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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The binding modes of diminazene aceturate with c-MYC G-quadruplexes

Bowleg, Jerrano 13 December 2019 (has links)
Interactions between DNA and ligands are important in the rational design of drugs and in research into DNA function. In particular, the interaction of DMZ with DNA structures named “G-quadruplexes” was considered. G-quadruplexes are structures present in telomeres and several oncogenes. The main purpose of this project was to provide a computational tool to study DNA ligand interactions using a variety of molecular modeling techniques that include molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations (MD) and MM/PBSA (Molecular Mechanics/Poisson Boltzmann Surface Area). We investigated the binding modes and binding affinities of DMZ with c-MYC G-quadruplexes (G4s). We found that the conformation and structural design of the quadruplex can dramatically influence the binding profiles of the ligand. The binding free energies for each site were estimated by the MM/PBSA method. The binding of small molecules to DNA can result in the disruption of oncogene transcription, making it an effective anticancer strategy.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation för säkerhetssystem / Development of mobile application for security system

Söderman Stolpe, Kim January 2012 (has links)
Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att utveckla en mobilapplikation till Android som på ett användarvänligt sätt exponerar de webbtjänster som företaget TLab West AB’s säkerhetssystem Sentrion tillhandahåller. Företaget har introducerat ett nytt kommunikationsprotokoll baserat på JSON till Sentrionsystemet vilket har testats och använts av vår applikation. Det främsta effektmålet företaget velat se är ett utökat stöd av funktionaliteten som systemets webbserver erbjuder, och detta med ett tydligt och lättmanövrerat användargränssnitt. Detta har åstadkommits genom att övergå ifrån det befintliga webbgränssnittet till en native Android applikation som utnyttjar det nya JSON kommunikationsprotokollet med ett snabbt och intuitivt menysystem. Då kommunikationen med företaget huvudsakligen skett på distans, och de har utvecklat sitt JSON protokoll parallellt med vår applikation så valde vi att arbeta iterativt. Den iterativa processen blev inspirerad av Scrum med korta sprintar på en till två veckor för att upprätthålla en intensiv kontakt med företaget och snabbt få återkoppling på utvecklingsprocessen. Arbetet genomfördes enligt projektplaneringen och resulterade i en mobilapplikation som företaget blev mycket nöjda med, all grundläggande önskad funktionalitet implementerades samt att en del bonuskrav uppfylldes. Vi kände i efterhand att valda arbetsmetoder var helt rätt för denna typ av projekt och de krav som återstår att lösa är programvaruinställning för större textstorlek, ett användarfall som består av att kvittera larm och meddelanden. Slutligen återstår det en teoretisk lösning på ett specifikt kommunikationsproblem då säkerhetssystemet helt stängt sina inkommande portar och all kommunikation måste initieras från Sentrion-enheten. / The goal with this bachelor thesis has been to develop a cell phone application for the Android platform that utilizes the web services offered by TLab West AB’s security system called Sentrion. TLab West has introduced a new communication protocol for their Sentrion system that is based upon JSON and was tested for the first time with our cell phone application. The most prominent effect goal that TLab West strived for was an enhanced support of the core functionality offered by the security systems web server, all this with a clear and easily maneuvered user interface. To accomplish this we abandoned the existing web interface and developed a native Android application that communicates with Sentrion using the newly developed JSON protocol and implementing a quick and intuitive menu system. Most of our dealings with TLab West took place using distance communication and they were developing the JSON protocol in parallel with our own application development. This led us into using an iterative software process model inspired by Scrum with short sprints of one to two weeks in order to maintain an intensive contact with TLab West and quickly get feedback on the development. The development transpired according to the project plan and resulted in a cell phone application that was well received by TLab West, all the core functional requirements were implemented and some of the bonus requirements were achieved as well. In reflection we felt that the chosen development process worked very well for this type of distance communication project. The requirements which have not been met are the functionality to increase the font size within the application settings, also the functionality to acknowledge alarm and messages. A solution to a very specific communication problem is unsolved where the security system’s inbound ports are unavailable and all communication must be initiated by the Sentrion.

Bezpečnostní cvičení pro etický hacking / Security exercises for ethical hacking

Paučo, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with penetration testing and ethical hacking. Regarding to the layout of the thesis there was prepared appropiate enviroment to realize Red/Blue team exercise, where Red team is in a role of the attacker and Blue team is in a role of defender of the network infrastructure. Whole infrastructure is implemented in a cloud virtual enviroment of VMware vSphere. Second part of the thesis consists of preparation and creation of the exercise to test web application security. Third part of the thesis is dedicating to the automatization of redteaming. Main focus of this master thesis is to demonstrate different attack vectors how to attack the network infrastructure and web applications and use of the defense mechanisms to avoid this kinds of attacks.

Säkerhetsgranskning av DMZ-kraven för CGI:s Digital Portal

Nikitin, Evgenii, Fernström, Cornelis January 2024 (has links)
Internet är idag en enorm samling av information och möjligheter, där webbservrar bland annat finns placerade för att tillgängliggöra olika webbtjänster. Inom detta arbete har vi i samband med det internationella IT-företaget CGI utfört en analys på säkerhetsaspekter kring webbtjänsten Digital Portal (en självbetjäningsportal) som CGI byggde för att erbjuda tjänster till sina kunder. Denna analys fokuserar framför allt på den DMZ som portalen utnyttjar, vilket innebär säkerhetskrav, brister och risker hos uppställningen och till sist olika bekämpningsmetoder och åtgärder för dessa brister och risker. Vi utforskade frågor angående hur kraven uppfylls, vilka brister och åtgärder som finns i uppställningen. Eftersom CGI:s DMZ huvudsakligen bygger på IPv4 har vi i denna rapport även analyserat styrkor och svagheter för rent IPv6-baserade DMZ-uppställningar.  Inom detta arbete har vi studerat litteratur som behandlar säkerheten hos DMZ. Vi har analyserat de krav CGI ställer på sin egen DMZ för en självbetjäningsportal, där vi med det som referens utforskat risker och brister hos DMZ-uppställningar. Med hjälp av intervjuer av personal hos CGI har vi även fått direkt tillgång till tankar och detaljer som inte visar sig i dokumentationen, där vi kan få ett direkt intryck till motivationen vid utvecklingen av denna DMZ. Med denna metod har vi kunnat visa att alla de utforskade kraven uppfylls. Utöver detta har vi identifierat potentiella risker angående fildelning där endast filändelsen granskas vid färd till DMZ, samt filskanning som endast sker vid anländande till server. Vi har även kommit fram till att SSO kan ha bristfälligt skydd mot phishing- och DoS-attacker.

A Reconciliation between North and South Korea

Lee, Sinhea 29 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Governance of the German Green Belt ecological network / implications for the Korean Demilitarized Zone

Shim, Suk Kyung 13 June 2012 (has links)
Das Grüne Band ist ein Biotopverbund entlang der ehemaligen innerdeutschen Grenze auf einer Gesamtlänge von 1393km. Das vorbildliche Naturschutzprojekt Grünes Band regte nicht nur die Entwicklung des Europäischen Grünen Bandes entlang des ehemaligen Eisernen Vorhangs in Europa an, sondern führte auch zu großem Interesse in Korea, die Naturschutzpolitik auf die entmilitarisierte Zone (DMZ) Koreas zu übertragen, nach einer eventuellen Vereinigung Nord- und Südkoreas. Allerdings litt Grünes Band oft unter einer Gefährdung des Naturschutzstatus und an Konflikten zwischen Akteuren, die eng mit sozialpolitischen Faktoren, z.B. dem politischen Umfeld nach der Wiedervereinigung, und mit den bestehenden ökologischen Faktoren verbunden waren. Diese Dissertation widmet sich unter Zuhilfenahme des Governance-Ansatzes den oben genannten Herausforderungen und der Untersuchung der Entwicklung des Schutzrahmens für das Grüne Band. Das Governance-Konzept ist dabei durch die Verwendung interdisziplinärer Studien grundlegend, um das sozio-ökologische System zu verstehen. Für die Forschungsarbeit wurde der Governance-Analyserahmen unter Berücksichtigung der Skalen (Biotopverbund) und des externen politischen Umfeldes (betreffender sozio-politischer Kontext) gebildet. Die von halb-strukturierten Interviews und anderen verschiedenen Quellen erhobenen Daten wurden für die Analyse verwendet. Basierend auf einem kritischen Verständnis für die Governance der Biodiversität im Grünen Band, identifiziert die Dissertation sowohl die Haupteigenschaften als auch die Erfolgsfaktoren und Herausforderungen der Governance und empfiehlt erstrebenswerte Goverance-Änderungen für den erfolgreichen Schutz des Grünen Bandes. Die Analyse-Ergebnisse stellen auch wertvolle Lektionen für den Naturschutz der DMZ Koreas dar. Als empirische Studie der Governance der Biodiversität trägt die Arbeit zum Diskurs über Skalen- und Kontext-spezifische Berücksichtigung bei der Governance der Biodiversität bei. / The German Green Belt (GB) is a 1,398km long, valuable ecological network along the former border between East and West Germany, created in late 1989 as an outcome of the Cold War. The exemplary project for the conservation of the German GB not only inspired the development of the European GB along the whole former Iron Curtain in Europe, but has also received great interest from Korea for the policy-learning applicable to the conservation of the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) after the eventual unification of North and South Korea. However, the German GB has often suffered threats to its conservation, and has witnessed conflicts among involved actors, which were closely related to social and political factors such as the post-reunification policy environment, in addition to ecological factors. The present study intends to address the above challenges as well as to understand the evolution of the conservation framework of the German Green Belt using the governance approach, since the concept of governance is instrumental in understanding a complex socio-ecological system through interdisciplinary study. The governance analysis framework for the research was formulated in specific consideration of scale (ecological network) and external policy environment (relevant socio-political context). The data collected from semi-structured interviews as well as other various sources were used for analysis. Based on a critical understanding of the German GB governance, the present study identifies the main features of its evolution and its success factors and challenges and recommends the desirable changes in the governance for the successful conservation of the German GB. The analysis results also provide useful implications for the Korean DMZ conservation. As an empirical study of biodiversity governance, the present study also contributes to the discourse on biodiversity governance, particularly on its scale- and context-specific considerations.

Securing Network Connected Applications with Proposed Security Models

Konstantaras, Dimitrios, Tahir, Mustafa January 2008 (has links)
<p>In today’s society, serious organizations need protection against both internal and external attacks. There are many different technologies available that organizations can incorporate into their organization in order to enhance security for their networking applications. Unfortunately, security is way to often considered as an afterthought and therefore implemented as an external part of the applications. This is usually performed by introducing general security models and technologies.</p><p>However, an already developed, well structured and considered security approach – with proper implementation of security services and mechanisms – different security models can be used to apply security</p><p>within the security perimeter of an organization. It can range from built into the application to the edge of a private network, e.g. an appliance. No matter the choice, the involved people must possess security expertise to deploy the proposed security models in this paper, that have the soul purpose to secure applications.</p><p>By using the Recommendation X.800 as a comparison framework, the proposed models will be analyzed in detail and evaluated of how they provide the security services concerned in X.800. By reasoning about what security services that ought to be implemented in order to prevent or detect diverse security attacks, the organization needs to carry out a security plan and have a common understanding of the defined security policies.</p><p>An interesting finding during our work was that, using a methodology that leads to low KLOC-values results in high security, though low KLOC-values and high security go hand-in-hand.</p>

Securing Network Connected Applications with Proposed Security Models

Konstantaras, Dimitrios, Tahir, Mustafa January 2008 (has links)
In today’s society, serious organizations need protection against both internal and external attacks. There are many different technologies available that organizations can incorporate into their organization in order to enhance security for their networking applications. Unfortunately, security is way to often considered as an afterthought and therefore implemented as an external part of the applications. This is usually performed by introducing general security models and technologies. However, an already developed, well structured and considered security approach – with proper implementation of security services and mechanisms – different security models can be used to apply security within the security perimeter of an organization. It can range from built into the application to the edge of a private network, e.g. an appliance. No matter the choice, the involved people must possess security expertise to deploy the proposed security models in this paper, that have the soul purpose to secure applications. By using the Recommendation X.800 as a comparison framework, the proposed models will be analyzed in detail and evaluated of how they provide the security services concerned in X.800. By reasoning about what security services that ought to be implemented in order to prevent or detect diverse security attacks, the organization needs to carry out a security plan and have a common understanding of the defined security policies. An interesting finding during our work was that, using a methodology that leads to low KLOC-values results in high security, though low KLOC-values and high security go hand-in-hand.

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