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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methane Sulphonic Acid in East Antarctic Coastal Firn and Ice Cores and Its Relationship with Chlorophyll-a and Sea Ice Extent in the Southern Ocean / Metansulfonsyra i kustnära firn- och iskärnor från Östra Antarktis, och dess förhållande till klorofyll-a och havsisutbredning i Antarktiska Oceanen

Nilsson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The seasonal retreat of sea ice in the austral spring and summer around Antarctica has a significant effect on phytoplankton activity, mainly due to light availability, meltwater input of dissolved iron, and surface water stratification. Phytoplankton produce dimethylsulfoniopropionate, the precursor to the climate-cooling gas dimethyl sulphide, which is ventilated to the atmosphere and oxidised to methane sulphonic acid (MSA). MSA is preserved in firn and ice cores from both the Arctic and Antarctica. Attempts to reconstruct sea ice conditions in different regions of Antarctica with the help of MSA records from ice cores have had varying success, highlighting the often-regional relationship between ice core MSA and sea ice. This study uses MSA records from three firn cores and one ice core drilled on Fimbul Ice Shelf in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, to investigate the relationship to satellite-derived sea ice extent (SIE) in five sectors of the Southern Ocean. Chlorophyll-a concentrations, serving as a measure of phytoplankton biomass, are correlated to the MSA records to further test the MSA – SIE relationship. The firn cores are named after the ice rise where they were drilled: Kupol Ciolkovskogo (KC), Kupol Moskovskij (KM), and Blåskimen Island (BI). The ice core is named S100. The results show that there is a significant, yet weak positive correlation between summer MSA in the KM core and winter SIE in the Weddell Sea Sector. There is also a significant, weak positive correlation between summer MSA in the BI core and summer chlorophyll-a concentrations in the Weddell Sea Sector. There are no significant correlations between MSA in the low-accumulation KC or S100 cores and SIE or chlorophyll-a concentrations. Furthermore, the two high-accumulation core sites in this study, BI and KM, do not display the same relationship between MSA and SIE or MSA and chlorophyll-a, which is likely due to very local wind patterns. Surface winds on Fimbul Ice Shelf are easterly or north-easterly which results in a more coastal influence at the KM site compared to the BI site, likely introducing the differences observed when comparing the two MSA records. More research aimed at evaluating the meteorological conditions that prevail at the core sites is needed to further assess the use of the MSA records from the high-accumulation ice rise cores BI and KM as proxies for SIE in the Weddell Sea region, but in their current state these MSA records are not suitable to use for sea ice reconstruction. / Havsisen kring Antarktis smälter årligen under vår- och sommarmånaderna, vilket har en betydande inverkan på fytoplankton eftersom isen reglerar tillgången till solljus, det viktiga näringsämnet järn samt vattenkolumnens stabilitet. Fytoplankton producerar ämnet dimetylsulfid som oxideras till metansulfonsyra (MSA) i atmosfären. MSA kan sedan transporteras till Antarktis där det avsätts och bevaras i snön. Genom att borra upp iskärnor kan man erhålla ett daterat MSA-arkiv, som i flera fall har använts för att försöka rekonstruera havsisens utbredning. Dessa försök har haft varierande framgång, vilket beror på att förhållandet mellan MSA och havsis ofta är regionalt betingat. I den här studien har MSA-arkiven från tre firnkärnor och en iskärna tagna från Fimbulisen i Dronning Maud Land, Östra Antarktis, använts för att undersöka förhållandet till havsisutbredning i Antarktiska Oceanen. Dessutom har klorofyll-a, ett sätt att mäta fytoplanktonens biomassa i havet, också korrelerats till MSA-arkiven för att ytterligare testa förhållandet mellan MSA och havsis. Firnkärnorna är döpta efter platsen de borrades på: Kupol Ciolkovskogo (KC), Kupol Moskovskij (KM) och Blåskimen Island (BI). Iskärnan kallas S100. Resultaten av korrelationsberäkningarna påvisar en signifikant men svagt positiv korrelation mellan sommar-MSA i KM-kärnan och havsisutbredning under vintern i Weddellhavet. Dessutom finns det en signifikant, svag korrelation mellan sommar-MSA i BI-kärnan och klorofyll-a under sommaren i Weddellhavet. Inga signifikanta korrelationer mellan MSA i KC- eller S100-kärnorna och havsis eller klorofyll-a kan påvisas. Det faktum att MSA-arkiven från BI- och KM-kärnorna inte uppvisar samma förhållande till havsisutbredning eller klorofyll-a kan förklaras av de lokala vind- och transportmönstren som är aktiva på olika delar av Fimbulisen. Marknära vindar är ostliga eller nordostliga i det här området vilket resulterar i ett högre inflytande av kustliga vindar vid KM jämfört med vid BI. Detta är förmodligen tillräckligt för att påverka MSA-arkiven att uppvisa olika korrelationsmönster till havsis och klorofyll-a. För att fortsatt utreda lämpligheten av MSA-arkiven från KM och BI för att rekonstruera havsisutbredning i Weddellhavet behövs mer forskning kring de specifika meteorologiska förhållanden som är aktiva på Fimbulisen.

Force Budget Analysis of Glacier Flow : Ice Dynamical Studies on Storglaciären, Sweden, and Ice Flow Investigations of Outlet Glaciers in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica / Kraftbudgetanalys av glacialt flöde : Isdynamiska studier på Storglaciären, Sverige, och isflödesundersökningar av utlöparglaciärer i Drottning Maud Land, Antarktis

Hedfors, Jim January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis contributes to the understanding of glacier response to climate change by ice dynamical studies on Storglaciären, Sweden, and Bonnevie-Svendsenbreen, Kibergbreen and Plogbreen in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Ice surface velocities, ice geometry and temperature information is fed through a force budget model to calculate ice mass outflux of these glacial systems via three-dimensional stress distributions for a flux-gate. </p><p>Field data were collected through repeated DGPS and GPR observations on Storglaciären between July 2000 to September 2001 and on Kibergbreen and Plobreen during the SWEDARP 2002/03 expedition to Antarctica. The work was strongly supported by remotely-sensed information.</p><p>The results from Storglaciären show a strength in the force budget model to discern both spatial and temporal variability in ice dynamical patterns. It highlights the influence of seasonality and bedrock topography upon glacier flow. A modeling experiment on Bonnevie-Svendsenbreen suggested that ice temperature increases substantially under conditions of high stress (≥0.4 MPa) due to strain-heating. This provides a positive feedback loop, increasing ice deformation, as long as it overcomes the advection of cool ice from the surface. These results explain, to some extent, the mechanism behind fast flowing ice streams. Mass flux caclulations from Bonnevie-Svendsenbreen suggest that the outflux given from force budget calculations can be used as a gauge for influx assuming steady state conditions. Plogbreen receives an influx of 0.48±0.1 km<sup>3</sup> a<sup>-1</sup> and expedites a discharge volume of 0.55±0.05 km<sup>3</sup> a<sup>-1</sup>. This indicative negative mass balance is explained by a falling trend in upstream accumulation and the recent rise in global sea level, as it is likely to induce glacier acceleration due to a reduction in resistive forces at the site of the gate. This result is comparable with other Antarctic studies reporting negative mass balances, e.g. from WAIS, as caused by changes in the global atmospheric circulation pattern.</p>

Force Budget Analysis of Glacier Flow : Ice Dynamical Studies on Storglaciären, Sweden, and Ice Flow Investigations of Outlet Glaciers in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica / Kraftbudgetanalys av glacialt flöde : Isdynamiska studier på Storglaciären, Sverige, och isflödesundersökningar av utlöparglaciärer i Drottning Maud Land, Antarktis

Hedfors, Jim January 2004 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the understanding of glacier response to climate change by ice dynamical studies on Storglaciären, Sweden, and Bonnevie-Svendsenbreen, Kibergbreen and Plogbreen in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Ice surface velocities, ice geometry and temperature information is fed through a force budget model to calculate ice mass outflux of these glacial systems via three-dimensional stress distributions for a flux-gate. Field data were collected through repeated DGPS and GPR observations on Storglaciären between July 2000 to September 2001 and on Kibergbreen and Plobreen during the SWEDARP 2002/03 expedition to Antarctica. The work was strongly supported by remotely-sensed information. The results from Storglaciären show a strength in the force budget model to discern both spatial and temporal variability in ice dynamical patterns. It highlights the influence of seasonality and bedrock topography upon glacier flow. A modeling experiment on Bonnevie-Svendsenbreen suggested that ice temperature increases substantially under conditions of high stress (≥0.4 MPa) due to strain-heating. This provides a positive feedback loop, increasing ice deformation, as long as it overcomes the advection of cool ice from the surface. These results explain, to some extent, the mechanism behind fast flowing ice streams. Mass flux caclulations from Bonnevie-Svendsenbreen suggest that the outflux given from force budget calculations can be used as a gauge for influx assuming steady state conditions. Plogbreen receives an influx of 0.48±0.1 km3 a-1 and expedites a discharge volume of 0.55±0.05 km3 a-1. This indicative negative mass balance is explained by a falling trend in upstream accumulation and the recent rise in global sea level, as it is likely to induce glacier acceleration due to a reduction in resistive forces at the site of the gate. This result is comparable with other Antarctic studies reporting negative mass balances, e.g. from WAIS, as caused by changes in the global atmospheric circulation pattern.


Jennifer C H Newall (10724127) 29 April 2021 (has links)
<p>Understanding climate-driven changes in global land-based ice volume is a critical component in our capability to predict how global sea level will rise as a consequence of the current human-driven climate change. At the last glacial maximum (LGM, which peaked around 20 ka), ephemeral ice sheets covered vast regions of the northern hemisphere while both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets were more extensive than at present. As global temperatures rose at the transition into the Holocene, driving the LGM deglaciation, eustatic sea level rose by approximately 125 m. The east Antarctic ice sheet (EAIS) is the largest ice sheet on Earth today, holding an ice volume equivalent to ca. 53 m rise in global sea level. Considering current trends in global climate, specifically rapidly increasing atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> levels and global temperature, it is important to improve our understanding of how the EAIS will respond to global warming so that we can make better predictions of future sea level changes to guide community adaptation and planning efforts. Numerical ice sheet models which inform projections of future ice volume changes, and can, therefore, yield projections of sea level rise, rely on empirical data to test their ability to accurately represent former and present ice configurations. However, there is a general lack of data on the paleoglaciology of the EAIS along the western Dronning Maud Land (DML) margin. In order to address this situation, the paleoglaciology of western DML forms the focus of the work presented in this thesis.</p><p><b> </b></p><p>Together with collaborators within the MAGIC-DML consortium (Mapping, Measuring and Modelling Antarctic Geomorphology and Ice Change in Dronning Maud Land) that provides the funding for this MS project, the author has performed geomorphological mapping across western DML; an area of approximately 200,000 km<sup>2</sup>. The results of the mapping presented in this thesis will provide the basis for a detailed glacial reconstruction of the region. The geomorphological mapping was completed almost entirely by remote sensing using very high-resolution (sub-meter in the panchromatic) WordView-2 and WorldView-3 (WV) satellite imagery, combined with ground validation studies during field work. Compared to Landsat products, the improved spatial resolution provided by WV imagery has fundamentally changed the scale and detail at which remote sensing based geomorphological mapping can be completed. The mapping presented here is focused on the glacial geomorphology of mountain summits and flanks that protrude through the ice sheet’s surface (nunataks). In our study area of western DML these nunatak surfaces make up <0.2 % of the total surface area, and the landforms mapped here are generally smaller than can be identified from Landsat products (30 m spatial resolution). The detail achieved in our mapping, across such a vast, remote area that presents numerous obstacles to accessibility highlights the benefits of utilizing the new VHR WV data. As such an evaluation of the WV data, as applied to geomorphological mapping is presented here together with our mapping of the glacial geomorphology of western DML. The results of which provides evidence of ice having overridden sites at all elevations across the entire study area; from the highest elevation inland nunataks that form the coast-parallel escarpment, to low-elevation emerging nunataks close to the coast. Hence from our studies of the glacial geomorphology of this region we can ascertain that, at some point in the glacial history of western DML, ice covered all of the mountain summits that are exposed today, indicating an ice sheet surface lowering of up to 700 m in some places.</p>

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