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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Dynamic Behavior Of Water And Air Chemistry In Indoor Pool Facilities

Lester Ting Chung Lee (11495881) 22 November 2021 (has links)
<p>Swimming is the second most common form of recreational activity in the U.S. Swimming pool water and air quality should be maintained to allow swimmers, pool employees, and spectators to use the pool facility safely. One of the major concerns regarding the health of swimmers and other pool users is the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in swimming pools. Previous research has shown that volatile DBPs can adversely affect the human respiratory system. DBPs are formed by reactions between chlorine and other compounds that are present in water, most of which are introduced by swimmers, including many that contain reduced nitrogen. Some of the DBPs formed in pools are volatile, and their transfer to the gas phase in pool facilities is promoted by mixing near the air/water interface, caused by swimming and pool features.</p> <p><a>Swimming pool water treatment processes can play significant roles in governing water and air quality.</a> Thus, it is reasonable to hypothesize that water and air quality in a swimming pool facility can be improved by renewing or enhancing one or more components of water treatment.</p> <p>The first phase of the study was designed to identify and quantify changes in water and air quality that are associated with changes in water treatment at a chlorinated indoor pool facility. Reductions of aqueous NCl<sub>3 </sub>concentration were observed following the use of secondary oxidizer with its activator. This inclusion also resulted in significant decreases in the concentrations of cyanogen chloride (CNCl) and dichloroacetonitrile (CNCHCl<sub>2</sub>) in pool water. The concentration of urea, a compound that is common in swimming pools and that functions as an important precursor to NCl<sub>3</sub> formation, as well as a marker compound for introduction of contaminants by swimmers, was also reduced after the addition of activator.</p> <p>The second phase of this study involved field measurements to characterize and quantify the dynamic behavior of indoor air quality (IAQ) in indoor swimming pool facilities, particularly as related to volatile compounds that are transferred from swimming pool water to air. Measurements of water and air quality were conducted before, during, and after periods of heavy use at several indoor pool facilities. The results of a series of measurements at different swimming pool facilities allowed for examination of the effects of swimmers on liquid-phase DBPs and gas-phase NCl<sub>3</sub>. Liquid-phase NCl<sub>3</sub> concentrations were observed to gradually increase during periods of high swimmer numbers (<i>e.g.</i>, swimming meets), while liquid-phase CHCl<sub>3</sub> concentration was nearly constant in the same period. Concentrations of urea displayed a steady increase each day during these periods of intensive use. In general, the highest urea concentrations were measured near the end of each swimming meet. </p> <p>Measurements of IAQ dynamics during phase 2 of the study demonstrated the effects of swimmers on the concentrations of gas-phase NCl<sub>3 </sub>and CO<sub>2</sub>, especially during swimming meets. The measured gas-phase NCl<sub>3</sub> concentration often exceeded the suggested upper limits of 300 µg/m<sup>3</sup> or 500 µg/m<sup>3 </sup>during swimming meets, especially during and immediately after warm-up periods, when the largest numbers of swimmers were in the pool. Peak gas-phase NCl<sub>3</sub> concentrations were observed when large numbers of swimmers were present in the pools; measured gas-phase concentrations were as high as 1400 µg/m<sup>3</sup>.<sup> </sup>Concentrations of gas-phase NCl<sub>3</sub> rarely reached above 300 µg/m<sup>3</sup> during regular hours of operation. Furthermore, the types of swimmers were shown to affect the transfer of volatile compounds, such as NCl<sub>3</sub>, from water to air<sub> </sub>in pool facilities. In general, adult competition swimmers promoted more rapid transfer of these compounds than youth competition swimmers or adult recreational swimmers. The measured gas-phase CO<sub>2</sub> concentration often exceeded 1000 ppm<sub>v</sub> during swimming meets, whereas the gas-phase CO<sub>2</sub> concentration during periods of non-use of the pool tended to be close to the background (ambient) CO<sub>2</sub> concentration or slightly more than 400 ppm<sub>v</sub>. This phenomenon was largely attributed to the activity of swimmers (mixing of water and respiratory activity) and the normal respiratory activity of spectators. </p> <p>IAQ models for gas-phase NCl<sub>3</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> were developed to relate the characteristics of the indoor pool environment to measurements of IAQ dynamics. Several assumptions were made to develop these models. Specifically, pool water and indoor air were assumed to be well-mixed. The reactions that were responsible for the formation and decay of the target compounds were neglected. Two-film theory was used to simulate the net mass-transfer rate of volatile compounds from the liquid phase to the gas phase. Advective transport into and out of the air space of the pool were accounted for. The IAQ model was able to simulate the dynamic behavior of gas-phase NCl<sub>3</sub> during regular operating hours. Predictions of gas-phase NCl<sub>3</sub> dynamics were generally less accurate during periods of intensive pool use; however, the model did yield predictions of behavior that were qualitatively correct. Strengths of the model include that it accounts for the factors that are believed to have the greatest influence on IAQ dynamics and is simple to use. Model weaknesses include that the model did not account liquid-phase reactions that are responsible for formation and decay of the target compounds. The IAQ model for NCl<sub>3</sub> dynamics could still be a useful tool to form the basis for recommendations regarding the design and operation of indoor pool facilities so as to optimize IAQ.</p><p>Measurements of CO<sub>2</sub> dynamics indicated qualitatively similar dynamic behavior as NCl<sub>3</sub>. Because of this, it was hypothesized that CO<sub>2</sub> may represent a surrogate for NCl<sub>3</sub> for monitoring and control of IAQ dynamics. To examine this issue in more detail, a conceptually similar model of CO<sub>2 </sub>dynamics was developed and applied. The model was developed to allow for an assessment of the relative contributions of liquid®gas transfer and respiration by swimmers and spectators to CO<sub>2</sub> dynamics. The results of this modeling effort indicated that the similarity of CO<sub>2</sub> transfer behavior to NCl<sub>3</sub> may allow use of CO<sub>2</sub> as a surrogate during periods with few to no spectators in the pool; however, when large numbers of spectators are present, the behavior of CO<sub>2</sub> dynamics may not be representative of NCl<sub>3</sub> dynamics because of spectator respiration.</p><p></p> <br>

Efekti odabranih unapredenih procesa oksidacije i koagulacije na sadržaj prirodnih organskih materija u vodi / The effects of selected advanced oxidation processes and coagulation on natural organic matter content in water

Molnar Jazić Jelena 10 October 2011 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog rada bio je da se u laboratorijskim uslovima ispitaju efekti odabranih<br />unapredenih procesa oksidacije (Fenton proces, ozonizacija, TiO2-katalizovana ozonizacija,<br />perokson proces i TiO2-katalizovan perokson proces) i koagulacije na sadržaj i strukturu<br />prirodnih organskih materija u vodi, kao prekursora dezinfekcionih nusprodukata hlora.<br />Karaterizacija POM frakcionisanjem pre i nakon navedenih oksidacionih tretmana i<br />koagulacije izvr&scaron;ena je u cilju ispitivanja mehanizama oksidacije i uklanjanja POM, kao i<br />utvrdivanja promene reaktivnosti prekursorskog materijla DBP (trihalometana i halosircetnih<br />kiselina, kao najvi&scaron;e zastupljenih DBP, i haloacetonitrila, hlorpikrina i haloketona, kao<br />nedovoljno istraženih, visoko prioritetnih &bdquo;DBP u razvoju&ldquo;).<br />Analizom hemijskih karakteristika prirodnog matriksa utvrdeno je da voda sadrži<br />visoke koncentracije prirodnih organskih materija (DOC sirove iznosi 9,92&plusmn;0,87 mg/L) uz<br />dominaciju materija hidrofobnog karaktera (14% huminskih i 65% fulvinskih kiselina). U<br />slucaju sintetickog matriksa (sadržaj DOC 11,2&plusmn;0,37 mg/L) zastupljena je samo frakcija<br />huminske kiseline, te je iz tog razloga sinteticki matriks znatno hidrofobniji u odnosu na<br />prirodni. Veci stepen hidrofobnosti sintetickog matriksa u poredenju sa prirodnim matriksom,<br />rezultovao je i vecim sadržajem prekursora najzastupljenijih dezinfekcionih nusprodukata<br />hlora, THM i HAA. Vrednosti za PFTHM iznose 438&plusmn;88,2 &mu;g/L za prirodni matriks,<br />odnosno 3646&plusmn;41,3 &mu;g/L za sinteticki matriks, dok PFHAA prirodnog matriksa iznosi<br />339&plusmn;68,9 &mu;g/L, odnosno 559&plusmn;20,5 &mu;g/L za sinteticki matriks. Sadržaj HAN, CP i HK je<br />znatno niži u poredenju sa prekursorima THM i HAA. PFHAN iznosi 3,65 &mu;g/L za prirodni,<br />odn. 7,98 &mu;g/L za sinteticki matriks, dok prekursori CP nisu detektovani. Prekursori HK su<br />zastupljeni samo u strukturi POM prirodnog matriksa i PFHK iznosi 46,9&plusmn;5,08 &mu;g/L.<br />Hidrofoban materijal, kao dominantan u strukturi POM ispitivanih matriksa, je ujedno i<br />osnovni prekursorski materijal THM i HAA, dok su prekursori haloacetonitrila i haloketona u<br />navecoj meri zastupljeni u hidrofilnoj frakciji.<br />Ispitivanjem uticaja Fenton procesa na sadržaj POM, pri optimalnim reakcionim<br />uslovima (pH 5, reakciono vreme od 15 min. i brzina me&scaron;anja 30 o/min), postignuto je u<br />zavisnosti od primenjene doze Fe2+, molarnog odnosa Fe2+ i H2O2 i matriksa 80-95%<br />smanjenja saržaja DOC, 70-99% PFTHM, 37-92% PFHAA. Kao posledica uklanjanja POM<br />oksidaciojom i koagulacijom, zabeležene su blage fluktuacije u sadržaju prekursora HAN, CP<br />i HK.<br />Ispitivanjem uticaja ozonizacije u vodi pri razlicitim pH na sadržaj i strukturu POM<br />utvrdeno je da je ozonizacija u baznoj sredini efikasnija za uklanjanje POM u odnosu na<br />ozonizaciju u kiseloj sredini. Katalizovanje procesa ozonizacije primenom TiO2 u vodi<br />razlicitim pH unapreduje smanjenje sadržaja kako ukupnih organskih materija, tako i<br />specificnih prekursora DBP u poredenju sa ozonizacijom. Najefikasnije smanjenje sadržaja<br />POM postignuto je TiO2-O3 procesa u baznoj sredini primenom 3,0 mg O3/mg DOC i 1,0 mg<br />TiO2/L (30% DOC, 92-100% PFTHM, PFHAA, PFHAN i PFHK). TiO2-O3 proces pri svim<br />pH vrednostima produkuje manji sadržaj CP u odnosu na ozonizaciju. Veca efikasnost<br />primenjenih procesa u smanjenju sadržaja POM sintetickog matriksa u odnosu na prirodni<br />ukazuju da je frakcija huminske kiseline podložnija oksidacionom tretmanu u odnosu na<br />fulvinsku, kao dominantnu frakciju POM prirodnog matriksa. Kada je u pitanju mehanizam<br />oksidacije POM ispitivanih matriksa, primenom ozonizacije i TiO2-O3 procesa, pri svim pH<br />postignuta je potpuna oksidacija frakcije huminske kiseline do fulvinske kiseline i hidrofilnih<br />jedinjenja. U slucaju ozonizacije, sa povecanjem pH vrednosti sredine, usled povecane<br />produkcije hidroksil radikala iz ozona, povecao se i udeo odnosno sadržaj DOC u hidrofilnoj<br />frakciji ozonirane vode (86%-90%). Raspodela DOC nakon TiO2-O3 procesa pri svim pH<br />vrednostima je oko 70% i 50% u hidrofilnoj frakciji prirodnog i sintetickog matriksa, redom.<br />Frakcija koja se dominantno formira nakon navedenih oksidacionih tretmana je hidrofilna nekisela<br />frakcija. Frakcionisanjem POM nakon oksidacionih tretmana je utvrdeno da su<br />prekursori THM i HAA kako hidrofobne aromaticne strukture, tako i hidrofilna polarna<br />jedinjenja, dok je najreaktivniji prekursorski materijal HAN, CP i HK sadržan u hidrofilnoj<br />frakciji POM.<br />Uvodenjem H2O2 u proces ozonizacije (O3/H2O2 i iO2-O3/H2O2) u slabo baznoj<br />sredini (pH 7-7,5) postignut je jo&scaron; veci stepen oksidacije POM i povecanje udela hidrofilnih<br />struktura (oko 88%) ispitivanih matriksa u odnosu na ozonizaciju i iO2-O3 (oko 70%),<br />primenom 3,0 mg O3/mg DOC; O3:H2O2=1:1 i 1,0 mg iO2/L. Povecanje sadržaja prekursora<br />THM i HAA samo u slucaju prirodnog amtriksa posledica je povecanja reaktivnosti frakcije<br />fulvinske kiseline nakon O3/H2O2 i iO2-O3/H2O2 procesa, u kojoj su ujedno i prekursori HK<br />najzastupljeniji. Najveci sadržaj azotnih DBP (HAN i CP) sadrži hidrofilna frakcija POM.<br />Ispitivanjem kombinovanih procesa ozonizacije i TiO2-O3 i koagulacije utvrdeno je da<br />oksidacioni tretmani imaju pozitivne efekte u uklanjaju POM koagulacijom. Maksimalna<br />efikasnost smanjenja sadržaja DOC od 32% postignuto je primenom 3,0 mg O3/mg DOC i<br />200 mg FeCl3/L, dok su ne&scaron;to niže doze ozona pogodne za uklanjanje prekursora DBP (80-<br />89% PFTHM, PFHAA, PFHAN i PFHK, primenom 0,7-1,0 mg O3/mg DOC i 200 mg<br />FeCl3/L). Prekursori CP koji se formiraju ozonizacijom zaostaju u vodi nakon koagulacije.<br />Rezultati dobijeni tokom istraživanja ukazuju da se primenom razlicitih oksidacionih i<br />unapredenih oksidacionih procesa može smanjiti sadržaj POM i prekursora DBP do<br />odredenog stepena. Kao najefikasniji u uklanjaju kako ukupnih organskih materija, tako i<br />specificih prekursora DBP se pokazao Fenton proces. Kada su u pitanju unapredeni procesi<br />oksidacije zasnovani na primeni ozona, uvodenje katalizatora ili H2O2 kao oksidanta u proces<br />ozonizacije, kao i odabir optimalne pH vrednosti procesa može unaprediti oksidabilnost<br />organskih molekula. Pri tom, poznavanje mehanizama oksidacije POM iz razlicitih izvora<br />primenom ozona i/ili hidroksil radikala, kao i mehanizma uklanjanja POM koagulacijom<br />može se primeniti za odabir i optimizovanje odgovarajuceg procesa u tretmanu vode za pice,<br />a u zavisnosti od kvaliteta sirove vode.</p> / <p>The aim of this work was to examine under laboratory conditions the effects of<br />certain advanced oxidation processes (Fenton process, ozonation, TiO2-catalyzed ozonation,&nbsp;peroxone process and TiO2-catalyzed peroxone process) and coagulation on the content,&nbsp;structure and role of natural organic matter in water as the precursors of chlorine disinfection&nbsp;byproducts. The NOM was characterized by fractionation before and after these oxidation&nbsp;treatments and coagulation, in order to investigate NOM oxidation mechanisms and identify&nbsp;the changes in the reactivity of DBP precursor material (trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids,&nbsp;as the most abundant DBP, and haloacetonitriles, chloropicrin and haloketones, as underresearched,&nbsp;high priority &ldquo;emerging DBP&rdquo;).&nbsp;Through analysis of the chemical characteristics of the natural matrix, it was found&nbsp;that the water contains high concentrations of natural organic matter (raw water DOC was&nbsp;9.92 &plusmn; 0.87 mg/L) dominated by substances with a hydrophobic character (14% humic and&nbsp;65% fulvic acids). The synthetic matrix studied (DOC content of 11.2 &plusmn; 0.37 mg/L)&nbsp;contained only the humic acid fraction, and was therefore significantly more hydrophobic&nbsp;compared to the natural one. The greater degree of hydrophobicity in the synthetic matrix&nbsp;relative to the natural matrix resulted in a higher content of precursors of the most frequent&nbsp;chlorine disinfection byproducts, THM and HAA. The THMFP of the natural matrix was&nbsp;438&plusmn;88.2 mg/L, compared to 3646&plusmn;41.3 mg/L for the synthetic matrix, while the HAAFP of&nbsp;the natural matrix was 339&plusmn;68.9 mg/L, compared to 559&plusmn;20.5 mg/L for the synthetic matrix.&nbsp;The contents of HAN, CP, and HK precursors were much lower than the THM and HAA&nbsp;precursors. HANFP were 3.65 mg/L for natural, and 7.98 mg/L for the synthetic matrix,&nbsp;whilst CP precursors were not detected. HK precursors were present only in the structure of&nbsp;the natural NOM matrix, with a HKFP of 46.9&plusmn;5.08 mg/L. Hydrophobic material, as the&nbsp;dominant structure in the investigated NOM matrix, is the basic precursor material of THM&nbsp;and HAA, while the precursors of haloacetonitriles and haloketones are represented mostly in&nbsp;the hydrophilic fraction.<span style="font-size: 12px;">Whilst examining the influence of the Fenton process on the NOM content, under&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">optimal reaction conditions (pH 5, reaction time of 15 min and stirring speed of 30 rpm),&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">depending upon the applied dose of Fe2+, the molar ratio of Fe2+ and H2O2, and the matrix,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">reductions in the DOC content of 80-95%, in the THMFP of 70-99%, and in the HAAFP of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">37-92%, were achieved. As a result of removing NOM by oxidation and coagulation, mild&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">fluctuations in the contents of HAN, CP and HK precursors were recorded.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">The investigation into the effects of ozonation at different pH levels on the content&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">and structure of NOM has shown that ozonation under alkaline conditions is more effective at&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">removing NOM than ozonation under acidic conditions. Catalyzing the ozonation process&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">using TiO2 in water with different pH promotes the reduction of both total organic matter and&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">specific DBP precursors in comparison with ozonation alone. The most effective NOM&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">reduction was achieved using the TiO2-O3 process in alkaline conditions using 3.0 mg O3/mg&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">DOC and 1.0 mg TiO2/L (30% DOC, 92-100% THMFP, HAAFP, HANFP and HKFP). The&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">TiO2-O3 process produces lower amounts of CP at all pH values, relative to ozonation. The&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">applied processes showed increased efficacy in reducing the NOM content of the synthetic&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">matrix compared with the natural matrix, which shows that the humic acids fraction is more&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">susceptible to oxidation treatments than the fulvic acids which are the dominant faction of the&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">natural NOM matrix. Regarding the NOM oxidation mechanism in the investigated matrices,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">using ozonation and the TiO2-O3 process, complete oxidation of the humic acid fraction to&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">fulvic acids and hydrophilic compounds was achieved at all pH levels. In the case of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">ozonation, increasing the pH in the matrix lead to an increase in hydroxyl radicals production&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">from ozone, and the proportion or content of DOC in the hydrophilic fraction of ozonated&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">water (86%-90%) increased. The distribution of DOC after the TiO2-O3 process at all pH&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">values was about 70% and 50% in the hydrophilic fraction of the natural and synthetic&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">matrices, respectively. The dominant fraction formed after the oxidation treatments was the&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">hydrophilic non-acid fraction. By NOM fractionation after the oxidation treatments, it was&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">shown that the THM and HAA precursors are hydrophobic aromatic structures and&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">hydrophilic polar compounds, whilst the most reactive precursor materials for HAN, CP and&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">HC are contained in the hydrophilic NOM fraction.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">Introducing H2O2 into the ozonation process (O3/H2O2 and iO2-O3/H2O2) in weak&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">basic conditions (pH 7 to 7.5) enhances further the degree of NOM oxidation and increases&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">the proportion of hydrophilic structures (88%) in the examined matrices in comparison to&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">ozonation and iO2-O3 (about 70%), using 3.0 mg O3/mg DOC; O3:H2O2=1:1 and 1.0 mg&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">iO2/L. An increase in the THM and HAA precursor contents occurred in the case of the&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">natural matrix as a result of the increased reactivity of the fulvic acid fraction after the&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">O3/H2O2 and iO2-O3/H2O2 processes, and HK precursors were also present. The highest&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">content of nitrogen DBP (HAN and CP) was found in the hydrophilic NOM fraction.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">By examination of the combined processes of ozonation, TiO2-O3 and coagulation, it was&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">shown that oxidative treatments have a positive effect on NOM removal by coagulation. A&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">maximum efficacy in reducing DOC by 32% was achieved with 3.0 mg O3/mg DOC and&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">200 mg FeCl3/L, whereas slightly lower ozone doses are suitable for the removal of DBP&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">precursors (80-89% THMFP, HAAFP, HANFP and HKFP, using 0.7-1.0 mg O3/mg DOC&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">and 200 mg FeCl3/L). CP precursors which are formed during ozonation remain in the water&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">after coagulation.&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">The results obtained during this investigation show that the application of different oxidation&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">and enhanced oxidation processes can reduce the contents of NOM and DBP precursors to&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">some degree. The most effective process at removing both total organic matter and specific&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">DBP precursors proved to be the Fenton process. With respect to enhanced oxidation&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">processes based upon the use of ozone, by introducing catalysts or H2O2 as an oxidant in the&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">ozonation process and by selecting the optimum pH for the process, the oxidizability of&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">organic molecules can be improved. In addition, knowledge of the NOM oxidation&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">mechanisms from different sources using ozone and / or hydroxyl radicals, as well as the&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">mechanism of NOM removal by coagulation, can be used to select and optimize the most&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12px;">appropriate process in drinking water treatment, depending upon the quality of the raw water.</span></p>

Ozone and peroxymonosulfate as oxidants in water treatments for disinfection by-products control or pollutant degradation

Bernat Quesada, Francisco 18 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] El agua es esencial para la vida. La presente Tesis ha estudiado el uso de ozono y peroximonosulfato como oxidantes en tratamientos de agua para el control de subproductos de desinfección o degradación de contaminantes. La pre-ozonización del agua natural, se consideró como un tratamiento general del agua potable capaz de minimizar la formación de subproductos de la desinfección (DBP). En esta tesis, sin embargo, se ha demostrado que la pre-ozonización de aguas superficiales que contienen cianobacterias comunes, no es un tratamiento adecuado para controlar los DBP basados en cloración (trihalometanos, ácidos haloacéticos, halonitrilos, halocetonas y tricloronitrometano). Los procesos de oxidación avanzada (POAs) basados en ozono y peroximonosulfato se consideran algunas de las tecnologías preferibles para la degradación de contaminantes del agua. Esta tesis ha demostrado que la funcionalización adecuada del carbón activo mediante tratamiento químico da como resultado una funcionalización superficial del carbón con una gran población de grupos funcionales de oxígeno capaces de depositar pequeñas nanopartículas de cobalto. El material resultante exhibe una actividad catalítica para la activación del PMS y la degradación del fenol superior a la mayoría de los estudios previos en este campo. También ha mostrado la posibilidad de desarrollar catalizadores de ozonización libres de metales altamente activos basados en grafito de alta área superficial hidroxilado en los bordes o en nanodiamantes sp2 / sp3 defectuosos. / [CA] L'aigua és essencial per a la vida. La present Tesi ha estudiat l'ús d'ozó i peroximonosulfat com oxidants en tractaments d'aigua per al control de subproductes de desinfecció o degradació de contaminants. La pre-ozonació de l'aigua natural, es va considerar com un tractament general de l'aigua potable capaç de minimitzar la formació de subproductes de la desinfecció (DBP). En aquesta tesi, però, s'ha demostrat que la pre-ozonació d'aigües superficials que contenen cianobacteries comuns, no és un tractament adequat per controlar els DBP basats en cloració (trihalometans, àcids haloacétics, halonitrilos, halocetones i tricloronitrometà). Els processos d'oxidació avançada (POAs) basats en ozó i peroximonosulfat es consideren algunes de les tecnologies preferibles per a la degradació de contaminants de l'aigua. Aquesta tesi ha demostrat que la funcionalització adequada del carbó actiu mitjançant tractament químic dóna com a resultat una funcionalització superficial de l'carbó amb una gran població de grups fun-cionals d'oxigen capaços de dipositar petites nanopartícules de cobalt. El material resultant exhibeix una activitat catalítica per a l'activació del PMS i la degradació del fenol superior a la majoria dels estudis previs en aquest camp. També ha mostrat la possibilitat de desenvolupar catalitzadors d'ozonització lliures de metalls altament actius basats en grafit d'alta àrea superficial hidroxilat en les vores o en nanodiamants sp2 / sp3 defectuosos. / [EN] Water is essential for life. The present Thesis studied the use of ozone and peroxymonosulfate as oxidants in water treatments for disinfection by-products control or pollutant degradation. Pre-ozonation of natural water was considered as a general drinking water treatment able to minimize the formation of DBPs. In this Thesis, however, it has been demonstrated that pre-ozonation of surface water containing common cyanobacteria is not a suitable treatment for controlling chlorination-based DBPs (trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, haloace-tonitriles, haloketones and trichloronitromethane). AOPs based on ozone and peroxymonosulfate are considered to be some of the preferable technologies for water pollutant degradation. This Thesis has shown that appropriate activated carbon functionalization by chemical treatment results in a surface functionalization with a large population of oxygen functional groups able to deposit small cobalt nanoparticles. The resulting material exhibits a catalytic activity for PMS activation and phenol degradation superior to most of the previous studies in the field. It has also shown the possibility of developing highly active metal-free ozonation catalysts based on edged-hydroxylated high surface area graphite or defective sp2/sp3 nanodiamonds. / Bernat Quesada, F. (2021). Ozone and peroxymonosulfate as oxidants in water treatments for disinfection by-products control or pollutant degradation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/174887

Evaluating surface water treatment for disinfection byproduct compliance

Edwards, Kelcia D. 01 April 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of amine-based water treatment polymers on the formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) disinfection by-product

Park, Sang Hyuck 17 January 2008 (has links)
In recent years, a compound N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a probable human carcinogen, has been identified as an emerging disinfection by-product (DBP) since its formation and detection were linked to chlorine-based disinfection processes in several water utilities in the U.S. and Canada. Numerous organic nitrogen compounds present in water may impact the formation of NDMA during disinfection. Amine-based water treatment polymers used as coagulants and flocculants have been suggested as potential NDMA precursors due to the presence of amine functional groups in their structures, as well as the possible presence of dimethylamine (DMA) residues in polymer products. To minimize the potential risk of NDMA associated with water treatment polymers, the mechanisms of how the polymers behave as NDMA precursors and their contribution to the overall NDMA formation under actual water treatment conditions need to be elucidated. This research involved a systematic investigation to determine whether amine-based water treatment polymers contribute to NDMA formation under drinking water and wastewater treatment conditions, to probe the involved reaction mechanisms, and to develop strategies to minimize the polymers NDMA formation potential. The investigation included five research tasks: (1) General screening of NDMA formation potential of commonly used amine-based water treatment polymers, (2) NDMA formation from amine-based water treatment polymers under relevant water treatment conditions, (3) Probing the mechanisms of NDMA formation from polyamine and PolyDADMAC, (4) Effect of water treatment processes on NDMA formation from amine-based water treatment polymers, and (5) Developing strategies to reduce polymers NDMA formation potential. Direct chloramination or chlorination of high doses of polymers in deionized water at longer than typical contact time was used in the general screening of the NDMA formation potential of water treatment polymers and in the studies to identify reaction mechanisms. On the other hand, realistic dosages of chloramines and polymers and contact time were used in simulating representative water treatment conditions to evaluate the contribution of polymers to the overall NDMA formation in real systems. On the basis of the study results, strategies were developed to reduce the NDMA formation potential of amine-based water treatment polymers, which include modification of polymer structures and treatment parameters.

Sous-produits de chloration dans les eaux de piscine - Effet de l'ozonation / Disinfection by-products in chlorinoted swimming pool waters - Effect of ozonation

Freyfer, Diab Adams 12 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail a été consacré à l'étude des sous-produits de désinfection formés lors de la chloration des eaux de piscine publiques. En effet, parallèlement à son action désinfectante, le chlore réagit sur les composés organiques et minéraux introduits dans l'eau des bassins par les baigneurs (urine, sueur, ...) pour former des sous-produits indésirables (chloramines et composés organohalogénés).Des analyses d'urée, principal composé précurseur de chloramines inorganiques, ont été effectuées dans une cinquantaine d'eaux de piscine. Les concentrations mesurées ont été comprises entre 0,14 et 3,67 mg/L (valeur moyenne : 1,08 mg/L ; écart-type : 0,70 mg/L). L'étude de la réactivité du chlore sur l'urée (cinétique et consommation de chlore) effectuée sous différentes conditions expérimentales a mis en évidence une très grande stabilité de l'urée en présence de chlore libre dans les eaux de piscines.Les analyses de sous-produits de chloration ont démontré que l'hydrate de chloral représente l'un des sous-produits de chloration majoritaire avec les acides dichloroacétique et trichloroacétique. Cette étude a aussi permis de déterminer la constante cinétique d'hydrolyse de l'hydrate de chloral dans l'eau, l'influence du pH et de la température sur la vitesse d'hydrolyse, ainsi que les potentiels de formation d'hydrate de chloral à partir de quelques constituants de l'urine.La dernière partie de ce travail a porté sur l'étude de la réactivité de l'ozone sur le chlore et sur des sous-produits de chloration ainsi que sur l'étude de l'incidence d'une préozonation des eaux de piscines (en absence et en présence de chlore libre) sur la formation des sous-produits organohalogénés lors d'une post-chloration. / The aim of this work was to study of the formation of disinfection by-products during the chlorination of public swimming pools water. In parallel to its disinfecting action, chlorine reacts with organic and inorganic compounds introduced into the swimming pool water by bathers (urine, sweat, ...) to form undesirable by-products (chloramines and organohalogenated matters).A statistical study of the presence of urea, the major component of urine and sweat, and the main precursor compound of inorganic chloramines, in public swimming poolwater has been made. Measured concentrations were between 0.14 and 3.67 mg/L (mean value: 1.08 mg/L, s.d: 0.70 mg/L). The study of the reactivity of chlorine with urea (kinetic and chlorine consumption) made under different experimental conditions, showed a very high stability of urea in the presence of free chlorine in the pools water.Analysis of chlorination by-products showed that chloral hydrate, with the dichloro and the trichloroacetic acids, is one of the major chlorination by-products found. This study also determined the kinetic rate constant of hydrolysis of chloral hydrate in water, the influence of the pH and the temperature on the rate of hydrolysis and the potential of chloral hydrate formation from some constituents of the urine.The last part of this work was focused on the study of the reactivity of ozone on chlorine and some disinfection by-products, as well as the study of the impact of preozonation of swimming pools water (in absence and presence of free chlorine) on the formation of organohalogenated by-products during a post-chlorination.

Résine échangeuse d’ions en mode biologique pour l’enlèvement de matières organiques naturelles des eaux de surface

Liu, Zhen 08 1900 (has links)
La matière organique naturelle (MON) est omniprésente dans les eaux de surface. Bien que l’exposition à la MON via l’eau potable soit commune et ne soit pas associée à des effets directs sur la santé humaine, la MON peut avoir des impacts négatifs sur la production d’eau potable, tels que la contribution aux goûts et odeurs, le développement du biofilm dans les systèmes de distribution et la formation de sous-produits de désinfection. La résine échangeuse d’ions en mode biologique (en anglais : Biological ion exchange, BIEX) est un processus prometteur pour l’enlèvement de la MON des eaux de surface. Il s’agit d’opérer la résine échangeuse d’ions dans un réacteur à lit fixe avec une régénération peu fréquente de sorte qu’une communauté microbienne peut se développer sur la surface de résine et ainsi contribuer à l’enlèvement de la MON par biodégradation. Néanmoins, les mécanismes de l’enlèvement de la MON dans le BIEX et la faisabilité de son application dans l’usine de production d’eau potable demeurent inconnus. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thèse est 1) de comprendre et favoriser l’application du BIEX pour l’enlèvement de la MON des eaux de surface et 2) de résumer les stratégies qui peuvent alléger la gestion de la saumure engendrée par la régénération de résines. Les résines en forme chlorure et bicarbonate ont été d’abord évaluées pour l’application du BIEX où le pilote de BIEX a été alimenté par l’eau de surface pendant 9 mois sans régénération. Les résultats ont démontré que l’échange d’ions est le mécanisme dominant pour le BIEX, i.e., la MON échange avec les ions préchargés (i.e., chlorure et bicarbonate) et les ions préretenus (i.e., sulfate). En plus, les résines colonisées ont été prélevées du pilote et testées en laboratoire où les résines colonisées ont été mises en contact avec les composés de modèles (i.e., micropolluants organiques). Les résultats ont démontré que la biodégradation contribuait à l’enlèvement de micropolluants organiques sur les résines colonisées, mais le degré de biodégradation dépend des caractères de micropolluants organiques et la communauté microbienne sur les résines. Ensuite, le BIEX a été évalué en parallèle du charbon actif biologique (CAB) en filtration secondaire dans l’usine de production d’eau potable de Sainte-Rose. Les résultats ont démontré que bien que le BIEX ait réalisé un enlèvement du carbone organique dissous (COD) plus élevé par rapport à celui du CAB, il a une perte de charge plus significative et le rétrolavage de BIEX s’avère être plus complexe par rapport à celui de CAB. Finalement, une revue de littérature a été menée afin d’identifier les stratégies sur l’opération de résine et la gestion de saumure, et ainsi d’alléger la gestion de la saumure engendrée par la régénération de résines échangeuses d’ions. En somme, cette thèse permet de comprendre les mécanismes de l’enlèvement de la MON dans le BIEX, évaluer la faisabilité de son application dans l’usine de production d’eau potable ainsi qu’identifier les stratégies qui peuvent alléger la gestion de la saumure engendrée par la régénération de résines échangeuses d’ions. / Natural organic matter (NOM) is ubiquitous in surface water. Although the exposure to NOM via drinking water is common and is not associated with direct effects on human health, NOM can cause negative impacts on drinking water treatment, such as contribution to taste and odors, development of biofilms in distribution systems and formation of disinfection by-products. Biological ion exchange (BIEX) is a promising process for the removal of NOM from surface waters. It involves operating the ion exchange resin in a fixed bed reactor with infrequent regeneration so that a microbial community can develop on the resin surface and thus contribute to the removal of NOM by biodegradation. However, the mechanisms for the removal of NOM in BIEX and the feasibility of its application in the drinking water plant remain unknown. Therefore, the general objective of this thesis is 1) to understand and promote the application of BIEX for the removal of NOM from surface water and 2) to summarize the strategies that can alleviate the management of the brine generated by the regeneration of resins. Chloride and bicarbonate-form resins were first evaluated for the BIEX application where the BIEX pilot was fed with surface water for 9 months without regeneration. The results demonstrated that ion exchange is the dominant mechanism in BIEX, i.e., NOM exchanges with preloaded ions (i.e., chloride and bicarbonate) and pre-retained ions (i.e., sulfate). In addition, the colonized resins were harvested from the pilot and tested in the laboratory where the colonized resins were in contact with the model compounds (i.e., organic micropollutants). The results demonstrated that biodegradation contributes to the removal of organic micropollutants on colonized resins, but the extent of biodegradation depends on the characteristics of the organic micropollutants and the microbial community on the resins. Then, BIEX was evaluated in parallel with biological activated carbon (BAC) at the second-stage filtration of the Sainte-Rose drinking water treatment plant. The results demonstrated that although BIEX achieved higher dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal compared to BAC, it had a more significant pressure drop and the backwash of BIEX filters was proved to be more complex compared to that of BAC. Finally, a literature review was carried out to identify strategies on resin operation and brine management, and thus alleviate the management of the brine generated by the regeneration of ion exchange resins. Overall, this thesis allows understanding the mechanisms for the removal of NOM in BIEX, evaluating the feasibility of its application in drinking water production plants as well as identifying the strategies that can alleviate the management of the brine generated by the regeneration of ion exchange resins.

Dezinfekce bazénových vod vybraných provozů / Disinfection of pool water of selected operations

Novotný, Hana January 2022 (has links)
The work presents an overview of swimming pool disinfection technologies of selected operations. Selected indoor and outdoor pool operations were to be described, and the use of chlorine and chlorine-free disinfectants was to be determined and the data evaluated. These goals were met in the theoretical part of the thesis, which presents the current methods of treatment and disinfection of swimming pool water and compares their advantages and disadvantages. The comparison includes advantages and disadvantages, use and costs of disinfection methods, individual water quality indicators, and their importance and measurements. The work also focuses on microbiological and chemical health risks from swimming pool water. The practical part described the technologies of swimming pool water treatment in six selected swimming pool operations, focusing on the use of chlorine and chlorine-free disinfectants and their operation. Another 27 operators in the Czech Republic (combined, indoor and outdoor) were contacted in writing for the survey. A total of 27 indoor and 23 outdoor operations were compared in the survey.

Trihalomethane Removal and Re-Formation in Spray Aeration Processes Treating Disinfected Groundwater

Smith, Cassandra 01 January 2015 (has links)
Historically, chlorination has been widely utilized as a primary and secondary disinfectant in municipal water supplies. Although chlorine disinfection is effective in inactivating pathogenic microbes, the use of chlorine creates the unintentional formation of regulated chemicals. On January 4, 2006, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated the Stage 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection by-product rule (DBPR) that focuses on public health protection by limiting exposure to four trihalomethanes (THM) and five haloacetic acids (HAA5), formed when chlorine is used for microbial pathogen control. This thesis examines post-aeration TTHM formation when employing spray-aeration processes to remove semi-volatile TTHMs from chlorinated potable water supplies. A bench scale air stripping unit was designed, constructed and operated to evaluate spray aeration for the removal of the four regulated trihalomethane (THM) species from potable drinking water including bromodichloromethane, bromoform, dibromochloromethane, chloroform. The study was conducted using finished bulk water samples collected from two different water treatment facilities (WTFs) located in Oviedo and Babson Park, Florida. Both treatment plants treat groundwater; however, Oviedo's Mitchell Hammock WTF (MHWTF) supply wells contain dissolved organic carbon and bromide DBP precursors whereas the Babson Park WTF #2 (BPWTF2) supply well contains dissolved organic carbon DBP precursors but is absent of bromide precursor. Three treatment scenarios were studied to monitor impacts on total trihalomethane (TTHM) removal and post-treatment (post-aeration) TTHM formation potential, including 1) no treatment (non-aerated control samples), 2) spray aeration via specially fabricated GridBee® nozzle for laboratory-scale applications, 3) spray aeration via a commercially available manufactured BETE® nozzle used for full-scale applications. Select water quality parameters, chlorine residual, and total trihalomethane concentrations were monitored throughout the study. The GridBee® spray nozzle resulted in TTHM removals ranging from 45.2 ± 3.3% for the BPWTF2 samples, and 37.7 ± 3.1% for the MHWTF samples. The BETE® spray nozzle removed 54.7±3.9% and 48.1±6.6% of total trihalomethanes for the Babson Park and Mitchell Hammock WTF samples, respectively. The lower percent removals at the MHWTF are attributed to the detectable presence of bromide and subsequent formation of hypobromous acid in the samples. Post spray aeration TTHM formation potentials were monitored and it was found that the MHWTF experienced significantly higher formation potentials, once again due to the presence of hypobromous acid which led to increases in overall TTHM formation over time in comparison with the Babson Park WTF #2 TTHM formation samples. In addition, chlorine residuals were maintained post spray aeration treatment, and initial chlorine residual and trihalomethane concentrations did not significantly impact overall spray nozzle performance. Among other findings, it was concluded that spray nozzle aeration is a feasible option for the Babson Park WTF #2 for TTHM compliance. For Oviedo's Mitchell Hammock WTF spray aeration was successful in removing TTHMs, however it was not effective in maintaining DBP rule compliance due to the excessive nature of DBP formation in the water samples. This study was not intended to serve as an assessment of varying nozzle technologies; rather, the focus was on the application of spray aerators for TTHM removal and post-formation in drinking water systems.

Iopamidol as a Precursor to DBP Formation in Drinking Water as a Function of Natural Matter and Bromide

Ackerson, Nana Osei Bonsu January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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