Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diagnostic used"" "subject:"hiagnostic used""
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Acurácia diagnóstica da ecocardiografia sob estresse associada ao estudo da perfusão miocárdica com contraste na avaliação da isquemia miocárdica: estudo comparativo entre adenosina e dobutamina / Diagnostic accuracy of quantitative real time myocardial contrast echocardiography for the detection of myocardial ischemia. A comparative study between adenosine and dobutamineKowatsch, Ingrid 23 August 2005 (has links)
A ecocardiografia com perfusão miocárdica em tempo real (EPMTR) permite a quantificação do fluxo sangüíneo miocárdico e, quando realizada durante o estresse, da reserva de fluxo miocárdico (reserva Axß). Essa técnica tem potencial para ser uma importante ferramenta para o diagnóstico não-invasivo da doença arterial coronariana (DAC). Apesar do conhecimento atual das alterações fisiológicas que ocorrem com o uso de agentes vasodilatadores ou catecolaminas na circulação coronariana, não há dados na literatura comparando diretamente o valor da EPMTR, sob estresse pela dobutamina e pela adenosina, para a detecção de DAC em humanos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar, em um mesmo grupo de pacientes, a exeqüibilidade e a acurácia da EPMTR, sob estresse pela dobutamina e pela adenosina, para a detecção de estenose arterial coronariana angiograficamente significativa e determinar o valor adicional da análise quantitativa da perfusão miocárdica sobre o eletrocardiograma de 12 derivações, da motilidade segmentar e da análise qualitativa da perfusão miocárdica obtidas durante o estresse pela dobutamina e pela adenosina. Estudamos 54 pacientes (média etária de 60±9 anos, 33 homens) com suspeita clínica de DAC e indicação de angiografia coronariana. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à EPMTR sob estresse pela adenosina na dose de 140 g/kg/min por seis minutos e, após um intervalo de três a cinco horas, à EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina-atropina. O contraste ecocardiográfico utilizado foi o PESDA (Perfluorocarbon-Exposed Sonicated Dextrose and Albumin), administrado por via intravenosa periférica de forma contínua. Para ambas as EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina e pela adenosina, foram feitas análises do eletrocardiograma em 12 derivações (ECG), da motilidade segmentar e análise qualitativa e quantitativa da perfusão miocárdica. A quantificação da velocidade do fluxo miocárdico (ß) e do fluxo sangüíneo miocárdico (Axß) foi realizada por meio da utilização do programa computacional QLab 3.0 (Philips Medical Systems, Bothell, WA, USA). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à angiografia coronariana quantitativa (ACQ) em um intervalo de até 30 dias da EPMTR. Foi considerada DAC a presença de lesão coronariana > 50% do diâmetro luminal. Dos 54 pacientes estudados, 25 (46%) apresentaram lesão coronariana >50% e 29 (54%) não apresentaram lesão coronariana significativa. A exeqüibilidade da quantificação da reserva Axß foi semelhante para a EPMTR sob estresse pela adenosina e pela dobutamina (91% versus 90% dos territórios arteriais; p = ns). A variabilidade da quantificação interobservador para os parâmetros de reserva ß e Axß foi de 6,8% (r = 0,98) e 5,5% (r = 0,97), respectivamente. A variabilidade intra-observador para os mesmos parâmetros foi de 2,1 % (r = 0,99) e 7,4 % (r = 0,95), respectivamente. A análise quantitativa da perfusão miocárdica, obtida pela EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina, apresentou sensibilidade de 84%, especificidade de 76% e acurácia de 80% para a detecção de DAC, enquanto que a EPMTR sob estresse pela adenosina apresentou sensibilidade de 88%, especificidade de 72% e acurácia de 80%. O valor incremental das modalidades estudadas para o diagnóstico de DAC foi analisado em modelo que incluiu o ECG, ECG e motilidade segmentar, ECG e motilidade segmentar e perfusão qualitativa e, por último, ECG e motilidade segmentar e perfusão qualitativa e quantitava, tanto para a EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina como pela adenosina (2 de 4,9 versus 20,1 versus 23,7 versus 38,4) e (2 de 9,9 versus 20,1 versus 26,7 versus 59,4), respectivamente. Concluímos que a avaliação quantitativa da EPMTR apresenta boa exeqüibilidade. A EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina e a pela adenosina apresentam acurácias diagnósticas similares para a detecção de lesão angiograficamente significativa. A análise quantitativa da perfusão miocárdica apresenta valor diagnóstico adicional aos outros parâmetros obtidos durante o estresse pela dobutamina e adenosina. / Real time myocardial contrast echocardiography (RTMCE) has allowed for the quantification of myocardial blood flow reserve (MBFR). This technique is a valuable tool for the noninvasive detection of coronary artery disease (CAD). Both adenosine and dobutamine are currently used stressor agents during RTMCE. Although it has already been shown the effects of these drugs on the coronary physiology, no study has directly compared both agents during RTMCE. The aims of this study were to determine the feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of adenosine versus dobutamine stress RTMCE for the detection of angiographically significant CAD. In addition, we sought to determine the additional value of quantitative RTMCE over the electrocardiogram, wall motion, and qualitative analysis of myocardial perfusion. The study involved 54 patients (60±9 years, 33 men) with suspected CAD. Patients underwent RTMCE at rest and during continuous infusion of 140g/kg/min of adenosine for six minutes, and dobutamine stress. The contrast agent used in the study was PESDA (Perfluorocarbon-Exposed Sonicated Dextrose and Albumin) administered in continuous intravenous infusion. Quantification of plateau of acoustic intensity (A) and microbubble velocity () was performed off line using a specific software (QLab 3.0, Philips Medical Systems, Bothell, WA, USA). Myocardial blood flow was determined as Ax. Quantitative coronary angiography was performed in all patients within 30 days of RTMCE, and CAD was defined as >50% luminal diameter coronary stenosis. There were 25 (46%) patients with CAD and 29 (54%) patients without obstructive lesion. The feasibility of quantitative MBFR was the same for adenosine and dobutamine stress RTMCE (91% versus 90% in all arterial territories; p=ns). The intraobserver variabilities for the measurements of ß and Axß reserve were 2.1% (r = 0.99) and 7.4% (r = 0.95), respectively. The interobserver variabilities for the same parameters were 6.8% (r = 0.98) and 5.5% (r = 0.97), respectively. The sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of ß reserve obtained during dobutamine stress RTMCE for detecting CAD were 84%, 76%, and 80%, respectively, and during adenosine stress RTMCE they were 88%, 72% and 80%. The incremental value for the diagnosis of CAD was analyzed in a model that included the EKG, EKG and wall motion, EKG and wall motion and qualitative perfusion analysis and finally, EKG and wall motion and qualitative and quantitative perfusion analysis, for dobutamine and adenosine RTMCE (2= 4,9 versus 20,1 versus 23,7 versus s 38,4) and (2= 9,9 versus 20,1 versus 26,7 versus 59,4), respectively. In conclusion, quantitative RTMCE is a feasible technique in patients with suspected CAD. Dobutamine and adenosine stress RTMCE had similar diagnostic accuracy for the detection of angiographically significant lesion. Quantitative analysis of myocardial perfusion had incremental diagnostic value over the other parameters obtained during both dobutamine and adenosine stress RTMCE.
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Reatividade clínica em pacientes com asma sensibilizados aos ácaros Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus e Blomia tropicalis / Clinical reactivity in patients with asthma sensitized to dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Blomia tropicalisCarla Bisaccioni 22 May 2013 (has links)
A asma é uma doença crônica inflamatória das vias aéreas, de importância mundial pela sua elevada prevalência, com considerável impacto na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Dentre os diferentes fenótipos de asma, a asma alérgica constitui a maioria dos casos. Dentre os diferentes desencadeantes de exacerbações na asma, os aeroalérgenos têm papel de destaque, sendo os ácaros o grupo mais importante e prevalente. Entre os ácaros, os mais relevantes para estudo são o Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) e a Blomia tropicalis (Blo t), com importância significativa nos países tropicais. Pacientes podem ser sensibilizados a esses dois ácaros ou a um deles somente, mas a positividade do teste in vivo ou in vitro não significa reatividade clínica e que haja concordância com o alérgeno relevante para o desencadeamento dos sintomas. A reatividade cruzada entre esses dois ácaros vem sendo estudada. In vivo, há poucos trabalhos demonstrando a reatividade cruzada entre Der p e Blo t e analisando a correlação entre os testes cutâneos e os de provocação brônquica. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a reatividade clínica em pacientes com asma sensibilizados a ambos os ácaros, Der p e Blo t. Para isso, pacientes com asma do Ambulatório do Serviço de Imunologia Clínica e Alergia do HC-FMUSP foram selecionados. Broncoprovocações específicas foram realizadas com os dois ácaros, em diferentes momentos. Dezoito pacientes com asma foram selecionados, e trinta e seis provocações foram realizadas. Todas as provocações com o ácaro Der p foram positivas. Em relação à Blo t, o resultado foi positivo em 93% dos testes. No presente estudo, houve concordância na maioria dos casos entre a presença de sensibilização aos ácaros estudados e a positividade na boncoprovocação. Portanto, as sensibilizações aos ácaros identificados no teste cutâneo são relevantes para o desencadeamento dos sintomas de asma nesses pacientes / Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways of global importance due to its high prevalence, with considerable impact on quality of life of patients. Among the different phenotypes of asthma, allergic asthma constitutes the majority of cases. Among the different triggers of asthma exacerbations, aeroallergens have the leading role, being mites group more important and prevalent. Among the mites, the most relevant to the study are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) and Blomia tropicalis (Blo t), with significant importance in tropical countries. Patients can be sensitive to these two mites or only one of them, but the positivity of test in vivo or in vitro clinical reactivity and does not mean that there is agreement with the relevant allergen for the triggering of symptoms. The cross-reactivity between these two mites has been studied. In vivo, there are few studies demonstrating the cross-reactivity between Der p and Blo t analyzing the correlation between skin tests and bronchial provocation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical reactivity in patients with asthma sensitized to both house dust mites, Der p and Blo t. For this reason, patients with asthma, Ambulatory Service of Clinical Immunology and Allergy HCFMUSP were selected. Specific bronchial provocation tests were performed with both mites at different times. Eighteen patients with asthma were selected, and thirty-six provocations were performed. All provocations with the mite Der p were positive. Regarding Blo t, the result was positive in 93% of tests. In the present study, there was agreement in most cases between the presence of sensitization to mites and positivity in bronchial provocation test. Therefore, sensitization to mites in skin test identified is relevant to the triggering of asthma symptoms in these patients
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Estudo comparativo da PCR com a citogenética para diagnóstico da Síndrome de Martin-Bell (OU) Estudo comparativo da PCR com a citogenética para diagnóstico da Síndrome do X-frágil / Comparative study of CRP with cytogenetics for the diagnosis of X-Fragile SyndromeAna Cristina Messas 18 December 2007 (has links)
A Síndrome de Martin-Bell é uma forma hereditária de retardo mental determinada pela perda da expressão do gene FMR1 que está associado com a expansão da repetição dos tri-nucleotídeos citosina-guanina¬-guanina (CGG). Os indivíduos com um alto grau dessa expansão apresentam o silenciamento da expressão desse gene, com conseqüente alteração no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso do embrião, causando danos neurológicos irreparáveis. A citogenética é uma metodologia clássica que contribui para o diagnóstico da síndrome em casos sem esclarecimentos, porém sua sensibilidade isoladamente em muitos casos é insuficiente para um diagnóstico positivo mesmo diante de características clínicas evidentes. Na busca de uma alternativa para suprir esta necessidade de definir exatamente as alterações encontradas em cada caso propôs-se a otimização de uma PCR de alta fidelidade no diagnóstico diferencial da Síndrome e simultaneamente comparar com os dados da citogenética clássica. Para tanto, foram coletadas amostras de sangue periférico de 102 pacientes e avaliou-se 100 a 150 metáfases para cada indivíduo pela citogenética clássica e para a PCR duplex. Os resultados demonstram pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis que a PCR com a citogenética não apresentou diferenças significativas (p>0,05). Porém quando avaliadados pelo índice de Kappa sugere-se que os dois critéiros de diagnósticos devem ser utilizados simultaneamente com caracteristicas clínicas do paciente. A PCR mostrou-se rápida e com custo relativamente menor, sendo portanto, aplicável no auxílio ao aconselhamento genético dos indivíduos e suas famílias, bem como para um acompanhamento psico-pedagógico adequado. / The Martin-Bell Syndrome is a heredity mental retard form determined by the loss of FMR1 gene expression which is associated with the tri-nucleotides cytosine-guanine-guanine (CGG) repetition expansion. The individuals showing a high degree of this expansion present the silencing of this gene expression, with a consequent alteration of the embryo nervous system evolution, causing irreparable neurological damage The cytogenetics is a classical methodology that contributes for diagnosing the syndrome in cases without clarification, thus its sensitivity isolated in many cases is insufficient for a positive diagnosis even in front of evident clinical characteristics. On searching for an alternative to fulfill this need to define the found alterations in each case, an optimization of a high fidelity PCR to Syndrome diagnosis and simultaneously to compare with classical cytogenetics. Peripheral blood samples were collected from 102 patients for evaluating 100 to 150 metaphases evaluation by classical cytogenetics for each sample and to duplex PCR. The results showed by the Kruskal-Wallis test that the PCR with the cytogenetics have not presented significant differences (p>0,05). However, when evaluated by the Kappa index it was suggested that the two diagnosis criteria should be used simultaneously with patient s clinical characteristics. The PCR showed itself quick and with a relatively lower cost , and in this way, applicable in helping genetically counseling individuals and their families, as well as sending them to a more adequate psycho-pedagogical treatment.
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Avaliação de critério pós-operatório de insuficiência hepática como fator prognóstico de mortalidade após hepatectomia: importância da alteração combinada do tempo de protrombina e da bilirrubina sérica / Evaluation of postoperative criteria of liver failure as a prognostic factor of mortality after hepatectomy: importance of the combined alteration of prothrombin time and serum bilirubinSilvio Márcio Pegoraro Balzan 27 September 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO. A definição de insuficiência hepática pós-operatória (IHP) não é ainda padronizada, dificultando a comparação de inovações em procedimentos hepáticos e tornando complexo o uso de possíveis intervenções terapêuticas pós- operatórias em um momento adequado. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS. Entre 1998 e 2002, 775 resecções hepáticas eletivas, dos quais 531 (69%) por doenças malignas e 464 (60%) consistindo em hepatectomias maiores, foram incluídas de maneira prospectiva em um banco de dados. O parênquima hepático não-tumoral foi anormal em 330 pacientes (43%) incluindo esteatose em mais que 30% dos hepatócitos em 107 (14%), fibrose sem cirrose em 237 (43%) e cirrose em 94 (12%). Foi analisado o impacto sobre a mortalidade da ocorrência de tempo de protrombina (TP) menor que 50% e bilirrubina total sérica (BT) maior que 50 µmol/L (3 mg/dl) (critério 50-50) nos dias pós-operatórios (PO) 1, 3, 5 e 7. RESULTADOS. A cinética pós-operatória do TP e da BT foram diferentes. O menor nível de TP foi no primeiro dia pós-operatório (PO) e o pico de BT foi no terceiro dia PO. A tendência ao retorno para valores pré-operatórios destes dois fatores bioquímicos se firmou claramente no quinto DPO. A mortalidade operatória global foi de 3.4% (26 pacientes), incluindo 21 (81%) casos com parênquima não-tumoral anormal e 20 (77%) após uma hepatectomia maior. O índice de mortalidade foi maior em pacientes com TP < 50% ou BT > 50 µmol/L (3 mg/dl) no pós-operatório. A conjunção de TP < 50% e BT > 50 µmol/L (3 mg/dl) no quinto DPO foi potente fator preditivo de mortalide, a qual atingiu 59% quando esta associação ocorreu. CONCLUSÕES. A partir do quinto dia PO, a associação de TP > 50% e BT > 50 µml/L (3 mg/dl) (critério 50-50) foi preditor prático e acurado de índice de mortalidade após hepatectomia. Propõe-se assim este critério como definição de insuficiência hepática pós-operatória. / INTRODUCTION. Definition of postoperative liver failure (PLF) is not standardized, rendering complex the comparison of novelties in liver procedures and also the use of possible postoperative therapeutic interventions in due time. METHODS. Between 1998 and 2002, 775 elective liver resections, whence 531 (69%) were for malignancies and 464 (60%) for major resections, were included in a prospective database. The non- tumorous hepatic parenchima was abnormal in 330 patients (43%) including steatosis > 30% in 107 (14%), non-cirrhotic fibrosis in 237 (43%) and cirrhosis in 94 (12%). The clinical impact of Prothrombin Time (PT) < 50% and Serum Bilirubin (SB) > 50µmol/L (3 mg/dl) (50-50 criteria) on postoperative days (POD) 1, 3, 5 and 7 was analyzed. RESULTS. Kinetic of postoperative PT and SB were different. Lowest PT levels were on POD1 and the peak of SB was on POD 3. The tendency to return to preoperative values of these two biochemical factors was clearly affirmed on POD 5. Operative mortality was 3.4% (26 patients), including 21 (81%) cases with abnormal liver parenchyma and 20 (77%) following major hepatectomies. Mortality rate was increased in patients with PT < 50% or SB > 50µmol/L (3mg/dl). The conjunction of PT < 50% and SB > 50µmol/L (3 mg/dl) on POD 5 was a strong predictive factor of increased mortality, which reached 59%. CONCLUSIONS We found that after postoperative day 5, the association of PT > 50% and SB > 50µml/L (3 mg/dl) (50-50 criteria) was a simple and accurate predictor of mortality after hepatectomy. These results allow us to propose this criteria as a definition of postoperative liver failure.
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Acurácia diagnóstica da ecocardiografia sob estresse associada ao estudo da perfusão miocárdica com contraste na avaliação da isquemia miocárdica: estudo comparativo entre adenosina e dobutamina / Diagnostic accuracy of quantitative real time myocardial contrast echocardiography for the detection of myocardial ischemia. A comparative study between adenosine and dobutamineIngrid Kowatsch 23 August 2005 (has links)
A ecocardiografia com perfusão miocárdica em tempo real (EPMTR) permite a quantificação do fluxo sangüíneo miocárdico e, quando realizada durante o estresse, da reserva de fluxo miocárdico (reserva Axß). Essa técnica tem potencial para ser uma importante ferramenta para o diagnóstico não-invasivo da doença arterial coronariana (DAC). Apesar do conhecimento atual das alterações fisiológicas que ocorrem com o uso de agentes vasodilatadores ou catecolaminas na circulação coronariana, não há dados na literatura comparando diretamente o valor da EPMTR, sob estresse pela dobutamina e pela adenosina, para a detecção de DAC em humanos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar, em um mesmo grupo de pacientes, a exeqüibilidade e a acurácia da EPMTR, sob estresse pela dobutamina e pela adenosina, para a detecção de estenose arterial coronariana angiograficamente significativa e determinar o valor adicional da análise quantitativa da perfusão miocárdica sobre o eletrocardiograma de 12 derivações, da motilidade segmentar e da análise qualitativa da perfusão miocárdica obtidas durante o estresse pela dobutamina e pela adenosina. Estudamos 54 pacientes (média etária de 60±9 anos, 33 homens) com suspeita clínica de DAC e indicação de angiografia coronariana. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à EPMTR sob estresse pela adenosina na dose de 140 g/kg/min por seis minutos e, após um intervalo de três a cinco horas, à EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina-atropina. O contraste ecocardiográfico utilizado foi o PESDA (Perfluorocarbon-Exposed Sonicated Dextrose and Albumin), administrado por via intravenosa periférica de forma contínua. Para ambas as EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina e pela adenosina, foram feitas análises do eletrocardiograma em 12 derivações (ECG), da motilidade segmentar e análise qualitativa e quantitativa da perfusão miocárdica. A quantificação da velocidade do fluxo miocárdico (ß) e do fluxo sangüíneo miocárdico (Axß) foi realizada por meio da utilização do programa computacional QLab 3.0 (Philips Medical Systems, Bothell, WA, USA). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à angiografia coronariana quantitativa (ACQ) em um intervalo de até 30 dias da EPMTR. Foi considerada DAC a presença de lesão coronariana > 50% do diâmetro luminal. Dos 54 pacientes estudados, 25 (46%) apresentaram lesão coronariana >50% e 29 (54%) não apresentaram lesão coronariana significativa. A exeqüibilidade da quantificação da reserva Axß foi semelhante para a EPMTR sob estresse pela adenosina e pela dobutamina (91% versus 90% dos territórios arteriais; p = ns). A variabilidade da quantificação interobservador para os parâmetros de reserva ß e Axß foi de 6,8% (r = 0,98) e 5,5% (r = 0,97), respectivamente. A variabilidade intra-observador para os mesmos parâmetros foi de 2,1 % (r = 0,99) e 7,4 % (r = 0,95), respectivamente. A análise quantitativa da perfusão miocárdica, obtida pela EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina, apresentou sensibilidade de 84%, especificidade de 76% e acurácia de 80% para a detecção de DAC, enquanto que a EPMTR sob estresse pela adenosina apresentou sensibilidade de 88%, especificidade de 72% e acurácia de 80%. O valor incremental das modalidades estudadas para o diagnóstico de DAC foi analisado em modelo que incluiu o ECG, ECG e motilidade segmentar, ECG e motilidade segmentar e perfusão qualitativa e, por último, ECG e motilidade segmentar e perfusão qualitativa e quantitava, tanto para a EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina como pela adenosina (2 de 4,9 versus 20,1 versus 23,7 versus 38,4) e (2 de 9,9 versus 20,1 versus 26,7 versus 59,4), respectivamente. Concluímos que a avaliação quantitativa da EPMTR apresenta boa exeqüibilidade. A EPMTR sob estresse pela dobutamina e a pela adenosina apresentam acurácias diagnósticas similares para a detecção de lesão angiograficamente significativa. A análise quantitativa da perfusão miocárdica apresenta valor diagnóstico adicional aos outros parâmetros obtidos durante o estresse pela dobutamina e adenosina. / Real time myocardial contrast echocardiography (RTMCE) has allowed for the quantification of myocardial blood flow reserve (MBFR). This technique is a valuable tool for the noninvasive detection of coronary artery disease (CAD). Both adenosine and dobutamine are currently used stressor agents during RTMCE. Although it has already been shown the effects of these drugs on the coronary physiology, no study has directly compared both agents during RTMCE. The aims of this study were to determine the feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of adenosine versus dobutamine stress RTMCE for the detection of angiographically significant CAD. In addition, we sought to determine the additional value of quantitative RTMCE over the electrocardiogram, wall motion, and qualitative analysis of myocardial perfusion. The study involved 54 patients (60±9 years, 33 men) with suspected CAD. Patients underwent RTMCE at rest and during continuous infusion of 140g/kg/min of adenosine for six minutes, and dobutamine stress. The contrast agent used in the study was PESDA (Perfluorocarbon-Exposed Sonicated Dextrose and Albumin) administered in continuous intravenous infusion. Quantification of plateau of acoustic intensity (A) and microbubble velocity () was performed off line using a specific software (QLab 3.0, Philips Medical Systems, Bothell, WA, USA). Myocardial blood flow was determined as Ax. Quantitative coronary angiography was performed in all patients within 30 days of RTMCE, and CAD was defined as >50% luminal diameter coronary stenosis. There were 25 (46%) patients with CAD and 29 (54%) patients without obstructive lesion. The feasibility of quantitative MBFR was the same for adenosine and dobutamine stress RTMCE (91% versus 90% in all arterial territories; p=ns). The intraobserver variabilities for the measurements of ß and Axß reserve were 2.1% (r = 0.99) and 7.4% (r = 0.95), respectively. The interobserver variabilities for the same parameters were 6.8% (r = 0.98) and 5.5% (r = 0.97), respectively. The sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of ß reserve obtained during dobutamine stress RTMCE for detecting CAD were 84%, 76%, and 80%, respectively, and during adenosine stress RTMCE they were 88%, 72% and 80%. The incremental value for the diagnosis of CAD was analyzed in a model that included the EKG, EKG and wall motion, EKG and wall motion and qualitative perfusion analysis and finally, EKG and wall motion and qualitative and quantitative perfusion analysis, for dobutamine and adenosine RTMCE (2= 4,9 versus 20,1 versus 23,7 versus s 38,4) and (2= 9,9 versus 20,1 versus 26,7 versus 59,4), respectively. In conclusion, quantitative RTMCE is a feasible technique in patients with suspected CAD. Dobutamine and adenosine stress RTMCE had similar diagnostic accuracy for the detection of angiographically significant lesion. Quantitative analysis of myocardial perfusion had incremental diagnostic value over the other parameters obtained during both dobutamine and adenosine stress RTMCE.
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An investigation of metabolic side effects of antiretroviral therapy using laboratory biomarkers in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected individualsNdlovu, Thandie Sylph 13 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Technology: Biomedical Technology, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / Antiretroviral therapy (ART) was introduced because it has shown to reverse the Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), by reducing the HIV replication, allowing the regeneration of the patient’s immune system. ART is given to patients for the rest of their lives as part of HIV clinical care, but the use of ART has shown evidence of metabolic side effects which range from manageable to life threatening complications.
Aims and objectives of the study
The aim of the study was to investigate whether patients on ART developed metabolic side effects such as pancreatitis, dyslipidaemia and hepatotoxicity. These metabolic side effects were determined by laboratory testing of blood levels of specific biomarkers at stipulated intervals. Any significant change in the blood levels of these specific biomarkers was identified.
Methodology : The study included 92 patients who were already selected for the ART programme which is in accordance to the South African National Antiretroviral Therapy Guidelines of 2003 Laboratory blood analysis was conducted. The repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare changes in biomarkers over time. The severity of each side effect was assessed by grading each biomarker laboratory result through the use of an established toxicity grading table.
Results : It was found that the biomarker blood levels were not significantly altered within 12 months of ART, however, there was a gradual increase of most biomarker values, indicating that abnormalities may be detected after a longer period of treatment.
Conclusion : Within 12 months of treatment, life-threatening toxicities were not detected. It may be speculated that if ART is monitored correctly, life-threatening toxicities may be avoided in many patients.
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Identification of clinically-informative biomarkers within the spectrum of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in the South African populationVan Rensburg, C. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Pathology. Anatomical Pathology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Patients with chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux disease are predisposed to Barrett’s metaplasia and oesophageal adenocarcinoma. The availability of molecular markers that can objectively identify patients with Barrett’s oesophagus at increased risk of carcinoma is highly desirable. A literature search was conducted to identify potentially useful biomarkers for genotype-phenotype correlation studies in South African patients with Barrett’s oesophagus.
The COX-2, c-myb and c-myc genes selected for mRNA expression analysis were analysed in 26 patients with Barrett’s metaplasia (BM) without dysplasia; 14 with Barrett’s oesophagus and dysplasia (BD); 2 patients with Barrett’s adenocarcinoma (BAC); 19 with erosive oesophagitis (ERD); 25 with non-erosive oesophagitis (NERD) and 19 control individuals with a normal gastroscopy and no gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) symptoms. In the BD/BAC group, 69% (11/16) showed increased c-myb mRNA expression compared with 35% (9/26) in the BM group (p = 0.03). A statistically significant difference (p = 0.002) in c-myb expression was also observed between Barrett’s patients (20/42, 48%) and the control groups (9/63, 14%). In the BD patients, 21% (3/14) had increased c-myc mRNA expression compared with none in those with BM (p < 0.05) and BAC. No significant differences in mRNA expression levels were observed between ethnic groups for the genes analysed. In an attempt to determine whether the low expression level of c-myc in the study cohort may be related to possible gene-gene interaction, DNA samples of 199 individuals were subjected to genotyping of the functional GT-repeat polymorphism in the promoter region of the NRAMP1/SLC11A1 gene. Both these genes are involved in iron metabolism and c-myc is known to repress NRAMP1/SLC11A1. Genotype and allele frequencies were similar in all the groups studied with the 3/3 genotype being the most common. However, none of the three above-mentioned BD patients with increased c-myc mRNA expression had the 3/3 genotype. Therefore, although small in number, c-myc-NRAMP1/SLC11A1 interaction may be of adverse significance in patients with allele 2.
TP53 mutation analysis was performed on 68 Barrett’s patients, and TP53 immuno-staining on oesophageal biopsy specimens of 55 subjects. Sporadic TP53 mutations were not identified in any of the patients with BM or dysplasia without BAC. Immuno-histochemistry staining of 2+ and 3+ intensity was similar in patients with metaplasia and dysplasia (58%). The low mutation frequency and relative non-specificity of TP53 immunostaining observed in Barrett’s patients seem to preclude its widespread use as a screening tool. TP53 mutation detection may however be useful for risk stratification once dysplasia has been diagnosed, as mutations G245R and D281Y were identified in two patients with BAC.
Of the genes studied in the South African population, c-myb represents the most useful marker for early detection of an increased cancer risk in Barrett’s patients. In future, patients with Barrett’s oesophagus may benefit from genetic assessment to complement existing cancer surveillance and treatment strategies.
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Identification of MicroRNA biomarkers for cancer by combining multiple feature selection techniquesUnknown Date (has links)
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) may serve as diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for cancer. The aim of this study was to identify novel cancer biomarkers from miRNA datasets, in addition to those already known. Three published miRNA cancer datasets (liver, breast, and brain) were evaluated, and the performance of the entire feature set was compared to the performance of individual feature filters, an ensemble of those filters, and a support vector machine (SVM) wrapper. In addition to confirming many known biomarkers, the main contribution of this study is that seven miRNAs have been newly identified by our ensemble methodology as possible important biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma or breast cancer, pending wet lab confirmation. These biomarkers were identified from miRNA expression datasets by combining multiple feature selection techniques (i.e., creating an ensemble) or by the SVM-wrapper, and then classified by different learners. Generally speaking, creating a subset of features by selecting only the highest ranking features (miRNAs) improved upon results generated when using all the miRNAs, and the ensemble and SVM-wrapper approaches outperformed individual feature selection methods. Finally, an algorithm to determine the number of top-ranked features to include in the creation of feature subsets was developed. This algorithm takes into account the performance improvement gained by adding additional features compared to the cost of adding those features. / by Alex Kotlarchyk. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Mechanism of neuroprotection in stroke-related modelsUnknown Date (has links)
Stroke is the third leading cause of mortality in the United States, and so far, no clinical interventions have been proved truly effective in stroke treatment. Stroke my result in hypoxia, glutamate release and oxidative stress, etc. The purpose of this dissertation study is to evaluate the neuroprotective effects of four drugs (taurine, G-CSF sulindac and DETC-MeSO) on PC12 cell line or primary cortical neuronal cell culture, and to understand the protective mechanisms underlying in three stroke-related models : hypoxia, excessive glutamtate and oxidative stress. In the first part of this dissertation, we studied the neuroprotection of taurine against oxidative stress induced by H2O2 in PC12 cells. Our results show that extracellular taurine exerts a neuroprotective function by restoring the expression of Bcl-2 and downregulation of the three Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress markers : GRP78, Bim and CHOP/GADD153, suggesting that ER stress can be provoked by oxidative stress and can be suppressed by taurine. In the second part, glutamate excitotoxicity-induced ER stress was studied with dose and time as variables in primary cortical neurons. The results demonstrate that glutamate excitotoxicity leads to the activation of three ER stress pathways (PERK, ATF6 and IRE1) by initiating PERK first, ATF6 second and IRE1 pathway last. The third part of this dissertation studied the robust and beneficial protection of taurine in cortical neurons under hypoxia/reoxygenation or glutamate toxicity condition. We found that taurine suppresses the up-regulation of GRP778, Bim, caspase-12 and GADD153/CHOP induced by excessive glutamate or hypoxia/reoxygenation, suggesting that taurine may exert a protective function against hypoxia/regeneration by reducing the ER stress. / Moreover, taurine can down-regulate the ratio of cleaved ATF6 and full length ATF6, and p-IRE1 expresssion, indicating that taurine inhibits the ER stress induced by hypoxia/reoxygenation or glutamate through suppressing ATF6 and IRE1 pathways. In the fourth part, the synergistic benefits of the combination of taurine and G-CSF, and the neuroprotective effects of G-CSF, sulindac or DETC-MeSO are studied in cortical neurons. Our results show that G-CSF, sulindac or DETC-MeSO can highly increase the neuron visibility by inhibiting ER stress induced by hypoxia/reoxygenation or glutamate toxicity. Furthermore, we proved that G-CSF or sulindac can significantly inhibit the activation of ATF6 or IRE1 pathway stimulated by hypoxia/reoxygenation, and DETC-MeSO can suppress the activation of both PERK and IRE1 pathways in primary neuron cultures. These findings provide promising and rational strategies for stroke therapy. / by Chunliu Pan. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Studies on the mechanism by which sulindac sensitizes cancer cells to oxidative stressUnknown Date (has links)
by Alexander Kreymerman. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Sulindac is a known NSAID that has also been shown to have anti-cancer activity that is not related to its ability to inhibit COX 1 and 2. During the past 15 years there have been a large number of studies attempting to elucidate its mechanism of action. Our laboratory has shown that sulindac can both protect normal cells and enhance the killing of cancer cells under oxidative stress from H2O2 and TBHP. However, except for mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS production, the mechanism by which sulindac sensitized the cancer cells to oxidative stress remains unknown. Results of this research project suggest that the effect of sulindac and oxidative stress not only involves mitochondrial ROS production, but also aspects of the preconditioning response. In normal cells this leads to survival by a preconditioning pathway, likely involving PKCε. . However, cancer cells react by initiating a pathway leading to apoptosis involving PKCδ.
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