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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of self-reported motivation for females' use of intimate partner violence in Scotland

Forrest, Lauren January 2016 (has links)
Background: The perpetration of intimate partner violence by women remains a controversial issue with historical focus on males as perpetrators and females as victims. The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004) in the United Kingdom emphasised the importance of arresting domestic violence perpetrators regardless of gender and this has resulted in significant arrests of female perpetrators of IPV. This has been paralleled by a growing interest in understanding these offenders. Central to this, is gaining an understanding of the aetiology of this population of offenders and their motivations for perpetrating IPV. Investigating this empirically may inform understanding of females’ pathways into perpetrating IPV and may also inform treatment pathways and risk management of these offenders. Design/Methodology: Aims are addressed separately in two journal articles. In journal article 1, systematic searches of bibliographic databases, in addition to hand searches of various articles was conducted to identify any association between personality psychopathology and the perpetration of IPV in females. Journal article 2 describes an empirical investigation of motivation in 8 female IPV perpetrators through semi-structured interviews. The data was transcribed and analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results: The results of the systematic review revealed an association with personality psychopathology and female perpetration of IPV, in particular cluster B traits. In relation to motivations the results revealed the value of considering offence supportive cognitions which underpin females’ motives for IPV, in addition to the context of women’s lives and the dynamic of the relationship. Conclusions: The relevance of personality psychopathology identified in journal article 1 is discussed in relation to assessment and intervention, in addition to limitations of the synthesis and clinical and empirical utility. The offence supportive cognitions identified in journal article 2 are discussed in relation to other offending behaviour groups, in addition to their clinical implications in the development of assessment and management of this population and of the development of effective interventions.

"A compreensão de família sob a ótica de pais e filhos envolvidos na violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes" / Understanding the family from the perspective of parents and children involved in domestic violence against children and adolescents.

Martins, Camilla Soccio 15 April 2005 (has links)
Atualmente um amplo processo de mobilização social contra a violência, nas famílias, tornou-se urgente. O serviço de saúde é um espaço privilegiado para se atuar sobre o campo da violência doméstica e são encontradas inúmeras dificuldades em lidar com o fenômeno por parte dos profissionais da área. Nesse sentido, acreditamos que a falta de uma compreensão mais ampla sobre o contexto familiar é uma das dificuldades que está relacionada à falta de conhecimento sobre o assunto. A investigação, aqui apresentada, buscou conhecer e analisar a compreensão de família para pais e filhos envolvidos no episódio da Violência Doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes institucionalizados no Centro de Atendimento à Criança e ao Adolescente Vitimizado (CACAV). A metodologia adotada é de abordagem qualitativa e utilizamos como instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada aplicada aos pais e às crianças que foram vitimizadas, totalizando seis famílias. Quanto à análise desses dados, escolhemos a análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática, proposta por Bardin (1979). O referencial teórico que subsidiou nossa análise de dados foi o modelo centrado na visão do contexto ecológico do desenvolvimento humano proposto por Urie Bronfenbrenner. Identificamos, a partir das falas dos entrevistados, duas temáticas: “contexto familiar" e “violência". Em relação à primeira temática, apreendeu-se que a visão dos pais sobre família é diferente da visão das crianças e adolescentes vitimizados, uma vez que a ótica dos pais favorece a compreensão da família como nuclear dentro de uma perspectiva que ainda permanece cultural e socialmente estabelecida pela sociedade. Já as crianças apontam que o vínculo de amor e afeição são mais significativos que laços consangüíneos, tal fato pode estar relacionado à vitimização, considerando que a violência doméstica contribui para o enfraquecimento do sentimento de família. Em relação à segunda temática, evidenciamos que o fato da criança e do adolescente testemunharem ou vivenciarem a violência doméstica tenderá a reproduzir, por sua vez, relacionamentos violentos em seu cotidiano, fazendo com que seja perpetuada a cadeia desse tipo de violência. Acreditamos que tais perspectivas apresentadas neste estudo, dentro de um contexto de significados, refletem a realidade pela qual passa a família, facilitando, assim, a prevenção desses eventos. Dessa forma, é importante considerar que a partir do conhecimento da dinâmica familiar e da forma como a violência é experienciada pelas suas vítimas e agressores é que podemos pensar em uma estratégia de intervenção capaz de romper o ciclo perverso das relações familiares violentas. / Nowadays, there is an urgent need for a broad social mobilization process against family violence. The health service is a privileged space to act in the field of domestic violence. Health professionals face countless difficulties to deal with this phenomenon. In this sense, we believe that one of these difficulties refers to the lack of a fuller understanding about the family approach, which is related to a lack of knowledge about the subject. This research aimed to get to know and analyze how parents and children involved in episodes of domestic violence against children and adolescents, institutionalized at the Care Center for Child and Adolescent Victims (CACAV). A qualitative methodology was adopted and data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews with parents and child victims, totaling 6 families. Content analysis was chosen to analyze these data, using the thematic mode proposed by Bardin (1979). The theoretical reference framework that guided our data analysis was the model centered on Urie Bronfenbrenner’s view of the ecological context of human development. Based on the interviewees’ discourse, we identified two themes: “family context" and “violence". With respect to the first theme, we observed that the parents’ view on family differs from that of the child and adolescent victims, since the parents’ point of view favors an understanding of family as the core, within a perspective that is still culturally and socially established by society. Children, on the other hand, indicate that bonds of love and affection are more important than blood relations. This fact may be related to victimization, since domestic violence contributes to the weakening of family feelings. What the second theme is concerned, we demonstrate that, due to the fact that children and adolescents witness or experience domestic violence, they will tend to reproduce violent relations, thus perpetuating the transmission chain of this kind of violence. We believe that, within a context of meanings, the perspectives presented in this study reflect the reality the family goes through, thus making it easier to prevent these events. Hence, it should be taken into account that it is on the basis of knowledge about the family dynamics and how violence is experienced by its victims and aggressors that we can think of an intervention strategy that is capable of breaking the perverse cycle of violent family relations.

Violência doméstica observada e vivenciada por crianças e adolescentes no ambiente familiar / Domestic violence observed and lived by children and teenagers in the family home

Sagim, Mírian Botelho 28 March 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar como a criança e o adolescente, que vivem em ambientes em que a violência doméstica está presente se comportam, incluindo tanto na situação em que eles são vítimas da violência dos adultos, quanto naquelas em que a violência ocorre entre os pais, em especial contra a mãe, e eles estão na categoria de observadores. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma cidade de grande porte do interior do Estado de São Paulo, com famílias onde há a presença de violência doméstica contra a criança e o adolescente por parte de seus pais, e que foram sinalizados pelo Conselho Tutelar ou Ministério Público. E com famílias em que a violência se faz presente também entre os pais, a violência doméstica contra a mulher, e que pode ou não acontecer na frente dos filhos, e da qual já ocorreu registro de denúncia em Delegacia Especializada de Violência contra a Mulher (DDM). E, também, famílias que apresentavam episódios de violência física entre o casal e que foi informada e anotada nos prontuários da unidade do Centro de Referência Especializado da Assistência Social - CREAS, onde a pesquisa foi realizada. A amostra da pesquisa ficou composta da seguinte maneira; 17- famílias (mães) e 77- filhos, crianças e adolescentes com idade entre 6 anos e 16 anos completos. Como procedimentos metodológicos utilizou-se algumas técnicas de pesquisa e entrevista estruturada e entrevista semi-estruturada aplicada as mães, com as crianças e adolescentes, que seguiam a seguinte ordem: primeiro a entrevista estruturada, seguido pela entrevista semi-estruturada, pelos Jogos de Sentenças Incompletas e por último os Desenhos. A análise de dados foi realizada em dois formatos, análise qualitativa e quantitativa- interpretativa. A análise dos dados indicou alguns aspectos importantes com relação às mães que vivenciaram em sua infância a violência doméstica contra ela e contra sua mãe, e que era observada pelos filhos. Com relação às crianças, elas vivem em lares com a presença da violência doméstica, sabem e percebem que seus pais são violentos, mas têm apego muito grande aos pais e consideram suas famílias felizes. E, pode-se concluir que, as crianças e adolescentes presenciam a violência entre seus pais, observam e interferem na violência como também sofrem essa violência e, para eles, tudo o que é observado em casa determina o comportamento deles tanto em casa como na sociedade / The main objective of this research has been to analyse how children and teenagers who live at homes where there is domestic violence behave, including both the situation in which they are the victims of adult violence and the one in which violence occurs between their parents, especially against the mother, and in which they are mere observers.The research has been done in a big city in the State of São Paulo with three different kinds of families: - families in which the ConselhoTutelar and Ministério Público signalled domestic violence against children and teenagers by their parents.- families where there is violence between parents, especially against women, which can happen in front of the children or not, which have already been registered at the DDM - a police station specialized in helping women against domestic violence - families with stories of physical violence between the couple, informed and registered at CREAS - Specialized Center of Social Assistance, where the research has been done.The research has been based on the following sample: 17 families (mothers) and 77 children (children and teenagers with age between 6 and 16). As methodological procedures we have used some research techniques, structured and semi-structured interviews with the mothers, the children and the teenagers, and these interviews were in the following order: first the structured interview, followed by the semi-structured one, then by Incomplete Sentences Games and finally by the drawings. The analysis of the data has been done in two formats, qualitative analysis and quantitative-interpretative analysis, and it showed some important aspects concerning the mothers who, in their childhood, suffered domestic violence against themselves and agains their mothers, and werewatched by their children. As far as these children are concerned, they live in homes where there is domestic violence, are aware of the fact their parents are violent, but are so attached to them that they consider their families happy.We can conclude that these children and teenagers can see the violence between their parents, not only observe and interfere with this violence but also suffer it, and what they see at home determines their behavior both in the family and in society.

Mediator Strategies When Working With Child-Custody and Divorce Cases Involving Intimate Partner Violence

Law, Brian 29 September 2014 (has links)
Many family mediators encounter intimate partner violence (IPV) during the course of child-custody and divorce mediation. By interviewing family mediators in Oregon I have established concrete strategies that mediators use when working with parties who may have a history of IPV. These strategies may be structural, such as building design and intake procedures, or they may be verbal interventions employed during the course of mediation. Mediators employed a wide variety of strategies based on their experience, situations, and intuition. Some strategies, like the use of shuttle mediation, were used by all the mediators I contacted. Other strategies, such as naming problematic behavior, were limited to only a few of the mediators. All the participating family mediators were aware of the possibility of IPV and consciously took measures to limit its influence on the mediation process when it existed.

Innanför murarna : Kriminalvårdares upplevelser och känslor i arbetet med relationsbrottsdömda

Svensson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare forskning om arbetet med relationsbrottsdömda saknar studier som är inriktade på behandlingsavdelningar, samt studier om vårdarnas egna upplevelser av dagligt behandlingsarbete. Syftet med studien är att få kunskap om kriminalvårdares upplevelser och känslor av att arbeta på en relationsbrottsavdelning på en klass ett-anstalt. De tre frågeställningarna var: Vilka känslor upplevs i arbetet med denna typ av brottslingar? Vilka egenskaper upplever kriminalvårdare hos relationsbrottsdömda?  Hur upplever kriminalvårdarna de dömdas möjlighet till stöd och behandling på anstalten? Studien är gjord med kvalitativ ansats där nio intervjuer genomfördes. Resultatet visar att känslor som förekommer hos vårdarna är bland annat frustration, glädje och obehag. Upplevelsen av klienternas egenskaper visar på socialt fungerande individer. Resultaten visar också att det finns en upplevd brist hos vårdarna i fråga om kunskap gällande behandlingsarbete men ett väl fungerande behandlingsprogram. Resultaten diskuteras bland annat i relation till om MORM (Multifactor offender readiness model) skulle kunna införas för att utvärdera hur väl klienter är redo för att påbörja behandlingsprogram och i större utsträckning dra nytta utav det.

Voices Against Violence: Empowering Women to Access Informal Justice in Rural India

Cavas, Jessica 10 October 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the effectiveness of a community-led response to domestic violence in tribal communities within Udaipur district, Rajasthan, India. Situated within an Indian Non Government Organization's comprehensive women's empowerment program, this research shows that the Women's Resource Centers provide mediation to stop domestic violence and potentially prevent future violence through challenging cultural norms that perpetuate violence. Using a program evaluation approach, I compare how the program is intended to operate to my observations and interviews with community implementers, primarily at one Women's Resource Center. This comparative lens serves to demonstrate the inevitable shifts and challenges that occur throughout implementation. I argue that development interventions addressing violence against women continually experiment with monitoring and evaluation tools, such as an outcome map, to capture their successes and setbacks to foster organizational learning and increase accountability to the intended beneficiaries of the program.

Para Mi Alma for Chamber Wind Ensemble

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Para Mi Alma is a composition for chamber wind ensemble comprised of an Introduction, two dance movements, and a concluding movement featuring the full ensemble in a chorale-like finale. This piece follows the narrative of an abusive relationship, and the emotional rollercoaster that one experiences during the self extrication and consequential rebirth of identity. Para Mi Alma (For My Soul) is scored for chamber wind ensemble with the following instrumentation: piccolo/flute, Bb clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon; soprano, tenor, and baritone saxophone; trumpet, trumpet/flugelhorn, horn in F, tenor and bass trombone; double bass, and three percussionists - marimba/congas, auxiliary percussion (wind chimes, suspended cymbal, triangle, bass drum, snare drum, double cowbell, tam-tam), and timpani/timbales. The duration of this work is approximately 11’00”. Each movement portrays a stage in the relationship, and the mental state of the person experiencing abuse. The Introduction begins with a piccolo solo and marimba accompaniment, and gradually builds to the full ensemble; this section of music illustrates the moment that relational ties to the transgressor are cut — a split second of clarity and space before the spiral of anxiety and overwhelming thoughts of self deprecation invade. Movement I is a salsa, representing the dance of two people entering into a relationship. The meter changes and hemiolas serve to upset the underlying groove and create rhythmic tension, while the surface of the music appears unscathed. Finally the dance is interrupted by an aggressive bass solo, which initiates the transition to Movement II. This transition serves to remind the listener of the Introduction, and the dissolution of the relationship; it is characterized by chaos and confused clusters of melodic lines and dissonant harmonies. Movement II is a tango, representative of the emotional extremes of heartbreak, anger, confusion, and shame. The conclusion of the Tango directly segues into Movement III, which features a short brass chorale before building to include the full ensemble. Movement III portrays the support system of family and friends, and personifies the collective effort that takes place in healing and growth. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Music 2019

Exploring community perceptions on violence against women in Dan Village in Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality, Limpopo Province

Matli, Ramasela Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2018. / Violence against women has been one of the critical concerns in South Africa. To stop violence against women we need to understand how the specific society views and perceives such violence. Then we can introduce effective and efficient strategy to tackle the problem. Literature reviews pointed out the nature of violence against women, the causes and the effects and also the communities’ perceptions on violence against women and the policies or strategies to reduce violence against violence. The study aimed at exploring local community perception on violence against women in Dan village. Qualitative study were conducted using individual interviews and focus group discussions with traditional leaders/ indunas, community policing forums, ward committees, civic organisations and community members of Dan village. A purposing sampling was used to obtain 11community leaders and 34 community representatives from the area. Qualitative content analysis technique was used to analyse the qualitative data collected. The findings revealed the increasing level of violence against women in the study area. The local leaders and authorities response to violence against women seems inadequate in the area. Violence in the area takes the form of physical, sexual, emotional and economical abuses on women. Violence against women committed by people who are very close to victims, including their husbands and family members. The study reveals that major causes of violence were jealousy and alcohol and drug abuse. It is recommended that rural women empowerment should be prioritised to equip them with education and skills, improved social and health facilities, access to micro-credits and job opportunities. It is further recommended that collaboration and networks among local actors needs to be strengthen to address alcohol and drug abuses, criminal gangsters and to create more awareness campaigns on violence against women.


Diaz, Erika Gissel 01 June 2016 (has links)
This study analyzed the perception of battered women on being able to trust another partner again and date after domestic violence. This study sample consisted of eight battered women over the age of eighteen. In analyzing the responses eight core themes emerged: trust, dating, beliefs, healthy coping, going back, overcoming, relationship, and feelings. The codes were grouped into categories that ranged from healthy traits to dating to negative traits to dating. Moreover, a theoretical statement was developed by the use of selective coding. Participants identified how past experiences with domestic violence affected them in a positive and negative way. It was found it is easier for women to trust another partner if they experienced domestic violence for less than ten years. Moreover, it was found it is hard for women to trust another partner if the experienced domestic violence for more than ten years.


Soriano, Lisa 01 June 2017 (has links)
Domestic violence continues to destroy individuals and families, leaving generations to follow repeating the same patterns. There are several services offered to help aid in the healing and recovery process. This was a qualitative, explorative study which examined the reasons that male perpetrators commit domestic violence in heterosexual relationships. Additionally, this study evaluated the support services and coping mechanisms that the men found to be helpful and not so helpful. Five men participated in face-to-face interviews to share their personal experience with domestic violence. Most of the men believed that their domestic violence was linked to learned behavior they witnessed in their family of origin. All the men interviewed stated that most of their recovery came from their faith, and they added that counseling, praying, the support of other men, mentors, pastors, and encouragement received, all contributed to their healing. Implications for future social work research, practice, policy, and programming are discussed.

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