Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bipolar"" "subject:"dipolar""
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O campo magnético da Terra varia em diferentes escalas de tempo, de milissegundos a bilhões de anos. Os dados de observatórios magnéticos e satélites obtidos nos últimos 150 anos indicam que o momento do dipolo magnético terrestre está diminuindo continuamente. Essa queda está associada à presença de fontes não-dipolares do campo em uma extensa região que abrange todo o Atlântico Sul e uma porção da América do Sul, sendo que no Brasil a contribuição dessas fontes varia fortemente com a latitude. Em escala de tempo arqueomagnética (~1.000-10.000 anos) a evolução do campo magnético terrestre não é tão bem estabelecida, principalmente em função da escassez de dados no hemisfério Sul, que contribui com apenas 5% dos dados de intensidade obtidos para os últimos 4.000 anos. A América do Sul, com alguns poucos resultados no Peru, Equador e Bolívia, pode ser considerada a terra incógnita da arqueointensidade. Nesta tese são apresentados os primeiros resultados arqueomagnéticos para o território brasileiro. Foram escolhidas duas regiões de estudo, o Nordeste e o Sudeste do Brasil, situadas em diferentes faixas de latitude de modo a investigar diferentes contribuições de componentes não-dipolares do campo. No Nordeste, as amostras foram coletadas na cidade de Salvador (BA), a primeira capital do Brasil, fundada em 1549 AD. Na região Sudeste a amostragem foi efetuada nas cidades de Anchieta (ES), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Niterói (RJ), Iperó (SP), Piracicaba (SP) e Botucatu (SP). Nas duas regiões, a paleointensidade do campo magnético terrestre foi obtida em materiais construtivos (tijolos e alguns fragmentos de telhas) datados entre 1550 AD e 1920 AD. As idades desses materiais foram estabelecidas com base em estudos arqueológicos e registros históricos das construções, fornecendo incertezas inferiores a 30 anos para a grande maioria das amostras. As paleointensidades foram estimadas utilizando-se dois métodos: (a) duplo aquecimento com medidas em temperatura ambiente, pelo protocolo de Thellier modificado por Coe; (b) duplo aquecimento com medidas contínuas em alta temperatura, pelo protocolo Triaxe. Após as medidas e correções magnéticas, todas as amostras foram analisadas com base em rigorosos critérios de seleção, que resultaram em 23 novas determinações de intensidade de alta qualidade (correspondendo a um total de 584 espécimes analisados, com uma taxa de sucesso de 57%). A partir desses resultados foram traçadas duas curvas de variação da intensidade do campo magnético para cada uma das regiões estudadas, abrangendo os últimos 500 anos. Essas curvas revelam uma oscilação do momento de dipolo nos últimos cinco séculos, que não foi prevista nos modelos de campo disponíveis atualmente, trazendo implicações importantes no entendimento da evolução dos campos dipolar e não-dipolar nessa escala de tempo. As variações rápidas descritas nessas curvas permitem aplicar o arqueomagnetismo como ferramenta de datação arqueológica, como exemplificado pela datação de uma casa do Pelourinho em Salvador. / The Earth\'s magnetic field varies in different timescales, from milliseconds to billions of years. Magnetic data from observatories and satellites indicate that the dipole moment has continuously been decreasing for the past 150 years. This decay is associated to the presence of non-dipole sources covering a wide region that encompasses the South Atlantic and part of South America; in Brazil, the contribution of the non-dipole fields varies strongly with latitude. In the archeomagnetic timescale (~1,000-10,000 years), the evolution of the Earth\'s magnetic field is not well established, mainly due to the scarcity of data from southern hemisphere, which contributes with only 5% of the intensity data for the past 4,000 years. South America is the terra incognita of archeointensity, counting only a handful of results from Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. This thesis presents the first archeomagnetic results from Brazil. In order to investigate different contributions of non-dipolar sources, we concentrated our sampling in two regions located in different latitudes the Northeast and Southeast regions of Brazil. In the Northeast region, all samples were collected in the city of Salvador (BA), the first Brazilian capital settled in 1549 AD. In the Southeast region, sampling was conducted in the cities of Anchieta (ES), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Niterói (RJ), Iperó (SP), Piracicaba (SP) and Botucatu (SP). All paleointensity data was obtained from architectural fragments (bricks and some tiles) dated between 1550 AD and 1920 AD. The age of bricks and tiles was established on the basis of archeological studies and the historical record of the buildings, providing age uncertainties of less than 30 years for most of the samples. Paleointensity estimates were obtained by two methods: (a) double-heating with measurements in room temperature, using the modified version of the Thellier protocol; (b) double-heating with measurements in high temperatures, using the Triaxe protocol. After measurements and magnetic corrections, all samples were screened using strict selection criteria resulting in 23 high-quality new site-mean intensity values (from 584 analyzed specimens, with a success rate of 57%). These results were integrated into two curves of geomagnetic intensity variation for each studied region over the past five centuries. These curves reveal an oscillating dipole moment for the past five centuries, a behavior not predicted in currently available geomagnetic field models, thus providing key information on the dipole and non-dipole field evolutions in this timescale. The rapid intensity changes described in these curves permit the application of archeointensity techniques as an archeological dating tool, as exemplified by the dating of a house from the Pelourinho area, in Salvador city.
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Novel bioorthogonal chemical reporters and fluorogenic probes for biomolecules imaging / Nouveaux rapporteurs chimiques et sondes fluorogènes bioorthogonaux pour l'imagerie de biomoléculesFavre, Camille 14 June 2019 (has links)
L'imagerie de biomolécules, et plus particulièrement des glycanes, au sein d'organismes vivants, représente un incroyable challenge. Cependant, des progrès significatifs ont été réalisés ces dix dernières années grâce au développement de la stratégie du rapporteur chimique bioorthogonal. Cette technique implique, dans un premier temps, l'incorporation d'une fonctionnalité chimique non native (rapporteur) au sein de biomolécules complexes. Ce rapporteur peut ensuite réagir sélectivement avec une sonde moléculaire spécifique permettant ainsi la détection de la biomolécule ciblée. Afin d'imager ces biomolécules en temps réel, les sondes fluorogènes, des réactifs non fluorescents qui deviennent fluorescents après réaction avec le rapporteur chimique, ont été récemment développées. Ces dernières années, la cycloaddition 1,3-dipolaire sans métaux, entre les cylooctynes et les azotures, a été élégamment employée comme réaction bioorthogonale pour l'imagerie de biomolécules au sein d'organismes vivants. Cependant, l'azoture présente certaines limitations, notamment il peut être réduit par les thiols cellulaires. En conséquence, nous avons étudié l'utilisation de 1,3-dipôles plus stables, en tant que nouveaux rapporteurs chimiques bioorthogonaux pour l'imagerie de biomolécules par fluorescence. De plus, nous avons aussi développé de nouvelles sondes fluorogènes bioorthogonales ayant de bonnes propriétés de fluorescence, telles que de hautes valeurs de rendement quantique et des longueurs d'ondes d'émission déplacées dans le rouge, pour une potentielle application chez l'animal. / Imaging biomolecules, such as glycans, in living systems remains a formidable chemical challenge. However, significant progress has been made over the past ten years, with the ground-breaking development of the bioorthogonal chemical reporter strategy. In this context, complex biomolecules are fitted with a non-native chemical functionality (reporter) that can react selectively with a complementary bioorthogonal probe for detection. In order to image these biomolecules in real time, fluorogenic probes, non fluorescent reagents that produce highly fluorescent products, have recently been developed. This last decade, the metal-free 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between cyclooctynes and azides have been elegantly employed for biomolecules imaging in living systems. However, azides suffer from limitations such as their reduction by endogenous cellular thiols. Consequently, we have investigated the use of more stable 1,3-dipoles as new chemical reporters for fluorescent biomolecule imaging. In addition, we also developed novel bioorthogonal fluorogenic probes with improved fluorescence properties such as high quantum yields and red-shifted fluorescence emission for potential applications in living animals.
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Magnetic vortex dynamics nanostructuresPigeau, Benjamin 17 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is aimed at studying experimentally the magnetisationdynamics of discs in the sub-micron range made of low dampingferromagnetic materials. For this purpose, an extremely sensitivetechnique has been used: the ferromagnetic resonance force microscopy. A firstpart is devoted to the measurement of the eigenmodes of NiMnSb discstaken in their remanent state: a vortex. The influence of aperpendicular magnetic field on the spin wave modes in the vortex state willbe detailled. Then, the coupling mechanism between the vortex core andthese spin wave, eventually leading to its dynamical reversal, ishighlighted. A theoretical framework of the vortex state is presented,allowing to model the experimental observations. In a second part,the problem of the collective magnetisation dynamics in several FeVdiscs is addressed. Measurements of the collective modes coupled bythe dynamical dipolar interaction are presented, associated with atheoretical modelisation which explain quantitatively the experimentalresults.
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Applications Of Multiple Quantum Methods In NMR For Determination Of Dipolar Couplings And Chiral DiscriminationHebbar, Sankeerth 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is about excitation, detection, properties and applications of multiple quantum coherences applied to different dipolar coupled spin systems. Major focus of the work is on spectral simplification, measurement of residual dipolar couplings and discrimination of enantiomers in chiral aligning media.
The first chapter gives a brief account on the fundamentals of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and multiple quantum coherences. This includes a description of product operator and polarization operator formalisms of pulses and evolution of magnetization. Subsequently a detailed account of two dimensional multiple quantum – single quantum (MQ-SQ) correlation experiments is given. Demonstration of the homonuclear MQ-SQ pulse sequence on a weakly coupled spin system and analysis of the spectrum obtained are also discussed.
Homo-nuclear multiple quantum studies carried out to obtain relative the signs of the couplings have been reported in the initial part of the second chapter. The technique has been applied on doubly labeled acetonitrile (13CH313C15N) aligned in a liquid crystalline medium. Special situations like ambiguity in the determination of relative signs of the couplings from the appearance of two dimensional MQ-SQ spectra and the explanation for the same are also discussed. Homo-nuclear MQ experiments on indistinguishable spins, like protons in a methyl group of 13CH313C15N oriented in liquid crystal, and distinguishable spins, like the two carbons in the same molecule, have been carried out. Different directions of approach in which these results need to be analyzed have been discussed. Subsequent part of the chapter is about the correlation of connected MQ-SQ coherences. These experiments are significant in reducing the cross-peaks further from the MQ-SQ spectra. This concept is extended for the discrimination of optical enantiomers dissolved in chiral aligning medium made of poly-Γ-benzyl-L-glutamate (PBLG) and CDCl3.
In molecules of Chemical and biological interest one encounters several nuclei such as, 1H, 13C, 15N and 19F. It will be of general interest to determine magnitudes and relative signs of the couplings among these coupled nuclei by NMR experiments. Utilization of hetero-nuclear MQ Experiments in solving such problems is discussed in the third Chapter. Hetero-nuclear MQ experiments were carried out on dipolar coupled 13CH313C15N, with the aim of obtaining the values and signs of various hetero-nuclear couplings in the molecule. The splitting of transitions in the spectra of oriented molecules is always influenced by the sum of dipolar and scalar couplings. Hence precise determination of dipolar couplings requires the knowledge of scalar couplings. To determine the J couplings, experiments were carried out on the same molecule in isotropic medium. When many coupled nuclei are involved one has to carry out several experiments to derive all the spectral parameters. In circumventing this problem heteronuclear multiple quantum experiments involving more than two nuclei as active spins are advantageous. This reduces the number of experiments and thereby reducing the total experimental time. Second part of this chapter demonstrates how a triple resonance triple quantum experiment can provide majority of the couplings from a given coupled system. The feasibility of the experiment is demonstrated even for molecules containing natural abundant isotopes.
Application of multiple quantum j-resolved technique for chiral discrimination and obtaining complete one dimensional spectrum of each enantiomer from their racemic mixture is discussed in the fourth chapter. The two dimensional experiment consists of a selective double quantum excitation period followed by selective refocusing during indirect time domain, isotropic mixing and nonselective detection of SQ transitions. Hence this pulse sequence is named as DQSERF-COSY (Double Quantum Selective Refocused Correlation Spectroscopy). The experiment exploits the existence of different intra-methyl couplings between the enantiomers dissolved in chiral liquid crystal medium to separate the one dimensional spectra of each enantiomer in different cross sections. This is possible due to the fact that all the nuclei in any one of the enantiomers are coupled among themselves and there is no inter molecular interaction between the two enantiomers. Also one can extract all the couplings between protons in each enantiomer, which can subsequently be utilized for determination of the residual dipolar couplings, structure and orientation parameters.
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The Search for New/Unknown SignalsChen, Yuming Morris January 2011 (has links)
<p>This dissertation focuses on a very special topic in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in solution: Intermolecular Multiple Quantum Coherences, or iMQCs, which can only be created by intermolecular dipolar couplings. Since the very beginnings of NMR, it has been known that dipolar couplings dominate the solid-state linewidth for spin-1/2 nuclei, but the effects are still not fully understood. The angular dependency (1-3cos2θij) and distant dependency (rij-3) of dipolar coupling led to an oversimplified conclusion that it can be ignored in an isotropic liquid. Thus, it was surprising when COSY Revamped by Asymmetric Z-gradient Echo Detection (CRAZED) was first introduced in the early `90s and showed strong iMQC signals. Since then, CRAZED has inspired a wide range of applications for iMQCs and led to two different but equivalent mathematical frameworks to describes these effects, which we call the conventional DDF theory.</p><p>However, several disagreements between the conventional DDF theory and experiments have grasped our attention recently. This dissertation will: first, demonstrate how conventional picture fails by two examples, Multi-axis CRAZED (MAXCRAZED) and Gradient-embedded COSY Experiment (GRACE); second, provide a corrected DDF theory; and, third, discuss what impact this correction will bring.</p><p>Intermolecular double quantum coherences (iDQCs) are very sensitive to the local anisotropy (10μm - 1mm) and can be used to create positive contrast highlighting superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs). This dissertation will show the design and optimization of iDQC anisotropy by a series of phantom experiments. A set of numerical simulations will then be provided for a sub-voxel level explanation. We will also demonstrate how the newly corrected DDF theory can be quickly adapted to improve the iDQC anisotropy.</p><p>Finally, as a side product of this research, the mechanism of diacetyl hydration/dehydration as solved by NMR will be provided.</p> / Dissertation
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Fam-zinc Catalyzed Asymmetric 1,3-dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions Of Azomethine Ylides And Fam-titanium Catalyzed Enantioselective Alkynylation Of AldehydesKoyuncu, Hasan - 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In the first part of this study, four new chiral ligands (FAM) were synthesized and used in catalytic amounts in asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of azomethine
ylides. This method leads to the synthesis of chiral pyrrolidines, which are found in the structure of many biologically active natural compounds and drugs. It was found that using 10 mol% of one of these chiral ligands with different dipolarophiles (dimethyl maleate, dimethyl fumarate, methyl acrylate, tert-butyl acrylate, and Nmethylmaleimide),
pyrrolidine derivatives could be synthesized in up to 94% yield and 95% ee.
In the second part of the study, the catalytic activity of these chiral ligands were tested with titanium in asymmetric alkynylzinc addition reactions to aldehydes. By this
method, chiral propargylic alcohols, which are important precursors for the natural products and pharmaceuticals can be synthesized. Using our catalyst, chiral propargylic
alcohols were obtained in up to 96% yield and 98% ee. Although, most of the catalyst systems in the literature worked only with aromatic or aliphatic aldehydes and
phenylacetylene, the catalyst system developed in this study worked with four different types of aldehydes (aromatic, aliphatic, heteroaromatic and a,b-unsaturated) and two
different aliphatic acetylenes very successfully. Additionally, chiral ligand can be recovered in more than 90% yield and reused without losing its activity.
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A New P-fam-silver Catalyst For Asymmetric 1,3-dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions Of Azomethine YlidesEroksuz, Serap 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study new twelve phosphorus based chiral ligands were synthesized and characterized. Then the catalytic activity of these chiral ligands was tested with Cu(II) and Ag(I) salts in asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of azomethine ylides. This method provides the synthesis of different pyrrolidine derivatives with up to four stereogenic centers. Pyrrolidine derivatives are found in the structure of many biologically active natural compounds and drugs. Therefore the asymmetric synthesis of these compounds is highly important and many groups are involved in this area. As the precursor of the azomethine ylides, N-benzyliden-glycinmethylester, N-(4-methoxy benzyliden)-glycinmethylester, N-(naphthalene-1-ylmethylene)-amino-acetic acid methyl ester, and N-(naphthalen-2-ylmethylene)-amino-acetic acid methyl ester were synthesized and used. As the dipolarophiles, methyl acrylate, dimethyl maleate and N-methyl maleimide were used. Using these imines and dipolarophiles with 6 mol % of one of the P-FAM chiral ligands in the presence of Ag(I) salt, pyrrolidine derivatives were synthesized in up to 95% yield and 89% enantioselectivity. Additionally, chiral ligand was recovered in more than 80% yield and reused without losing its activity.
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Novel Algorithms for Protein Structure Determination from Sparse NMR DataTripathy, Chittaranjan January 2012 (has links)
<p>Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an established technique for macromolecular structure determination at atomic resolution. However, the majority of the current structure determination approaches require a large set of experiments and use large amount of data to elucidate the three dimensional protein structure. While current structure determination protocols may perform well in data-rich settings, protein structure determination still remains to be a difficult task in a sparse-data setting. Sparse data arises in high-throughput settings, for larger proteins, membrane proteins, and symmetric protein complexes; thereby requiring novel algorithms that can compute structures with provable guarantees on solution quality and running time.</p><p>In this dissertation project we made an effort to address the key computational bottlenecks in NMR structural biology. Specifically, we improved and extended the recently-developed techniques by our laboratory, and developed novel algorithms and computational tools that will enable protein structure determination from sparse NMR data. An underlying goal of our project was to minimize the number of NMR experiments, hence the amount of time and cost to perform them, and still be able to determine protein structures accurately from a limited set of experimental data. The algorithms developed in this dissertation use the global orientational restraints from residual dipolar coupling (RDC) and residual chemical shift anisotropy (RCSA) data from solution NMR, in addition to a sparse set of distance restraints from nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) and paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) measurements. We have used tools from algebraic geometry to derive analytic expressions for the bond vector and peptide plane orientations, by exploiting the mathematical interplay between RDC- or RCSA-derived sphero-conics and protein kinematics, which in addition to improving our understanding of the geometry of the restraints from these experimental data, have been used by our algorithms to compute the protein structures provably accurately. Our algorithms, which determine protein backbone global fold from sparse NMR data, were used in the high-resolution structure determination protocol developed in our laboratory to solve the solution NMR structures of the FF Domain 2 of human transcription elongation factor CA150 (RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain interacting protein), which have been deposited into the Protein Data Bank. We have developed a novel, sparse data, RDC-based algorithm to compute ensembles of protein loop conformations in the presence of a moderate level of dynamics in the loop regions. All the algorithms developed in this dissertation have been tested on experimental NMR data. The promising results obtained by our algorithms suggest that our algorithms can be successfully applied to determine high-quality protein backbone structures from a limited amount of experimental NMR data, and hence will be useful in automated NOE assignments and high-resolution protein backbone structure determination from sparse NMR data. The algorithms and the software tools developed during this project are made available as free open-source to the scientific community.</p> / Dissertation
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Estudo teórico da reação de cicloadição [3+2] 1,3-dipolar para formação do anel isoxazolina utilizando teoria do funcional da densidade e modelos implícitos de solventeToldo, Josene Maria January 2013 (has links)
As reações de cicloadição 1,3-dipolar são uma poderosa ferramenta para a síntese de uma variedade de anéis heterocíclicos de cinco membros. A cicloadição de óxidos de nitrila à olefinas, em particular, é de considerável interesse para a obtenção de isoxazolinas, que são intermediários versáteis na síntese de produtos naturais e de materiais com potencial aplicação como cristais líquidos. A Teoria do Funcional da Densidade foi utilizada para estudar o mecanismo da reação cicloadição [3+2] 1,3-dipolar que ocorre, inicialmente, entre o óxido de benzonitrila e o ácido vinilacético. Para tal, foram empregados os funcionais PBE1PBE, B3LYP e CAM-B3LYP, no nível 6-311+G(2d,p). O efeito do solvente foi avaliado através dos modelos PCM e CPCM, com os solventes THF, acetonitrila e formamida. A análise dos Orbitais Moleculares de Fronteira e do recente modelo da distorção e interação do estado de transição (TS), foram utilizadas para explicar a regioquímica dos produtos obtidos e a formação do bisaduto 2:1, originário de duas sucessivas cicloadições envolvendo o óxido de benzonitrila. Na primeira etapa da reação, os cálculos evidenciaram a formação do produto 3,5-dissubstiuído. Embora existam diferenças quantitativas nas barreiras de ativação e reação calculadas com os três diferentes funcionais, a previsão dos produtos majoritários e estados de transição mais favoráveis é a mesma, independentemente do funcional utilizado. Contudo, a conformação dos estados de transição e dos produtos intermediário e final da reação sofre uma pequena alteração com a inclusão do efeito do solvente. A energia de ativação nas duas cicloadições aumenta com o incremento da polaridade do solvente, porém, a possibilidade de formação de uma ligação de hidrogênio no estado de transição é responsável por uma diminuição na energia total de ativação. Esse resultado está diretamente vinculado à polaridade do TS. Quando comparados os resultados obtidos com os dois modelos de solvente, observou-se que ΔE≠ e ΔEreação são essencialmente as mesmas, embora as energias eletrônicas calculadas com CPCM sejam levemente inferiores às calculadas com PCM. / The 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions are a powerful tool for synthesizing a wide range of 5-membered heterocyclic rings. Particularly, the cycloaddition of nitrile oxides to olefins is considerably interesting to obtain isoxazolines, which are versatile intermediaries in the synthesis of natural products and materials with potential application such as liquid crystals. The Density Functional Theory has been used to study the [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction mechanism that initially occurs between benzonitrile oxide and vinylacetic acid. To do that, PBE1PBE, B3LYP and CAM-B3LYP functionals have been used at level 6- 311+G(2d,p). The solvent effect was evaluated through the PCM and CPCM models, with the THF, acetonitrile and formamide solvents. The analysis of the Frontier Molecular Orbitals and of the recent distortion and interaction model of transition state (TS) have been used to explain the regiochemistry of the products obtained and the formation of the bisadduct 2:1, which is originated from two successive cycloadditions involving benzonitrile oxide. In the first reaction step, the calculations showed the formation of the 3,5-dissubstituted product. Although there are quantitative differences in the activation and reaction barriers calculated with the three different functionals, the forecasting of more favorable majoritary products and transition states is the same, no matter the functional used. However, the conformation of the transition states and of the final and intermediary products of the reaction is slightly changed by the inclusion of the solvent effect. The activation energy of both cycloadditions increases with the polarity increment of the solvent, but the possibility of formation of a hydrogen bond in the transition state is responsible for a reduction of the total activation energy. That result is directly linked to the TS polarity. When we compare the results obtained with the two solvent models, we observe that ΔE≠ and ΔEreaction are essentially the same, although the electronic energies calculated with CPCM are slightly smaller than the ones calculated with PCM.
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Estudo teórico da reação de cicloadição [3+2] 1,3-dipolar para formação do anel isoxazolina utilizando teoria do funcional da densidade e modelos implícitos de solventeToldo, Josene Maria January 2013 (has links)
As reações de cicloadição 1,3-dipolar são uma poderosa ferramenta para a síntese de uma variedade de anéis heterocíclicos de cinco membros. A cicloadição de óxidos de nitrila à olefinas, em particular, é de considerável interesse para a obtenção de isoxazolinas, que são intermediários versáteis na síntese de produtos naturais e de materiais com potencial aplicação como cristais líquidos. A Teoria do Funcional da Densidade foi utilizada para estudar o mecanismo da reação cicloadição [3+2] 1,3-dipolar que ocorre, inicialmente, entre o óxido de benzonitrila e o ácido vinilacético. Para tal, foram empregados os funcionais PBE1PBE, B3LYP e CAM-B3LYP, no nível 6-311+G(2d,p). O efeito do solvente foi avaliado através dos modelos PCM e CPCM, com os solventes THF, acetonitrila e formamida. A análise dos Orbitais Moleculares de Fronteira e do recente modelo da distorção e interação do estado de transição (TS), foram utilizadas para explicar a regioquímica dos produtos obtidos e a formação do bisaduto 2:1, originário de duas sucessivas cicloadições envolvendo o óxido de benzonitrila. Na primeira etapa da reação, os cálculos evidenciaram a formação do produto 3,5-dissubstiuído. Embora existam diferenças quantitativas nas barreiras de ativação e reação calculadas com os três diferentes funcionais, a previsão dos produtos majoritários e estados de transição mais favoráveis é a mesma, independentemente do funcional utilizado. Contudo, a conformação dos estados de transição e dos produtos intermediário e final da reação sofre uma pequena alteração com a inclusão do efeito do solvente. A energia de ativação nas duas cicloadições aumenta com o incremento da polaridade do solvente, porém, a possibilidade de formação de uma ligação de hidrogênio no estado de transição é responsável por uma diminuição na energia total de ativação. Esse resultado está diretamente vinculado à polaridade do TS. Quando comparados os resultados obtidos com os dois modelos de solvente, observou-se que ΔE≠ e ΔEreação são essencialmente as mesmas, embora as energias eletrônicas calculadas com CPCM sejam levemente inferiores às calculadas com PCM. / The 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions are a powerful tool for synthesizing a wide range of 5-membered heterocyclic rings. Particularly, the cycloaddition of nitrile oxides to olefins is considerably interesting to obtain isoxazolines, which are versatile intermediaries in the synthesis of natural products and materials with potential application such as liquid crystals. The Density Functional Theory has been used to study the [3+2] 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction mechanism that initially occurs between benzonitrile oxide and vinylacetic acid. To do that, PBE1PBE, B3LYP and CAM-B3LYP functionals have been used at level 6- 311+G(2d,p). The solvent effect was evaluated through the PCM and CPCM models, with the THF, acetonitrile and formamide solvents. The analysis of the Frontier Molecular Orbitals and of the recent distortion and interaction model of transition state (TS) have been used to explain the regiochemistry of the products obtained and the formation of the bisadduct 2:1, which is originated from two successive cycloadditions involving benzonitrile oxide. In the first reaction step, the calculations showed the formation of the 3,5-dissubstituted product. Although there are quantitative differences in the activation and reaction barriers calculated with the three different functionals, the forecasting of more favorable majoritary products and transition states is the same, no matter the functional used. However, the conformation of the transition states and of the final and intermediary products of the reaction is slightly changed by the inclusion of the solvent effect. The activation energy of both cycloadditions increases with the polarity increment of the solvent, but the possibility of formation of a hydrogen bond in the transition state is responsible for a reduction of the total activation energy. That result is directly linked to the TS polarity. When we compare the results obtained with the two solvent models, we observe that ΔE≠ and ΔEreaction are essentially the same, although the electronic energies calculated with CPCM are slightly smaller than the ones calculated with PCM.
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