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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Duplication et cohérence configurables dans les applications réparties à base de composants

Marangozova, Vania 17 June 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la gestion configurable de la duplication et de la cohérence dans les applications réparties. Elle vise la définition de mécanismes de configuration qui n'impliquent pas de modification du code métier des applications et qui permettent la réutilisation du code de gestion de la duplication et de la cohérence. Le premier objectif permet d'exécuter les applications dans différents environnements sans les réimplémenter. Le deuxième objectif permet de réutiliser les protocoles de duplication et de cohérence dans différents domaines d'application. Cette thèse se place dans le contexte des applications réparties à base de composants. Elle permet la configuration non intrusive de la duplication et de la cohérence en se basant sur la séparation entre le code métier et le code système des composants. Elle permet la réutilisation du code de gestion de la duplication et de la cohérence en modélisant les protocoles en termes de composants qui sont indépendants des applications métier. Les modèles de programmation, de composition et d'exécution proposés sont validés à l'aide d'un prototype Java. Le coût de gestion de la duplication et de la cohérence est évalué et l'applicabilité de l'approche aux environnements CCM et EJB est étudiée. Les capacités de configuration et de réutilisation sont démontrées par des expérimentations avec plusieurs applications et plusieurs protocoles.

Étude d'objets combinatoires - Applications à la bio-informatique

Vernay, Rémi 29 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur des classes d'objets combinatoires, qui modélisent des données en bio-informatique. Nous étudions notamment deux méthodes de mutation des gènes à l'intérieur du génome : la duplication et l'inversion. Nous étudions d'une part le problème de la duplication-miroir complète avec perte aléatoire en termes de permutations à motifs exclus. Nous démontrons que la classe de permutations obtenue avec cette méthode après p duplications à partir de l'identité est la classe de permutations qui évite les permutations alternées de longueur 2^p+1. Nous énumérons également le nombre de duplications nécessaires et suffisantes pour obtenir une permutation quelconque de longueur n à partir de l'identité. Nous proposons également deux algorithmes efficaces permettant de reconstituer deux chemins différents entre l'identité et une permutation déterminée. Nous donnons enfin des résultats connexes sur d'autres classes proches. La restriction de la relation d'ordre < induite par le code de Gray réfléchi à l'ensemble des compositions et des compositions bornées induit de nouveaux codes de Gray pour ces ensembles. La relation d'ordre < restreinte à l'ensemble des compositions bornées d'un intervalle fournit encore un code de Gray. L'ensemble des n compositions bornées d'un intervalle généralise simultanément l'ensemble produit et l'ensemble des compositions d'un entier et donc la relation < définit de façon unifiée tous ces codes de Gray. Nous réexprimons les codes de Gray de Walsh et Knuth pour les compositions (bornées) d'un entier à l'aide d'une unique relation d'ordre. Alors, le code de Gray deWalsh pour des classes de compositions et de permutations devient une sous-liste de celui de Knuth, lequel est à son tour une sous-liste du code de Gray réfléchi.

Molecular characterization and evolution of alpha-actinin : from protozoa to vertebrates

Virel, Ana January 2006 (has links)
<p>alpha-actinin is a ubiquitous protein found in most eukaryotic organisms. The ability to form dimers allows alpha-actinin to cross-link actin in different structures. In muscle cells alpha-actinin is found at the Z-disk of sarcomeres. In non-muscle cells alpha-actinin is found in zonula adherens or focal adhesion sites where it can bind actin to the plasma membrane.</p><p>alpha-actinin is the shortest member of the spectrin superfamily of proteins which also includes spectrin, dystrophin and utrophin. Several hypotheses suggest that alpha-actinin is the ancestor of this superfamily.</p><p>The structure of alpha-actinin in higher organisms has been well characterized consisting of three main domains: an N-terminal actin-binding domain with two calponin homology domains, a central rod domain with four spectrin repeats and a C-terminal calcium-binding domain. Data mining of genomes from diverse organisms has made possible the discovery of new and atypical alpha-actinin isoforms that have not been characterized yet.</p><p>Invertebrates contain a single alpha-actinin isoform, whereas most of the vertebrates contain four. These four isoforms can be broadly classified in two groups, muscle isoforms and non-muscle isoforms. Muscle isoforms bind actin in a calcium independent manner whereas non-muscle isoforms bind actin in a calcium-dependent manner.</p><p>Some of the protozoa and fungi isoforms are atypical in that they contain fewer spectrin repeats in the rod domain. We have purified and characterized two ancestral alpha-actinins from the parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Our results show that despite the shorter rod domain they conserve the most important functions of modern alpha-actinin such as actin-bundling formation and calcium-binding regulation. Therefore it is suggested that they are genuine alpha-actinins.</p><p>The phylogenetic tree of alpha-actinin shows that the four different alpha-actinin isoforms appeared after the vertebrate-invertebrate split as a result of two rounds of genome duplication. The atypical alpha-actinin isoforms are placed as the most divergent isoforms suggesting that they are ancestral isoforms. We also propose that the most ancestral alpha-actinin contained a single repeat in its rod domain. After a first intragene duplication alpha-actinin with two spectrin repeats were created and a second intragene duplication gave rise to modern alpha-actinins with four spectrin repeats.</p>

Sculpted through Time : Evolution and Function of Serine Proteases from the Mast Cell Chymase Locus

Gallwitz, Maike January 2006 (has links)
<p>Immune cells like NK cells, T cells, neutrophils and mast cells store high amounts of <u>gr</u>anule <u>s</u>erine <u>p</u>rote<u>ases</u>, graspases. Graspases are encoded from the mast cell chymase locus. The human locus holds four genes: α-chymase, cathepsin G, and granzymes H and B. In contrast, the mouse locus contains at least 14 genes. Many of these belong to subfamilies not found in human, e.g. the Mcpt8-family. These differences hamper functional comparisons of graspases and of immune cells in the two species. Studies of the mast cell chymase locus are therefore important to better understand the mammalian immune system. </p><p>In this thesis, the evolution of the mast cell chymase locus was analysed by mapping the locus in all available mammalian genome sequences. It was revealed that one single ancestral gene founded this locus probably over 215 million years ago. This ancestor was duplicated more than 185 million years ago. One copy evolved into the α-chymases, whereas the second copy founded the families of granzymes B and H, cathepsin G, Mcpt8 and duodenases. Different subfamilies were later remarkably expanded in particular mammalian lineages, e.g. the Mcpt8- and Mcpt2-subfamilies in the rat. Four novel members of these families were identified in rat mucosal mast cells. Rat and mouse mast cells express numerous different graspases, whereas human and dog mast cells express only one graspase, chymase. To better understand mast cell functions in these species, one member of the mouse Mcpt8-family, mMCP-8, and human and dog chymase were studied. The preferred substrate sequence was analysed by substrate phage display. mMCP-8 remains yet enigmatic, although it is probably proteolytically active. Dog and human chymase, interestingly, have common preferences in certain substrate positions, but differ in others. These two chymases may have coevolved with an <i>in vivo</i> substrate that is conserved only in the positions with a common preference. We also obtained evidence that substrate positions on either side of the scissile bond influence each other. This kind of interactions can only be detected with a method investigating both sides simultaneously, such as substrate phage display.</p>

Evolution of the Neuropeptide Y System in Vertebrates with Focus on Fishes

Larsson, Tomas January 2007 (has links)
<p>Gene families in vertebrates often contain more dulicates (paralogs) than in invertebrates. This has been attributed to genome duplications, i.e., tetraploidizations. Two of the gene families that have expanded in vertebrate evolution are the neuropeptide Y (NPY) family of peptides and the neuropeptide Y receptors (NPYR) that are involved in many brain functions including appetite regulation.</p><p>Two NPYR genes, Y2 and Y7, were cloned in the rainbow trout. Although they arose from a common ancestral gene in early vertebrate evolution, their ligand-binding properties are very similar. Two NPYR genes were cloned in the coelacanth <i>Latimeria chalumnae</i> and found to be orthologs of Y5 and Y6 discovered in mammals.</p><p>Analyses of gene families close to the NPYR genes in the pufferfishes <i>T. nigroviridis</i> and <i>T. rubripes</i> showed that at least 25 additional gene families had an evolutionary history similar to the NPYR family, thereby providing evidence for fish specific-duplications of these chromosomes. Cloning and phylogenetic analysis of 22 NPYR gene fragments from several ray-finned fishes showed that basal species seem to have the same repertoire as tetrapods. Despite the tetraploidization in the teleost fish lineage, many teleosts seem to have fever genes than the gnathostome ancestor due to gene loss. Only one duplicate seems to have survived.</p><p>The NPY peptide family was found to have expanded in the teleost tetraploidization with duplicates of both NPY and PYY (peptide YY) in some teleosts. Fourteen neighboring gene families were found to have evolved in a similar manner as the NPY-family genes. Positional information fascilitated orthology assignment of peptide genes in teleost fishes and allowed correction of previously misidentified genes.</p><p>In summary, the evolutionary history of the NPY and NPYR gene families involve large-scale duplication events coinciding with the proposed tetraploidizations. The appearance of new genes in early vertebrates and in teleost fishes probably had important implications for the evolution of new functions in this system.</p>

Etude des mécanismes évolutifs perturbant l'organisation des gènes dans les génomes de vertébrés

Berthelot, Camille 28 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les phénomènes évolutifs qui perturbent l'organisation des gènes dans les génomes eucaryotes sont de deux types : les changements dans l'ordre des gènes, ou réarrangements, et les modifications du contenu en gènes du génome, par duplications, délétions ou gains de gènes. Ces processus sont mal connus, tant au niveau de leurs mécanismes d'apparition que de leur impact fonctionnel et sélectif. Ce travail de thèse s'articule autour de deux projets. Le premier s'intéresse à la distribution des points de cassure de réarrangements évolutifs entre un génome ancestral et ses descendants modernes. Cette distribution a été modélisée en fonction des caractéristiques locales du génome pour mettre en évidence quels facteurs influencent la probabilité de cassure. Nos résultats montrent que la distribution des cassures peut s'expliquer simplement comme une fonction de la longueur des espaces intergéniques, fonction qui est cependant non-linéaire contrairement aux attentes sous un régime aléatoire classique. La répartition des points de cassure dans les génomes semble principalement liée à des propriétés de structure, et n'est que peu soumise à des contraintes de sélection. Elle pourrait être liée à la structure chromatinienne du génome. Le second projet s'inscrit dans le cadre du séquençage du génome du poisson zèbre, et fournit un aperçu global de l'organisation de ce génome. Les génomes de poissons téléostéens sont anciennement dupliqués : l'analyse est axée sur les conséquences de cette duplication. Les résultats montrent que le génome du poisson zèbre présente une organisation assez typique d'un génome téléostéen. Les gènes retenus en deux copies après la duplication du génome appartiennent à des catégories fonctionnelles particulières, et sont biaisés vers des gènes déjà conservés après les duplications 1R et 2R ayant eu lieu au début de l'histoire des vertébrés.

Sculpted through Time : Evolution and Function of Serine Proteases from the Mast Cell Chymase Locus

Gallwitz, Maike January 2006 (has links)
Immune cells like NK cells, T cells, neutrophils and mast cells store high amounts of <u>gr</u>anule <u>s</u>erine <u>p</u>rote<u>ases</u>, graspases. Graspases are encoded from the mast cell chymase locus. The human locus holds four genes: α-chymase, cathepsin G, and granzymes H and B. In contrast, the mouse locus contains at least 14 genes. Many of these belong to subfamilies not found in human, e.g. the Mcpt8-family. These differences hamper functional comparisons of graspases and of immune cells in the two species. Studies of the mast cell chymase locus are therefore important to better understand the mammalian immune system. In this thesis, the evolution of the mast cell chymase locus was analysed by mapping the locus in all available mammalian genome sequences. It was revealed that one single ancestral gene founded this locus probably over 215 million years ago. This ancestor was duplicated more than 185 million years ago. One copy evolved into the α-chymases, whereas the second copy founded the families of granzymes B and H, cathepsin G, Mcpt8 and duodenases. Different subfamilies were later remarkably expanded in particular mammalian lineages, e.g. the Mcpt8- and Mcpt2-subfamilies in the rat. Four novel members of these families were identified in rat mucosal mast cells. Rat and mouse mast cells express numerous different graspases, whereas human and dog mast cells express only one graspase, chymase. To better understand mast cell functions in these species, one member of the mouse Mcpt8-family, mMCP-8, and human and dog chymase were studied. The preferred substrate sequence was analysed by substrate phage display. mMCP-8 remains yet enigmatic, although it is probably proteolytically active. Dog and human chymase, interestingly, have common preferences in certain substrate positions, but differ in others. These two chymases may have coevolved with an in vivo substrate that is conserved only in the positions with a common preference. We also obtained evidence that substrate positions on either side of the scissile bond influence each other. This kind of interactions can only be detected with a method investigating both sides simultaneously, such as substrate phage display.

Evolution of the Neuropeptide Y System in Vertebrates with Focus on Fishes

Larsson, Tomas January 2007 (has links)
Gene families in vertebrates often contain more dulicates (paralogs) than in invertebrates. This has been attributed to genome duplications, i.e., tetraploidizations. Two of the gene families that have expanded in vertebrate evolution are the neuropeptide Y (NPY) family of peptides and the neuropeptide Y receptors (NPYR) that are involved in many brain functions including appetite regulation. Two NPYR genes, Y2 and Y7, were cloned in the rainbow trout. Although they arose from a common ancestral gene in early vertebrate evolution, their ligand-binding properties are very similar. Two NPYR genes were cloned in the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae and found to be orthologs of Y5 and Y6 discovered in mammals. Analyses of gene families close to the NPYR genes in the pufferfishes T. nigroviridis and T. rubripes showed that at least 25 additional gene families had an evolutionary history similar to the NPYR family, thereby providing evidence for fish specific-duplications of these chromosomes. Cloning and phylogenetic analysis of 22 NPYR gene fragments from several ray-finned fishes showed that basal species seem to have the same repertoire as tetrapods. Despite the tetraploidization in the teleost fish lineage, many teleosts seem to have fever genes than the gnathostome ancestor due to gene loss. Only one duplicate seems to have survived. The NPY peptide family was found to have expanded in the teleost tetraploidization with duplicates of both NPY and PYY (peptide YY) in some teleosts. Fourteen neighboring gene families were found to have evolved in a similar manner as the NPY-family genes. Positional information fascilitated orthology assignment of peptide genes in teleost fishes and allowed correction of previously misidentified genes. In summary, the evolutionary history of the NPY and NPYR gene families involve large-scale duplication events coinciding with the proposed tetraploidizations. The appearance of new genes in early vertebrates and in teleost fishes probably had important implications for the evolution of new functions in this system.

Internal duplications in alpha-helical membrane protein topologies are common but the nonduplicated forms are rare

Hennerdal, Aron, Falk, Jenny, Lindahl, Erik, Elofsson, Arne January 2010 (has links)
Many alpha-helical membrane proteins contain internal symmetries, indicating that they might have evolved through a gene duplication and fusion event Here, we have characterized internal duplications among membrane proteins of known structure and in three complete genomes We found that the majority of large transmembrane (TM) proteins contain an internal duplication The duplications found showed a large variability both in the number of TM-segments included and in their orientation Surprisingly, an approximately equal number of antiparallel duplications and parallel duplications were found However, of all 11 superfamilies with an internal duplication, only for one, the AcrB Multidrug Efflux Pump, the duplicated unit could be found in its nonduplicated form An evolutionary analysis of the AcrB homologs indicates that several independent fusions have occurred, including the fusion of the SecD and SecF proteins into the 12-TM-protein SecDF in Brucella and Staphylococcus aureus In one additional case, the Vitamin B-12 transporter-like ABC transporters, the protein had undergone an additional fusion to form protein with 20 TM-helices in several bacterial genomes Finally, homologs to all human membrane proteins were used to detect the presence of duplicated and nonduplicated proteins This confirmed that only in rare cases can homologs with different duplication status be found, although internal symmetry is frequent among these proteins One possible explanation is that it is frequent that duplication and fusion events happen simultaneously and that there is almost always a strong selective advantage for the fused form / <p>authorCount :4</p>

Molecular Evolution of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Morning Glories

Des Marais, David Lee 26 September 2008 (has links)
<p>Determining the genetic basis of adaptation has become a central focus of evolutionary biology, and the incorporation of increasingly sophisticated analytical tools from molecular biology has made identifying causal genes a practical reality. The work presented herein addresses the effects of pleiotropic constraint on evolutionary change at the level of individual genes and genetic networks. In the first chapter, I combine molecular phylogenetic analyses and direct assays of enzymatic function to determine the evolutionary processes following a gene duplication in the anthocyanin pathway. My results show that, prior to duplication, the DFR gene was constrained from functional improvement by its multiple enzymatic roles. Following duplication, this constraint was released and adaptive evolution proceeded along both paralog lineages. In the second chapter, I determine the molecular genetic basis of a flower color transition that is associated with change in pollinator attraction in morning glories. A regulatory change in a branching gene in the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway restricted flux down the cyanidin-producing branch, conferring nearly exclusive production of red pelargonidin pigment in flowers. I further demonstrate that this regulatory change was restricted to floral tissue, and that ancestral pathway flux predominates in vegetative tissues. I propose that deleterious pleiotropic effects prevented evolutionary change via enzymatic changes in the pathway due to the numerous essential products downstream of this branching point. Together, these two results show that evolutionary change may be constrained by the molecular genetic context in which prospective adaptive mutations occur.</p> / Dissertation

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