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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The decision to study abroad : what benefits are the Chinese student looking for?

Källström, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Problem:        </strong>To be able to be successful in attracting international students it is necessary to understand why students choose to study abroad. Students engage in international education because they are looking for certain benefits, but which are these benefits? Does different students want different things and how well does Sweden deliver the sought after benefits? Does the introduction of a tuition fee influence the students’ decision?</p><p> </p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong>        The study, both theoretically and empirically, investigates what lays behind the decision to take part in an international education with focus on what benefits associated with an international education that are important for students.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Methodolgy:</strong>  A prestudy was conducted to create an understanding of the topic. The theoretical conclusions are tested with the help of questionnaires distributed at Hangzhou Dianzi University in China.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Conclusions:</strong>  A conclusive summary is set up which lists the most important benefits with international education. The empirical study shows that improved English, culture experience, the university’s reputation and that the country offers a safe environment are key benefits influencing Chinese students to study abroad.</p>

The decision to study abroad : what benefits are the Chinese student looking for?

Källström, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
Problem:        To be able to be successful in attracting international students it is necessary to understand why students choose to study abroad. Students engage in international education because they are looking for certain benefits, but which are these benefits? Does different students want different things and how well does Sweden deliver the sought after benefits? Does the introduction of a tuition fee influence the students’ decision?   Purpose:        The study, both theoretically and empirically, investigates what lays behind the decision to take part in an international education with focus on what benefits associated with an international education that are important for students.   Methodolgy:  A prestudy was conducted to create an understanding of the topic. The theoretical conclusions are tested with the help of questionnaires distributed at Hangzhou Dianzi University in China.   Conclusions:  A conclusive summary is set up which lists the most important benefits with international education. The empirical study shows that improved English, culture experience, the university’s reputation and that the country offers a safe environment are key benefits influencing Chinese students to study abroad.

A Factor-analysis Study of Decision-making Process of Oversea Chinese Students in College Applications

Shih, Chun-Ming 30 July 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study were to research the Decision-making Process of Oversea Chinese Students in College Applications , and hope to forward conclusions and suggestions according to the results. Based on the motivations , it can be categorized into three purpose : 1.to borrow from the theoretical framework and techniques from the education marketing, aims to enhance the marketing capacity of Taiwan¡¦s universities in recruiting oversea Chinese students. 2.to analysis the selection criteria of Oversea Chinese Students in College Applications, the main sources of foreign university information, and the most important person influencing the Decision-making Process of Oversea Chinese Students in College Applications. 3.according to the results, constructive suggestions to the administration, the universities and colleges, serving as a reference in the management of enrollment strategies. The achieve the aims mentioned above, the research starts from the exploring the theories of market segmentation and marketing strategies through related papers and articles, then collect empirical studies about the college-student recruitment. Based upon the result of literature review, a¡§Questionnaire of Influential Factors concerning the Decision-making Process of Oversea Chinese Students Seeking College Education¡¨ were developed. About eight hundred students in National Oversea Chinese Student University Preparatory School were surveyed using the questionnaire above. A series of statistics such as descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, cluster analysis, ANOVA, and MANOVA were conducted to analyze the data collected. The main discoveries are as follows : 1.Different background variable make a lot of difference in the Decision-making Process in College Applications. 2.Different background variable make a lot of difference within the four cluster Oversea Chinese Students. 3.Different cluster Oversea Chinese Students have their own inclination in the Decision-making Process in College Applications. 4.Different cluster Oversea Chinese Students have their own inclination in the university information sources. With the coming short of college students due to the sharp decrease of birth rate in Taiwan, recruitment officials of colleges and universities are anxious of the future and figuring out the strategies to admit oversea Chinese students from the Southeastern Asia. The conclusions of this study can provide a clear picture of future oversea Chinese students for international colleges and universities.

Nordic and Infertile : A study of options and decisions

Olafsdottir, Helga Sol January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this thesis was to obtain an overview over the options of Nordic infertile couples regarding assisted reproduction treatment, and to follow couples’ arguments and decision-making process to make relevant decisions about these options. Methods: Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The study design was inspired by Ecological systems theory, where data was gathered from laws and regulations (macro-level), fertility clinics (meso-level) and the couples using these options (micro-level). Study I consists of results from a review of the legislations in the five Nordic countries and results from a questionnaire that was sent to all fertility clinics to gather information about available options. Papers II and III present the findings of the interviews with 22 Nordic couples, after their first appointment with a specialist at the fertility clinic. The couples came from Denmark (3), Finland (6), Iceland (3), Norway (4) and Sweden (6). Study IV presents the findings of follow-up interviews with the same couples approximately three years later. For the qualitative study the tools of Grounded Theory were used. Findings: In Study I it was found that Nordic couples generally have good access to assisted reproductive technology treatments (ART), although it is not evenly distributed and there are restrictions related to certain criteria, such as age. There are national differences in the legislations, especially regarding gamete donation. These differences open up for cross-border reproductive care, andmore than one third of the fertility clinics offered treatment to people from other countries. Study II describes the decision-making process of the couples when determining the “right time” to try for a child. The couples mention the need to feel prepared for parenthood; such as a stable social situation, and once they felt prepared they became more susceptible to decision-making catalysts, such as influence from friends and family. Fear of infertility made the couple accelerate their decision regardless of preparation. In Study III the decision-making process of seeking medical help is illustrated. The core category was “negotiation and re-negotiation”. The process of decision-making is first to accept that they have a problem in common, secondly that they need knowledge and finally to take action and get help. Study IV deals with the decision-making process during treatments. Of 22 couples, 17 had succeeded at becoming parents after approximately three years, three couples were still trying and two had not decided how to continue. The core category was “maintaining control in an uncertain situation”. The couples tried to keep focus on the goal and to learn to deal with the new world with various methods. Conclusions:The structure of and the access to service for infertile couples differ between the Nordic countries. Some of the differences, e.g. regarding subsidy systems and waiting time, affected the decision making process since they could mean a delay in the treatment process or whether a private or public clinic was chosen. Additionally, a couple consists of two individuals with independent decision-making processes, which makes joint decision-making difficult and time-consuming. The couples have to negotiate their way to a consensus and are constantly confronted with new choices they need to re-negotiate on. The decision-making process, when dealing with infertility, is not a straight line, but rather a chain of small decisions affected by feelings, context and situation / Markmið: Markmið rannsóknarinnarvar að ná yfirsýn yfir þeim tæknifrjóvgunarmöguleikum sem norrænum pörum sem kljást við ófrjósemi stendur til boða, og að fylgja rökleiðslu þeirra og ákvarðanatökuferli sem tengist þessum möguleikum. Aðferð: Megindlegum og eigindlegum aðferðum var beitt.Hönnun rannsóknarinnarsótti innblástur til Ecological systems theory, með söfnun gagna frálögum og reglugerðum (macro-stig), tæknifrjóvgunarstofum (meso-stig) og frá pörunum sem nýttu sérþessa möguleika (micro-stig). Grein Iinniheldur niðurstöður rýni á reglugerðum Norðurlandanna fimm, ásamt niðurstöðum spurningalista sem sendur var öllum tæknifrjóvgunarstofum til að fá upplýsingar um þá möguleika sem stóðu til boða. GreinarII og III kynna niðurstöður úr viðtölum við 22 norræn pör sem fórufram eftir fyrsta tíma þeirra hjá sérfræðingi á tæknifrjóvgunarstofu. Pörin komu frá Danmörku (3), Finnlandi (6), Íslandi (3), Noregi (4) og Svíþjóð (6). Grein IV kynnir niðurstöður framhaldsviðtala við sömu pör sem fóru fram u.þ.b. þremur árum síðar. Fyrir eigindlega hluta rannsóknarinnar var aðferðum úr Grounded theory beitt. Niðurstöður: Grein Isýndi fram á að aðgengi norrænna para að tæknifrjóvgunarmeðferðum er alla jafna gott. Þó er aðgengið er ekki jafndreift og það eru hömlur sem tengjast tilteknum skilyrðum, svo sem aldri. Það er munur á reglugerðum landanna, sérstaklega hvað snýr að kynfrumugjöf. Þessi mismunur opnar fyrir tæknifrjóvgunarþjónustu yfir landamæri, en meira en þriðjungur tæknifrjóvgunarstofa buðu þjónustu sína fólki frá öðrum löndum. Grein II lýsir ákvarðanatökuferli paranna þegar þau ákvarða hvenær sé „réttur tími“ til að reyna að eignast barn. Pörin nefndu þörfina fyrir að finnast þau vera undirbúin fyrir foreldrahlutverkið, svo sem að hafa trygga félagslega stöðu, en að því búnu urðu þau móttækilegri fyrir ákvarðanatökuhvötum, svo sem áhrifum frá vinum og fjölskyldu. Óttivið ófrjósemi olli því að pörin flýttu ákvörðun sinni, óháð öðrum þáttum. Grein III varpar ljósi á ákvarðanatökuferlið sem leiðir til þess að leitað er aðstoðar sérfræðinga. Kjarnaflokkurinn (e. core category) var „að semja og endursemja“. Ferli ákvarðanatökunnar hefst með því að parið þarf að sætta sig viðað þau eigi við sameiginlegt vandamál að stríða, því næst þurfa þau að afla sér vitneskju, og loks að bregðast við ogleita hjálpar. Grein IV fjallar um ákvarðanatökuferlið meðan á meðferð stendur. Af 22 pörum, þá hafði 17 tekist að verða foreldrar eftir þrjú ár, þrjú pör voru enn að reyna og tvö pör höfðu ekki tekið ákvörðun um framhaldið. Kjarnaflokkurinn var „ að halda stjórn í ótryggum aðstæðum“. Pörin reyndu að einblína á markmiðið og að nota ýmsar aðferðir til þess að höndla nýjar aðstæður. Samantekt: Það er munur á uppbyggingu og aðgengi að þjónustu fyrir ófrjó pör milli Norðurlandanna. Sumir þessara mismunandi þátta, t.d. niðurgreiðslur og biðtími, höfðu áhrif á ákvarðanatökuferlið þar sem þeir gátu tafið meðferðina eða ráðið því hvort parið leitaði til einkastofu eða opinberrar stofnunar. Par samanstendur af tveimur einstaklingumhvor um sig með eigiðákvarðanatökuferli, en það gerir sameiginlega ákvarðanatöku erfiða og tímafreka. Parið verður að semja til að komast að sameiginlegri niðurstöðu, en þarf síðan í sífellu að endursemja um nýja möguleika sem koma fram. Ákvarðanatökuferlið eins og það snýr að ófrjósemi er ekki bein lína,heldur er það keðja af litlum ákvörðunum sem mótast af tilfinningum, samhengi og aðstæðum.

Decision-making for sustainable transport planning : reducing car dependency culture in Alexandria, Egypt

Hassan, Sara January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims at investigating the challenges and barriers of reducing car dependency culture to achieve urban sustainability in Egypt. This is operationalised by identifying different policy options and theoretically examining a nested-case study empirically. A more important purpose behind this academic enterprise was to find more robust and nuanced explanations of the constant failure of the transport planning system in Egyptian cities. The adoption of a cultural-oriented analytical framework to examine decision-making processes demonstrated a way forward in the re-evaluation of current transport policy directions in Egypt. The research applies qualitative methods to a nested case study in Alexandria through the Sustainable Urban Transport Project, 2032. The rigorous data-collection methods included extensive documentary analysis, elite interviews, semi-structured interviews and non-participant observations. The results obtained from applying these unconventional methods of social and political sciences in transport planning studies show the richness of these research methods in providing comprehensive explanations. This research illustrates the value of placing policy and transport-planning-related studies into the centre of different research positions. The main contributions of this research are grounded on a number of key research findings. First, the development of a cultural-oriented analytical framework based on the central thesis of polyrationality. Second, the research pioneers the approach of identifying the relevant stakeholders and contexts in transport decision-making processes in Egypt which serves as a basis for other future transport-related research for Egypt. This research builds the foundation for conducting multidisciplinary research for transport planning studies. The final contribution of this research suggests the need for mediators or policy analysts who have relevant education and knowledge in the transport planning sector to influence the decision-making processes.

Digital user's decision journey

Song, Yicheng 30 October 2017 (has links)
The landscape of the Internet is continually evolving. This creates huge opportunities for different industries to optimize vital channels online, resulting in various-forms of new Internet services. As a result, digital users are interacting with many digital systems and they are exhibiting dynamic behaviors. Their shopping behaviors are drastically different today than it used to be, with offline and online shopping interacting with each other. They have many channels to access online media but their consumption patterns on different channels are quite different. They do philanthropy online to help others but their heterogeneous motivations and different fundraising campaigns leads to distinct path-to-contribution. Understanding the digital user’s decision making process behind their dynamic behaviors is critical as they interact with various digital systems for the firms to improve user experience and improve their bottom line. In this thesis, I study digital users’ decision journeys and the corresponding digital technology firms’ strategies using inter-disciplinary approaches that combine econometrics, economic structural modeling and machine learning. The uncovered decision journey not only offer empirical managerial insights but also provide guideline for introducing intervention to better serve digital users.

Formation of market entry strategy with an interest in decision-making : A case study in a B2B context

Nilsson, Anna, Sala, Melanie January 2018 (has links)
Today’s business environment is growing at an increasing pace, pushing firms to internationalize. Foreign market entry has thereafter been a well-researched field by scholars. International market selection and entry mode choice are key strategic decisions a company must deal with when entering a foreign market and members of management team are entrusted with the responsibility of these complex decisions that will set the direction for the company. There have been many studies showing that internationalization is a sequential and gradual process leading companies to spread their activities to more markets that are geographically and culturally distant. These processes are involving riskier and more committed modes of entry. However, research concerning strategic decision making has shown that decisions made by management were not always rational and are influenced by external and internal factors which in turn influence the choices managers make. Market entry strategy fits into a broader theoretical subject which is the one of “strategy” and decisions. Following the principle that realized strategies are the result of planned and unplanned decisions, this research investigates how strategy related to foreign market entry emerge in a multinational company, with a specific interest in the decision-making process. A case study was conducted at a multinational company in a B2B context and the research is based on a qualitative approach, with empirical data collected from 10 in-depth interviews. After the empirical data was analysed it was concluded that strategy is not to be seen as a linear and sequential process nor as a set of objectives set in time. Foreign market entry strategy is the result of decisions involving market selection, entry mode choice, and product portfolio, and is subject to adjustments since it is affected by its internal and external environments.

Effects of risk tolerance in the effectuation and causation process on growth of entrepreneurial firms

Hechter, Philip Charel 01 July 2012 (has links)
There is a critical need for entrepreneurial action to stimulate the economy, this study aimed to investigate how entrepreneurs make decisions, how they perceive financial risk and how their decision-making linked to their risk profile translates into their firms’ financial growth. To do this study had to firstly, understand how entrepreneurs make decisions. Sarasvathy's (2001) seminal work in this field distinguished between entrepreneurs who follow an effectuation or a causation decision making process. Causation is compared to puzzle building where all the pieces are there, but needs to be assembled. Whereas effectuation is compared to patchwork quilting where the entrepreneur need to develop the opportunity while constantly changing direction as new information becomes available. The findings showed that causation logic is more common in terms of decision making with entrepreneurs, which is contrary to findings of Sarasvathy (2001). Secondly, this study set out to understand how entrepreneurs perceive financial risk by measuring their financial risk tolerance levels. This was measured independently for entrepreneurs following the effectuation as well as a causation approach. The results indicated that the majority of entrepreneurs were ranked in the moderate risk taking category according to the FinaMetrica model. Entrepreneurs who follow causation logic had a greater aptitude for risk than their counterparts who followed an effectuation approach. Thirdly, this study determined whether a statistically significant correlation existed between the decision-making approach, risk tolerance levels and the financial growth achieved by the entrepreneurial firm. This study did not find a statistically significant relationship between these constructs. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

The decision-making process of employing facilitators in inclusive primary schools

Mtsweni, Tumisang Ruth January 2013 (has links)
There is a growing phenomenon of employing facilitators in support of learners with learning disabilities in schools offering inclusive education; however there is a scarcity of literature internationally regarding the decision-making models used to make this critical decision. Furthermore, there is also no research done in South Africa regarding facilitators, nor on decision-making models used to determine the need for facilitators or how they should be hired. In spite of the benevolent intentions of parents and teachers who assign facilitators to learners with disabilities, research shows that facilitators are employed according to perceived needs rather than real needs. The research conducted in this study is qualitative in nature; the narrative case study explores the deliberation process of employing facilitators in a manner that provided a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. The study focused on three different schools (Remedial school, Traditional private school and Montessori) that perceive themselves as inclusive primary schools. The purpose of the study was to understand the decision-making process of the various stakeholders (parents, teachers, and facilitators) involved in making the decision to employ facilitators. Through the case the three respective schools were categorised into proactive, reactive or passive, based on their approach to appointing facilitators for special needs learners. It is evident from the case studies that the proactive school (Remedial school) had better success with facilitators than either the reactive (Montesorrri School) or the passive school (traditional private school). The pro-active school displayed a more coherent successful system amongst all stakeholders in the decision to employ a facilitator, while the passive school was somewhat functional mostly because the stakeholders understood the needs of the child. However the system employed by the reactive school was chaotic as all stakeholders were dissatisfied and the learners who were being facilitated suffered the most. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Účast veřejnosti na rozhodovacích procesech v rámci ochrany životního prostředí / Public participation in environmental decision-making processes

Hlaváčová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
Public participation in environmental decision-making processes Abstract The main goal of this dissertation is to analyse the current legal regulation of public participation in environmental decision-making processes and on the basis of such findings to contribute to the further development of this institute. Public participation in decision-making processes is an important tool for environmental protection, whether we look at it from the point of view of everyone's right to a favourable environment or as a separate value that needs to be protected for itself. It is a relatively new institute in the Czech legal system. Its gradual incorporation into Czech legislation has only occurred in the last 30 years, especially in connection with the Czech Republic's accession to the Aarhus Convention and the European Union. Despite its recognition at the international level, obligations arising for the Czech Republic from the Aarhus Convention and EU law and a number of benefits that come with it, the possibilities of the members of the public in the Czech Republic to participate in environmental decision-making has been significantly reduced in recent years. Therefore, in addition to the analysis of current legislation, the dissertation, to a limited extent, focus on the development of the institute of public...

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