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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mining brain imaging and genetics data via structured sparse learning

Yan, Jingwen 29 April 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by gradual loss of brain functions, usually preceded by memory impairments. It has been widely affecting aging Americans over 65 old and listed as 6th leading cause of death. More importantly, unlike other diseases, loss of brain function in AD progression usually leads to the significant decline in self-care abilities. And this will undoubtedly exert a lot of pressure on family members, friends, communities and the whole society due to the time-consuming daily care and high health care expenditures. In the past decade, while deaths attributed to the number one cause, heart disease, has decreased 16 percent, deaths attributed to AD has increased 68 percent. And all of these situations will continue to deteriorate as the population ages during the next several decades. To prevent such health care crisis, substantial efforts have been made to help cure, slow or stop the progression of the disease. The massive data generated through these efforts, like multimodal neuroimaging scans as well as next generation sequences, provides unprecedented opportunities for researchers to look into the deep side of the disease, with more confidence and precision. While plenty of efforts have been made to pull in those existing machine learning and statistical models, the correlated structure and high dimensionality of imaging and genetics data are generally ignored or avoided through targeted analysis. Therefore their performances on imaging genetics study are quite limited and still have plenty to be improved. The primary contribution of this work lies in the development of novel prior knowledge-guided regression and association models, and their applications in various neurobiological problems, such as identification of cognitive performance related imaging biomarkers and imaging genetics associations. In summary, this work has achieved the following research goals: (1) Explore the multimodal imaging biomarkers toward various cognitive functions using group-guided learning algorithms, (2) Development and application of novel network structure guided sparse regression model, (3) Development and application of novel network structure guided sparse multivariate association model, and (4) Promotion of the computation efficiency through parallelization strategies.

An I/O-aware scheduler for containerized data-intensive HPC tasks in Kubernetes-based heterogeneous clusters / En I/O-medveten schemaläggare för containeriserade dataintensiva HPC-uppgifter i Kubernetes-baserade heterogena kluster

Wu, Zheyun January 2022 (has links)
Cloud-native is a new computing paradigm that takes advantage of key characteristics of cloud computing, where applications are packaged as containers. The lifecycle of containerized applications is typically managed by container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes, the most popular container orchestration system that automates the containers’ deployment, maintenance, and scaling. Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestrators in the cloud-native era. Meanwhile, with the increasing demand for High-Performance Computing (HPC) over the past years, containerization is being adopted by the HPC community and various processors and special-purpose hardware are utilized to accelerate HPC applications. The architecture of cloud systems has been gradually shifting from homogeneous to heterogeneous with different processors and hardware accelerators, which raises a new challenge: how to exploit different computing resources efficiently? Much effort has been devoted to improving the use efficiency of computing resources in heterogeneous systems from the perspective of task scheduling, which aims to match different types of tasks to optimal computing devices for execution. Existing proposals do not take into account the variation in I/O performance between heterogeneous nodes when scheduling tasks. However, I/O performance is an important but often overlooked factor that can be a potential performance bottleneck for HPC tasks. This thesis proposes an I/O-aware scheduler named cmio-scheduler for containerized data-intensive HPC tasks in Kubernetes-based heterogeneous clusters, which is aware of the I/O throughput of compute nodes when making task placement decisions. In principle, cmio-scheduler assigns data-intensive HPC tasks to the node that fulfills the tasks’ requirements for CPU, memory, and GPU and has the highest I/O throughput. The experimental results demonstrate that cmio-scheduler reduces the execution time by 19.32% for the overall workflow and 15.125% for parallelizable tasks on average. / Cloud-native är ett nytt dataparadigm som drar nytta av de viktigaste egenskaperna hos molntjänster, där applikationer paketeras som behållare. Livscykeln för applikationer i containrar hanteras vanligtvis av verktyg för containerorkestrering, t.ex. Kubernetes, det mest populära systemet för containerorkestrering, som automatiserar installation, underhåll och skalning av containrar. Kubernetes har blivit de facto-standard för containerorkestrar i den molnnativa eran. Med den ökande efterfrågan på högpresterande beräkningar (HPC) under de senaste åren har containerisering antagits av HPC-samhället och olika processorer och specialhårdvara används för att påskynda HPC-tillämpningar. Arkitekturen för molnsystem har gradvis skiftat från homogen till heterogen med olika processorer och hårdvaruacceleratorer, vilket ger upphov till en ny utmaning: hur kan man utnyttja olika datorresurser på ett effektivt sätt? Mycket arbete har ägnats åt att förbättra utnyttjandet av datorresurser i heterogena system ur perspektivet för uppgiftsfördelning, som syftar till att matcha olika typer av uppgifter till optimala datorutrustning för utförande. Befintliga förslag tar inte hänsyn till variationen i I/O-prestanda mellan heterogena noder vid schemaläggning av uppgifter. I/O-prestanda är dock en viktig men ofta förbisedd faktor som kan vara en potentiell flaskhals för HPC-uppgifter. I den här avhandlingen föreslås en I/O-medveten schemaläggare vid namn cmio-scheduler för containeriserade dataintensiva HPC-uppdrag i Kubernetes-baserade heterogena kluster, som är medveten om beräkningsnodernas I/O-genomströmning när den fattar beslut om placering av uppdrag. I princip tilldelar cmio-scheduler dataintensiva HPC-uppgifter till den nod som uppfyller uppgifternas krav på CPU, minne och GPU och som har den högsta I/O-genomströmningen. De experimentella resultaten visar att cmio-scheduler i genomsnitt minskar exekveringstiden med 19,32 % för det totala arbetsflödet och med 15,125 % för parallelliserbara uppgifter.

A comparative study of the Data Warehouse and Data Lakehouse architecture / En komparativ studie av Data Warehouse- och Data Lakehouse-arkitektur

Salqvist, Philip January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aimed to assess a given Data Warehouse against a well-suited Data Lakehouse in terms of read performance and scalability. Using the TPC-DS benchmark, these systems were tested with synthetic datasets reflecting the specific needs of a Decision Support (DSS) system. Moreover, this research aimed to determine whether certain categories of queries resulted in notably large discrepancies between the systems. This might help pinpoint the architectural differences that cause these discrepancies. Initial research identified BigQuery and Delta Lake as top candidates due to their exceptional read performance and scalability, prompting further investigation into both. The most significant latency difference was noted in the initial benchmark using a dataset scale of 2 GB, with BigQuery outperforming Delta Lake. As the dataset size grew, BigQuery’s latency increased by 336%, while Delta Lake’s went up by just 40%. However, BigQuery still maintained a significant overall lower latency across all scales. Detailed query analysis showed BigQuery excelling especially with complex queries, those involving extensive aggregation and multiple join operations, which have a high potential for generating large intermediate data during the shuffle stage. It was hypothesized that some of the read performance discrepancies could be attributed to BigQuery’s in-memory shuffling capability, whereas Delta Lake might spill intermediate data to the disk. Delta Lake’s hardware utilization metrics further supported this theory, displaying a trend where peaks in memory usage and disk write rate coincided with queries showing high discrepancies. Meanwhile, CPU utilization remained low. This pattern suggests an I/O-bound system rather than a CPU-bound one, possibly explaining the observed performance differences. Future studies are encouraged to explicitly monitor shuffle operations, aiming for a more rigorous correlation between high-discrepancy queries and data spillage during the shuffle phase. Further research should also include larger dataset sizes; this thesis was constrained to a maximum dataset size of 64 GB due to limited resources. / Denna uppsats undersökte ett givet Data Warehouse i jämförelse med ett lämpligt Data Lakehouse med fokus på läsprestanda och skalbarhet. Med hjälp av TPC-DS benchmark testades dessa system med syntetiska dataset som speglade kundens specifika behov. Vidare syftade forskningen till att avgöra om vissa kategorier av queries resulterade i märkbart stora skillnader mellan systemen. Detta för att identifiera de teknologiska aspekter hos systemen som orsakar dessa skillnader. Den inledande litteraturstudien identifierade BigQuery och Delta Lake som toppkandidater på grund av deras läsprestanda och skalbarhet, vilket ledde till ytterligare undersökning av båda. Den mest påtagliga skillnaden i latens noterades i den initiala jämförelsen med ett dataset av storleken 2 GB, där BigQuery presterade bättre än Delta Lake. När datamängden skalades upp, ökade BigQuery’s latens med 336%, medan Delta Lakes ökade med endast 40%. Dock bibehöll BigQuery en avsevärt lägre total latens för samtliga datamängder. Detaljerad analys visade att BigQuery presterade särskilt bra under komplexa queries som involverade omfattande aggregering och flera join-operationer, vilka har en hög potential för att generera stora datamängder under shuffle-fasen. Det antogs att skillnaderna i latens delvis kunde tillskrivas BigQuery’s in-memory shuffle-kapacitet, medan Delta Lake riskerade att spilla data till disk. Delta Lakes hårdvaruanvändning stödde denna teori ytterligare, där toppar i minnesanvändning och skrivhastighet till disk sammanföll med queries som visade höga skillnader, samtidigt som CPU-användningen förblev låg. Detta mönster tyder på ett I/O-bundet system snarare än ett CPU-bundet, vilket möjligen förklarar de observerade prestandaskillnaderna. Framtida studier uppmuntras att explicit övervaka shuffle-operationer, med målet att mer noggrant koppla queries som uppvisar stora skillnader med dataspill under shuffle-fasen. Ytterligare forskning bör också inkludera större datamängdstorlekar; denna avhandling var begränsad till en maximal datamängdstorlek på 64 GB på grund av begränsade resurser.

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