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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MIST : Mlgrate The Storage Too

Kamala, R 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
We address the problem of migration of local storage of desktop users to remote sites. Assuming a network connection is maintained between the source and destination after the migration makes it possible for us to transfer a fraction of storage state while trying to operate as close to disconnected mode as possible. We have designed an approach to determine the subset of storage state that is to be transferred based on past accesses. We show that it is feasible to use information about files accessed to determine clusters and hot-spots in the file system. Using the tree structure of the file system and by applying an appropriate similarity measure to user accesses, we can approximate the working sets of the data accessed by the applications running at the time. Our results indicate that our technique reduces the amount of data to be copied by two orders of magnitude, bringing it into the realm of the possible.

Impact of Solar Resource and Atmospheric Constituents on Energy Yield Models for Concentrated Photovoltaic Systems

Mohammed, Jafaru January 2013 (has links)
Global economic trends suggest that there is a need to generate sustainable renewable energy to meet growing global energy demands. Solar energy harnessed by concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) systems has a potential for strong contributions to future energy supplies. However, as a relatively new technology, there is still a need for considerable research into the relationship between the technology and the solar resource. Research into CPV systems was carried out at the University of Ottawa’s Solar Cells and Nanostructured Device Laboratory (SUNLAB), focusing on the acquisition and assessment of meteorological and local solar resource datasets as inputs to more complex system (cell) models for energy yield assessment. An algorithm aimed at estimating the spectral profile of direct normal irradiance (DNI) was created. The algorithm was designed to use easily sourced low resolution meteorological datasets, temporal band pass filter measurement and an atmospheric radiative transfer model to determine a location specific solar spectrum. Its core design involved the use of an optical depth parameterization algorithm based on a published objective regression algorithm. Initial results showed a spectral agreement that corresponds to 0.56% photo-current difference in a modeled CPV cell when compared to measured spectrum. The common procedures and datasets used for long term CPV energy yield assessment was investigated. The aim was to quantitatively de-convolute various factors, especially meteorological factors responsible for error bias in CPV energy yield evaluation. Over the time period from June 2011 to August 2012, the analysis found that neglecting spectral variations resulted in a ~2% overestimation of energy yields. It was shown that clouds have the dominant impact on CPV energy yields, at the 60% level.

Hadoop Based Data Intensive Computation on IAAS Cloud Platforms

Vijayakumar, Sruthi 01 January 2015 (has links)
Cloud computing is a relatively new form of computing which uses virtualized resources. It is dynamically scalable and is often provided as pay for use service over the Internet or Intranet or both. With increasing demand for data storage in the cloud, the study of data-intensive applications is becoming a primary focus. Data intensive applications are those which involve high CPU usage, processing large volumes of data typically in size of hundreds of gigabytes, terabytes or petabytes. The research in this thesis is focused on the Amazon’s Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) and Amazon Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) using HiBench Hadoop Benchmark suite. HiBench is a Hadoop benchmark suite and is used for performing and evaluating Hadoop based data intensive computation on both these cloud platforms. Both quantitative and qualitative comparisons of Amazon EC2 and Amazon EMR are presented. Also presented are their pricing models and suggestions for future research.

Eel migration - results from tagging studies with relevance to management

Sjöberg, Niklas B. January 2015 (has links)
In response to the drastic decline of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla (L.)) fisheries have been reduced and elvers are stocked in areas where natural abundances are low. Are these measures adequate? To answer different aspects of this question, we have analysed more than a century of eel tagging, using both traditional and more novel capture – recapture analyses. Based on these long-term data, we have evaluated the impact of the Swedish eel coastal fisheries using Survival analysis. Our analysis indicates that the fishing mortality just prior the 2009 fishing restrictions were in the order of 10%. More recent tagging programs have focused on issues related to the fate of stocked fish. If and how they migrate out of the Baltic Sea and further on towards the Atlantic Ocean. Both earlier and our new studies reveal that all eels recaptured on the Swedish East Coast, no matter of their origin, migrate at a reasonable speed and direction towards the outlets of the Baltic Sea. Even though it is sometimes difficult to determine their origin, our analyses indicate that stocked fish were scarce among the recaptures. In an experiment on the Swedish West Coast, we knew the individuals’ origin (stocked or wild) and they had similar migration patterns. In contrast, silver eel in Lake Mälaren – assumed to have been stocked as elvers or bootlace eels – seemed to have difficulties in finding the outlets. Instead they overwintered and lost weight. However, weight losses are also significant among non-stocked individuals in the Baltic Sea, both if they overwinter and if they appear to be on their way out from the area. It remains an open question whether eels from the Baltic region in general, and whether the overwintered fish in particular, manage to reach the spawning area in the Atlantic Ocean. Based on current knowledge, I advocate invoking the precautionary approach and to concentrate Swedish eel stockings to the West Coast and allow the young fish to spread out on their own. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p><p> </p>

\"Armazenamento distribuído de dados e checkpointing de aplicações paralelas em grades oportunistas\" / Distributed data storage and checkpointing of parallel applications in opportunistic grids

Raphael Yokoingawa de Camargo 04 May 2007 (has links)
Grades computacionais oportunistas utilizam recursos ociosos de máquinas compartilhadas para executar aplicações que necessitam de um alto poder computacional e/ou trabalham com grandes quantidades de dados. Mas a execução de aplicações paralelas computacionalmente intensivas em ambientes dinâmicos e heterogêneos, como grades computacionais oportunistas, é uma tarefa difícil. Máquinas podem falhar, ficar inacessíveis ou passar de ociosas para ocupadas inesperadamente, comprometendo a execução de aplicações. Um mecanismo de tolerância a falhas que dê suporte a arquiteturas heterogêneas é um importante requisito para estes sistemas. Neste trabalho, analisamos, implementamos e avaliamos um mecanismo de tolerância a falhas baseado em checkpointing para aplicações paralelas em grades computacionais oportunistas. Este mecanismo permite o monitoramento de execuções e a migração de aplicações entre nós heterogêneos da grade. Mas além da execução, é preciso gerenciar e armazenar os dados gerados e utilizados por estas aplicações. Desejamos uma infra-estrutura de armazenamento de dados de baixo custo e que utilize o espaço livre em disco de máquinas compartilhadas da grade. Devemos utilizar somente os ciclos ociosos destas máquinas para armazenar e recuperar dados, de modo que um sistema de armazenamento distribuído que as utilize deve ser redundante e tolerante a falhas. Para resolver o problema do armazenamento de dados em grades oportunistas, projetamos, implementamos e avaliamos o middleware OppStore. Este middleware provê armazenamento distribuído e confiável de dados, que podem ser acessados de qualquer máquina da grade. As máquinas são organizadas em aglomerados, que são conectados por uma rede peer-to-peer auto-organizável e tolerante a falhas. Dados são codificados em fragmentos redundantes antes de serem armazenados, de modo que arquivos podem ser reconstruídos utilizando apenas um subconjunto destes fragmentos. Finalmente, para lidar com a heterogeneidade dos recursos, desenvolvemos uma extensão ao protocolo de roteamento em redes peer-to-peer Pastry. Esta extensão adiciona balanceamento de carga e suporte à heterogeneidade de máquinas ao protocolo Pastry. / Opportunistic computational grids use idle resources from shared machines to execute applications that need large amounts of computational power and/or deal with large amounts of data. But executing computationally intensive parallel applications in dynamic and heterogeneous environments, such as opportunistic grids, is a daunting task. Machines may fail, become inaccessible, or change from idle to occupied unexpectedly, compromising the application execution. A fault tolerance mechanism that supports heterogeneous architectures is an important requisite for such systems. In this work, we analyze, implement and evaluate a checkpointing-based fault tolerance mechanism for parallel applications running on opportunistic grids. The mechanism monitors application execution and allows the migration of applications between heterogeneous nodes of the grid. But besides application execution, it is necessary to manage data generated and used by those applications. We want a low cost data storage infrastructure that utilizes the unused disk space of grid shared machines. The system should use the machines to store and recover data only during their idle periods, requiring the system to be redundant and fault-tolerant. To solve the data storage problem in opportunistic grids, we designed, implemented and evaluated the OppStore middleware. This middleware provides reliable distributed storage for application data, which can be accessed from any machine in the grid. The machines are organized in clusters, connected by a self-organizing and fault-tolerant peer-to-peer network. During storage, data is codified into redundant fragments, allowing the reconstruction of the original file using only a subset of those fragments. Finally, to deal with resource heterogeneity, we developed an extension to the Pastry peer-to-peer routing substrate, enabling heterogeneity-aware load-balancing message routing.

A book management system eLibrary

Song, Shanpeng 01 January 2004 (has links)
"eLibrary" is a book management software application that runs on Microsoft Windows platforms. The software incorporates a Windows Explorer like interface and XML/XSL to display book details. The purpose of this project is to build a full-featured, commerical-quality software package to help people manage their books (either printed or electronic). The goal is for eLibrary to be a complete solution for people who wish to build their own personal electronic library catalog.


Garza, Jesus Mario Torres 01 January 2003 (has links)
Entertainics is a web-based software application used to gather information about DVD players from several web-sites on the internet. The purpose of this software is to help users search for DVD players in a faster and easier way, by avoiding the navigation on every web-site that contains this product.

Easy Fitness

Gil López, Lisbeth Cecilia, Ramírez Aguilar, Jorge Daniel, Siesquen Castillo, Stephanie Elizabeth, Vilca Peña, Sonia Rosaly 24 July 2021 (has links)
Easy Fitness, es un proyecto que presentamos como idea de negocio, que consiste en brindar servicios de entrenamiendo físico de manera virtual. Buscamos satisfacer el deseo de las personas que quieren realizar actividad física para sentirse saludables, que cuentan con tiempo limitado para ir a un gimnasio convencional, pues somos la alternativa para realizar ejercicios desde la comodidad del hogar, oficina, parque o cualquier lugar donde las personas se sientas más cómodas. Proponemos utilizar tecnología y elaborar una plataforma digital que ayude a las personas que buscan ejercitarse a realizar ejercicios guiados por videos instructivos o por entrenadores en vivo. Para confirmar la viabilidad de nuestro proyecto se realizó una investigación, para identificar si existía un mercado con el problema que planteamos “realizar ejercicios sin necesidad de ir a un gimnasio convencional” y que acepten nuestra propuesta como una solución. Esta investigación se realizó a través de entrevistas personalizadas y elaboración de un producto mínimo viable, en base a dichos resultados concretamos la viabilidad del proyecto. Asimismo, elaboramos un plan de marketing que nos permitió identificar el mercado operativo y proyectar las ventas de los cinco primeros años. Para dar soporte al servicio exhibimos un plan de operaciones, un plan organizacional, un plan gestión humana y un plan económico financiero que confirma la viabilidad y rentabilidad del negocio. / Easy Fitness is a project that we present as a business idea, which consists of providing physical training services in a virtual way. We seek to satisfy the desire of people who want to do physical activity to feel healthy but have limited time to go to a conventional gym. We are the alternative to exercise from the comfort of home, office, park or any place where people can feel more comfortable. We propose to use technology and develop a digital platform that helps people seeking to exercise to perform exercises guided by instructional videos or live trainers. In order to confirm the viability of our project, an investigation was carried out to identify if there is a market with the problem we have identified which is "to perform exercises without going to a conventional gym" and that it accepts our proposal as a solution. This research was carried out through personalized interviews and the elaboration of a minimum viable product. Based on these results we specified the viability of the project. We also developed a marketing plan that allowed us to identify the operating market and project sales for the first five years. To support the service, we exhibit an operations plan, an organizational plan, a human management plan and a financial economic plan that confirms the viability and profitability of the business. / Trabajo de investigación

Atomar aufgelöste Strukturuntersuchungen für das Verständnis der magnetischen Eigenschaften von FePt-HAMR-Prototypmedien

Wicht, Sebastian 12 December 2016 (has links)
Dank der hohen uniaxialen Kristallanisotropie der L10-geordneten Phase gelten nanopartikuläre FePt+C-Schichten als aussichtsreiche Kandidaten zukünftiger Datenspeichersysteme. Aus diesem Grund werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit in Kooperation mit HGST- A Western Digital Company Prototypen solcher Medien strukturell bis hin zu atomarer Auflösung charakterisiert. Anhand von lokalen Messungen der Gitterparameter der FePt-Partikel wird gezeigt, dass die Partikel dünne, zementitartige Verbindungen an ihrer Oberfläche aufweisen. Zusätzlich werden große Partikel mit kleinem Oberfläche-Volumen-Verhältnis von kontinuierlichen Kohlenstoffschichten umschlossen, was die Deposition weiteren Materials verhindert. Eine Folge davon ist die Entstehung einer zweiten Lage statistisch orientierter Partikel, die sich negativ auf das magnetische Verhalten der FePt-Schicht auswirkt. Weiterhin wird die besondere Bedeutung des eingesetzten Substrats sowie seiner Gitterfehlpassung zur L10-geordneten Einheitszelle nachgewiesen. So lässt sich das Auftreten fehlorientierter ebenso wie das L12-geordneter Kristallite im Fall großer Fehlpassung und einkristalliner Substrate unterdrücken, was andererseits jedoch zu einer stärkeren Verkippung der [001]-Achsen der individuellen FePt-Partikel führt. Abschließend wird mithilfe der Elektronenholographie nachgewiesen, dass die Magnetisierungsrichtungen der FePt-Partikel aufgrund von Anisotropieschwankungen von den [001]-Achsen abweichen können.:1 Einleitung 2 Grundlagen 2.1 Magnetische Datenspeicherung 2.1.1 Longitudinale magnetische Datenspeicherung (LMR) 2.1.2 Perpendikuläre Medien (PMR) 2.1.3 Thermisch-unterstützte Schreibprozesse (HAMR) 2.2 Das binäre Legierungssystem Eisen-Platin 2.2.1 Die L10-Ordnungsphase 2.2.2 Partikuläre FePt-Schichten 2.3 Strukturelle Besonderheiten nanoskopischer Systeme 2.3.1 Vorzugsorientierungen in polykristallinen Materialien 2.3.2 Einfluss der Substratoberfläche 2.4 Magnetische Eigenschaften 2.4.1 Magnetokristalline Anisotropie 2.4.2 Das Stoner-Wohlfarth-Modell der Eindomänenteilchen 2.4.3 Besonderheiten nanoskopischer FePt-Magnete 2.5 Prinzipien der hochauflösenden Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie 2.5.1 Bild- und Kontrastentstehung 2.5.2 Angewandte Bildgebungsverfahren 2.5.3 Elektronenholographie 3 Experimentelles 3.1 Probenherstellung mittels Kathodenzerstäubung 3.2 Präparation von TEM-Lamellen und VSM-Proben 3.3 Strukturelle Charakterisierung 3.3.1 Klassische und hochaufgelöste Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie 3.3.2 Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie (EELS) 3.3.3 Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD) 3.3.4 Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) 3.4 Vermessung der magnetischen Eigenschaften 3.4.1 Korrektur der Hysteresemessungen 3.4.2 Untersuchung des Wechselwirkungsverhaltens 3.4.3 Bestimmung der Anisotropiefelder 3.4.4 Ermittlung der magnetischen Phasenschiebung mittels Holographie 4 Legierungsbildung und Segregationsphänomene 4.1 Charakterisierung der Platinverteilung 4.2 Untersuchung der Kohlenstoffsegregation 4.3 Einfluss von Kupfer-Additiven 5 Untersuchung des Substrateinflusses 5.1 Einfluss der Gitterfehlpassung zu einkristallinen Substraten 5.2 Vergleich einkristalliner und polykristalliner Substrate 5.3 Einfluss von Substratkorngrenzen 5.4 Auswirkungen der Substratrauheit 6 Magnetische Charakterisierung einzelner FePt Inseln mittels Elektronenholographie 6.1 Experimentelle Bestimmung der magnetischen Phasenschiebung 6.2 Simulation der Phasenkontraste 7 Zusammenfassung / Highly textured L10-ordered FePt+C-films are foreseen to become the next generation of magnetic data storage media. Therefore prototypes of such media (provided by HGST- A Western Digital Company) are structurally investigated down to the atomic level by HR-TEM and the observed results are correlated to the magnetic performance of the film. In a first study the occurrence of a strongly disturbed surface layer with a lattice spacing that corresponds to cementite is observed. Furthermore the individual particles are surrounded by a thin carbon layer that suppresses the deposition of further material and leads, therefore, to the formation of a second layer of particles. Without a contact to the seed layer these particles are randomly oriented and degrade the magnetic performance of the media. A further study reveals, that a selection of single-crystalline substrates with appropriate lattice mismatch to the L10-ordered unit cell can be applied to avoid the formation of in-plane oriented and L12-ordered crystals. Unfortunately, the required large mismatch results in a broadening of the texture of the [001]-axes of the individual grains. As electron holography studies reveal, the orientation of the magnetization of the individual grains can differ from the structural [001]-axis due to local fluctuations of the uniaxial anisotropy.:1 Einleitung 2 Grundlagen 2.1 Magnetische Datenspeicherung 2.1.1 Longitudinale magnetische Datenspeicherung (LMR) 2.1.2 Perpendikuläre Medien (PMR) 2.1.3 Thermisch-unterstützte Schreibprozesse (HAMR) 2.2 Das binäre Legierungssystem Eisen-Platin 2.2.1 Die L10-Ordnungsphase 2.2.2 Partikuläre FePt-Schichten 2.3 Strukturelle Besonderheiten nanoskopischer Systeme 2.3.1 Vorzugsorientierungen in polykristallinen Materialien 2.3.2 Einfluss der Substratoberfläche 2.4 Magnetische Eigenschaften 2.4.1 Magnetokristalline Anisotropie 2.4.2 Das Stoner-Wohlfarth-Modell der Eindomänenteilchen 2.4.3 Besonderheiten nanoskopischer FePt-Magnete 2.5 Prinzipien der hochauflösenden Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie 2.5.1 Bild- und Kontrastentstehung 2.5.2 Angewandte Bildgebungsverfahren 2.5.3 Elektronenholographie 3 Experimentelles 3.1 Probenherstellung mittels Kathodenzerstäubung 3.2 Präparation von TEM-Lamellen und VSM-Proben 3.3 Strukturelle Charakterisierung 3.3.1 Klassische und hochaufgelöste Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie 3.3.2 Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie (EELS) 3.3.3 Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD) 3.3.4 Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) 3.4 Vermessung der magnetischen Eigenschaften 3.4.1 Korrektur der Hysteresemessungen 3.4.2 Untersuchung des Wechselwirkungsverhaltens 3.4.3 Bestimmung der Anisotropiefelder 3.4.4 Ermittlung der magnetischen Phasenschiebung mittels Holographie 4 Legierungsbildung und Segregationsphänomene 4.1 Charakterisierung der Platinverteilung 4.2 Untersuchung der Kohlenstoffsegregation 4.3 Einfluss von Kupfer-Additiven 5 Untersuchung des Substrateinflusses 5.1 Einfluss der Gitterfehlpassung zu einkristallinen Substraten 5.2 Vergleich einkristalliner und polykristalliner Substrate 5.3 Einfluss von Substratkorngrenzen 5.4 Auswirkungen der Substratrauheit 6 Magnetische Charakterisierung einzelner FePt Inseln mittels Elektronenholographie 6.1 Experimentelle Bestimmung der magnetischen Phasenschiebung 6.2 Simulation der Phasenkontraste 7 Zusammenfassung

Die Bedeutung der Segregations- und Oxidationsneigung Seltener Erden für die Einstellung hartmagnetischer intermetallischer Phasen in SmCo-basierten Nanopartikeln

Schmidt, Frank 22 January 2018 (has links)
Aufgrund der sehr hohen magnetokristallinen Anisotropiekonstante eignet sich besonders die Phase SmCo5 für zukünftige Festplattenmedien mit hoher Speicherdichte. Durch die starke Oxidationsneigung und die gegebene chemischen Ähnlichkeit anderer Seltenen Erden ist es eine Herausforderung hartmagnetische SmCo-basierte Nanopartikel mittels Inertgaskondensation herzustellen. Zudem bestimmt die Oberflächenenergie maßgeblich die Eigenschaften von Nanopartikeln, sodass ein Element mit einer geringen solchen energetisch bevorzugt die Oberfläche bildet. Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wie die sauerstoffbasierte Oxidation und die unterschiedlichen Oberflächenenergien der legierungsbildenden Elemente die Struktur, die Morphologie und die chemische Verteilung der Elemente innerhalb der Nanopartikel beeinflussen und so die Legierungsbildung einer hartmagnetischen Sm(Pr)Co-Phase steuern. Mithilfe von aberrationskorrigierter, hochauflösender Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie in Verbindung mit Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie werden Morphologie, Elementverteilung und Struktur von unterschiedlich hergestellten Sm(Pr)Co-Nanopartikeln untersucht und analysiert. Die auftretende Segregation der Seltenen Erden an die Oberfläche der Nanopartikel wird zum einen auf eine sauerstoffinduzierte, zum anderen auf eine intrinsische Segregation, also eine durch unterschiedliche Oberflächenenergien der legierungsbildenden Elementen hervorgerufene Segregation zurückgeführt. Anhand eines entwickelten geometrischen Modells wird zwischen den beiden Ursachen der Segregation unterschieden. Das Verständnis um die kausalen Zusammenhänge der Segregation lässt den Schritt zur Herstellung hartmagnetischer intermetallischer SmCo-basierter Nanopartikel zu. Hierzu werden speziell Nanopartikelagglomerate geformt und optisch in einem Lichtofen erhitzt, sodass die Primärpartikel in den Agglomeraten versintern und schließlich das resultierende sphärische Partikel kristallisiert. HRTEM-Aufnahmen und Elektronenbeugung bestätigen die erfolgreiche Herstellung von SmCo5- und Sm2Co17-basierten Nanopartikeln. Die Koerzitivfeldstärke dieser Partikelensembles beträgt 1,8T und einem Maximum in der Schaltfeldverteilung bei 3,6T. Die magnetischen Eigenschaften spiegeln die analysierten strukturellen, morphologischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Nanopartikel wider.:1 Einleitung 2 Theoretische Grundlagen 2.1 Physikalische Nanopartikelsynthese aus der Gasphase 2.1.1 Nukleationsprozess und Thermodynamik 2.1.2 Partikelwachstum 2.1.3 Sintern 2.2 Segregation 2.3 Das Stoffsystem Samarium-Kobalt 2.4 Magnetische Eigenschaften 2.4.1 Magnetische Kristallanisotropie 2.4.2 Eindomänenteilchen nach dem Stoner-Wohlfarth-Modell 3 Experiment und Methode 3.1 Nanopartikelpräparation 3.1.1 Nukleationskammer 3.1.2 Justage des Lichtofens 3.2 Herstellung glatter Schichten 3.3 Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie 3.3.1 Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie (EELS) 3.3.2 Partikelstatistik 3.4 Magnetische Messung 3.4.1 Korrektur der Hystereseschleife 3.4.2 Reversible und irreversible Prozesse 4 Untersuchung der SmCo-Targets mittels XPS und AES 5 Untersuchung der hergestellten Schichten 5.1 AES- und XPS-Analysen 5.1.1 Schicht#1 und Schicht#5 5.1.2 Schicht#6 5.2 TEM-Untersuchung am Querschnitt der Schichten 6 SmCo-Nanopartikel hergestellt aus MaTecK-T1 6.1 Ungeheizte SmCo-Nanopartikel 6.2 Im Flug geheizte SmCo-Nanopartikel 6.2.1 Geometrisches Modell der (un)vollständigen Segregation 7 SmCo-Nanopartikel hergestellt aus Lesker-Target 7.1 Ungeheizte (SmPr)Co-Nanopartikel 7.2 Im Flug geheizte (SmPr)Co-Nanopartikel 7.2.1 Einstellung intermetallischer Phasen 8 Magnetische Eigenschaften der (SmPr)Co-Nanopartikel 9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A Anhang A.1 FEM-Simulation A.1.1 Modell und Grundlage der FEM-Simulation der Partikeltrajektorien A.1.2 Ergebnisse der FEM-Simulation

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