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Contemporary Genetic Tools for in Vivo Investigations of H3K27 Demethylases in Zebrafish CardiogenesisAkerberg, Alexander 21 November 2016 (has links)
Dynamic histone modification has emerged as a robust and versatile regulator of gene expression in eukaryotic cells. One such modification, the trimethylation of lysine 27 on histone H3 (H3K27me3) is facilitated by the Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) and contributes to the localized repression of transcription. Subsequently, lysine specific demethylase Kdm6b (Jmjd3) can relieve the repressive H3K27me3 mark, allowing for transcriptional activation. In vitro studies have suggested a role for Kdm6b during mesodermal and cardiovascular differentiation in mammalian embryonic stem cells; however, this relationship has yet to be characterized in vivo. I utilized the advantages of the zebrafish model to investigate the in vivo roles of Kdm6b-family demethylases during development using a reverse genetic approach.
I carried out two independent loss-of-function studies to analyze the role of Kdm6b-family demethylases during embryonic development in zebrafish. By comparing genetic loss-of-function and morpholino-mediated knockdown approaches, I found that morpholino–mediated knockdown of kdm6bb transcript produces off-target effects and does not portray an accurate representation of in vivo function. I then show that, while not required for early cardiogenesis, histone demethylases kdm6ba and kdm6bb function redundantly to promote late stage proliferation during heart ventricle trabeculation. These data reveal a previously unknown functional relationship and support the hypothesis that Kdm6b-family demethylases function primarily during later stages of development. Additionally, my description of morpholino-induced off-target effects supports the need to use extreme caution when interpreting morphant phenotypes.
Due to the embryonic lethality exhibited by kdm6b-deficient embryos and the limited tools available for spatiotemporal transgene control in zebrafish, I was unable to investigate demethylase function within adult animals. I attempted to circumvent these limitations by creating an inducible gene expression system that uses tissue-specific transgenes that express the Gal4 transcription factor fused to the estrogen-binding domain of the human estrogen receptor. I showed that these Gal4-ERT driver lines confer rapid, tissue-specific induction of UAS-controlled transgenes following tamoxifen exposure in both embryos and adult fish. I then demonstrated how this technology could be used to define developmental windows of gene function by spatiotemporally controlling expression of constitutively active Notch1 in embryos.
This dissertation contains previously published co-authored material.
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Dissecting the biological roles of Kdm3b and Kdm3a lysine demethylasesKasioulis, Ioannis January 2015 (has links)
Lysine demethylases are a newly discovered group of enzymes that have rapidly expanded over evolutionary time by the acquisition of multiple functional domains, in addition to the unifying catalytic JmjC domain. There are thirty members of the JmjC-domain family in humans. A proportion of lysine demethylases catalyse the removal of methyl modifications from lysine residues of histones and non-histone proteins. The discovery of mutations in histone demethylase genes, in a number of human syndromes, stresses the functional importance of these enzymes in development and disease. Therefore, the phenotypic dissection of animal models of histone lysine demethylases will provide invaluable insights into the molecular mechanisms that underlie human disease. In mammals, the Kdm3 family of histone demethylases includes Kdm3a, Kdm3b, Jmjd1c and Hairless. However, in zebrafish, there are two kdm3 genes, one of which encodes a protein similar to both the mammalian Kdm3a and Kdm3b. Morpholino knock-down of the kdm3 gene in zebrafish faithfully recapitulates classical ciliary phenotypes, although the underlying causalities are still unclear. In recent years, Kdm3a function has been extensively dissected through the use of mouse models and cell culture studies, focusing on the nuclear histone demethylation function. Kdm3a gene-trap and knock-out mouse models present with obesity, infertility, sex reversal and predisposal to diabetes, reminiscent of a human ciliopathy syndrome. No mouse models for Kdm3b have been characterised yet. In this study, I hypothesized that the murine Kdm3a and Kdm3b histone demethylases have diverged biological roles and that the zebrafish kdm3 fulfils the functions of both. The aims of my thesis were: 1) to compare the evolutionary conservation of the zebrafish kdm3 and murine Kdm3b in function and check their spatial expression, 2) to dissect the phenotype of Kdm3b gene-trapped mice and 3) to characterise an alternative murine Kdm3a isoform. Protein sequence comparison studies show that the zebrafish kdm3 protein is closer in sequence to the mammalian Kdm3b. Both the zebrafish kdm3 and murine Kdm3b are di-methyl lysine 9 (H3K9me2) demethylases, however, they have diverged spatial expression during embryogenesis. In agreement with the phenotype of kdm3 morphants, over-expression of the zebrafish kdm3 reduces ciliation efficiency when transfected into animal cells. Notably, the phenotype analysis of Kdm3b gene-trapped mice does not resemble classical ciliary phenotypes, as one would expect from the zebrafish data. Homozygous Kdm3b gene-trapped mice are postnatally growth retarded, with plausible defects in thymus organ development. Interestingly, an alternative murine Kdm3a isoform (Kdm3a-i2) shows both nuclear and cytoplasmic localisation. Over-expression studies revealed that Kdm3ai2 retains its histone demethylation function, and a proportion of the over-expressed construct localises to the centrosome. In addition, over-expression of Kdm3a-i2 reduces ciliation efficiency. Overall, the data from my studies suggests that: 1) the zebrafish kdm3 is more similar in sequence to the murine Kdm3b than Kdm3a, is a histone demethylase and has a distinct spatial expression during embryogenesis. However, the phenotype of kdm3 zebrafish morphants is more closely related to the Kdm3a-than Kdm3bdeficient mice, 2) the murine Kdm3a and Kdm3b have distinct biological roles, as evidenced by the mouse models, 3) the Kdm3a-i2 isoform shares the same nuclear demethylation function as the full length Kdm3a and has a plausible centrosomal function.
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Funktion der Histon-Demethylase Kdm6a während der Teratombildung / Function of the histone demethylase KDM6A during teratoma formationSerfling, Sebastian January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Pluripotente Zellen sind sowohl in der Stammzellforschung als auch für regenerative Therapieansätze von großer Bedeutung. Erste Stammzelltherapien sind bereits erfolgreich am Menschen durchgeführt worden. Besonders wichtig ist die Sicherheit der Therapie, um Risiken, wie die „Entartung“ von Stammzellen zu Tumorzellen, zu minimieren. Als Ansatzpunkt für einheitliche Therapie-Standards, sind z.B. genaue Angaben zur Anzahl injizierter Zellen, dem Injektionsort und Biomarker (wie Pluripotenz- und Differenzierungs-Marker) zur Kategorisierung der Stammzellen zu nennen. Während der Embryonalentwicklung spielen die Polycomb-Proteinkomplexe PCR1 und PCR2 eine maßgebliche Rolle beim Aufrechterhalten der Pluripotenz, weil sie Chromatin-Modifikationen, wie z.B. Histonmethylierungen vermitteln und so die Genexpression kontrollieren können. Lange Zeit wurde angenommen, dass Histon-Methylierungen irreversibel sind, doch mit Entdeckung der Lysin-spezifischen Demethylase 1 (LSD1) wurde diese Sichtweise revidiert. Ein Mitglied der derzeit bekannten 32 Histon-Demethylasen ist Kdm6a (UTX), die die Histon-Demethylierung des Lysins an der Aminosäure-Position 27 von Histon H3 (H3K27me2/3) katalysiert. Kdm6a spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Embryogenese und wurde in der hier vorgestellten Arbeit am Teratommodell, einem benignen Keimzelltumor, untersucht.
In dieser Arbeit wurden Teratome von Mäusen untersucht, die aus embryonalen Stammzellen (ESC) mit Wildtyp- und shRNA vermittelter reduzierter Expression oder durch genetisch kontrollierten Knockdown sowie Knockout entstand sind. Diese wurden anschließend nach histologischen (H&E-Färbungen), histochemischen (PCNA-, SSEA-1- und TUNEL-Färbungen) sowie Analyse der Genexpressionsmuster aller drei Keimblätter mittels RT-PCR untersucht und ausgewertet.
Sowohl Wildtyp als auch Kdm6a-Knockdown und Knockout-Teratome bildeten Gewebe der drei Keimblätter aus. In Teratomen mit supprimierter Kdm6a-Expression gab es jedoch Unterschiede in der Bildung mesodermaler und endodermaler Gewebe mit einer signifikanten Abnahme von Knorpel- und Muskelgewebe. Da sich Kdm6a-defiziente Teratome zu wesentlich größeren Tumoren als Wildtyp-Teratome entwickelten, wurde deren Proliferations-, Pluripotenz- und Apoptose-Verhalten mittels PCNA und SSEA-1 und TUNEL histochemischen Färbungen untersucht. Wir beobachteten in Knockout-Teratomen eine höhere Anzahl von PCNA- und SSEA-1-positiven Zellen. Daraus folgt, dass Kdm6a-defiziente ESCs - im Gegensatz zu Wildtyp ESCs - zur Bildung von Teratomen mit einer höheren Anzahl von proliferierenden und pluripotenten Zellen neigen. In der Fraktion apoptotischer Zellen (TUNEL positiver Zellen) der Kdm6a-defizienten Teratome gab es keinen signifikanten Unterschied zu Teratomen, die aus Wildtyp-ESCs entstanden.
Nach Analyse der Genexpressionsmuster fanden wir in Zellen, in denen Kdm6a reprimiert bzw. deaktiviert wurde, einen Verlust der Pluripotenz und folglich eine starke Reduzierung der Pluripotenzmarker Oct4, Sox2 und Nanog. Die Analyse des Genexpressionsmusters läßt vermuten, dass der Verlust bzw. die Abnahme der Kdm6a-Aktivität in direkten Zusammenhang mit einer Abnahme der Pluripotenz durch Methylierung von H3K27 steht. Weitere Analysen, z.B. durch ChIP (Chromatin Immun-Präzipitations-) Assays mit H3K27me2/3 spezifischen Antikörpern, sind nötig, um dies endgültig zu beweisen. Unsere Arbeiten zeigten, dass die Kdm6-Demethylase-Aktivität essentiell für den Erhalt der Pluripotenz von embryonalen Stammzellen ist. / The histone demethylase KDM6A is essential to maintain pluripotency in teratoma cells and for mesodermal differentiation.
Also the KDM6A knockout teratomas are bigger and exhibit an increased cell proliferation rate
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Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking a jumonji domain containing histone demethylase and a set domain containing histone methyl transferaseReddy, Swetha Mamidi 07 August 2010 (has links)
Condensation of chromatin and alteration of chemical groups in the proteins around which the DNA is wrapped play major role in regulation of transcription. Histones are basic proteins rich in arginine and lysine residues which form the nucleosomal core. Histone modifications like acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, etc. have broadened the horizon for researchers to study epigenetics more in detail. Histone methyl transferases and histone demethyl transferases are enzymes which add or remove methyl groups on histone lysine and arginine residues respectively. In this study a jumonji domain containing putative histone demethyltransferase has been shown to be responsible in controlling flowering phenotype in Arabidopsis thaliana. The knocked out mutants for this gene (JMJ14) showed an early flowering phenotype along with elevated levels of FT transcript (Flowering locus T, gene responsible for controlling the flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana). We show that methylation was altered on H3K36 in the FT ene in the mutants using ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments). The possible role of SDG8 gene, a histone methyl transferase in ABA signaling was also studied during the research. A SET domain containing Sdg8 (group 8 methyltransferase) mutant was found to be responsible for ABA signaled altered root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. The cell number and cell size in roots decreased in both meristematic and elongation zones leading to decrease in root size in sdg8 mutants and number of root hairs increased when treated with Abscisic acid, a plant hormone. In this part of study, as part of an interaction between epigenetics and gene regulation, it was observed that a putative histone demethylase gene, JMJ14 was responsible for regulating the flowering time by controlling the expression of FT and SDG8 played a role in altered root growth in response to ABA in Arabidopsis thaliana. Further studies on these genes could lead to generation of commercial crops with phenotypes that would increase the plant productivity and be beneficial agronomically.
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Investigation of the Binding of FTO to the N6-methyladenosine Modification and Evaluating the Ability of the MTR-pep1 Peptide to Inhibit its Demethylase ActivitySchmocker, Stefani P. 26 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigating the effect of hypoxia on the JmjC histone lysine demethylase KDM4AHancock, Rebecca L. January 2016 (has links)
The JmjC-histone lysine demethylases (JmjC-KDMs) are epigenetic regulators responsible for the demethylation of methylated lysine residues on the N-terminal histone tails. As Fe<sup>2+</sup> and 2-oxoglutarate dependent oxygenases (2OG oxygenases), the JmjC-KDMs possess an absolute requirement for molecular oxygen and are related to the cellular oxygen sensing HIF hydroxylases, PHD2 and FIH. Several JmjC-KDMs are known HIF target genes, hence are upregulated in hypoxia. Moreover, a number of JmjC-KDMs have been shown to have differential oxygen dependences, while aberrant histone methylation has been observed in both hypoxic cells and disease states such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. The work described in this thesis aimed to investigate the impact of hypoxia on the JmjC-KDM, KDM4A. In vitro kinetic analyses revealed a K<sub>m</sub><sup>app</sup>(O<sub>2</sub>) for recombinant KDM4A of 173 ± 23 μM, which is higher than reported values for the 2OG oxygenases C-P4H, mPAHX and even FIH, and approaching those evaluated for the key oxygen sensor PHD2 (230-1746 μM). These results indicate that KDM4A activity is highly sensitive to oxygen availability, and has the biochemical potential to act as an oxygen sensor in the context of epigenetic regulation. Subsequent investigation of the cellular oxygen dependence of KDM4A, and found that the activity of ectopically expressed KDM4A in U2OS cells demonstrates a graded response to oxygen. Importantly, this trend correlates with the in vitro results, providing further evidence that hypoxia may impact upon epigenetic regulation by the JmjC-KDMs. The various factors that may contribute to the hypoxic inhibition of KDM4A were investigated both in vitro and in cells. The results of these studies suggested that altered concentrations of TCA cycle intermediates, comprising reduced levels of the 2OG oxygenase co-substrate 2OG and increased concentrations of the reported inhibitor 2HG, are likely to only minimally affect the activity of KDM4A in hypoxia. Interestingly, the 2OG oxygenase inhibitor IOX1 possessed increased inhibitory potency against KDM4A under conditions of low oxygen, implying that the use of mixed-mode inhibitors against KDM4A may be of therapeutic benefit in hypoxic disease states. This may be of particular pertinence to cardiac hypertrophy (CH), in which KDM4A activity is reported to have pathophysiological consequences. In a collaboration with Dr Tim McKinsey (University of Colorado, Denver), the KDM4 inhibitor CCT1 was tested in a phenotypic screen of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, the results of which further support a role for KDM4A in this disease, and suggest that the use of small-molecule inhibitors of KDM4A may be a viable therapeutic strategy in CH. Finally, the effect of reactive oxygen species, levels of which may be increased in hypoxia, on KDM4A activity was explored. Recombinant KDM4A was found to be acutely sensitive to inhibition by hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) when compared to the HIF hydroxylases PHD2 and FIH. These results imply that KDM4A may act as a sensor of oxidative stress at the chromatin level, and further investigation in a more biologically relevant context is proposed. Overall, the work described herein demonstrates that the activity of KDM4A is sensitive to oxygen availability, a phenomenon that is likely to have significant implications for epigenetic regulation in hypoxia and the expression of KDM4A-regulated genes in ischaemic disease states.
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Caractérisation fonctionnelle de JMJ24, une déméthylase d’histone de la famille JUMONJI, chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Functional characterization of JMJ24, a histone demethylase of the JUMONJI family, in Arabidopsis thalianaAudonnet, Laure 26 February 2014 (has links)
Cette dernière décennie a vu augmenter le nombre d’études portant sur la caractérisation des protéines JUMONJI (JMJ) et montrant leur rôle prépondérant dans la régulation des gènes et le développement des organismes. Ces protéines sont capables de déméthyler certains résidus des queues des histones et ont été organisées en groupes phylogénétiques en fonction de la conservation de leur domaine catalytique. Pour chaque clade entre un et trois substrats spécifiques ont pu être identifiés. De la sous famille KDM3, dont le résidu cible est H3K9, seul un membre, IBM1, a été caractérisé chez Arabidopsis. Cette étude montre que la mutation de JMJ24, un autre membre de ce groupe, entraine une augmentation de la taille des racines, cotylédons et organes floraux, suggérant un rôle dans le contrôle du développement à différents stades. De plus, l’analyse de l’expression tissulaire indique que JMJ24 est exprimé dans le phloème, en cohérence avec l’effet pléiotropique de sa mutation. Enfin, nos données suggèrent une interaction entre JMJ24 et d’autres protéines JMJ, telles JMJ14 et IBM1, mais aussi une interaction avec les protéines DCL, impliquées dans la régulation des gènes et des éléments transposables. / Numerous studies over the last decade have reported the characterization of the JUMONJI (JMJ) proteins, showing their critical importance in regulating genes and organism’s development. These proteins are able to demethylate a subset of histone tail residues and were clustered into distinct groups using a phylogenetic analysis based on their catalytic domain conservation. Furthermore, modification of one to three specific residues has been attributed to each JMJ group. Within the KDM3 subfamily, of which target is the H3K9 residue, only one member, IBM1, was first characterized in Arabidopsis. In this report, we showed that the mutation of JMJ24, another member of this subfamily, resulted in an increase of the root length, cotyledon and floral organ size, suggesting that JMJ24 functions is needed at different developmental stage. In addition, the analysis of the tissue-specific expression of JMJ24 indicated that the gene is expressed within the phloem of all organs, correlating with the pleiotropic effect of the gene mutation. Last, our data also suggested that JMJ24 interacts with other JMJ protein like JMJ14 and IBM1, but also with the DCL proteins knowing to be involved in genes and transposable elements regulation.
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Characterisation of cytochrome P450 azole drug-resistant sterol demethylase CYP51B1 and expression of CYP123 and CYP136 from Mycobacterium tuberculosisFernandez, Christine Cheryl January 2011 (has links)
Tuberculosis (TB) affects nearly a third of the world’s population and has been termed a ‘Global Emergency’ by the WHO. The emergence of multi/extensively drug resistant (M/XDR) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of TB, and the increasing incidences of azole drug resistant sterol demethylases (CYP51) from pathogenic fungi has propelled studies to understand mechanisms of azole drug resistance on the drug target CYP51. Since Mtb is devoid of a sterol biosynthetic pathway, the presence and study of CYP51B1 and 19 other Cytochrome P450s in its genome is important to clarify host-pathogen mechanism of infection and the potential of using azole drugs to treat TB. In this study, CYP51B1 from Mtb was used as the model enzyme to study CYP51 mutants from Candida albicans fluconazole-resistant clinical strains. By protein engineering methods, F89H, L100F, S348F, G388S and R391K CYP51B1 mutants were made and azole drug binding properties were investigated using stopped-flow kinetics and static equilibrium methods. Dissociation constant (Kd) values were derived for a range of commercially available azole drugs by fitting the equilibrium binding data to a hyperbolic equation. Kd values for stopped-flow kinetics were derived by plotting observed binding rates (kobs) across different azole drug concentrations against time, followed by fitting multiple kobs data to a linear equation to derive azole drug de-binding (koff) and binding (kon) rate constants – the Kd was obtained by koff/kon. Extinction coefficient for heme b content in mutants and Wild Type (WT) CYP51B1 were an average of ɛ419 = 96.1 mM-1 cm-1. Biochemical characterisation of the mutants were carried out using established experiments on CYP51 – reduction of Fe(III)-heme to Fe(II)-heme, NO binding to Fe(III)-heme, rates of CO-Fe(II) adduct formation and rates of collapse of the P450 to P420 species in the presence of CO and estriol with redox partners from Mtb. In order to elucidate the effects of the above mutations on the iron-heme catalytic region, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments were carried out with and without azole drugs. Circular dichroism (CD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and multi-angled laser light scattering (MALLS) analysis confirmed that F89H, R391K and L100F mutants were stable and homogeneous. Crystallogenesis was successful for the above mentioned mutants and atomic structures were obtained for all mutants and WT CYP51B1 (in ligand-bound and substrate-free forms), except for S348F and G388S mutants which were expressed as inclusion bodies and 60% holoenzyme, respectively. Reconstituted catalytic assays to determine the sterol demethylating propensity of the mutants were carried out using redox partners from Mtb or E. coli, and with lanosterol and dihydrolanosterol as the surrogate substrates. Redox potentiometry showed similar potentials to WT for all mutants except for the G388S mutant which was relatively positive (–102 mV). Redox cycling experiments followed by EPR analysis for mutants and WT resulted in a novel P450 high-spin species at g value 5.84 (80 %) which gradually collapsed to the initial low spin state over 48 h. Expression trials were concurrently carried out on two other Mtb P450 genes – CYP123 (Rv0744c) and CYP136 (Rv3059) products of which may have similar functions to CYP51B1 or may share similar redox partners. CYP123 is located on the same operon as CYP51B1 while CYP136 has a 29% sequence identity to another CYP51 from a marine slime bacterium. Although further work is necessary, in this study CYP123 was expressed totally as inclusion bodies while CYP136 was expressed as soluble apoprotein fused with trigger factor chaperone.
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NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) is a flavoprotein containing both FAD and FMN and functions as the electron donor protein for several oxygenase enzymes found on the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells, including cytochrome P450s involved in drug metabolism and cholesterol biosynthesis. As many as three enzymes in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway have been demonstrated, or proposed, to use CPR as a redox partner: squalene monooxygenase, which converts squalene to 2,3-oxidosqualene; lanosterol demethylase, a cytochrome P450 (CYP51); and 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase, the final step in cholesterol synthesis. In yeast CPR can be replaced by the NADH-cytochrome b5 pathway, but this has not been demonstrated in animals or plants. My studies with hepatic cytochrome P450 reductase-null mice have revealed a second microsomal reductase for squalene monooxygenase that was not previously detected. Studies carried out with hepatocytes from CPR-null mice demonstrate that this second reductase is active in whole cells and leads to the accumulation of 24-dihydrolanosterol, indicating that lanosterol demethylation, catalyzed by CYP51, is blocked. These results demonstrate that this second reductase plays a significant role in supporting squalene monooxygenase but not cytochrome P450-mediated reactions. 7-Dehydrocholesterol reductase (E.C. catalyzes the reduction of the 7-8 double bond of 7-dehydrocholesterol to yield cholesterol. It has been suggested that cytochrome-P450 reductase is required for this reaction. My studies show that 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase is enzymatically active in CPR-null microsomes, with activity equal to or greater than that found in preparations from wild-type mice. Mammalian cytochrome b5, which can accept electrons from either cytochrome P450 reductase or NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase, is known to be involved in augmenting some P450-dependent monooxygenase reactions. Cytochrome P450 2E1 has been found to exhibit reasonable rates of turnover via an NADHcytochrome b5 pathway in reconstituted enzyme systems and in heterologous hosts. Using microsomes from hepatic CPR-null mice, I have determined that NADH-dependent CYP2E1 activity in the absence of NADPH-dependent activity constituted approximately 10% of CYP2E1 activity observed in microsomal preparations with NADPH from wild-type mice. However, little or no CYP2E1 activity could be detected in primary hepatocytes isolated from CPR-null mice.
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Biochemical characterisation of KDM2AZhou, Jin Chuan January 2012 (has links)
Mammalian genomes are characterised by unique regions of non-methylated DNA known as CpG islands (CGIs). These genomic elements are characterised by a high density of CpGs and an elevated GC content compared to the surrounding, bulk of the genome. CGIs are prevalently associated with the 5’ end of genes and represent key nucleation sites where specific transcription factors and chromatin modifiers are recruited to impact on gene function. This thesis is focused at understanding the biochemical properties of the recently discovered H3K36-specific histone demethylase, KDM2A. This enzyme is specifically recruited to CGIs but how it interfaces with local chromatin in vivo remains unknown. Using defined chromatin templates in vitro, this study demonstrates that KDM2A binding to DNA relies on a zinc finger CXXC domain that preferentially recognizes non-methylated CpGs. In particular, nucleosomes represent a major barrier to KDM2A binding and chromatin substrates are interpreted by the CXXC domain through specific interaction with CpGs within linker DNAs. Moreover, the adjacent PHD domain does not contribute to KDM2A binding to chromatin. Together these observations suggest that sequence, methylation status and accessibility of DNA define how CGI chromatin is interpreted by CXXC domain proteins. In particular, the precise targeting of KDM2A to CGIs contributes to the creation of a unique chromatin architecture that highlights gene regulatory regions within large and complex mammalian genomes.
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