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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inductive machine learning bias in knowledge-based neurocomputing

Snyders, Sean 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University , 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The integration of symbolic knowledge with artificial neural networks is becoming an increasingly popular paradigm for solving real-world problems. This paradigm named knowledge-based neurocomputing, provides means for using prior knowledge to determine the network architecture, to program a subset of weights to induce a learning bias which guides network training, and to extract refined knowledge from trained neural networks. The role of neural networks then becomes that of knowledge refinement. It thus provides a methodology for dealing with uncertainty in the initial domain theory. In this thesis, we address several advantages of this paradigm and propose a solution for the open question of determining the strength of this learning, or inductive, bias. We develop a heuristic for determining the strength of the inductive bias that takes the network architecture, the prior knowledge, the learning method, and the training data into consideration. We apply this heuristic to well-known synthetic problems as well as published difficult real-world problems in the domain of molecular biology and medical diagnoses. We found that, not only do the networks trained with this adaptive inductive bias show superior performance over networks trained with the standard method of determining the strength of the inductive bias, but that the extracted refined knowledge from these trained networks deliver more concise and accurate domain theories. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die integrasie van simboliese kennis met kunsmatige neurale netwerke word 'n toenemende gewilde paradigma om reelewereldse probleme op te los. Hierdie paradigma genoem, kennis-gebaseerde neurokomputasie, verskaf die vermoe om vooraf kennis te gebruik om die netwerkargitektuur te bepaal, om a subversameling van gewigte te programeer om 'n leersydigheid te induseer wat netwerkopleiding lei, en om verfynde kennis van geleerde netwerke te kan ontsluit. Die rol van neurale netwerke word dan die van kennisverfyning. Dit verskaf dus 'n metodologie vir die behandeling van onsekerheid in die aanvangsdomeinteorie. In hierdie tesis adresseer ons verskeie voordele wat bevat is in hierdie paradigma en stel ons 'n oplossing voor vir die oop vraag om die gewig van hierdie leer-, of induktiewe sydigheid te bepaal. Ons ontwikkel 'n heuristiek vir die bepaling van die induktiewe sydigheid wat die netwerkargitektuur, die aanvangskennis, die leermetode, en die data vir die leer proses in ag neem. Ons pas hierdie heuristiek toe op bekende sintetiese probleme so weI as op gepubliseerde moeilike reelewereldse probleme in die gebied van molekulere biologie en mediese diagnostiek. Ons bevind dat, nie alleenlik vertoon die netwerke wat geleer is met die adaptiewe induktiewe sydigheid superieure verrigting bo die netwerke wat geleer is met die standaardmetode om die gewig van die induktiewe sydigheid te bepaal nie, maar ook dat die verfynde kennis wat ontsluit is uit hierdie geleerde netwerke meer bondige en akkurate domeinteorie lewer.

Multiple outlier detection and cluster analysis of multivariate normal data

Robson, Geoffrey 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MscEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Outliers may be defined as observations that are sufficiently aberrant to arouse the suspicion of the analyst as to their origin. They could be the result of human error, in which case they should be corrected, but they may also be an interesting exception, and this would deserve further investigation. Identification of outliers typically consists of an informal inspection of a plot of the data, but this is unreliable for dimensions greater than two. A formal procedure for detecting outliers allows for consistency when classifying observations. It also enables one to automate the detection of outliers by using computers. The special case of univariate data is treated separately to introduce essential concepts, and also because it may well be of interest in its own right. We then consider techniques used for detecting multiple outliers in a multivariate normal sample, and go on to explain how these may be generalized to include cluster analysis. Multivariate outlier detection is based on the Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) subset, and is therefore treated in detail. Exact bivariate algorithms were refined and implemented, and the solutions were used to establish the performance of the commonly used heuristic, Fast–MCD. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitskieters word gedefinieer as waarnemings wat tot s´o ’n mate afwyk van die verwagte gedrag dat die analis wantrouig is oor die oorsprong daarvan. Hierdie waarnemings mag die resultaat wees van menslike foute, in welke geval dit reggestel moet word. Dit mag egter ook ’n interressante verskynsel wees wat verdere ondersoek benodig. Die identifikasie van uitskieters word tipies informeel deur inspeksie vanaf ’n grafiese voorstelling van die data uitgevoer, maar hierdie benadering is onbetroubaar vir dimensies groter as twee. ’n Formele prosedure vir die bepaling van uitskieters sal meer konsekwente klassifisering van steekproefdata tot gevolg hˆe. Dit gee ook geleentheid vir effektiewe rekenaar implementering van die tegnieke. Aanvanklik word die spesiale geval van eenveranderlike data behandel om noodsaaklike begrippe bekend te stel, maar ook aangesien dit in eie reg ’n area van groot belang is. Verder word tegnieke vir die identifikasie van verskeie uitskieters in meerveranderlike, normaal verspreide data beskou. Daar word ook ondersoek hoe hierdie idees veralgemeen kan word om tros analise in te sluit. Die sogenaamde Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) subversameling is fundamenteel vir die identifikasie van meerveranderlike uitskieters, en word daarom in detail ondersoek. Deterministiese tweeveranderlike algoritmes is verfyn en ge¨ımplementeer, en gebruik om die effektiwiteit van die algemeen gebruikte heuristiese algoritme, Fast–MCD, te ondersoek.

Reinforcement learning for routing in communication networks

Andrag, Walter H. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Routing policies for packet-switched communication networks must be able to adapt to changing traffic patterns and topologies. We study the feasibility of implementing an adaptive routing policy using the Q-Learning algorithm which learns sequences of actions from delayed rewards. The Q-Routing algorithm adapts a network's routing policy based on local information alone and converges toward an optimal solution. We demonstrate that Q-Routing is a viable alternative to other adaptive routing methods such as Bellman-Ford. We also study variations of Q-Routing designed to better explore possible routes and to take into consideration limited buffer size and optimize multiple objectives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die roetering in kommunikasienetwerke moet kan aanpas by veranderings in netwerktopologie en verkeersverspreidings. Ons bestudeer die bruikbaarheid van 'n aanpasbare roeteringsalgoritme gebaseer op die "Q-Learning"-algoritme wat dit moontlik maak om 'n reeks besluite te kan neem gebaseer op vertraagde vergoedings. Die roeteringsalgoritme gebruik slegs nabygelee inligting om roeteringsbesluite te maak en konvergeer na 'n optimale oplossing. Ons demonstreer dat die roeteringsalgoritme 'n goeie alternatief vir aanpasbare roetering is, aangesien dit in baie opsigte beter vaar as die Bellman-Ford algoritme. Ons bestudeer ook variasies van die roeteringsalgoritme wat beter paaie kan ontdek, minder geheue gebruik by netwerkelemente, en wat meer as een doelfunksie kan optimeer.

The modelling of TCP traffic in MPLS networks

Villet, Marcel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Internet has experienced tremendous growth in the last three decades and has emerged as a platform to carryall forms of communications including voice, video and data. Along with this growth came the urgency for quality of service (QoS) controls in IP networks as different types of traffics have different service requirements. Although the IP protocol is able to scale to very large networks, it does not provide sufficient functionality for traffic engineering in order to enable QoS control. Multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) is a new routing technology that enhances IP with some QoS concepts from ATM and uses relatively simple packet forwarding mechanisms. MPLS has the ability to perform traffic engineering and QoS control by routing traffic flowson virtual connections called label switched paths (LSPs) which are assigned capacity. A large portion of the traffic carried on the Internet consists of data traffic in the form of TCP traffic. This thesis investigates several TCP models to find the ones most suitable to represent TCP traffic in MPLS networks. The models consist of three types. The first type models a single TCP source and the second type models a fixed number of TCP sources. The third type models an infinite number of TCP sources. The models were evaluated by comparing their throughput predictions and results obtained from simulation experiments that were done with the widely-used simulator ns. We also present a simple derivation of the 1/,;e law for the TCP congestion window size where e is the packet loss probability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:In die afgelope drie dekades het die Internet beduidende groei ervaar, soveel so dat dit ontluik het as 'n medium om alle tipes van moderne kommunikasies te hanteer insluitend telefoon, video en data. Hierdie groei het gepaard gegaan met die behoefte na diensvlak (QoS) meganismes in IP netwerke aangesien verskillende tipe kommunikasies verskillende diens vereistes het. Alhoewel die IP protokol skalleerbaar is tot baie groot netwerke, voorsien dit nie voldoende funksionaliteit om QoS beheer toe te pas nie. "Multi-protocol label switching" (MPLS) is 'n nuwe roeterings tegnologie wat IP aanvul met QoS konsepte van ATM en dit maak gebruik van relatief eenvoudige pakkie versendings-meganismes. MPLS het die vermoe om netwerk-verkeer reeling en QoS beheer toe te pas deur verkeers-strome te roeteer op virtuele roetes genaamd "label switched paths" (LSPs) aan wie kapasiteit toegeken is. 'n Beduidende gedeelte van Internet-verkeer bestaan uit TCP-verkeer. Hierdie tesis ondersoek verskillende modelle van TCP om die te vind wat die mees geskik is om TCP verkeer in MPLS netwerke te verteenwoordig. Drie tipes modelle is ondersoek. Die eerste tipe moduleer 'n enkele TCP verkeersbron en die tweede tipe moduleer 'n vasgestelde aantal TCP verkeersbronne. Die derde tipe moduleer 'n oneindige aantal verkeersbronne. Die modelle is geevalueer deur hul voorspellings van die tempo van data transmissie te vergelyk met resultate van simulasies. Die simulasies is gedoen met die veelgebruikte simulator ns. Hierdie tesis bevat ook 'n eenvoudige afleiding vir die 1/,;e wet vir die TCP oorlading venster grootte met e die verlies waarskeinlikheid van 'n netwerk pakkie.

FATKID : a Finite Automaton Toolkit

Huysamen, Nico 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis presents the FATKID Finite Automata Toolkit. While a lot of toolkits currently exist which can manipulate and process nite state automata, this toolkit was designed to e ectively and e ciently generate, manipulate and process large numbers of nite automata by distributing the work ow across machines and running the computations in parallel. Other toolkits do not currently provide this functionality. We show that this framework is user-friendly and extremely extensible. Furthermore we show that the system e ectively distributes the work to reduce computation time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis bespreek ons die FATKID Eindige Automaat Toestel. Al- hoewel daar reeds toestelle bestaan wat automate kan genereer, manupileer, en bewerkings daarmee kan uitvoer, is daar egter geen toestelle wat dit op die skaal kan doen wat ons vereis deur die proses te versprei na 'n aantal nodes nie. Ons vereis 'n stelsel wat mew baie groot aantalle automate werk. Die stelsel moet dan die gewensde prosesse in 'n verspreide omgewing, en in parallel uitvoer om verwerkingstyd te verminder. Ons sal wys dat ons stelsel nie net hierdie doel bereik nie, maar ook dat dit gebruikers-vriendelik is en maklik om uit te brei.

Understanding the impact of an HIV intervention package for adolescents

Bruce, Faikah 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adolescents are regarded as a high risk group in South Africa with the highest human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) incidence occurring in this group. Prevention among adolescents is therefore a key in decreasing the HIV burden. This thesis aims to assist in the design of trials by simulating the potential outcomes of a combination prevention trial in adolescents. We develop a stochastic individual-based model stratified by sex and age. We then use this model to determine the impact of various prevention packages on HIV incidence among adolescents participating in a hypothetical trial over a three year period. The trial that is simulated involves an intervention arm, in which adolescents are offered a choice of a prevention methods (including medical male circumcision (MMC), oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and antiretroviral-based vaginal microbicides (ARV-VM)), and a control arm. We predict that the impact of a full prevention package on HIV incidence would be a 46% per personyear( PPY) (95% CI 45–47%) risk reduction. The combination of MMC and PrEP has a substantial impact on HIV incidence in males, with a 51% PPY (95% CI 49–53%) relative risk of HIV infection. Offering women the choice of PrEP, a microbicide gel or a microbicide in the form of a vaginal ring would be less effective, with a 57% PPY (95% CI 56–58%) relative risk of HIV acquisition. This is not substantially different from the relative risk estimated when the vaginal ring alone is offered, as the ring is assumed to be the most accept able of the three prevention methods. We determine a sample size requirement of approximately 1013 in each arm of a trial would achieve 80% power to detect a statistically significant reduction in HIV risk. We find that the relative risk is sensitive to the assumed degree of correlation between condom use and the acceptability of the prevention method. We also find that the most efficient trial design may be to offer both MMC and PrEP to males but to offer only a microbicide ring to females. Further work is required to better understand the processes by which adolescent prevention method choices are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Adolessente word beskou as ‘n hoe risiko groep in Suid Afrika, met die hoogste menslike immuniteitsgebrekvirus (MIV) insidensie in hierdie groep. Voorkoming van MIV onder adolessente is daarom noodsaaklik om die MIV las te verminder. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om te help met die ontwerp van studies deur die moontlike uitkomste van ‘n kombinasie-voorkoming studie in adolessente te simuleer. Ons het ‘n stogastiese individu-gebaseerde model, gestratifiseer met betrekking tot seks en ouderdom, ontwikkel. Ons het toe die model gebruik om die impak van ‘n verskeinheid van voorkomingspakette op MIV insidensie onder adolessente wat deelneem aan ‘n hipotetiese proef oor ‘n drie jaar periode, te bepaal. Die proef wat gesimuleer word behels a intervensie groep, waarin die jong volwassenes ‘n keuse van voorbehoedings metodes (insluitende mediese manlike besnydenis (MMB), pre-blootstelling profilakse (PrBP) en anti-retrovirale vaginale mikrobisiedes (ARV-VM)) aangebied word, en ‘n kontrole groep. Ons voorspel dat die impak van ‘n volle voorkomingspaket op MIV insidensie ‘n 46% per persoon-jaar (PPJ) (95% VI 47–47%) risiko vermindering sal wees. Die kombinasie van MMB en PrBP het ‘n substansiele impak op MIV insidensie onder mans, met ‘n relatiewe risiko van MIV infeksie van 51% PPJ (95% VI 49–53%). Om die keuse van PrBP, ‘n mikrobisiede gel of ‘n mikrobisiede in die vorm van ‘n vaginale ring aan vrouens te bied, is minder effektief, met ‘n relatiewe risiko van MIV infeksie van 57% PPJ (95% VI 56%–58%). Hierdie verskil nie substansieel van die beraamde relatiewe risiko in die geval waar slegs die vaginale ring gebied word nie, aangesien daar aanvaar word dat die ring die mees aanvaarde van die drie voorkomingsmetodes is. Ons het bepaal dat ‘n steekproef van ongeveer 1013 individue in elke arm van die proef nodig is om ‘n 80% kans te he om ‘n statisties betekenisvolle afname in MIV-risiko te bespeur. Ons vind dat die relatiewe risiko sensitief is tot die aanvaarde graad van die korrelasies tussen kondoom-gebruik en die aanvaarding van die voorkomings metodes. Ons het ook gevind dat dit mag wees dat die mees doeltreffende proef ontwerp is om beide MMB en PrBP vir mans en slegs ‘n mikrobisiede ring vir vrouens te bied. Verdere werk word benodig om die prosesse waarby jong volwassenes keuses maak oor voorkomingsmetodes te verstaan.

Bug-finding and test case generation for java programs by symbolic execution

Bester, Willem Hendrik Karel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this dissertation we present a software tool, Artemis, that symbolically executes Java virtual machine bytecode to find bugs and automatically generate test cases to trigger the bugs found. Symbolic execution is a technique of static software analysis that entails analysing code over symbolic inputs—essentially, classes of inputs—where each class is formulated as constraints over some input domain. The analysis then proceeds in a path-sensitive way adding the constraints resulting from a symbolic choice at a program branch to a path condition, and branching non-deterministically over the path condition. When a possible error state is reached, the path condition can be solved, and if soluble, value assignments retrieved to be used to generate explicit test cases in a unit testing framework. This last step enhances confidence that bugs are real, because testing is forced through normal language semantics, which could prevent certain states from being reached. We illustrate and evaluate Artemis on a number of examples with known errors, as well as on a large, complex code base. A preliminary version of this work was successfully presented at the SAICSIT conference held on 1–3 October 2012, in Centurion, South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die dissertasie bied ons ’n stuk sagtewaregereedskap, Artemis, aan wat biskode van die Java virtuele masjien simbolies uitvoer om foute op te spoor en toetsgevalle outomaties voort te bring om die foute te ontketen. Simboliese uitvoering is ’n tegniek van statiese sagteware-analise wat behels dat kode oor simboliese toevoere—in wese, klasse van toevoer—geanaliseer word, waar elke klas geformuleer word as beperkinge oor ’n domein. Die analise volg dan ’n pad-sensitiewe benadering deur die domeinbeperkinge, wat volg uit ’n simboliese keuse by ’n programvertakking, tot ’n padvoorwaarde by te voeg en dan nie-deterministies vertakkings oor die padvoorwaarde te volg. Wanneer ’n moontlike fouttoestand bereik word, kan die padvoorwaarde opgelos word, en indien dit oplaasbaar is, kan waardetoekennings verkry word om eksplisiete toetsgevalle in ’n eenheidstoetsingsraamwerk te formuleer. Die laaste stap verhoog vertroue dat die foute gevind werklik is, want toetsing word deur die normale semantiek van die taal geforseer, wat sekere toestande onbereikbaar maak. Ons illustreer en evalueer Artemis met ’n aantal voorbeelde waar die foute bekend is, asook op ’n groot, komplekse versameling kode. ’n Voorlopige weergawe van die´ werk is suksesvol by die SAICSIT-konferensie, wat van 1 tot 3 Oktober 2012 in Centurion, Suid-Afrika, gehou is, aangebied.

Criteria for the evaluation of private cloud computing

Theron, Piet 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cloud computing is seen as one of top 10 disruptive changes in IT for the next decade by leading research analysts. Consequently, enterprises are starting to investigate the effect it will have on the strategic direction of their businesses and technology stacks. Because of the disruptive nature of the paradigm shift introduced by it, as well as the strategic impact thereof, it is necessary that a structured approach with regard to risk, value and operational cost is followed with the decision on its relevance, as well as the selection of a platform if needed. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a reference model and its associating framework that can be used to evaluate private cloud management platforms, as well as the technologies associated with it. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wolk berekening word deur vooraanstaande navorsing ontleders as een van die top 10 ontwrigtende veranderings vir IT in die volgende dekade beskou. Gevolglik begin korporatiewe ondernemings met ondersoeke om te bepaal wat die invloed daarvan op hulle strategiese rigting en tegnologië gaan wees. Die ontwrigtende aard van die paradigma skuif, asook die strategiese impak daarvan, noodsaak ’n gestruktureerde ondersoek na die toepaslikheid en keuse van ’n platform, indien nodig, met betrekking tot risiko, waarde en operasionele koste. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om ’n verwysings model, en ’n raamwerk wat dit implementeer, saam te stel wat dan gebruik kan word om privaat wolk berekening platforms te evalueer.

Facial recognition, eigenfaces and synthetic discriminant functions

Muller, Neil 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis we examine some aspects of automatic face recognition, with specific reference to the eigenface technique. We provide a thorough theoretical analysis of this technique which allows us to explain many of the results reported in the literature. It also suggests that clustering can improve the performance of the system and we provide experimental evidence of this. From the analysis, we also derive an efficient algorithm for updating the eigenfaces. We demonstrate the ability of an eigenface-based system to represent faces efficiently (using at most forty values in our experiments) and also demonstrate our updating algorithm. Since we are concerned with aspects of face recognition, one of the important practical problems is locating the face in a image, subject to distortions such as rotation. We review two well-known methods for locating faces based on the eigenface technique.e These algorithms are computationally expensive, so we illustrate how the Synthetic Discriminant Function can be used to reduce the cost. For our purposes, we propose the concept of a linearly interpolating SDF and we show how this can be used not only to locate the face, but also to estimate the extent of the distortion. We derive conditions which will ensure a SDF is linearly interpolating. We show how many of the more popular SDF-type filters are related to the classic SDF and thus extend our analysis to a wide range of SDF-type filters. Our analysis suggests that by carefully choosing the training set to satisfy our condition, we can significantly reduce the size of the training set required. This is demonstrated by using the equidistributing principle to design a suitable training set for the SDF. All this is illustrated with several examples. Our results with the SDF allow us to construct a two-stage algorithm for locating faces. We use the SDF-type filters to obtain initial estimates of the location and extent of the distortion. This information is then used by one of the more accurate eigenface-based techniques to obtain the final location from a reduced search space. This significantly reduces the computational cost of the process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis ondersoek ons sommige aspekte van automatiese gesigs- herkenning met spesifieke verwysing na die sogenaamde eigengesig ("eigen- face") tegniek. ‘n Deeglike teoretiese analise van hierdie tegniek stel ons in staat om heelparty van die resultate wat in die literatuur verskyn te verduidelik. Dit bied ook die moontlikheid dat die gedrag van die stelsel sal verbeter as die gesigte in verskillende klasse gegroepeer word. Uit die analise, herlei ons ook ‘n doeltreffende algoritme om die eigegesigte op te dateer. Ons demonstreer die vermoë van die stelsel om gesigte op ‘n doeltreffende manier te beskryf (ons gebruik hoogstens veertig eigegesigte) asook ons opdateringsalgoritme met praktiese voorbeelde. Verder ondersoek ons die belangrike probleem om gesigte in ‘n beeld te vind, veral as rotasie- en skaalveranderinge plaasvind. Ons bespreek twee welbekende algoritmes om gesigte te vind wat op eigengesigte gebaseer is. Hierdie algoritme is baie duur in terme van numerise berekeninge en ons ontwikkel n koste-effektiewe metode wat op die sogenaamde "Synthetic Discriminant Functions" (SDF) gebaseer is. Vir hierdie doel word die begrip van lineêr interpolerende SDF’s ingevoer. Dit stel ons in staat om nie net die gesig te vind nie, maar ook ‘n skatting van sy versteuring te bereken. Voorts kon ons voorwaardes aflei wat verseker dat ‘n SDF lineêr interpolerend is. Aangesien ons aantoon dat baie van die gewilde SDF-tipe filters aan die klassieke SDF verwant is, geld ons resultate vir ‘n hele verskeidenheid SDF- tipe filters. Ons analise toon ook dat ‘n versigtige keuse van die afrigdata mens in staat stel om die grootte van die afrigstel aansienlik te verminder. Dit word duidelik met behulp van die sogenaamde gelykverspreidings beginsel ("equidistributing principle") gedemonstreer. Al hierdie aspekte van die SDF’s word met voorbeelde geïllustreer. Ons resultate met die SDF laat ons toe om ‘n tweestap algoritme vir die vind van ‘n gesig in ‘n beeld te ontwikkel. Ons gebruik eers die SDF-tipe filters om skattings vir die posisie en versteuring van die gesig te kry en dan verfyn ons hierdie skattings deur een van die teknieke wat op eigengesigte gebaseer is te gebruik. Dit lei tot ‘n aansienlike vermindering in die berekeningstyd.

Improved models of biological sequence evolution

Murrel, Benjamin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Computational molecular evolution is a field that attempts to characterize how genetic sequences evolve over phylogenetic trees – the branching processes that describe the patterns of genetic inheritance in living organisms. It has a long history of developing progressively more sophisticated stochastic models of evolution. Through a probabilist’s lens, this can be seen as a search for more appropriate ways to parameterize discrete state continuous time Markov chains to better encode biological reality, matching the historical processes that created empirical data sets, and creating useful tools that allow biologists to test specific hypotheses about the evolution of the organisms or the genes that interest them. This dissertation is an attempt to fill some of the gaps that persist in the literature, solving what we see as existing open problems. The overarching theme of this work is how to better model variation in the action of natural selection at multiple levels: across genes, between sites, and over time. Through four published journal articles and a fifth in preparation, we present amino acid and codon models that improve upon existing approaches, providing better descriptions of the process of natural selection and better tools to detect adaptive evolution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Komputasionele molekulêre evolusie is ’n navorsingsarea wat poog om die evolusie van genetiese sekwensies oor filogenetiese bome – die vertakkende prosesse wat die patrone van genetiese oorerwing in lewende organismes beskryf – te karakteriseer. Dit het ’n lang geskiedenis waartydens al hoe meer gesofistikeerde waarskynlikheidsmodelle van evolusie ontwikkel is. Deur die lens van waarskynlikheidsleer kan hierdie proses gesien word as ’n soektog na meer gepasde metodes om diskrete-toestand kontinuë-tyd Markov kettings te parametriseer ten einde biologiese realiteit beter te enkodeer – op so ’n manier dat die historiese prosesse wat tot die vorming van biologiese sekwensies gelei het nageboots word, en dat nuttige metodes geskep word wat bioloë toelaat om spesifieke hipotesisse met betrekking tot die evolusie van belanghebbende organismes of gene te toets. Hierdie proefskrif is ’n poging om sommige van die gapings wat in die literatuur bestaan in te vul en bestaande oop probleme op te los. Die oorkoepelende tema is verbeterde modellering van variasie in die werking van natuurlike seleksie op verskeie vlakke: variasie van geen tot geen, variasie tussen posisies in gene en variasie oor tyd. Deur middel van vier gepubliseerde joernaalartikels en ’n vyfde artikel in voorbereiding, bied ons aminosuur- en kodon-modelle aan wat verbeter op bestaande benaderings – hierdie modelle verskaf beter beskrywings van die proses van natuurlike seleksie sowel as beter metodes om gevalle van aanpassing in evolusie te vind.

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