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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Višenamenski integrisani senzor sile i pomeraja / Multi-purpose Embedded Force and Displacement Sensor

Babković Kalman 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji razmatra se merenje sile i pomeraja pomoću<br />senzora koji mogu da se integrišu u već postojeće elemente na<br />robotskim i industrijskim sistemima. Sila se meri merenjem<br />deformacije elastičnog elementa. Za merenje pomeraja postignuto je<br />na dva načina: optičkom komponentom i induktivnom strukturom<br />izrađenom štampanjem na fleksibilnoj foliji i njenim odgovarajućim<br />sečenjem. Merenje sile demonstrirano je na primeru klatna sa bazom<br />kod kojeg se meri sila kontakta sa podlogom, a merenje pomeraja je<br />pokazano na primeru merenja vibracija. Sistem za merenje vibracija<br />dopunjen je i sistemom za automatsko podešavanje radne tačke koji se<br />može iskoristiti za automatsku kalibraciju.</p> / <p>In this thesis, measurement of force and displacement has been analyzed<br />using sensors which can be embedded into existing elements of robotic and<br />industrial systems. Force is measured by measuring the deformation of<br />elastic elements. Two mehtods have been applied to displacement<br />measurement: an optical component and an inductive structure fabricated by<br />printing on flexible substrate and its subsequent cutting. Measurement of<br />force has been demonstrated on a pendulum attached to its base, where the<br />contact between the base and its support is measured. Displacement<br />measurement has been shown by measuring vibration. The vibration<br />measurement system is supplemented with an automatic operating point<br />adjustment system which also adds an automatic calibration feature.</p>

Měření velmi malých výchylek pomocí optovláknového interferometru / Measurement of very small displacements with fiber-optic interferometer

Vybíral, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on optical methods of measurement of very small dynamic displacements. Principles of interfermeters with picometer resolution including Fabry-Pérot interferometer are discussed and an integration using this interferometer was designed. Parasitic influencers of Fabry-Pérot interferometer were described as well as signal processing methods for interferometer's output signal. An interferometric meter for measurement of dynamic displacement was designed with frequency range of several kHz. These parameters are achieved under condition of photonic crystal layer placed on measured sample.

Relativní snímač polohy / Relative Displacement Sensor

Koutný, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of optimal parameters of a relative displacement sensor, working on the electrodynamics principle. The sensor is based on the voltage induction to the coil placed in changing magnetic field. Thesis is divided into three parts: introductory, theoretical and practical. The introductory part provides basic relationships between displacement, velocity and acceleration sensors. The theoretical part contains physical concepts and describes relationships necessary for calculations and creating a model of permanent magnet in COMSOL Multiphysics. In thesis further presents patent research of electrodynamic sensors. The practical part describes the creation of the permanent magnet model and the subsequent calculation of the induced voltage in the coil in Matlab. A description of laboratory measurements follows, presenting the final comparison of the simulation and measurement results. There were found some differences, which might have been caused by incorrect calculation of the induced voltage. The final part of the thesis presents general recommendations for the design of sensor, resulting from simulations and measurements.

Aplicación de sensores de flujo óptico para el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de medida de bajo coste

Tresánchez Ribes, Marcel 23 December 2011 (has links)
En aquesta memòria es presenten diversos treballs relacionats amb la utilització dels sensor de flux òptic de baix cost pel desenvolupament de nous sistemes de mesura compactes i de molt baix cost. Les aplicacions plantejades permeten aprofitar tot el potencial industrial d’aquest tipus de sensors. Els sensors de flux òptic tenen la peculiaritat d’incorporar dins d’un únic encapsulat un sistema d’adquisició d’imatges i un processador digital preprogramat per a realitzar el còmput de flux òptic (optical flow) de la imatge. D’aquesta manera, aquest tipus de sensors no requereixen cap sistema processador addicional i, en alguns casos, poden funcionar sense cap altre element addicional de control. Actualment, l’èxit dels sensors de flux òptic ha facilitat la seva producció industrial massiva amb costos de fabricació molt baixos el que ha incentivat el desenvolupament de noves aplicacions en camps tan diversos com la robòtica on el cost és un element fonamental en les aplicacions destinades a un mercat de consum. En aquesta memòria es presenta, per una banda, l’anàlisi de l’estat de l’art dels sensors de flux òptic i les seves aplicacions, i per l’altra, el treball de recerca realitzat sobre l’ús d’aquest sensor per a desenvolupar un codificador rotatiu incremental, un codificador absolut, un sistema de detecció de monedes falses de 2 euros, i per a realitzar el seguiment de la pupil•la de l’ull d’una persona amb discapacitat. Els resultats obtinguts a partir de les proves experimentals realitzades amb els diferents sensors de flux òptics utilitzats als dispositius proposats han permès validar les propostes realitzades i la versatilitat del disseny del sensor. / En esta memoria se presentan diversos trabajos de investigación relacionados con la utilización de sensores de flujo óptico de bajo coste para el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de medida compactos y de muy bajo coste. Las aplicaciones planteadas permiten aprovechar todo el potencial industrial de este tipo de sensores. Los sensores de flujo óptico tienen la particularidad de incorporar dentro de un único encapsulado un sistema de adquisición de imágenes y un procesador digital preprogramado para realizar el cómputo de flujo óptico (optical flow) de la imagen. De esta manera, este tipo de sensores no requieren ningún sistema procesador adicional y, en algunos casos, pueden funcionar sin ningún otro elemento adicional de control. Actualmente, el éxito comercial de los sensores de flujo óptico ha facilitado su producción industrial masiva con costes de fabricación muy bajos lo que ha incentivado el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones en campos tan diversos como la robótica donde el coste es un elemento fundamental en las aplicaciones destinadas a un mercado de consumo. En esta memoria se presenta, por un lado, el análisis del estado del arte de los sensores de flujo óptico y sus aplicaciones, y por el otro, el trabajo de investigación realizado sobre la utilización del sensor para el desarrollo de un codificador rotativo incremental, un codificador absoluto, un sistema de detección de monedas falsas de 2 euros y para realizar el seguimiento de la pupila del ojo de una persona con el fin de desarrollar un dispositivo apuntador que pueda ser de utilidad para una persona con discapacidad. Los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas experimentales realizadas con los diferentes sensores de flujo óptico utilizados en los dispositivos propuestos han permitido validar las propuestas realizadas y la versatilidad del diseño del sensor. / This work presents the research performed with optical flow sensors and the proposal of several new compact and low cost applications developed to take full advantage of the industrial potential of these sensors. Optical flow sensors include into the same chip an image acquisition system and a digital signal processor programmed to compute the optical flow of the image acquired. These sensors do not require additional post-processing and can operate without any other additional external control or processing device. Currently, the commercial success of the optical flow sensors has fostered its massive industrial production and has reduced its final cost. This characteristic, combined with the versatility of the design of the sensor, has also fostered the development of a huge range of new applications in different areas, such as robotics, where the cost is a fundamental factor that prone the development and commercialization of new consumer applications. This works presents, in one hand, a review of the state of the art of the research and development related with optical flow sensors and, in the other hand, a set of new applications proposed to take full advantage of the characteristics of the sensor. The new applications proposed are: a relative encoder, an absolute encoder, a counterfeit system for the 2€ case, and an accessibility device that tracks the pupil of the user to control pointer displacement in a computer screen. This device has been designed specifically to help people with mobility impairments in the upper extremities that cannot use the computer mouse. In all cases, the experimental results achieved with the different optical flow sensors used in the new applications proposed have validated the utility and versatility of each proposal and the utility and versatility of the design of this optical sensor.

Exploration of Displacement Detection Mechanisms in MEMS Sensors

Thejas, * January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
MEMS Sensors are widely used for sensing inertial displacements. The displacements arising out of acceleration /Coriolis effect are typically in the range of 1 nm-1 m. This work investigates the realization of high resolution MEMS inertial sensors using novel displacement sensing mechanisms. Capacitance sensing ASIC is developed as part of conventional electronics interface with MEMS sensor under the conventional CMOS-MEMS integration strategy. The capacitance sense ASIC based on Continuous Time Voltage scheme with coherent and non-coherent demodulation is prototyped on AMS 0.35 m technology. The ASIC was tested to sense C = 3.125 fF over a base of 2 pF using on-chip built-in test capacitors. Dynamic performance of this ASIC was validated by interfacing with a DaCM MEMS accelerometer. 200milli-g of acceleration (equivalent to a C = 2.8 fF) over an input frequency of 20Hz is measurable using the developed ASIC. The observed sensitivity is 90mV/g. The ASIC has several programmable features such as variation in trim capacitance (3.125 fF-12.5 pF), bandwidth selection (500 Hz-20 kHz) and variable gain options (2-100). Capacitance detection, a dominant sensing principle in MEMs sensors, experiences inherent limitation due to the role of parasitics when the displacements of interest are below 5 nm range. The capacitive equivalence ( C) for the range of displacements of the order of 5 nm and below would vary in the range atto-to-zepto farad. Hence there is a need to explore alternative sensing schemes which preferably yield higher sensitivity (than those offered by the conventional integration schemes) and are based on the principle of built-in transduction to help overcome the influence of parasitics on sensitivity. In this regard, 3 non-conventional architectures are explored which fall under the direct integration classification namely: (a) Sub-threshold based sensing (b) Fringe field based sensing and (c) Tunneling current based sensing. a) In Sub-threshold based sensing, FET with a suspended gate is used for displacement sensing. The FET is biased in the sub-threshold region of operation. The exponential modulation of drain current for a change in displacement of 1 nm is evaluated using TCAD, and the in uence of initial air-gap variation on the sensitivity factor ( ID=ID) is brought out. For 1% change in air gap displacement (i.e., TGap/TGap, the gap variation resulting due to the inertial force / mass loading) nearly 1050% change in drain current( ID=ID) is observed (considering initial air gaps of the order 100 nm). This validates the high sensitivity offered by the device in this regime of operation. A comparison of sensitivity estimate using the capacitive equivalence model and TCAD simulated model for different initial air-gaps in a FD-SOI FET is brought out. The influence of FDSOI FET device parameters on sensitivity, namely the variation of TSi, TBox, NA and TGap are explored. CMOS compatibility and fabrication feasibility of this architecture was looked into by resorting to the post processing approach used for validating the sub-threshold bias concept. The IMD layers of the Bulk FETs fabricated through AMS 0.35 technology were etched using BHF and IPA mixture to result in a free standing metal (Al) layers acting as the suspended gate. The performance estimate is carried out considering specific Equivalent Gap Thickness (EGT) of 573 nm and 235 nm, to help overcome the role of coupled electrostatics in influencing the sensitivity metric. The sensitivity observed by biasing this post processed bulk FET in sub-threshold is 114% ( ID=ID change) for a 59% ( d/d change). The equivalent C in this case is 370 aF. b) In Fringe eld based sensing approach, a JunctionLess FET (JLFET) is used as a depletion mode device and an out-of-plane gate displacement would help modulate the device pinch-o voltage due to fringe field coupling. The resulting change in the gate fringe field due to this displacement modulates the drain current of the JunctionLess FET. The displacement induced fringe field change (relative to the FET channel) brings about a distinct shift in the ID-VG characteristics of the JLFET. For displacement d = 2 nm, the JLFET with a channel doping of ND = 8X1018cm 3 and a bias point of VG = -47.7 V, 98% enhancement in sensitivity is observed in 3D TCAD simulations. The equivalent C in this case is 29 zF. The role of ground-planes in the device operation is explored. c) In the tunneling current based sensing approach, the beams fabricated using the SOI-MUMPS process are FIB milled so as to create very ne air gaps of the order of nearly 85 nm. Under high electric fields of the order > 8 MV/cm, the lateral displacement based tunneling sensor offers enhanced change in sensitivity for an induced external force at a fixed DC bias. When integrated as an array with varying electrode overlap, this technique can track displacements over a wide range. With the initial beam overlap as 1.2 m, for a lateral displacement of 1.2 m, a 100% change in sensitivity ( ID=ID) is observed. The effect of fringe field can be completely neglected here unlike its capacitive beam equivalent.

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