Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cross"" "subject:"gross""
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The physical and chemical reclamation and recycling of elements from black aluminium furnace residuesSiddique Pasley, Rehana January 2003 (has links)
Dross is the inevitable waste product generated by the world-wide primary and secondary aluminium industries. Around 3.5 million tonnes of white dross and 0.85 million tonnes of black dross are produced per year. Drosses are classified depending on metal content. White dross contains 40% and black dross contains 10% of aluminium. About half of the white dross is currently landfilled along with almost all of the black dross, and the annual cost to the UK industry of landfilling this waste is about £90 million per year. There is no commercially viable method of recovering the aluminium, which is potentially recyclable from these drosses, and no current conventional process has the custom-built capability to avoid their disposal to landfill. The practice of landfilling aluminium dross has raised problems for both industry and environment, because of potential leaching of heavy metals into groundwater from the landfill. The black dross has been physically and chemically characterised. The results show that the dross contains mostly metallic aluminium, aluminium nitride, alumina, sodium chloride, potassium chloride and silica with almost 50% of the dross being a mixture of sodium chloride and potassium chloride. A counter current leaching process has been developed to recycle the salts back to the secondary furnace. The environmental impact of black dross has been investigated using simulated landfill conditions. Leachability studies were carried out using water, and other leach media to model the following conditions: humic acid-containing systems, acid rain (pH 2.5), and acetic acid solutions (pH 5). Up to 60% of the dross was leached out in all media with the production of the saline solution providing the major impact. Only small amounts of aluminium were leached out under all these condition. No leachability behaviour was detected once the black dross was washed. So landfilling washed black dross can minimise both environmental and economical problems. Black dross residue, after washing with water, is enriched with alumina. Added value chemicals (of >95% purity) including aluminium hydroxide, alumina, aluminium chloride, aluminium nitrate, aluminium sulphate and aluminium carboxylates have been prepared using the washed black dross. Preliminary calculations have shown that the technology developed to recycle black dross to added-value chemicals is economically viable. A methodology has been developed which enables low grade alumnium waste, black dross, to be treated, commercially viable chemicals to be prepared, reagent use to be minimised through recycle and the diversion of millions of tonnes of furnace residue from landfill.
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Development of Aluminum Dross-based Material for Engineering ApplicationDai, Chen 06 January 2012 (has links)
Aluminum dross is a by-product of Aluminum production. At present, dross is processed in rotary kilns to recover the Al, and the resultant salt cake is sent to landfills; although it is sealed to prevent from leaching, the potential for leaching exists and could harm the environment as the salt cake contains fluorides and other salts. Furthermore, much energy is consumed to recover the Al from the dross; this is energy that can be saved if the dross could be diverted and utilized as an engineering material. The objective of this work is to eliminate waste and instead utilize the waste in a natural cycle (closed loop) by using it as an engineered material. Three avenues were investigated to utilize the dross: (i) refractory materials; (ii) aluminum composites; (iii) high temperature additive for de-sulphurizing steel. We have found that the use of dross waste to manufacture refractory material has much merit. Mechanical property evaluations revealed the possibility for dross waste to be utilized as filler in concrete, resulting in a 40% higher flexural strength and a 15% higher compressive strength compared to pure cement. These results will be presented and discussed.
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Interaction between inclusions mediated by surfactant membranes and changes in the local order of the acyl chains / Etude de l'interaction entre des inclusions médiée par des membranes de surfactant et le changement des paramètres d'ordre des chaînes alkylesAzar, Elise 14 December 2016 (has links)
Pendant les dernières décennies les chercheurs ont étudié l'interaction entre des inclusions membranaires avec leur environnement et plus particulièrement avec la bicouche lipidique. On trouve dans la litérature beaucoup d'études théoriques et de simulations numériques sur ce sujet mais très peu d'expériences ont été menés là-dessus.Nous avons effectué des études systématiques afin de quantifier le potentiel d'interaction entre deux types d'inclusions au sein de la même couche et entre des couches adjacentes de plusieurs types de membranes ceci en variant surtout la concentration de particules dopantes, mais aussi d'autres paramètres pertinents : le type de tensioactif, l'épaisseur de la membrane, le contenu en cholestérol, la température, le degré d'hydratation. Pour cette fin nous avons utilisé la diffraction des rayons X aux petits angles et nous avons constaté que le potentiel d'interaction peut être décrit par une exponentielle décroissante en fonction de la concentration et de la température d'inclusion et qu'il dépend largement de la teneur en cholestérol et du degré d'hydratation.D'autre part, nous avons étudié l'effet de la gramicidine, un peptitde membranaire, sur l'ordre local des chaînes acyles de lipides et de tensioactifs. Cette étude a été menée en utilisant deux techniques différentes: en premier lieu la résonnance magnétique nucléaire, (DROSS-NMR) qui permet de détecter le changement d'ordre dans l'orientation des chaînes acyles, et en second lieu par diffraction des rayons X aux grands angles afin de déterminer le changement d'ordre dans la position des chaînes acyles. Nous avons trouvé que le dopage de la gramicidine dans les membranes rigidifie les chaînes acyles et dans un cas aussi les têtes polaires et en plus induit une modification de l'ordre local de ces chaînes. / For years scientists have been studying the interaction of membrane inclusions with their environment and more particularly with the lipid bilayer.This field has been based on theoretical approaches and numerical simulation and lack experiments.We performed systematic studies in order to quantify the interaction potential between two types of inclusions within the same layer and between adjacent layers in several kinds of membranes and tried to elucidate the influence of the relevant parameters: the type of lipids or surfactants, the cholesterol content, the hydration degree, the type of inclusions and the membrane thickness using small-angle X-ray scattering. We found that the interaction potential can be described by a decreasing exponential as a function of inclusion concentrations and temperature and depends largely on the cholesterol content and hydration degree.On the other hand, we also studied the effect of the peptide inclusions on the local order of lipid and surfactant acyl chains using two different techniques: DROSS-NMR technique to detect the changes in the orientational order and WAXS technique to detect the changes in the positional order of the acyl chains. We found that inserting these peptides inclusions within the membrane rigidifies the acyl chains and sometimes even the headgroups and modifies their local order.
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Study of Dross in Ductile Cast Iron Main Shafts / Studie av Dross i Gjutna Axlar av SegjärnAndersson, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
The study of dross in ductile cast iron main shafts was performed at Global Castings Guldsmedshyttan AB and presented in this master thesis. The purpose of the study was to obtain answers to why dross defects were present in some of the foundry's casted main shafts, with the main problem located at the flange of the shaft. The chemical composition of the dross formations and which steps in the casting process that increased the dross formation were of interest. The study only included dross in main shafts manufactured at Global Castings Guldsmedshyttan AB. Dross particles form when elements such as Mg, Ca, Si and Mn react with O. These elements, which are highly reactive to O, are used in ductile cast irons to achieve the spheroidal graphite nodules that regulate the cast materials ductile properties. If a higher amount of dross particles has formed, the particles will start to cluster, resulting in a growing dross formation. Dross formations works as surface crack initiation points and reduces the castings fatigue strength and ductility. During the study it was seen that the cause of dross formations is a combination of many parameters increasing the melts exposure to O resulting in dross defects. The dross formations could be connected to worn out ladles, low melt temperatures, incorrect additions of Mg treatment, lack of an extra slag removal station and finally turbulence as the melt were poured into the mould. At Global Castings Guldsmedshyttan AB a greater part of the main shafts containing dross defects were a result of worn out ladles and low melt temperatures. The types of dross found in the main shaft material were mainly Mg, Ca, Si and Al which had reacted with O. S bonded with Mg and Ca was also detected in the dross formations. It was shown that the dross particles could be derived from charge material, Mg treatment and inoculation. To avoid dross defects the first step would be to set up an extra slag station, shorten the interval of maintenance of the ladles and to better adjust the melt temperature to the condition of the specific ladle. To minimize dross due to excess Mg a better controlled process would be recommended with an increased number of monitored manufacturing parameters. / Studien av dross i axlar tillverkade av segjärn gjordes hos Global Castings Guldsmedshyttan AB och presenteras i denna examensrapport. Syftet med studien var att hitta anledningar till varför drossdefekter bildas i flänsen på vissa av gjuteriets tillverkade axlar. Drossens kemiska komposition likväl de steg i tillverkningsprocessen som inverkade på drossbildning var av intresse. Studien inkluderade endast drossdefekter i axlar tillverkade av Global Castings Guldsmedshyttan AB. Drosspartiklas bildas när till exempel Mg, Ca, Si och Mg reagerar med O. Dessa ämnen, vilka är väldigt reaktiva med syre, används vid framställning av segjärn för att de sfäriska grafitnodulerna som starkt reglerar materialets duktila egenskaper ska bildas. Ett större antal drosspartiklar i en smälta leder till kluster av dross vilka växer i takt med att nya partiklar bildas. Dross fungerar som sprickinitieringspunkter i gjutgodsytor och reducerar godsets utmattningshållfasthet och duktilitet. Under studien kunde det ses att dross bildas på grund av en kombination av parametrar som ökar smältans exponering av syre vilket resulterar i drossdefekter. Drossdefekter kunde kopplas till slitna skänkar, låga smälttemperaturer, felaktig mängd magnesiumbehandling, brist på en extra slaggstation och slutligen turbulens när smätan hälls i formen. Hos Global Castings Guldsmedshyttan AB är en stor del av axlarna med drossdefekter ett resultat av framför allt slitna skänkar och låga smälttemperaturer. Vid analys sågs det att ett antal olika typer av drosspartiklar kan bildas i det duktila gjutjärn som används till axlarna; främst Mg, Ca, Si och Al som reagerat med O. Mg och Ca som bundit med S kunde också hittas i vissa av de studerade drossformationerna. Det kunde visas att den kemiska kompositionen i drosspartiklarna var härrörande från grundmaterialet, magnesiumbehandlingen och ympmedlet. Ett första steg Global Castings Guldsmedshyttan AB skulle kunna ta för att undvika drossdefekter är att ha en extra slaggstation, införa tätare underhåll av skänkarna och bättre anpassa smälttemperaturen till skicket på den specifika skänken. För att minimera dross som bildats på grund av ett överskott av Mg skulle en mer kontrollerad process rekommenderas med ett ökat antal bevakade tillverkningsparametrar.
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Impurezas e defeitos nativos em nitretos do grupo III cúbicos / Impurities native defects cubic group III nitridesRamos, Luis Eugenio 10 September 2002 (has links)
Nitretos do grupo III (BN, AlN, GaN e InN) são comumente utilizados em dispositivos optoeletrônicos operando na faixa de comprimentos de onda do azul ao ultravioleta tais como lasers, diodos emissores de luz, transistores, fotodetetores, anúncios luminosos e revestimento de ferramentas abrasivas. Os nitretos do grupo III em geral apresentam elevada tolerância a altas temperaturas, suportam altas injeções de corrente elétrica em dispositivos, apresentam rigidez mecânica e formam ligas do tipo cátion-cátion-nitrogênio o que permite a engenharia dos gaps fundamentais de energia requerida para aplicações em ótica. A estrutura mais estável e mais utilizada em aplicações dos nitretos do grupo III é a estrutura wurtzita com exceção de BN para o qual a estrutura cúbica zincblende é a mais estável. Recentemente AlN, GaN e InN têm sido sintetizados em sua fase zincblende que em princípio oferece vantagens com relação à fase wurtzita como mais alta simetria da rede. Cristais semicondutores em geral apresentam imperfeições ou defeitos (vacâncias, deslocamentos etc) bem como certa quantidade de impurezas. Para obter as propriedades desejadas no material semicondutor é usual a introdução de impurezas no processo conhecido como dopagem. Como a síntese dos nitretos do grupo III e suas ligas na fase zincblende é recente, apresentamos no que segue um estudo das propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas dos nitretos cúbicos utilizando a teoria do funcional densidade (DFT), super células, a aproximação de densidade local (LDA) e a aproximação do gradiente generalizado (GGA). Em seguida, combinamos métodos ab initio e de mecânica estatística para o estudo de defeitos nas ligas ternárias AlxGa1-xN tomando como exemplo a vacância de nitrogênio em vários estados de carga. Um estudo de impurezas do grupo IV (C, Si e Ge) substitucionais em AlN e GaN, as quais são tradicionalmente utilizadas em tecnologia de semicondutores é apresentado bem como o estudo de impurezas do grupo V (P, As e Sb), abordando níveis de impureza no gap fundamental, geometria da rede e energia de relaxação. Estudamos com mais detalhe a impureza de carbono substitucional ao sítio de nitrogênio em BN, AlN, GaNe InN, utilizando super células contendo até 274 átomos a fim de investigar o efeito da interação impureza-impureza resultante da aproximação de super célula bem como propriedades óticas (deslocamentos de Franck-Condon, níveis de emissão e absorção), energias de relaxação da rede cristalina e níveis de defeito. Visto que carbono tem-se mostrado um material dopante promissor, analisamos também a estabilidade de defeitos complexos que incorporam dois átomos de carbono em posições substitucionais e nas denominadas configurações split-intersticiais. / Group-III nitrides (BN, AIN, GaN e InN) are commonly used in optoelectronic devices in the range of wavelengths from blue to ultraviolet such as lasers, light emitting diodes, transistors, photodetectors, advertisement panels and as cover material in abrasive tools. The III-nitrides present in general a large tolerance to high temperatures, support high electric-current injection in devices, are mechanically robust and form cation-cation-nitrogen alloys which allows the fundamental gap engineering, the latter required in optical applications. The most stable and used structure in applications of group-III nitrides is the wurtzite, except in BN for which the zineblende phase which, in principle, offers advantages with respect to the wurtzite one such as a higher lattice symmetry. Semiconductor crystals present in general disarrays or defects (vacancies, dislocations and so on) as well as certain amount of impurities. In order to obtain the required electronic properties in the semiconductor material, it is an usual procedure to introduce impurities by means of the process named doping. Because the synthesis of the zincblende phase of the group-III AIN, GaN and InN is recent, we present in the following a study of the electronic and structural properties of the cubic nitrides applying the density functional theory (DFT), supercells in the local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA). We combine ab initio and statistical mechanics to study defects in the ternary alloys AlxGa1-xN taking as an example the nitrogen vacancy in several charge states. A study of sustitutional group-IV impurities in AIN and GaN (C, Si and Ge), which are traditionally applied in semiconductor technologies is presented as well as for group-IV impurities (P, As and Sb), covering impurity levels in the fundamental gap, lattice geometry and lattice energy relaxations. We study more detailedly the carbon impurity, substitutional on the nitrogen site in BN, AIN, GaN and InN, applying supercells up to 2744 atoms, in order to investigate the effect of the impurity-impurity interaction due to the use of the supercell approximation as well as optical properties (Franck-Condon shifts, absorption and emission levels), lattice relaxation energies and defect levels. Since carbon has shown to be a promising dopant material, we analyze also the stability of complex defects which incorporate two atoms of carbon on substitutional sites and the so called split-interstitial configurations.
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Determinação do teor de alumínio em drosses brancas de alumínio utilizando difração de raios-x. / Determination of aluminum amount in aluminium white drosses by means of x-ray diffraction.Gómez Gómez, Adriana 28 March 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi estabelecido um procedimento para a caracterização de uma drosse branca de alumínio, e foi determinado o teor de alumínio na mesma. Os métodos utilizados para caracterizar o material foram: separação granulométrica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, fluorescência de raios x e difração de raios x. Com o espectro de energia dispersiva obtido por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e com fluorescência de raios x foram determinados os elementos presentes no material, análises qualitativas de difração de raios x foram feitas para identificar as fases presentes. Amostras sintéticas foram preparadas para avaliar dois métodos de determinação de alumínio: o método de bromo-metanol e o método do padrão interno. O método de bromo-metanol mostrou diferenças em porcentagem relativas aos valores reais de até 13%, portanto, este método foi considerado pouco preciso. Com o método do padrão interno foram obtidos melhores resultados em comparação ao método de bromo-metanol, a diferença em porcentagem máxima obtida foi de 3%. Amostras de drosse de alumínio foram pulverizadas durante 10 minutos e peneiradas, o material passante na peneira de abertura 45μm foi usado para determinar a quantidade de alumínio utilizando o método do padrão interno e o método de Rietveld. Como os resultados obtidos conclui-se que é necessário utilizar a totalidade da amostra, além disso nos refinamentos com o método de Rietveld foram obtidos altos índices estatísticos, portanto, foi mudado o procedimento de pulverização para obter amostras com tamanhos de partículas homogêneos e melhorar os valores. Foi adotado pulverizar as amostras várias vezes durante tempos de 4 minutos até conseguir passar a totalidade do material. Para o cálculo total do teor de alumínio foi utilizado unicamente o método de Rietveld porque dá maior precisão, e não precisa de curva de calibração nem adição de um padrão interno, fazendo desnecessários os longos tempos de homogeneização das amostras, além disso com este método podem ser calculados os teores de todas as fases presentes no material. Duas amostras de cada faixa granulométrica foram refinadas com o método de Rietveld e os índices estatísticos diminuíram em comparação ao procedimento de pulverização anterior. Finalmente foi calculado o teor total de alumínio na drosse somando os valores de alumínio encontrados em cada faixa granulométrica. / In this work a method for the characterization of an aluminum white dross was established, and the metallic aluminum amount was estimated. The characterization was done using the following methods: granulometric classification, scanning electronic microscopy, x-ray fluorescence and x-ray diffraction. The scanning electronic microscopy and x-ray fluorescence were used to determinate the chemical elements presents in the material, qualitative x-ray diffraction analysis were used to identify the phases in the drosses. Synthetic mixtures were prepared and two methods of metallic aluminum quantification were evaluated: the bromine-methanol method, and the internal standard method. In the bromine-methanol method were found a maximal difference of 13% between the real and the calculated aluminum amount, therefore, this the accuracy of this method is not good. With the internal standard method better results were found, the maximum difference of percentage between the real and the calculated aluminum amount was 2,9%. Samples of aluminum dross were pulverized by 10 minutes and then sifter, the material sieved below 45μm was employed to calculate the aluminum amount using the internal standard and the Rietveld method. With the obtained results were shown that becomes necessary to use the totality of the samples, furthermore in the Rietveld refinement were obtained high statistical indexes, therefore the pulverization process was altered to get better homogeneity in the particle size and improve the statistical indexes. The pulverization procedure adopted consists in to crush the material several times by 4 minutes until to pass all the sample below 45μm. To calculate the total aluminum amount only the Rietveld method was used because the accuracy is better, and it does not need neither a calibration curve or internal standard addition, then it is not necessary to use the big homogenization times of the samples. Two samples of each granulometric fraction were refined and the statistical indexes values decreased comparing with the first pulverization procedure. Finally the total aluminum amount was calculated in the dross by means of adding the aluminum values found in each granulometric fraction.
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Studies on the use of aluminum processing residues as raw material ceramic / Estudos sobre a utilizaÃÃo de resÃduos do beneficiamento do alumÃnio como matÃria-prima cerÃmicaGilberto Rocha Santiago Junior 03 October 2008 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Os resÃduos da produÃÃo de aluminio a partir da bauxita, chamados de borra, contÃm uma quantidade razoÃvel daquele metal, justificando seu reaproveitamento. ApÃs a retirada
do aluminio em fornos rotatÃrios com sal fundido, resta uma âborra pretaâ, rica em sais solÃveis (50 a 70%), e contendo uma boa quantidade de aluminio (cerca de 5%). Esse
material à danoso ao ambiente, exigindo tratamentos e aterros especÃficos. à possÃvel utilizÃ-lo como matÃria-prima para as indÃstrias de cimento e de refratÃrios, devido,
principalmente, Ã elevada quantidade de alumina presente. Este trabalho apresenta resultados preliminares para a utilizaÃÃo da borra preta, apÃs retirada do sal por lavagem,
como matÃria-prima cerÃmica. Foram prensadas amostras (26 MPa) e sinterizadas a 1000, 1200 e 1500ÂC. O material foi caracterizado por DifraÃÃo de Raios X, FluorescÃncia de
Raios X, AnÃlise TermogravimÃtrica e BET. Foram realizados ensaios de absorÃÃo de Ãgua, retraÃÃo linear, resistÃncia a flexÃo e micro-dureza, para avaliar as propriedades das peÃas
obtidas. / Aluminum dross from the processing of bauxite ores
still contain a reasonable
amount of metallic Al. Therefore, it is attractive
for many companies to recover the
remaining Al from the dross in rotary furnaces usin
g molten salts. The residue from
this operation, called salt cake, is rich in solubl
e salts (50 a 70%), and still contains
about 5% Al. This material is harmful to the enviro
nment and must be properly
treated and disposed. It is possible to use it as a
raw material for the cement and
refractory industries, due to the high amounts of a
lumina present. This work
presents preliminary results on the use of a black
dross (after salt removal by
washing ) for the manufacturing of refractory ceram
ics. Test pieces were pressed
at 26 MPa and fired at 1000, 1200 e 1500ÂC. The mat
erial was characterized by X!
ray diffraction and X!ray fluorescency. Water absor
ption, linear retraction and
microhardness tests were also performed in order to
assess the properties of the
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Aproveitamento de res?duo de caulim em cer?mica branca / Utilization of wast of kaolin in white ceramicSouza, Lana Lopes de 20 November 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-11-20 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The world market of Kaolin has been growing as new investments for better quality of materials have been applied.
This market produces amounts of dross that are put in the environment in a wrong way, causing damages to it. Trying to reduce these damages, researches have been done in an attempt to use kaolin dross in ceramic. The disposal of kaolin dross in the environment by the industries of the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraiba have great impact in society. Usually this dross is disposed clandestinely in places like roads, river banks and lands of small cities. The present work shows the characteristics of the kaolin produced by
the mining company in Junco do Serid?, Paraiba state, western Serid?, 300 km from Natal, in the border of both states. After that, researches were done to study its physical and the chemistry characteristics, trying to see if it can be used in white ceramic. The samples got were bolted in fabric of 325# . The technological characteristics tried to use it as a product in white ceramic. For that, it was made a haracterization of the subject matter through enlargement analyses, ATG and ATD, elaborating three formulations that were burned in four different temperatures, 1175, 1200, 1250 and 1300 degrees centigrade up to 30 minutes. After the burning, the subjects were submitted to water absorbing tests, linear retreating, apparent porosity, apparent specific mass, resistance to flexibility and MEV. For one of the mixtures it was obtained demanded properties for a semi porous material / O mercado mundial de caulim tem se mostrado cada vez mais
competitivo, considerando-se o investimento crescente no desenvolvimento de novos produtos com maior qualidade.
Esse mercado gera uma quantidade de res?duo que s?o dispostos no meio ambiente de maneira inadequada, causando grandes impactos ambientais. Na busca de minimizar esses impactos, estudos est?o sendo elaborados para aproveitamento do res?duo de caulim em massas cer?micas.
Os descartes de res?duos gerados pelas ind?strias de beneficiamento de caulim nos estados do Rio Grande do Norte e da Para?ba incidem negativamente sobre toda a sociedade. Na maioria das vezes esses res?duos s?o dispostos clandestinamente em locais como terrenos baldios, margens de rios, ruas e periferias das cidades. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar o rejeito de caulim proveniente de empresa de minera??o localizada em Junco do Serid? - PB, no
Serid? Oriental, a 300 km de Natal, divisa entre os Estados do Rio Grande do Norte e Para?ba e, em seguida, estudar as suas propriedades f?sicas e qu?micas verificando se os resultados obtidos fazem com que o mesmo possa vir a ser usado em composi??o de partida para obten??o de cer?mica branca.
As amostras coletadas foram submetidas ? peneiramento em malha de 325 mesh. A caracteriza??o tecnol?gica foi realizada visando a sua aplica??o do res?duo como produto para cer?mica branca. Para isso, foi feita a caracteriza??o das mat?rias-primas por an?lise dilatom?trica, ATG e ATD,
elaborando-se tr?s formula??es que foram sinterizadas em quatro temperaturas: 1175, 1200, 1250 e 1300 ?C com patamar de 30 minutos. Ap?s a sinteriza??o, os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos a ensaios de absor??o de ?gua, retra??o linear, porosidade aparente, massa espec?fica
aparente, resist?ncia ? flex?o e MEV. Obtiveram-se para uma das misturas, propriedades compat?veis com as exigidas para um material semi- poroso segundo a norma NBR 13
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Impurezas e defeitos nativos em nitretos do grupo III cúbicos / Impurities native defects cubic group III nitridesLuis Eugenio Ramos 10 September 2002 (has links)
Nitretos do grupo III (BN, AlN, GaN e InN) são comumente utilizados em dispositivos optoeletrônicos operando na faixa de comprimentos de onda do azul ao ultravioleta tais como lasers, diodos emissores de luz, transistores, fotodetetores, anúncios luminosos e revestimento de ferramentas abrasivas. Os nitretos do grupo III em geral apresentam elevada tolerância a altas temperaturas, suportam altas injeções de corrente elétrica em dispositivos, apresentam rigidez mecânica e formam ligas do tipo cátion-cátion-nitrogênio o que permite a engenharia dos gaps fundamentais de energia requerida para aplicações em ótica. A estrutura mais estável e mais utilizada em aplicações dos nitretos do grupo III é a estrutura wurtzita com exceção de BN para o qual a estrutura cúbica zincblende é a mais estável. Recentemente AlN, GaN e InN têm sido sintetizados em sua fase zincblende que em princípio oferece vantagens com relação à fase wurtzita como mais alta simetria da rede. Cristais semicondutores em geral apresentam imperfeições ou defeitos (vacâncias, deslocamentos etc) bem como certa quantidade de impurezas. Para obter as propriedades desejadas no material semicondutor é usual a introdução de impurezas no processo conhecido como dopagem. Como a síntese dos nitretos do grupo III e suas ligas na fase zincblende é recente, apresentamos no que segue um estudo das propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas dos nitretos cúbicos utilizando a teoria do funcional densidade (DFT), super células, a aproximação de densidade local (LDA) e a aproximação do gradiente generalizado (GGA). Em seguida, combinamos métodos ab initio e de mecânica estatística para o estudo de defeitos nas ligas ternárias AlxGa1-xN tomando como exemplo a vacância de nitrogênio em vários estados de carga. Um estudo de impurezas do grupo IV (C, Si e Ge) substitucionais em AlN e GaN, as quais são tradicionalmente utilizadas em tecnologia de semicondutores é apresentado bem como o estudo de impurezas do grupo V (P, As e Sb), abordando níveis de impureza no gap fundamental, geometria da rede e energia de relaxação. Estudamos com mais detalhe a impureza de carbono substitucional ao sítio de nitrogênio em BN, AlN, GaNe InN, utilizando super células contendo até 274 átomos a fim de investigar o efeito da interação impureza-impureza resultante da aproximação de super célula bem como propriedades óticas (deslocamentos de Franck-Condon, níveis de emissão e absorção), energias de relaxação da rede cristalina e níveis de defeito. Visto que carbono tem-se mostrado um material dopante promissor, analisamos também a estabilidade de defeitos complexos que incorporam dois átomos de carbono em posições substitucionais e nas denominadas configurações split-intersticiais. / Group-III nitrides (BN, AIN, GaN e InN) are commonly used in optoelectronic devices in the range of wavelengths from blue to ultraviolet such as lasers, light emitting diodes, transistors, photodetectors, advertisement panels and as cover material in abrasive tools. The III-nitrides present in general a large tolerance to high temperatures, support high electric-current injection in devices, are mechanically robust and form cation-cation-nitrogen alloys which allows the fundamental gap engineering, the latter required in optical applications. The most stable and used structure in applications of group-III nitrides is the wurtzite, except in BN for which the zineblende phase which, in principle, offers advantages with respect to the wurtzite one such as a higher lattice symmetry. Semiconductor crystals present in general disarrays or defects (vacancies, dislocations and so on) as well as certain amount of impurities. In order to obtain the required electronic properties in the semiconductor material, it is an usual procedure to introduce impurities by means of the process named doping. Because the synthesis of the zincblende phase of the group-III AIN, GaN and InN is recent, we present in the following a study of the electronic and structural properties of the cubic nitrides applying the density functional theory (DFT), supercells in the local density approximation (LDA) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA). We combine ab initio and statistical mechanics to study defects in the ternary alloys AlxGa1-xN taking as an example the nitrogen vacancy in several charge states. A study of sustitutional group-IV impurities in AIN and GaN (C, Si and Ge), which are traditionally applied in semiconductor technologies is presented as well as for group-IV impurities (P, As and Sb), covering impurity levels in the fundamental gap, lattice geometry and lattice energy relaxations. We study more detailedly the carbon impurity, substitutional on the nitrogen site in BN, AIN, GaN and InN, applying supercells up to 2744 atoms, in order to investigate the effect of the impurity-impurity interaction due to the use of the supercell approximation as well as optical properties (Franck-Condon shifts, absorption and emission levels), lattice relaxation energies and defect levels. Since carbon has shown to be a promising dopant material, we analyze also the stability of complex defects which incorporate two atoms of carbon on substitutional sites and the so called split-interstitial configurations.
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Determinação do teor de alumínio em drosses brancas de alumínio utilizando difração de raios-x. / Determination of aluminum amount in aluminium white drosses by means of x-ray diffraction.Adriana Gómez Gómez 28 March 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi estabelecido um procedimento para a caracterização de uma drosse branca de alumínio, e foi determinado o teor de alumínio na mesma. Os métodos utilizados para caracterizar o material foram: separação granulométrica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, fluorescência de raios x e difração de raios x. Com o espectro de energia dispersiva obtido por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e com fluorescência de raios x foram determinados os elementos presentes no material, análises qualitativas de difração de raios x foram feitas para identificar as fases presentes. Amostras sintéticas foram preparadas para avaliar dois métodos de determinação de alumínio: o método de bromo-metanol e o método do padrão interno. O método de bromo-metanol mostrou diferenças em porcentagem relativas aos valores reais de até 13%, portanto, este método foi considerado pouco preciso. Com o método do padrão interno foram obtidos melhores resultados em comparação ao método de bromo-metanol, a diferença em porcentagem máxima obtida foi de 3%. Amostras de drosse de alumínio foram pulverizadas durante 10 minutos e peneiradas, o material passante na peneira de abertura 45μm foi usado para determinar a quantidade de alumínio utilizando o método do padrão interno e o método de Rietveld. Como os resultados obtidos conclui-se que é necessário utilizar a totalidade da amostra, além disso nos refinamentos com o método de Rietveld foram obtidos altos índices estatísticos, portanto, foi mudado o procedimento de pulverização para obter amostras com tamanhos de partículas homogêneos e melhorar os valores. Foi adotado pulverizar as amostras várias vezes durante tempos de 4 minutos até conseguir passar a totalidade do material. Para o cálculo total do teor de alumínio foi utilizado unicamente o método de Rietveld porque dá maior precisão, e não precisa de curva de calibração nem adição de um padrão interno, fazendo desnecessários os longos tempos de homogeneização das amostras, além disso com este método podem ser calculados os teores de todas as fases presentes no material. Duas amostras de cada faixa granulométrica foram refinadas com o método de Rietveld e os índices estatísticos diminuíram em comparação ao procedimento de pulverização anterior. Finalmente foi calculado o teor total de alumínio na drosse somando os valores de alumínio encontrados em cada faixa granulométrica. / In this work a method for the characterization of an aluminum white dross was established, and the metallic aluminum amount was estimated. The characterization was done using the following methods: granulometric classification, scanning electronic microscopy, x-ray fluorescence and x-ray diffraction. The scanning electronic microscopy and x-ray fluorescence were used to determinate the chemical elements presents in the material, qualitative x-ray diffraction analysis were used to identify the phases in the drosses. Synthetic mixtures were prepared and two methods of metallic aluminum quantification were evaluated: the bromine-methanol method, and the internal standard method. In the bromine-methanol method were found a maximal difference of 13% between the real and the calculated aluminum amount, therefore, this the accuracy of this method is not good. With the internal standard method better results were found, the maximum difference of percentage between the real and the calculated aluminum amount was 2,9%. Samples of aluminum dross were pulverized by 10 minutes and then sifter, the material sieved below 45μm was employed to calculate the aluminum amount using the internal standard and the Rietveld method. With the obtained results were shown that becomes necessary to use the totality of the samples, furthermore in the Rietveld refinement were obtained high statistical indexes, therefore the pulverization process was altered to get better homogeneity in the particle size and improve the statistical indexes. The pulverization procedure adopted consists in to crush the material several times by 4 minutes until to pass all the sample below 45μm. To calculate the total aluminum amount only the Rietveld method was used because the accuracy is better, and it does not need neither a calibration curve or internal standard addition, then it is not necessary to use the big homogenization times of the samples. Two samples of each granulometric fraction were refined and the statistical indexes values decreased comparing with the first pulverization procedure. Finally the total aluminum amount was calculated in the dross by means of adding the aluminum values found in each granulometric fraction.
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