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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Uncomfortable Memorialization: Remembering Textile Industrialization in the South

Lawrence, Rebekah Hope 13 June 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores landscape's framing role in memorialization through a discussion of southeastern United States mill villages. This paper moves the preservation discussion from the architectural realm of an isolated textile mill building to the scale of the landscape encompassing the entire infrastructure of mill life. The beginning of the 20th century witnessed the transformation of the piedmont region of South Carolina from a farmland of sharecroppers to the cotton textile center of the nation. This rapid industrialization altered rolling landscape and winding creeks into a series of mill villages and dammed waterways connecting larger cities of neighborhood mills. The beginning of the 21st century is witnessing another transformation, the shuttering of those mills because of globalization and a trend toward adaptive reuse into luxury apartments. While this form of preservation rescues a portion of the deteriorating memory infrastructure, it threatens to distort or erase the unique relationship between mill and mill village by romanticizing mill life and brushing over the complex history of labor present in those spaces. The landscape reveals that the mills channeled not only human labor, but also the work force of nature through dams regulating waterways. Like the social restructuring of the mills, this restructuring of nature had impacts: disturbed ecologies, toxic sedimentation, and altered waterways. Investigation proceeds through a research and design process. Research includes creating a spatial data set of the mills in the South Carolina piedmont region from a list in the 1930 edition of Clark's directory of southern textile mills. This mapping along with watershed analysis determines a specific mill site for intervention along a waterway where dams have impaired the natural ecology. The design explores the potential of revising or removing the mill dam, a piece of memory infrastructure, and wrestles with the balance of preservation and ecological restoration. / Master of Landscape Architecture / Many old textile mills in the southeastern United States have been adapted into high-end condos. This project questions that practice. Because of this practice the difficult labor history of the mills is slowly being erased, and there is a separation between the high-end housing of the mill and the low-end mill village housing. This project looks at the broader area around the mills and creates a landscape that tells some of the mill history, while providing affordable housing. The project explores how the same decision making that made working life difficult in the mills also polluted the environment. Changing the former dam and constructing a new one creates a public park and an amenity to the new affordable housing. The solution helps remember the cultural and natural history of the mill past and creates a space for people while improving the environment.

Incompressible SPH method for simulating Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows with a free surface.

Shao, Songdong, Lo, E.Y.M. January 2003 (has links)
No / An incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is presented to simulate Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows with free surfaces. The basic equations solved are the incompressible mass conservation and Navier¿Stokes equations. The method uses prediction¿correction fractional steps with the temporal velocity field integrated forward in time without enforcing incompressibility in the prediction step. The resulting deviation of particle density is then implicitly projected onto a divergence-free space to satisfy incompressibility through a pressure Poisson equation derived from an approximate pressure projection. Various SPH formulations are employed in the discretization of the relevant gradient, divergence and Laplacian terms. Free surfaces are identified by the particles whose density is below a set point. Wall boundaries are represented by particles whose positions are fixed. The SPH formulation is also extended to non-Newtonian flows and demonstrated using the Cross rheological model. The incompressible SPH method is tested by typical 2-D dam-break problems in which both water and fluid mud are considered. The computations are in good agreement with available experimental data. The different flow features between Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows after the dam-break are discussed.

Stabilitetsberäkningar och åtgärdsförslag vid islast på Skålandammen / Stability Calculations and Proposal Measures Regarding Ice Load for the Skålan Dam

Björkman, Helena January 2005 (has links)
<p>Hydropower is an important source of energy in Sweden and accounts for about 46 % of the total energy production. Sweden has about 1 200 hydropower plants and with the intention of raising the pressure head of the water and to store water, dams are built by the power plants. The storage reservoirs make it possible to adjust the energy production by demand and season. Dams in connection to the reservoirs are subjected to additional loading during periods of high floods or when an icecap in the winter is formed on the reservoirs. In order to maintain the dam safety, the power companies in Sweden are working with guidelines for dam safety from RIDAS. An important part of the work of dam safety is FDU that is carried out with purposes of improving the work of dam safety. A FDU made for the Skålan dam in the River of Ljungan showed that the levels of the safety factors for sliding and overturning of the dam was not fulfilled when subjected to loads from an icecap. The object of this thesis was to follow up the FDU and by carrying out extensive stability calculations on all parts of the Skålan dam, investigate what safety factors the different parts will get and also investigate some proposal measures in order to increase the dam stability.</p><p>The stability calculations for the dam have been performed according to directions in RIDAS at four loading cases. Loading case I and II means a water level to the retained water level and an ice load of 200 and 100 kN/m respectively. Loading case III and IV means a situation without ice load but with a water level to the retained water level respectively a water level to a meter above the retained water level. The stability of the dam was studied with regards to sliding and overturning. The results from the stability calculations showed for both loading case I and II that the majority of the parts of the Skålan dam did not fulfill the levels of the safety factors. The calculations also showed that some parts of the dam did not fulfill the stability criteria of sliding at loading case III, which implies that these parts of the dam actually have not enough weight.</p><p>The measure proposals studied were the ice preventive measures IR-elements and circulation of the deep warm water and the stability increasing measure with pre strained rock anchorages. The net present value (NVP) for the different measures were calculated with a life length of the dam estimated to 60 years. The results from the calculations of the NVP showed that the most economically feasible measure is circulation of the water but when considering the results from the stability calculations, the most suitable measure is the rock anchorages. Therefore, a combination of rock anchorages on parts which not fulfills the stability criteria in combination with circulation of the water is suggested to be the best measure.</p> / <p>Vattenkraften är en viktig energikälla i Sverige som utgör ca 46 % av den totala energiproduktionen. I Sverige finns det ca 1 200 kraftverk och i syfte att öka fallhöjden och lagra vatten bygger man dammar i anslutning till kraftverken. Dammarna skapar stora magasin med vatten och gör det möjligt att anpassa elproduktionen efter säsong och behov.</p><p>Dammar och kraftverk vid vattenmagasinen utsätts för extra belastning under perioder med höga flöden samt vid islaster och för att upprätthålla dammsäkerheten har man tagit fram RIDAS - kraftföretagens riktlinjer för dammsäkerhet. Inom ramen för dammsäkerhetsarbete utförs fördjupade dammsäkerhetsutvärderingar, FDU, för att arbeta förebyggande och hitta möjligheter till förbättring av dammsäkerhetsarbetet. I en FDU gjord för Skålandammen i Ljungan påvisades att de av RIDAS uppsatta säkerhetsfaktorerna för glidning och stjälpning inte uppfylldes vid islast. Syftet med detta arbete var att följa upp FDU:n och med utförliga stabilitetsberäkningar på Skålandammens alla delar (monoliter) undersöka hur dessa klarar säkerhetsfaktorerna vid olika lastfall, hur stort problemet med islast är samt ta fram åtgärdsförslag för att öka dammens stabilitet.</p><p>Beräkningarna har utförts enligt RIDAS anvisningar för stabilitetsberäkningar vid fyra olika lastfall där de två första innebär en vattennivå till magasinets dämningsgräns samt en islast på 200 respektive 100 kN/m och de två andra behandlar en situation utan islast men med en vattennivå till dämningsgränsen respektive en vattennivå till 1 meter över dämningsgränsen. Stabiliteten kontrollerades med avseende på stjälpning och glidning.</p><p>Resultatet av stabilitetsberäkningarna visade att för majoriteten av Skålandammens monoliter uppfylls inte stabilitetskraven vid en islast på vare sig 200 eller 100 kN/m. Det visades även att ett fåtal monoliter inte uppfyller säkerhetskraven för glidning vid lastfallet utan islast med en vattennivå till dämningsgränsen, vilket indikerar på att dessa monoliter är för lätta.</p><p>De isfrihållande åtgärdsförslagen som jämfördes var IR-element och cirkulering av vattnet med hjälp av luftbubblor och den stabilitetshöjande åtgärden med förspända bergförankringar. Nuvärdet för dessa åtgärder beräknades sedan med antagandet att dammen har en livslängd på 60 år. Resultatet från nuvärdesberäkningen visade att det billigaste alternativet är cirkulering av vattnet men utifrån stabilitetsberäkningarna är det mest fördelaktigt att använda den stabilitetshöjande åtgärden med bergförankringar. Med anledning av detta föreslås ett alternativ med bergförankringar på de monoliter som inte uppfyllde säkerhetskraven vid lastfall utan is i kombination med cirkulering av vattnet som den mest lämpliga åtgärden.</p>

Crisis in the Eastern Nile Basin: an Examination of the Challenges to Egyptian Hydro-Political Hegemomy and Potential Domestic Solutions

Bergonia, Alexandra 01 January 2013 (has links)
The countries of the Nile Basin are on a collision course that could result in disastrous military action to determine control of the region’s main water source. In the wake of the Arab Spring, the Egyptian government has lost much of the regional clout that allowed it to maintain it’s ‘lion’s share’ of the Nile as outlined by the 1959 agreement. Population and economic growth in upstream countries, specifically Ethiopia, have resulted in intensified calls for a more equitable water-sharing agreement. Just weeks after Mubarak stepped down, Ethiopia unveiled plans to build the Grand Renaissance Dam. The GRD will significantly reduce the water that reaches Egypt’s borders but will significantly increase Ethiopia’s hydroelectric power and irrigation potential. Egypt’s population and agriculture sector rely heavily on the maintenance of this status quo; the country also faces the mounting effects of climate change, rising food prices and immense population growth. In order to avoid a severe water crisis, Egypt must be proactive and look to improve efficiency within its own borders. This paper will examine the inadequacies of Egypt’s agricultural and irrigation sectors. It will then use examples from Mexico’s successful irrigation reform and advocate a shift of control to local Water User Associations. Other domestic and basin-wide efforts to increase water-use efficiency will also be examined.

Segurança de barragens de concreto : auscultação por instrumentação da barragem da UHE Dona Francisca-RS

Santos, Verlei Oliveira dos January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a temática de segurança de barragens de gravidade e apresenta uma metodologia para análise por instrumentação colocada no maciço destas estruturas. Como estudo de caso, utilizou-se a barragem da Usina Hidrelétrica de Dona Francisca, construída no final do ano de 2000, no Rio Jacuí, na região central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Sua estrutura é de concreto compactado com rolo e possui cerca de 63 metros de altura máxima e 660 metros de comprimento. As condições geológico-geotécnicas da fundação da UHE Dona Francisca remetem às rochas da Formação Caturrita, constituídas principalmente por arenitos e níveis de siltito e argilito intercalados. Devido à preocupação com o comportamento deste tipo de fundação em relação à estabilidade das estruturas, a UHE Dona Francisca foi contemplada com um amplo plano de instrumentação, composto principalmente por medidores de vazão, piezômetros, pêndulos diretos, extensômetros e medidores triortogonais de junta. Esta dissertação apresenta e analisa os dados destes dispositivos. Os objetivos principais foram avaliar a evolução dos registros ao longo do tempo e frente às variações de carregamento e condições ambientais, além de comparar as leituras com as previsões de projeto e com os dados de instrumentação de outras barragens. Observou-se que a maioria da instrumentação é sensível à variação do nível do reservatório e, portanto, o mesmo foi tomado como referencial nas apresentações das leituras dos instrumentos. De um modo geral, a barragem esteve estável durante o período auscultado de 17 anos. As poropressões foram controladas satisfatoriamente pelo sistema de drenagem. Na maioria das vezes, os deslocamentos, as deformações na fundação e vazões foram superiores aos registros de outras barragens de maior porte. Entretanto, essas grandezas tenderam a reduzir ou se estabilizar ao longo dos anos. Atualmente, alguns instrumentos exigem atenção visto que suas leituras não estão estáveis ou não correspondem às previsões de comportamento estabelecidas durante a fase de projeto. A metodologia para análise adotada neste trabalho mostrou-se eficaz e permitiu a definição das tendências atuais de leituras de cada instrumento. / This work deals with the safety of gravity dams and presents a methodology for analysis by instrumentation inserted in the massif of these structures. The Dona Francisca Hydroelectric dam was used as a case study. This dam was built in the end of 2000, on the Jacuí River, in the central region of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil. Its structure is made of rolled concrete and has approximately 63 meters of maximum height and 660 meters in length. The geological and geotechnical conditions of the Dona Francisca HPP foundation refer to the Caturrita Formation rocks, made up mainly of sandstones and intercalated levels of siltstone and claystone. Due to the concern about the behavior of this type of foundation in relation to the stability of the structures, the Dona Francisca HPP was contemplated with a broad instrumentation plan, composed mainly of flow meters, piezometers, direct pendulums, extensometers and triorthogonal meters. This dissertation presents and analyzes the data of these devices. The goals were to evaluate the evolution of these registers over time and in relation to loading variations and environmental conditions, moreover, compare the readings with the project forecasts and the instrumentation data from other dams. It was observed that most of the instrumentation is sensitive to variation of the reservoir level and, therefore, it was taken as reference in the presentations of the instruments readings. In general, the dam of the Dona Francisca HPP was stable during this auscultated period of 17 years. The pore water pressures were successfully controlled by the drainage system. Most of the time, the displacements, the deformations in the foundation and flows were higher to the records of other larger dams. However, these magnitudes have tended to decrease or stabilize over the years. Nowadays, some auscultation devices require attention because their readings are not stable or do not match the behavior predictions established during the design stage. The analysis methodology adopted in this study proved to be effective and allowed the definition of each instrument reading trends.

Stability Investigation Of Eti Copper Mine Tailings Dam Using Finite Element Analysis

Tanriseven, Esra Nur 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In mining industry, waste storage is a very prominent issue / in this respect, safety of storage structures is one of the leading problems in the industry. Most of the tailings dams require remedial measures, throughout their lifespan to increase their reliability. The objective of the study is to investigate stability problems of formerly constructed but newly raised Eti Copper Mine tailings dam and alternative dam geometries for future raises. Plenty of methods were developed to analyze the reliability of structures / limit equilibrium methods, finite element methods and finite difference methods are among them. In this case, stability of the dam was analyzed with finite element method under static loading conditions. In order to determine input parameters properly, disturbed samples obtained at the field investigations were used. For this purpose, several laboratory experiments were conducted to determine natural moisture content, grain size distribution, specific gravity, Atterberg limits, maximum dry density and shear strength parameters of tailings and embankment material.

Three Dimensional Dynamic Response Of A Concrete Gravity Dam

Yilmazturk, Sema Melek 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Hydroelectric power is a commonly used alternative source of energy in developing countries. In this regard, concrete gravity dams are the most preferred dam type especially with the developments in the engineering industry. Roller compacted concrete became more popular in dam construction due to its advantages of speed and economy. Several methods are used for the design of concrete gravity dams by analyzing the dam response under static and dynamic loads. This study provides three dimensional linear dynamic analysis of roller compacted concrete gravity dam with a complete dam-foundation-water interaction by using EACD-3D-08 program. Foundation flexibility was included with damping and mass using boundary elements. Three dimensional solid elements were used for the idealization of the dam and water with using finite element methods. Compressibility of water with reservoir absorption was studied. In the light of USACE, performance criteria of linear analyses were assessed. Parametric study was conducted to determine the most influential parameters on the dam response. The importance and necessity of three dimensional analyses were investigated by comparing with linear two dimensional analyses. Linear analyses were then compared with three dimensional nonlinear analyses. In conclusion, the realistic dam seismic response can only be obtained by using three dimensional linear analyses with full interaction of dam-foundation-water.

Stabilitetsberäkningar och åtgärdsförslag vid islast på Skålandammen / Stability Calculations and Proposal Measures Regarding Ice Load for the Skålan Dam

Björkman, Helena January 2005 (has links)
Hydropower is an important source of energy in Sweden and accounts for about 46 % of the total energy production. Sweden has about 1 200 hydropower plants and with the intention of raising the pressure head of the water and to store water, dams are built by the power plants. The storage reservoirs make it possible to adjust the energy production by demand and season. Dams in connection to the reservoirs are subjected to additional loading during periods of high floods or when an icecap in the winter is formed on the reservoirs. In order to maintain the dam safety, the power companies in Sweden are working with guidelines for dam safety from RIDAS. An important part of the work of dam safety is FDU that is carried out with purposes of improving the work of dam safety. A FDU made for the Skålan dam in the River of Ljungan showed that the levels of the safety factors for sliding and overturning of the dam was not fulfilled when subjected to loads from an icecap. The object of this thesis was to follow up the FDU and by carrying out extensive stability calculations on all parts of the Skålan dam, investigate what safety factors the different parts will get and also investigate some proposal measures in order to increase the dam stability. The stability calculations for the dam have been performed according to directions in RIDAS at four loading cases. Loading case I and II means a water level to the retained water level and an ice load of 200 and 100 kN/m respectively. Loading case III and IV means a situation without ice load but with a water level to the retained water level respectively a water level to a meter above the retained water level. The stability of the dam was studied with regards to sliding and overturning. The results from the stability calculations showed for both loading case I and II that the majority of the parts of the Skålan dam did not fulfill the levels of the safety factors. The calculations also showed that some parts of the dam did not fulfill the stability criteria of sliding at loading case III, which implies that these parts of the dam actually have not enough weight. The measure proposals studied were the ice preventive measures IR-elements and circulation of the deep warm water and the stability increasing measure with pre strained rock anchorages. The net present value (NVP) for the different measures were calculated with a life length of the dam estimated to 60 years. The results from the calculations of the NVP showed that the most economically feasible measure is circulation of the water but when considering the results from the stability calculations, the most suitable measure is the rock anchorages. Therefore, a combination of rock anchorages on parts which not fulfills the stability criteria in combination with circulation of the water is suggested to be the best measure. / Vattenkraften är en viktig energikälla i Sverige som utgör ca 46 % av den totala energiproduktionen. I Sverige finns det ca 1 200 kraftverk och i syfte att öka fallhöjden och lagra vatten bygger man dammar i anslutning till kraftverken. Dammarna skapar stora magasin med vatten och gör det möjligt att anpassa elproduktionen efter säsong och behov. Dammar och kraftverk vid vattenmagasinen utsätts för extra belastning under perioder med höga flöden samt vid islaster och för att upprätthålla dammsäkerheten har man tagit fram RIDAS - kraftföretagens riktlinjer för dammsäkerhet. Inom ramen för dammsäkerhetsarbete utförs fördjupade dammsäkerhetsutvärderingar, FDU, för att arbeta förebyggande och hitta möjligheter till förbättring av dammsäkerhetsarbetet. I en FDU gjord för Skålandammen i Ljungan påvisades att de av RIDAS uppsatta säkerhetsfaktorerna för glidning och stjälpning inte uppfylldes vid islast. Syftet med detta arbete var att följa upp FDU:n och med utförliga stabilitetsberäkningar på Skålandammens alla delar (monoliter) undersöka hur dessa klarar säkerhetsfaktorerna vid olika lastfall, hur stort problemet med islast är samt ta fram åtgärdsförslag för att öka dammens stabilitet. Beräkningarna har utförts enligt RIDAS anvisningar för stabilitetsberäkningar vid fyra olika lastfall där de två första innebär en vattennivå till magasinets dämningsgräns samt en islast på 200 respektive 100 kN/m och de två andra behandlar en situation utan islast men med en vattennivå till dämningsgränsen respektive en vattennivå till 1 meter över dämningsgränsen. Stabiliteten kontrollerades med avseende på stjälpning och glidning. Resultatet av stabilitetsberäkningarna visade att för majoriteten av Skålandammens monoliter uppfylls inte stabilitetskraven vid en islast på vare sig 200 eller 100 kN/m. Det visades även att ett fåtal monoliter inte uppfyller säkerhetskraven för glidning vid lastfallet utan islast med en vattennivå till dämningsgränsen, vilket indikerar på att dessa monoliter är för lätta. De isfrihållande åtgärdsförslagen som jämfördes var IR-element och cirkulering av vattnet med hjälp av luftbubblor och den stabilitetshöjande åtgärden med förspända bergförankringar. Nuvärdet för dessa åtgärder beräknades sedan med antagandet att dammen har en livslängd på 60 år. Resultatet från nuvärdesberäkningen visade att det billigaste alternativet är cirkulering av vattnet men utifrån stabilitetsberäkningarna är det mest fördelaktigt att använda den stabilitetshöjande åtgärden med bergförankringar. Med anledning av detta föreslås ett alternativ med bergförankringar på de monoliter som inte uppfyllde säkerhetskraven vid lastfall utan is i kombination med cirkulering av vattnet som den mest lämpliga åtgärden.

A histology-based fish health assessment to determine the health and reproductive status of Clarias gariepinus in the Hartbeespoort Dam, South Africa

Botha, Tarryn Lee 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Zoology) / The freshwater indicator fish species, Clarias gariepinus, was used to assess and compare the health status of fish from the Hartbeespoort Dam (HBPD) and the Groot Marico Bosveld Dam (GM) which was used as a reference site. HBPD is known to be polluted and renowned for its extreme eutrophic state. GM receives water from the Marico River and is said to be in an unmodified natural ecological state. Adult Clarias gariepinus were sampled using gill nets; during low-flow (n=17) and high-flow (n=20) seasons from the HBPD, and once from the GM (n = 20). A histology-based fish health assessment was done using a necropsy based health assessment index and a qualitative and semi-quantitative histological assessment on selected target organs namely the gills, liver, kidney and gonads. Focus was also placed on reproductive health aspects by staging the gonads according to their reproductive development and assessing the motility of activated sperm using computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA). Water samples were analyzed for selected physical parameters and for selected metals. The results showed distinct macroscopic differences in the livers and testes comparing the two sites. Fish from HBPD had fatty livers and the macroscopic morphology of the testes showed abnormalities regarding the interstitial tissue, possibly due to the proliferation of connective tissue. The macroscopic abnormalities of the livers were reflected in the histological assessment, which concluded steatosis, vacuolation, hepatocyte nuclear alterations and the presence of large numbers of melanomacrophage centers (MMCs). Of these alterations, only MMCs and intracellular deposits were found in fish from the GM. When comparing the HBPD low-flow (LF) and high-flow (HF) sampling trips, the fish from the low-flow had more alterations present in all organs. While the CASA results showed that the motility, velocity and progression of sperm were lower in fish from the HBPD for all parameters, results from GM showed the ideal trend expected from the moment of sperm activation until degeneration. The velocity and progression were significantly (p value <0.05) different between HBPD samples and fish from the GM. The water quality showed increased concentrations of selenium, as well as the endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) nonylphenol and di-n-butyl phthalate. According to the selected parameters assessed, it seems like the water of the HBPD has increasing detriment upon fish health.

'n Visekologiese ondersoek van Boskopdam, Wes-Transvaal, met spesiale verwysing na die bevolkingsdigtheid van Labeo capensis en L. umbratus in verhouding tot die ander hengelvissoorte

Koch, Barthalomeus Stephanus 19 May 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

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