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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framtidens användning av reservelverk inom eldistribution : En fallstudie på E.ON Energidistribution / The Future Use of Mobile Emergency Generators in Electricity Distribution : A Case Study at E.ON Energidistribution

Lauschke, Gino, Olsson, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Sweden has ambitious climate targets to achieve net zero emissions by 2045. One of the possiblesolutions to achieve this goal is electrification, and electricity use is expected to increase from today's 140 TWh to 170-282 TWh, according to the Swedish Energy Agency's different scenarios. This means that society will become increasingly dependent on electricity, which may also bring problems. For example, society risks being severely affected by disturbances in the power grid, and the cost of power outages will increase. To avoid the consequences of power outages, electricity distribution companies have mobile emergency generators that can be deployed where a power outage has occurred. Thegenerators are often diesel generators using fossil diesel. There are several challenges associated with the use of mobile emergency generators during outages, as they need to be quickly transported to the site of the outage, fuel needs to be available, and they need to be tested regularly to operate correctly. This study has investigated the future use of mobile emergency generators from an electricity distribution company’s perspective. This has been done by examining how the future need for mobile emergency generators in electricity distribution can be expected to change in the future, the technological development of diesel-powered generators, and what fossil-free alternatives are adequate in the short and long term. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of owning, renting and co-owning mobile emergency generators have been studied. The report is primarily aimed at stakeholders who are directly or indirectly involved in the work with mobile emergency generators. The study consists of a case study in which the electricity distribution company E.ON Energidistribution is studied. In addition, a literature review, simple calculations and 10 interviews were conducted with electricity distribution companies, rental companies, manufacturers and public agencies. The results show that the need for mobile emergency generators can be expected to increase slightly in the short term due to instability in the world and the electricity system. Undergrounding has led to fewer power outages and shorter outage times for customers, and there is also a trend towards using mobile emergency generators more for planned outages than unplanned ones. The need for back-up power will most likely never disappear completely, but it is considered reasonable to assume that it will decrease slightly as the power grid improves. Furthermore, the results show that diesel generatorshave evolved significantly in terms of fuel consumption and emissions, as a result of increasingly stringent EU emission requirements, and currently there are no fossil-free alternatives that can compete with diesel generators if only economic factors are taken into account. On the other hand, biofuels such as HVO are believed to play a major role in reducing emissions as it can be used in today's mobile emergency generators without modifications. In the long term, batteries and fuel cells could be a viable option. Batteries are not yet an option as they are too heavy and cannot store enough energy. Fuel cells are believed to have more potential than batteries to replace diesel generators in the future but need further development. Finally, results show advantages and disadvantages of electricity distribution companies owning their mobile power generators, renting generators when needed, and sharing generators between electricity distribution companies. Distribution companies and public agencies see great security in owning the generators themselves, while renters point out that renting the generators has advantages related to their functionality. Sharing generators was by the electricity distribution companies seen as too complicated. In conclusion, this study provides a broad insight into the role and development of mobile emergency generators in electricity distribution and may serve as a basis for further research in this area. Some examples of future research suggested are further investigation of fuel supply and logistics, sustainability of ownership structure and different technologies, and further investigation of rentingmobile emergency generators. / Sverige har satt upp höga klimatmål där man ska nå nettonollutsläpp senast år 2045. En av lösningarna för att uppnå målet är att elektrifiera många delar av samhället, och elanvändningen förväntas enligt Energimyndighetens scenarier öka från dagens 140 TWh till 170–282 TWh beroende på scenario. Det innebär att samhället skapar ett allt större beroende av el, vilket också kan föra med sig problem. Det gör till exempel att samhället drabbas hårt vid olika störningar i elnätet, och att kostnaden för elavbrott blir allt högre. För att undvika konsekvenserna av elavbrott har elnätsföretag mobila reservelverk som kan köras ut till en del av elnätet där ett avbrott har uppstått. Reservelverken är ofta en dieselgenerator som använder fossil diesel. Det finns flera utmaningar kopplade till reservelverkens användning vid avbrott, då de snabbt behöver kunna transporteras till platsen där avbrottet är, det behöver finnas tillgång på bränsle och de måste testköras och underhållas regelbundet för att fungera när de behövs. Denna studie har undersökt hur ett större elnätsföretag i Sverige bör förhålla sig till reservelverk på kort sikt (inom 10 år) och på längre sikt (över 10 år). Det har gjorts genom att undersöka hur det framtida behovet av reservelverk inom eldistribution kan förväntas förändras på lång och kort sikt, hur teknikutvecklingen för dieseldrivna reservelverk ser ut och vilka lämpliga fossilfria alternativ som finns på kort och lång sikt. Dessutom har olika ägandeförhållanden undersökts, och fördelar och nackdelar med att äga, hyra och samäga reservelverk har studerats. Rapporten riktar sig framförallt till intressenter inom eldistributionssektorn som direkt eller indirekt arbetar med reservelverk. Studien består av en fallstudie där elnätsföretaget E.ON Energidistribution studeras, och fallstudieföretaget är även uppdragsgivare till detta examensarbete. Utöver fallstudien genomfördes en litteraturstudie, enklare beräkningar och 10 intervjuer med elnätsföretag, uthyrare, tillverkare av reservelverk, tillverkare av fossilfria alternativ och myndigheter. Resultaten visar att behovet av reservelverk kan förväntas öka svagt på kort sikt på grund av osäkerheter i världen och effektbrist i elsystemet. Vädersäkring har lett till färre elavbrott och kortare avbrottstider för elnätföretagens kunder, och det finns även en trend mot att reservelverken används mer för planerade avbrott än oplanerade avbrott. Behovet av reservkraft kommer med största sannolikhet aldrig helt att försvinna, men det anses rimligt att anta att det kommer minska svagt i takt med att elnätet förbättras. Vidare visar resultaten att dieseldrivna reservelverk har utvecklats mycket när det kommer till bränsleförbrukning och emissioner till följd av EU:s allt hårdare emissionskrav, och i dagsläget finns det inga fossilfria alternativ som kan konkurrera med dieselgeneratorer om endast hänsyn tas till ekonomiska faktorer. Däremot tros biobränslen som HVO kunna spela en stor roll i att minska klimatutsläppen då det kan användas i dagens reservelverk utan modifikationer. På längre sikt skulle batterier och bränsleceller kunna vara alternativ, men då batterier är mycket tunga och i dagsläget inte kan lagra tillräckligt mycket energi är det ännu inget alternativ. Bränsleceller tros ha större potential än batterier att ersätta dieseldrivna reservelverk, men utvecklingen ligger i dagsläget efter utvecklingen för batterier. Slutligen visar resultat på för- och nackdelar med att elnätsföretaget äger sina reservelverk själva, att de hyr in reservelverk vid behov, och med att samäga reservelverk mellan elnätsföretag. Elnätsföretagen och myndigheter ser stor trygghet i att äga verken själv medan uthyrare pekade på att inhyrning av reservelverken har fördelar kopplat till reservelverkens funktionalitet. Att samäga reservelverk sågs av elnätsföretagen som för komplicerat. Avslutningsvis ger denna studie en bred inblick i de mobila reservelverkens roll och utveckling inom eldistribution, och kan ligga till grund för fortsatt forskning inom området. Några exempel på framtida forskning som föreslås är att vidare undersöka tillgång och logistik på bränsle, hållbarhetsaspekter kring ägandeförhållanden och olika tekniker samt fördjupning kring inhyrning av reservelverk.

Future Sustainable Energy Solutions for Sulaymaniyah : Minor Field Study / Framtide hållbara energilösningar för Sulaymaniyah : Mindre fältstudie

Baban, Darin, Askari, Pavell January 2019 (has links)
The study aims to identify the reasons behind power shortages in the city Sulaymaniyah, located in northern Iraq or Iraqi Kurdistan, and to clarify how large the difference between power demand and supply is. Also, several interviews have been performed to give further insight to the issues and possibilities the region is facing. Nevertheless, a portion of the energy demand is met by local diesel generators supplying power in city districts. With the use of the software program ArcGIS, a mapping of all the diesel generators in the city districts is done in order to visualize the unsustainable conditions of the city. In addition, the energy output of the diesel generators is quantified, and the energy supplied to a household is estimated on an average. Later, calculations are performed to estimate the diesel generators price for electricity, their amount of annual CO 2 emissions and social costs. In order to bring light to renewable energy solutions, a solar PV configuration was chosen based on regulations and infrastructure issues in the region, suitable for households. Furthermore, with the use of intra-hour solar irradiance data from Meteonorm and the software Matlab, an optimal solar PV angle was calculated for Sulaymaniyah. Thereafter, the goal was to substitute diesel generated energy with solar PV energy and thus a solar PV system was estimated for a typical household based on; the average energy received from diesel generators, the solar PV system’s efficiency and the total solar irradiance striking the tilted panels. Furthermore, a Net Present Value was calculated to evaluate the economic profitability of the solar PV investment. Lastly, a sensitivity analysis was done with different scenarios to predict different outcomes of the NPV model. The study found that the energy system in Iraqi Kurdistan is unreliable and unsustainable, mostly due to infrastructure issues and political uncertainties. Due to these issues, power shortages occur on a daily basis and the difference between power supply and demand reached an average of 350 MW throughout 2018, and the largest difference reached 1304 MW. The number of diesel generators in the city was 525 and had a combined installed capacity of 176.6 MW, however they are usually working at 85 % operational efficiency resulting in a power supply of 150.1 MW. Additionally, it was estimated that a household receives an average of 920.07 W from the diesel generators. Furthermore, the calculated price for electricity was 207 IQD/kWh and all the generators combined pollutes approximately 319000 tons of CO 2 per year. The optimal angle for a solar panel in Sulaymaniyah was calculated to 21° and the recommended configuration for a solar PV system for households was a stand-alone battery storage system. In order for households to replace the diesel generators they need a capacity of 1.62 kW and a dimensioning of 9.66 m 2 . Finally, based on the NPV model it was found that it is economically profitable to invest in a solar PV system with today’s conditions. However, the investment is profitable with a relatively small margin and based on a scenario analysis, it showed that the investment might easily become unprofitable with the change of the discount rate. Lastly, it can be discussed that the actual demand in Sulaymaniyah is lower than the one presented, since it is artificial and very dependent on peoples consuming behaviors which might be different if they were to have access to electricity all the time. Also, one of the biggest obstacles that might hinder solar PVs to be integrated to the energy system is the net-metering, regulations and tariff issues. The KRG clearly does not give incentives to its people to invest in renewable energy, which also might be the reason why there is a very small market in Sulaymaniyah.

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