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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The implementation of dialogue-based pedagogy to improve written argumentation amongst secondary school students in Malaysia

Bahari, Aireen Aina Binti January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find solutions on how to improve secondary school students’ persuasive argumentative English essay writing. The participants of this study are groups of ESL students aged 13 and 17 who live and study in a sub-urban area in Malaysia. All students and teachers converse amongst themselves using the Malay language on a daily basis while English language is merely used during classroom interaction time. Not only do they have very little opportunity to communicate using English language in their daily lives and for academic purposes, they also have limited opportunity to learn how to argue persuasively in their English classroom. Thus, they have difficulties in writing two-sided argumentative essays in English. The teaching-to-the-test culture has taken its toll on students’ writing performance when writing argumentative essays. In order to help students to score well in examination, teachers often overlook the need to teach critical thinking skills for the English subject. They focus solely on writing narrative essays as these essays require less critical thinking skill from the students. The Design-Based Research is employed to solve this problem of writing persuasive argumentative essays. Based on the pre-intervention essays written by the participants, it is believed that their difficulties are because of two major factors; insufficient English language skills and no exposure to persuasive argumentation skills. The initial design framework asserts that students should improve their persuasive argumentative essay writing if they are initially exposed to face-to-face group argumentation. However, the findings from the exploratory study revealed that face-to-face group argumentation is unmanageable in the context studied. Hence, an online learning intervention was considered to support secondary school students to improve their written argument. It was developed underpinned by design principles based on Exploratory Talk to achieve persuasive argumentation. The prototype online intervention was tested and developed through a series of iterations. Findings from Iteration 1 show that only a small number of students manage to write two-sided essays because most of them have an extreme attitude when writing about an issue and display a lack of positive transfer from group to individual argumentation. Prior to Iteration 2, the prototype intervention was adapted to tackle the extreme attitude and negative transfer issues by highlighting five elements: face-to-face classroom practice, focus more on three main ground rules, argument game, role of teachers during group argumentation and the use of argument map during the post-intervention essay writing. The findings demonstrate that all students in the second iteration wrote argumentative essays which are more persuasive. The final design framework developed in this study suggests a design framework that could be used by future researchers and ESL teachers at secondary school level who are interested in improving students’ persuasive argumentative essays.

Crafting a meso practice course using elements of authentic learning for undergraduate social work students in South Africa

Pillay, Roshini January 2017 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Many teaching and learning practices in higher education, including social work education in South Africa, tend to be characterised by a transmission mode of instruction, whereby knowledge moves from the expert educator to the student. This study investigates the extent to which an authentic learning framework can be used to improve the teaching of meso practice in social work to a class of 80 second-year students at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. A modified version of educational design-based research, was deployed which created a set of guidelines to inform future research and course design. Design-based research includes an iterative process, however, and the four-phased modified version of design-based research used in this study deploys just one roll-out of a redesigned course on meso practice, using the elements of authentic learning (Herrington, Reeves & Oliver, 2010). Phase 1 consisted of a review of the literature on meso practice education and the authentic learning framework. Phase 2 involved an analysis of practical problems identified by six educators and four field instruction supervisors, based on the way they teach and supervise students in the area of meso practice intervention. In Phase 3 the course was implemented and evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively by the student participants and four field instruction supervisors. Phase 4 consisted of a reflection on the entire process, to produce design guidelines using the elements of authentic learning and the inclusion of affect in course design. Mixed-methods research was undertaken, incorporating primarily qualitative data with quantitative data from a survey conducted with the students. Findings from this study have led to an augmented list of authentic learning elements, which includes the use of affect in meso practice and the development of guidelines for educators which have the potential to be relevant and applicable in other courses, contexts and disciplines. / NRF / Pillay, R. (2017). Crafting a meso practice course using elements of authentic learning for undergraduate social work students in South Africa. PhD thesis. University of the Western Cape

Tools for Designing Mobile Interaction with the Physical Environment in Outdoor Lessons

Eliasson, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Mobile technologies are increasingly being used to support students in outdoor learning activities. For instance, in a growing number of research projects, smartphones and positioning technologies are being used to support students in exploring the natural environment. However, previous research has identified challenges with the introduction of mobile technology into outdoor lessons. One fundamental challenge is that interaction with mobile technology in outdoor lessons may distract students from interacting with the physical environment. In this thesis this challenge is approached from the perspective of human-computer interaction, guided by the following research question: How can we design, evaluate, and reflect on mobile technology for interacting with the physical environment in outdoor lessons? The thesis presents four design cases on outdoor geometry and biology lessons, which act as probes for developing conceptual design tools. The design cases were developed through a concept-driven design approach and evaluated on field tests with primary school students. Future workshop and Interaction analysis were the main methods used. The results of the field tests suggest that mobile technology needs to be designed to orientate students in their interaction with the physical environment. In line with the concept-driven design approach, the thesis proposes three design tools. The design tools proposed are: Design guidelines that are specific enough for guiding the design of mobile technology for outdoor lessons, a Design model for designing and evaluating mobile technology for outdoor lessons, and Design concepts for reflecting on the placement of mobile technology in outdoor lessons. The design tools are proposed as tools for researchers and designers to take the challenge of distraction into account in designing mobile technology for outdoor lessons. / Mobilteknologi används allt oftare för att stödja elever i läraktiviteter utomhus. Till exempel, i ett växande antal forskningsprojekt, används mobiltelefoner och teknik för positionsbestämning som stöd för skolelever i att utforska naturen. Tidigare forskning har dock identifierat utmaningar med införandet av mobilteknologi i utomhuslektioner. En av de huvudsakliga utmaningarna är att interaktion med mobilteknologi i utomhuslektioner kan distrahera eleverna från att interagera med den fysiska omgivningen. Den här avhandlingen angriper den utmaningen ur ett människa-datorinteraktionsperspektiv, vägledd av följande frågeställning: Hur kan vi designa, utvärdera och reflektera över mobilteknologi för att interagera med den fysiska omgivningen i utomhuslektioner? I avhandlingen presenteras fyra designinterventioner bestående av utomhuslektioner i geometri och biologi, som låg till grund för att utveckla konceptuella designverktyg. Designverktygen utvecklades genom en koncept-driven designstrategi och utvärderades i fälttester med skolelever. Framtidsverkstad och Interaktionsanalys var de huvudsakliga metoder som användes. Resultaten från fälttesterna visar att mobilteknologin behöver utformas så att den kan orientera eleverna i interaktionen med den fysiska omgivningen. I linje med den koncept-drivna designstrategin, bidrar avhandlingen med tre designverktyg. De föreslagna designverktygen är: Designriktlinjer som är specifika nog för att vägleda utformningen av mobilteknologi för utomhuslektioner, en Designmodell för att utforma och utvärdera mobilteknologi för utomhuslektioner, och Designkoncept för att reflektera över hur mobilteknologi placeras och används i utomhuslektioner. Designverktygen föreslås som verktyg för att forskare och designers, som vill designa mobilteknologi för utomhuslektioner, ska kunna möta utmaningen i att mobilteknologin kan distrahera eleverna från att interagera med den fysiska omgivningen.

Diseño de un entorno interactivo para la enseñanza bilingüe en la primera infancia

Harris Bonet, Paola Margarita 09 December 2023 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal establecer un método que permita y facilite el diseño y desarrollo de entornos interactivos para la enseñanza de una segunda lengua en la primera infancia. Para ello, a lo largo de la investigación, se estableció un análisis que desarrolló el estudio a través de cuatro pilares: el contexto educativo, los fundamentos teóricos, los sujetos de estudio y la tecnología. El análisis de las facetas concernientes al ámbito educativo varía según el contexto que se estudie. En esta investigación se tuvo como foco de estudio Colombia, donde se tuvieron en cuenta diversos aspectos relacionados con las condiciones educativas del país, los planes de gobierno, los recursos y capacitaciones docentes, así como las condiciones socioeconómicas, todo lo cual determinó los resultados de los estudios que se realizaron. Los fundamentos teóricos que se tuvieron en consideración, además de girar en torno a los factores asociados al aprendizaje y la enseñanza, se enmarcaron más concretamente en el aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua, para alinear este proyecto investigativo con el fortalecimiento de los focos estratégicos contemplados en la propuesta política CONPES 16-25, que busca hacer de Colombia un país más desarrollado y competitivo en el marco de varios retos, uno de los cuales es el uso de las nuevas TIC en contextos educativos que generen valor agregado. De esta forma, nuestro aporte podrá ayudar a mitigar la brecha social y económica que denota el monolingüismo, aumentando las posibilidades de tener mayores y mejores oportunidades sociales, académicas y profesionales, representando en consecuencia una importante ventaja competitiva en la estructura económica y social del país. En lo que respecta a los sujetos de estudio, se incluyó a docentes de inglés en educación preescolar y a niños de 4 a 6 años. Esta es una etapa etaria clave en la intervención dentro de la denominada "primera Infancia", en la que está comprobado que los efectos educativos de calidad que se dan en esta fase incrementan y fortalecen el desarrollo individual y social de los niños, llegando a impactar, incluso, en los sectores económicos de un país. Finalmente, el objeto de estudio reflejado a lo largo de la investigación giró en torno a la tecnología, su uso, sus tendencias y su apropiación en los entornos educativos. Con ella se han gestado múltiples cambios a nivel académico. La demanda de creación de contenidos curriculares de base tecnológica y de calidad ha aumentado y, al mismo tiempo, ha supuesto un esfuerzo por parte de docentes, investigadores, diseñadores y demás profesionales interesados en proporcionar mejores herramientas de trabajo para fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Estos profesionales utilizan metodologías efectivas que, estudiadas en conjunto, dieron lugar a la creación de un modelo que fusionó componentes y lenguaje propio de cada profesión vinculada al proceso de creación de contenidos académicos con base tecnológica. Un resultado de la investigación fue la integración de metodologías que permitieron el diseño de una plataforma web que facilita el proceso de creación de contenidos educativos de calidad basados en la tecnología. Las metodologías que, después de un amplio estudio, se seleccionaron para diseñar el instrumento web fueron el DBR, como enfoque metodológico del diseño instruccional, el Design Thinking, como metodología que facilita el desarrollo de diseño centrado en el usuario y, por último, la metodología para la creación de Juegos Serios, cuya base pedagógica facilita la creación de recursos didácticos y educativos adecuados para los sujetos de estudio de esta investigación. El uso de esta plataforma web permitió generar los requerimientos clave para el diseño de una aplicación interactiva como propuesta tecnológica innovadora que facilita el proceso de aprendizaje de inglés como segunda lengua en la primera infancia. / [CA] Aquest treball té com a objectiu principal establir un mètode que permeta i facilite el disseny i el desenvolupament d'entorns interactius per a l'ensenyament d'una segona llengua en la primera infància. Per a això, al llarg de la investigació, es va establir una anàlisi que va vertebrar l'estudi a través de quatre pilars: el context educatiu, els fonaments teòrics, els subjectes d'estudi i la tecnologia. L'anàlisi de les facetes relatives a l'àmbit educatiu varia segons el context que s'estudie. En aquesta investigació es va tenir com a focus d'estudi Colòmbia, on es van tenir en compte diversos aspectes relacionats amb les condicions educatives del país, els plans de govern, els recursos i les capacitacions docents, així com les condicions socioeconòmiques, aspectes que van determinar els resultats dels estudis que es van realitzar. Els fonaments teòrics que es van tenir en consideració, a més de girar entorn dels factors associats a l'aprenentatge i l'ensenyament, es van emmarcar més concretament en l'aprenentatge de l'anglès com a segona llengua, per a alinear aquest projecte investigatiu amb l'enfortiment de les línies estratègiques contemplades en la proposta política CONPES 16-25, que té l'objectiu de fer de Colòmbia un país més desenvolupat i competitiu en el marc de diversos reptes, un dels quals és l'ús de les noves TIC en contextos educatius que generen valor agregat. D'aquesta forma, la nostra aportació podrà ajudar a mitigar la bretxa social i econòmica que denota el monolingüisme, i augmentaran així les possibilitats de tenir majors i millors oportunitats socials, acadèmiques i professionals, el que representarà, en conseqüència, un important avantatge competitiu en l'estructura econòmica i social del país. Pel que fa als subjectes d'estudi, es van incloure docents d'anglès en educació preescolar i xiquets i xiquetes de 4 a 6 anys. Aquesta és una etapa clau en la intervenció dins de la denominada primera Infància, en la qual està comprovat que els efectes educatius de qualitat que es donen en aquesta fase incrementen i enforteixen el desenvolupament individual i social dels infants, i arriben a impactar, fins i tot, en els sectors econòmics d'un país. Finalment, l'objecte d'estudi reflectit al llarg de la investigació va girar entorn de la tecnologia, el seu ús, les seues tendències i la seua apropiació en els entorns educatius. Amb aquesta s'han gestat múltiples canvis a nivell acadèmic. La demanda de creació de continguts curriculars de base tecnològica i de qualitat ha augmentat i, al mateix temps, ha suposat un esforç per part de docents, investigadors, dissenyadors i altres professionals interessats a proporcionar millors eines de treball per a enfortir el procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge. Aquests professionals utilitzen metodologies efectives que, estudiades en conjunt, van donar lloc a la creació d'un model que va fusionar components i llenguatge propi de cada professió vinculada al procés de creació de continguts acadèmics amb base tecnològica. Un resultat de la investigació va ser la integració de metodologies que van permetre el disseny d'una plataforma web que facilita el procés de creació de continguts educatius de qualitat basats en la tecnologia. Les metodologies que, després d'un ampli estudi, es van seleccionar per a dissenyar l'instrument web van ser el DBR, com a enfocament metodològic del disseny instructiu, el Design Thinking, com a metodologia que facilita el desenvolupament de disseny centrat en l'usuari i, finalment, la metodologia per a la creació de Jocs Seriosos, la base pedagògica dels quals facilita la creació de recursos didàctics i educatius adequats per als subjectes d'estudi d'aquesta investigació. L'ús d'aquesta plataforma web va permetre generar els requeriments clau per al disseny d'una aplicació interactiva que va incorporar la Realitat Augmentada, com a proposta tecnològica innovadora que que facilita el procés d’aprenentatge d’anglès com a segona llengua en la primera infància. / [EN] The main objective of this research work is to establish a method that allows and facilitates the design and development of interactive environments for the teaching of a second language in early childhood. In order to meet this aim, throughout the research, an analysis was established that developed the study around four bases: the educational context, the theoretical foundations, the study subjects and technology. The analysis of the facets concerning the educational field varies according to the context being studied. In this research, the focus of the study was on Colombia, where several aspects were taken into account related to the country's educational features, government plans, teaching resources and teacher training, as well as socioeconomic conditions, all of which determined the results of the studies that were carried out. The theoretical foundations that were taken into consideration, in addition to focusing on the factors associated with learning and teaching, were framed more specifically in the learning of English as a second language, to align this research project with the strengthening of the strategic targets contemplated in the policy proposal CONPES 16-25, which aims at making Colombia a more developed and competitive country within the framework of several challenges , one of which is the use of new ICT in educational contexts that generate added value. In this way, our contribution can help mitigate the social and economic gap denoted by monolingualism, thus increasing the chances of having greater and better social, academic and professional opportunities, as well as representing an important competitive advantage in the economic and social structure of the country. Regarding the study subjects, English teachers in preschool education and children from 4 to 6 years old were included. This is a key age stage of intervention within the so-called "early childhood", in which it is proven that the quality educational effects that occur in this phase increase and strengthen the individual and social development of children, even impacting on the economic sectors of a country. Finally, the object of study reflected throughout the research revolved around technology, its use, its trends and its appropriation in educational environments. It has brought about multiple changes at the academic level. The demand for the development of technology-based and quality curricular content has increased and, at the same time, it has involved an effort on the part of teachers, researchers, designers and other professionals interested in providing better tools to strengthen the teaching-learning process. These professionals use effective methodologies that, studied together, led to the creation of a model which merged components and language from each profession linked to the process of creating technology-based academic content. One result of the research was the integration of methodologies that resulted in the design of a web platform that facilitates the process of creating quality educational content based on technology. The methodologies that were selected, after a comprehensive study, to design the web resource were DBR, a methodological approach to instructional design, "Design Thinking", a methodology that facilitates the development of user-centered design and, finally, the methodology for the creation of Serious Games, whose pedagogical basis enables the design of didactic and educational resources suitable for the subjects involved in this research. The use of this web platform allowed us to generate the key requirements for the design of an interactive application that incorporated Augmented Reality, as an innovative technological proposal that facilitates the process of learning English as a second language in early childhood. / Harris Bonet, PM. (2021). Diseño de un entorno interactivo para la enseñanza bilingüe en la primera infancia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/179558

Designing and implementing mobile-based interventions for enhancing English vocabulary in ODL

Shandu-Phetla, Thulile Pearl 06 1900 (has links)
Students in Open Distance Learning (ODL) face a myriad of challenges including a low proficiency in English. While research has identified vocabulary as important in improving language proficiency and the pertinent role of interaction in vocabulary development, there remains a dearth of research on how to enhance vocabulary in ODL, a context which is characterised by the distance between students and the institution. In searching for an intervention that would support vocabulary development, including interaction, while taking cognisance of the distance between students and lecturers, this study explored the use of mobile learning (mlearning). Because mlearning technologies offer ubiquitous flexibility and accessibility, they were deemed fit for purpose for ODL which is established on the principles of openness, flexibility and student‐centredness. Using the design‐based research (DBR) method within a pragmatic paradigm, this study designed, implemented and evaluated mobile‐based interventions for vocabulary development. The first phase of the study involved the analysis of the problem through a literature review. The literature and theoretical framework were used to ground the second phase of DBR, which included the development of the intervention prototype in the form of a mobile‐based vocabulary development app called VocUp. The intervention was implemented, tested and refined in three iteration stages, which formed the third phase of DBR. The iterations included a VocUp only stage, followed by a WhatsApp only stage, and ended with a VocUp plus WhatsApp stage. The last phase of DBR involved a reflection and a production of artefacts and guidelines for practice in ODL. Data were collected through interviews and WhatsApp chats from students registered for a first‐year English module. The results were 1) that vocabulary should be explicitly taught, allow for rehearsal opportunities and contain assessment while acknowledging the instrumental role of interaction; 2) mobile interventions should balance the pedagogic benefits with the technological qualities; and 3) the advantages and challenges of using WhatsApp and VocUp can be successfully combined into a hybrid model of both platforms. This study’s contribution to the body to knowledge includes the newly‐designed VocUp as an artefact; a revised model of the CoI theoretical framework called MODeL as well as principles guiding the application of the MODeL in authentic ODL contexts. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)

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