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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The social organization of mothers' work: managing the risk and the responsibility for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Schellenberg, Carolyn 29 August 2012 (has links)
This institutional ethnography relies on observations, interviews, and textual analyses to explore the experiences of mothers and children who attend a women-centered agency in Vancouver, Canada where a hot lunch, child care in the emergency daycare, and participation in group activities are vital forms of support. Mothers who come to the centre have many concerns related to their need for safe housing, a sustainable income, adequate food, child care, and support. And like mothers anywhere, they have concerns about their children. While many of the children, the majority of them First Nations, have never had a diagnostic assessment for fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) or for the relatively new umbrella category, ‘fetal alcohol spectrum disorder’ (FASD), a number of the mothers were concerned or even knew that their children had FAS. This thesis asks – how does it happen that mothers have come to know their children in this way? The study critically examines how FASD knowledge and practices actually work in the setting and what they accomplish. My analysis traces how ruling practices for constructing and managing ‘problem’ mothers and children coordinate work activities for identifying children deemed to be ‘at risk’ for FASD. In their efforts to help their children and improve their opportunities for a better life, mothers become willing participants in group activities where they learn how to attach the relevancies of the FASD discourse to their children’s bodies or behaviours. They also gain instruction which helps them to confess their responsibility for children’s problems. While maternal alcohol use as the cause of FASD is contested in literature and in some work sites it is, in this setting, taken as a fact. This study discovers how institutional work processes involving government, medicine, and education actually shape and re-write women’s and children’s experiences into forms of knowledge that make mothers and children institutionally actionable. It is only by exposing the relations of power organizing mothers’ work that it may be possible to re-direct attention to mothers’ and children’s embodied concerns and relieve mothers of the overwhelming responsibility for which they are held and hold themselves to be accountable. / Graduate

Narrativas profissionais em saúde mental presentes em casos de adolescentes cumprindo medidas socioeducativas (MSE) / Narratives of professionals about demands on mental health, institutional practices and clinics generated in services aimed at adolescents fulfilling socio-educational measures (MSE)

Bastos, Isabella Teixeira 26 October 2017 (has links)
Introdução - O conceito de adolescência, enquanto preparação para a fase adulta, esteve historicamente subjugado a um processo de criminalização, em particular para adolescentes pobres e tutelamento de condutas para outros adolescentes. A psicologia, a antropologia, a pediatria e a psiquiatria, entre outras disciplinas, estiveram presentes nesse processo e, posteriormente, na sua crítica. A construção de uma rede de cuidados em saúde mental que atendesse essa população sob outra perspectiva é ainda hoje palco de uma vinculação produtora de ambiguidades, cuidados e descuidados. Objetivo - Analisar as demandas em saúde mental e as práticas institucionais e clinicas geradas nos serviços voltados aos adolescentes cumprindo medidas socioeducativas (MSE). Métodos - Foram analisados os discursos e ações em saúde mental (SM) arrolados nos projetos individuais de acompanhamento de adolescentes cumprindo MSE em dois casos de adolescentes com demandas relacionadas à SM. Realizaram-se dezesseis sessões de GD e duas entrevistas no Centro de Referência Especializado em Assistência Social (CREAS); uma sessão de GD e cinco entrevistas no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS); uma entrevista no Centro de Referência em Assistência Social (CRAS) e uma entrevista com a coordenadora de SM do município. Seguindo a estratégia qualitativa compôs-se uma cartografia dos caminhos visitados utilizando os conceitos de território, rizoma, desejo e intercessores (Deleuze). Resultados - No CREAS foi destacada a demanda relacionada ao uso de drogas e um caso de psicose. Além de outras demandas de sofrimento psíquico relacionadas a categorias delineadas pela pesquisadora como: mentalidade sofredora coletiva, ser \'filho da rede\', processos de vulnerabilidade, preconceito, violência e violação de direitos. A saúde mental apareceu frequentemente como categoria indefinida de cuidado, em que alguns profissionais declararam que não a atendiam, tão somente encaminhavam-na para outros equipamentos da rede de SM. Evidenciou-se a existência de dificuldade e ambiguidade na vinculação do adolescente aos serviços de cumprimento de MSE. Identificou-se no CRAS, um discurso voltado a estratégias de enfrentamento e de resiliência face às situações de vulnerabilidade por parte dos adolescentes. Todavia, esse trabalho é descontinuado diante da desinternação do adolescente e quebra do vínculo de obrigatoriedade. O CAPS AD apareceu como produtor de rede e de cuidado potente em um dos casos atendidos, mas, no outro caso, como instância de cuidado coadjuvante, no seguimento do processo de desinternação do adolescente, incluindo o suporte ao não cometimento futuro de ato infracional e à recaída no uso de drogas. Conclusão - As práticas de cuidado envolvendo o sofrimento psíquico dos adolescentes estão amiúde capturadas pelas questões relacionadas com a compulsoriedade e pelos motivos que levaram o adolescente a essas instituições. Verifica-se igualmente um engessamento do processo de monitoramento no cumprimento das MSE. Esse conjunto de situações dificulta o estabelecimento de relações de real cuidado exigido pelo trabalho em saúde mental enviesando até mesmo a própria ideia dele. As práticas de trabalho articuladas entre os diferentes equipamentos sociais (CREAS, CAPS, CRAS), em um dos casos, mostraram-se capaz de construir potência na vida dos adolescentes. Para isso, far-se-ia necessário construir projetos de aproximação em rede. Entende-se aí que tal cuidado em rede só se mostra efetivo na vinculação do adolescente a uma proposta antecipatória, protetiva e de continuidade não atrelada à questão da compulsoriedade ou a algum vício de origem. Faz necessário o entendimento da dinâmica dos conflitos sociais que permeiam a vida desses adolescentes e podem, sob certas condições, funcionar como alavanca para fazê-los reincidir no ato infracional. / Introduction - The concept of adolescence, as a preparation for adulthood, has historically been subjected to a process of criminalization, particularly for poor adolescents and the provision of conduits for other adolescents. Psychology, anthropology, pediatrics, and psychiatry, among other disciplines, were present in this process and later in its criticism. The construction of a network of mental health care that would serve this population from another perspective is still the scene of a relationship that produces ambiguities, cares and carelessness. Objective - To analyze the demands on mental health and the institutional and clinical practices generated in services aimed at adolescents fulfilling socio-educational measures (MSE). Methods - Mental health (MH) discourses and actions listed in the individual follow-up projects of adolescents fulfilling MSE were analyzed in two cases of adolescents with MS related demands. Sixteen GD sessions and two interviews were held at the Specialized Reference Center on Social Assistance (CREAS); a GD session and five interviews at the Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS); an interview at the Reference Center on Social Assistance (CRAS) and an interview with the coordinator of the municipality\'s MS. Following the qualitative strategy was composed a cartography of the paths visited using the concepts of territory, rhizome, desire and intercessors (Deleuze). Results - In CREAS was highlighted the demand related to the use of drugs and a case of psychosis. In addition to other demands of psychic suffering related to categories delineated by the researcher as: mentally suffering collective, being \'child of the network\', processes of vulnerability, prejudice, violence and violation of rights. Mental health often appeared as an undefined category of care, in which some professionals stated that they did not attend to it, but simply referred it to other equipment in the SM network. It was evidenced the existence of difficulty and ambiguity in the attachment of adolescents to MSE compliance services. A discourse focused on coping and resilience strategies was identified at the CRAS in the face of situations of vulnerability on the part of adolescents. However, this work is discontinued in view of the disaffection of the adolescent and breaking the bond of compulsion. The CAPS AD appeared as a producer of network and powerful care in one of the cases served, but, in the other case, as an adjunct care, following the adolescent disinternation process, including support for the non-committment of an infraction and relapse into drug use. Conclusion - Care practices involving the psychological suffering of adolescents are often captured by issues related to compulsion and the reasons that led adolescents to these institutions. There is also a tightening of the monitoring process in compliance with the SSM. This set of situations makes it difficult to establish relations of real care required by work in mental health, even biasing the very idea of it. The work practices articulated between the different social equipments (CREAS, CAPS, CRAS), in one of the cases, were able to build potency in the life of the adolescents. For this, it would be necessary to construct projects of approximation in network. It is understood that such network care is only effective in linking the adolescent to an anticipatory, protective and continuity proposal that is not tied to the issue of compulsion or to an addiction of origin. It makes necessary the understanding of the dynamics of the social conflicts that permeate the life of these adolescents and can, under certain conditions, act as leverage to make them re-offend in the infraction act.

Narrativas profissionais em saúde mental presentes em casos de adolescentes cumprindo medidas socioeducativas (MSE) / Narratives of professionals about demands on mental health, institutional practices and clinics generated in services aimed at adolescents fulfilling socio-educational measures (MSE)

Isabella Teixeira Bastos 26 October 2017 (has links)
Introdução - O conceito de adolescência, enquanto preparação para a fase adulta, esteve historicamente subjugado a um processo de criminalização, em particular para adolescentes pobres e tutelamento de condutas para outros adolescentes. A psicologia, a antropologia, a pediatria e a psiquiatria, entre outras disciplinas, estiveram presentes nesse processo e, posteriormente, na sua crítica. A construção de uma rede de cuidados em saúde mental que atendesse essa população sob outra perspectiva é ainda hoje palco de uma vinculação produtora de ambiguidades, cuidados e descuidados. Objetivo - Analisar as demandas em saúde mental e as práticas institucionais e clinicas geradas nos serviços voltados aos adolescentes cumprindo medidas socioeducativas (MSE). Métodos - Foram analisados os discursos e ações em saúde mental (SM) arrolados nos projetos individuais de acompanhamento de adolescentes cumprindo MSE em dois casos de adolescentes com demandas relacionadas à SM. Realizaram-se dezesseis sessões de GD e duas entrevistas no Centro de Referência Especializado em Assistência Social (CREAS); uma sessão de GD e cinco entrevistas no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS); uma entrevista no Centro de Referência em Assistência Social (CRAS) e uma entrevista com a coordenadora de SM do município. Seguindo a estratégia qualitativa compôs-se uma cartografia dos caminhos visitados utilizando os conceitos de território, rizoma, desejo e intercessores (Deleuze). Resultados - No CREAS foi destacada a demanda relacionada ao uso de drogas e um caso de psicose. Além de outras demandas de sofrimento psíquico relacionadas a categorias delineadas pela pesquisadora como: mentalidade sofredora coletiva, ser \'filho da rede\', processos de vulnerabilidade, preconceito, violência e violação de direitos. A saúde mental apareceu frequentemente como categoria indefinida de cuidado, em que alguns profissionais declararam que não a atendiam, tão somente encaminhavam-na para outros equipamentos da rede de SM. Evidenciou-se a existência de dificuldade e ambiguidade na vinculação do adolescente aos serviços de cumprimento de MSE. Identificou-se no CRAS, um discurso voltado a estratégias de enfrentamento e de resiliência face às situações de vulnerabilidade por parte dos adolescentes. Todavia, esse trabalho é descontinuado diante da desinternação do adolescente e quebra do vínculo de obrigatoriedade. O CAPS AD apareceu como produtor de rede e de cuidado potente em um dos casos atendidos, mas, no outro caso, como instância de cuidado coadjuvante, no seguimento do processo de desinternação do adolescente, incluindo o suporte ao não cometimento futuro de ato infracional e à recaída no uso de drogas. Conclusão - As práticas de cuidado envolvendo o sofrimento psíquico dos adolescentes estão amiúde capturadas pelas questões relacionadas com a compulsoriedade e pelos motivos que levaram o adolescente a essas instituições. Verifica-se igualmente um engessamento do processo de monitoramento no cumprimento das MSE. Esse conjunto de situações dificulta o estabelecimento de relações de real cuidado exigido pelo trabalho em saúde mental enviesando até mesmo a própria ideia dele. As práticas de trabalho articuladas entre os diferentes equipamentos sociais (CREAS, CAPS, CRAS), em um dos casos, mostraram-se capaz de construir potência na vida dos adolescentes. Para isso, far-se-ia necessário construir projetos de aproximação em rede. Entende-se aí que tal cuidado em rede só se mostra efetivo na vinculação do adolescente a uma proposta antecipatória, protetiva e de continuidade não atrelada à questão da compulsoriedade ou a algum vício de origem. Faz necessário o entendimento da dinâmica dos conflitos sociais que permeiam a vida desses adolescentes e podem, sob certas condições, funcionar como alavanca para fazê-los reincidir no ato infracional. / Introduction - The concept of adolescence, as a preparation for adulthood, has historically been subjected to a process of criminalization, particularly for poor adolescents and the provision of conduits for other adolescents. Psychology, anthropology, pediatrics, and psychiatry, among other disciplines, were present in this process and later in its criticism. The construction of a network of mental health care that would serve this population from another perspective is still the scene of a relationship that produces ambiguities, cares and carelessness. Objective - To analyze the demands on mental health and the institutional and clinical practices generated in services aimed at adolescents fulfilling socio-educational measures (MSE). Methods - Mental health (MH) discourses and actions listed in the individual follow-up projects of adolescents fulfilling MSE were analyzed in two cases of adolescents with MS related demands. Sixteen GD sessions and two interviews were held at the Specialized Reference Center on Social Assistance (CREAS); a GD session and five interviews at the Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS); an interview at the Reference Center on Social Assistance (CRAS) and an interview with the coordinator of the municipality\'s MS. Following the qualitative strategy was composed a cartography of the paths visited using the concepts of territory, rhizome, desire and intercessors (Deleuze). Results - In CREAS was highlighted the demand related to the use of drugs and a case of psychosis. In addition to other demands of psychic suffering related to categories delineated by the researcher as: mentally suffering collective, being \'child of the network\', processes of vulnerability, prejudice, violence and violation of rights. Mental health often appeared as an undefined category of care, in which some professionals stated that they did not attend to it, but simply referred it to other equipment in the SM network. It was evidenced the existence of difficulty and ambiguity in the attachment of adolescents to MSE compliance services. A discourse focused on coping and resilience strategies was identified at the CRAS in the face of situations of vulnerability on the part of adolescents. However, this work is discontinued in view of the disaffection of the adolescent and breaking the bond of compulsion. The CAPS AD appeared as a producer of network and powerful care in one of the cases served, but, in the other case, as an adjunct care, following the adolescent disinternation process, including support for the non-committment of an infraction and relapse into drug use. Conclusion - Care practices involving the psychological suffering of adolescents are often captured by issues related to compulsion and the reasons that led adolescents to these institutions. There is also a tightening of the monitoring process in compliance with the SSM. This set of situations makes it difficult to establish relations of real care required by work in mental health, even biasing the very idea of it. The work practices articulated between the different social equipments (CREAS, CAPS, CRAS), in one of the cases, were able to build potency in the life of the adolescents. For this, it would be necessary to construct projects of approximation in network. It is understood that such network care is only effective in linking the adolescent to an anticipatory, protective and continuity proposal that is not tied to the issue of compulsion or to an addiction of origin. It makes necessary the understanding of the dynamics of the social conflicts that permeate the life of these adolescents and can, under certain conditions, act as leverage to make them re-offend in the infraction act.

Diversités franco-allemandes : Pratiques interculturelles et autonomisantes en didactique des langues étrangères / Franco-German diversities : intercultural and independent practices in foreign languages in teaching and learning

Lemoine, Véronique 04 July 2014 (has links)
La perspective actionnelle, institutionnalisée par le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues (CECRL), dite nouvelle méthodologie en enseignement-apprentissage des langues est en vogue, tant dans la sphère des prescriptions officielles que de la recherche. Cette thèse se propose d’interroger la construction de la compréhension de cette méthodologie, à l’épreuve des faits, en France (Académie de Lille) et en Allemagne (Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen), dans les pratiques et les discours d’enseignants du primaire (écoles élémentaires et Grundschule), à travers les concepts d’approche interculturelle et d’autonomie. Ces deux notions, en tant que points d’ancrage théoriques construits par et pour la recherche, sont définies en interrelation et interrogées avec un regard réflexif et critique ; elles sont notamment mises en débat avec l’approche culturaliste réifiante. Ces notions entrent en tensions avec les prescriptions officielles et les convictions des enseignants qui ont collaboré avec moi dans ce travail. La recherche se base sur le croisement de multiples données empiriques : focus groups d’enseignants, observations de classes en langues étrangères, entretiens d’enseignants, en France comme en Allemagne, écrits des prescriptions (programmes de langues) et écrits des recommandations (parcours de formation en ligne des dispositifs Pairform@nce et Intel Lehren Aufbaukurs Online). Les discours, toujours resitués en contextes, sont analysés au regard de théories de l’énonciation et du dialogisme. La thèse propose un point de vue critique des visions comparatistes différentialistes et donne à voir, en revanche, des résultats qui valorisent des diversités franco-allemandes pour construire la compréhension de l’objet de la recherche. / The action-oriented approach which has been institutionalised by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is also called “the new methodology in the teaching and learning of languages”. It is widely used, both for official and for research purposes. This thesis aims to test and question the construction of understanding of this methodology both in France (the Educational Authority of Lille) and in Germany (Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen) by looking at the practices and discourses of primary school teachers (écoles élémentaires and Grundschule) through the concepts of both the intercultural and independent approaches. These notions, as well as being cornerstones constructed by and for the research, are defined by interrelation and questioned with a reflexive and critical mind-set. They are especially debated in opposition to the reifying culturalist approach. These notions strain against the official requirements and the beliefs of the teachers with whom I collaborated on this project. The research is based on the intersection of much empirical data from both France as well as Germany, for example: focus groups with teachers, observation of foreign language lessons, interviews with the teachers, literature detailing official requirements (language syllabuses) and literature detailing recommendations (the online training packages of Pairform@nce and Intel Lehren Aufbaukurs Online). The discourses, which have been placed into context, are analysed with regards to the theories of enunciation and dialogism. The thesis offers a critical perspective of comparative differentialist visions, yet allows a visualisation of the results that enhance the Franco-German diversities in order to build an understanding of the research objective.

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