Spelling suggestions: "subject:"discrete Element"" "subject:"iscrete Element""
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Estabilidade estrutural aplicada no contexto LDEMGasparotto, Bruno Grebin January 2017 (has links)
A demanda por estruturas mais leves implica num ganho em economia, porém o aumento de esbeltez da estrutura pode tornar ela susceptível a instabilidade frente a tensões compressivas estáticas ou dinâmicas. A instabilidade acontece em várias escalas da estrutura analisada e pode interagir com outras formas de colapso como a propagação instável de fissuras, problema governado pela mecânica da fratura, pela plastificacão do material, ou por uma combinação dos efeitos citados. Neste contexto, no presente trabalho, se explora a capacidade do método dos elementos discretizados por barras (LDEM) na simulação de problemas de instabilidade estática e dinâmica devido as tensões de compressão. Este método permite simular o sólido como um arranjo de barras com rigidez equivalente ao contínuo que se quer representar. Leis constitutivas não lineares permitem modelar ruptura de forma simples. A equação de movimento resultante da discretização permite formular uma equação de movimento desacoplada que pode ser integrada no domínio do tempo com um método explícito (Método das Diferencias Finitas Centrais). O fato das barras serem rotuladas nos seus extremos e a solução do problema ser obtida de forma incremental permite capturar problemas com não linearidade geométrica, entre eles a instabilidade estrutural frente a tensões compressivas. Como último exemplo se realiza a análise de um painel sanduiche por flexão em três pontos, que é composto por um núcleo de poliuretano, com duas lâminas externas de material compósito, neste caso a instabilidade estrutural está associada a flambagem da camada da lâmina comprimida. Finalmente a potencialidade da metodologia de análise utilizada é discutida. / The demand for lighter structures implies a gain in economy, but the increase in slenderness of the structure may make it susceptible to instability against static or dynamic compressive stresses. Instability occurs at various scales of the analyzed structure and may interact with other forms of collapse such as unstable crack propagation, problem governed by fracture mechanics, plastification of the material, or a combination of the cited effects. In this context, in the present work, we explore the ability of the discrete elements methods by bars (LDEM) in the simulation of problems of static and dynamic instability due to the compression stresses. This method allows to simulate the solid as an arrangement of bars with rigidity equivalent to the continuum that one wants to represent. Constitutive non-linear laws allow simple modeling of rupture. The equation of motion resulting from the discretization allows us to formulate a decoupled motion equation that can be integrated in the time domain with an explicit method (Central Finite Differences Method). The fact that the bars are labeled at their ends and the solution of the problem is obtained in an incremental way allows to capture problems with geometric non-linearity, among them the structural instability against compressive tensions. The last example, the analysis of a sandwich panel by three-point bending, which is composed of a polyurethane core, with two external blades of composite material, in this case the structural instability is associated with buckling of the layer of the compressed blade . Finally, the potential of the analysis methodology is discussed.
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Modèle par éléments discrets multi physique du comportement des matériaux métalliques sous sollicitations thermo mécaniques extrêmes / Multi physic discrete element method of metallic material behavior under extreme thermomechanical solicitationsGado, Moubarak 23 October 2017 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse concernent le développement d’un modèle par éléments discrets du comportement thermo-mécanique d’un alliage d’aluminium et de son évolution microstructurale lorsqu’il est soumis à des conditions de grandes déformations et/ou de grandes vitesses de déformation (soudage par friction-malaxageou FSW). Le procédé de « soudage par friction malaxage » (Friction Stir Welding,FSW) est un procédé de soudage récent, inventé en 1991 par « The Welding Institute (TWI) ». Ce procédé se distingue des autres par sa capacité à souder la matière à l’état visqueux, sans atteindre le point de fusion. Le principe est relativement simple et comparable à une opération de fraisage, si ce n’est que l’outil coupant est remplacé par un outil malaxant composé d’un pion et d’un épaulement. Ce procédé revêt un fort intérêt pour l’industrie aéronautique, car il offre la possibilité de souder des alliages d’aluminium des séries 2XXX et 7XXX, réputés difficiles à souder par d’autres procédés.Le soudage par friction-malaxage étant un procédé récent, il demeure encore un sujet de recherche actif, pour mieux appréhender certains points comme l’écoulement de la matière, l’influence des paramètres du procédé (vitesse de rotation, forme de l’outil, ...)et la modification de la microstructure. Ce dernier point est particulièrement important pour les alliages à durcissement structural comme ceux des séries 2XXX et 7XXX. Pour ces alliages d’aluminium, les propriétés mécaniques dépendent étroitement de leur état de précipitation, lui-même influencé par l’apport de chaleur généré lors du soudage.L’optimisation des paramètres de soudage par rapport aux propriétés mécaniques passe obligatoirement par la prédiction de l’état de la précipitation le long du joint soudé. Le travail de la thèse vise à mettre en place des modèles à l’échelle de la microstructure permettant de prévoir la modification des propriétés de la matière liées aux paramètres du procédé. / The work of this thesis concerns the development of a model using the discrete element method, for the thermo-mechanical behavior of an aluminum alloy and its microstructural evolution when exposed to conditions of large deformations and/or high deformation rates (Friction StirWelding or FSW). Friction stir welding is a recent welding process invented in 1991 by "The welding Institute" (TWI). This process is different from the others by its ability to weld material in the viscous state, without reaching the melting point. The principle is relatively simple and similar to a milling process except that the cutting tool is replaced by a rotary tool composed of a pin and a shoulder. This process is of great interest in the aircraft industry because it offers the possibility to weld aluminum alloys 2XXX and 7XXX series, known to be difficult to weld by other processes. Since friction stir welding is a recent process, it still remains a subject of active research, to better understand certain issues such as material flow, influence of process parameters (rotation speed, tool shape, ...) and the modification of the microstructure. This last point is particularly important for structural hardening alloys such as those of the 2XXX and 7XXX series. For these aluminum alloys, the mechanical properties are highly dependent on their state of precipitation, which is itself influenced by the heat generated during thewelding. The optimization ofwelding parameters in order to obtain good mechanical properties requires the prediction of precipitation state along thewelded joint. Thework of this thesis is to develop required models at the scale of microstructure allowing to predict the modification of material properties related to the process parameters
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Índices de dano aplicáveis a materiais quasi-frágeis avaliados utilizando o método dos elementos discretos formado por barrasRodrigues, Rodolfo da Silva January 2015 (has links)
O processo de dano em materiais quasi-frágeis pode ser caracterizado pela perda de isotropia para certos níveis de carga. A localização de deformações, o efeito cooperativo entre regiões danificadas e a avalanche de rupturas são características particulares na medição do dano neste tipo de material. As características mencionadas criam diferentes formas de dissipação de energia, que não são fáceis de representar utilizando métodos baseados na hipótese dos meios contínuos. No presente trabalho uma versão do Método dos Elementos Discretos Formado por Barras é empregado. Neste método a massa do contínuo é concentrada nos nós, os quais são interconectados por barras sem massa. Essas barras possuem uma lei constitutiva bilinear, que é usada para simular a ruptura da estrutura em estudo. A distribuição dos nós permite formar uma treliça tridimensional regular, e a partir dessa discretização espacial é possível chegar a um sistema de equações de movimento, que é resolvido com um esquema explícito de integração numérica (diferenças finitas centrais). Neste método a fratura e a fragmentação são levadas em conta de forma natural, já que as barras que rompem durante o processo são desativadas, respeitando o balanço energético. É possível introduzir heterogeneidade no modelo considerando as propriedades do material como campos espaciais aleatórios com distribuição de probabilidades de Weibull e comprimento de correlação conhecido. Nessa dissertação, é analisado o processo de dano que aparece em estruturas de geometria simples quando solicitadas até o colapso. Diferentes índices são apresentados para realizar a medição do dano. O desempenho desses índices, e a maneira com que eles ajudam na interpretação da evolução do dano, são discutidos nesse trabalho. / The process of damage in quasi-fragile materials is characterized by loss of isotropy for certain load levels. The strain localization, the cooperative effect between damaged regions and the avalanche of ruptures are particular features in measuring the damage in this kind of material. The mentioned features create different forms of energy dissipation, which are not easy to represent with a continuous approach. In the present work a version of the Lattice Discrete Element Method is employed. In this method the mass of the solid is concentrated on node points, which are interconnected by uniaxial elements. These elements have a bilinear constitutive law, which is used to simulate the rupture of the structure under study. The node distribution allows the formation of a regular three-dimensional lattice, and from this spatial discretization it is possible to arrive at a system of equations of motion, which is solved by an explicit numerical integration scheme (central difference). In this method the fracture and fragmentation are taken into account in a natural manner, since the bars that reached their limit strength during the process are disabled of the system, respecting the energy balance. It is possible to introduce heterogeneity in the model considering the material properties as random fields with spatial Weibull probability distribution and known correlation length. In this dissertation, the damage process, which appears in structures of simple geometry, when they are loaded until collapse, is analysed. Different indexes are presented to perform the measurement of the damage. The performance of those indexes, and the way they help in the interpretation of the damage evolution, are discussed in this paper.
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Índices de dano aplicáveis a materiais quasi-frágeis avaliados utilizando o método dos elementos discretos formado por barrasRodrigues, Rodolfo da Silva January 2015 (has links)
O processo de dano em materiais quasi-frágeis pode ser caracterizado pela perda de isotropia para certos níveis de carga. A localização de deformações, o efeito cooperativo entre regiões danificadas e a avalanche de rupturas são características particulares na medição do dano neste tipo de material. As características mencionadas criam diferentes formas de dissipação de energia, que não são fáceis de representar utilizando métodos baseados na hipótese dos meios contínuos. No presente trabalho uma versão do Método dos Elementos Discretos Formado por Barras é empregado. Neste método a massa do contínuo é concentrada nos nós, os quais são interconectados por barras sem massa. Essas barras possuem uma lei constitutiva bilinear, que é usada para simular a ruptura da estrutura em estudo. A distribuição dos nós permite formar uma treliça tridimensional regular, e a partir dessa discretização espacial é possível chegar a um sistema de equações de movimento, que é resolvido com um esquema explícito de integração numérica (diferenças finitas centrais). Neste método a fratura e a fragmentação são levadas em conta de forma natural, já que as barras que rompem durante o processo são desativadas, respeitando o balanço energético. É possível introduzir heterogeneidade no modelo considerando as propriedades do material como campos espaciais aleatórios com distribuição de probabilidades de Weibull e comprimento de correlação conhecido. Nessa dissertação, é analisado o processo de dano que aparece em estruturas de geometria simples quando solicitadas até o colapso. Diferentes índices são apresentados para realizar a medição do dano. O desempenho desses índices, e a maneira com que eles ajudam na interpretação da evolução do dano, são discutidos nesse trabalho. / The process of damage in quasi-fragile materials is characterized by loss of isotropy for certain load levels. The strain localization, the cooperative effect between damaged regions and the avalanche of ruptures are particular features in measuring the damage in this kind of material. The mentioned features create different forms of energy dissipation, which are not easy to represent with a continuous approach. In the present work a version of the Lattice Discrete Element Method is employed. In this method the mass of the solid is concentrated on node points, which are interconnected by uniaxial elements. These elements have a bilinear constitutive law, which is used to simulate the rupture of the structure under study. The node distribution allows the formation of a regular three-dimensional lattice, and from this spatial discretization it is possible to arrive at a system of equations of motion, which is solved by an explicit numerical integration scheme (central difference). In this method the fracture and fragmentation are taken into account in a natural manner, since the bars that reached their limit strength during the process are disabled of the system, respecting the energy balance. It is possible to introduce heterogeneity in the model considering the material properties as random fields with spatial Weibull probability distribution and known correlation length. In this dissertation, the damage process, which appears in structures of simple geometry, when they are loaded until collapse, is analysed. Different indexes are presented to perform the measurement of the damage. The performance of those indexes, and the way they help in the interpretation of the damage evolution, are discussed in this paper.
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Modélisation du lissage de défauts sur les optiques asphériques de photolithographie : approche par éléments discrets / Modelling of defect correction on aspherical lithography optics : a discrete element approachGoupil, Antoine 05 July 2013 (has links)
Dans la fabrication de lentilles asphériques pour la photolithographie, l’étape delissage est critique. C’est aujourd’hui le seul procédé qui peut corriger les défauts de hautesfréquences spatiales responsables de diffusions parasites, de diminutions de transmittance etde contraste. Cette opération doit préserver la forme asphérique basse fréquence tout enlissant les défauts de hautes fréquences. Un tel comportement peut être obtenu pour des outilscombinant une couche continue flexible pour le suivi basse fréquence et une couche de poixfractionnée pour le lissage de défauts hautes fréquences. Les buts principaux de cette étudesont de prédire l’efficacité de lissage et le suivi de forme de différents outils et ensuite dedéterminer l’outil permettant le meilleur compromis. A cette fin, un modèle multi-échelles estdéveloppé. A l’échelle de l’outil entier, une étude paramétrique par éléments finis permet dedéterminer les caractéristiques de la couche flexible ainsi que la force appliquée optimale afind’obtenir l’homogénéité de la pression à l’échelle de la forme asphérique globale. A l’échelle dela couche de poix, la Méthode par Eléments Discrets est utilisée pour investiguer l’interfaceoutil-pièce. Un modèle basé sur le concept de la poutre cohésive viscoélastique est développé,prenant en compte la réponse fréquentielle de la couche de poix. La comparaison avecl’Analyse Mécanique Dynamique montre la capacité de la DEM à modéliser le comportementviscoélastique. L’opération de lissage est ensuite modélisée par DEM et analytiquement. Lesdonnées expérimentales obtenues par la méthode de la Densité Spectrale de Puissancemettent en évidence l’impact des propriétés de la poix sur l’efficacité de lissage. Lacomparaison entre les résultats numériques et expérimentaux montre que le modèle DEMdonne des résultats prometteurs pour la modélisation du lissage de défauts. / In aspherical photolithography optics manufacturing, the smoothing step iscritical. So far, it is the only process that can correct high spatial frequency defects, responsiblefor flare and transmission, contrast decrease. This operation must preserve the low frequencyaspherical shape while smoothing high frequency defects. That behavior can be obtained withtools that combine a continuous flexible layer for low frequency compliance and a fractionatepitch layer for high frequency defect polishing. The main goals of this study are predicting thesmoothing efficiency and form control of different tools, and then determining the best tool toachieve a good balance between them. To do this, a multi-scale model is developed. First, atthe whole tool scale, a finite-element parametric study yields the best characteristics for theflexible layer as well as the optimal applied force to achieve pressure homogeneity at the globalaspherical shape level. Second, at the pitch layer level, the Discrete Element Method is used toinvestigate the tool-workpiece interface. A model based on the viscoelastic cohesive beamconcept is developed, taking into account the pitch layer’s frequency response. Comparisonwith Dynamic Mechanical Analysis shows the ability of DEM to model viscoelastic behavior. Thesmoothing operation is then modeled both by DEM and analytically. Experimental data obtainedby the Power Spectral Density Method highlight the impact of pitch properties on the smoothingefficiency. Comparison between numerical and experimental data shows that the DEM modelyields promising results in defect smoothing modeling
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Studium asymptotických vlastností zrnitých materiálů pomocí metody oddělených prvků / Study of the asymptotic properties of granular materials using discrete element methodJerman, Jan January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Cohesive properties of wheat flour and their effect on the size-based separation processSiliveru, Kaliramesh January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Grain Science and Industry / R. P. Kingsly Ambrose / Praveen V. Vadlani / Wheat flour processing involves gradual size reduction and size-based fractionation of milled components. The size-based separation efficiency of wheat flour particles, with minimum bran contamination, is an important flour mill operational parameter. The flour particles often behave as imperfect solids with discontinuous flow and agglomerates during the separation process due to their differences in physical and chemical characteristics. Noticeable loss in throughput has been observed during sieving of soft wheat flour compared to that of hard wheat flour due to differences in inter-particle cohesion. However, there is limited understanding on the factors that influence the inter-particulate forces. Direct and indirect methods were applied to investigate the effects of moisture content, particle size, sifter load, and chemical composition on the cohesion behavior of flours from different wheat classes. Image analysis approach was used to quantify the particle characteristics such as surface lipid content, roughness, and morphology with respect to particle size to better understand the differences between hard and soft wheat flours. Surface lipid content and roughness values showed that the soft wheat flours are more cohesive than hard wheat flours. The morphology values revealed the irregularity in flour particles, irrespective of wheat class and particle size, due to nonuniform fragmentation of endosperm particles. The chemical composition significantly contributes to the differences in cohesion and flowability of wheat flours. Based on the particle parameters, a granular bond number (GBN) model was developed to predict the dynamic flow of wheat flour. In order to further understand the wheat flour flow behavior during size-based separation, a correlation was developed using the discrete element method (DEM). The error of predictions demonstrated that this correlation can be used to estimate the sieving performance and sieve blinding phenomenon of wheat flour.
The experimental results from this dissertation work and the numerical model could eventually be instrumental to improve the efficiency of size-based separation of flour from various wheat classes. In addition, the models developed in this study will contribute significantly to understand the inter-particle cohesion as influenced by chemical composition.
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Numerical modelling and visualization of the evolution of extensional fault systemsLongshaw, Stephen Michael January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this work is split into two categories, the first was to analyse the application of real-time Physics Engine software libraries for use in calculating a geological numerical model. Second was the analysis of the applicability of glyph and implicit surface based visualization techniques to explore fault systems produced by the model. The current state of the art in Physics Engines was explored by redeveloping a Discrete Element Model to be calculated using NVIDIA's PhysX engine. Analyses regarding the suitability of the engine in terms of numerical accuracy and developmental capabilities is given, as well as the definition of a specialised and bespoke parallelisation technique. The use of various glyph based visualizations is explored to define a new standardised taxonomy for geological data and the MetaBall visualization technique was applied to reveal three dimensional fault structures as an implicit surface. Qualitative analysis was undertaken in the form of a user study, comprising of interviews with expert geologists. The processing pipeline used by many Physics Engines was found to be comparable to the design of Discrete Element Model software, however, aspects of their design, such as integration accuracy, limitation to single precision floating point and imposed limits on the scale of n-body problem means their suitability is restricted to specific modelling cases. Glyph and implicit surface based visualization have been shown to be an effective way to present a geological Discrete Element Model, with the majority of experts interviewed able to perceive the fault structures that it contained. Development of a new engine, or modification of one that exists in accordance with the findings of this thesis would result in a library extremely well suited to the problem of rigid-body simulation for the sciences.
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Development and use of a discrete element model for simulating the bulk strand flow in a rotary drum blenderDick, Graeme 11 1900 (has links)
In 2006 resin accounted for approximately 17% of the direct manufacturing costs for oriented strand board (OSB). Because of their increased dependency on pMDI-resins, this percentage is likely greater for oriented strand lumber (OSL) and laminated strand lumber (LSL). The cost of PF- and pMDI-resins is expected to face upward pressure as the cost of their primary constituents, natural gas and crude oil, continue to reach new highs. Therefore, there is strong economic incentive to optimize the use of resin in the production of these three products. This can be accomplished by addressing two key issues: reducing resin wastage and optimizing resin distribution on the strands. Both issues will be overcome by focusing on the blending process, where resin is applied to the strands.
This work focused on development and use of a discrete element model (DEM) for simulating strand flow in a rotary drum blender using the EDEM software package. EDEM required the input of three material and three interaction properties. Development of the model involved creating the simulated environment (i.e. physical dimensions) and assigning appropriate material and interaction properties given this environment and the assumptions that were made. This was accomplished in two steps, completing baseline bench-top experiments and a literature review to determine appropriate parameters and initial value ranges for these properties, and then fine-tuning these values based on a validation process.
Using the validated model, an exploratory study was conducted to determine the effect of four blender design and operating parameters (flight height, number of flights, blender rotational speed, and blender fill level) on bulk strand flow. The results were analyzed with regards to overall trends and by focusing on two perspectives, end users and blender manufacturers. It was found that there was a strong relationship between these key parameters and bulk strand flow. These results suggest that operating parameters of a blender, namely rotational speed and tilt angle, should be linked directly to the blender feed rate to ensure an optimal blending environment is maintained. In addition, manufacturers of blenders must take into consideration the range in final operating conditions when designing and positioning flights. / Forestry, Faculty of / Graduate
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Effects Of Seepage On Incipient Motion, Resistance, Stability And Mobility Of Sand Bed ChannelsSitaram, Nagaraj 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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