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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feeding, Dark Survival, and Foreign Organelle Retention in an Antarctic Dinoflagellate

Sellers, Charles Grier January 2014 (has links)
The retention by protists of foreign plastids and other organelles obtained from algal prey is an ecologically important example of mixotrophy and also represents a potential pathway for the symbiogenetic evolution of novel permanent plastids. A gymnodinoid dinoflagellate isolated from the Ross Sea, Antarctica (RSD) retains plastids from its haptophyte prey Phaeocystis antarctica. It is a member of the Kareniaceae, a dinoflagellate family whose other members all contain permanent tertiary plastids of haptophyte origin. A subset of its cells also contain foreign nuclei. The following chapters describe experiments that indicate the RSD's selectivity for P. antarctica in feeding and plastid uptake, when compared to other potential prey; and observations that demonstrate survival of plastid-retaining RSD for over two years in the absence of its prey. Further experiments assess the resilience of P. antarctica and the RSD in response to the prolonged darkness of the austral winter. / Biology

Dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, Round Bay, Maryland

Benson, Don Gehr 07 July 2010 (has links)
The Monmouth and Brightseat Formations contain a rich and diverse dinoflagellate assemblage. Thirty-five genera and sixty-six species, of which two genera and eight species are new, are described in this study. The stratigraphic distribution of the taxa is summarized in Figure 4. The content of the assemblage changes suddenly at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary with thirteen species making the~r first appearance at or just above the boundary. Nineteen species cross the boundary and thirty-five species are restricted to the Cretaceous. The rather sudden change in the nature of the dinoflagellate assemblage at the boundary is interpreted by the author to indicate a paraconformable relationship between the Cretaceous and Paleocene sediments. The term paraconformity is used since there is little field evidence (a few pebbles, some lignite, and evidence of boring) indicating any extensive period of erosion at the boundary. / Master of Science

Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and environmental factors controlling their distribution in New England (USA) estuaries

Pospelova, Vera January 2003 (has links)
Extensive data sets of water quality and sediment chemistry as well as detailed historical records were used to analyze environmental factors controlling dinoflagellate cyst distribution in shallow estuaries (lagoons and embayments) of southern New England. Cyst abundance, species richness, the proportion of cysts produced by heterotrophic and autotrophic dinoflagellates, and the composition of cyst assemblages reflect spatial and temporal variation in environmental conditions. The cyst record in sediment cores from two embayments, New Bedford Harbor and Apponagansett Bay, Massachusetts demonstrates cyst sensitivity to environmental change caused by anthropogenic activity in the watersheds. Intensive industrialization and urbanization occurred during the 20th century in New Bedford Harbor resulted in extreme eutrophication and toxic pollution (heavy metals and PCBs). These conditions are reflected in declining cyst diversity and wide fluctuation in total cyst production. At the same time, the proportion of certain heterotrophic taxa increases. As impacts of extreme eutrophication and toxic pollution cannot be separated, the cyst response must be interpreted as a cumulative «pollution signal». The spatial distribution of modern dinoflagellate cysts in the area supports this signal. Cysts vary along gradients of nutrient enrichment, corresponding to distance from sewage outfalls. Dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from New England lagoons also were studied. A comparison of assemblages to water quality parameters, that are affected greatly by the degree of water exchange between lagoon and ocean, indicates that temperature and salinity are the main abiotic factors controlling cyst distribution in these estuaries. A new species of dinoflagellate cyst, Islandinium brevispinosum, has been identified and described. This species was found within a narrow range of water temperature and salinity, and at elevated nutrient levels. Dinoflagellate cysts reflect environmental conditions at the small spatial scales necessary to characterize variability within estuaries. However, the relative importance of abiotic factors controlling the spatial and temporal distribution of dinoflagellate cysts is likely to vary with the hydrological differences between lagoons and embayments. Therefore, dinoflagellate cysts can be useful indicators of environmental conditions in and human impacts on shallow estuaries.

Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and environmental factors controlling their distribution in New England (USA) estuaries

Pospelova, Vera January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Horizontal Gene Transfer and Plastid Endosymbiosis in Dinoflagellate Gene Innovation

Wisecaver, Jennifer Hughes January 2012 (has links)
Recent studies suggest that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) plays an important role in niche adaptation in some eukaryotes and may be a major evolutionary force in unicellular lineages. One subcategory of HGT is endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT), which is characterized by a large influx of genes from endosymbiont to host nuclear genome and is a critical step in the establishment of permanent organelles, such as plastids. The dinoflagellates are a diverse group of mostly marine eukaryotes that have a propensity for both HGT and plastid endosymbiosis. Many dinoflagellates are predators and can acquire both genes and plastids from prey, blurring the distinction between HGT and EGT. Here, I measure genome mosaicism in dinoflagellates to investigate how HGT has impacted gene innovation and plastid endosymbiosis in this group. Because analysis of HGT depends on accurate phylogenetic trees, I first assessed the sensitivity of automated phylogenomic methods to variation in taxon sampling due to homolog selection parameters. Using methods based on this analysis, I showed that a large amount of HGT has occurred in dinoflagellates, particularly from bacterial donors. Further, I demonstrated that the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense has the largest number of genes gained relative to related eukaryotes using ancestral gene content reconstruction. Additionally, dinoflagellates have lost several ubiquitous eukaryotic metabolic genes, but missing genes have been functionally replaced by xenologs from many evolutionarysources. Other transferred genes are involved in diverse functions. These results suggest that dinoflagellate genomes are heavily impacted by HGT. Also, I investigated the timing and consequences of HGT in plastid endosymbiosis. Using the dinflagellate Dinophysis acuminata, a mixotrophic species that sequesters and maintains prey plastids, I identified plastid-targeted proteins that function in photosystem stabilization and metabolite transport. Dinophysis acuminate may be able to extend the useful life of the stolen plastid by protecting the photosystem and replacing damaged transporters. Phylogenetic analyses showed that genes are derived from multiple sources indicating a complex evolutionary history involving HGT. Dinophysis acuminate can acquire both genes and plastids from prey, which suggests that HGT could play an important role in plastid acquisition during the earliest stages of this transition.

Patrons de biodiversité a` l'échelle globale chez les dinoflagellés planctoniques marins / Patterns of biodiversity on a global scale in marine planktonic dinoflagellates

Le Bescot, Noan 10 March 2014 (has links)
Les dinoflagellés forment un groupe complexe de protistes avec une grande diversité de morphologies, physiologies, et cycles de vies qui leur confèrent une forte capacité d'adaptation à l'ensemble des milieux (marins et dulçaquicoles) et habitats (pélagiques et benthiques) aquatiques rendant difficile l¿étude de leur diversité et de leur écologie. L'objectif de cette thèse a été la recherche de patrons globaux de biodiversité et de structuration des communautés de dinoflagellés pélagiques marins à l'échelle planétaire. Un protocole d'échantillonnage morphogénétique, couvrant la totalité de leur spectre de taille et une partie importante de leurs variabilités spatio-temporelles, a été développé (Tara-Oceans). Divers outils d'acquisition automatique à haut débit des données ont été testés. La diversité, l'abondance relative et la distribution géographique des espèces du genre Neoceratium ont été évaluées en mer Méditerranée par FlowCAM. Une étude de la structuration de la biodiversité a été réalisée par metabarcoding de l¿ADNr 18S (fragment V9). La construction d'une base de séquences ADNr de référence (DinR2) a permis l¿assignation taxonomique des metabarcodes environnementaux. L¿approche par metabarcode révèle une diversité remarquable et insoupçonnée des pico-dinoflagellés (<5µm) et que, indépendamment de l'écosystème étudié et de la période d'échantillonnage, l¿abondance des différents ordres dépend essentiellement de la taille (pico-, nano-, micro-, et meso-plancton). La structuration des communautés de dinoflagellés de différentes fractions de tailles de la zone photique a été confrontée à certains facteurs environnementaux ouvrant des pistes de recherche prometteuses / Dinoflagellates form a complex group of protists with a variety of morphologies, physiologies, and life cycles that give them a strong adaptation to all aquatic environments (marine and freshwater) and habitats (pelagic and benthic) making difficult to study their diversity and ecology. The objective of this thesis was the search for global biodiversity patterns and community structure of marine pelagic dinoflagellates across the world?s oceans. A morphogenetic sampling protocol, covering the entire spectrum of their size and an important part of their spatio-temporal variability, was developed (Tara-Oceans). Various tools for an automatic acquisition broadband data were tested. Diversity, relative abundance and geographical distribution of the genus Neoceratium were evaluated by FlowCAM in Mediterranean Sea. A study of the structure of biodiversity was conducted by metabarcoding with 18S rDNA (V9 fragment). Building a base of rDNA reference sequences (DinR2) allowed the taxonomic assignment of environmental metabarcodes. The metabarcode approach reveals a remarkable and unexpected diversity of pico-dinoflagellates (<5?m) and, regardless of the studied ecosystem and the sampling period, that abundance of different levels mainly depends to the size fractions (pico-, nano-, micro- and meso- plankton). Structuring of dinoflagellates communities in different size fractions of the photic zone was facing to some environmental factors and opens promising avenues for research

Estudos sobre dinoflagelados isolados da costa norte do estado de São Paulo: monitoramento, aspectos moleculares, biológicos e químicos / Studies on dinoflagellates from Southern Brazil: monitory, biological and molecular aspects

Naves, Jeanete Lopes 22 October 2008 (has links)
Dinoflagelados foram os primeiros microorganismos reconhecidos como fonte primária de certos metabólitos, também conhecidos como ficotoxinas. Em geral são compostos não protéicos, de baixo peso molecular (250-3500 Da), apresentam estruturas químicas e modos de ação bem diferenciados. Envolvidos em florações, mortandade de peixes e intoxicações de seres humanos, devido ao consumo de mariscos contaminados, tornaram alvo de diversas pesquisas. Atividade antifúngica, hemolítica e citotoxicidade contra células tumorais são alguns exemplos da variedade de compostos e modos de ação que podemos encontrar. Como exemplo do potencial de aplicação, a pectenotoxina é candidata a agente quimioterápico e a maitotoxina é um estimulante da síntese e secreção do fator de crescimento. Em alguns casos, estudos com compostos de dinoflagelados alcançam níveis de patente. O risco à saúde pública e as perdas econômicas causadas pelas florações levaram ao estudo do ciclo de vida e interações ecológicas, taxonomia e aspectos moleculares das microalgas envolvidas nesses eventos. Também levou a criação de programas de monitoramento que levam em consideração observações ambientais, amostras de fitoplâncton, mariscos ou peixes, análise das amostras, avaliação e divulgação dos resultados e planos de ação em caso de eventos tóxicos. Considerando os estudos já realizados com dinoflagelados, estudamos algumas espécies isoladas do litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo sob aspectos biológicos, moleculares, químicos e monitoramento. A abordagem biológica revelou a presença de compostos capazes de inibir a proliferação celular e de alterar de alguma forma o citoesqueleto das células tumorais T47D nos extratos polares de A. fraterculus, P. gracile e P. mexicanum. Observamos também um possível potencial genotóxico das espécies A. fraterculus e P. gracile. Os aspectos moleculares, biológicos e químicos foram utilizados como ferramenta para o estudo de uma espécie de Ostreopsis cf ovata. A biologia molecular associada a morfologia nos levou a identificar duas cepas, mostrando que são geneticamente idênticas entre si e entre os espécimes isolados do Rio de Janeiro e Mediterrâneo e diferente daqueles de origem asiática, contribuindo para a compreensão da taxonomia, biogeografia e filogenia deste gênero. Ambas as cepas mostraram atividade hemolítica, mas as frações obtidas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência não tiveram a hemólise inibida por ouabaína. A análise por espectrometria de massa também não foi conclusiva devido à falta de padrão da toxina estudada. Portanto, sugerimos que os compostos hemolíticos presentes nas amostras sejam distintos da palitoxina e de seus análogos. No entanto, analisando os cromatogramas de espectrometria de massa, verificamos que a atividade biológica encontrada para as nossas amostras estão relacionadas a um conjunto de compostos. O programa de monitoramento piloto na maricultura da Praia da Cocanha em Caraguatatuba, litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo foi realizado durante um ano. As análises de toxinas paralisantes (PSP) em bioensaios com camundongos e espectrometria de massa não detectaram toxinas nos mexilhões em concentrações que poderiam provocar intoxicação ao homem. Mas confirmamos o alerta quanto à presença de espécies potencialmente tóxicas no ambiente durante o período de estudo. Os aspectos abordados mostram como os compostos produzidos por dinoflagelados podem interferir de alguma forma na vida humana. Por um lado encontramos as finalidades farmacológicas na busca de novas drogas por outro o risco à saúde através do consumo de mariscos contaminados. Em ambos os casos, a continuidade das pesquisas trará muitos benefícios ao Homem. / Dinoflagellates were the firs microorganisms recognized as a primary source of certain metabolites, also known as phycotoxins. In general, compounds are non proteic, with low molecular weight (250-3500 Da), and have different chemical structures and modes of action. Frequently involved in algal blooms, killing fish and poisoning of humans due to consumption of contaminated seafood, they became the target of several researchers. Antifungal, hemolytic and cytotoxic activities against tumor cells are representative of the variety and modes of action that can be found. As examples of potential applications, the pectenotoxin is considered promising candidate for cancer chemotherapy; and the maitotoxin is described as stimulant of the synthesis and secretion of growth factor. In some cases, dinoflagellates compounds reached patent levels. The need to protect human health and fisheries industry led to studies of life cycle, ecologic interactions and taxonomic and molecular aspects of microalgae involved in harmful blooms. These events led to the establishment of monitoring programs to detect phytotoxins and toxic microalgae in mariculture farms worldwide. Based on researches carried out with others dinoflagellate, we studied some species isolated in the North coast of the state of São Paulo, on biological, molecular, chemical and monitoring aspects. Biologic assays indicated the presence of compounds in the dinoflagellates extracts that are able to inhibit cell proliferation and to induce changes in T47D cells cytoskeleton. We suggest a genotoxic potential for the compounds in the polar extracts of A. fraterculus and P. gracile. Biologic, molecular and chemical aspects were used to study two strains of Ostreopsis cf ovata. Molecular biology showed that both are genetically identical to O. ovata isolated from the Mediterranean Sea and Rio de Janeiro, but different from O. ovata collected in Asian waters. This result allowed a better understanding of genetic diversity and the recognition of more reliable (stable) morphological characters. Using mouse erythrocytes assay, hemolytic activity was detected in both strains of O. cf ovata. However, the hemolytic component was not inhibited by ouabain. Analyses by mass spectrometry of polar extract were inconclusive due to the lack of toxins standards. Therefore, we suggest that the compounds in the samples are distinct from palytoxin. Mass spectrometry results indicate that the biological activity of our samples can be related to several substances. The monitoring program in the mussel farm at Cocanha Beach, Caraguatatuba, was carried during one year. Mouse bioassays for paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins (PSP) performed in mussels showed that concentrations were below regulatory levels for human consumption. These low levels of PSPs were also confirmed by mass spectrometry. However, potentially toxic species were detected, and a long-term monitoring program is proposed and highly recommended. Research shows that compounds produced by dinoflagellates can interfere in human life both in positive and negative ways. On one side is the search for new drugs for pharmacological purposes; on the other hand the health risk represented by the consumption of contaminated seafood. In both cases, the continuity of the research will bring many benefits to humans.

Population dynamics of the invasive green Mussel, Perna viridis and their reponses to the toxic dinoflagellate Karena brevis : application of Dynamic Energy Budget theory to determine population trends / Dynamique de la population de moule verte Perna viridis et réponse au dinoflagellé toxique Karenia brevis : application de la théorie du budget d'énergie dynamique pour évaluer les tendances d'évolution de la population

McFarland, Katherine 18 May 2015 (has links)
Dans le monde entier les introductions d'espèces dans de nouvelles régions constituent une préoccupation écologique croissante ; ces introductions peuvent conduire à des modifications drastiques des écosystèmes, entre autres du fait de la compétition avec des espèces indigènes et également par la modification des réseaux de flux d'énergie dans les écosystèmes. La moule verte Perna viridis est une espèce récemment introduite dans les eaux côtières américaines et qui s'est rapidement disséminée le long des côtes du Sud-Est des États-Unis. Cependant, il n'existe pour le moment que très peu d'informations concernant la structure des populations, et leur dynamique en réponse à la variabilité environnementale locale. Les efflorescences de marées rouges formées par le dinoflagellé toxique Karenia brevis sont fréquentes le long des côtes de Floride bordant le Golfe du Mexique, et la tolérance de P. viridis à l'égard de ces événements et des brévitoxines (PbTx) associées n'est pas connue. En outre, comme P. viridis est une espèce invasive, la potentielle concurrence (ressources trophiques, espace, …) avec des bivalves indigènes comme l'huître Crassostrea virginica, est une préoccupation majeure dans les systèmes côtiers de Floride. Cette étude vise à caractériser la dynamique des populations établies de P. viridis populations établies et leur réponse aux efflorescences naturelles de K. brevis. Les effets des efflorescences à K. brevis ont été évalués à partir des résultats d'un suivi de la croissance, de la mortalité, du recrutement, de la gamétogenèse et de la composition biochimique des tissus (protéines, glycogène et lipides) durant trois ans. En outre, les concentrations en PbTx dans les tissus ont été analysées afin de déterminer l'absorption, l'accumulation et des taux d'élimination de ces toxines. Par ailleurs, les données recueillies sur le terrain et des informations de la littérature ont été utilisées pour élaborer un modèle énergétique individuel DEB pour modéliser la croissance et la reproduction de P. viridis. Avant l'apparition de la première efflorescence à K. brevis, P. viridis présentait des taux de croissance rapide (6-11 mm mois-1) et un taux de survie élevé (mortalité <1%). Au cours des efflorescences à K. brevis, le taux de croissance a chuté de façon significative et une bioaccumulation de PbTx dans les tissus mous a été observée. Les concentrations élevées en PbTx dans les tissus ont persisté longtemps après la dissipation de l'efflorescence et les taux de mortalité élevés se sont maintenus, ce qui a réduit fortement l'abondance de P. viridis. À la fin de l'efflorescence, la concentration en PbTx dans les moules était presque le double de celle relevée chez l'huître indigène Crassostrea virginica pour des individus prélevés à la même période ; chez P. viridis, la concentration en PbTx est restée supérieure à la limite réglementaire pour la consommation humaine pendant 16 semaine, alors qu'elle est revenue en dessous de ce seuil en 2 ½ semaines chez C. virginica.La composition biochimique des tissus et la reproduction n'ont pas parues affectées par ces évènements ; P. viridis réalise sa gamétogénèse durant toute l'année et a mis en place une stratégie de ponte intermittente partielle ; elle présentait durant toute l'année une grande stabilité de la concentration en composés de réserve. L'absence de cycle saisonnier marqué de la composition biochimique suggère que la ressource trophique est suffisante pour soutenir la gamétogenèse tout au long de l'année. Cependant, la première année du suivi, deux évènements majeurs de ponte et de recrutement ont été observés au printemps et à l'automne. Au cours de la deuxième année de suivi, l'analyse histologique montre que le même patron de ponte massive est observé au printemps ; cependant, à cette période, les efflorescences toxiques ont persisté et le recrutement a été inhibé, ce qui suggère que la fécondation et / ou le développement et la survie des larves […] / Worldwide, introductions of exotic species to new regions is of rising concern which can lead to catastrophic ecosystem alterations through competition with native species and disruption in energy flow.Perna viridis is a recently introduced bivalve species to US coastal waters and has vigorously spread throughout the southeastern US. However, little information regarding population structure and response to local environmental factors has been reported. Red tide blooms formed by the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis are frequent along the Gulf coast of Florida and as a recently introduced species, it is unclear what tolerance P. viridis has toward these events and associated brevetoxins (PbTx). Further, as an invasive species ecological concerns have risen regarding potential for spread and competition with native bivalve species, particularly the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica.This study aimed to characterize the population dynamics of established P. viridis populations and their response to naturally occurring K. brevis blooms. This was completed through monitoring of growth, mortality, juvenile recruitment, gametogenesis and biochemical composition (protein, glycogen and lipid) throughout a three year monitoring period to evaluate the effects of K. brevis blooms. Additionally, tissue PbTx concentrations were analyzed to determine uptake, accumulation and elimination rates. Data collected from the field and information reported in the literature were used to create a functional DEB model to predict individual growth and reproduction of P. viridis under environmentally realistic conditions.Prior to onset of the first K. brevis bloom event, P. viridis showed rapid growth rates (6 – 11 mm month-1) and high survival (mortality <1%). However, during K. brevis blooms growth rate dropped significantly and bioaccumulation of PbTx in the soft tissue was observed. High tissue PbTx concentrations persisted long after bloom dissipation and high rates of mortality ensued, severely reducing population densities. PbTx in mussels nearly doubled that of oysters sampled during the same time and remained above the regulatory limit for significantly longer, 2 ½ weeks and 16 weeks, respectively.Biochemical composition and reproduction appeared unaffected, exhibiting year round gametogenesis with a partial, intermittent spawning strategy and stability in reserves. A lack of significant seasonal cycles in biochemical composition suggests sufficient food and energy availability to support the observed year round gametogenesis. While continuous spawning capabilities were evident two major peaks in spawning and recruitment were observed (spring and fall), suggesting reduced fertilization and / or larval development and survival due to the presence of K. brevis and associated ichthyotoxins and hemolysins.These results indicate that while high tissue PbTx concentrations may lead to reduced growth in P. viridis, gametogenesis is not inhibited, allowing the population to survive K. brevis bloom exposure and reproduce, even while individual mortality was high. Prolonged bioconcentration of PbTx may lead to increased threat of post bloom trophic transfer, resulting in negative impacts on other important fisheries and higher food web implications. While it cannot be conclusively determined that the cause of reduced growth, survival and recruitment is due to red tide events, the parallels observed suggest that K. brevis is an important factor in the drastic changes in population structure.Through the work presented here, population dynamics of locally established P. viridis populations were characterized through monthly monitoring and the development of a DEB model to accurately predict the growth and reproduction under dynamic environmental conditions. This work aims to synthesize our knowledge on the individual bioenergetics of P. viridis and to aid in understand population dynamics and potential for competition with local C. virginica [...]

Correlated biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of microplankton from the Bearpaw Formation (Campanian-Maastrichtian) of Alberta, Canada

Dalzell, Matthew Thomas John 28 March 2007
Marine palynomorph assemblages from the Campanian-Maastrichtian Bearpaw Formation, consisting of 34 genera and 69 species of dinoflagellate cysts and 8 forms of acritarchs, were recovered from a composite section in the Cypress Hills and the Research Council of Alberta Castor borehole in southern Alberta, Canada. Correlation of the sections with magnetostratigraphy and radiometric dates of bentonites within the Bearpaw Formation provided a chronostratigraphic control that enabled correlation between the two sections and the Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary Global Stratotype Section and Point at Tercis les Bains, France. Correlation of first and last occurrence data of key taxa in the boundary section at Tercis with the same taxa in the studied sections support the placement of the Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary at the transition between magnetochrons 32n.1n and 31r within the <i>Baculites baculus</i> ammonoid range zone of the Western Interior of North America.<p>Semi-quantitative analyses of the assemblages record the transgressive-regressive episodes of the Bearpaw cyclothem. Increases in the relative abundances of gonyaulacacean cysts, numbers of dinocysts compared to terrestrial palynomorphs and assemblage diversity correlate with transgressive episodes, with the richest assemblages occurring during periods of open, offshore to neritic conditions correlated with the cyclothems transgressive peak.<p>Two new species of dinoflagellate cyst are described. The first, Dinoflagellate sp. 1, is a novel taxon, while the second, Downiesphaeridium sp. A, is a chorate cyst similar to Mesozoic forms previously ascribed to <i>Cleistosphaerdium diversispinosum</i> Davey et al. emend. Eaton et al.

Correlated biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of microplankton from the Bearpaw Formation (Campanian-Maastrichtian) of Alberta, Canada

Dalzell, Matthew Thomas John 28 March 2007 (has links)
Marine palynomorph assemblages from the Campanian-Maastrichtian Bearpaw Formation, consisting of 34 genera and 69 species of dinoflagellate cysts and 8 forms of acritarchs, were recovered from a composite section in the Cypress Hills and the Research Council of Alberta Castor borehole in southern Alberta, Canada. Correlation of the sections with magnetostratigraphy and radiometric dates of bentonites within the Bearpaw Formation provided a chronostratigraphic control that enabled correlation between the two sections and the Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary Global Stratotype Section and Point at Tercis les Bains, France. Correlation of first and last occurrence data of key taxa in the boundary section at Tercis with the same taxa in the studied sections support the placement of the Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary at the transition between magnetochrons 32n.1n and 31r within the <i>Baculites baculus</i> ammonoid range zone of the Western Interior of North America.<p>Semi-quantitative analyses of the assemblages record the transgressive-regressive episodes of the Bearpaw cyclothem. Increases in the relative abundances of gonyaulacacean cysts, numbers of dinocysts compared to terrestrial palynomorphs and assemblage diversity correlate with transgressive episodes, with the richest assemblages occurring during periods of open, offshore to neritic conditions correlated with the cyclothems transgressive peak.<p>Two new species of dinoflagellate cyst are described. The first, Dinoflagellate sp. 1, is a novel taxon, while the second, Downiesphaeridium sp. A, is a chorate cyst similar to Mesozoic forms previously ascribed to <i>Cleistosphaerdium diversispinosum</i> Davey et al. emend. Eaton et al.

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