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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Životní situace seniorů v kontextu demografického stárnutí v České republice / Living conditions of elderly people in the context of demographic ageing in the Czech Republic

Svobodová, Kamila January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Početní stav a věková struktura lékařů v českém zdravotnictví / The number and the age structure of physicians in the Czech health system

Dostálová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
This study deals with the development of the number and the age and sex structure of Czech physicians according their medical specialty in the period 2000-2010. The aim of the study is to identify which medical specialties are already problematic or could face the lack of physicians and demographic ageing in the future and on the other hand which medical specialties are popular among young physicians. Firstly, the Czech health system and particular groups of health workforce are introduced. After that follows the analysis of the number and the sex and age structure according their medical specialty. The cluster analysis which produces groups of medical specialties with similar characteristics of development of the number and the structure was used for schematic overview. The second part of the study is focused on the most numerous fourteen medical specialties. The number of medical school graduates, the number of attestations and the development of workload of physicians regarding the number of ambulant treatment and hospitalization is taken into account.

Vývoj konceptu aktivního stárnutí v České republice v letech 2000-2016 / Development of the active aging concept in the Czech Republic in 2000-2016

Sluková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
Active aging is a frequently discussed issue in recent years due to the demographic aging of the population. The aim of this thesis is to map the development of the concept of active aging from its origin to the present (2000-2016). To meet the objectives there were done expert interviews and analysis of strategic documents and national action plans issued in a defined period. This thesis focuses on the development of the concept of active aging, specifically in the areas of education, employment, healthy aging and personal development. It turns out that the most important area of active aging is education that significantly affects other areas such as interest activities, longer working lives, engaging in social and cultural activities. Implementation of the concept of active aging takes place at several levels, at social level, at an individual level, or interconnection of these levels (multidimensional concept). The work is therefore focused on examining whether the concept of active aging in the Czech Republic is perceived rather as a tool for improving the quality of life of the senior, or whether it can be used as a tool to mitigate the effects of demographic aging. The work also shows that the development of active aging also affects how seniors are perceived in society (among other things)....

Demografické stárnutí a jeho ekonomické důsledky / Demographic Ageing and Its Economic Consequences

KOLÁŘ, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Description and charting of changes which have been caused by demographic ageing in the Czech society between years 1991 2013 are main aims of this paper. Paper is focused especially on Total Economic Dependency Ratio, Child (Economic) Dependency Ratio, Aged (Economic) Dependency Ratio and Ageing Index and reports about demographic ageing in wide socio-economic view too. Than it tries to show and warn against social and economic consequences of this phenomenon which is present in our society for last few decades. This paper wants to find resolves of changes caused by demographic ageing.

Lidský a sociální kapitál v základním školství / Human and social capital in primary education

KOKŠTEIN, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The thesis contains a theoretical insight into the studies that the issue of human and social capital involved from different perspectives, engage their evolution over time, their measurability, examine them, and complemented with other evidence. This part contains relation of human and social capital in relation to the aging of the human population and focuses on the human capital of older workers. Theoretical study ends with an insight into the basic education, the role of teacher and seeks to provide information on surveys already conducted in the area of education, which in the application of serve for me compared to the data obtained from the survey. The application part is focused on the teaching staff of primary schools. Education in currently globalized world, changing not only its content but also methods and forms of work. Irreplaceable role in this process is played by educators. To meet all the demands placed on them, it is essential that they pay close attention to their continuing education and sharing of acquired education, which is essential to the growth of human and social capital, because they are interacting. The work examines selected sample of teachers and approaches to this issue by detecting what is education motivates them whether they are satisfied with the benefits of educational events, what type of education they prefer etc. Working findings further analyzes looking for relationships between age and sex educators according to the hypotheses . Educator is someone who is in constant contact with other people. This of course also formalizes its attitudes and experiences. As a human being perceives the views of society and shapes on her own views, which it subsequently may influence the exercise of his profession. Therefore, in this part of the thesis is dedicated to exploring and bridging social capital, which determines the size of the circle of people with whom the teachers generally meet and interact. The last research that is possible to find thesis, it is perceptions of social status of teachers by themselves.

Kvalita života evropské populace nad padesát let / Quality of Life for European Populations older than fifty years

Svobodová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with research of Subjective Quality of Life for population fifty years old or more, depending on the selected demographic, social and economic indicators. More and more people live to the older ages, and thus important question of living conditions and well being of this ageing population comes forward. General concept of Quality of Life of older people is described on wide theoretical scale with focus on the cause of the phenomenon, Demographic Ageing of populations. The Demographic Ageing is described not only on the theoretical level, but also in a quantitative way. There are specific fertility rates introduced according to an age of a mother while birth giving, or still increasing Life Expectancy at Birth for both males and females. To explore the dependencies of Subjective Quality of Life on selected indicators, there is a statistical model introduced. The input indicators come from the European panel data research Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. Techniques used for analyzing the data are Analysis of variance for one single wave (held around year 2013) and Panel data analysis for all available waves (from 2004 to 2013). The results from both analyses for the Czech Republic are compared with results for selected countries, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy and Greece. From the SHARE data set can be read the following results. The variable Age significantly influences all included models for all selected countries, the similar influence can be observed for the Education. For almost all countries and models is proving of the significant influence of Gender to Subjective Quality of Life indefinite (we are not able to observe significant influence). Also the influence of the variable Living alone/with other people is not perfectly convincing. On the other hand, significantly observable categories are Unemployed and Permanently sick or disabled. The question of Quality of Life is related to all parts of population. While the number of older people in population increases, this question of the quality of their lives becomes more and more important. The way how to secure those needed, powerless and often vulnerable people in a decent way and with dignity is not easy.

Dlouhodobá péče o seniory v České republice a evropských zemích v kontextu demografického stárnutí / Long-Term Care for the elderly in the Czech Republic and European countries in the context of demographic ageing

Nerušilová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
Long-Term Care for the Elderly in the Czech Republic and European countries in the context of demographic ageing Abstract Long-term care refers to the range of services required by persons suffering from a reduced degree of functional capacity and who are dependent on help with activities of daily living. These services include personal care as well as medical and social services. LTC could be provided either in institutional settings or at home - by informal (upaid) or formal providers. European Union has declared that LTC represents one of the main challenges connected with the current demographic changes. The main aim of this thesis is to provide a picture of LTC providing across European countries. Special attention was placed on ensuring care for the elderly in Czechia, where ambiguities about responsibilities (which are divided between The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and and The Ministry of Health), financing or even defining the content of this care have recently become quite frequent subjects of public debates. Keywords: demographic ageing, long-term care, health and social services, home care, Czechia, international comparison

Preferred residential neighbourhoods of the elderly population in the city of Norrköping

Breier, Susanne January 2008 (has links)
<p>The population of Sweden is ageing as in almost every European country. Improved medical progresses and treatment options lead to a decreasing mortality at older ages, increasing life expectance and an advanced health of the elderly. Due to these improvements and the so called ‘baby- boomers’, a great number of persons born in the 1940s that will reach retirement age the coming years, their total number will increase strongly in the near future all over Sweden. To enable these elderly to live a normal, active and independent life as long as possible activities, services and special housing with improved accessibility and meeting places for elderly has to be provided. Thus, for local authorities it is essential to know the actual and favoured living conditions as well as environments of elderly. This study aims therefore to investigate the characteristic of preferred residential neighbourhoods of the elderly in the city of Norrköping. The demographic, social and crime situation was examined for the districts of the city using several methods from both Statistics and GIS. Statistical methods included classifications, indexes or indicators and bivariate correlations. A model was developed to combine demographic and social data to characterise districts. GIS was to a major extent used as a visualisation tool. Choropleth mapping and Kernel density estimations were used to illustrate distribution of elderly and crime. Preliminary global statistical tests were used to verify clustering in the crime data set. An accessibility analysis was conducted with the help of the network analyst tool. Results indicate that districts experiencing the highest total numbers and proportion of elderly are very distributed throughout the city of Norrköping. They are, with some exceptions, characterised by lower social status. Four districts of the city show considerable evidences of demographic ageing, experiencing a population pyramid formed like an urn. Beside districts where elderly constitute a bigger proportion of the population, they tend to live in districts characterised by a relatively high proportion of young adults aged between 20 and 29. Crime analyses have shown crime clusters in different parts of the city. A high proportion of elderly faces a high crime level in the districts Gamla staden, Nordantill and Hageby. However, it has been proved that only some hot spots of crime within these areas contribute to the high crime level. Districts such as Skarphagen, Såpkullen, Smedby and Linö, all (except Såpkullen) situated on the outskirts of the city, hold high or middle elderly and a low crime level. Accessibility analyses have shown that elderly aged over 80 do not live significant closer to health centres and the public transport stops compared to the age groups 20 – 65 and inhabitants aged between 65 and 79.</p>

Zur Bedeutung von Außenwanderungen für die demographische Entwicklung Deutschlands

Siedhoff, Mathias 03 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, welche Bedeutung Außenwanderungen für die Entwicklung von Zahl und Zusammensetzung (insbesondere nach Alter) und deren räumliche und siedlungsstrukturspezifische Differenzierung der Bevölkerung und der Erwerbspersonen in Deutschland haben (können). Hintergrund der Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Frage ist die These, dem demographischen Wandel bzw. dessen Folgen ließe sich durch verstärkte Zuwanderungen wirkungsvoll begegnen. Mittels Modellrechnungen auf der Basis eines Kohorten-Komponenten-Modells wurden vier unterschiedliche Szenarien der räumlich differenzierten Bevölkerungs- und Erwerbspersonenentwicklung bis zum Jahr 2040 erstellt, die sich durch Höhe und zeitliche Verteilung der Außenwanderungssalden unterscheiden. In zwei der Szenarien wurden die jährlichen Außenwanderungssalden modellextern vorgegeben – in Szenario 1 in Höhe von (fast) Null, in Szenario 2 annähernd in Höhe des Durchschnittswertes der Außenwanderungssalden der letzten Jahrzehnte. In den anderen beiden Szenarien wurden die jährlichen Außenwanderungssalden anhand vorgegebener demographischer Zielgrößen modellintern errechnet: In Szenario 3 sind sie so hoch, dass die Bevölkerungszahl Deutschlands dauerhaft konstant bleibt, in Szenario 4 wird auf ein zeitliches Konstanthalten des Altenquotienten abgezielt. Für die anderen demographischen Größen, die für die Modellrechnungen relevant sind (betreffend Fertilität, Mortalität, Binnenwanderungen und Erwerbsbeteiligung), wurden Annahmen zu ihrer weiteren Entwicklung gesetzt, die – mit Blick auf ihre vergangene Entwicklung – für plausibel gehalten werden. Bezüglich Fertilität und Erwerbsbeteiligung wurden allerdings jeweils alternative Entwicklungsvarianten formuliert. Als räumliches Analyseraster dienen 242 Prognoseräume, die Cluster von Kreisen jeweils gleichen siedlungsstrukturellen Kreistyps darstellen. Als zentrales Ergebnis der Modellrechnungen ist herauszustellen, dass (zumindest bei anhaltend niedriger Fertilität deutlich unterhalb des Bestandserhaltungsniveaus) Zuwanderungen in einer Größenordnung, die als gesellschaftlich vertretbar vermutet werden kann, den demographischen Wandel auch nicht annähernd stoppen, sondern bestenfalls partiell dämpfen können. Das gilt zum einen mit Blick auf die hohen Zuwanderungszahlen, die zur Vermeidung der weiteren demographischen Alterung und des langfristigen Rückgangs der Gesamtbevölkerung nötig wären. Das gilt aber zum anderen und vor allem auch hinsichtlich der regionalen Differenzierung der künftigen Bevölkerungsentwicklung: Die demographischen Folgen der Zuwanderungen schlagen sich nicht annähernd flächendeckend in gleicher Weise nieder. Selbst bei ausgesprochen hohen Zuwanderungszahlen, die eine Konstanz oder gar einen deutlichen Anstieg der Gesamtbevölkerungszahl nach sich ziehen würden, wären zahlreiche Regionen Deutschlands von weiterhin relativ starken Bevölkerungsabnahmen (und damit auch Minderungen des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials) sowie deutlich überdurchschnittlicher demographischer Alterung gekennzeichnet. In erster Linie betrifft dies große Teile der neuen Bundesländer, insbesondere ihrer ländlichen Räume. Regionen, die in demographischer Hinsicht von Außenzuwanderungen „profitieren“ würden (im Sinne von deutlicher Abschwächung von Bevölkerungsabnahme und demographischer Alterung oder gar von Bevölkerungswachstum), sind in diesem Landesteil nur inselhaft vertreten; es sind vornehmlich größere Kernstädte und deren (hoch)verdichtetes Umland. Die demographischen Brüche nach der Wende, namentlich der starke Geburtenrückgang und die umfangreichen Abwanderungen nach Westdeutschland, zeigen hier langfristig eine hohe demographische Wirkmächtigkeit. Auch in Westdeutschland sind es in erster Linie Agglomerationsräume und Stadtregionen, deren demographische Entwicklung von Zuwanderungen relativ günstiger beeinflusst wird.

Demografické stárnutí a reprodukce pracovní síly / Demographic ageing and reproduction of the workforce

KOHOUTOVÁ, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the situation of a demographic ageing in the Czech Republic from perspective a reproduction of the workforce and the human capital. Most conclusions regarding a demographic ageing are based on a number of people in each generation. On the other side conclusions based on a human capital data are often ignored and marginalized.The main aim of this thesis is not to discover the unknow, but to describe and analyze demographic ageing in the Czech Republic. This thesis want to show that the demographic ageing is a serious topic that cannot be overlooked.

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