Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dietary restraint"" "subject:"cietary restraint""
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Adolescent eating behaviour in relation to iron status and psychological well-beingMulvihill, Caroline January 1997 (has links)
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Examining the Association Between Executive Functioning and Eating Behaviors in Adolescents From Low-Income BackgroundsShields, Clarissa 22 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Smoking by Restrained Eaters Following a Food Prime in the Context of an Alternative DistractorKovacs, Michelle 21 May 2016 (has links)
Prior research found that female smokers with elevated dietary restraint (“high-restrainers”) smoked more after a disinhibiting food event (Kovacs, Correa, & Brandon, 2014). The current study aimed to determine if high-restrainers smoked merely to distract themselves from eating, or if the appetite/weight-control aspects of smoking played a role. Female smokers (N = 128) attended a laboratory session and were randomized to receive a milkshake prime (Prime condition) or not (No-Prime condition). All participants then received ad-lib access to tempting foods, cigarettes, and a computer tablet with internet access. Our main aims were to test the effect of the prime on smoking and eating behavior in the presence of an alternative distractor (i.e. the tablet). We expected high-restrainers in the Prime condition to demonstrate preference for cigarettes even in the presence of an alternative distractor. Primary analyses utilized hierarchical regression models with condition and several moderators as predictors of consumption behavior. Condition was predictive of total cigarette smoked (p’s<.02), indicating that those in the Prime condition smoked more. Regardless of condition, several expectancy measures predicted cigarette consumption (p’s < .05), and higher level of dietary restraint predicted shorter latency to smoke (p= .017). Additionally, lower levels of trait mindfulness were associated with elevated dietary restraint, cigarette craving at baseline and expectancies about cigarettes’ weight control properties. Importantly, latency to use the tablet was not predicted by level of dietary restraint or expectancies. Although dietary restraint and expectancies did not interact with condition to predict levels of smoking, the overall findings suggest that :1. The traditional priming effect was apparently mitigated in the presence of appealing distracting stimuli ;and 2. Dietary restrainers attempt to prevent food consumption by turning to cigarettes, choosing to utilize cigarettes above and beyond preference for other salient distracting stimuli. Therefore, smoking appears to be more than just a distractor from eating, and is also associated with strong beliefs about weight and appetite control. These findings may inform interventions aimed at the high-risk population of young adult female smokers, and mindfulness-based strategies may prove especially useful.
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Hedonic Hunger and Self-Control: The Impact of Palatability, Power of Food and Dietary Restraint on Self-Control DepletionYoung, Kathleen Marie 28 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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The relationship between trait eating behaviours and food-related attentional biasesWilson, Ceri January 2013 (has links)
Attentional bias (AB) refers to the tendency to selectively attend to (orientation towards) and/or hold attention on (slowed disengagment from) disorder-relevant stimuli. Females with eating-related concerns are thought to preferentially process threatening stimuli, which in turn is thought to maintain and exacerbate eating concerns. The aim of the present thesis was to explore AB for threatening stimuli in females characterised by restrained, external or emotional eating, and those with high levels of (non-clinical) eating psychopathology. This was carried out with the intention of identifying cognitive processes that contribute to eating behaviours in females, in order to assess the relevance of an attention training (AT) programme for reducing such biases. A pilot study assessed orientation/slowed disengagement, for mood and food words amongst females with high/low levels of restraint. Forty females completed a modified Stroop task with three conditions. Food and mood conditions included sequences of five words ( target food/mood followed by four neutral). The neutral condition consisted of all neutral words. Performance did not significantly differ according to high/low restraint groups. All participants took longest to colour-name word position 2 (demonstrating slowed disengagement lasting one consecutive trial). However, this pattern was also found in the neutral condition. Methodological limitations were then addressed in study one. High/low restrained eaters (n=48) completed a modified Stroop where targets (food, interpersonal threat, animal) were presented prior to four neutral words. Participants were slow to disengage from targets (slowest for word position 2) in all conditions. Patterns of responding indicated that restrained eaters might take longer to disengage (i.e. the carry-over effect from the food word seemed to last longer than one trial). However, more neutral words in the sequence were needed to assess this. As slowed disengagement from animals also arose, a categorical effect may have occurred. Study two explored attention processing of food using modified Stroop and dot probe tasks. In the Stroop task targets (food, interpersonal threat, household objects) were presented prior to six matched neutral words. This task revealed no evidence of AB. No significant pattern of differences between restrained (n=29)/unrestrained eaters (n=31) emerged; however, binge eating scores were significantly negatively correlated with response times. A dot probe task with food/neutral picture pairs also revealed no evidence of AB. Both restrained/unrestrained eaters had negative mean interference scores indicating avoidance of food. None of the following eating behaviours significantly correlated with AB: restraint, disinhibition, external eating, emotional eating and non-clinical eating psychopathology. Study three employed a further modified dot probe task based on image ratings. There was no evidence of AB, and no significant relation between task performance and restrained, emotional or external eating. 2000ms bias scores (assessing disengagement) were significantly negatively correlated with eating psychopathology and age, suggesting that those with high levels of non-clinical eating psychopathology attentionally avoid food stimuli and that younger females are slower to disengage attention from food (although found within a limited age range). Study four employed further modified Stroop and dot probe tasks, and assessed whether AB mediates the negative mood-eating relationship. Participants were allocated to negative or neutral mood conditions. No evidence of AB was found with the dot probe, but greater levels of emotional eating were associated with slower responding. In the Stroop task, all participants displayed an orientation bias towards food. Emotional eating and drive for thinness (DFT) scores were significantly positively correlated with food word colour-naming times but only amongst participants in a negative mood. However, those with high levels of external eating showed greater AB towards food when in a neutral mood. Highly emotional eaters in a negative mood showed a greater desire to eat than those in a neutral mood but did not increase in food intake. Furthermore, those with a high DFT (in a negative mood) showed no evidence of increased desire to eat or food intake. AB was not significantly related to subjective appetite or food intake. Therefore, AB does not seem to mediate the negative-mood eating relationship. The present thesis provides important suggestions for modifications of Stroop and dot probe tasks targeting orientation and disengagement. A modified Stroop has been more sensitive at detecting food AB than the dot probe. Implications of biased attention processing are discussed in relation to the development of harmful eating behaviours, and the present findings have important implications for developing programmes to prevent eating disorders amongst at-risk females (e.g. through AT or training at-risk females how to effectively cope with negative mood).
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The perfectionism model of binge eating : idiographic and nomothetic tests of an integrative modelSherry, Simon B. 15 June 2006
Perfectionism is implicated in the onset, course, and remission of disordered eating (Bastiani, Rao, Weltzin, & Kaye, 1995; Bruch, 1979; Cockell et al., 2002; Stice, 2002; Tozzi, et al., 2005; Vohs, Bardone, Joiner, & Abramson, 1999; references are contained in Appendix F on p. 271). Building on the above research tradition, this dissertation proposed and evaluated a model relating perfectionism to binge eating. This new model is termed the Perfectionism Model of Binge Eating (PMOBE). According to the PMOBE, perfectionism confers vulnerability to binge eating by generating encounters with and by magnifying responses to specific triggers of binge eating: namely, perceived discrepancies, low self-esteem, depressive affect, and dietary restraint. <p>A multi-site, 7-day, web-based structured daily diary study was conducted to test the PMOBE. Overall, 566 female university students participated, and these individuals provided 3509 useable diary responses. A data analytic strategy involving structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling generally supported the PMOBE. For example, a structural model relating socially prescribed perfectionism (i.e., perceiving that others are demanding perfection of oneself) to binge eating through the aforementioned binge eating triggers demonstrated acceptable fit. Multilevel mediation also indicated that the influence of self-oriented perfectionism (i.e., demanding perfection of oneself) and socially prescribed perfectionism on binge eating operated through the abovementioned binge eating triggers (excepting dietary restraint). Support for multilevel moderation was limited, but suggested that the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and binge eating was conditional upon dietary restraint. <p>This study is, to my knowledge, the first to examine the perfectionism-disordered eating connection using a structured daily diary methodology. Thus, this study offered a unique perspective apart from the usual cross-sectional and nomothetic research on perfectionism and eating pathology. In particular, this study suggested that, in their day-to-day lives, perfectionistic individuals (especially socially prescribed perfectionists) inhabit a world permeated with putative triggers of binge eating. Although perfectionism appeared to generate exposure to binge eating triggers, by and large, it did not seem to magnify responses to these same triggers (Bolger & Zuckerman, 1995, p. 890). A somewhat qualified version of the PMOBE was thus supported, with socially prescribed perfectionism assuming greater importance than self-oriented perfectionism and with perfectionism conferring vulnerability to binge eating by generating environments with, but not magnifying responses to, binge triggers. Overall, this dissertation contributed new knowledge to our understanding of the precipitants and the correlates of binge eating and highlighted the idea that perfectionism may play an important part in binge eating.
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The perfectionism model of binge eating : idiographic and nomothetic tests of an integrative modelSherry, Simon B. 15 June 2006 (has links)
Perfectionism is implicated in the onset, course, and remission of disordered eating (Bastiani, Rao, Weltzin, & Kaye, 1995; Bruch, 1979; Cockell et al., 2002; Stice, 2002; Tozzi, et al., 2005; Vohs, Bardone, Joiner, & Abramson, 1999; references are contained in Appendix F on p. 271). Building on the above research tradition, this dissertation proposed and evaluated a model relating perfectionism to binge eating. This new model is termed the Perfectionism Model of Binge Eating (PMOBE). According to the PMOBE, perfectionism confers vulnerability to binge eating by generating encounters with and by magnifying responses to specific triggers of binge eating: namely, perceived discrepancies, low self-esteem, depressive affect, and dietary restraint. <p>A multi-site, 7-day, web-based structured daily diary study was conducted to test the PMOBE. Overall, 566 female university students participated, and these individuals provided 3509 useable diary responses. A data analytic strategy involving structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling generally supported the PMOBE. For example, a structural model relating socially prescribed perfectionism (i.e., perceiving that others are demanding perfection of oneself) to binge eating through the aforementioned binge eating triggers demonstrated acceptable fit. Multilevel mediation also indicated that the influence of self-oriented perfectionism (i.e., demanding perfection of oneself) and socially prescribed perfectionism on binge eating operated through the abovementioned binge eating triggers (excepting dietary restraint). Support for multilevel moderation was limited, but suggested that the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism and binge eating was conditional upon dietary restraint. <p>This study is, to my knowledge, the first to examine the perfectionism-disordered eating connection using a structured daily diary methodology. Thus, this study offered a unique perspective apart from the usual cross-sectional and nomothetic research on perfectionism and eating pathology. In particular, this study suggested that, in their day-to-day lives, perfectionistic individuals (especially socially prescribed perfectionists) inhabit a world permeated with putative triggers of binge eating. Although perfectionism appeared to generate exposure to binge eating triggers, by and large, it did not seem to magnify responses to these same triggers (Bolger & Zuckerman, 1995, p. 890). A somewhat qualified version of the PMOBE was thus supported, with socially prescribed perfectionism assuming greater importance than self-oriented perfectionism and with perfectionism conferring vulnerability to binge eating by generating environments with, but not magnifying responses to, binge triggers. Overall, this dissertation contributed new knowledge to our understanding of the precipitants and the correlates of binge eating and highlighted the idea that perfectionism may play an important part in binge eating.
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Effects of a Brief Relaxation Intervention on Stress-Related EatingMayhew-Purcell, Laura Lynn 01 January 2015 (has links)
The experience of stress may contribute to increased food consumption and selection of unhealthy food options. Resource depletion theory suggests stress temporarily depletes resources needed to regulate behavior. Depletions of self-control may result in subsequent failure to regulate eating behaviors, which is particularly salient in restrained eaters. Restraint theory posits people high in dietary restraint require significant effort to control eating. Emotional eating theory further suggests palatable foods may be used to regulate emotional stress reactions. Relaxation exercises to mitigate stress reactions are recommended in eating and weight management programs, but lack quality scientific support. The current study examined the efficacy of a brief relaxation intervention on stress-related eating in a sample of at-risk women. Self-regulatory resources and affect were tested as mechanisms of action. A sample of 139 women high in dietary restraint completed a stress-task and were subsequently randomized to a relaxation intervention or control group. Participants were presented with foods varied on taste and fat content. Affect, subjective relaxation, and self-regulatory resources were measured at baseline, pre-, and post-intervention. Participation in a relaxation intervention resulted in significantly less food consumption (p < .05), with a trend toward lower consumption of sweet food (p = .05), compared to controls. Multiple mediator models examining proposed indirect effects of group on eating outcomes were not supported, with the exception of change in subjective relaxation as a significant indirect effect for high-fat food consumption. This study is the first to provide experimental evidence of the efficacy of relaxation in mitigating the effects of stress on eating. Limitations, implications, and future research directions are discussed.
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Dichotomous Thinking Toward Food as a Mediator Between Eating Behavior and BMIJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Long-term results of dietary weight loss interventions are not promising, with rates of weight loss maintenance at a mere 20%. Psychological factors related to weight maintenance include setting unrealistic weight goals, poor problem-solving skills, low self-efficacy, dichotomous thinking, and external locus of control. The ability to maintain a stable bodyweight over time has been associated with optimal health outcomes, lower stress levels, and higher general well-being. Dichotomous thinking has been associated with overeating and increased bodyweight. Cognitive restraint, disinhibition, and hunger are three dimensions of human eating behavior that appear to be important to understanding weight loss maintenance. Individuals who attempt to maintain their bodyweight via dietary restraint mechanisms are more susceptible to excessive eating episodes. Disinhibition has been found to be the strongest predictor of weight gain, while the research on the association between hunger and bodyweight is mixed. This study sought to evaluate the relationship between dichotomous thinking toward food and various eating behaviors (binge eating, cognitive restraint, disinhibition, and hunger). A multiple regression analysis revealed that binge eating, cognitive restraint, disinhibition, and hunger were each significant unique predictors of higher body mass index (BMI). Higher levels of hunger predicted lower BMI, controlling for cognitive restraint, disinhibition, and binge eating. Mediation analyses revealed that dichotomous thinking mediated the relationships between binge eating and BMI, cognitive restraint and BMI, and disinhibition and BMI. Further analysis revealed that binge eating mediated the relationship between dichotomous thinking and BMI, indicating that thinking of food in black-and-white could lead to higher rates of binge eating, and the excess calorie consumption could lead to increased BMI. The study findings suggest that a strong focus should be made to promote a more flexible attitude toward food in an effort to improve weight loss maintenance in the population. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2018
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