Spelling suggestions: "subject:"describes"" "subject:"escribes""
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Priklausomybių anatomija grafikos darbų cikle “Juoda ugnis” / The anatomy of addiction in graphics works „Black fire“Lapinskaitė, Sandra 27 February 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbų kolekcijoje „Priklausomybių anatomija grafikos darbų cikle “Juoda ugnis” kalbama apie priklausomybių pavojus. Žodžiui „priklausomybė” priskiriama daugybė įvairių reikšmių. Juo yra apibūdinami žmonės, turintys liguistų polinkių. Bendras asmenų, priklausomų nuo alkoholio, narkotikų, azartinių žaidimų, sekso, maisto ir kt., bruožas yra bejėgiškumas prieš savo ligą. Bet kokią priklausomybę galima apibūdinti kaip besikartojančią elgseną, kuri trumpam sumažina nemalonią emocinią būseną ar ją susilpnina, bet ilgainiui, toks pasikartojantis elgesys kuria tą įtampą keliančią būseną. Priklausomybę sukelia ne vartojama medžiaga ar daiktas, o tokios medžiagos ar daikto vartojimas (naudojimas), siekiant emocinės pusiausvyros. Didžioji dalis žmonių kenčiame nuo vienokio ar kitokio liguisto potraukio.
Grafikos darbuose pagrindiniu akcentu tampa žmogus. Kiekviename kūrinyje atsiranda užuomina apie pagrindinį priklausomybių objektą. Vaizduojamos žmogaus kūno dalys ar jų užuominos. Darbuose iškyla geometrinių formų elementai. Tai tarsi įspėjamųjų ženklų ikonos, turinčios įspėti apie tykojančius pavojus kiekvieno žmogaus aplinkoje. Kūrybiniai darbai skatina pamąstyti, pajausti. Darbai reikalauja emocinio kontakto.
Darbo aktualumas sietinas su šių dienų įvairių priklausomybių apsėsta visuomene. Apie tai byloja įvairūs elgesio modeliai, kylantys sergant priklausomybe. Žmonės nesugeba susidoroti su neigiamomis emocijomis. Dažnas renkasi lengvesnį kelią ir griebiasi greitesnį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the Master works collection "Black Fire" goes about the dangers of addiction. The word "addiction" has many different meanings. It describes people who have morbid propensity. General feature of persons, who are addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, food, etc.., is helplessness before his illness.
The man becomes the main focus of graphic works. The hint about the main object dependencies appears in each piece. The human body parts or clues are represented in this work. There are elements of geometric shapes. It's like warning signs icons, which have to warn about the risk in each human environment. Often the person does not see a risk. Creative works promote to think and feel. Works require emotional contact.
Work problem - addiction. Any addiction can be defined as the recurrent behavior, which temporarily reduces unpleasant emotional state or to weaken it, but eventually, this repetitive behavior create intense status. Dependence is not caused by the substance or object is used, but the use of a substance or object (usage), for emotional balance. Most of the people suffer from some kind of addiction.
Topicality of the work is related to today's society obsessed with various addictions. This is proved by a variety of behaviors that arise addiction of illness. People are not able to cope with negative emotions. Often they choose the easier way and resort to a faster impact on distribution patterns of conduct. A mental balance is attempt to keep in their lives by the... [to full text]
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Hjärtsviktspatienters följsamhet till, samt beskrivningar och upplevelser av, att följa icke-farmakologiska behandlingsriktlinjer – en litteraturstudieBergström, Filippa, Granevåg, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtsvikt är vanligt förekommande i den svenska befolkningen och är den vanligaste orsaken till sjukhusinläggning. Bristande följsamhet till den farmakologiska hjärtsviktbehandlingen är idag ett stort problem inom sjukvården. Detta bidrar till ökade sjukhusinläggningar samt ökad dödlighet hos hjärtsviktspatienterna. Icke-farmakologisk behandling har dock kunnat ses som ett komplement till den farmakologiska behandlingen. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva patienters följsamhet till, samt beskrivningar och upplevelser av, att följa icke-farmakologiska riktlinjer i samband med hjärtsvikt. En granskning av kvaliteten beträffande de inkluderade studiernas undersökningsgrupp utfördes även. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie där 12 vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades. Artiklarna söktes vid databaserna Pubmed och Cinahl. Delar från studiernas resultat plockades ut och analyserades. Dessa delades sedan upp under kategorier och underkategorier passande för att svara till litteraturstudiens frågeställningar. Resultat: Generellt var följsamheten till de icke-farmakologiska behandlingsriktlinjerna bristande. Flest antal hinder identifierades beträffande riktlinjer gällande saltrestriktioner. Törst, glömska, samt fysiska symtom var även de stora hinder till en följsam icke-farmakologisk behandling. De största fördelarna som identifierades till en följsam behandling var ökat välmående samt minskade sjukhusinläggningar. Slutsats: En generellt bristande följsamhet till de icke-farmakologiska behandlingsriktlinjerna gällande salt- och vätskerestriktioner, regelbunden vägning samt träning förekommer bland hjärtsviktspatienter. Många hinder till en följsam behandling identifierades, men även fördelar till att vara följsam till icke-farmakologiska behandlingsriktlinjer beskrevs i studierna. / Background: Heart failure is a common disease among the Swedish population today and it is also the number one cause of hospitalisation. A lack of compliance with the pharmacological treatment for heart failure is a big issue within the medical services today. This significantly contributes to increased hospitalisation as well as higher mortality rates among Heart failure patients. However, non-pharmacological treatments have been found to be a rather good complement to the pharmacological treatment. Aim: The purpose of this literature study was to describe patients’ compliance with, as well as their experiences and accounts of, following non-pharmacological guidelines in connection to heart failure. An examination of the included studies’ focus groups and their quality was done as well. Method: A descriptive literature study where twelve scientific articles were included. The articles were found on the databases Pubmed and Cinahl. Parts of the study’s results were selected and analysed. These were then divided into categories and subcategories that suited the literature study’s research questions. Result: The compliance with the non-pharmacological treatment guidelines was generally inadequate. The most obstacles were found concerning the guidelines the patients got regarding the restrictions on salt. Thirst, forgetfulness, and physical symptoms were also big obstacles for complying with a non-pharmacological treatment. The biggest advantages of complying with the treatment that were identified were an increased sense of well-being and decreased hospitalisation. Conclusion: A general lack of compliance with the non-pharmacological treatment guidelines concerning the restrictions on salt and fluid, regular weigh-ins, and exercise occur among heart failure patients. Many obstacles to complying with treatment were identified, but the advantages of complying with non-pharmacological treatment guidelines were also described in the study.
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A la recherche du paysage enfoui chez José Martín Ruiz, Azorín / In search of the hidden landscape in José Martínez Ruiz AzorínJuillac, Sylvie 27 May 2015 (has links)
José Martínez Ruiz, Azorín, écrivain levantin, architecte de la « Génération de 98 », consacrera une partie importante de son oeuvre à la recherche d’une identité à travers la description d’un paysage. Il n’aura de cesse de décrire le même paysage, tout au long de sa vie, mis montañas1. Pourquoi ? Comment ? Est-ce seulement un projet esthétique ? Plus qu’un objet d’étude ou d’observation, n’est-il pas une ressource, une raison de vivre pour lui ? Examinant avec minutie et rigueur les pages qu’il produit, tant dans la presse qu’au coeur de ses livres, telles qu’elles apparaissent sous sa plume au fil du temps, nous tenterons d’apporter une réponse à ces questions. / José Martínez Ruiz, Azorin, a writer, levantine, an architext of the « Generation of 98 » will devote a large part of his works to the pursuit of an identity through describing a landscape. He never gave up describing the same landscape, all along his life, « mis montanas ». Why? How? Is it only an aesthetic scheme? More than a study or a pure observation subject, isn'it rather for him a recourse or the reason for his own existence? A thorough and close study of the pages he produced, both in the written press and his books, as they appear along the years (under his signature), will help us answer these questions.
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Výběr informačního systému pro firmu / Selection of Information System for the CompanyBubláková, Petra January 2020 (has links)
Information system, ERP, IS selection, analysis, risk.
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Výroba dvoufázových austeniticko-feritických korozivzdorných ocelí s využitím vakuové metalurgie / Manufacture of two-phase austenitic-ferritic stainless steels with the use of vacuum metallurgyTučková, Eva January 2018 (has links)
stainless steel, duplex steel, vakuum metallurgy, decarburization
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Vliv provedení zateplení panelového domu v Ostravě na výdaje spojené s jeho provozem / The Influence of Thermal Insulation of a Concrete Panel Block of Flats in Ostrava on the Expenses Related to its OperationPospíšil, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Residential building, thermal insulation, thermal insulation system energy saving, economic return on investment
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Měření vlastností polarizovaného světla na výstupu optovláknového senzoru / Measurement of polarized light properties on the opticla fiber sensor outputVelič, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
birefringance, degreeofpolarization, polarization, Stokesvectors, Poincarésphere, state of polarization, optical power, sensoric fibre, polarization-maintaining fiber, polaroid, poalrimeter
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Tvorba metodiky plánování procesního řízení výroby / Creation of Methodology of Planning of Process Control of ProductionKvítek, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Planning, optimalization, production management, process management, production, ERP
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Rizika v oblasti řízení marketingových nástrojů / Risks Related to Marketing Communication ManagementTupý, Maroš January 2018 (has links)
Marketing, franchising, franchisor, franchisee, marketing tools, risk
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Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti metodou benchmarkingu / Corporate Performance Evaluation of CORA MANAGEMENT s. r. o. and Proposals for its ImprovementDusík, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
benchmarking, five-stage model of benchmarking, competition, performance, comparsion
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