Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dilatometry"" "subject:"oilatometry""
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Inclusão e remoção térmica de NaCl, KI e grafite para obtenção de cerâmicas porosas de zircônia estabilizada com ítria / Inclusion an thermal removal of NaCl, KI and graphite for preparing porous yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics: electrical and microstructural characterizationCARVALHO, SABRINA G. de M. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:41:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Crescimento de graos e condutividade eletrica da ceria-samaria usando o metodo de sinterizacao e duas etapas / Grain growth and electrical conductivity of samaria-doped ceria sintered by the two-step methodREIS, SHIRLEY L. dos 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:04:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A solução sólida céria-samária é uma das principais candidatas para aplicação como eletrólito sólido em células a combustível de óxido sólido, devido sua alta condutividade iônica em temperaturas intermediárias (500-750 ºC) de operação. Um dos problemas ainda não solucionados com relação a este material é sua relativamente baixa sinterabilidade. Nesse trabalho foi utilizado o método de sinterização em duas etapas visando melhorar a densificação com reduzido tamanho médio de grãos. Soluções sólidas comercial e obtida por mistura de óxidos de composição Ce0,8Sm0,2O1,9 foram utilizadas. Para fins comparativos também foi utilizado o método denominado sinterização em duas etapas tradicional que visa a obtenção de amostras densas independentemente do tamanho médio de grãos. Resultados de densidade aparente e retração linear revelaram que ambos os tipos de amostras têm comportamento distinto. Para a solução sólida comercial, a retração total até 1400 ºC foi de ~18%. Só foram obtidos resultados de densidade significativos ao utilizar temperaturas elevadas (igual ou superior a 1300 ºC). Para o material obtido por mistura de óxidos não foi possível atingir densidades maiores que 90% da densidade teórica. A sinterização em duas etapas tradicional produziu amostras densas, da mesma forma, que a não-tradicional, mas com tamanhos de grãos consideravelmente maiores. Amostras sinterizadas por ambos os processos foram analisadas por espectroscopia de impedância para a determinação da condutividade elétrica em função da temperatura, e não apresentaram variação significativa nas condutividades intra e intergranular. A sinterização em duas etapas não resultou em melhorias na densificação e nem na condutividade elétrica das amostras. Entretanto, a redução obtida no tamanho médio de grãos pode melhorar as propriedades mecânicas. / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Inclusão e remoção térmica de NaCl, KI e grafite para obtenção de cerâmicas porosas de zircônia estabilizada com ítria / Inclusion an thermal removal of NaCl, KI and graphite for preparing porous yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics: electrical and microstructural characterizationCARVALHO, SABRINA G. de M. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:41:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Cerâmicas de zircônia estabilizada com ítria são utilizadas na forma densa como eletrólito e na forma porosa como ânodo em células a combustível de óxido sólido. Neste trabalho cerâmicas porosas de zircônia estabilizada com 8 mol% de ítria foram preparadas por meio da adição de diferentes teores de KI, NaCl e grafite como aditivo sacrificial. A remoção térmica do aditivo foi avaliada por meio de análises termogravimétrica, térmica diferencial e dilatométrica. As amostras foram preparadas por meio de mistura, compactação e sinterização a 1400 ºC/2 h. As amostras foram caracterizadas por difração de raios X(DRX) e análise topográfica em microscópio de varredura por sonda e microscópio eletrônico de varredura de superfícies polidas e atacadas para avaliação da distribuição do teor de poros e tamanho médio de grãos. O teor do aditivo residual foi avaliado por fluorescência de raios X (FRX). O comportamento elétrico foi analisado por espectroscopia de impedância (EI) na faixa de frequências 5 Hz-10 MHz entre 300 ºC e 450 ºC. Os resultados de FRX mostram que não há resíduo do aditivo após sinterização. A análise de DRX indica que todas as amostras têm fase única, cúbica tipo fluorita. Os diagramas de impedância mostram que há aumento i) das resistividades elétricas intergranular e intragranular, evidenciando a formação de poros em ambas as regiões, ii) do ângulo de descentralização do semicírculo a baixas frequências, devido ao aumento do grau de heterogeneidade pela presença de poros, e iii) do produto do fator de bloqueio R pelo fator de frequência f, consequência do aumento do teor de poros. Esses resultados estão em concordância com os resultados das análises de microscopia de varredura por sonda e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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A presença do nióbio em um ferro fundido branco de cromo-molibdênio: traçado da curva transformação-tempo-temperatura / not availableAlberto Ibañez Ruiz 03 April 1996 (has links)
Avaliou-se experimentalmente o ferro fundido branco de alto-cromo-molibdênio ao qual foi adicionado nióbio, a respeito de sua temperabilidade. Dilatometricamente traçou-se a curva TTT desse material, bem como a de um ferro fundido branco de alto cromo para efeito comparativo. Constatou-se por essa comparação e pelos resultados da literatura a alta temperabilidade obtida pela liga experimental. A partir da temperatura de austenitização utilizada, podem-se usar taxas de resfriamento de até 0,12°C/s sem transformação de fase, enquanto que na liga comparativa essa taxa aumenta para 5,8°C/s. Foram realizadas análises de desgaste abrasivo, de dureza e microdureza, de difração por raios-X , de fase magnética e de microanálise como forma de caracterizar as transformações de fase observadas por dilatometria. As variações estruturais decorrentes dos tratamentos térmicos realizados nas duas ligas foram acompanhados por microscopia ótica. É indicativo pelo presente trabalho que tal material além de suas características inerentes de resistência à abrasão e à corrosão oferece maior flexibilidade nos projetos que envolvam paredes espessas. / In this work we studied the hardenability of high chromium- molibdenum white cast iron with niobium. By dilatometry we obtained the TTT curve of this material as well as the high chromium white cast iron for comparison. This comparison and available results in literature confirm the high temperability of experimental material. We can use slow rate cooling 0,12°C/s or higher without phase transformation, while in the comparative alloy this rate is around 5,8°C/s or higher from specific used austenitic abrasive temperature. We also realized analysis of abrasive wear, hardness and microhardness, raios-X difraction, magnetic phase and microanalyse for verifing the phase transformation as observed by dilatometry. The structure variation as function of termic treatment in both alloys is monitored by optical microscope. The present work indicate that the material under study can offer more flexibility for projects with thick materials apart from intrinsic characteristics of abrasive wear and corrosion.
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Influência da microestrutura nas propriedades mecânicas e na fragilização por hidrogênio em um aço microligado. / Influence of microstructure on the mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement in microalloyed steel.Mario Fernando González Ramírez 28 September 2012 (has links)
A tecnologia dos aços microligados para transporte de gás natural e petróleo tem sido pressionada pelo descobrimento das novas jazidas e o aumento da demanda no mundo. As solicitações ambientais e de resistência mecânica são os parâmetros para o desenvolvimento de aços de alta resistência baixa liga para o transporte de gás e petróleo a menor custo e de forma segura. Neste contexto esta pesquisa investiga, em um aço microligado para tubos API 5L X80, o efeito das transformações de fase obtidas por resfriamentos controlados na fratura induzida por hidrogênio Hydrogen Induced Cracking-(HIC) e nas propriedades mecânicas. Os testes de HIC foram realizados no material como recebido, na espessura da chapa submetida a resfriamentos contínuos e em amostras do material tratadas de forma a simular as regiões de grão grosso da zona afetada pelo calor (GGZAC). Segundo o ciclo de resfriamento, os aços microligados têm microestruturas complexas, como é caso do aço microligado em estudo, onde sua microestrutura, estudada em trabalhos anteriores, é formada principalmente por ferrita, bainita, perlita e microconstituinte austenita/martensita (AM). A morfologia, tamanho, quantidade e distribuição dos produtos de transformação na chapa mudam as propriedades do aço. Esses fenômenos são de grande interesse tecnológico em aços microligados para a fabricação de tubos soldados para o transporte de gás e petróleo, tanto quando a solda é realizada em campo como também durante o encurvamento por indução; aqui as propriedades mecânicas do tubo decorrentes do processo de fabricação termomecânico podem ser degradadas pela ação do aquecimento e dos resfriamentos experimentados na zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC), principalmente na região de GGZAC. A simulação dos ciclos térmicos para o estudo da HIC na espessura da chapa foram realizados em CP austenitizados a 900ºC e submetidos a resfriamentos contínuos no dilatômetro de têmpera. Para simular os ciclos térmicos com resfriamentos controlados focados na GGZAC e a seguir obter CP de tamanho adequado para testes de tração e Charpy, foi necessário fazer os tratamentos térmicos a 1300ºC e resfriamentos contínuos em um simulador termomecânico e dilatômetro Gleeble. O maior tamanho da amostra tratada termicamente neste último equipamento permitiu extrair amostras para avaliar as propriedades mecânicas e a HIC do material, pois as diferentes regiões da ZAC em uma solda real são restritas e não permitem este tipo de ensaios em uma região específica da ZAC. Os resultados permitiram identificar a suscetibilidade de cada microestrutura produto da transformação da austenita na espessura da chapa, sendo a região central da chapa a mais sensível ao hidrogênio no aço como recebido e quando tratado a baixas taxas de resfriamento de 0,5°C/s após austenitizado a 900°C. As bandas grosseiras formadas por estruturas de maior dureza que a matriz na região central diminuíram a resistência à HIC. Da mesma forma nos corpos de prova que simulam a região GGZAC, a fratura induzida pelo hidrogênio foi localizada na região central da espessura embora apresente bainita e ferrita acicular. A falha possivelmente se deve aos elementos remanescentes segregados nesta região central e partição de carbono para os sub contornos de grão da bainita e ferrita que cresceram a partir a austenita primária. As inclusões e precipitados, segundo seu tipo, forma e localização na microestrutura, participam ou não da nucleação e propagação da trinca, sendo a posição mais crítica quando localizadas dentro das estruturas bandeadas. Não foi observada a nucleação de trincas na presença de hidrogênio em precipitados de Nb e Ti. / The technology of microalloyed steels for the transportation of natural gas and oil has been pressed by the discovery of new deposits and the increased demand in the world. Environmental requests for safety and ever increasing mechanical strength are the parameters for the development of high strength low alloy steels for transporting gas and oil at lower cost and safely. In this context, this research investigates, in a microalloyed steel pipe API 5L X80, the effect of phase transformations obtained by controlled cooling on the behavior when loaded with hydrogen - Hydrogen Induced Cracking - (HIC) and in the mechanical properties. HIC tests were performed on as-received material, on samples extracted from the thickness of the plate and subjected to continuous cooling and on samples of the material treated to simulate the coarse-grained regions of heat affected zone (CGHAZ). According to the cooling cycle, the microalloyed steels have complex microstructures: in the steel under evaluation its microstructure, studied in a previous work, consists mainly of ferrite, bainite, pearlite and austenite/martensite constituent (AM). The morphology, size, quantity and distribution of the products of transformation change the properties of plate steel. These phenomena are of great technological interest in microalloyed steels for the fabrication of welded tubes for the transport of gas and oil, when the welding is performed in the field as well as during hot bending; here the mechanical properties of the tube from the process of thermomechanical fabrication can be degraded by the action of heating and cooling experienced in the heat affected zone (HAZ), mainly in the region of CGHAZ. Simulations of thermal cycles for the study of HIC on sheet thickness were performed in coupons subjected to austenitization at 900ºC followed by continuous cooling in the dilatometer. To simulate the thermal cycles with controlled cooling, focused in the CGHAZ, and getting suitable sample sizes for tensile testing and Charpy, it was necessary to austenitize at 1300ºC followed by continuous cooling using the thermal and thermomechanical simulator in a Gleeble dilatometer. Samples heat treated in this equipment were suitable to evaluate the mechanical properties and the HIC of the material for different regions of HAZ, while a real weld would not have enough material to allow this type of testing on a specific region of HAZ. The results showed the susceptibility of each microstructure product of austenite transformation and of the position on the plate thickness. The central region of the plate was more sensitive to hydrogen in the steel as-received and when treated at low cooling rates of 0.5°C/s after austenitization at 900°C. The bands formed by coarse structures of greater hardness than the matrix in the central region decreased the resistance to HIC. Likewise in coupons that simulate the CGHAZ region, the fracture induced by hydrogen was located in the central thickness line, even when the microstructure were bainite and acicular ferrite. Failure there was possibly due to remnants of segregated elements in this central region and carbon partition to the subboundaries of the bainite and ferrite grain that grew from the primary austenite. Inclusions and precipitates, according to their type, shape and location in the microstructure, participating or not in the nucleation and propagation of the crack, were more critical when located within the banded structures; crack nucleation in the presence of hydrogen was not observed at Nb and Ti precipitates.
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Kinetika koordinační polymerace 1-olefinů katalyzované diiminovými komplexy niklu / Kinetics of the Coordination Polymerization of -olefins Catalyzed by Nickel Diimine ComplexesPeleška, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This Ph.D. thesis is focused on kinetic study of propene and hex-1-ene coordination polymerizations initiated by complex [(2-tBuC6H4)N=C(1,8-naphtalenediyl)C=N(2-tBuC6H4)]NiBr2 activated by simple organoaluminium compounds and on product properties. In first three parts proper activators are chosen in model polymerizations. The attention is paid to the reproducibility of polymerizations and analytical methods. The fourth part is focused on propene polymerization kinetics with the aim to define optimal reaction conditions, especially polymerization temperature and time. The four part concerns also properties of polymers. The fifth and sixth parts deal with hex-1-ene polymerization kinetics conducted at various activator/initiator molar ratios and various catalytic precursor concentrations, to find out kinetic orders with respect to catalyst and cocatalyst concentration. Last part is oriented on detail mechanistic investigation of nickel diimine complexes activation process. Results of measurements in presence or absence of monomer enabled to propose new interpretation of UV-vis spectra based on concrete structures of absorbing species.
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Understanding the Role of Initial Microstructure on Intercritically Reheated Heat Affected Zone Microstructure and Properties of Multi-Pass WeldsLolla, Sri Venkata Tapasvi 09 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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On the Volume Changes during the Solidification of Cast Irons and Peritectic SteelsTadesse, Abel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis work deals with the volume changes during the solidification of cast irons and peritectic steels. The volume changes in casting metals are related to the expansion and/or contraction of the molten metal during solidification. Often, different types of shrinkage, namely macro- and micro-shrinkage, affect the casting quality. In addition to that, exposure of the metal casting to higher contraction or expansion during the solidification might also be related to internal strain development in samples, which eventually leads to surface crack propagation in some types of steel alloys during continuous casting. In consequence, a deep understanding of the mechanisms and control of the solidification will improve casting quality and production. All of the experiments during the entire work were carried out on laboratory scale samples. Displacement changes during solidification were measured with the help of a Linear Variable Displacement Transformer (LVDT). All of the LVDT experiments were performed on samples inside a sand mould. Simultaneously, the cooling curves of the respective samples during solidification were recorded with a thermocouple. By combining the displacement and cooling curves, the volume changes was evaluated and later used to explain the influence of inoculants, carbon and cooling rates on volume shrinkages of the casting. Hypoeutectic grey cast iron (GCI) and nodular cast iron (NCI) with hypo-, hyper- and eutectic carbon compositions were considered in the experiments from cast iron group. High nickel alloy steel (Sandvik Sanbar 64) was also used from peritectic steel type. These materials were melted inside an induction furnace and treated with different types of inoculants before and during pouring in order to modify the composition. Samples that were taken from the LVDT experiments were investigated using a number of different methods in order to support the observations from the displacement measurements: Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), to evaluate the different phase present; Dilatometry, to see the effect of cooling rates on contraction for the various types of alloys; metallographic studies with optical microscopy; Backscattered electrons (BSE) analysis on SEM S-3700N, to investigate the different types of oxide and sulphide nuclei; and bulk density measurements by applying Archimedes' principle. Furthermore, the experimental volume expansion during solidification was compared with the theoretically calculated values for GCI and NCI. It was found that the casting shows hardly any shrinkage during early solidification in GCI, but in the eutectic region the casting expands until the end of solidification. The measured and the calculated volume changes are close to one another, but the former shows more expansion. The addition of MBZCAS (Si, Ca, Zr, Ba, Mn and Al) promotes more flake graphite, and ASSC (Si, Ca, Sr and Al) does not increase the number of eutectic cells by much. In addition to that, it lowers the primary austenite fraction, promotes more eutectic growth and decreases undercooled graphite and secondary dendritic arm spacing (SDAS). As a result, the volume expansion changes in the eutectic region. The expansion during the eutectic growth increase with an increase in the inoculant weight percentage. At the same time, the eutectic cells become smaller and increase in number. The effect of the inoculant and the superheat temperature shows a variation in the degree of expansion/contraction and the cooling rates for the experiments. Effective inoculation tends to homogenize the eutectic structure, reducing the undercooled and interdendritic graphite throughout the structure. In NCI experiments, it was found that the samples showed no expansion in the transversal direction due to higher micro-shrinkages in the centre, whereas in the longitudinal direction the samples shows expansion until solidification was complete. The theoretical and measured volume changes agreed with each other. The austenite fraction and number of micro-shrinkage pores decreased with increase in carbon content. The nodule count and distribution changes with carbon content. The thermal contraction of NCI is not influenced by the variation in carbon content at lower cooling rates. The structural analysis and solidification simulation results for NCI show that the nodule size and count distribution along the cross-sections at various locations are different due to the variation in cooling rates and carbon concentration. Finer nodule graphite appears in the thinner sections and close to the mold walls. A coarser structure is distributed mostly in the last solidified location. The simulation result indicates that finer nodules are associated with higher cooling rate and a lower degree of microsegregation, whereas the coarser nodules are related to lower cooling rate and a higher degree of microsegregation. As a result, this structural variation influences the micro-shrinkage in different parts. The displacement change measurements show that the peritectic steel expands and/or contracts during the solidification. The primary austenite precipitation during the solidification in the metastable region is accompanied by gradual expansion on the casting sides. Primary δ-ferrite precipitation under stable phase diagram is complemented by a severe contraction during solidification. The microstructural analysis reveals that the only difference between the samples is grain refinement with Ti addition. Moreover, the severe contraction in solidification region might be the source for the crack formation due to strain development, and further theoretical analysis is required in the future to verify this observation. / <p>QC 20170228</p>
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Assemblages électroniques par frittage d’argent pour équipements aéronautiques fonctionnant en environnements sévères / Electronic assembly using silver sintering for aircraft equipments in harsh environmentsGeoffroy, Thomas 10 April 2017 (has links)
La majeure partie des équipements électroniques qui nous entourent fonctionne dans des environnements plutôt cléments où les variations thermiques sont d’amplitudes faibles à modérées. En aéronautique, l’utilisation d’équipements fonctionnant dans des milieux beaucoup plus hostiles que les environnements traditionnellement rencontrés en électronique pourrait permettre d’améliorer considérablement les performances des aéronefs, notamment en terme de poids, de consommation de carburant et de coût de maintenance. Toutefois, l’utilisation d’assemblages électroniques « classiques » dans des environnements où les variations thermiques sont fortes pose des problèmes techniques majeurs : les hautes températures peuvent faire fondre les alliages de brasure courants et la fatigue thermomécanique peut très rapidement provoquer la défaillance des assemblages. Pour pallier ces problèmes, les composants électroniques peuvent être reportés par frittage d’argent dans les circuits. En effet, cette technologie d’assemblage permet de remplacer les brasures usuelles par un matériau ayant un point de fusion nettement plus élevé : l’argent pur (Tfus=962°C). Cependant, le frittage a tendance à produire des matériaux poreux et la porosité peut avoir un effet néfaste sur le vieillissement des joints d’attache des composants électroniques. Par conséquent, dans cette thèse, les liens existant entre profil thermique de frittage et porosité ainsi que ceux existant entre porosité et résistance aux cycles thermiques (-65°C/+200°C) ont été étudiés. Par ailleurs, la question des interactions métallurgiques pouvant se produire à hautes températures entre l’argent fritté et certaines métallisations usuelles de composants et de substrats a également été abordée. / Most of usual electronic devices operate in environments where the amplitude of temperature changes is limited. The use of electronic equipment operating in harsh environments in aircrafts could however improve their performances, especially their weight, their gas consumption and their cost of maintenance. Unfortunately the use of classical electronic assembly technologies in environments where wide amplitude thermal variations take place raises major technical issues: the high temperatures reached in some parts of aircrafts can melt usual brazing materials and thermomechanical fatigue can induce early failure of the assemblies. To prevent these problems from happening, electronic components can be attached using silver sintering. One of the strengths of this technology is that it allows the replacement of traditional brazing material by a high melting point material: pure silver (Tm=962°C). Silver sintering nevertheless leads to a porous material and porosity can have a negative impact on the ageing of the attachment joints of electronic components. One of the goals of this PhD thesis is therefore to study the link between the sintering temperature profile and the porosity of silver. Furthermore the impact of different rates of porosity on the mechanical behavior of silver has been assessed. These investigations have mainly been focused on the fatigue behavior of porous silver electrical junctions under thermal cycling (-65°C/+200 °C). The question of the metallurgical interactions that may exist at high temperatures between silver and some of the usual metallization of components and/or substrates has lastly been addressed.
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Análise microestrutural em altas temperaturas de um ferro fundido branco de alto cromo com molibdênio e nióbio / A molybdenum and niobium high chromium white cast iron study-metallography at high temperaturesSilva, Cloir Salatiel da 15 October 1999 (has links)
As mudanças microestruturais, causadas pela adição de elementos de liga e pelos tratamentos térmicos, modificam as propriedades mecânicas e tribológicas dos materiais. Foi desenvolvido então um estudo em amostras de um ferro fundido branco de alto cromo com molidbênio e nióbio, procurando determinar os efeitos dos elementos de liga molibdênio e nióbio, na microestrutura deste material, através de medidas de dureza, dilatometria, ataque químico, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e,principalmente, a utilização de metalografia em altas temperaturas. A técnica de metalografia em altas temperaturas permite o estudo das mudanças microestruturais durante os ciclos térmicos, que foram programados, tendo como referência a curva TTT previamente traçada para este material, focalizando regiões onde não ocorrem mudanças de fase. Deste modo foram obtidas as aparências metalográficas em altas temperaturas e feito um estudo comparativo com as outras técnicas usadas. Com isto é possível melhorar o conhecimento sobre a microestrutura do material em questão e obter ligas com propriedades pré-determinadas. / The microstructural changes caused by the addition of alloying elements and by thermal treatments modify the mechanical and tribological properties of the materials. A study was develop on samples of molybdenum and niobium high chromium white cast iron, trying to determine the effects of molybdenum and niobium alloys elements on microstructure of this material through hardness measurements, dilatometry, chemical etching, scanning electron microscopy, and mainly, utilizing metallography at high temperatures. The metallography at high temperatures technic allows the study of microstructural changes during the thermal cyc1es, which were scheduled, having as reference the TTT curve previously traced to this material, focusing regions where changes of fase don\'t occur. So the metallographic appearances at high temperatures were obtained and it was done a comparative study using other technics. Because of that is possible to improve the knowledge of the material microstructure, which it has been studied, and to obtain alloys with predetermined properties.
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