exist in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model. To answer this question, a non-local string order parameter has been defined which is non-zero inside the quantum spin liquid phase and zero outside of it. This string order parameter was shown to exist and survive the Heisenberg interaction on the 2-leg ladder. In this thesis, we look to expand this result to multileg ladders such as the 3-leg, 4-leg, and 5-leg ladders to see if the string order parameter survives in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model in 2 dimensions. Our results show that the string order parameter does exist in multileg ladders, however the phase space window in which it survives the Heisenberg interaction is narrower than in the 2-leg ladder. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Numerical methods in Tensor NetworksHandschuh, Stefan 28 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In many applications that deal with high dimensional data, it is important to not store the high dimensional object itself, but its representation in a data sparse way. This aims to reduce the storage and computational complexity.
There is a general scheme for representing tensors with the help of sums of elementary tensors, where the summation structure is defined by a graph/network. This scheme allows to generalize commonly used approaches in representing a large amount of numerical data (that can be interpreted as a high dimensional object) using sums of elementary tensors. The classification does not only distinguish between elementary tensors and non-elementary tensors, but also describes the number of terms that is needed to represent an object of the tensor space. This classification is referred to as tensor network (format).
This work uses the tensor network based approach and describes non-linear block Gauss-Seidel methods (ALS and DMRG) in the context of the general tensor network framework.
Another contribution of the thesis is the general conversion of different tensor formats. We are able to efficiently change the underlying graph topology of a given tensor representation while using the similarities (if present) of both the original and the desired structure. This is an important feature in case only minor structural changes are required.
In all approximation cases involving iterative methods, it is crucial to find and use a proper initial guess. For linear iteration schemes, a good initial guess helps to decrease the number of iteration steps that are needed to reach a certain accuracy, but it does not change the approximation result. For non-linear iteration schemes, the approximation result may depend on the initial guess. This work introduces a method to successively create an initial guess that improves some approximation results. This algorithm is based on successive rank 1 increments for the r-term format.
There are still open questions about how to find the optimal tensor format for a given general problem (e.g. storage, operations, etc.). For instance in the case where a physical background is given, it might be efficient to use this knowledge to create a good network structure. There is however, no guarantee that a better (with respect to the problem) representation structure does not exist.
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Effets de la deuxième orbitale dans les systèmes unidimensionnels de fermions alcalino-terreux ultrafroids / Study of cold fermionic alkaline earth atoms in one dimensionBois, Valentin 28 March 2017 (has links)
La réalisation expérimentale de la condensation de Bose-Einstein (BEC) a ouvert un nouveau champ d'investigation très fertile dans l'étude des atomes froids. En particulier, la possibilité de synthétiser des gaz de fermions piégés dans des réseaux optiques représente un développement de la plus haute importance pour la physique de la matière condensée. Ceci ouvre notamment sur la perspective d'étudier des phases quantiques exotiques stabilisées dans des systèmes d'électrons fortement corrélés.Récemment, les gaz atomiques d'alcalino-terreux ou d'ytterbium ont suscité un vif intérêt et ont été refroidis jusqu'à la dégénérescence quantique. La structure atomique particulière de ces systèmes leur confère de très hauts degrés de symétrie, grâce au découplage entre le spin nucléaire et le moment angulaire électronique. Une physique exotique conduisant à de multiple applications peut résulter de ces systèmes de hautes symétries qui ne peut être sondée que par les solides bases de la matière condensée.Dans cette thèse, on se propose d'étudier les propriétés physiques de basse énergie d'un gaz de fermions de type alcalino-terreux, piégé dans un réseau optique à une dimension. À une dimension, il est possible d'analyser les effets des interactions de manière non-perturbative par des approches de théorie des champs comme la bosonisation ou la théorie des champs conformes, et numériquement par le groupe de renormalisation de la matrice densité (DMRG). L'ensemble de ces outils sera notamment utilisé pour déterminer le diagramme de phase des gaz de fermions d'alcalino-terreux ou d'ytterbium à une dimension. / Experimental realization of Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) opened a new and rich field of investigation for the study of the cold atoms. In particular, the possibility of creating trapped fermionic gases in optical lattices represent one of the most important development for the condensed matter physics. This open the outlook of studying exotic and stabilized quantum phases in strongly correlated systems of electrons.Recently, alkline-earth or ytterbuim atomic gases have given rise to great interest and have been cooled down up to quantum degenaracy. The specific atomic structure of these systems confer them very high degrees of symetry, thanks to the decoupling beetwin the nuclear spin and the electronic angular momentum. An exotic physics which is only probe thanks to the strong fundament of the condensed matter.In this thesis, we propose to study the physical properties at low energy of a alkaline-earth-like fermionic gas, trapped in a one dimensional optical lattice. In one dimension, we are able to analyse effects of interactions in a non-pertubative way with conformal field theory or bosonization, and numerically with Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) approach. All of these tools will be used to provide the phase diagram of these alkaline-earth-like fermionic gases in one dimension.
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Etude par résonance paramagnétique électronique des composés organiques (TMTTF)2X (X=AsF6,PF6 et SbF6) / Electron Paramagnetic Resonance study of organic compounds (TMTTF)$ {2}$X (X=AsF${6}$, PF$ {6}$ and SbF$ {6}$)Dutoit, Charles-Emmanuel 12 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'étude par la résonance paramagnétique électronique (RPE) des sels à transfert de charge quasi-unidimensionnels (TMTTF)$ {2}$X (X=AsF$ {6}$, PF$ {6}$, SbF$ {6}$), matériaux modèles de chaînes de spins quantiques. Tout d'abord, nous avons examiné en onde continue et sur une large gamme de température et de fréquence, la phase d'ordre de charge déjà observée dans ces matériaux en dessous de la température T$ {CO}$. Nous avons mis en évidence deux nouveaux phénomènes à T < T$ {CO}$: la rotation des axes principaux du facteur g et une modification structurale liée à un dédoublement de la maille cristallographique. Un calcul de chimie quantique a été réalisé à l'aide de la méthode DFT confirmant nos résultats expérimentaux. Dans la seconde partie de ces travaux de thèse, nous avons présenté les résultats obtenus par RPE en onde continue et en onde pulsée sur l'étude des défauts corrélés dans les systèmes à chaînes de spins. En onde continue, nous avons détecté pour la première fois une raie RPE fine à basse température, suggérant la présence de défauts corrélés ayant les caractéristiques de solitons. Les mesures par RPE pulsée nous ont permis d'observer les premières oscillations de Rabi de solitons piégés et de déterminer leur caractère robuste. Ces derniers résultats offrent une approche alternative aux qubits à base de spins pour le traitement de l’information quantique. / This thesis focuses on the study by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) of the quasi-one-dimensional charge transfer salts (TMTTF)$ {2}$X (X=AsF$ {6}$, PF$ {6}$, SbF$ {6}$), model materials of quantum spin chains. First, we have examined in continuous wave and on a wide range of temperature and frequency, the charge-ordered phase already observed in these materials below the temperature T$ {CO}$. We have identified two new phenomena at T <T$ {CO}$: the rotation of the principal axes of the g factor and a structural change related to a doubling of the unit cell parameter. A quantum chemical calculation was carried out using DFT confirming our experimental results. In the second part of the thesis, we have presented the results obtained by EPR in continuous wave and pulsed wave on the correlated defects study in spin chain systems. In continuous wave, we have detected for the first time a narrow EPR line at low temperature, suggesting the presence of correlated defects having the characteristics of solitons. The pulsed EPR measurements allowed us to observe the first Rabi oscillations of trapped solitons and to determine their robust character. These latter results offer an alternative approach for spin qubits in quantum information processing.
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Numerical methods in Tensor NetworksHandschuh, Stefan 14 January 2015 (has links)
In many applications that deal with high dimensional data, it is important to not store the high dimensional object itself, but its representation in a data sparse way. This aims to reduce the storage and computational complexity.
There is a general scheme for representing tensors with the help of sums of elementary tensors, where the summation structure is defined by a graph/network. This scheme allows to generalize commonly used approaches in representing a large amount of numerical data (that can be interpreted as a high dimensional object) using sums of elementary tensors. The classification does not only distinguish between elementary tensors and non-elementary tensors, but also describes the number of terms that is needed to represent an object of the tensor space. This classification is referred to as tensor network (format).
This work uses the tensor network based approach and describes non-linear block Gauss-Seidel methods (ALS and DMRG) in the context of the general tensor network framework.
Another contribution of the thesis is the general conversion of different tensor formats. We are able to efficiently change the underlying graph topology of a given tensor representation while using the similarities (if present) of both the original and the desired structure. This is an important feature in case only minor structural changes are required.
In all approximation cases involving iterative methods, it is crucial to find and use a proper initial guess. For linear iteration schemes, a good initial guess helps to decrease the number of iteration steps that are needed to reach a certain accuracy, but it does not change the approximation result. For non-linear iteration schemes, the approximation result may depend on the initial guess. This work introduces a method to successively create an initial guess that improves some approximation results. This algorithm is based on successive rank 1 increments for the r-term format.
There are still open questions about how to find the optimal tensor format for a given general problem (e.g. storage, operations, etc.). For instance in the case where a physical background is given, it might be efficient to use this knowledge to create a good network structure. There is however, no guarantee that a better (with respect to the problem) representation structure does not exist.
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Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group Analysis of Kondo and XY modelsJuozapavicius, Ausrius January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group Analysis of Kondo and XY modelsJuozapavicius, Ausrius January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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