Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datavetenskap (datalogi)"" "subject:"datvetenskap (datalogi)""
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Prototyp av informationssystem för militärfordonLindgren, Oskar, Talling, John January 2011 (has links)
Computer based information systems play an important role in modern military combat vehicles. The crew needs to be able to quickly get information about both the vehicle and its outer surroundings in order to quickly make the correct decisions. In this report, we describe the development of a prototype new information system for the BvS10 vehicle, manufactured by BAE System Hägglunds AB in Örnsköldsvik. An important aspect of the system is the time it takes from the point that the information is generated by the vehicle sensors until it is presented to the user. The system must be able to ensure that it never displays information that is out of date. Thus, it is important to create a layer and component based architecture for the solution, making it possible to control, in detail, the information’s age as it moves through the system. In connection to this, we also perform a deeper study of component based design in general and for Microsoft .NET in particular. We also discuss the timing related problems that can occur on garbage collection programming platforms (such as .NET) and show some of their solutions proposed in the scientific literature.
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Architecture of a Distributed LDAP DirectoryBepari, Nuruzzaman, Alam, Mohammad Zabedul, Rahman, Md. Syadur January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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CMS-baserat studentintranät : Undersökning och utveckling av studentintranätJohansson, Lovisa, Södergren, Filip January 2010 (has links)
Involving prospective users in a development process is important. This makes it easier to make a more usable product. This thesis is about developing an intranet targeting a school and focus is aimed towards intranet usability. The reader is given knowledge into how to design and implement an intranet using persona. Design and develop by using persona is difficult when there is a group with large variety of knowledge, age and technology interest, so as in this case. Persona although always helps during the development phase because of the strong links to the personas that are created, which gives developers a constant reminder of the end users of the system. The thesis describes how information is collected and processed. What requirements that are established and how the design of the system has been created. Finally, it provides an insight into how the final product is implemented, how it looks right now and how it can be improved. / Att involvera framtida användare i en utvecklingsprocess är viktigt. Detta gör det enklare att göra en mer användbar produkt. Det här examensarbetet handlar om att göra ett intranät för en skola, med delfokus på användbarhet för intranät. Läsaren får en inblick i hur man kan gå till väga för att designa och skapa ett intranät med hjälp av designtekniken persona. Design och utveckling med hjälp av persona är svårt när det gäller en grupp med enorm spridning kunskapsmässigt, åldersmässigt och teknikmässigt, så som i detta fall. Persona hjälper trots alltid till i och med att man under utvecklingsfasen har stark koppling till de personas som skapats, vilket ger utvecklare en ständig påminnelse om slutanvändarna av systemet. I rapporten beskrivs hur information och krav har samlats med hjälp av samtal och enkäter. Den berättar hur data har behandlats för att skapa personas och scenarios. Slutligen ges en inblick i hur den slutliga produkten implementerats, hur den ser ut just nu, hur den kan förbättras samt vilka slutsatser som dragits.
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On-line Thermal Aware Energy Optimization via Dynamic Voltage Selection for Multiprocessor System-On-ChipHung, Wei-Chen January 2010 (has links)
In recent decades, the use of electronic systems, especially embedded systems such as mobile phones has been expanding rapidly. Such products use minimal amount of materials, generate less waste and noise, save space, and are considered cost-effective and attractive. In such devices, consideration needs to be given to both high power density and high chip working temperature. According to the advanced scaling technology, leakage power becomes a major issue in terms of power consumption and this in turn influences temperature. Consequently, energy optimization is an important issue in the design of such electronic products. Techniques for energy optimization have been proposed for circuit-level up to the system-level. This study is focused on a system-level model for a multiprocessor system, considering the inter-dependency between leakage power and temperature. The study applies an on-line temperature-aware dynamic voltage selection (DVS) approach to save energy. The method is evaluated and compared to the static approach, which assumes that tasks always execute their worst case number of clock cycles (WNC) allowing for the exploitation of only the static slack. On-line thermal aware DVS allows the exploitation of both the static and dynamic slacks, since the actual number of clock cycles is usually less than the WNC.
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Learning Natural LanguageInterfaces over Expresive MeaningRepresentation LanguagesGranberg, Johan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on learning natural language interfaces using synchronous grammars, l-calculus and statistical modeling of parse probabilities. A major focus of the thesis has been to replicate Mooney and Wong’s l-WASP [17] algorithm and implement it inside the C-PHRASE [12] Natural Language Interface (NLI) system. By doing this we can use C-PHRASE’s more expressive and transportable meaning representation language (MRL), rather than the PROLOG-based MRL Mooney and Wong used. Our system, the C-PHRASE LEARNER, relaxes some constraints in l-WASP to allow use of more flexible MRL grammars. We also reformulate the algorithm in terms of operations on trees to clarify and simplify the approach. We test the C-PHRASE LEARNER over the US geography corpus GEOQUERY and produce precision and recall results slightly below those achieved by l-WASP. This was expected as we have fewer domain restrictions due to our more expressive and portable MRL grammar. Our work on the C-PHRASE LEARNER system has also revealed some promising avenues of future research including, among others, alternative statistical alignment strategies, integrating linguistic theories into our learning algorithm and ways to improve named entity recognition. C-PHRASE LEARNER is presented as open source to the community to allow anyone to expand upon this work.
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Applied Representational State TransferEkblom, Richard January 2011 (has links)
With an ever growing amount of information that most activities produce today the tradition has been to use different systems to store and manage the data. Depending on its type, the spreadsheets could be stored with FTP on some file server with an obscure directory structure, and every time that new meeting protocol must be added to the homepage it's added manually, the phone numbers of every employee is written on a long forgotten paper hanging in the corridor, and so forth. Could some sort of an information infrastructure consolidate all data to be easily found, accessed and updated? An infrastructure like that must be able to handle different types of data, it must be based on common technologies for untroubled management from different applications and it must scale well as the data continues to increase. REST or Representation State Transfer is an architecture style as a set of guidelines of how HTTP was originally intended to be used. REST advocates that information should be logically divided into linked resources where each resource is identified by an URI, and where operations on the resources is performed by the methods of HTTP: GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. Content-negotiation is used to deliver different types of representations of the resources to the clients. This makes a system based on REST loosely coupled and interoperable. This thesis aims to get a deeper knowledge of REST and how it can be used in distributed systems.
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Extracting content from online news sitesLindholm, Sigrid January 2011 (has links)
Society is producing more and more data with every year. The number of unique URLs indexed by Google recently surpassed the one-trillion mark. To fully benefit from this surge in data, we need efficient algorithms for searching and extracting information. A popular approach is to use the so-called vector space model (VSM), that organises documents according to the terms that they contain. This thesis contributes to an investigation of how adding syntactical information to VSM affects search results. The thesis focuses on techniques for content extraction from online news sources, and describes the implementation and evaluation of a selection of these techniques. The extracted data is used to obtain test data for search evaluation. The implementation is generic and thus easily adopted to new data sources, and although the implementation lacks precision, its performance is sufficient for evaluating the syntax-based version of VSM.
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Introducing Story Points and User Stories to Perform Estimations in a Software Development Organisation. A case study at Swedbank ITGeorgsson, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Today, software can be found almost everywhere. The software development industry is a large industry, but unfortunately the process of developing software is associated with exceeded budgets and delays. Many companies now use one of the agile processes to meet the changing requirements that often cause the problems. One of these companies is Swedbank IT, a company that has used the agile process Scrum for some time but now wants to see how they can make further progress in their agile work. The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to investigate if the introduction of story points for estimation and further developing the utilisation of user stories when gathering requirements can be used to achieve this progress. The first part of this thesis is a literature study where the agile process Scrum is described. The concepts user stories and story points are also explained. The second part is an interview study with seven people working at Swedbank, all involved in software development projects. Finally the interviews are analysed and some conclusions are drawn. The conclusion is that the introduction of story points and further encouragement of the usage of user stories can actually help Swedbank IT make further progress in their agile work. It can also increase the efficiency of the team and facilitate the collaboration between Swedbank IT and the business side at Swedbank.
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Tekniker för att bygga en add-in till Outlook 2007Jöhncke, Matts January 2010 (has links)
Denna rapport tar upp grunderna inom programmering mot Windows Outlook 2007. Den är tänkt att ge en inblick i hur man kan gå till väga och vilka verktyg man kan välja för sitt projekt. Den innefattar en jämförelse mellan användning av det inbyggda Visual Basic for Applications och att skapa ett insticksprogram med Visual Basic. Rapporten innefattar även en textuell beskrivning hur man kan skapa ett enkelt ärendehanteringssystem i Outlook 2007 med möjlighet till registrering av ett nytt ärende via en webbapplikation.
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Free Wind Path Detecting in Google Map Using Image ProcessingLiu, Xun January 2010 (has links)
Urban heat island has become a serious environment problem in nowadays. One of the reasons is the buildings block the wind blow. For planning a scientific urban geometry to reduce the influence of urban heat island, one of the solutions is finding the free wind paths. There many previous works based on GIS, this paper will offer a new method found on image processing in digital map. Using MATLAB instead of GIS device, the algorithm provides a simple and easy-using way to detect the free wind paths in the eight directions.
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