Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datavetenskap (datalogi)"" "subject:"datvetenskap (datalogi)""
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Metadata : En forensisk analys av ExifLarsson, Marcus January 2013 (has links)
I en bild tagen med en digitalkamera kan man återfinna mängder av information om bildens ursprung och inställningar i kameran, något som benämns som Exif3data. Detta är något som kan vara av absolut intresse vid forensiska undersökningar i syfte att knyta bevismaterial till en gärningsman. I detta arbete skall ett antal frågeställningar besvaras som kan vara aktuell för en IT3 forensiker, med avseende på bilder tagna med en smartphone. Kan man styrka att en specifik enhet har tagit en specifik bild? Hur tillförlitlig är den GPS3information som kan lagras i en bild? Genom experiment och granskningar av Exif3data, kommer detta arbete ge svar på dessa frågor. Arbetet kommer också ge exempel på verktyg för att tolka Exif3 informationen. Vidare kommer arbetet även ta upp huruvida den mobila applikationen WhatsApp! väljer att radera Exif3data vid överföring av bilder mellan smartphones.
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Utveckling av webbshopFougman, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete riktar in sig på utveckling av en webbshop åt företaget DPFlashes. Webbshoppen ska ha funktioner som låter användare lägga till produkter i en kundvagn. Användarna ska ha möjlighet att registrera sina uppgifter på webbshoppen samt lägga en order för valda produkter. För att DPFlashes ska ha en så översiktlig vy av webbshoppen ska en administratörs sida skapas där produkter, kategorier och användare skall kunna administreras. Förslaget på webbshop jag fått fram har alla dessa funktioner utom funktionen att lägga en order för kund. Vidareutveckling av webbshoppen krävs för att få en fullt fungerande webbshop.
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Malicious PDF Document AnalysisDai, Haobing January 2013 (has links)
With the development of network and information technology, E-mail has became increasingly popular and the society’s indispensable needs. However, virus spreading via the email are also increasing. The Email attachment, such as, PDF documents, EXE programs, can spread viruses from one computer to another computer. PDF documents are one of the widely used reading or sharing documents, and the attackers are using malicious PDF documents increasingly. In this paper, in order to detect the viruses in the PDF document, I have analyzed the file structure, document structure and objects. I select two methods PDF Scrutinizer and MDScan to scan the PDF document viruses.
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Hybrid klient till molntjänstBlomquist, Linus January 2013 (has links)
Mitt examensarbete gick ut på att bygga en hybrid klient som använder sig av samma användargränssnitt som Xcerions redan implementerade webbklient CloudTop. Klienten ska kunna köras utan användning av en webbläsare och i stället vara ett installerat program på datorn. Källkoden till CloudTop, som är skriven i Javascript, kommunicerar nu med kod skriven i C++ med hjälp av en brygga som förbinder dessa två språk. C++-delen hanterar XSLT-förfrågningar, vilket normalt hanteras av en webbläsare. Programmet är även förberett för att utökas med kod som stödjer att programmet ska kunna köras utan tillgång till internet. När programmet får tillgång till internet ska all ändrad data synkroniseras till en server för att undvika behov av konstant internetuppkoppling, vilket breddar användningsområdet för den här molntjänsten. Tjänsten fungerar både synkront och asynkront för att göra den snabb och effektiv, utan att programmet ska behöva låsa sig vid tunga beräkningar. / My thesis work was to build a hybrid client that uses the same graphical interface as Xcerions current webbclient. The client shall be able to run without any usage of a web browser and it shall instead be an installed program on the users computer. The source-code of Cloudtop, written in Javascript, now communicates with code written in C++ by using a bridge that bind these languages together. XSLT-requests that is used to be handled by the web browser is now handled by the code written in C++ . The program is also prepared to be extended by functionality to handle offline requests from the user. After such implementation the user no longer is going to need constant internet coverage. The service work both synchronous and asynchronous to make it faster and more stable at heavy calculations.
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Monitoring of Micro-sleep and Sleepiness for the Drivers Using EEG SignalRivera, Miguel January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays sleepiness at the wheel is a problem that affects to the society at large rather more than it at first seemed. The purpose of this thesis is to detect sleepiness and micro-sleeps, which are the source that subsequently leads to drowsiness, through the study and analysis of EEG signals. Initially, raw data have some artifacts and noises which must be eliminated through a band pass filter. In this thesis EEG signals from different persons are analyzed and the feature extraction is carried out through the method Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). After that, the signals are classified to get the best result. To do this, the method Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used where the feature vectors, which have been extracted previously, are the input. The data are trained and tested to get a result with an accuracy of 77% or higher. It shows that EEG data could be used helping experts in the development of an intelligent system to classify different sleeping conditions i.e., micro-sleep and sleepiness.
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Intranet for project and document managementLundqvist, Andreas, Johansson, Niklas, Yildiz, Simon January 2013 (has links)
For a software developing company, it is important to have a system that keeps track of different projects with related documentation and data. Without a proper system, it can be hard to find needed information and time consuming, especially if there is much data in the system. RealTest AB is an IT consultant company located in Västerås that deals with this problem. All of their projects and their information are stored in a folder structure on a server that the employees have access to. This “system” does not have a smart way of finding data and there is no kind of version control of the existing information and this often leads to duplicated data. The purpose of this project was to provide a smarter and more efficient way of handling projects and documents for RealTest. The project resulted in an intranet solution based on Microsoft SharePoint that takes care of the mentioned problems. This paper describes the design and implementation of certain features of the intranet, such as document management, generation of unique project/document numbers and dynamic webpages. The paper also reviews strengths and weaknesses of existing intranet solutions and application platforms. The conclusions of the conducted research together with meetings with our advisor at RealTest and feedback from demonstrations for the employees led to the first version of the intranet. Since the project only lasted for 10 weeks, time limited us from developing all of the planned features and therefore we were not able to deliver a finished product. However, we managed develop a stable foundation for the intranet which will be finalized by the employees of the company.
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A Secure Bluetooth Transfer Application in AndroidFanchen, Li January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparison Analysis of Color Constancy AlgorithmsLiu, Dian January 2013 (has links)
Color constancy refers to a stable psychological tendency in perception even the lighting circumstances changed and it plays an important role in many computer vision applications. In this paper, an overview of many frequently used computational color constancy algorithms is presented. Besides, existing algorithms are usually divided into statistical and physics-based and we discuss the characteristic between them, and we also evaluate two main stream hypotheses that usually made before conducting the ill-posed Lambertian Reflectance Model and discuss about their different emphases. What’s more, we perform a comparison analysis in section 3 among three of the most basic algorithms with several well-defined criteria.
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Soulfood ett GUISollid, Nikki January 2013 (has links)
Denna Studie presenterar resultat utav analys av existerande grafiska gränssnitt i syfte att definiera förutsättningar och regler för ett idealt grafiskt gränssnitt till mobila enheter inom spel.Sammanlagt presenteras 6 olika regler rörandes färg, form och positionering. Dessa regler används sedan för att skapa grafiskt gränssnitt på ett mobilspel vid namn ”Soulfood”.
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Implementation of TeliaSonera Incident Management Centre Site Attendance ApplicationMagnusson, Anton, Larsson, Jan January 2013 (has links)
TeliaSonera Incident Management Centre Karlstad has been situated in facilities placed in the bedrock of the Kroppkärr district of Karlstad for over ten years. From here TeliaSonera monitors parts of their different kind of networks all over the globe. One part is the monitoring of sites, a structure that holds equipment vital for a network to function. Currently TeliaSonera Incident Management Centre receives about thirty phone calls a dayfrom technicians from all over the world regarding the reporting of attendance on sites. Themain objective is to create a mobile application that can substitute the need of a phone call. The project resulted in the development of two web applications, one application with the purpose to replace the site attendance reporting by phone and another to monitor the incoming reports. The reason for developing a web application was to deliver a platform independentproduct under a short period of time. The site reporting application is resistant to attacks suchas SQL-injections and Cross-Site Scripting. Functionality of web applications is closing in on the functionality behind native applications. Features included in HTML5 allow the developer to take more liberty when programming web applications. These features are utilized in the search and filter functions of the monitoring application in this project. The applications are written in HTML5, JavaScript and PHP and the data is stored in a MySQL database.
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