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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expertní kapacity českých politických stran: případová studie obranné politiky / Expert capacities of the Czech political parties: case study of defence policy

Bayerová, Anežka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with marginally explored area of expert capacities of the Czech political parties with respect to the different organizational types of selected political parties and movements. The work aims to find out what expert capacities work for these types of political parties, how these experts are recruited in their position, whether it corresponds to their educational background and professional experiences with function, which are they holding in the expert authority. Work is elaborated in the form of case study, which focuses on the activities of defense policy expert commissions. The text is divided into two theoretical and one empirical chapters. The first chapter deals with the process of policy-making, its actors and activities associated with this process. The second chapter defines the various types of political parties first from the mainstream perspective (cadre, mass, catch-all parties), which complements the modern concept of business party and finally there is a typology of S. Wolinetz (office-seeking, vote-seeking, policy-seeking parties). The last empirical chapter presents the case study focused on four Czech political parties (TOP 09, KSČM, ČSSD and political movement ANO 2011) and their access to party expertise. The result of this work is to compare the level of analytical capacity across selected political parties/movements and testing of hypotheses formulated in the introduction of the thesis.

Deficit strategického vládnutí v obranné politice ČR / Deficit of strategic governance in defense policy of the Czech Republic

Urban, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
Diploma work "Deficit of strategic governance in defense policy of the Czech Republic" describes actual situation in the area of strategic governance of defense policy. The unsatisfactory situation is documented mainly by unsteady environment of the department from personnel point of view and also by the situation of the selected modernization projects. Based on the analysis of the main participants and selected cases it is possible to describe the main causes of the deficit of strategic governance as general, common in the politic environment of the Czech Republic. It means that the deficit does not concern only the department of defense. However, this area is very specific, which may cause further complications, e.g. the concealment of the facts due to state security or special regime of the purchase of army equipment. The influence on state governance of the political parties (or groups of power within these parties) may be named as the main negative issue. Based on the analysis of the actual cases it is possible to indicate the key measure for solution of the deficit. The political parties should not interfere into personal policy of public servants and the corruption must be eliminated.

Balancing consensus, consent, and competence: Richard Russell, the senate armed services committee & oversight of America’s defense, 1955-1968

Klimas, Joshua 11 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The relationship between the European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Balkans

Schickler, Bonnie 01 January 2008 (has links)
Since the establishment of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) in 1991, the European Union has quickly been developing as an international security and defense actor. However, the fall of Yugoslavia exposed the EU's shortcomings regarding its foreign policy initiatives. Its failure in the region became a turning point for EU foreign and security policy decision making. Since the crisis in Yugoslavia, the EU has been able to overcome national interests, political disagreements, and failed operations to establish itself as a powerful actor in the international community. It has been able to display its military capability as well as bring political stability to troubled areas around the world. This thesis explores the history of European foreign policy decision-making as well as the difficulties associated with its development. The goal of this research is to determine what effect the crisis in Yugoslavia has had on the European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy. I analyze the policies and actions of the European Union towards the Western Balkans as well as the development of the EU's foreign and security policy since the crisis in Yugoslavia ended. This research will provide an explanation as to how the European Union was able to recover from its failure in Yugoslavia by creating its own military capability, increasing cohesiveness among its member-states, and eventually improving its status in the international community.

Investigação econômica sobre o sistema brasileiro de defesa da concorrência, 2000 a 2004 / Economic investigation of the brazilian competition defense system, 2000 to 2004

Barbosa, Cleber 17 April 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como proposta a análise sobre a investigação econômica efetuada nos casos de atos de concentração empresarial, no período de 2000 a 2004, dentro do objetivo geral de avaliar o Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência. Procurou-se identificar aspectos que possam caracterizar o padrão e o modo com que são instruídos os processos sobre operações empresariais que são produzidos em razão da Lei 8.884/94. O referencial teórico para a análise foram os conceitos microeconômicos da teoria neoclássica e os da teoria industrial de potencial aplicação à defesa da concorrência. A justificativa para o presente estudo baseou-se no entendimento de que, por um lado, a importância da política de defesa da concorrência é crescente, tendo em vista a expansão freqüente e contínua dos mercados e empresas, o que impõe a necessidade de uma ordem econômica eficaz no papel de preservar a eficiência e o bem-estar econômico dos mercados; por outro lado, pela constatação de que a experiência antitruste brasileira é relativamente recente, pois ainda não se conhece, na prática, como, quais e em que níveis de limitação os conceitos e instrumentos econômicos disponíveis são aplicados no momento de análise dos casos de sua competência. O Guia para Análise Econômica de Atos de Concentração Horizontal, documento oficial do SBDC, foi a referência utilizada para avaliar o método de análise econômica do SBDC, tendo sido comparado com os guias de três das principais legislações antitrustes internacionais, a saber: os Estados Unidos, o Reino Unido e a União Européia. A conclusão geral é de que, a despeito de diversos problemas de aplicação metodológica do ferramental econômico utilizado, o modo de investigação econômica do SBDC não está muito distante daquele das principais agências de defesa da concorrência internacionais. A aplicação de métodos quantitativos como padrão de análise ainda é um desafio para o desenvolvimento da investigação econômica antitruste no Brasil, tendo em vista diversos fatores (estruturais e de natureza teórica) restritivos à sua aplicação. Um dos fatores seriam as limitações relacionadas à obtenção de dados adequados que possam permitir a construção de modelos realistas aos casos examinados e, de forma tempestiva, atender aos prazos legais de análise antitruste. Foram examinados pareceres econômicos realizados pela Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econômico (SEAE) e julgamentos efetuados pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) referentes a operações de concentração horizontal. Especificamente, buscou-se identificar o papel da SEAE como órgão de instrução econômica ao CADE e os instrumentos e conceitos utilizados por ambas as agências de defesa da concorrência. Considerando que o contexto econômico cada vez mais é o internacional, o presente trabalho discutiu a estrutura da Política de Defesa da Concorrência Internacional no âmbito dos principais acordos de cooperação internacionais atualmente existentes. Verificou-se que as recomendações da SEAE e boa parte de sua argumentação econômica são acompanhadas pelo CADE, o que sugere admitir que a primeira cumpre o papel de assessoria econômica às atividades de julgamentos antitrustes pelo segundo. / This work proposes to analyze the economic investigation carried out on cases of business concentration, during the period from 2000 to 2004, with the overall objective of evaluating the Brazilian Competition Defense System. It aims to identify aspects that may characterize the pattern and mode through which business operation processes are addressed, as a result of Law 8.884/94. Economic rulings presented by the Secretary for Economic Monitoring (SEAE) were analyzed and judgments (decisions, judgments and deliberations) made by the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (CADE) concerning horizontal concentration operations were verified. Another aim is to specifically identify the role played by SEAE as an economics consulting organ to CADE, as well as the tools and concepts used by both business competition defense agencies. Given the increasingly international context, this work addresses the structure of the international business competition defense policy within the scope of the main international agreements of cooperation currently made. The justification for this study is based, on the one hand, on the understanding of the growing importance of a business competition defense policy, as a result of a frequent and continuous expansion of the market and enterprises - which calls for the need of an effective economic order to preserve efficiency and well-being - and, on the other hand, on the realization that the Brazilian anti trust experience is relatively recent, lacking the practical knowledge of how, which, and at what levels of limitation the economic concepts and tools available are applied when analyzing domestic cases. The theoretical base used for the analysis is the microeconomic concepts of neoclassic and industrial theory with a potential application to business competition defense. The Guideline for Economic Analysis of Horizontal Concentration Acts, an official SBDC document, is the reference used to evaluate the method of economic analysis of SBDC and is compared to the guidelines of three of the main international antitrust legislations, namely, those of USA, UK, and EU. The overall conclusion is that, despite several problems of methodological application of the economic tools applied, the way the economic investigation of SBDC is conducted is not very different from that of the main international competition defense agencies. The application of quantitative methods as a standard of analysis is still a challenge for the development of anti trust economic investigation in Brazil, since several factors (of structural and theoretical nature) limit their use. One of the factors would be the limitations related to obtaining adequate data to allow the creation of realistic models for the cases examined and, in a timely way, be able to meet the legal deadlines of anti trust analysis. It was verified that SEAE recommendations and a considerable portion of its economic rationale are monitored by CADE, what leads to admit that the former performs the role of economic consultant to the latter’ s anti trust decision activities.

Le rôle, l'importance et l'implication de la Turquie dans la construction de l'Europe de la défense : perspectives et opportunités / The role, the importance and the implication of Turkey in the construction of European defense policy : perspectives and opportunities

Antunes, Camille 04 September 2012 (has links)
L’intégration de la Turquie à l’Union européenne pose la question de l’essence de cette construction, de ses origines, de son devenir et de sa sécurité. Cette thèse a pour objet de proposer une analyse de l’évolution des coopérations politiques et militaires entre l’Europe et la Turquie, d’en envisager les perspectives et les opportunités futures, à travers l’étude des paramètres passés et actuels de la Politique de défense et de sécurité commune, mais également de l’implication et du rôle de la Turquie dans la construction de l’Europe de la défense depuis 1945. Il s’agit de cerner les enjeux de ce débat, à la lumière des approches convergentes et divergentes de la sécurité européenne et internationale des deux partenaires. Il s’agit également de circonscrire les lacunes, définir les besoins et déterminer le cadre adéquat de l’existence de ce partenariat, au regard des mutations récentes de la scène internationale. Du début de la République kémaliste à nos jours, la Turquie, dans l’étau des continents européen et asiatique, a préféré s’associer et imaginer son futur avec les Européens. La position inédite de la Turquie dans l’architecture de la défense européenne repose sur l’attachement de la Turquie au cercle occidental, à ses valeurs et à ses desseins. Elle a toujours cherché à participer et à peser dans l’équation de la sécurité en Europe. La Turquie est membre de l’OTAN, de l’OSCE et coopère avec les Européens en matière de sécurité, grâce aux multiples forums institutionnalisés à cet effet et auxquels elle contribue. La Turquie est européenne dans sa démarche de sécurité. Elle est de culture plurielle mais toujours liée aux intérêts occidentaux, dont elle partage les valeurs et les comportements de sécurité. Malgré une Histoire contemporaine commune, échaudée par des différends encore d’actualité, comme la situation sur l’île de Chypre, elle n’est pas perçue par la communauté internationale comme faisant définitivement partie du bloc occidental. La Turquie est considérée comme un pont, un rempart ou une médiatrice entre deux mondes, que certains analystes comme Samuel Huntington, aime opposer. La Politique de sécurité et de défense commune de l’Union européenne souffre de nombreux maux. Les Etats membres n’accordent pas suffisamment de crédits à cette politique non intégrée et ne lui offre pas les moyens capacitaires de mettre en oeuvre la Stratégie européenne de sécurité. Elle est mise en échec par le manque de détermination politique des Etats membres et par leur trop faible engagement diplomatique et militaire. Les différentes politiques mises en place depuis la signature des accords Berlin plus ont certes permis la conduite de nombreuses opérations militaires et civiles, mais elles ont maintenu certaines problématiques, accentuées par l’élargissement de l’Union européenne. Néanmoins la clarification des relations transatlantiques, dont la Turquie est à l’initiative, peut être considérée comme l’alpha de la légitimation du développement d’une Europe de la défense parallèle à l’OTAN. La démarche constructiviste privilégiée dans cette thèse, invite le lecteur à lire le chantier de la sécurité européenne comme construit par les apports et les perceptions, intérieurs et extérieurs au projet européen. [...] / The Turkish candidacy to European Union points out the question of the origins, the future and the security construction of EU. Through the studies of past and actual parameters of the defense and security common policy and also regarding the involvement of Turkey in the construction of EU defense policy, this thesis proposes an analysis of the politic and military cooperation's between Turkey and EU members from 1945 until today. The Turkish and the European visions of European and international security might converge or diverge somehow, but our aim is to determinate the challenges, the needs, and the lacks of their partnership in order to draw a compatible frame according to the recent changes of the international scene. The Constructivist approach highlighted in this thesis, invites the reader to understand the European project of security as designed by the internai and external feedings and perceptions to the European project. Taking into account the past common initiatives, and keeping in mind the feedbacks related to the needs of both Common Security and Defense Policy and Turkish security system; it seems obvious to question ourselves on the benefits of the enlargement to Turkey for the EU security policy (1). It appears possible to understand the future dimension of European and Turkish policies, but also to appreciate their potential impact on the global order, by the analysis of the several European apprehensions and the political evolution of Turkey (II).

Investigação econômica sobre o sistema brasileiro de defesa da concorrência, 2000 a 2004 / Economic investigation of the brazilian competition defense system, 2000 to 2004

Cleber Barbosa 17 April 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como proposta a análise sobre a investigação econômica efetuada nos casos de atos de concentração empresarial, no período de 2000 a 2004, dentro do objetivo geral de avaliar o Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência. Procurou-se identificar aspectos que possam caracterizar o padrão e o modo com que são instruídos os processos sobre operações empresariais que são produzidos em razão da Lei 8.884/94. O referencial teórico para a análise foram os conceitos microeconômicos da teoria neoclássica e os da teoria industrial de potencial aplicação à defesa da concorrência. A justificativa para o presente estudo baseou-se no entendimento de que, por um lado, a importância da política de defesa da concorrência é crescente, tendo em vista a expansão freqüente e contínua dos mercados e empresas, o que impõe a necessidade de uma ordem econômica eficaz no papel de preservar a eficiência e o bem-estar econômico dos mercados; por outro lado, pela constatação de que a experiência antitruste brasileira é relativamente recente, pois ainda não se conhece, na prática, como, quais e em que níveis de limitação os conceitos e instrumentos econômicos disponíveis são aplicados no momento de análise dos casos de sua competência. O Guia para Análise Econômica de Atos de Concentração Horizontal, documento oficial do SBDC, foi a referência utilizada para avaliar o método de análise econômica do SBDC, tendo sido comparado com os guias de três das principais legislações antitrustes internacionais, a saber: os Estados Unidos, o Reino Unido e a União Européia. A conclusão geral é de que, a despeito de diversos problemas de aplicação metodológica do ferramental econômico utilizado, o modo de investigação econômica do SBDC não está muito distante daquele das principais agências de defesa da concorrência internacionais. A aplicação de métodos quantitativos como padrão de análise ainda é um desafio para o desenvolvimento da investigação econômica antitruste no Brasil, tendo em vista diversos fatores (estruturais e de natureza teórica) restritivos à sua aplicação. Um dos fatores seriam as limitações relacionadas à obtenção de dados adequados que possam permitir a construção de modelos realistas aos casos examinados e, de forma tempestiva, atender aos prazos legais de análise antitruste. Foram examinados pareceres econômicos realizados pela Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econômico (SEAE) e julgamentos efetuados pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) referentes a operações de concentração horizontal. Especificamente, buscou-se identificar o papel da SEAE como órgão de instrução econômica ao CADE e os instrumentos e conceitos utilizados por ambas as agências de defesa da concorrência. Considerando que o contexto econômico cada vez mais é o internacional, o presente trabalho discutiu a estrutura da Política de Defesa da Concorrência Internacional no âmbito dos principais acordos de cooperação internacionais atualmente existentes. Verificou-se que as recomendações da SEAE e boa parte de sua argumentação econômica são acompanhadas pelo CADE, o que sugere admitir que a primeira cumpre o papel de assessoria econômica às atividades de julgamentos antitrustes pelo segundo. / This work proposes to analyze the economic investigation carried out on cases of business concentration, during the period from 2000 to 2004, with the overall objective of evaluating the Brazilian Competition Defense System. It aims to identify aspects that may characterize the pattern and mode through which business operation processes are addressed, as a result of Law 8.884/94. Economic rulings presented by the Secretary for Economic Monitoring (SEAE) were analyzed and judgments (decisions, judgments and deliberations) made by the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (CADE) concerning horizontal concentration operations were verified. Another aim is to specifically identify the role played by SEAE as an economics consulting organ to CADE, as well as the tools and concepts used by both business competition defense agencies. Given the increasingly international context, this work addresses the structure of the international business competition defense policy within the scope of the main international agreements of cooperation currently made. The justification for this study is based, on the one hand, on the understanding of the growing importance of a business competition defense policy, as a result of a frequent and continuous expansion of the market and enterprises – which calls for the need of an effective economic order to preserve efficiency and well-being – and, on the other hand, on the realization that the Brazilian anti trust experience is relatively recent, lacking the practical knowledge of how, which, and at what levels of limitation the economic concepts and tools available are applied when analyzing domestic cases. The theoretical base used for the analysis is the microeconomic concepts of neoclassic and industrial theory with a potential application to business competition defense. The Guideline for Economic Analysis of Horizontal Concentration Acts, an official SBDC document, is the reference used to evaluate the method of economic analysis of SBDC and is compared to the guidelines of three of the main international antitrust legislations, namely, those of USA, UK, and EU. The overall conclusion is that, despite several problems of methodological application of the economic tools applied, the way the economic investigation of SBDC is conducted is not very different from that of the main international competition defense agencies. The application of quantitative methods as a standard of analysis is still a challenge for the development of anti trust economic investigation in Brazil, since several factors (of structural and theoretical nature) limit their use. One of the factors would be the limitations related to obtaining adequate data to allow the creation of realistic models for the cases examined and, in a timely way, be able to meet the legal deadlines of anti trust analysis. It was verified that SEAE recommendations and a considerable portion of its economic rationale are monitored by CADE, what leads to admit that the former performs the role of economic consultant to the latter’ s anti trust decision activities.


Yuksel, Engin 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The study examines Turkey&rsquo / s responses in the face of the formation of European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). The political responses over ESDP have two dimensions. From the viewpoint of Turkey, at the beginning she intended to participate in the process of decision making structure of the ESDP. Therefore, it can be concluded that Turkey is not against the formation of the ESDP. However, as a non-EU European NATO member, Turkey&rsquo / s integration into European security and defense was welcomed but she was excluded from the strategic decision making structure of ESDP. As a result of this, formation of ESDP undermined the position of Turkey who has rights inherited over European security from Western European Union Associate and NATO Memberships. As Turkey was excluded from the decision making structure of ESDP, she put reservations to the EU-NATO cooperation as a NATO member. Secondly, from the viewpoint of European Union, she is trying to keep the decision making authority of ESDP in EU itself by excluding non-EU European states. Besides, Turkey&rsquo / s full integration into European Security and Defense Policy was made contingent to the Turkey&rsquo / s European Union membership. Turkey&rsquo / s EU membership process should not be linked with her full participation, including decision making structure of the ESDP. European defense developments were considered to be as a challenge to NATO and US superiority in Europe. Developments in European defense and Turkey&rsquo / s participation in this process were also examined in this study.

Britain And European Security Integration:british Perspectives On European Security Matters Between 1945-2003

Orhan, Buket Pinar 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis analyzes security perception of Britain within the framework of European security integration. The time that is covered in the thesis is between 1945 and 2003. The thesis exam,ines the assumptions constructing British position and intends to reveal that each of the country in Europe has possessed its own perception of security and defense within this significant process, and that -one of whose position made a profound impact on further development of European security and defense policies. That is the position of Britain. This study, therefore, will try to reveal the position of Britain and her policies in terms of European efforts for having a common identity on security and defense.

Controle e autonomia nas gestões Kirchner e Fernández de Kirchner (2003-2011): a Argentina na construção do Conselho de Defesa Sul-Americano / Control and autonomy in Kirchner and Fernández de Kirchner's government (2003-2011): Argentina and the construction Council of South America Defense

Pereira, Matheus de Oliveira [UNESP] 23 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by MATHEUS DE OLIVEIRA PEREIRA null (matheus.mop@gmail.com) on 2016-05-31T19:43:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 final_PEREIRA, Matheus. Controle e Autonomia nas gestões Néstor Kirchner e Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2003-2011) - A Argentina e a Construção do Conselho de Defesa Sul-Americano.pdf: 1367480 bytes, checksum: 3c13ec7636137f9a66b33f25c68f63f0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-06-01T14:25:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 pereira_mo_me_mar.pdf: 1367480 bytes, checksum: 3c13ec7636137f9a66b33f25c68f63f0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-01T14:25:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pereira_mo_me_mar.pdf: 1367480 bytes, checksum: 3c13ec7636137f9a66b33f25c68f63f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A dissertação aborda as políticas externa e de defesa da Argentina entre 2003 e 2011, perquirindo o significado da participação do país no Conselho de Defesa Sul-Americano para essas duas dimensões. Trabalhamos com a hipótese que a adesão e a forma da atuação da Argentina no CDS podem ser compreendidas à luz da atenção a um conjunto de interesses do país tanto do ponto de vista interno como internacional. Nesse sentido, o argumento apresentado possui três aspectos principais: 1) a cristalização do controle sobre os militares e da cooperação internacional na práxis da defesa; 2) uma ação diplomática voltada a obter maior autonomia, sem que isso implique em confrontação ou ruptura nas relações exteriores; 3) a lógica própria das relações argentino-brasileiras. Apresenta-se ainda uma possibilidade interpretativa para a atuação do país no CDS: o de exercício de uma posição de liderança a partir da regionalização de um conjunto de definições normativas no campo da defesa. No trabalho, adota-se uma abordagem que combina história e conjuntura, realizada a partir de revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa empírica a partir de fontes primárias. / The dissertation deals with Argentina's foreign and defense policies between 2003 and 2011, analyzing the meaning of country's participation in the construction of the Council of South American Defense. We worked with the hypothesis that Argentina's adherence and action in the CDS can be understood in light of the attention to a set of the country's interests, both from an internal viewpoint and internationally. The main argument can be summarized in three faces: 1) the setting of civil control and international cooperation in the practice of defense policy; 2) a diplomatic action driven in search for higher margins of autonomy, interpreted through a specific lens; 3) the particular logic of Argentine-Brazilian relations. An additional propose of interpretation is offered, considering the interest of Argentinian government in exercise of a leadership based on the regionalization of a set of normative definitions in the defense field. In this work, we adopt an approach that combines history and conjuncture, based on literature review and empirical research from primary sources.

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