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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incorporating human behaviour in an agent based model of technology adoption in the transition to a smart grid

Snape, Joseph Richard January 2015 (has links)
The requirement for affordable, secure and sustainable energy production is a pressing global challenge and the production of electricity with low carbon emissions is crucial. This usually entails large quantities of renewable energy generation, which is intermittent and often highly distributed throughout the electricity supply system. One of the proposed schemes to manage such generation is the smart grid, the transition to which forms the context for this research. The aim is to investigate the effect of certain psychological and social influences on the adoption of technology necessary to enable smart grids, in order to understand the implications for effective energy policy. In particular, the case of photovoltaic (PV) system adoption in the UK is studied. Empirical data detailing PV installations registered for the Feed in Tariff is analysed in order to understand rates of adoption and how they vary across both time and space. This analysis is combined with a review of policy intervention and literature from psychology to understand drivers for adoption among householders. The results from this study are then used to inform the design of an Agent Based Model of technology adoption within the smart grid context. The decision making of householders is modelled using an algorithm based on Social Cognitive Theory. The model is used to simulate different conditions and generate adoption scenarios in order to understand the potential effects of different parameters on adoption rates. In order to combine the analysis resulting from these methods, the multi-level perspective on transition in socio-technical systems is used to understand how a transition to a smart grid could be described and how adoption of PV in the UK under the Feed in Tariff incentive fits into such a transition. The results show that whilst economic incentive policies have had success in some areas adoption is also dependent on many non-financial parameters. Simulations show that the observability of adoption and the perceived inconvenience or urgency of adoption can have dramatic effects on rates of adoption, in some cases outweighing the rational economic effects of financial incentives. The implication for smart grid related policy is that non-financial factors should be taken into account as well as the more typical financial considerations in efforts to encourage adoption of necessary enabling technology by householders. The models developed could be used in further work to examine in detail adoption of other technologies such as smart home energy management systems and the interaction between adoption rates of multiple smart technologies.

Multi-Agent Based Fault Localizationand Isolation in Active DistributionNetworks

Chaitanya, Deshpande January 2015 (has links)
Liberalized electricity markets, increased awareness of clean energy resources and theirdecreasing costs have resulted in large numbers of distributed power generators beinginstalled on distribution network. Installation of distributed generation has altered thepassive nature of distribution grid. A concept of Active Distribution Network is proposedwhich will enable present day infrastructure to host renewable energy resources reliably.Fault management that includes fault localization, isolation and service restoration ispart of active management of distribution networks.This thesis aims to introduce a distributed protection methodology for fault localizationand isolation. The objective is to enhance reliability of the network. Faults are identifiedbased on root mean square values of current measurements and by comparing thesevalues with preset thresholds. The method based on multi-agent concept can be usedto locate the faulty section of a distribution network and for selection of faulty phases.The nodal Bus Agent controls breakers that are associated with it. Based on indicationof fault, adjacent bus Agents communicate with each other to identify location of fault.A trip signal is then issued to corresponding Breakers in adjacent Bus Agents, isolatingthe faulty section of line. A case study was carried out to verify suitability of the proposedmethod. A meshed network model and multi-agent based protection scheme wassimulated in Simulink SimPowerSystems. Considering nature of Distribution Network,separate breakers for each phase are considered. The distribution network protectionsystem identified fault introduced in the network correctly along with interrupting thefault current.Keywords

Reliability-Constrained Microgrid Design

Paniagua Sánchez-Mateos, Jesús January 2016 (has links)
Microgrids are new challenging power systems under development. This report presents a feasibility study of microgrid development. This is an essential task before implementing microgrid systems. It is extremely important to know the number and size of distributed energy resources (DERs) needed and it is necessary to compare investment costs with benefits in order to evaluate the profitability of microgrids. Under the assumption that a large number of DERs improves the reliability of microgrids an optimization problem is formulated to get the accurate mix of distributed energy resources. Uncertainty in physical and financial parameters is taken into account to model the problem considering different scenarios.  Uncertainty takes place in load demanded, renewable energy generation and electricity market price forecasts, availability of distributed energy resources and the microgrid islanding. It is modeled in a stochastic way. The optimization problem is formulated firstly as a mixed-integer programming solved via branch and bound and then it is improved formulating a two stage problem using Benders’ Decomposition which shortens the problem resolution. This optimization problem is divided in a long-term investment master problem and a short-term operation subproblem and it is solved iteratively until it reaches convergence. Bender’s Decomposition optimization problem is applied to real data from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and it gives the ideal mix of distributed energy resources for different uncertainty scenarios. These distributed energy resources are selected from an initial set. It proves the usefulness of this optimization technique which can be also applied to different microgrids and data. The different solutions obtained for different scenarios are explained and analyzed. They show the possibility of microgrid implementation and determine the most favorable scenarios to reach the microgrid implementation successfully.  Reliability is a term highly linked to the microgrid concept and one of the most important reasons of microgrid development. Thus an analysis of reliability importance is implemented using the importance index of interruption cost (  ) in order to measure the reliability improvement of developing microgrids. It shows and quantifies the reliability improvement in the system.

ICT System Architecture for Smart Energy Container

Wu, Yiming January 2011 (has links)
Hybrid Energy Resource System (HERS) is studied and applied aroundworld in recent years. Control and monitor of them are quite important in realapplication. HERS also has the equirement to integral with power grid such asdistribution grid networks. Therefore, to design and implement the informationcommunication system following IEC 61850, which is most promising standard fordesign of substation communication and automation system, is necessary. This paperpresents the design of Information Communication Technology (ICT) architectureand Unified Modeling Language (UML) models and final implementation through LabVIEW programming for Smart Energy Container. Applying design following IEC61850 series standards allow the HERS can communicate and interoperate with other IEC61850 devices and SCADA systems. The implementation is applied to SmartEnergy Container which contains wind power, solar power, battery energy storagesystem, and hydrogen energy storage system. Verification and testing results shows thedesign is qualified to control and monitor Smart Energy Container. / Smart Energy Container

Feasibility study of an EV management system to provide Vehicle-to-Building considering battery degradation

Goncalves, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
The recent increase of electric cars adoption will inuence the electricity demand in the distributionnetworks which risks to be higher than the maximum power available in the grid, if not well planned. Forthis reason, it is on the DSOs and TSOs's interest to plan carefully coordinated charging of a bulk of EVsas well as assess the possibility of EVs acting as energy storages with the Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) or Vehicleto-Building (V2B) capability. When parked and plugged into the electric grid, EVs will absorb energy andstore it, being also able to deliver electricity back to the grid/building (V2G/B system).This can be anoptimized process, performed by an aggregator, gathering multiple EVs that discharge the battery into thegrid at peak time and charge when there is low demand i.e. overnight and o-peak hours.Numerous studies have investigated the possibility of aggregating multiple EVs and optimizing theircharging and discharging schedules for peak load reduction or energy arbitrage with participation in theelectricity market. However, no study was found for optimizing a shared eet of EVs with daily reservationsfor dierent users trying to perform V2B. In this study an optimization modelling algorithm (mixed integerlinear problem - MILP) that manages the possible reservations of the shared eet of EVs, coordinates thecharging and discharging schedules, and provides V2B (Vehicle-to-Building), with the objective of minimizingenergy costs and accounting with battery ageing has been developed. A case study with real data for abuilding is carried out modelling dierent number of EVs for two dierent days in year 2017, one in Marchand other in June.Results show that the prots are higher for all cases when introducing V2B as compared to a no optimizationscenario: V2B with battery degradation (50 ore/kWh) has decreased daily variable electricity costsbetween 54 and 59% in March and 60 and 63% for June when compared without smart charging. Integrationof battery degradation cost in V2B applications is necessary and inuences signicantly the chargingand discharging strategies adopted by EV and nally the total daily costs: The total daily cost increaseby maximal 10% for the day in March and 13% for the day in June when comparing the scenario that hasstationary battery and uses only-charging model for EVs with the scenario applying V2B mode consideringa degradation cost of 80 ore/kWh. / Ö kningen av antalet elbilar kommer att påverka lasten i elnätet som riskerar att bli högre än kapacitetom det inte är väl planerat. Därför är det i elnätsföretags intresse att samordna laddningen av de flesta elbilarna samt att utvärdera möjligheterna att använda elbilar som energilager gentemot elnätet (Vehicleto-Grid,V2G) eller byggnader (Vehicle-to-Building, V2B). Vid parkering och anslutning till elnätet kommer elbilar att ladda energi och lagra den, samtidigt de kan leverera el tillbaka till elnätet eller byggnaden (V2G/V2B). Detta kan vara en optimerad process som utförs av en aggregator genom att ladda flera elbilar i låglasttimmar och ladda ur dem under höglasttimmar.Många studier har undersökt möjligheten att aggregera flera elbilar och optimera laddningsoch urladdningsplaner för topplastreduktion eller energiarbitrage på elmarknaden. Ingen studie har dock hittats för att optimera en gemensam flotta av elbilar med dagliga reservationer för olika användare som försöker utföra V2B. Denna studie har utvecklat en optimeringsmodell (blandad heltalsprogrammering MILP) som hanterar möjliga reservationer av en flotta av elbilar, koordinerar laddning och urladdning planering, och utför V2B för att minimera energikostnader med hänsyn till batteriets åldrande. En fallstudie för en byggnad genomfördes modellering av olika antal elbilar för två dagar 2017, en i mars och andra i juni.Resultaten visar att vinsten är högre i samtliga fall då man introducerar V2B jämfört med scenario utan optimering: V2B med batteriladdningskostnad 50 öre/kWh minskade dagliga rörliga elkostnader mellan 54% och 59% i mars och mellan 60% och 63% i juni jämfört med utan smart laddning. Att inkludera batteriladdningskostnaden i V2B-applikationer är nödvändigt och har en signifikant inverkan på laddningsstrategierna och de totala kostnaderna: De totala dagliga kostnaderna ökar med upp till 10% i mars och upp till 13% i juni då man jämför scenariot att bara ladda elbilar och ha stationärt batteri med scenariot V2B med hänsyntill batteriladdningskostnad 80 öre/kWh.

Relay settings for frequency derivative protection against islanding : Optimizing RoCoF-Hysteresis and Delay for the Swedish power grid: An investigation of relevant values / Reläinställningar för frekvensderivataskydd mot ödrift : Optimering av RoCoF-Hysteres och Fördröjning för det svenska elnätet: En undersökning för relevanta värden

Safari, Ahmad January 2023 (has links)
This report addresses the parameter settings for a protective relay designed to safeguard a 15 kW wind turbine located in Rimbo, Norrtälje municipality, against unintentional islanding. This type of situation arises when distributed energy resources continue to supply local loads, even if the main grid has been unintentionally disconnected. The previous protection system experienced malfunctions and has been replaced with a new protective relay to ensure reliable protection. The new protective relay introduces two parameters (relay settings) associated with unintentional islanding protection function, namely RoCoF (rate of change of frequency) hysteresis, and delay, which were not defined in the previous protective relay. This report aims to determine suitable relay settings and verify that the relay operates as intended, taking into account both local and national requirements for connected generators. When these requirements did not specify or recommend a specific value, reference was made to practices in neighbouring countries, and consideration was given to the generator owner's benefit. Testing the relay with the chosen settings was crucial to ensure a correct understanding and accurate input of the settings. The testing was conducted in a laboratory environment with carefully defined signals of controlled frequency and voltage, while the relay's trip output was logged. The report includes information about the current settings along with a theoretical background to explain their functionality. It also presents test results and the provided information on parameter configurations. Additionally, recommended settings for RoCoF hysteresis and implementation delay are suggested, aiming to enhance protection against inadvertent operation. The results confirmed that the relay can be used in Rimbo, Norrtälje municipality, according to the parameters described in the report. / Denna rapport behandlar parameterinställningar för ett skyddsrelä som skyddar en 15 kW vindkraftsturbin i Rimbo, Norrtälje kommun, mot oavsiktlig ödrift. Denna typ av situation uppstår när distribuerade energiresurser försätter att mata lokala laster, även om stamnätet har kopplats bort oavsiktlig. Det tidigare skyddssystemet har blivit skadat och ersatt med ett nytt skyddsrelä för att säkerställa ett tillförlitligt skydd. Det nya skyddsreläet introducerar två parametrar (reläinställningar) relaterade till skyddsfunktionen mot oavsiktlig ödrift, nämligen RoCoF (frekvensderivata intervall) hysteres och fördröjning, som inte var definierade i det tidigare skyddsrelät. Denna rapport syftar till att fastställa lämpliga reläinställningar och verifiera att reläet fungerar enligt avsikt, med hänsyn till både lokala och nationella krav för anslutna generatorer. När dessa krav inte specificerade eller rekommenderade ett specifikt värde, refererades det till praxis i närliggande länder och hänsyn togs till generatorägarens fördel. Testning av reläet med de valda inställningarna var av central betydelse för att säkerställa en korrekt förståelse och korrekt inmatning av inställningarna. Testningen utfördes i en laborationsmiljö med noggrant definierade signaler av kontrollerad frekvens och spänning, samtidigt som reläets utlösningsutgång loggades.  Rapporten inkluderar information om de aktuella inställningarna tillsammans med en teoretisk bakgrund för att förklara deras funktion. Den presenterar också resultat från tester och den tillhandahållna informationen om parameterinställningar. Dessutom rekommenderas inställningar för RoCoF-hysteres och fördröjning för implementering, med målet att förbättra skyddet mot oavsiktlig ödrift. Resultaten konstaterade att reläet kan användas i Rimbo, Norrtälje kommun enligt de parametrar som beskrivs i rapporten.

Microgrid Optimal Power Flow Based On Generalized Benders Decomposition

Jamalzadeh, Reza 02 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A Simulation Platform to Demonstrate Active Demand-Side Management by Incorporating Heuristic Optimization for Home Energy Management

Gudi, Nikhil 09 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Grid Tariff Design for Efficient Utilisation of the Distributor Grid : A qualitative study with actors on the Swedish electricity market

Haikola, Matilda, Söderberg, Malin January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish electricity system is transitioning due to the establishment of climate policy goals and trends related to technology and demographics. The transition has resulted in an increased demand for electricity. The increased demand for electricity in combination with lack of forecasts, planning and coordination between actors in the electricity sector has led to the occurrence of grid congestion. Extending the network is time-consuming and requires substantial investments. Instead, an alternative is to utilise the available grid capacity more efficiently by implementing flexibility solutions. Flexibility can be achieved by implementing incentives such as grid tariffs. This solution has recently gained much attention in Sweden, but it is not apparent how grid tariffs should be designed. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how distribution grid tariffs could be designed to incentivise different actors to contribute to flexibility in a way that results in an efficient use of the electrical grid. A qualitative study was performed, collecting empirical data through semistructured interviews with actors in the Swedish electricity market. The aim is that the results from this thesis will act as a basis for DSOs planning to design grid tariffs with the purpose to utilise the grid more efficiently. The findings present a ToU capacity charge with off-peak periods that are free of charge as the preferable main price signal in the tariff to achieve efficient utilisation of the grid. It is further argued that other structural elements can complement the ToU capacity charge. A small fixed charge could be added in order to contribute to the cost reflectiveness of the grid tariff. A small energy charge could be incorporated in order to provide consumer with incentives to be flexible below the current metered maximum power and strengthen the signal from the ToU capacity charge. A small energy charge can avert difficulties related to providing incentives below the current metered maximum, as it still can provide some incentives to be flexible, or strengthen the signal from the ToU capacity charge. Further, the energy charge can ensure sustainability if customers respond well to a ToU capacity charge and to compensate solar PV customers. Furthermore, recommendations to further enable the grid tariffs potential to provide price signals include shifting the focus of the revenue cap from CapEx to OpEx and exploring the hampering signals of the energy tax as well as contradicting price signals from the wholesale electricity price. / Det svenska elsystemet genomgår en förändring till följd av införandet av klimatmål och trender relaterade till teknik och demografi. Denna förändring har resulterat i ett ökat effektbehov. Ett ökat effektbehov i kombination med bristande prognostisering, planering och samordning mellan aktörer inom elsektorn har lett till uppkomsten av kapacitetsbrist. Att bygga ut elnätet är tar tid och kräver större investeringar. Ett alternativ är att istället utnyttja det befintliga elnätet mer effektivt genom att implementera flexibilitetslösningar. Flexibilitet kan uppnås genom att införa incitament i form av elnätstariffer. Denna lösning har nyligen fått mycket uppmärksamhet i Sverige, men det är inte klart inte hur dessa elnätstariffer ska utformas. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur distributionsnätets tariffer kan utformas för att stimulera olika aktörer att bidra med flexibilitet på ett sätt som resulterar i en effektiv användning av det befintliga elnätet. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes där empiriska data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med aktörer på den svenska elmarknaden. Syftet är att resultaten från detta arbete ska fungera som ett underlag för nätägare som planerar att utforma elnätstariffer med syftet att utnyttja nätet mer effektivt. Resultaten visar att en ToU-effektavgift med gratis off-peak perioder bör vara den huvudsakliga prissignalen i en elnätstariff som ämnar att utnyttja det befintliga nätet mer effektivt. Det visar även att andra strukturella element kan komplettera ToU-effektavgiften. En mindre fast avgift kan adderas i syfte att göra elnätstariffen mer kostnadsriktig. En mindre energiavgift kan införas för att ge kunder incitament att vara flexibla även under den nuvarande uppmätta maximala effekten och stärka signalen från ToU-effektavgiften. Vidare kan energiavgiften säkerställa tillräckliga intäkter för nätägaren om kunderna svarar bra på en ToU-effektavgift och för att kompensera kunder med solceller. Ytterligare rekommendationer för att möjliggöra prissignaler genom elnätstariffer inkluderar att skifta fokus på intäktsramen från CapEx till OpEx och utforska de hämmande prissignalerna från energiskatten och de motstridiga prissignalerna från elhandelspriset.

Business Model Design for Digital Energy Trading Platforms : An Exploratory Study of Local Energy Market Designs / Affärsmodeller för digitala energidelningsplatformar : En utforskande studie av lokala energimarknader

Granath, Isabelle, Holmlund, Kristin January 2020 (has links)
The traditional electricity market, holding centralized authority over consumers, is no longer adequate seeing a shift towards a more electrified, decentralized, and digitalized society. Increased energy prices, raising concerns about climate change, and tightening governmental regulations have resulted in that an extensive diffusion of renewable energy sources has evolved. This development is expected to change the structure of the sector, despite that an appropriate market design that can deal with these remains to be identified. The purpose of this study was to investigate how a business model of a digital platform, managing energy trading within a local community could be designed. This study contributes to a new dimension of energy transitions within a Multi-Level Perspective by studying a particular field of the transition in terms of flexibility market platforms. The rising need for flexible solutions, making the consumer a prosumer, and enabling shared energy through a digital platform involves uncertainty and challenges, where a suitable business model linking new technology to the emerging market needs to be defined. Despite the novelty of the research field of local energy markets, the aim of investigating business model designs for a local energy market platform has been reached through an exploratory case study and integration of theories from several fields. This study makes an analytical contribution of investigating five pioneering projects, all developing digital platforms enabling integration of flexibility into the electricity market. This further contributes to the design-implementation gap of theories when developing a local energy market, by suggesting the most vital parameters to take into account. Based on the findings, a suggestion on a suitable business model design and a corresponding market design was developed. The main objective of the proposed market design is to serve as a basis to bring forward flexibility available from prosumers and their controllable demand and supply arrangement, including renewable energy technology generation and storage devices. The intention is to maintain a balanced and transparent distribution network at the lowest possible costs, while, at the same time functioning as reserve storage towards the main grid, reducing the risk of capacity shortage. Additional insights were raised that can be helpful in the evaluation of utilizing flexibility energy assets before making grid investments, following the recently presented recommendation of the EU's Clean Energy package. / Den traditionella elmarknaden, karaktäriserad av en centraliserad styrning, är inte längre hållbar då utvecklingen av marknaden går mot ett allt mer elektrifierat, decentraliserat och digitaliserat samhälle. Ökande energipriser, växande oro för klimatfrågor tillsammans med en allt snävare reglering av energimarknaden har resulterat i en omfattande ökning av förnybara energikällor. Denna utveckling förväntas förändra sektorns struktur, där en lämplig marknadsdesign som kan hantera detta återstår att identifiera. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur en affärsmodell för en digital plattform, anpassad för att hantera lokal energidelning, kan utformas. Denna studie bidrar till en ny dimension av energitransformationen från ett multi-nivå-perspektiv genom att studera ett särskilt område av övergången i form av flexibla marknadsplattformar. Det ökande behovet av flexibla lösningar, där konsumenter blir prosumenter och energi delas lokalt via digitala plattform innebär osäkerheter och utmaningar. En lämplig affärsmodell som kan anknyta de nya tekniska lösningarna som krävs till lokala energimarknader bör därav definieras. Trots att forskningsområdet som berör lokala energimarknader kan anses relativt nytt och delvis outforskat, har målet att undersöka affärsmodellkoncept för en lokal energimarknadsplattform uppnåtts genom en fallstudie och iterationer av teorier inom flertalet områden. Denna studie bidrar med en analytisk undersökning av fem innovativa projekt som alla utvecklar digitala plattformar för att möjliggöra integrering av flexibilitet till elmarknaden. Detta bidrar även till det kunskapsgap som har identifierats mellan design och implementering fas vid utvecklandet av lokala energimarknader, genom föreslagna parameter som anses grundläggande och som bör tas hänsyn till. Baserat på resultatet presenterades ett förslag på en lämplig design för affärsmodell samt en tillhörande marknadsdesign. Huvudsyftet med den föreslagna marknadsdesignen är att utgöra en grund för gynnandet av en mer flexibel elektricitet hantering. Detta möjliggörs genom introduktionen av prosumenter till marknaden, där allt mer elektricitet produceras från förnybara källor och där konsumtion samt produktion regleras med hjälp av integrerade lagringsenheter. Målet är att upprätthålla ett balanserat och transparent distributionsnät till lägsta möjliga kostnad, medan marknaden även fungerar som ett reservlager mot kraftnätet, vilket minskar risken för kapacitetsbrist runt om i Sverige. Ytterligare insikter från denna studie påvisar hur de befintliga energitillgångarna kan utnyttjas på ett mer flexibelt och effektivt sätt, vilka stöds av de nyligen presenterade rekommendationerna från EU:s Clean Energy-paket.

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